Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, April 21, 1910, Image 5

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    City and County
Brief News Items
T. F. Rich of Joseph was In town
Pendleton won from La Grande
In the high school debate at La
Grande last week.
Sheriff Marvin went to Wallowa
Thursday on county business.
Earl Pack returned: Thursday
from a business trip Into Idaho.
Attorney D. W. Sheahan went to
La Grande Saturday on a business
Dr. C. T. Hockfttt returned Thurs
day afternoon from presbytery at La
Mrs. Henry Fletcher and Miss
Weaver arrived home Thursday from
aire. Jesale L. Hu!se end baby of
Lostlne were In the city over Wed
nesday night.
Henry Gerber, a Wallowa county
pioneer, died at the McCrea hotel,
Wallowa, April 13.
When you are In need of Sheep
Dip or Sheep Paint call at the W, J.
Funk & Co.'s store.
Pike DeBole returned Thursday
from a visit of several days at La
Grande and Elgin.
Rev. Samuel Harris arrived home
Friday from LaGrande where he at
tended presbytery.
Now Is the time to blneaom out
with one of those beautiful Spring
Suits in the Brandegee Klncaid
quality. See the new arrivals at
the E. M. & M. store.
Miss Margaret Boner of Wallowa
visited1 her sister, Mrs. C. W. Amey,
over Wednesday night.
Mrs. W. W. White went to Wal
lowa Saturday for a few days visit
with Mrs. John McDonald.
County Assessor B. F. Miller went
to Wallowa Friday to attend to the
assessment work in that vicinity.
Mrs. L. L. Hambelton of Joseph
came Thursday morning to visit at
the home of her brother-in-law, W.
P. Hambelton.
Make your selections In. Undermus
lins now while you may have a
large stock to select from at the E.
M. & M. store.
County Surveyor Merrymon went
to Wallowa Monday and spent last
week looking after business connect
ed with his office.
Miss Gladys Amey wenti to Wal
lowa Saturday and was a guest of
her aunt, Mtea Margaret Boner, un
til Sunday.
Miss ' Merle and Guy Moss went
to Wallowa to visit their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moss, Saturday
and Sunday.
Dr. F. E. Moore, osteopath, has
office hours all'day Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday in. Enterprise. Of
fice over the bank. 83btf
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Pace and grand
son, Asa Eggleson, went to Wallowa
Friday to visit relatives a few days.
They will stop in Lostlne on the
way home for a short visit. ,
We are now receiving a larger
stock of general hardware than' we
have ever carried and will be well
equipped to supply your wants. E.
il ft M. Co.
Donald Bunell of Portland, who
has been visiting relatives here the
P".st four weeks, went to Wallowa
Thursday. Hi9 aunt, Mrs. O. M.
Corklnff, accompanied him to spend
the day with her sister, Mro. Marga
ret Bunnell.
If you know the quality of Dia
mond W canned .goods you will con
tinue to buy them. If not try
them and you will then know that
they are . the very best to be had.
For sale at the E. M. ft M. store.
Ford Hlllman, who has been living
on a farm near here during the win
ter, moved out to his ranch twenty
five miles southeast of here Wednes
day. Does the higher cost of living con
cern youT It does Congress. If in
terested readwhat the E. M. ft M.
Co. has to say at the top of the last
Page In this issue.
Miss Myrtle Cramer of Eugene
went to Wallowa Friday to visit
with her sister, Mrs. H. W. Harris,
until Sunday. She them returned
to this city for a more extended stay
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Wagons Now Here
Return. 36 worth of cash tickets
to our ato"e and receive one of these
wagons Fr.EE.
W. J. FUNK ft CO.
The Sharpies Cream Separaters
will skim the closest, wear the long
est, run the easiest, and are the eas
iest to clean. See 'h report of the
Minnesota State Dairymen's Commit
tee on contest of National Import
ance. The price Is less on this ma
chine than some of the other makes.
For sale by E. M. ft M. Co.
Rev. Thomas. Handsaker of Walla
Walla, Wash., Field Secretary of the
Northwestern Christian Benevolent
Association, will preach In the Chris
tian church Sunday, April 17, both
morning and evening. Rev. Hand
saker held a six weeks' meeting In
the church here about four years
ago, and those who heard! him. then
will be glad to have the opportunity
of hearing him again next Sunday.
See the E. M. & M. Co. for Rye,
Alfalfa or Timothy Seed.
Last Wednesday evening a Jolly
crowd of young folks engaged a hay
rack and horses from Baker Bros,
vnd proceeded to go on a Joy ride.
