Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, July 07, 1910, Image 6

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La Grande. July 1. The recent
eliminations of various tracts of
lands supposed to be of an agricul
tural character, from the. edge of
tne national forests, by proclamation
of President Taft, has been the ca-.isi
of nearly as much Interest and fai
more misunderstanding on the part
of the general public than the fa
mous openings held last year in the
states of Washington and Montana.
At the U. S. Land Office at La
Grande, official notice has been re
ceived giving the eliminations from
the Umatilla and Whitman national
forests only. Th Wallowa Nation
al Forest, which is the center of
interest in this part of the country,
has not yet been filed here. A copy
of the presidential proclamation, in
connection with the Wallowa forest
has been received in this city,
through unofficial sources, and all
rersons intending to file upon lands
should carefully note the following
paragraph relating to settlement and
entry of lands thrown out:
"The lands hereby eliminated
from the Wallowa National Forest
which are not embraced in any oth
er reservation or appropriation, shall
be restored to the public domain and
become subject to settlement under
the general provisions of the home
stead laws on such date and after
such notice by publication as the
Secretary of the Interior may pre
scribe, but shall not become subject
to entry, filing, selection, or other
form of appropriation until the ex
piration of thirty days from the
date so fixed, and no person will be
permitted to gain or exercise any
right whatever under any settlement
or occupation begun prior to such
date, and all such settlement and
occupation are hereby forbidden.''
It will thus be seen that, before the
Interior Department names a date
for settlement, no one will be per
mitted to settle upon any of the
eliminated lands, as this is express
ly forbidden. It will also be noticed
that none of such lands will be sub
ject to filing of any kind1 until the
expiration of 30 days from the date
fixed for settlement. Hence he el
ement of specula'lon and fraudulent
location in connection with these
lands Is largely minimized. Due ad
vertising will be made, through the
local officials, not only of the dates
but of the lands eliminated as well.
Thereore, intending settlers should
be very careful to follow strictly
To the Citizens of Wallowa County
It is our purpose to handle any business
entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal
manner as to mabe the customer's rela
tion with this banK satisfactory and
profitable. U-Aside from our excellent
facilities, this bank has the advantage of
a large capital and substantial list of
stockholders. It is also a State Deposi
tory. If you are not a customer we
invite you to become one.
Stockbrokers and Farmers National Bank
Wallowa, Oregon
What Can You Expect?
What can you expect your business to
ampunt to without a Telephone? Do '0u
suppose a customer will lose time running
after you when you can call your compet
itor by 'phone?
Home Independent Telephone Co.
Eun8H(8BB2EinHMiiiBM iiiiiiaiioizaiinaisiuiis
I The City Planing' Mill
jj W. F. RANKIN, Proprietor
jj Carries a complete stock of rough and dressed
5 lumber.
5 A line of standard mouldings alva's in stock.
5 Satisfactory Mill WorK a Specialty
Flva par cant discount for cash. All account balanced '
at expiration of 30 day and
m i
!tlu official notices and direction?.
and. If "this is done on the part of
those interested, no official influence
, ueod be consulted or followed. The
j official here request all interesi-
ed persons to use extra caution iu
this Tegard.
'Foley ...-ney Pills Ha& -ured Me.'
The above is a quotation from a
et.er wu.a by H. M. Winkler, Ev
kiivii;, Ind. "I contracted a se
ed case of kidney trouble. Jly back
,ave out uud pained me. I seemed
to have- lost all strength and arobi
:ioa; va botheied with dizzy spells,
my head would swim and specks
loat before my eyes. I took Foley
Ildney Pills regularly and am now
erfectly well and feel like a new
nan. Foley Kidney Pills have
:ured me." Burnaugta & Mayfield.
John Daugherty, for twenty-three
.ears a resident of Wallowa county,
vas burled in the Wallowa cemetery
riday of last week. He succumbed
o a long Illness that had depleted
is strength, and passed away at, the
4re of 72 years, 8 months and 28
lays. Mr. Daugherty la survived by
ive daughters of the niuv children
hat. were bom to his long, happy
narriage with Miss Nancy Simpson
n Indiana, in an early day. They
nigrated first to Missouri, thence
o Oregon.
Clayton Knodell secured the tick
et attached to the balloon sent up by
Jackson & Weaver, last Saturday
afternoon. The ticket entitled th;
tolder to a five dollar prize, and
'oung Knodoll thus secured a fine
xwt card magic lantern a lantern
ising pon cards for slides.
