Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, June 09, 1910, Image 1

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Cent a word single Insertion, lft
cento a word 2 Insertions. Special
rates by month and year.
Liulif 3" bracelet, ou Slope road to
jo-eph. Owner can have same by
tmil-.ng at this office, describing prop
erty, ml paying for this notice.
Well bred, fresh Jersey cow and
calf. Inquire of Dr. Auk, Enterprise,
Oregon. 113btf
One of the desirable quarters of
North Wallowa county, located close
to the Bartlebt store and Postoffice.
Ai-ply to owner, C. Mu-rdock, Troy,
Oregon 109b4
Four well-broke young, fresh milch
cows. N. E. Hammack, Swamp Creek
Thos. Siegmund left on sale at IU
ly & Riley's the Wonder Washer.
Thoroughbred Scotch Colltea. Two
female pups, $10 each. Pedigree can
be given. S. E. Harris, Elgin, Ore
ccn H4bl
Nice small place adjoining Enter
prise; six-room house, barn, out
buildings, young orchard, timber,
running water, etc. Inquire at this
office. l161j
I will sell ch ap for cash my 160
acre farm on Pralrio Creek. All
good plow land except 10 acres; 100
acres under ditch. 3 miles east of
Enterprise. Peter Olsen, Enter
prise. 116b4
Slate Funds loaned, fi per cent. Johu
P. Rusk, Atty. State Land BU Joseph
Farm loans at 7 percent. Call or
vn-ite First Bank of Joseph. 58bt
Experienced dressmaker ,waots sew
ing to do at her home. Inquire at
'his office. 112tf
Lumber. Anyone having lumber of
any grade In any amount for sale,
or who has timber he intends to saw
joon. and wishes to contract the lum
har (Mill nn nr nririirnsH W. F. Rankin
at Haney planer in Enterprise, Agent
for W. R. Klvette. 26b4
Small bag of tools between Enter
prise and Sam Litch's ranch on the
slope. Finder return to Rodgers
Brothers. - HCbl
Harness and shoes repaired. Ralph
Hollembaek, with Rodgers Bros.', in
rink building. 113bm
Stockholders' Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Enterprise Hotel Com
pany will be held at the company's
l'f tej In, Enterprise, Oregon, a Mon
dav. June 20th, at two o'clock p. m.,
fo. the purpose at electing a board
o: directors, and the transaction of
fetch business as may properly come
before said meeting.
GEO. W. HYATT, Secy.
"During tne brteT period between
March 1 and April 15, this spring, be
tween 40,000 and 50,000 colonists, ac
cording to the various railroad mana
gers, found new homes in the Pacific
Northwest, in California and In Idaho,
Montana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and
The Interior Department has desig
nated under the enlarged homestead
act approximately a million acres of
land in Wyoming not susceptible of
successful Irrigation at a reasonable
cost from any known source of water
supply. In Wyoming, up to the pres
ent time, the area of land so desig
nated totals 14,500,000 acres.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 80
lie; bluestem, 85c; red Russian, 78c.
Barley Feed and brewing, 22c.
Oats No. 1 -white, $27 per ton.
Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley,
$2021 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$22025; alfalfa, $16; clover, $16.
Butter Extra, 29c; fancy, 29c;
ranch, 20c.
Eggs Ranch, candled, 23 24c.
Hops 1909 crop, ll14c; olds,
Wool Eastern Oregon, 14 17c per
Mohair 32 33c
Wheat BluetAem, 83c; club, 79c;
red Russian, 77c.
Oats $26 per ton.
Barley $20 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $26 per ton; alfalfa,
$16 per ton.
Butter Washington Creamery, 30c;
ranch, 25c.
Eggs Selected local, 29c.
Potatoes Market demoralized.
Republicans Make Clean Sweep
in Philadelphia Daizell
Wins Nomination.
