Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, May 19, 1910, Image 1

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Cent a word single Insertion, 1
cents a word, t Insertions, Special
rates by month and year.
One of the desirable - quarters of
North Wallowa county, located close
to the Bartlet etor and Posloffice.
Ai-ply to owner, C. Murdock, Troy,
Oregon. 109b4
Four well-broke young, fresh milch
cows. N. E. Hammack, Swamp Creek
Complete stock of shoes and shoe re
pairing tool at a bargain. -r J. W.
Rodgers, Enterprise. llOtf
Thos. Siegmund lefit.on sale at Fi
ler ft Riley's the Wonder Washer.
Slate Funds loaned, S per -cant. John
P. Rusk. Attj. State Land B'al Joseph
Farm loawnt 1 pereenC' CaU -or
write First Bank of Joseph.- 68btt
Dressmaking and plain sewing. Sat
isfaction guaranteed..'. Miss,. Lid a
Flowers. 103bm
Lumber. Anyone having-- lumber- of
any grade In any amount for-aala,
or who has timber he Intends- to saw
soon, and wishes to contract 'the -lumber,
call on or address W. F. Rankin
at Haney planer In Enterprise, Agent
for W. R. Klvette: 26b4
One buckskin mare, one bay mare,
both branded CS on teft stifle, weigh
ing each about. 1050. - Reward for In
formation leading to their recovery.
Calvin Smlth.Chlco:
Small sorrel mare, branded WA, con
nected, on left atifle, and. Indian
brand on right stifle. Had short
rope around neck when she left my
ranch on Crow Creek. Reward. C.
A. Loosley, Enterprise. bl
Cameo pin, Tuesday night, white go
ing to or at the commencement exer
cises.'. Finder leave at this office
and receive - reward. 3t '
Editor Shutt of the .Joseph Herald,
always a moat welcome visitor In
Enterprise, paid this office a friend
ly call Monday.
Bonanra Has $50,000 Fir.
KLAMATH FALLS? Fire at 2:00
o'clock Sunday morning nearly -wiped
out Bonanza, 30 miles east of here.
The loss Is about $50,000.
E. D. C. E." . The tree was four feet
in diameter at the base. 'The section
showing the Initials is on exhibit here.
In 1832 .no one roamed this region ex
cept untutored Indians and .an .occa
sional Hudson's Bay. man.
AT (Ee; requesF" of the" Manila To
bacco Association, . unlnlmously ex
pressed, the collector of internal reve
nue has undertaken to regulate the
exportation of cigars to the United
States in tbe quality ratio agreed up
on by the tobacco interests.
The Mexican, government, the Bra
sllian government and Secretary of
State Knox are discussing a proposi
tion that - there shall . be -a court for
the removal of causes of -war between
the Republics of the 'Western r Hemi
sphere. The Philippine Islands, probably are
more free of cholera today than for a
number of years past This state
ment is made In a report to the public
health service by Surgeon-. Victor Q.
Helser, chief quarantine officer of the
isiaajg, . . '
Wheat Track prices: Club, 86
87 1; bluestem, 88c; red Russian, SCc.
Barley Feed and brewing, 123..
Oats No. l white, 427 per -ton;
Hay Timothy.' Willamette Valley,
$2J21 per "ton' Eastern Oregon,
121 25; alfalfa. $17; clover, $18.
Butter Extra, 23o; . fancy,- 29c;
ranch, '20c.-
Eggs Ranch, candled,-13 924c.
Hops 1909 crop." 13 16c; olds,
Wooir-Eastern Oregon, 1417o per
Mohair 32 33c-
Seattle. .
Wheat BluesUm. 86 0 87c; - club,
820840; red Russlaa,; 81082c.,
Oats $27 per (ton.
Barlej--$2 ier ton. -
Hay Timothy, $22023 per ton; al
falfa, $18 per ton.
Butter Washington Creamery, 30c;
ranch, 21c.
