WALLOWA. By the Enterprise Press. The soil is deeper, fairer, in Wallowa, Old allowa; And the air is purer, rarer, in Wallowa; The streams are ever clearer, The blue skies are ever nearer, And the bird songs always dearer, In Wallowa.' Oh, the hills are green and rolling, in Wallowa, Old Wallowa, And the tncu itain shoulders bowling o'er Wallowa; Pine forests quiver lighth', And the stars shine ever brightly, While the gay moon swoons on nightly, In Wallowa. The peach bloom and the apple, in Wallowa, Fair Wallowa, Dot the green with pink and dapple, in Wallowa; Here the virgin soil is crying, Here the mineral is lying, -Here the spirit never dj-ing Of Wallowa! City and County Brief News Items Oakes carries a full line of Lowe Brothers' Paint. 108tf Mr. and Mrs. L. Lloyd, of Imnaha, are at the Hot LakeSanatorlum and will remain- there several weeks. Beautiful Player Piano for only ?3"5 direct from the factory. F. S. Aahley. 108tf Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hfcney spent a few days last week with friends in, Los tine. Aubrey Haney visited last week in La Grande, having gone to at tend the Lewis-Pack wedding. Japalac, Tarnish stains. Unseed oil at Burnaugh ft Mayfleld's Chester RUey and Park Wilson are visiting to and around Paradise and other points in the north portion of the county. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Woods and liittle child returned to Walla Walla, Wash., Tuesday morning. Doors and windows and all kinds of builders hardware at Keltner's. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Burdett and two children of Joseph were in 'the city Friday and made a pleasant visit at this office. Byrd M. Ault and Irvln French left Friday morning for La Grande where they attended the track meet held Saturday, May 21. Ice Cream Freezers a brand new stock at Keltner's. Mrs. H. C. Cramer and little daughter went to Wallowa Fridayi to vis! with the family of Forest Sup ervisor Harris, and other Telatlvefi. County Surveyor Merry man Is add ing to the appearance of his resi dence property on West Residence etreet, by giving It a tright, new coat of paint. Miss Nina Mack of Joeeph passed' through Enterprise Tuesday morn ing on her way to Salem, where she will attend the funeral of her great grandmother, Mrs. S. L. Thatcher. The splendid work of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Is dally coming to light. No such grand remedy for 'liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing con stipation, sick headache, biliousness, Jaundice, and indigestion. Sold by all druggists. I REAL ESTATE FIRM j 8 Payne & Sheets 8 ENTERPRISE, We handle Punches and City Pro We can exchange your land for We have some fine residence We sell Business Lots. Make Loans on Land. Writs Your Insurance. Call and see us when in town. Office In Litch Building. All New and Modern Throughout FINEST ROOMS IN THE CITY Rates 50c to $1.50 THE SAVOY Cor. Jefferson Ave. and Elm St LaGrande, Oregon D. C BRICH0UX, PROPRIETOR Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat and Electric N Lights in Every Room. Master Procter Hug. little son of Marshal and Mrs. Charles Hug of this city, kft for a visit with his grandmother at Elgin, Tuesday morn ing. S. P. Rathbon, a fniend of Dr. and Mrs. Moore of this city, represent ing the Brandagee Klncaid Co., of Utfca, N. Y., was In. Enterprise sev eral days last veek. Wednesday of last week at the home of the bridt's grandparents hi La Grande, Earl Pack and Missi Ber nlce Lewis were united In matri mony. The many friends of the hap py couple wish ihem a long and usj ' life of mutual happ!n-u. C. P. Ragsdale departed for Min- am Friday morning, where he will engage in marking the spring lambs on his sheep ranch there. While Mr. Ragsdale has not yet begun shearing, he states that the prospect Is for a good wool clip this year. New Jail Cage Is Ready to Assemble Up-To-Date In Every Particular With All Modern Equipment Weighs 23,000. The new Jail cage arrived from the Pauley Jail Co., of St. Louis, Mo., last .week, and is now ready to be assembled. The county offic ials have telegraphed for a man. to assemble or set it up, and within a week or ten days tbia will be done. The cage is equipped with every Bjoaern device known, to Jail cages, including the loek box where levers lock and unlock each cell wl-thic thu cage. It Is m&u-: of hardened steii, burglar proof, and the total weight is 23,000 pounds. Prisoners at Work. The county prisoners under direct supervision of Charles Crum packer, has 'been put to work on the new have been put to work on the new court house grounds. The recom- mtndation by Judge Knowles end the g. end Jury that this be done, has c!.i.sed favorable and approving talk among the taxpayers. Something new Kirsh curtain rods and portier pol3 for the first time in Enterprise. Come in end see thfjm at F. S. Ashley'o. OREGON. perty. ' JJ city property, or visa-versa. jj lot for sale. . it Enterprise, Oregon. Henry Clay's Eloquence. It was the remark of a distinguished senator that Henry Clay's eloquence ' absolutely intangible to