PHILADELPHIA. June 6. Despite
a coalition of reform and organized la-
bor forces, the Republican city organ
I izatlon made the most complete sweep
I In its history at the primaries, nomi-
natlng all but one of Its candidates
for more than 60 legislative offices.
The only break in the Republican
party's congressional Elate in the
state was in Schuykill County, where
the present Congressman, Alfred D.
Garner, a supporter of Speaker Can-
s 22
S 7 j ;--.VLky.-S
4. jT 4&&i-amitiuirlJi
non, was defeated by R. D. Heaton
on an "insurgent" platform.
The seven present Democratic Con
gressman from this state were all re
nominated. Representative John Daizell, of
Pittsburg, an "old guard" of 22 years,
experience in Washington, is declared
to have won a nomination in the 13th
district over ex-Mayor Black of Mc
Keesport. The victory, according to
the latest count, showed a majority
of but 400, and Black had not con
ceded his defeat.
Federal Board of Arbitrators
Grants 69 Per Cent of In
crease Demanded.
CHICAGO, June 6. The Federal
Arbitration Board, which has been
taking testimony in the wage con
troversy between 27,000 enginemen and
forly-nine railroads west of Chicago,
handed down a decision in favor of
the er.ginemen.
The arbitration board granted the
employes 60 per cent, of their demand
for 12 V per cent, increase. '
The men involved are members of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men and Enginemen. Under the rul
ing of the arbitration board the wages
of the men vary with the different
classes of service.
About 23,000 union men were In
volved, but all the firemen, whether
members of the union or not, will get
the increase. It is estimated that 27,
000 men will benefit by the award.
Settler Coming Back.
WASHINGTON, June 8. An unusu.
ally heavy movement of homeseekers
this spring into various parts of the
arid West is indicated by reports that
have come to the reclamation service.
Train loads of settlers have been
pouring Into Montana, Oregon and
Washington, and large numbers have
been seeking the milder climate of
the Southwest. - A cheering feature in
connection with the movement is said
to be the return of thousand of Amer
ican citizens from Canada, offsetting
in a measure the exodus of others
across into the Dominion.
Land Leased for Troops.
TACOMA, Wash., June 7. Leases
for about 30,000 acres of land neai
American Lake, southwest of Tacoma,
extending to Spanaway and Roy, have
been secured by Captain John J. Brad
ley and Lieutenant H. A. Wells for
the August maneuvers of the troops
n the Department of the Columbia,
together with the Rational Guard from
Washington. Oreg6n. Idaho and Mja
tana! About 7,Uuo trooa win be in
the encampment.
Grand Welcome to Roosevelt.
NEW YORK, June 7. As the time
approaches for the return of ex Presi
dent Roosevelt on Saturday mornlag,
June 18, the plans for his welcome are
assuming larger and larger dimen
sions, and that the greeting will be
nation-wide admits of no doubt.
Jeffries has reached that point In
his training where he needs to go easy
for the fear of going stale rather than
to plunge Into all kinds of work to
develop himself. In fact a little ale
has been prescribed for him for bis
noonday meal, to keep him from train
ing off too fast He wants to fight at
S18 pounds and he is within striking
distance of that mark all the time
Napoleon Lajole, the peerless sec
ond sacker of the Cleveland American
League team, continues to lead the
American circuit in batting honors,
for the big Frenchman is bitting close
to the 400 mark. Tyrus R. Cobb, the
man Comiskey picked as the greatest
ball player of all time, is close up,
and may yet overtake the Clevelander.
Cobb Is hitting at .367, a mark that Is
quite respectable in itself.
In the boat race betwen the Uni
versity of Wisconsin and the Univer
sity of .Washington crews Saturday,
Wisconsin led "all the way from the
start over the three mile' course o'
Lake Mendota, nnibhius ..early tour
lengths ahead of their opponents.
The Chicago-New York aeroplane
contest will have the richest money
prize ever ottered for an aviation com
petition, plans being in process of for
mation to bring the total to $100,000.
