T " t W altera Cwratg CMtftaln ! County Pioneer Paper Established In 1SS4. Published every ihursdav by The Enterprise Press. Office East side Court House Square. - ' Eutered la the postoffice at Enter prise, Ore, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year $1.50 Three months 50c. Invariably in Advance. THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1910. NOTICE FOR. PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore- egsn, May 12th, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale to the high est bidder, at 16 o'clock A. M, on int 8th day of July, 1910, at this of fice, the following-described land: The SW SE & SE SW4 Sec. 19, T. 1 S., R. 45 E. W. M. Se rial No. 06780. Any persona claiming adversely the above-descrlbed land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or, before the time desig nated for sale. , . 39c5 F.C . Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egon, May 12th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M.. on he 8th day of July, 1910, at this of fice, the following-described land: The NE NE Sec. 25, T. 1 S, R. 44 E. W, M, Serial No. 06794. .. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time, desig nated for sale. 39c5 F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. FORMER RESIDENTS HERE LOSE LITTLE GIRL The following communication from Rev. W. H. Gibson, who Btopped In La Grande on his way to Baker City will be read with sorrow by the friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Eprnweil, former residents' of Enter prise:, "Lola' Barnwell, the little' daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Barn Wflll . who once resided in Enter prise, died at the parent's home in La Grande, May 31-, at 6:30 a. m., and ,wae buried June 1 from the fam ily home on W avenue. The little one was three years, six months and seven days old. Mrs. McKlnney of Alder, the grandmother of the lit tle girl, arrived, at the Barnwell home on the 30th, not knowing of Lola's Illness, and thus was In the house to share the sorrow of the fuiilly." Post cards something always new and up-to-date at the Jackson & Weaver pharmacy. nnMEMBEsaaisKSBHaBEx H H M M M m H B B TO ALfc. AND T IMPORTED WAPIOKS AflfH PURCHASES 0 mi m a r tr We Have the Exclusive 1 IkiyyrR I i (HURCXSUPPHRS i W. J. FUNK & CO. : BEEESSK2EBBK AERCIAL CLUB HOLDS MEETING VARIOU9 MATTERS LOOKING TO LOCAL WELFARE ARE CON SIDERED. The Commercial club met Thurs day night with a good attendance, and talked over natters of great importance to Enterprise and Wal lowa county In jeneral. The mat ter of advertising this section of Or egon, that Is Wallowa county and ZJniterprise, was taken up and dls rcssed at length, A committee was appointed to con fer with the Commercial cluba of Wallowa, Lostine a:id Joseph, and these clubs with the Enterprise club to arrange with the county court of Wallo,wa county for proper advertising cf the county '8 re sources and opportunities. The matter is a most Important one to every city and every resi lient In tho county. It Is a general oeasure, having nothing more to do with ono locality than another to the county. It promises results to every township and not to a few. nd It is lured that it may be en tered Into by every city and resident for the common good and the com- mon development. The committee j appointed -wr.s as follows: B. B. I5oyd to coni'er with Wallowa, Bick ford and Payne to confer with Jo- soph and1 the co if rere with Lostine to be filled by Charles" Cro,w. This i ommtttee will report at the next meeting. The matter of the Fourth of July celebration, was taken up, and it was considered that it were more prac tical to let the celebration go by and devote all the energy toward tha faiT in the fall. ' A committee composed of A. C. Miller, Geo. W. Hyatt, B. B. Boyd, C. S. Bradley, C. H. Zurcher, W. R. Holmes and J. C.Shackelford, was appointed to .take the matter in charge. Thia. commit tee will have the power to appoint subcommittees and take entire chart of the preparations for the fair. It will report at the next meeting of the club. Two other committees were ap pointed, one to look into the mat ter of rural delivery routes' out of lSniterprioe, and the other to confer will yis business men of Enterprise relative to the alvertieing fund pro i c-.