The- big balloon intended for the
ontest by Jackson & Weaver acci
len tally caught fire, and asmaller
jalloon was pressed into service.
The latter came down near the coun
y high school building.
The Brooklyn Trolleydodgers came
.'ortu victorious from the formidable
dash with the Alkali Peaches, Thurs
lay evening. The Trolleydodgers
von by a scone of 11 to 8 and the
AlkallPeaehes are explaining how it
happened. The game was hair-splitting
and thrilling throughout, and the
iefeated team vows all sort3 of
baseball vengeance upon the redoubt
able Trolleydodgers in future.
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure
any cane of kidney and bladder trou
ble not beyond the reach of medi
cine. No medicine can do more.
Burnaugh & Mayfield.
settled by oath or note.
Socialist Speake rJ. i.. Fitts arrived
(n Enterprise Tuesday evening
.jpeaking In the assembly room of the
f-ourt hou.-s here the same evenl".ig.
le spoke in Joseph Wednesday even
ig and night, and returned to En
terprise to speak Thursday evening
on the street and Thunsday night in
.lie court house ajain.
At Joseph a socialist organization
.vas effected by the speaker, Mr. Ma
lian there being chosen organizer,
.uid CJeorge Houser secretary. Both
ueetings at Joseph were held on the
In his speaking here, Mr. Fitts
;ave gene:al sa is.'action. He was
rono;mi-'ed by those who heard him
3 bj a" departure from the rampant
adicaltem affected by some exhort
:rs of the same calling. He dii-alt
.rith the theme of socialism versus
apitalitsm in a calm though earnest
nanner, and confined his remarks
o argument rather thaiv to abuse.
U Joseph he devoted much of his
ime to showing the distinction be
ween the two parties, notably, the
aboring party and the capitalist
arty. in Enterprise, instead of
ilighting upon God, church and the
eligious conviction; rather than liar
owing up with irrevelanit noise and
naccurate sedition the institutions
hat must be preserved under any
ihase of economy, he showed how
oclaliam would all the more con
erve the good in all institutions
y eliminating the bad, than is pos
sible under a regime of heartless and
uore or less brutal class struggle.
nd on the whole, his handling" of
lie economic problems which lie at
ue h-Jart of the producing world,
,-v3 general satisfaction.
Must Be Above, Suspicion.
Kidney and bladder aliments are
;o serious in their consequences, and
f unchecked so often fatal that any
emedy offered for their cure must
e above suspicion. Foley Kidney
'Ills contain no harmful drugs, and
lave successfully stood a long and
horough test. 13u:augh & May
Extract from elKoriaf Xew York
lerald. May 20, 1310.)
The only unfavorable element hi
he situation is the unfavorable
ittitiide of federal lawmakers and
state officials towards the railways
md the spirit which would prevent
he companies from moderately ad
vancing their charges to offset the
ncreased cost of operation. When
he manufacturer is obliged to pay
ligher prices for raw material and
ncreased wages he does the only
possible thing in the circumstances
ind correspondingly raises the cliarge
.'or his product. The railways are
jbliged to pay increased prices for
supplies and higher wages, and it
a only reasonable that they should
let, more for what they sell, name
.y, transportation.
That they are Impelled to raise
heir charges is plain from current
raffle returns showing increased
;ross takings, while costs of oper
ttion have increased in still greater
ratio, with resulting decrease in net
jamlngs. Unless the greatest of
ill industries la permitted to pros
per the country cannot be prosper
ous. I9bl
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets geaily stimulate .the liver
and bowels to expel poisonous mat
ter, cleanse the system, cure consti
pation and sick headache. Sold by
all druggists.
Drives away Plies, Mosquitoes and Gnats.
It protects horses and catUe from attacks
of insects, enabling them to feed and
sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight
and strength from worry caused by
attacks of insects, and from the irritation
of their bites and stings. There is a
satisfaction in the relief it affords
domestic animals from the scourge of
maddening parasites and flies, besides the
profit in returns. Horses do more work
on less feed and cows yield more and
better milk when relieved from the frenzy
incited by constantly fighting a swarm of
voracious, insatiable insects.
Four sizes, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.35.
Ask yonr merchant for it.