Although the weather was threaten
ng the crowd started and didn't
itop until they reached the home
3f the Misses Effie and Sadie Houck
;n Joseph, where a pleasant luncheon
hour was spent, after which, they re
turned home to Enterprise. Every
body seemed to enjoy themselves
co the utmost and the only kick the
participants had coming was that
.he hay rack didn't have springe.
Those who- made up tho happy
i;rowd were the Misses Joyce Craig,
Alta Davis, Audrey Combes, Edna
Jrqwning, Luclle Corklns, Katherlu'e
Kay, and Messrs. Arthur Pace, A.
B. Conoway, Roger Kay, Jacob
Bauer, Fred Savage, Herbert Brown
ing. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Odle ac
companied the young folks to see
that no harm came to the ''children."
British Briefs.
Five out of every hundred criminals
In Englnud have red bulr.
There are 200,000 horses kept for
the purpose of hunting In England.
Last yeur 732,300,000 postcards were
delivered in England and Wales.
Seven thousand separation orders
ore granted by the magistrates of
England every year.
Exclusive of the royal and sovereign
duchies, EugliHh dukes own over
4,000,000 acres of land.
There are five admirals of the fleet,
thirteen admirals, twenty-two vice ad
mirals and fifty-live rear admirals on
the active list of the British navy.
Trained footmen Infantry soldiers.
A clean business The scrubwoman's.
Question of the hour What time Is
Good cents Those issued by Uncle
Lost time The watch that fell into
the sea.
Expert witness One that can lie
without being caught.
High society The Mountain Climb
ers' club. Cincinnati Commercial Trib
une. Cats and Valerian.
Cuts evince, as Is well known, a cu
rious emotional disturbance when in
the neighborhood of a valerian plant,
of which they are very foud. It ap
parently produces In them a species
of intoxication.
The Calabar Bean.
The calabar beau Is highly poison
ous and In foreign countries Is used
for medicinal purposes. Its effect Is
opposite that of belladonna and is
used for contractioa of the eye, In
tetanus, neuralgia and rheumatic dis
eases. It Is such a powerful depres
sant to nervous action that surgeons
can only use it in small amounts.
Gold In California.
The Society of California Pioneers
determined after careful Investigation
that Jan. 28, 1848, was the exact date
of the discovery of gold In California
by James W. Marshall. The gold was
found in the rocky bed of the tallrace
of the Sutter sawmill at Coloma, pn
tho south fork of the American river.
The Primary Planets'.
The primary plunets are those which
are the centers of secondary systems,
consisting of small globes revolving
around them in .the same manner as
they revolve around the sun. These
are called secondary planets, satellites
or moons. The primary planets which
are thus attended carry the satellites
or secondary planets with them In
their orbits around the sun.
Ted and the Text.
The golden text for a certain Sunday
school was. "And the child grew and
waxed strong In spirit" (Luke U, 40).
Little Ted's band went up like a
flash when the superintendent asked:
Can any of these bright, smiling lit
tle boys or girls repeat tbe golden text
for today? Ah. bow glad it makes my
heart to see so many little bands go
np! Teddy, my boy, you may repeat It,
and speak good and loud that all may
And they all beard this: "And the
child grew and waxed strong In spirit
like 2:40."
Indispensable records for owners
of stallions, containing deocriptiou
of mares, dates of service, time of
payments, and all necessary data,
printed on good paper and strongly
bound In boards with cloth back,
for sale at this office or sent post
age prepaid on receipt of price, $ 1.
Comical Candor.
Nothing wore delightful In Its un
conscious humor can have been perpe
trated by the Hindoo than this letter,
which was submitted to tbe markets
special committee vf tbe Calcutta cor
poration. "My prayer is." says tbe writer,
"that I have a milk shop at tbe above
address. At tbls shop I sell milk adul
terated with water. I sell It In tbe con
dition I buy It from the market, and I
do not water it myself. But tbe food
Inspector, unable to stop sale of adul
terated milk In tbe market, unjustly
threatens me. 1 have therefore public
ly put up signboard stating that
adulterated milk Is sold in my shop. I
submit tbis for your honor's Informa
tion that the food Inspector may not
oppress me when 1 am not committing
an offense."
From a report by the health officer It
appears that no fewer 'than twenty
eight signboards have been put up In
the milk bazaar bearing tbe legend,
"Milk With Water Is Sold Here." or
"Milk Mixed With Water." Tbe exhibi
tion of these boards prevents the pros
ecution of the venders for selling adul
terated milk. London Chronicle.