Eggs Selected local, 25026c.
Potatoes Market .deaerallsed.
Claims Letter of Exoneration
Was Prepared by Interior
Department for Taft
WASHINGTON, D. C The Ballin-ger-Pinchot
investigation was enliv
ened by publication of a statement at
tributed to F. M. Kerby, a stenograph,
er in the office of Secretary Ballln
ger, to the effect that the President's
letter of September 13, 1909, exoner
ating Secretary Ba'linger, was sub
stantially prepared for the President's
signature by Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Lawler, of the Interior Depart
ment Kerby asserted also that Ballineej
j himself reviewed and revised "his own
letter of exoneration before the draft
went to the President and that all of
the preliminary drafts used i in the
preparation of tbe letter were burned
In a grate in the Interior Department
as the suggestion' and under the sup
ervision of Don A. Carr, Mr. Ballin
ger's private secretary. Kerby drew
the inference that the Lawler draft
had been adopted by the PreEident
essentially as his own; that Mr. Bal
llnger and his legal adviser had there
fore virtually prepared- the exonera
tion which Mr. Taft had issued over
his own signature.
Custom Pointed Out
It was further pointed out, both at
th WMt TTrmaa anil hv A Hnrn...
uenerai Wlckersham, that a compari
son of the Lawler draft and the Presi
dent's letter would show that the in
ference of the Kirby statement was
Mr. Wlckersham alluded to the prac
tice 'common in the Government de
Bailments of subordinates preparing
letters and documents for the consid
eration of their superiors and their
use by them in whole or In part aa
they might see fit
Almost simultaneously with the pub
lication of the Kerby statement Attorney-General
Wlckersham sent to the
Balllnger-Pinchot investigating- com
mittee, then in session, a copy of the
Lawler draft accompanied by a letter
to Chairman Nelson, In - which Mr.
Wlckersham declared the document
had been overlooked in sending the
papers requisitioned by the committee
at the request of Attorney Brandeis.
White House Makes Denial.
! President Taft, over his own sig
nature addressed a long letter to Sen
ator Knute Nelson, chairman of the
Balllnger-Pinchot investigating com
mittee in which he declared that Law
erl did prepare such a letter as Kirby
said, but that he did so by the Presi
dent's specific direction. When be re
ceived - It he found, he says, that it
was not what he wanted to issue,
and he wrote the letter himself in
the form in which he desired it,, using
from Lawler's draft only one or two
general statements.
"Back Dating" Explained.
The President goes still further and
takes up the question of the "back
dating" of Attorney-General Wicker
sham's summary of the Giavls charges
to which Attorney Louis D. Brandeis
has drawn attention. Mr. Taft says
that tie attorney-general's letter was
in fact "back dated," and that this
also was done by his specific direction
because time did not permit embody
ing the attorney-general's analysis and
notes in the opinion. He therefore
directed him to embody in a written
statement such analysis and conclu
sions as he had given, file It with
the record and date it prior to the
date of the opinion, to show his de
cision was fortified by his summary
of the evidence and of .his conclusions
Ohio Testa New Primary Law.
COLUMBUS. O., May 17. Ohio's
new primary law, under which the
party primary elections for the. nom-!
inatlon of candidates on Republican j
and Democratic tickets are held the ,
same day Is having Ms first practical
test today.: Senator Dick, who Is a
candidate for re-election, will abide
by the result of the primary, but the
other aspirants for the Senatorshlp.
and for state offices have decided to :-
await the - conventions, as they are
permitted to do according to the law.
' Mad-Dog Costs Thousand.
LOS ANGELES, May 18. Because
a mad dot; got into a. valuable herd of
cattle at'San Jlcinto today and bit
a number of them, several thousand
dollars worth of fine animals had to
be killed.
New Air Record Is Made.
MOURMELON. France, May 17.