Hovi Cbsmicai, Co. Portland, Oregon
Archbishop Christie dedicated St.
Philip's church, the new Roman Cath
olic edifice at Dallas, Sunday.
The Chemawa Indian school has a
stand of 14 acres of white spring side
oats that measures an average of 6
feet 5 Inches in height.
Definite plans are being carried out
for the Wallowa hospital, and before
August 1 It will be ready to receive
In a report prepared by the state
land department It is shown that the
department has paid over to the state
treasurer $33,089.37 for June.
Walter Malory, charged with steal
ing horses in Asotin county, Wash., is
being sought In the fastnesses of the
lower Grande Ronde river by officers,
who believe that he is hiding there.
Miss Alice L. Webb, for the last five
years assistant editor of the news, bu
reau of the University of Wisconsin,
has been appointed editor for the news
bureau of the state agricultural col
lege of Oregon.
Within less than five months, say
the promoters, Marshfield and North
Bend will be connected by an electric
road now in actual course of construc
tion. The distance Is 5V6 miles. Next
year it is planned to extend the line
to Empire.
Chester W. Washburne, a graduate
of the University of Oregon, class of
1905, has been placed In charge of the
United States geological survey on
the lower Columbia river, to ascertain,
definitely, whether or not the country
has deposits of oil, gas and coal.
The general opinion that Attorney
General A. M. Crawford was a candi
date for the gubernatorial chair was
overturned when he filed his declara
tion of Intention with the secretary
of state to become a candidate for re
election to the office of attorney-general.
As a result of statements charged
to memtw's of the Umpqua Valley
Horticultural Socicety and Fruitgrow
ers' Association, in which they accus
ed members of the Roseberg Mer
chants Protective association of un
fairness in buying farm products, a
war between the organizations is rag
ing. While one of his helpers struggled
with him tryirg to seize the revolver
with which he had threatened to kill
himself, George Bennett, a prominent
dairy man of T'llamook county, finally
wrested the weapon away and shot
himself through the head. Death was
Articles of Incorporation are in the
course of preparation for a company
to build and equip a large modern ho
tel to be built in the center of the
business district at Klamath Falls.
The hotel complete .Is to cost approx
imately $7o,000. Much of the stock
has already been subscribed and the
undertaking is sure to be a success.
An initiative petition favoring the
creation of an employes indemnity
commission has been Died with the
secretary of state state. The petition
asks that the commission be empower
ed (o secure data on the framing of a
comprehensive law or system of laws
treating the subject of employes' in
demnity and to present recommenda
tions to the legislature.
State Printer W. S. Duniway Is now
doubtful as to the possibility of com
pleting the codification of state stat
utes, as provided by the last legisla
ture, by Navember 1, the time stipu
lated in the law. In addition to this,
the initiative work is expected to
swamp the state printer about August
1, and it will kep his offices busy for
five weeks.
State Attorney-General Crawford,
has notified the Tallant-Grant Packing
company, lessee of disputed Troyer
Island, that the state lays claim to the
property. The notice was issued at
the direction of the state land board
shortly after the United States su
preme court decided that the bound
ary line between the states of Oregon
and Washington is defined by the mid
dle of the main channel of navigation.
The O. R. & N. has filed a reply
with the state railroad commission to
the complaint of A. C. Ruby against
the present rates for shipping horses
in less than car lots. The company
contends that this rate is according to
the Western classification and is
made as a charge a: so much per
head, taking into consideration chance
of loss and space used by the animals.
The road says the rate is used on all
roads west of the Misaissipi river and
is in no way discriminatory.
In appreciation of his efforts In the
arrangement of the Japanese exhibit
at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi
tion at Seattle, Colonel Henry E.
Dosch, who was director of exhibits,
has had conferred on him the third
class of the Imperial Order of Rising
Sun by the Emperor of Japan. The
insignia represents the rising sun, and
is set with a rare red stone, from
which rays of gold radiant, inlaid with
ivory. It hang3 from a pendant of
green and pink enamel which is pat
terned after the lotus plant, Japan's
national flower.
aia JwiM UTI'A ww
The eagle began screaming at Jo
seph along about last Saturday,
md the echo of it verberates
hrough the river canyon and on
up to Eagle Cap, and down the
:ake as far asEnterprlse, still. It
was a gala scream. It was a scream
hat subdued all business last Mon
day throughout the valley, and at
tracted several thousand persons to
Joseph and the head of the lake.
