Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, July 21, 1910, Image 1

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    fWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NO. 48. 1773717 " - - . i
l . ENTERPRISE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1910. rnnwTw n.nr,.. .int.
fWaxrts I
Cent word single insertion, 1H
pnta a word 2 insertions. Special
Ites by month and year.
lift of clotbee and pair of low shoes,
just between Joseph and head of
jike July 4. Finder leave with
jarx at Enterprise. Reward. 20tf
fwo pigs, sandy with black spots,
'inder communicate with C. E.
funk, Enterprise.' 19btf
.60 acres on Prairie Creek, 150 .acres
Jood plow land, 100 under ditch, 3
lilies east Enterprise. Peter Oleen,
iwner, Enterprise. 18b4
'bos. Siegmund left on sale at Ri
jr ft Riley's the Wonder Washer.
jU-e small place adjoining Enter
ise; six-room house, barn, out
uildlngs, young orchard, timber,
inning water, etc. Inquire at this
ffice. ' Hb
Hate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
Rusk. Attj. State Land B'd. Joseph
rm loans at 7V4 percent. Call ior
ite First Bank of Joseph. 68btf
Ilacksmiith shop and tools for rent.
Jlendid locaUon. G. H. Vest, En
ferpriee, Oregon. 21btf
firstclass cook and dining room girl.
W. A. Moss, Enterprise, Oregon. 22
Lumber. Anyone having lumber of
.. A 1. hv nmn.,.t tn. Bala
or who has timber he intends to saw
soon, and wishes to contract the lum
ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin
at Haney planer in Enterprise, Agent
for W. R. Klvette. 26b
Dr. W. L. Nichols, osteopath, suc
cessor to Dr. Moore, has office hours
all day Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday, In Enterprise. Office over
the bank. 21atf
May Form an Alliance.
ST. PETERSBURG. Forowing the
announcement of the Russo-Japanese
treaty, prominent Russian statesmen
are believed to be preparing to an
nounce the conclusion of a formal al
liance with Japan. The present treaty
deals only with Manchuria. The pro
posed alliance would bind the- two
countries offensively and defensively
for the welfare of every part of their
dominions, according to reports In
semi-official circles.
Chicken Bone Kills Man.
BURNS. John Thomas, 30 years
of age, employed on the Mann Lake
ranch, 75 miles southeast of Burns,
got a bone lodged in his throat while
partaking of chicken soap and died
from the effects.
Mortgages to be Ttaxed.
SALEM. The state tax commis
sion will Insist upon a complete as
sessment of Intangible personalty pro
vided under the statute and county
assessors are being directed to pay
careful attention to nioii?ge notes.
Governors Are Invited.
SEATTLE, Wash. Governor M. E.
Hay has Invited the Governors of
Oregon, Idaho, Montana ' and North
Dakota to come to Washington as his
guests during the army maneuvers at
American Lake, August 15 to 26.
Besides the regular troops that will
te there, the state militia of the states
mentioned will take part.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 82c;
bluestem, 8Cc; red' Russian, 79c.
Barley Feed and brewing, $1920
Oats No. 1 white, $26 per ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley
$2021 per. ton; Eastern Oregon
$2225; alfalfa, $1314.
Butter Extra, 29c; fancy, 29c;
ranch, 20c.
Eggs Ranch, candlt. ; 27c. '
linns- IQftQ rmn 1. -1.1
Wooi Eastern Oregon, 1417c pel
Mohair 3233c.
- Seattle.
Wheat Blustem. 87c: club. 82c:
red Russian, 80c.
Oats $26 per ton.
Barley $21 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $25 per ton; alfalfa,
$16 per ton.
ouLier vvuBuiugiuu creamery, sie;
ranch, 22c.
Eggs Selected local, 33c. ' ' '
' ) ...
President's Hands Full Enough
With Congress and
BEVERLY. Mass. President Taft
has stated with striking emphasis the
position he is taking on Republican
state platforms and candidates. The
President does not think he should be
called upon to write the party decla
rations in the different common
wealths or to name men for any of
the elective offices. A President, tt
was Intimated, has a pretty big job
on his hands when he undertakes to
fulfill all the pledges In the National
platform and to bring Congress around
to the same way of thinking.
As to planks in state platforms in
dorsing the administration, the Presi
dent feels that unless they can be
written upon what he has said and
done since taking office nothing he
could add in a personal way would
help matters.
The Ohio conferences have served
to bring out the President's attitude
He was informed of the general tenor
of the platform to be adopted at the
Columbus convention the latter part
of this month, but he did not go into
details of planks.
Under no circumstances would the
President express an opinion as to
candidates. The fight this fall in
Ohio, it is genenarry acknowledged,
will be a hard one.
