Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, July 14, 1910, Image 1

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Cent word single insertion,
cents a word 2 Insertions. Special
rates by month and year.
Suit of clothes, and 'pair of low shoes.
Lost between Joseph and head of
lake July 4. Finder leave with
Marx at Enterprise. Reward. 20tf
Two pigs, sandy with black spots.
Finder communicate with C. E.
Funk, Enterprise. 19btf
. Tor sale.
160 acrea on Prairie Creek, 150 acres
good plow land, 100 under ditch, 3
miles east Enterprise Peter Oleen,
owner, Enterprise.. 18b4
Thos. Slegmund left on sale at Ri
ley & Riley's the Wonder Washer.
Nice small place adjoining Enter
prise; six-room house, barn, out
buildings, young orchard, timber,
running water, etc. Inquire at this
office. 116b6
State Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
P. Rusk. Atty. BUte Land B'd. Joseph
Farm loans at 7 percent. Call or
write First Bank of Joseph. 68brf
Blacksmith, shop and tools for rent.
Splendid location. O. H. Vest, En
ternrlse. ' Oregon. 21btf
Lumber. Anyone having lumber of
any grade In any amount for sale,
or who has timber he Intends to saw
soon, and wishes to contract the lum
ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin
at Haney planer in Enterprise, Agent
for W. R. Klvette. . 26b4
Nominating petitions for county
and district candidates before the
primary September 24, for . sale at
thia office. Nicely bound. Complete
sets only $1 at office on by mail.
Doors and windows and all kinds
of builders hardware at Keltner's.
T. J. EUedge and family who have
been camping at the bead of the
lake for several days, returned to
tlieir home Thursday. They stopped
en route o visit with the
family of Sheriff Marvin, afterwards
continuing to Wallowa.'
Pellagra Cure Found 7
DURHAM. N. C. By a system of
injections Into the blood, Mrs. R. M
Baxsley, of Hillsboro, Is reported
cured of the most aggravated case of
pellagra that had come under the ob
servation of medical men In this state.
Gold Find Arouses Town;
MARSHFIELD, Ore. It is reported,
here that there has been much gold
found In the mountain about 30 miles
southeast of Myrtle Point. There is
a rush of people from Myrtle Point to
the supposed rich district
For many years mining has been
carried on In that part of the state,
but never has paid well.
Customs Men on Watch.
NEW YORK. Customs officials at
New York have been warned to watch
for diamonds valued at $400,000 smug
gled last week from Luderltz Bay, In
the German province of Southwest
Woman Waiting Murder Trial.
SPOKANE, Wash. Mrs. Vera Pros
ser's trial upon the charge of shoot
ing her divorced husband, Rese T.
Prosser, will be held at Llbby, MonL,
August IS.
Wheat Track prices: Club. 32c;
bluestem, 86c; red Russian, 7ie.
Barley Feed and brewing, $1920.
OaU No. 1 white, $26 per ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley,
$2021 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
2225; alfalfa, I13U.
Butter Extra, 29o; fancy, 29c;
ranch, 20c. .
Eggs Ranch, candled, 27c.
Hops 1909 crop,. 10912c; elds,
Woot Eastern Oregon, 14017c per
Mohair 32 33c.
Wheat Blustem, 87c; club, 82c;
red Russian, 80c.
Oats 126 per ton.
Barley $21 per ton.
: Hay Timothy, $25 per ton; alfalfa,
$18 per ton.
Butter Washington Creamery, Sic;
lanch, 22c.
Eggs Selected local, 33a
Chronicle of Important Events
of Interest to Our
Road Building His Study.'
SALEM. Mayor Rodgers hat de
parted for Belgium, where he will at
tend the meeting of the International
Association of Road Congresses as the
only representative from Oregon. He
leaves New York in the Bteamer Car
mania and will land at Antwerp. The
association meeting opens July 31 and
will continue until August 3. During
his absence the mayor will make a
special study of road-making and mu
nicipal conditions. The king of Bel
glum Is president of the roads associa
tion and Mayor Rodgers will go armed
with letters to him.
Bear's Blood Bespatters.
ALBANY. With an immense blaok
bear running so close to &im that 't
threw blood all over him from a wound
he had inflicted, a young man named
Moore, residing near Yaqulna, under
went an exciting experience. A pecu
liar featur of the incident is that the
bear, though badly wounded, got away
from the hunters and has not been
Will Die on Gallows.
was sentenced to be hanged at Salem
on December 9 for the murder of Wal
ter Newell. Harroll was a sheep
herder In the employ of Walter and
Frank Newell, two brothers, who were
taking a band of sheep to the Lake
county shearing pens at Plush. In an
altercation Harroll shot and killed the
two brothers.