-il ncu t weeks afeo, and pai .'all subscribed to. Tlis former commit tee Is composed of Postmaster Ben Weathers, L. E. Jordan and Geo. W. Hyatt; the latter committee is com l";d of L. B. Payne, W. R. Holmea and Geo. W. Hyatt. Other matters were discussed, mention of which is made in an other column. All kinds of natural fruit fuivcra and syrups with ice cream sodas and sundae at the Jackson & Weav er pharmacy. Dr. Anderson Thursday ordered one of hispatients, Mrs. Gordon Mar tin of this city, to the hospital in La Grande, placing her under the immediate care of Dr. Mollter of that city. Mrs. Martin is suffering from an attack of incipient appendi citis, and may be compelled to un dergo an operation. On a hot day, just smile happily when you think of the ice cream sodas and., sundaes at the Jackson & Weaver pharmacy. MSMiBEMMiiiaiBMMOg Mrs. Housewife: i Wp nr nnt Hava to enlarge on the merits of Chase & Sanborn's f Teas and Coif fees E s for you know all s about their su oenor es. a Agency in Enterprise g c 01 UMEUKJBHBUUaEKXXEZU NOTICE IN PROBATE. In tha matter of the estate, of Phebe Jane Bunnell, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that on the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1910, the un dersigned1 was duljr appointed admin istratrix of the estate of Phebe Jane Bunnell, deceased, late of Wallowa County, Oregon. And that all per son having claims against said es tate are required to present the same to the undrsigned. administratrix, at her residence la Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, duly verified, with in six months after the first publi cation of this notice, and upon fail ure so to do, said claims will be ig nored and forever barred. Dated, May 2nd, 1910. MAGGIE H. BLOOM, Administratrix. CHARLES THOMAS, Attorney for Administratrix. 37c6 Wedding of Well Foreythe-Ellsworth Nuptials Cel ebrated in La Grande June, 1. A beautiful home wedding took place Wednesday evening, June 1, at 8 o'clock at the residence of 'Mr. and Mrs, Charles W. Ellsworth, 2502 Ash street, La Grande, when, Miss Bernyce A. Ellsworth , was united In marriage to Mr. . Robert Leo For sythe, of Enterprise, Rev. W. H. Gib son officiating. . The young people are Justly popular. Miss Bernyce is one of La Grande's charming young ladies who is honored, loved and appreciated for genuine worth. Mr. For3ythe la the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Forsythe and la one of the most respected young business men of Enterprise. Miss Maggie Coleman acted as the bride's attendant, and Mr. Walter R. Parker as tne groom's best man. The Ellsworth home was tastefully decorated in pink and white. Cu pid's figure with drawn; bow and arrow-pierced heart was everywhere ItJ evidence, and thus was told the story of love's triumph. A three course welding supper of dainty and rare abundance ,was tastefully served. . The guests were a few se lect friends of La Grande, and. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Forsythe and daugh ter, Miss Eula, of Enterprise. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that, tie undersigned has been duly appoint ed by the County Court of Wallowa County, Oregon, administrator of the Estate of Emetine Akin, deceased, and has qualified as such admin istrator'. All parties having claims against said estate are hereby no tified' to present them duly verified to the undersigned, at the office of Burleigh & Boyd, Enterprise, Ore; gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. May 26th, 1910. . . 