Bremerton to Be Chief Coaling Sta
tion In Pacific Waters.
SEATTLE. The Puget Sound navy
yard, at Bremerton, will become one
of the chief coaling stations of the
Pacific fleet if present plans of the
navy department are carried out Un
der directions of the navy depart
ment the civil engineers' force of the
yard have begun a preliminary survey
for a 200,000-ton coaling plant, to be
located at the west end of the navy
yard Immediately east of the present
yard coal bunkers.
Such a plant, it is estimated, would
cost close to $2,000,000. The present
coaling pier of the yard has a capac
ity of 25,000 tons under cover, with
room for 25,000 tons more on adjacent
ground. .
Representation of Some States
May Be Reduced by Re
apportionment. WASHINGTON, D. C The new
census promises to precipitate a poli
tical and sectional controversy of
vital interest to the people. Based
upon the population it represents,
congress will have to determine
whether it shall be numerically en
larged and made more unwieldy than
it now is, or whether the aggregate of
persons entitled to a member of con
gress shall be so curtailed.
Some states, if the latter plan Is
adopted, will lose representation In
congress through a diminution of
population during the last ten years,
while others are certain of an In
crease due to growth in the number
of their inhabitants. The present ra
tio of apportionment is one member
for every 194,000 inhabitants; the
present house consists of 391 mem
If congress were to adopt for the
present house the ratio of apportion
ment observed In 1900, the house of
representatives would be Increased by
68 members. This would bring the
total membership up to 460. It Is not
expected, however, that this ratio will
be maintained.
It is expected that when the ap
portionment bill is considered the
number of the members. of the house
will be fixed at one for every 225,000.
This would mean that the house
would remain practically at Its pres
ent figure.
Primaries Close.
SAN FRANCISCO. The entries for
California's first election under the
direct primary have closed, and the
race for the nomination for Governor
of the state Is on between five Re
publicans, one Democrat, one Pnlii
bltionist and one Socialist.
PORTLAND. Ore. The national
convention of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians, and the Woman's Auxil
iary of the order, with representation
from all parts of the United States
and Canada, met in this city Tues
day. The most Important thing brought
before the convention was the move
ment for the unification of all Irish
societies for the advancement of the
Irish people and the ultimate freedom
of Ireland. The plan contemplates a
federation of all Irishmen repardless
of their religious or political beliefs
It will follow somewhat the plan of
the German-American alliance.
The actress, who left the stage to
darn socks, Is reported to be, prepar
ing to reappear on the stage in a play
to be produced by her husband, Ed
ward J. Bowes, a wealthy resident of
Relations of Countries Make
Possible Settlement of Issues
by Diplomacy.
TOKIO. "Unhappily, forces for
evil for unknown but sinister pur
poses constantly ere endeavoring by
false reports or other methods to
create conditions of ill will or dis
trust between two neighboring peo
ples. "Their relations are too firmly es
tablished and their interests are too
distinct to admit of the possibility of
any question arising between Japan
and the United States, which will not
yield readily to the ordinary process
of diplomacy. The increased and
more intimate exchange of views be
tween the two governments dispels
all apprehensions on that score."
Count Komura Toasts Secretary.
' This utterance was made by For
eign Minister Count Komura In toast
ing J. M. Dickinson, the American
secretary of war, at a banauet riven
by Count Komura in honor of the :
American cabinet officer. Mr. Dickln- j
son and his party arrived at Yoko
hama on board the steamer Siberia,!
and after an informal reception at1
the American consulate, came on to 1
Tokio for the function.
New York Suffers From Heat
NEW YORK. The hot weather
continues to take Jts toll of death in
this cjty. Hospitals are- crowded with
sufferers from the heat or from all-,
ments due to the heat, and the report
of the bureau of vital statistics tells
of a record-breaking mortality amoax !
very young children. It exceeded the
same period of last year by nearly
Yellow Fever Feared.
BLUE FIELDS, NIc American Con- ,
sul Thomas P. Moffatt has issued in- '
mictions to the American naval '
commanders here to observe the 1
strictest precautions that no personal
communication be held with Blue
fields Bluff, on account of fears that
yellow fever is prevalent there.
It is reported that yellow fever has
reached the camps of the Madriz
8tarting It.
Mrs. Nugglt 1 don't feel like myself
tonight. Mr. Nuggit Then we ought
to have a very pleasant evening.
Widespread Destruction Occurs
in Coeur d'Alene Mining
WALLACE, Iua. Flames ara rac
ing toward Kellogg Peak fas;er thai,
a horse can run, after having destroy
ed the homes or a haf dost-n settle.,
ruined thousands of dollars' worth ol
rich timber near Tine Creek, driven
one man insane and engaged mere
than 200 men in fight to suve the
buildings of several large lead-silver
mines of the district
Starting from a surveyors' camp
early Saturday morning, the flames
gained rapid headway and have been
burning fiercely, wiping out all the
buildings of the Dalnatia Mining Com
pany 6even miles west of Kellogg
Peak, on Pine Creek.