delinea tion, dial the most labored description could not embrace it and that to tie understood It must lie seen and felt. He was an i-ratur by nature. HI eagle eye burned with patriotic ardor or flashed imlir.aliou and defiance unco hi foes or was suffused with tears of commiseration or of pity, aud It was because he felt that he made others feel. A gentleman after hearing one of his magulliceiit efforts in the senate thus described him: -Every muscle of the orator's face was at work. Ills whole body seemed agitated, as If each part was instinct with a separate life, and his stun II. white baud, with its blue veius apparently distended al most to bursting, moved gracefully, but with all the energy of rapid and vehement gesture. The appearance of the K)eaker seemed that of a pure In tellect wrought up to its mightiest en ergies and brightly xtiinlug through the tbiu and transparent veil of flesh that Invested It." St. Louis Republic. Cleanliness In Persia. The Persian spends hours In the "ham munis" (Turkish baths), which are very haudsome buildings decorated with tiles and embeHished with nu merous exhortations as to the value of cleanliness. The smallest Tillage in Persia bas-lts hammain." and bathing is almost a religious function. When the hot room and massage are finished the Persia u is shaved, and the whole top of bis bead is likewise shaved, tbongb the hair over the ears Is left and allowed to grow down to the neck. This strange coiffure hits a religious meaning, for the two locks on each side of the head are meant for the an gel of death to hold when be carries the believer to paradbe. All Persians dye their hair with a mixture of henna and vesmeb. and the hair dyeing Is the last part of the bath, but tea and smoking are Indulged In afterward, and the frequenters of the "haminams find them very pleasant lounging places. Chicago Journal. A Whale's Breathing. An eminent naturalist says concern lug the breathing apparatus of the whale: "The windpipe does not com municate with the mouth. A hole Is, as It were, bored right through the back of the bead. Engineers would do well to copy the action of the valve of the whale's blowhole. A more per fect piece of structure It Is Impossible to Imagine. Day and night, asleep op awake, the whale works Its breathing apparatus In such a manner that not a drop of water ever gets down Into the lungs. Again, the whale must of necessity stay a much longer period under water than seals. This alone might possibly drown him. as the lungs cannot have access to fresh air. We find that this difficulty has been anticipated and obviated by a peculiar reservoir lu the venous system, which reservoir is situated at the back of the lungs." Is the Universe Running Down? It is absolutely Vertaln that the ma chinery of the solar system Is running down. The earth, with Its muss of three thousand trillion tons, moving through space a thousand times faster than the express train goes. Is being retarded by the friction of the atmos phere and tides to the extent that It loses about an hour In 10.000 years, a very slow process. It would seem, but one that will Inevitably bring the earth to a standstill ultimately. Aud what Is true of the earth Is true of all the worlds and suns. Sir Isaac New ton maintained that the motions of all bodies In space suffer retardation and that their velocity Is steadily becom ing less and will finally cease. Solar systems, like everything else, have their time to be born and their time to die. New York American. " ,How Scott Bore Adversity. Once when 1 was staying with Mr. Buskin be took delight In showing me his Scott manuscripts. He took down "Woodstock" from the shelf, and, turn tng the leaves over slowly and loving ly, be said: "I think this Is the most precious of them all. Scott was writ ing this book when the news of bis min came upon him. ' lie was about here, where I have opened it Do you see the beautiful handwriting? Now look as I turn over the pages toward the end. Is the writing one Jot less beautiful? Are there more erasures than before? That assuredly shows how a man ran and should bear ad versity." London Graphic, Failed to Catch the Tune. A nrnfammp In an .M Pannai-lv.nl. 1 college was conducting a review in uuo. ur a sleepy looking youth be asked tbe question, "What construc tion is that at the top of page 12?" "I don't know," was tbe prompt re ply. "Wby not?" thundered the professor. "I have been harping on that construc tion all terra." "I know you have, professor," was the soft reply, "but I haven't caught tbe tune yet." Embarrassing Question. Police Justice Have you any war of i making a living? Vagraut-1 bev' yjr j honor. I kiu make brooms. ' Police Justice You can? Where did you ; learu that trade? Vagraut-1 decline to answer, your honor. Home Herald. Orders All the Time. First Commercial Yes. I am Just back from a three mouths' trip on ti road. Second Commercial Jet many orders, old man? First Commercial You bet! I took my wife with me! Make each day a critii on tbe last. Pope. Our Few Real Needs. As civilization aud culture make peo