The increase in awards over the $25,
000 purse will be made by cities en
route, according to James E. Plew,
president of the Illinois Aeroplane
The National Baseball Commission
handed down a decision upholding the
transfer of Pitcher Carson to the Ver
non Club of the Pacific Coast League
by the Chicago National League Club.
The deal was protested by the Port
land club, from ' which Carson was
drafted last fall.
Every inducement is to be offered
to Governor Charles E. Hughes, the
anti-graft Executive of New York, to
deliver the keynote speech at the Re
publican State Assembly to be held
for Oregon on July 21. An invitation
has gone forward from the officers of
the State central committee And is to
be supplemented by all the pressure
which can be brought to bear on the
To the accompaniment of bows,
smiles and mutual felicitations, Will
iam J. Conners retired from office as
chairman of , the Democratic State
committee and John A. Dix, of Green
wich, was elected In his place In New
Declaring that "Socialism la the
dominant problem of the time in
American politics," President Taft in
his speech on the celebration of the
fiftieth anniversary of the founding
of the Republican party, at Jackson,
Mich,, said that the country must de
cide which of the political parties is
to be trusted with solving the prob
The forces of John L. Wilson and
Judge Thomas Burke, King County's
candidates for the Republican nomi
nation for the United States Senate,
were concentrated in eastern Wash
ington last week, part of the time at
Spokane where the Spokane Republi
can County central committee held a
meeting. This gathering scored Con
gressman Miles Polndexter, the insur
gent representative, who is making a
strenuous campaign for the nomina
tion. The committee failed to Indorse
either of the regular candidates, both
of whom with Governor Hay addressed
the meeting.
Whether women will be granted suf
frage in Oklahoma will be decided at
the regular election to be held in No
vember. The last obstacle In the way
of voting on this question was re
moved when the State Supreme Court
sustained the action of Secretary of
8tate Cross In overruling objections
to the petition of the suffragists ask
ing that the question be submitted to
the voters.
A Powerful Press.
The Philadelphia mint usee a press
that can exert a force of 1,100 tons to
the square inch to stamp medals.
What Our Lawmakers Are Dc
ing and Other Items cf
WASHINPTON After being under
consideration for more than twelve
weeks during which practically no
other business except appropriation
bills were considered, the Senate
passed the Administration railroad
bill. Only twelve votes, all by Deiuo
crats, were cast against the bll. The
practical unanimity was due to radical
changes made In the measures from
the form in which It was drafted by
Attorney General Wlckersham after
numerous conferences at the White
House on the subject of amending In
terstate commerce laws. All the "in
surgents," who opposed many features
of the original bill, voted for it.
Through the elimination of the pool
ing and merging sections and by rea
son of the adoption of many amend
ments in the interest of shippers, the
progressive Republicans claim a sig
nal victory and most of the Demo
crats express themselves as favorable
to the large portion of the measure.
The bill places telegraph and tele
phone lines under Jurisdiction of the
Interstate Commerce Commission
The Commission Is authorized to de
termine the reasonableness of rates,
and a penalty Is imposed of from $100
to - $2,000 against granting franks or
passes for the transmission of mes
sages. Special night and press rates
are authorised.
Six States Ratify Income Tax.
Six states thus far through their
Legislatures have ratified the income
tax amendment to the Constitution,
five have rejected It and two have
postponed action.
Friends of the Income tax express
the fullest confidence that the amend
ment ultimately will be adopted, and
believe that one or two of the State
now on record aealnst it will reverse
their attitude when new Legislatures
are chosen.
The six States that have voted to
ratify this amendment are Alabama,
South Carolina, Illinois, Maryland,
Kentucky and Mississippi. The
States voting adversely are New York,
Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Virginia
and Louisiana, while Georgia and New
Jersey have postponed a vote until
the next session of their Legislatures.
, Land Grant Brief Filed.