40c5 C. A. RAY, Administrator of the Estate of Erne line Akin, Deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE, . Department of the Interior., , U. S. Land ,Of fice at La Grande, Or egon, May 7th, 1910. , Notice Is hereby given that,, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Lend Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 617),. we wifll offer at public sale, to the high-. eat bidder, at 10 o'clock 'a. m., on the 7th day of July, 1910, at this office, the following-described land: The SE14 SW Sec. 9, & Eft NW Sec. 21, T, 1 S, R. 44 E. W. M., Serial No, 06790." Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised' to file their claims,' or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. , 88c5 f. C. Bram well, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO ' LATED TRACT, PUBLIC LAND SALE. . Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La' Grande, Or egon, May 13th. 1910. f Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 617), we will offer at public sale to the high est bidder, p 10 o'clock A. M, oa the 8th day of July, 1910, at thisl of fice, the following-described land : The SW NE14 Sec. 28, and the NW Sec 34, T. 1 S., R.' 45 E. W. M. Serial No. 06498. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described ' land are Ad vised1 to file their, claims, or objec tions, on or before the time desig nated for sate. . , 42c5 F. C, Bramwell, Register. . Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. Oakea carries a full line of Lowe Brothers' Paints. 108tf Known Persons X il SETTLERS HEBE RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF RESERVE LAIDS SPEAKS RAPID GROWTH. Twenty-three thousand, three hun dred and clxty-flve acres of good, rich, virgin' Wallowa county land has been released from the for est reserve and placed for entry by the recent order of Secretary Ballln ger. Other land In Idaho, near Po catello. Involving a similar acreage, were also restored , to ( entry. . This will be reeived with dc-light ty every resident of Wallowa coun ty, the lands restored lying north, uorthwest and -east of Enterprise, zxif will mean a more rapid develop ment of the county agriculturally be cause of a more rapid settlement than otherwise. It .will be received with gratitude also by the prospec tive eaotem settler who was liter ally turned back to his eaotern home ly running against a reserve thtt simply held new districts from progress. Because of stress of other busi ness matters Principal Harl H. Bron son of Wallov'a has given up the work in the summer Normal forj this year. Superintendent Conley , has secured the . services of Principal Aubrey . G. Smith, of .the Lostine schools as assistant instructor. Doors and windows and all kinds of builders hardware at Keltner's. A bargain, sale of furniture and house furnishings , will be held for the next two. weeks by i G. I. Rat cliff to make room for his large stock of new goods whlcni will arrive in about fifteen days. . Bring- la your cash and get the bargains of your life. USbl Official Proceedings Of tlie County Court (Continued from Last Week.) Fifth Judicial Day. . Tuesday. May 17, 1910. , Court met pursuant to adjournment wnen were present as on yesterday. The following proceedings were had: ., In the matter of. allowing alacelia- neous bills- against the county: Now at this time the matter oil al lowing the miscellaneous bills against the county came on for consideration, and the cold bills having been submitted to the court and the. court having pass ed upon and audited each of said bills separately .as apvears from the signature of the court there on It Is hereby considered' and order ed1 by tho court that the saldl bills . be allowed and warrants Issued, by the county clerk In- payment of the same as allowed In classes and amounts, as follows: . High School Fund. To Whom Drawn. For What. Am't. D. L. Mc Adams, janitor work.. $ 2 60 II. K. Shirk, miscellaneous ex penses a, 12 00 . General Fund. I. A. H. Jkieyer, Juror May Term . 19 40 D. 8. Church, Juror May term . 