The scream was made up of base
'.Kill games, boxing contests, races,
of various kinds, amusements of ev
ery description, all sprinkled through
with the restless spitting firecrack
sr and streaked wl:h soaring paper
balloons. Then there were the peo
ple. Ranchnes who had not. seen
each other for a year visited their
fia nii 1 tw-H
, sample Lwest Model "Ranirer
7. H "l-.V Vs . A'ifcE.7
cut it to any tet yoti wish
Keep ti Lv.cycte
tanaliy Java a number on Tand ukSi in
pro.-npny it prices 1
cca nnsuiT f-cra 83 in ci.-t
rrrawr renin wricm ar inn lft 4m
t -r'-- r-'r vi t tniroanct v Will
- w.vwawNN.W r V
KAILS, Taoluor Claaa will not lot tha ft'
air out. Sixty thoiuvtud pairs sold last year. l '
Over two hundred thuuaaud pair now la tue. 1
CITSC.7PrH7WTUlelnalsi2e. Itislivety
a apecialquahtvof rjb'oer. wiiich nncrlnM
i n at 0ttv price until vuu tr
t. ininrania.m.l,.,,!.: i'.-y.l?.u,r ?V.rb nxxWj at the ,UtU
33. than mw-ai "1 merarf.fcicyclefo,.
1 jrv n a. 1
porous and which closes up small punctures without allow.
inirlli..irtn.ti.n. IV. I ! I1 .. -
.. . ..uui..tuaoi iciirrsirjm &iti
teJcustomers staling tliat their tire3haveonlybeeo pumped
uponceortwiceinawholeseaaon. Thcywei-h non oret'ian
on ordinary t;re, the puncture resistinirqualiiiesb-nepiven
by eveat Uycrs of thin, specially prepared alii e Ton the
t.-pad. 1 heresularpnceof tcaetiresisfS.soperpair.butfor
cdvcrtisinKpurposwearemakin;iaspecial factory price to
r"i .'
t.iuing us an o:rr as Hie Urea mav. be retiirnid .7.iiV; n" no "
not satfactory r . xamination. We rfi.lS L?.H..PV,e " .S ! 'n.
bank, ir yr.a orv.;r a pair of these tires, tou Wm find .w ,i i " " " le? ,n
-ruef.Utlo..-reT and lookup" riue
k.iowtl; : rr-., will 'be ao well p"lu"vhmnr m Lan" Pri-We
IF YSlJ NEED TIRES eu!hom"Ut,J,,'rk'eunl p"''o
the special introductory prkono7ed ab? oi Htf l.1'-' tires, on PP nd tVil at
cacr. we are mating. ,t omy'la J'posu toTaSi'S ? ""d ""Ul
neighbors there, talked 0 the atock,
the weather, the crops, and the
Fourth of July. Strangers, coming
to see the sights, entertained them
selves at the rel lemonade stands
or deviated from lemonade slightly
I by flirting with the ' near beer"
evanescence that ia said to lure '
the soul into a dizzy vision of hop
vines, malt houses, beer cellars and
the amber fluid as well.
When the stomach falls to per
form its functions, the bowels be
come deranged, the liver and the .
kidneys congested causing numerous
diseases. The stomach and 'liver
must be re-stored to a healthy condi
tion and Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets can be depended upon
to do it. Easy to take and moat ef
fective. Sold by all dealers.
bicvcln (,irri.i,Ji
KIAL dining wluth taw you mav rid U hicVlt and
it . 1 - ruu may nt
Yl l ?Jr & " "' not A-
'"inn the hisiiest (fra.ie bicrcl. it i.
..--i it.. . 1 t
or do not wiih to
yoifon k11 our ..
lartnrv mat.
dcr yuur own nmc to at
drh,. M r',e 'codJ'ln,
. , itin ir."l" 1ae.1e.we t.tr out
PariCI0EE - FPJ3F $
rf"taaC3.- -T i-J"J n-m
PTotloe tJu
"A" atntl ptinctuio atrlpa U"
and "U.bIso rim airfp H"
to prevent rim cutting. Tills
.tiro will outhut am- other
malce HO FT, ULAHTIO aaud
ihJp C. O. I. on
J mi piivc Bi.lf
per pair) if you
no tiK in
at -wa
n r m