A Postal Oddity;
One of tbe most remarkable mall
routes in tbe world is that which a
letter Journeys In getting from Beebe
Plain, Vt., to Beebe Plain. Que., says
the Boston Herald.- While tbe two of
fices are within teu feet of each other
are located In tbe same room. In fact
a letter mailed from one ofllce to tbe
other must make a trip of 294 miles,
sixty-seven miles Id Canada and tbe
rest in tbe United States.
Tbe plain, old fashioned store build
ing, which Is situated on tbe Interna
tional boundary Hue, contains both t'be
United States and Canadian offices.
There are separate entrances to each,
but both are In tbe same room, bave
the same lobby, and there are no par
titions to mark the divisions between
the domain of Uncle Sam and tbe pos
session of King Edward.
"If you mall a letter from the Ver
mont side addressed to the Quebec
side," says the postmaster, "it goes
from here to tbe Junction, then to
Newport, then to White River Junc
tion and back to Lennoxvllle."
Dress at Monte Carlo.
Tbe management of the Casino at
Monte Carlo is compelled regretfully
to read a sartorial riot act to tbe fre
quenters of the most seusational gam
bling center in the world. A certain
amount of luxuess In the matter of
dress has been apparent, and as a re
sult the tables have lost some of tbe
distinguished appearance that they
used to have. Henceforth gentlemen
will not be admitted unless they are
In full evening dress. Curiously
enough, the chief offenders are neither
Americans nor English, who are usual
ly attired Irreproachably. It Is the
Germans. French, Austrians, Hunga
rians and Russians whose carelessness
In the matter of dress has called forth
this sumptuary edict. Argonaut
The Panama Canal In War.
The strategic value of the Panama
canal is estimated to be equivalent to
a fleet of large battleships. This is
the conclusion of Dr. Cornish, given
before the Royal Geographical society
In London. Taking the cost of tbe
canal at $500,000,000, which would only
build forty first class battleships now
adays, the United States will have a
good bargain and be able to cover a
total coast line without any material
increase In her vessels. The canal will
double the sea efficiency of our fleet
for half the sum of money that would
otherwise be necessary to maintain
communication between the Pacific
and Atlantic coasts. National Maga
zine. Not From Mayo.
According to a police reporter, this
happened in a saloon In the Tender
loin at 3 o'clock Sunday morning. A
detective from police beuduuarters
dropped into a "corner Joint" to see
now tne excise la w was being observed
or violated. A drink of whiskv was
served by a waiter Just over from tbe
"ouid counthry." The waiter, think
ing that he might. make himself popu
lar, walked over to tbe customer after
he swallowed bis drink and asked:
"Ain't you from tbe County Mayo?"
"No, I ain't" replied the central of
fice man. "I'm from headquarters.
Oet your bat and come along!" New
York Tribune.
The Secret of Bronze.
It bas been supposed that tbe an
cients had some method of hardening
fcronze tools the secret of which has
been lost Professor Gowland of the
British Institute of Metals says tbat
the ancient bronzes were very impure,
so that their hardness could not bave
been due, as sometimes assumed, to
their exceptional purity. On the other
band, inasmuch as modern bronzes by
careful hammering can be mude as
bnrd as tbe ancient oues. the legend
of a lout art In bronze hardening seems
to be exploded. Youth's Companion.
Wonders of Inyo County.
Tnvo pnnnrr Cnl frnm t&'hlsh ft. a
city of Los Angeles bas obtained am- I
pie water rights, also contains within
its borders tbe famous Death valley.
Tbat a water supply sufficient for a
city of a million people and also one
or tne moBt dreaded and forbidding
deserts on enrth should both exist not
only in tbe same state, but in tbe same
county. Is an Illustration of those ,
strange and abrupt transitions In tbe
face of nature for which California is '
noted. San JFruuciu;o Argonaut, '
Z Office first door south of New
j riirau eiug, umerpme, ore.
Practice n au state Courts and
Interior Department. Careful at-;
ten lion to all business.
Practice In State and Federal
Courts and Interior Department.
Modern Sweets
Tht llodtrn Seal it t.
Uuarantn f tun end
B Patron ire the "Modem Dealer"
BAKER CITY. One of the most
Important irrigation deals in Eastern
Oregon was closed when the Eastern
Oregon Land Company, which is con
trolled by Balfour, Guthrie & Co.,
completed the deal for the purchase
of a one-half Interest in the Eldorado
PORTLAND. Pelican Lodge, the
head of Klamath Lake, in Southern
Oregon, which the late E. H. Harrl
man purchased three years ago with a
view to making It a summer outing
resort, Is to be sold to D. C. Jacklln,
of Salt Lake City, millionaire vice
preBlaent and manager of the Utah
Copper Company, and the Ray Con
solidated Copper Companies.