23 00 J. M. Frultts, Juror May' term 21 40 J. A. ClHaspIe, Juror May .term. 9 20 W. p. Daggett, Juror May term 19 20 Fred Bork, Juror Kay term.. '27 20 Will Tippott, Juror May term, 9 20 J. R. Williams, JurorMay term 20 60 Leonard Johnson, Juror Mry term 22 00 W. Q. Trill, defending James Lane 25 00 Chas. H. Wlllicma, Juror May teni 27 00 J. II. Snuffer, Juror May term 24 00 B. F. Bechdolt, Juror May term 23 00 Thos.. Morgan, Juror May term 16 00 Daniel Boyd, defending Henry Wright ...... , 25 00 j. H. McElroy, Juror May term 19 00 T. L. Shcrod, Juror May term 19 00 W. G. Beki, Juror May term 19 40 R. E. He3ktt, Juror May terra 9 20 A. J. Conklln, Juror May term 25 00 Will IZayes, Juror May 'term 15 70 J. Wcmaekr Juror May term 22 20 C. M. McFetridge, Juror May term 20 80 Rastus Hanson, Juror May term 18 40 R. W. Colpitis, Juror May term 26 60 A. J. Harris, juror May term 12 20 L. F. McAnulty, grand Jury bailiff 15 00 H. C. Cramer, grand jury bailiff 15 00 Ole Pagin, court bailiff 18 00 II. R. Hanoa, official reporter 60 00 N. D. Varner, Juror May term 15 90 W. C. Boatman, typewriters . cleaned .... .... .... ...... 2 50 Glass Prudhomme Co., supplies 94 90 K. E. Merryiman, work Edg- ( mand road .; 5 00 II. E. Merryman; work Boner road ...... ...... .......... 750 Wallowa Mercantile Co., cus- " . pldors . ... ,,. . - v . ... 6 55 Edgar Marvin, help during cir cuit court ... ,f ......... .. .. 16 60 Thos. M. Dill, expense during mm MANY MORE iiLniu 1 court 20 00 5kole Duncan, dirties a con- stable I 10 A. F. Sheets, jus ke feoa.... 2 60 J. A. Rumble, assessment work 15 16 McCully Merc. Co., mdse 8 00 J. C. ConV-y, stamps 2 25 D.-F. Vltler. express and sta tionery 2 S6 Jno. W. Kerns, assistant ex aminer 9 00 S. L. Burnangh. wknena foes.. 2 20 Chas. Straley, witness fees.. 11 Vollie Ward witness fees .... 13 20 V'1U Baker, wl,ne feed 2 20 Leonard Eaker, wt:'ness fee9.. 2 20 Clias. Crumpackor, ,wltae3 fees 2 20 X L. Pldcock, meals for jurors 3 25 Leonard Baker, witness fees.. 2 20 George Baker, witness fees... 2 20 V. C. Dorrawe, witness fecai 5 60 Vm. J. Putnam, witness fees 2 20 W. J. Hammack, witness fooa 3 40 Steve Hodge, witness fees.. 3 80 Paul Lecore, witness fees.... 3 40 Herman M itched, witness fees 3 40 3. A. Foster, witness fees .... 3 40 Chas. Scott, witnejs fees .... 4 00 Roes Leslie, witness fees .... 3 80 Jesse N. Stone, witness fees.. S 40 Bonnie Footer, witness fees.. 3 40 Chas. Crumpacker, witness fees 4 20 VV. I. Calvin, ,wl:ness feea .. 2 20 Will Baker, witness fees 4 20 Claude Emmons, witness fees. . 2 20 Parke Wilson, witness feea. ... 2 20 Ud Oakes, witness fees 2 20 ('has. A. Ault, witness' fees.... 2 20 3. T. Anderson, witness fees., 2 20 Arnold R. Huffman, juror May term 6 20 Levi Riley, Juror May term.. 2 20 Henry Ibberson, Juror May term- . . ; term 24 00 F. I. Vergere juror May terra 9 20 J. M. Ranktu, Juror May terra 16 40 L. E. Cavlnesa, Juror May terra 9 20 Bruce Boyd, Juror May term 9 20 G. J. Wagner, Juror May term 9 20 John, Pratt, juror May terra 18 60 Leo Forsythe, juror May term 9 20 Jake Eauer, Juror May term,. ,9 60 In the matter of the Wallowa Ilelghths addition to the city of Wal lowa: Now at this time J. B. Pace presents the above named plat to the court for Its approval and It appearing to the court ttyat the same does not bear, the name of any other town, or addition in the county, and that the streets are lajd out so as to conform to adjoining plats and that all taxes and assessments have been paid and the same has been approved by the "ounty surveyor, H. E. Merryman, and B". F. Miller, coun ty assessor, ' It Is hereby considered and order ed that the same be approved by the court by the name of East Side addition to Wallowa, Oregon, and It Is further ordered that the same be filed and recorded In the. coun ty records. In the matter of the proposed road petitioned for by John Anthony and others : ,Now,at thia time John Anthony anc others petition the court, pray tag for the location of a county road, came regularly on to be heard, and it appearing to the court that said proposed road Is In Wallowa county, Oregon, and that said pe tition is Dinned by twPlve and more . freeholders of said county and state. residing In the road dis trict of said proposed road, . and that the petition correctly de scribes the beginning, intermodl