After fourteen months of prepara
tion, B. D. Townsend, special prosecu
tor for the United States, has filed a
brief containing the case of the
United States in Its suit against the
Oregon ft California Railroad Com
pany et al, a suit by all odds the most
important ever filed In Oregon, and
one Involving the ownership of about
8,000,000 acres of Oregon land valued
at between ' $45,000,000 and $50,001.
The suit of the Government is to
set aside the grants of 1866 and 1870
to the railroad, consisting of about
8,800,000 acres of land, and to regain
possession of the 8,000,000 acres of
unsold lands on the contention that
the railroad company has flagrantly
violated the conditions of the grant
Borah's Bill Is Favored.
The conference committee jn charge
of the Borah bill, extending the pro
visions of the enlarged homestead law
to Idaho, has reached an agreement
and will report the bill substantially
as it passed the Senate. Senator Bo
rah expects the report to be adopted
In the near future. As agreed upon, a
limited number of non-resident home
steads may be made in Idaho.
President Gets New Cow.
Senator Isaac Stephenson of Wis
consin has informed President Taft
that the new presidential cow that
will furnish mlik for the White House
will soon be in this city. The new
cow will take the place of the late la
mented "Muley" and her name Is
"Pauline." Pauline is some cow, as
cows go. She is worth. $10,000 on the
hoof and is a full blooded Holstein.
State Department Acts.
The State Department has taken
cognizance of the Associated Press
dispatches from San Juan del Sur,
that William Plttham, the American
captured by the Madrir troops, would
be tried by court martial. A telegram
to the Madriz. Gjoyernment is being
sent, stating in effect that this Gov
ernment expects fair and humane
treatment for Pitihara.
Federal Court Asked.
Representative McCredle Introduced
a bill authorizing th holding of a
term of the tTnllcd States Circuit
Court at Vancouver on the first Tups
day in April and October or each year
and at Aberdeen the third Tuesday In
April and October.
William 8idney Porter, known best
under his pen name of "O. Henry," as
the writer of short stories, died Sun
day In New York.
The Sunset Telephone Company has
engaged an expert vocal teacher and
is giving a course in voice culture to
fifty picked central operators.
To enable the Secretary of Agricul
ture to conduct experiments in paper
making, the House adopted an amend
ment offered by Mann of Illinois to
the sundry civil bill, carying an ap
propriation of $30,000.
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, the
president of the Woman's Suffrage
Association, Is seriously ill in a pri
vate sanitarium following a serious
operation. Grave doubts are expressed
as to her recovery.
A $30,000,000 stock dividend will be
declared at the stockholders' meeting
of the Singer anufacturin Company,
June 18. The dividend is 100 per
cent, and the company has a surplus
of $30,000,000.
Arrangements for the consolidation
of hotel interests valued at $10,000,000
are being consummated. The consoli
dation will include many well known
hotels between San Francisco and
New York.
Women temperance workers from
all parts of the globe are congregating
in Glasgow, Scotland, to attend the
eighth triennial convention of the
World's Woman'a Christian Temper
ance Union.
With President Taft in attendance
as the orator of the occasion, the na
tion. State, city and adjacent farming
district united at Monroe, Mich., in
paying tribute to the memory of Gen
eral George Armstrong Custer, who
with 254 of his cavalrymen, was slain
by Sitting Bull's band of Sioux In
dians at the battle of the Little Big
Horn in the "bad lands" of Montana,
June 25, 1876.
Ninety-five per cent of the fruit
crop of Iowa was destroyed by the
late killing frosts, according to a re
port Issued by Wesley Greene, secre
tary of the State horticultural depart
ment, v
In ninety minutes, and without
alighting, Captain and Hon. Charles
Stewart Rolls, of the London section
of the British army motor service,
sailed a Wright biplane from Dover
to Calais and returned without alight
ing.' An amendment to the sundry civil
appropriation bill adopted by the
House stipulates that no part of the
$100,000 provided in the bill for the
enforcement of the Sherman anti-trust
law can be used Jn the prosecution of
labor organizations.