Daniel Kinet, the Belgian aviator,
broke tbe world's record for an aero-'
plane flight with a passenger, remain
ing in the air for 2 hours and 51 min
utes. Socialists Meet.
CHICAGO, May 16. With 125 dele
gates representing all parts of the
United States in attendance, the So
cialist party opened a live-day Nation
al. Congress In Drill Hall, Masonic
C N. Fosa, . Demooratie Con
irnimin Fram Maeaaehueetta.
The House committee on library has
favorably reported the Humphrey bill
authorizing the marking of the old
Oregon trail, and authorizes an ap
propriatlon of $25,000 as the Govern
meat's contribution toward the cost of
the undertaking. The bill is amended
to permit the Secretary of War to re
ceive contributions from any source
to the fund.
The Federal Government has taken
steps looking to the negotiations of a
trade treaty with Canada. It is offi
cially announced that Secretary Knox
has sent a communication to the Brit
ish Ambassador here transmitting to
the Canadian Government a formal
proposal that tariff negotiations be
Instituted as soon as possible.
The adoption by . the Senate -of a
long and short haul amendment to the
railroad bill will result it is believed.
In hastening the final vote on the
measure and make easier the task of
the conferees who will attempt to har
monize the difference between the
Senate and. the House. This is the
consensus of opinion expressed by
Congress leaders.
The indictment against Governor C.
N. Haskell, of Oklahoma, in the town
lot Indian land cases, will be pressed
by the Department of Justice, accord
ing to a decision reached by Attorney
General Wlckersham, after a confer
ence with President Taft It is the
plan of the department to have a Jury
pass on the matter early In June.
Washington officials of the Depart
ment of Agriculture and Commerce
and Labor have a sharp sense of tbe
need of something, no one knows just
what, to stop the flood of emigration
that is flowing on its way from the
Western United States into Canada.
The Administration proposes to take
the matter up seriously.
At a conference between President
Taft, prominent Eastern Senators and
a number of Western Senators, in
cluding Heyburn and Borah of Idaho,
and Piles and Jones of Washington,
the railroad bill, the anti-injunction
measure, the statehood bill, if possible
and the public land withdrawal meas
ure were agreed upon as a revised leg
islative slate and all of the Senators
present pledged themselves to vote
for those measures.
Angora Goats Run Wild.
SPOKANE, Wn., May 18. Travel
ers through the mountains at the head
of Slate Creek, a short distance from
Wallace, Idaho, report of having seen
upon numerous occasions a flock of
Angora goats that has forsaken the
ways of civUlzavn entirely and be
come as wild and hard to approach
as mountain sheep. .
Iff" f--v' V
I '-' V
A u.
Citizens Appeal to Govcrnoi
for Help and Militia Is
Ordered to Rescue.
BEMIDJI. Minn., May 16. Womer
nd children spent Sunday in Bern
Idji's smoke-filled churches praying
for rain or some other act of nature
i to save them, their husbands and
I .v J .v-. v . .
, i.tnti a buu uieir uomes irom impena
Ing catastrophe.
Although . battled desperately b;
hundreds of citizens, soldiers and for
est rangers for hours, a forest fire
four miles wide slowly encircled the
town, threatening Its complete de
, structlon. .
j The citizens of the city, convoked
by the Mcyor, addressed an appeal to
Governor Eberhart fcr help.
The Governor at once, by telegraph,
appointed Forestry Commissioner An
drews, who was in the city, comman
der of all militiamen In Northern Min
nesota. Andrews immediately or
dered Company I, Minnesota National
Guard, from Crookston. Company H,
of Bemldji, went early to the scene,
under their own command.
Increasing volumes of smoke pour
ed into the town all day Sunday, and
at night It was nearly suffocating.
In the churches it was impossible to
see the lighted pulpits from the rear.
Tha Ore originated about seven
miles south of Bemiujl, in the heart
of an unpopulated forest It has been
smouldering In the muskeg soils.