late and terminus points thereof and it further appearing to the court by affidavit filed therein that due and legal notice of presenta tion of said petition to this court, notifying all person that applica tion would L made by advertise ment posted to the place of hold- 293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00 80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00 160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00 320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 City L,ot, $100 to $300 Residence Property, 3650 to $3,000 Fire Insurance Surety bond Live Stock insurance W. E. TAGGART, The Pioneer Real Estate Mao. ENTERPRISE, : : ' OREGON .Canfut Banking Ihsurts Iht Saftty of Dtposits." Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000 8UKPLU8 $55,000 ; We Dd a . General Banking: "Business; Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hyatt, President .v, . .. Geo, 8. Craig, Vice President '-- ,I)1EECT0B8 . -.-'-."i.. , ,-'' .v- Geo .8. Cbaio r , , Geo. W. Hyatt Mattii! A. Holmes J. H. Dobbin W. R. Holmes FRANK RUSSEL'S IS F LODGED AGAINST OBSTRUCTION OVER 20 MILES FROM POINT OF DROWNING. Troy, June 2. The body of Frank Russell was found late Sunday ev ening, one mile below the ranch of Charles . Shoemaker, la the Grande Ronde river. It waa brought to this city the first of the week for burial. Frank Russell drowned In the Lit tle Salmon river, about four, miles above the river's mouth, April 24. He was attempting to cross tha stream at the time. Searching parties were sent out immediately, and a close watch has been kept for the body ever since, , thongh no trace of it before Sunday was .found., ., ,.. , The body had bceu drifted down ty the current four , miles In the. Uttlo Salmon river and down below the Shoemaker ranch on the Grande Hondo, a total distance of over 25, miles. It to stated that though the remains hod been Im. the water for so long a period, yet the cold tera pprature of tb rivers had preserv ed It well. Ills remaining relatives and frlendsi both at the ,tlme of his death and in the recovery and burlni of the body have the sym pathy of the whole county. Ing this court, and three other -public places In the vicinity of said proponed road and It further appearing that a bond condition ed according to law hast been filed herein, which bond Is hereby ap proved. It is hereby considered , and orr dored that the prayers of said pe titioners be granted. The road viewers are hereby ordered to view and lay out said road according to law on the 7th day of June, 1910, and of their proceedings to make due and legal return to this court at their next regular meeting., .. In the matter of the proposed road petitioned for by E. H. Tulley and others: ' , Now at this time E. 11. Tulley and others petition, the court praying for the location of a county road came regularly on to be heard and It appearing to ,the court that said proposed road Is In Wallowa county, Orgeon, and that said peti tion. Is signed by twelve or more freeholders of said county and state residing in the road district of said proposed road, and that the petition correctly describes the beginning, Intermediate and termi nus thereof and It, further appear ing to the court by affidavit filod therein that; due. and legal, notice of presentation of said, petition , to this court, notifying all person ' that application would be made by . advertisement posted at the place of holdln this court and three other public places in 'he vicinity of said proposed road and.lt fur ther appearing that a bond condi tioned according to la,w has been filed herein, which bond is hereby approved. It is hereby considered and order ed that the prayers of said Peti tioners be granted. The road view ers are hereby ordered to View and lay out said road according to law on the lltb, day of June, ,1910, and of their proceedings make due and legal return to this court At their next regular meeting. . Whereupon court adjourned. W. R. Holmes, Cashier A. J. Buehmer, Aatit. Cashier BODY Oil 1 --Knmnsmi'-t'.