r'e more prosperous and more comfort able they are prone to forget how few aud simple their real needs are. We need sleep, but not much of It. and most of us are asleep exactly when w ought most of all to be awake. We need food, but It Is not necessary that food should be cunningly disguised with a thousand devices to tickle the Jaded and surfeited palate, for the main trouble Is that we eat too much and not too little. We need clothes to near, but the one suit of fur that lasts certain animals all their lives Is so beautiful that some men spend their whole time In search of It. We need heaven and the sense of a higher pow er directing our lives and our desti nies, but we speud most of our time refuting and denying the possibility of anything bigger or better than we are. We need the Jove of friends, and therefore It Is the more strange that we should spend our time not In Im proving ourselves, but In decorating our bodies, filling them with food and hustling tbem about over the earth In search of ever freshing seusatlona. Philadelphia ledger. The Poor Fish. This melancholy tragedy happened In Holland. A fisherman who caught a salt herring placed the fish In a tub full of salt water. Every day he took out some of the salt water and re placed It with fresh. In a few days he had the herring living lu fresh water. But. not content at stopping here, he decided to try another plan. Every day be took a little water out of the rub until none was left, and the her ring was still alive. The next course was walking. In a month or so the herring bad developed feet and learn ed to walk, and he accompanied his master on his journeys. One day as they were crossing over a narrow bridge the herring caught sight of the water. Reminiscences of former days flashed through his head, and he re solved to try the water. But while still gazing at It he fell In. and before his master could aid him he was. drowned. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Verdict. The lecture was over, and the gen tletnau who did the talking strained his ears as he followed the audience out of the ball to gather In. so far as be could, what sort of an Impression he had made. As be drew near to the Udoorway two old gentlemeu who were making their way out Just ahead of him rendered a verdict. "Well. Raukside." said one of tbem, "what did you tbluk of It?" "I've beard worse." sajd Baukslde. "Did you thiuk it was at all Illumi nating?" asked the other. "In an old fashioned way. yes," re plied the venerable Bankslde. "I don't quite catch your point," said the questioner. "Why, It was Illuminating, but it struck me as having more gas than electricity about it," explained the critic Judge. The First Telegraph Line. After the formal opening of the first telegraph line built for commercial purposes between Washington and Baltimore Professor Morse and bis as sociates offered to sell the Invention to the United States government for $100,000. but the price was considered too high. The government bad appro priated $30,000 toward the construction of tbe Washington-Baltimore line, but after a short period of operation tbe postmaster general, to whom President Polk had referred the. matter, wrote, "Although the Invention Is an agent vastly superior to any other devised by the genius of man. yet tbe operation between Washington and Baltimore has not 'satisfied me that under any rate of postage that can be adopted Its revenues can be made to cover IU ex penditures." 'The Onion. Tbe onion has been so long In culti vation that lis original form Is not def initely known. There are so called wild onions that grow in the woods. Nobody ever tastes them but once, and there is about tbe taste no suggestion that cultivation or anything else could ever make them grateful to tbe human palate. In all probability the onion is a native of western Asia and adjacent parts of Africa, since it is meutioued in old Egyptian writings and the Pen tateuch. Tart Repartee. Of Sir Wlllluui llurcourt, Disraeli once said In bis affectedly cynical way, "He has the three essential qualifica tions of success lu politics a Que per son, a loud voice and no principles." To this when It was repeated to hi in Harcourt rejoined. "Leaving out the first two qualifications. It might al most be applied to 'Dizzy' himself." An Autobiography. Mrs. Chugwater-Joslab, what Is an autobiography? Mr. Cbugwaler It's tbe story of a man's life written as he thinks It ought io be. Couldn't you tell that from tbe word ItseifV Chica go Tribune. A Success. Byker I attended successful s!elght of baud performance last night. Pyker Beally'. Byker Yes. I leut a conjurer a counterfeit half dollar, aud be gave me back a good one. One Better. First Child-We've got new baby at our bouse. Second Child (contemp tuously) We've got a new pa at ours. Presbyterian Standard. This being called me. whatever it is, consists of a little flesh, a little breath and tbe part which governs. Marcus Aurellus. ENTERPRISE AND WALLOWA COUNTY. Enterprise is the growing, lively county seat of Wallowa county. It is centrally situated in the