California Cities .Rocked by Quake.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 17. This
city and surrounding towns were vis
ited Sunday by a series of earthquake
shocks that frightened many, people,
but did little damage beyond breaking
dlsb.es, destroying house naments
and cracking walls of the lighter class
of fixtures.
B. D. Crocker Is Dead.
TACOMA. Wn., May 16. Benjamin
David Crocker, for 80 years promi
nently Identified with business inter
ests and known throughout the state
as an able politician, died Sunday at
his home in this city.
Thousands View Coffin While
Lying in State at West
minster Hall.
LONDON, May. 17. Developments
following the death of Edward VII and
the accession oi George V. absorb at
tention in England. ' ,
The funeral of King Edward, which
will take place May 20th, will be the
most imposing ceremonial the British
capital has , ever witnessed. . Thirty
thousand soldiers will line the streets
when the procession passes. When
the funeral procession starts on, ev
ery tram car in London will come to
a standstill for a quarter of an hour,
and all publio houses will be closed
while the procession is passing.
Roosevelt to Be Among Kings.
Ex-President Roosevelt who was
named as special envoy of the United
states to attend the funeral, was pre
sented to King George soon after his
arrival in London on Monday. Mr.
Roosevelt, as Special Ambassador, will
occupy a place with the visiting- mon
archs in the funeral procession and
also will attend tbe burial at Windsor
The procession . to Westminister
Hall yesterday for the lying-in-state in
cluded King George and all the for
eign sovereigns on horseback, and the
Queen Mother and royal ladles In car
Thousands passed through Westmin
ister Hall to look upon the coffin.
Tbe body of the late king was not ex
posed to view. The people saw only
the coffin with the official regalia
and heaps of flowers.
Indians Ready to Yield.
SANTA FE, N. M., May 16. The
threatened uprising of the Taos
Pueblo Indians at Taos, N. M., ap
pears to be at an end. . Governor
Mills states the National Guard sent
to Taos has been, ordered to return.
Xnltgd tat3 . Attorney Francis, ,
Wilson telVgrapheuTroiu Taos" thai
the renegade Indians have volunteered
to surrender themselves on the bench
warrants which they have been resisting.
200 Bakers Out en Strike.
DENVER. May 16. Two hundred
bakers, employed in 35 bakeries here,
struck for an Increase In wages. Pour
teen bakeries have signed the new
Boise & Western Will Enter Oregon
at Ontario and Continue Westward.
PORTLAND, Ore., May 17. With
the arrival in Portland of John E.
Burchard, of St. Paul, definite Infor
mation became public as to the build
ing of the Boise ft Western Railroad,
as the east and west branch of the
Hill system In tapping Central Ore
Entering the state at Ontario, the
Boise Western will build In a north
westerly direction, through Malheur
Canyon to a point directly east of
Malheur Lake. From that point two
surveys have been made for a continu
ation of the line.
Bend will in all probability be the
Junction point for the new line with
tbe Oregon Trunk Line, the railway
owned by the Hills, and which is rap
Idly creeping toward the heart of Ore
gon by way of the Deschutes River.
Mathewaon, tha Star
of tha Pitching World.
A carload of lobsters for planting
In Yaqulna Bay will arrive there on
May 21.
By a great majority of Odesling,
Norway, has voted to grant universal
municipal suffrage to women over
25 years of age.
Millions of feet of valuable Umber
In Eastern Ontario and Northeastern
Minnesota have been destroyed by
forest fires during the last 10 days.
Tammany Is to be out in force to
meet the returning Colonel Roosevelt
A tug will be chartered to carry the
braves out to sea to meet their one
time political foe.
At the annual National convention
of paper Jobbers held in Chicago, it
was announced that print papers will
remain unchanged during tbe ensu
ing year.
The $25,000 fee of Danny Maber to
ride Lord Roseberry's colt, Nell Gow,
in the Derby Is the largest figure ever
attained by a jockey for bis services
In a similar capacity.