The swamp areas of the United
States If combined would cover the
New England states. New York and
New Jersey.
During the Inst ten years $750,000
worth of property bas been cast ashore
on the coast of Irelaud, Including twenty-six
steam vessels.
W. E. Cummiugs of Albany, Me.,
felled on his farm a spruce tree that
was 175 years old and measured near
ly four feet across the stump.
I For every man, woman and child In
I this country there is manufactured
eacn wees more than twelve pounds
of finished iron and steel products.
Though hydrophobia bas been stamp
ed out of Britain, it is still rampant in
Germany, where every year over 2,500
dogs and cats afflicted with the disease
are destroyed.
When George Osborn, Jeweler, of
New Haven. Ciinn., took apart an old
clock brought to him to be repaired, be
found a green wad of $150 tucked In
the back of It
One Scotch casualty Insurance com
pany Is offering policies to aviators,
while another will extend all future
policies to cover the risks of aviation
and ballooning.
West Australian flowers Inclosed in
a block of ice sent by the governor.
Sir Gerald Strickland, to Joseph Cham
berlain recently arrived in London In
tbe orient liner Ophlr.
! All the grade crossings on the Mon-treux-Berne-Oberland
electric railway
are guarded by automatic gates or
bars which close when a car approach
es and lift when it passes.
Despite the disadvantages of a tem
perature of 30 below zero, the gasoline
engine of Lieutenant Sbackleton's mo
tor slelgb used In bis antarctic expedi
tion worked with scarcely a bitch.
The Lincolnshire (England) county
court ordered a man who was owing
$90 to a money lender to pay tbe debt
in installments of 2 cents a month, at
I which rate it will take 3G5 years to
pay off tbe sum.
There are not less than 800 moving
picture shows in New York city, and,
figuring on the capacity of each and
on the basis that earn bouse is filled
twice a day, they give amusement to
480j000 people a day.
I Both of a Mind.
j Friend (consolingly) So you've lost
' yer Job. eh? Well, don't worry about
I It I reckon you was only wastln' yer
time In a place like tbut Young Bill
. (sadly! Yes; that's what the boss told
me wuen he sacKea me. ionuon in
Bits. The Fatted Calf.
The prodigal son had returned.
"Father," he said, "are you going to
kUl the fatted calf r '
"No," responded the bid man, look
ing the youth over carefulIy-"no; I'll
let you live. But I'll put you to work
and train some of that fat off."
An Aim In Life.
An aim in life Is the only for-
tune worth the finding, and it is '
not to be found in foreign lands,
but in the heart Itself Robert '
Louis Stevenson.
Diectory of Wallowa County
Desperate Resolution.
Rivers (exhibiting tti This la a neck
tie my wife gave rue.
Brooks What are you going to do
with It?
Rivers (heroically putting It on) I
am going to try to lira It down. Chi
cago Tribune.
'w- V'HAIVUUO 1 HU.UAO alt
Practice In State and Federal
Bide.. oDnosltA rnnrt hnn.n
J 19
Hack Calls to
any part of the city
answered day or night.
BAKER BROTHERS, Proprietors.
First Class Rigs
and careful drivers.
ninnmiiinmnmmumt cnicwiiMiiiuuaa
The City Planing' Mill
W. F. RANKIN, Proprietor
Carries a complete gtock of rough and dressed
A line of standard mouldings always in stock.
Satisfactory. Mill WorK a Specialty
Five per oent discount for 0Mh. A MCeunU balanoee!
at expiration of 30 daye and settled by eaah or note.
Wm. Miller & Brother,
SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanK Building.
HgK Combes & Hotchkiss INDEPENDENT
Pelts and Hides proprietor PHONE 20
Dealer in Harnesr, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs
and Leather Goods of all descriptions.
I will fit you out with the best goods for the least
money. When in need of anything in my line, call and
inspect my stock before purchasing.
ENTERPRISE, .... noprnw
a Grande Iron Works.
D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor.
Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma
chine Work done on short notice.
Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to '
We Do High-Class
We guarantee satisfaction
'fiKe Berland Building. Home
lndenendent Phntift
Office upstairs In Bank Build- ?
InK. lllil Hnrna nllnna In nffli.
ana residence. fc
T tn 1 1 Y sen
Office In Bank Bulldln.
Horn phone both office and'i
Both Thones
Home Independent 40
Facific States 45.
Onr bus meets all
trains. Fare 25c.
within city limits
Job Printing Try Us