Girl is Cremated Ative.
HEPPNER. Miss Emma Zinok
dropped a lighted match and the
flames quickly spread to her clothes,
enveloping her in a sheet of flames.
She rushed screaming Ino the yard,
where all of her clothing burned off
her before being extinguished by the
neighbors. Miss Zlnck died a few
hours later.
SALEM. Time for filing initiative
petitions has closed and the people of
Oregon will be called upon to vote
on a grand total of 32 measures at the
coming general election. With nractl-
cally each county having some local
legislation coming before it .and a
great number of precincts voting on
the question of "wet" or "dry" there
will be practically 35 measures to vote
on in the majority of precincts, among
which are the following:
Woman's taxpaylng suffrage amend
ment granting to all taxpayers the
right of suffrage.
A bill for the establishment of an
Eastern Oregon branch State Insane
A bill to elect delegates to a con
stitutional convention the second
Monday in October, 1911.
A constitutional amendment to ore-
vide a separate district for the elec
tion of each state senator and each
state representative.
A constitutional amendment to cause
taxes to be collected for public our-
poses only and providing the power of
taxation shall never be surrendered,
suspended or contracted away.
An amendment providing for state
railroad building.
An amendment providing a uniform
rule of taxation.
An act to increase the salary of the
Judge of the eighth Judicial district
An act to create the county ot Ne
smith. A bill to provide for the mainten
ance of the normal school at Mon
mouth. A bill to create the connty of Otis.
A bill to create the county of Wil
liams. An amendment providing for people
of each county to regulate taxation
and exemptions.
An, amendment giving cities and
towns control over sale of liquor.
A bill for liability of employers.
. A bill to create the county of Or
chard. A bill to create the county of Clark
. A bill for the support and mainten
ance of the normal school at Weston.
A petition to establish and maintain
a normal school at Ashland.
An amendment to section 35, article.
1. of the constitution to prohibit the
sale of liquor.
An Initiative bill to prohibit the
sale of liquor.
A petition to create an "Employes
Indemnity Commission."
A petition to prohibit Ashing on
Rogue river.
A bill to create the county of Des
chutes. C D. NORTON.
The New 8crtary
te President Taft.
"5 i
Baroness de la Roche, driving a
Voisin biplane, at Rheims, Frauce. Inst
her nerve at a beigh of 60 meters.
shut off the power and fell with her
machine to the ground. Her legs and
arms were broken and she suffered
severe contusions.
Joseph Smith, president of the Mor
mon Church of Utah, was a passenger
on the liner Vaderland. which sailed
for Dover and Antwerp.
A great scandal. Involving ex-Pre
mier George Clemenceau, has broken
out In connection with the trial of
Henri Rochelle, the well-known
French promoter, whose financial In
stitutions, the Franco-Spanish bank
and the Credit Mlnler. were closed In
March, 1908, when Rochelle was ar
rested on charges of extensive swlnd
ling. The testimony shows that im
aense sums of money were made by
speculators Immediately before the
Secretary of the Interior Balllnger
has started on a trip of inspection
westward, which may cover a period
of several months. He is accompanied
by E. C. Finney, assistant to the sec
retary and a stenographer.
Governor Stubfcs received a tele
gram from Theodore Roosevelt, fix
ing the day of his one Kansas speech
at August 81. He will speak at the
John Brown celebration at Ossawa
tomle, Kan.
Coach Drops Over Cliff.
YOSEMITE, Cal. A 4-horse stage
coach, carrying 11 passengers, for El
Portal, the gateway of the Yosemlte
National Park, went over a cliff into
the Merced River, a fall of 100 feet,
8unday. One man and three women
were carried down with the stage sod
injured severely. The other passeng
ers and driver Jumped In time. Two '
horses were killed.
Socialist Ticket Will Be Named.
KLAMATH FALLS For the flmt
time in the history of the county a
Socialist ticket will be in the polit
ical field here during the coming
The Franchise In Bruil.
All citizens of the republic of Brazil
have tbe franchise except soldiers and
VVvt Vft
President of Mexico Suggests
Change in Nicaraguan
WASHINGTON The attitude of
the Mexican- government toward the
Madrix cause in Nicaragua was made
plainer, when correspondence which
recently passed between President
Diai and President Taft on the sub
Ject became public.
President Diax wrofe President Taft.
ss th result of the circulation or a
telegram Madrix sent to Central Amer
lean governments protesting agulnst
the attitude of the United States lo
"If these facts are exact In all de
tails," said President Diaz, after refer
ring to Madrix' protest, "I permit my
self In the most friendly spirit, to rec
ommend most earnestly to your ex
cellency that you reconsider those In
structions of which Nicaragua com
plains to the end of permitting the
government of Madrix within a pru
dently brief period, to accomplish that
complete pacification which is of
fered." Information Erroneous, Says Taft.