C. B. Green, a Los Angeles negro,
during tbe past several weeks h
been collecting a weekly premium of
25 cents from half a hundred badly
frightened negroes who fear death
from tbe approaching comet
Wire protograpby bad its initial
demonstration In this country when
protographs of prominent men were
transmitted by means of tbe electro
graph system from the offices of tbe
Boston American to the New Tork
American and back af ajn.
The proposed evangelistic crusade
to offset what clergyman style the
brutalizing Influence of the Jeffries
Johnson fight is taking form. Two
New York preachers have accepted in
vitations to go to San Francisco and
hold revival meetings as counter at
tractions to the big fight
Chronicle of Important Events
of Interest to Our ,
Grange Postpones Taxation Action. ...
. OREGON CITY After debating the
tax question the State Grange post
poned action until another year b
cause of differences of opinion, and it
was thought best to lay the question
over rather than to antagonize any
one. It was proposed that the state'
constitution be amended to place 'In
the hands or the people all power of
regulating taxes.
On the normal school question the
Grange was more nearly united and
adopted the report of the committee
on education. The liberal support ot
one normal school was urged, with
bettor salaries for Instructors, and it
was suggested that state laws be
parsed appropriating funds to trans
port students to and fro twice a year
within a limit of 100 miles. '
A resolution was adopted favoring
d law that three-fourths of a Jury may
return a verdict In civil cases.
' The "assembly plan" of nominating
state and county officers was not In
dorsed, i Fruitgrowers Will Adopt a Label.
MARSMFIELD The members ' of
the Coos Bay Fruitgrowers' Associa
tions have decided to adopt a label to
be used on all of the association ship
ments end expect to make the organi
zation a clearing-house for the metu
bers. Many of the growers expect to
install on their places small canning
establishments to take care of the ex
cess fruit and the canned products "
will be sold under the association
label. The members will make an ef
fort to have the county court appoint
a county fruit inspector,' who will '
have the authority to inspect all tha '
Klamath Land Farmed This Year.
tion Service says the indications are
that the greater part of the first unit
of the Klamath Irrigation project, em
bracing 30,908 acres, will be fully
farmed and Irrigated this snson. On
April 25 the water was turned into
the main canal, and delivery to tbe
farmers was begun. Approximately
750 acre-feet of water has been turned
out of Clear Lake reservoir for the
benefit of the swamp lands at tha
upper end of Langell's valley. The
measured inflow since January 1 has
been 127,386 acre feet
Line Soon to Be Completed.
ALBANY The . Woodburo-Sprlng.
field branch of the Southern Pacific
railway will be completed and in op
eration by June 1. About four years
ago the Santlam River changed Its
course at Crabtree and washed out
the railroad bridge and put the Una
out ot commission. The Interstate
commerce commission ordered tha
company to put tbe line in shape and
run a schedule of trains, so a new
line was started from Crabtree to
Lebanon to supply tha missing link,
which will be completed within two
Woman Pursued by Black Hand.
PENDLETON What 1 believed to
be a black band gang, has commenced '
operation in this city. Mrs. Rosa '
Campbell, a prominent milliner of this
city, received a letter demanding
money, and threatening her Ufa If tha
letter Is not heeded. The letter was
found by members of Mrs. Campbell's
household on the front porch of her
residence, and later In the evening It '
was discovered a man was watching
the place. ' ' '
Initials and "1832" Found on Tree.
BEAVERTON Sixty feet from tha
ground and near the heart of a fir '
tree cut down on the Clemens place,
two miles south of Beaverton, John
Osborn found this insorlpUon: "1832, !
Governor Asks Warships.
SALEM Governor Benson has tele-
graphed the Secretary of the Navy,
asking if arrangements can be made
to have several battleships and cruls-"
rs stationed in the harbor at As-
torla June 21-24, during the annual
encampment of the Oregon division of '
the G. A. R.