Mrs. Eva Prosser, who when ar
raigned entered a plea of not guilty of
the alleged slaying of her husband,
Rees Brown Prosser, of Seattle, on a
Great Northern train last Wednesday,
was ordered held without ball for
trial in the District Court.
The spring gold clean-up of the
Nome district Is estimated at $1,175,
000. A large portion of this will come
from third beach claims. Candic
Creek will contribute $300,000 and the
creeka of the Kougarok will, yield
$200,000. . . .
t f ti
Chronicle of Important Events
of Interest to Our
Will Benson Retlrtf
PORTLAND That Frank W. Ben
son, Secretary of State and Acting
Governor, hag decided to retire wholly
from politics at the close of his pres
ent term of office and that his brother,
Judge Henry L. Benson, will seek the
Republican nomination for Governor
is a definite report in circulation here.
Governor Benson, now In California
seeking treatment for a physical af
fliction that some time ago caused htm
to abandon all Inclination to seek elec
tion regularly as Governor of Oregon,
denies the report
"Burns" to Be Reforested.
GRESHAM Seven young men left
here for a month of seed planting for
the Government In the Cascade furcst
reserve. The tract to be reforested
Is an old "burn" which forest Urea
denuded of all live timber many years
ago. The seeds to be planted are
Douglas flr and the work will con
tinue all of the present month. The
area to be planted covers about forty
square miles. The seeds are planted
at Irregular Intervals, the method be
ing to sing a mattock into the ground
and drop a seed, which Is covored
and left to sprout and grow.
Blow Given Prohibition,
SALEM H. . H. Corey, chief clerk
of the Secretary of State's office, says
nearly all the petitions for submission
to the voters of the State-wide prohl
bitlon question do not comply with
the law and cannot be filed and the
question submitted until the defects
shall have been remedied. The lists
of names are not sworn to and are not
copied on the back of the sheets, as
required. Also many have been sent
In by mall by unknown persons, and
not consecutively numbered, as the
law requires.
Hops Blooming Early,
SALEM For the first time In the
history of the hop Industry In the
Willamette Valley the male hop vlnea
are In bloom. This Is nearly a month
earlier than usual. Growers are await
ing developments with considerable
Interest. There is speculation as to
the probable result of the early bloom
ing. It Is recalled by some growers
that several yeara ago hopa blossomed
earlier than usual and that there was
a very heavy growth of vlnea, but
very few bops.
Incendiary Fires Work ef Girl.
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., June 7.
Cora Beaton, 18 years old, confessed
to the Sheriff that It was she who
set fire last April to the house and
barn of David Shook, a farmer who
lives near ber. The girl said that ah
was employed by Mrs. Maggie Jones
Deal to apply the torch In both la
stances. In the lire that destroyed
the barn 18 bead of horses, a large
amount ef grain, several tons of hay
and a quantity of harness and Imple
ments, together with all the wagona
and carriages of the farm were lost.
Women Want Exhibit Building. ' '
GOLD HILL The Progress Club, a ,
women's organization devoted to ad- :
vancement, has started a campaign to
provide funds for an exhibit building,
to be located on the Southern Pacific ''
right of way, near the depot, A fuad j
of over $50, which was raised by
home talent play, has been turno 1
over to the ladles as a nucleus of the
considerable amount that wllll be no
essary to bring the plan to a success
ful realization. v
Union Machinists Have a Walkout
PORTLAND Union machinists em
ployed in thirty-eight of the shops of
this city struck, demanding an eight
hour day and an Increase of 10 cents
per day In the minimum wage scale.
The men now receive $3.60 for nine
hours' labor. The railroad shops are
not involved, and none of the shops
affected has been forced to close
"The rout of the Madrls forces con
centrated upon Bluefields in his last
desperate attempt to capture the
stronghold of the Estrada faction Is
now complete, according to advices by
wireless, and the war will be carried
Into, western Nicaraugua