Mr. Taft, in reply, said:
"I esteem your excellency's friendly
interest in the relation of the United
States with Nicaragua. As your ex
cellency will have surmised, the tele
gram which Dr. Madrlz ordered sent
to you, as well as telegrams sent to
other governments in which the con
tinuation of the struggle In Nicaragua
Is attributed to the policy of the
United 8tates. has evidently been
transmitted udder erroneous Informa
tion with respect to the actual facts
and the principles of International
taw applicable to the case."
Germany Recognizes Madrix.
WASHINGTON. Germany has for
mally put the stamp or her approval
on the Madrix government in Nlca
This information reached Washing
ton through confidential channels out
side the State Department. Germany's
action was taken In April, before the
recent serlea of Estrada victories.
No .mr European government, so
far am mailable information shows.
iaji doped a similar attitude.
Waller Brookins, In a Wright bi
plane, broke the world's altitude rec
ord at Atlantic City, N. J., when be
attained a height of 6175 feet.
Chipper as a boy with, a smile and
a real handshake for all well-wishers
John D. Rockefeller celebrated his
71st birthday at Forest Hill, bis splen
did summer home In Cleveland, Ohio.
Women teachers showed their
knowledge of politics by forcing the
triumphant election of Mrs. Ella
Flagg Young, superintendent of the
public school of Chicago, as president
of tbe National Educational associa
tion. Walter Wellman and E. Van Inman
will attempt this Fall to cross the At
lantic ocean In the dirigible balloon
America, which was built for tbe Well-
man Polar expedition and has been
twice tested in voyage over the Arc
tic ocean north of Spltzbergen.
On petition of the the International
Paper company. Judge Colt, in the
United States circuit court, at Boston.
appointed John Norrls, of New York,
an officer of the American Newspaper
Publishers' association, and Charles
F. Weed, an attorney of this city, re
ceivers of the Boston Herald company.
Including a bond Issue of 11.700.000.
tbe indebtedness Is about $2,200,000.
Results of great importance and
lasting benefit to the United States,
as well as to the Latln-Ainerlcan re
publics, are expected from the fourth
Pan-American coherence, which met
In Buenos Ayres.
The notable conventions of the
week Include the Elks at Detroit, the
International convention or the Bap
tist Young People's Union, at Sara
toga, the annual saegerfest of the
Northwestern Norwegian-Danish Sing
ers' association at Sioux Falls, the
convention of the Upper Mississippi
River Improvement association at St.
Paul, and the summer meeting of the
America Chemical society in San
Be wno lores goodness harbors an-gels.-Emerson.
Political News.
Albert J. Beveridge, United States
senator from Indiana and ne of the
most prominent and consistent of the
'progressive'1 republicans, arter a
visit to Sagamore Hill, came away
with a promise from Theodore Roose
velt to deliver a campaign speech la
his favor In his fight fur reelection to
the senate.
Following the receipt of a letter
from Colonel Roosevelt, Governor
Hughes announced that the former
president had fixed Tuesday as the
day for their meeting at Sagamore
Lee O'Neill Browne, democratic leg
islative leader, under Indictment at
Chicngo and Springfield, announces
himself a candidate for renomlnatlon
as a member of the legislature.
A. G. Spalding, head ot the sporting
goods house of Chicago, has been
formally requested by th business
men of San Diego,' Cal.. to accept the
nomination to succeed Frank P. Flint
In the United States senate.
Colonel Roosevelt declares Con
gressman Poindexter did not discuss
the Washington senatorial contest
with him. "My relations with all the
candidates to succeed Senator Plies
have been, so far as I can recall, most
cordial. I will not take any side la
the contest,' he said.
"We have a fight before us. t have
decided what I am going to do. .Tbots
who may want to come with me. eome
Those who want to stay at borne,
stay." With these words William J
Bryan closed one of the most drama
tic speeches of his career at tbe dem
ocratlc county convention at Lincoln.
Neb. He spoke In support of a post
tlve declaration for county option, and
at the conclusion of his address the
plank was adopted by an overwhelm
Ing majority.
Clever Ruse Prevents Looting
of Baggage and Passenger
ST. LOUIS. Cleverness on the part
of the engineer prevented three men
from robbing the Missouri, Kansas A
Texas Southwestern flyer No. 8, near
Larimer, St. Louis County, 15 miles
from St. Louis, early Sunday morning.
Three men were arrested as suspects,
but were released after Investigation.