county. It will draw from the vast land and stock and general agricultural and mineral resources of the county, sumciently to become eventually a big" inland county seat. It is a city of generous, busy hustlers. It is rapidly building up with stone building's. In time it will be Known as the "Stone City." Millions of the best building' stone, soft and free from lime and hardening on exposure, lie within half a dozen miles of Enterprise. There is water power enough flowing right through the center of the city to run all the spin dles and wheels of a great manufacturing center. Enterprise is surrounded by as fine wheat land as lies out of doors. It draws from America. some When you come west, come to Enterprise and looK Wallowa county over on the 0. R. & N. rail road from La Grande. caca D 0 D D D Q D D Heckling Humor. A parliiiuientar.v candidule was hold ing a meeting In Auld Reekie at which the heckler was much lu evidence, and the embarrassed candidate fulled (o give a single answer which was judged to be satisfactory by Ibe audience. To ward the end of the meeting an elector rose and quietly asked. "Sir, would you tell us what might be Ibe name your second initial stands for?" The unfor tuuiite cundidute. greatly puzzled at the purport of the question, asked in what way the information could Inter est tbe audience. "In this way," ex plained the interrogator "we should i be able lo see If you could answer one question:" Loudon Taller. An Easy Cure. A correspondent for a local paper writes that his sister sent him four fun lines which are guaranteed to cure any cose of stretiuoslty In the family. The lines are to be repeated three times heartily lu tbe face of any domestic dilllculty. Here they are: The dog In in the pantry; The cat Is in iti lake; The cow Is In the hammock. What difference does It make? ' Nautilus. Mors Interesting. "Were you interested in that ac count pf the Washington man who suddenly disappeared?" "Well. I'd have been more Interested lu uu account of a muu wbo gradually disappeared." Two Signs. "To snuff a caudle out accidentally is a sign of marriage." "Yes, and to turn down a lamp in tentionally is a slgu of courtship." One thorn of experience Is worlh a whole wilderness of wurnlug.-Lowetl. Eminence. The rood to eminence and nnw- I er from an obscure condition ought not to be made too easy nor a thing too much of course. If rare merit be the rnreut of all things It ought to pass through some sort of probation, The temple of honor ought to be seated on an eminence. If It be open through virtue let it be re membered, too. that virtue Is never tried but by some difficulty aud some struggle. Burke, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets will clear the sour stom ach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetKe. They promote the flow of gastric Juice, thereby in ducing good digestion. Sold by all druggists. SUMMER NORMAL. Tbe annual Summer School for Teachers will be held in, the High School building at Enterprise, com mencing July 6, 1910, and continu ing five weeks. All teachers who are planning to take the August examination should attend, as special review work will be given la all subjects reoJred for THE ENTERPRISE PRESS 9 9 ca d cz of the best fruit land in D D 0 D D a 0 D D Is prepared to do the best of HIGH CLASS JOB WORK Let Us Show You Advertise in the News Record and the Chieftain and see your profits grow. county certificates. Methods of teaching a specialty. If a sufficient number to Justify enroll a special primary teacher will be employed. Tuition for term $10. Please notify the Instructor of your Intention to attend. ' J. C. CONLBV, County Supt, HAUL II. BRONSON, Principal Wallowa Schools, Vbl3 Instructors. ' What Everybody WanU. Everybody desilres good health which Is Impossible unless the kid neys are sound and healthy. Fo ley s Kidney Remedy should be taken at the first indication, of any irregulurity, and a serious lllneea may b averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore your kldneya and bladder to their normal state and activity. Burnaugh ft Mayfield. NOTICE IN PROBATE. In the matter of the estate of Phobe Jane Bunnell, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that on the) 2nd day of May, A. D, 1910, the un dersigned waa duly appointed admin istratrix of the estate or Phebe Jane Buiwiell, deceased, late of Wallowa County, Oregon. And that all per sot) a having claims against said es tate are required to present the tame to the undrslgned administratrix, at her residence tat Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, duly verified, with Lu six months after the first publi cation of thl notice, and upom fail ure so to do, said claims will be Ig aored and forever barred. Dated, May 2nd, 1910, MAOGIB H. BLOOM, Administratrix. CHARLES THOMAS, Attorney for Administratrix. 87c6 W. B. APPLEGATE. Notary-PublU, Collections made. Real Estate) bought and sold and all business matters attended to. Call on or write ma, PARADISE, OREGON. ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE Watch for Next Announcement