Directly In the path of the flames
are the large buildings of the Nabob,
Surprise, Highland Chief and Little
Fittsburg mines, and reports from the
district brought to Kellogg by settlers
who have brought their families to
safety, to escape the flames, say that
these buildings will be destroyed If
the fire fighters fall to check the
Three square miles of the finest
timber in the Coeur d Alene mining
district have been destroyed and the
flames continue unchecked. Every
available man in Kellogg and Ward
ner has been sent to the scene, and
a call has ben sent to Wallace for
Gralnmen In Combine.
PORTLAND, Ore. As a test of
their strength in opposing interests
which they consider inimical to the
Farmers' Educational and Co-operative
Union, wealthy wheat growers
of Umatilla County and the Walla
Walla country are going to manufac
ture flour for export on an extensive
scale. According to the plans as out
lined, only two mills will be estab-
lished at present, one at Adams, the
center of the wheat-producing district
of Umatilla County, and the other at
Walla Walla. These mills will have
a daily capacity of 2E0 barrels each,
but will be so constructed as to per
mit an increase of capacity at nom
inal cost in the event the move is
Justifiable. They will be equipped
with the latest improved machinery.
A trio of professional shoplifters
were reached by the arm of the law
at Oakland, Cal., when Mrs. Ella Har
kins, Peter W. Hargens and H. Har
klns were arrested. Stolen goods
worth over $1000 were found stacked
ceiling high in one of the rooms
where the trio were arrested. Trade
marks-on many of the articles gave
evidence that the line of operation
stretched from Vancouver, B. C,
throughout Washington and Oregon
and the northwest down to Califor
nia. Charles W. RIgdon, 65 years old,
well known for many years In Chi
cago real estate circles and father of
Jay A. RIgdon, assistant cashier of
the Hibernian Banking association,
seriously wounded Mrs. Emma Deu
fex, a young widow, and then shot
and killed himself in the office of
John C. Feber in a down-town office-
The first regular passenger trip un
dertaken by a monorail train in this
country ended In a disastrous acci
dent in which a score of persons were
sq seriously Injured that they had to
be taken to hospitals. The monorail
system runs between Garlow-on-the-Sound
and City Island, and it was in
tended, if successful,' to extend it la
ter into New York City.
The search for Dr. Hawley Crippen,
American physician, accused of the
murder in London hst February of
his wife. Belle Elmore American con
cert hall singer, is now literally
world-wide. The police of every
country In which Crippen and Ethel
Clara Leneve, the young typist, may
have fled, were put on the lookout for
the pair.
Captain Samuel D. Lyon, of the
Twenty-fifth Infantry, U. S. A., re
cently tried at Fort Meyer, Va., for
irregularities growing out of the
Brownsville, Tex., riots, was found
not guilty and honorably acquitted by
the court.
Now and then March get an AprU
bud on.
Gifford Pinchot and Speaker Joseph
G. Cannon engaged in an extempor
aneous debate upon conservation be
fore the Knife and Fork club at Kan
sas City, a: d while each gave expres
sion to the highest personal regard
for the 'other and both agreed that
conservation of the nation's natural
resources should he encouraged, they
differed as to who was the father ot
Colonel James M. Gulfey, national
democratic committeeman from Penn
sylvania and a multl-mllllonalre oil
man who figured prominently as an
object of attack by the Bryan adher
ents at the democratic convention in
Denver, has gone into the hands of a
R. L. Metcalf, assistant-editor of
Bryan's Commoner, has filed a peti
tion with the secretary of state at a
candidate for the democratic nomina
tion for United States senator from
Nebraska- It is understood that it
the request of Mr. Dryan, William B.
Price withdrew from the nice.
Woodrow Wilson, president of
Princeton University, announced that
he would accept the democratic nom
ination for governor of New Jersey
if he were convinced that a majority
of the party desired him to run.
Prelsdent Taft will extend the ten
days' vacation now ended by taking a
ten days' cruise on the yacht May
flower. Monday, accompanied by all
the members of bis Immediate family,
by his brother, Horace D. Taft, and
a few friends, the president sailed up
the north coast as far as Bar Harbor,
stopping at several resorls and points
of interest on the way.
Mrs. Mary - Baker O. Eddy, the
founder of Christian Science, bas en
tered upon her ninetieth year, appar
ently in fair health and vigor, con
sidering her age.
Pursuant to tLe call of Governor
Campbell the legislature of Texas
convened in special session Monday.