Engineer Qulnn, through a rase, pre
vented the baggage car and passenger
coaches from being looted. Tbe rob
bers at the point of revolvers com
pelled tbe engineer and fireman to
descend from the cab and go with
them to tbe baggage car to assist la
uncoupling It. When tinkering about
tbe coupling the engineer and fireman
managed to slip away in the darkness.
The two started on a run for the
cab. The libbers soon became aware
that the crew was dashing for the
cab and opened fire.
Springing into tbe cab, the engineer
threw tbe throttle wide open and
washed away with the train.
New Jap Alliance Due.
BERLIN. A new political align
ment, with Japan breaking away from
Eng'and as soon as . the present
treaty between these two has expired,
is predicted by Prof. Albrecht Wirth,
one cf the most prominent Pan-American
politicians and writers.
Pawnshops In Chile.
Pawnshops lu Chile are under regu
lation of the general government, en
forced by local authorities.
Administration Men Charge
Pinchotites With 'Packing'
Congress at St. Paul.
ST. PAUL, Minn. Charges that tbe
aatlonal conservatioa program, for the
sesslsoa here la September, has been
"packed" with antl-admlnlstratton
speakers, has created a furore In St
Paul. Governor A. O. Eberhardt. dis
cussing the situation, said:
"I think the men at tbe head of the
movement for the oongrsss here are
fair-minded enough to change the pro
gram If It la not properly balanced."
Tbe "admlnlatratlonlsts" want Sena
tor Nelson, and possibly President
Taft placed oa the list of speakers,
but It It hot probable that the presi
dent would consent, becsuse bis at
titude might be misconstrued.
The squabble that has arisen here
gives rise to the fear that the con
gress may be moved to Denver or Kan
sas City,' both or which hsve mad
strong bids for It
Declaring that some companies en
gaged la the planting of the eucalyp
tus tree la this country have endeav
ored to place the government behind
ssggerated statements as lo the pos
sibl results, Forester Graves has Is
sued a warning to the publle against
extravagant predictions.
Postmaster-Oeneral ' Hitchcock has
expressed the opinion that no postal
savings bank could be established be
fore January 1, 1911.
Controller of the Treasury Trace
well bas rendered a declsloa holding
In effect that in tbe future he will not
allow expenses of office deputies la
serving John Doe warrants. The Issue
came before him on an appeal by
Marshal P. M. !ong, of the northern
district of Alabama, from a ruling by
the auditor of the state and other de- .
partmeats In disallowing traveling ex
penses Incurred in endeavoring to
serve such waraats la Internal rev
nue cases where the effort to arrest
was unsuccessful.
The proposal to trintport freight by
airship from Artxona to New Mexico
will have tbe effeot of bringing the
United 8tates and Mexico Into an
early agreement relative to tbe first
aerial treaty. Tbe Mexican govern
ment bas approved In a general way
the original draft of tbe treaty which
Ambassador d la Barra suggested la
Secretary Knot.
Anti-aaioon League Raid Reaults In
Mob Vlolsnc.
NEWARK, Ohio. Tbe trouble which
culminated In the lynching of Detec
tive Ktbertngtoo was the outgrowth
of aa attempt by the Ant) Saloon
league to show the presence of a
blind tiger" la Licking county, which
It "dry" under the Rot local option
law. Detectives, of which Etberlna-
ton was one. were tent to Newark to
make a series of raids. In a raid oa
tbe "Last Chanc" " restaurant, cou-
ducted by William Howard, former
chief of police of Newark, there .i
a clash and Etherlngton shot Howard
Tbe wounded man died shortly after
reaching tbe hospital.
Upon the death of Howard the lall
was surrounded by a mob and DeUo-
tlve Etherlngton was taken out and
' 8pokan Suffers Lett.
SPOKANE. Fire, supposed to have
been caused by tbe careless droDDlne
of a match or a cigarette ttub Inro
a shaving bin at tbe rear of tbe main
factory of the Springston Lumber C.a..
early Sunday night, swept a two-block
area, entailing a property lost of $87,
600, covered by Insurance amountinc
to fDO.760.
Ashton Is Boomed.
TACOMA, Wash. In the Interest of
the candidacy of James M. Ashton, of
Tacoma, who is seeking to become U.
i. Senstor, a plan 4s being formulated
o hsve all the timber Interests of
Washington center their strength on
Asbtoa and get busy In his behalf.
Tacoma Gets Convention.
SEATTLE, Wash. The annual con
vention of th Western Federation Of
Improvement clubs, embracing Wash
ington, California, Oregon, Idaho and
Moatana, will bt held la Tacoma
August 23 ant 84.