The specific purpose of the aesrlon as
named in the call is to repeal the fire
insurance rating board law and to
enact such other legislation as will
prevent a combination or trust of fire
insurance companies.
A special senslon of the NIcaraguan
congress assembled Wednesday to
consider a large foreign loan and the
reorganization of the monetary sys
tem. The proceedings of the congress
will be followed with Interest In view
of the present revolutionary disturb
ances hi Nicaragua.
After motoring over 400 miles, tour
ing seven counties of Illinois and car
rylng out their schedule without a
bitch, the band of Chicago suffrag
ettes returned home, declaring the
"militant" Junto had done more to
break down prejudice than any other
campaign yet undertaken.
Financiers of Europe as well as of
America are awaiting the first move
in an expected contest between the
Standard Oil company and a power
ful syndlcR of American and Eng.
lish capitalists, backed by $20,000,000.
It is said the syndicate will be rep
resented in America by Samuel Un
termeyer. The English members
have already put up $5,000,000 in cash
with which to begin operations.
Nearly 2000 of the Immigrants who
arrived at United States ports, during
the fiscal year ended June 30 last
were denied admission by the Immi
gration officials nd were compelled
to return to the countries from which
they came.
Beef Trust on Probe.
CHICAGO. The spscial Federaf
grand Jury began its investigation of
the so-called beef trust on Monday.
' St. I "'
'C. .
Chronicle of Important Events
of Interest to Our
Land Agents' Work Comes to End.
! PORTLAND. Judgo Wolverton has
put an end to the activities of land
gents In connection with locating
prospective settlers on granted lands
of the Oregon ft' California railroad
and the Southern Pacific company.
With more than 5000 persons In
very state In the Union represented
as Intervenors in the suit by which
the government hopes to forfeit J,
800,000 acres along the right-of-way
of the Southern Pacific In Oregon, It
is stated that approximately $700,000
has been obtained from homeseekers.
While not declaring the operations
f the land locators and their at
torneys to have been fraudulent, the
court assumed Judicial knowledge of
the statement of Assistant United
States Attorney Evans that some of
the claims have been filed upon from
lx to etn Imea, and ha "somebody
would certainly be loser," no matter
what may be the final decision hand
d down from the federal bench.
Farmers Get Quotations.
PENDLETON. Growers of grain
In the Inland Empire do not propose
to be dependent upon grain buyers
for their market quotations this sea
son. Representative members of the
Farmers' Union in Eastern Oregon,
Southern Idaho and all that part of
Eastern Oregon south of the Snake
river have Just formed a district or
ganisation within the union and made
arrangements to secure grain, quota
tions dally direct from the market
An agency is to be maintained at
Walla Walla and snbagency at The
Dalles. Both are to be under super
vision of the Oregon division. The
significance of The Dalles agency lies
In the fact that this Is the first step
toward establishment of farmers' mu
tual warehouses at the head of "lower
river" navigation.
Road Grant to be Opened.
THE DALLES. The Dalles mili
tary road land grant, containing an
almost unmeasured area extending
through the heart of Interior Oregon,
Is to be developed and thrown op-n
to settlers, who are eager to take pos
session. These plans Include exten
slons of the Boise-Idaho Irrigation
project Into Malheur county, reclaim.
Ing 150.000 acres, with an ultimate
cost of nearly $8,000,000. The Willow
Creek irrigation project will be sim
ilarly enlarged. There are to be ad
ditional extensions to the Sumpter
Valley railroad entering the John Day
valley, while still other additional
transportation schemes are Included.
LAKEVIEW. Attorney Farrell has
filed notice of appeal to the supreme
court for a new trial in the case of
Ike Uarrell, who pleaded guilty to
killing the Newell boys. The ground
on which the case Is appealed Is that
the court was not In session when
Harrall was sentenced by Judge No
land. This raises a very nice point of law.
The court all over the country have
bsen in the habit of adjourning the
regular terms to blank date, and when
the spring term of court here was ad
journed prior to the regular fall term.
The attorney for Uarrell contend
that In view of this there was no legal
court session when the mnrderer was
entenced to the death penalty.
Strange Disease Suddenly Fatal.
LA GRANDE. Acute anterior polio
myelin runnlg rampant In La
Grande, and two adult victim have
been claimed by the dreaded disease,
which state and local physicians can
not explain In detail. Strict quaran
tine baa been established, though the
disease Is not believed to be epi
demic. The disease ; resembles typhoid
fever, but seems to be fatal with
adults only. Several children have
bad it and apparently recovered dur
ing the past two month. The vlcl
ousness bas alarmed medical circle
here. ;'','
; The Whale's Jawbone.
A whale of average size baa a Jaw
bone that la fully twenty-live feet la