......jr 13c PER POUND FOR PORK SMITH PAYS IT s.( V Smith win . pay IB B. .1 t . "st-i' l straight ur, or ood -"V., ix''fc VeJF takn off commia- w ti . i ai linn rtm nmwmm 'VI ' JfA-T.. n due. DnMd Pork .j Diesstd Veal up to 130 lb.."" 2c Lr Hens 17,. Dnmd Hens 18c Mariiet Price feelira. We want a bum quantity of Sprlnc faun fa tor the Easter traie. We will par you ac cord inr. to the six and quality. Ship them to ua. Address all shipments to the THANK U SMITH MEAT CO. TiehtinK the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON A Wonder. "What a quaint old teapot! And you say It has been m the family since the year 1810? Then It Is a century old! It has outlasted an entire 100 years!" "Tea, and probably 300 cooks." All Rltkt Otherwise. "How do you like your Imported Lon don chauffeur?" -He understands his business per fectly, but once In a while he clogs the machinery of the car by dropping an h' Into It" Chicago Tribune. Hats annta t blocked SOe, who ht-m Trnamlnrt $1 Pan- na n soaetea. 5c pomrc nail, mar uiwaa. oia-17 Aids St. Portlaad. Oreeoav Painless Dentistry 'XaZ OW POpk '.W' o -Ir piatt lV-4-n1 bridcework tin - 7 jf it ftaraMur. We will ;1 22k told or oorctla: Si cranio J3.5C ) sloUr CrowM 5.0C ft 6old Filllort VOL Enseal Fillinfs IOC ' i SiWor Filiinr. .5C 3 Inlay Fi 4 6000 R . I v? Plate J Inlay Fillmit 2.50 ? C.J 11 LI. nu nvsvw m ex a titM 5.00 ML w. A. Wilt, Fmalm Mr rMIfc tr ma muuM a mourn Fainton fcxtr cton 9 1 WORK GUARANTEED FOR IB YEARS Pmlnleaa xtretion r we when pUtoe or bridge wm-k is ordered. Oonmltet-tinn Free, Yon cannot ant bettot fw.nlpwa work done anrwhera. All work fully ruar o-uitoed. alodorn elm-trio equipment, hmt mnUuMi. Wise .Dental Co. fuum Btrit-nmo '?";"iTE'L Hian.W ARa.Bis. PORTLAND, OREGON rriU BOCae: t A. M. to . M. eaaaara. a. CHEAP INSURANCE FOR GRAIN GROWERS "Woodlark" Squirrel Poison is the most pliable and destructive agent yet devised lor the extermination of Gophers, Squir rels, Sage Rats and Prairie Dogs. It is the cheapest insurance against their ravages. Every kernel is warranted to kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the earth do not destroy it strength. Re quires NO MIXING OR PREPARATION. Is always ready for use. No other is so good. Dealers will refund the purchase price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free. Hovt Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon PNU Na 14-no HEN writ In f to advertisers pleftM in en t j in tuts paper. CRIMSON WINTER RHUBARB Sl.EO Per Dozen. S6.00 Per Hundred. M0.00 Per Thousand Now f the Time to Plant Rhubarb and Kerry Plantt J. B. WAGNER, The RHUBARB and BERRY Epeclallst Pasadena. Calilomia SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company ' Portland Seattle Spokane Ask for Their Goods and irTSAVE THESE H SWASTIKA END SEALS T THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost 7 i - . A a n owa at . p OUNCES Si . Chicago i-frr y:,'sa. J80ID1 Ml I SBS-H asj jr- araa . .9jt" r sb Very Rode. "Going to call on your new neigh bor next door?" -Not I. They Insulted me the da they moved In." "At to howr "Asked me to occupy a sofa on the sidewalk; said they feared I couldn't ret a good view from behind the blinds." Plttahnrg Post TTia fntm I vein nf K..Mh . I - w iuuiu pruperij ! reported in 1906. for all denominations. was i.za.oio.sb7. or which ?93o,94Z. 678 was reported for Protestant bodies, $292,638,787 tor the Roman Catholic church and $28,994,502 for all the re maining bodies. Purify Your Blood The cause of pimples, bolls and oth er eruptions, as well as of that tired feeling and poor appetite, which are so common In the spring, is impure and Impoverished blood. The best way to purify and enrich the blood, as thousands of people know by experience, is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Accept no substitute, but Insist on having Hood's. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. More Frequently. I shot a poem In the air; It was reprinted everywhere. From Bangor to the Rocky Ran And always credited to "Exchange," New Tork Mail. A French army officer has invented a small aeroplane that can be towed by a dirigible balloon to carry a search light to be-thrown upon objects on the ground without disclosing the dirigible halloon's whereabouts. PIPE REPAIRING s wmi t suiieesi r oat ABBts.BRItJt soo uuxiua Aronasl Colarsc SIO stchpt. . r-.n i IsoiMrast MOWARD E. BTTITOH - Asmtot and Chomlrt. 0 0 Lesdvtllo, Coiorsdo. Siteciuitm prices: Gold. Bilvur. Lasd. 11. ttuld. Silver. 76c; Gold, olio: Zino or Copper. II. Mailing fmvelopes sod fsll price list sent on application. Control srd Tttnpir workso luitad. fcafurouoei Osrlwnste National Hank. REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; "CRESCENT. BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND Portland is the big market place of the Northwest Send Your Produce THERE We are handlers of Eggs, Butter, Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, live or dressed: also Apples, Onions, Pota toes. Consignments, whether large or small, are solicited. We can give you good prices for good stuflf. Write Us. McEwen & Koskey COMMISSION MERCHANTS 129 Front St, Portland, Ore. eeds Don't waste time and money plant ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First Grand Prize at the Seattle Exposi tion. Our prices are reasonable. Big Catalogue free. Send for a copy. Vogeler Seed Co. Salt Lake City, Utah 1 m rue- pf BAKirC lv powder COMPLIES WITH ALL PURE FOOD LAWS Makes the Baking Sweeter. Lighter Always works rlfght NO FAILURES Costs YOU Less HO TRUST PRICES 25 Ounces for 25 Cents BEST AT ANY PRICE or your money, back "'3 All Raarle4 fp A rank Mr. Maklnbrakes had Just been Intro duced to the fair debutante. T need not tell you. Miss Gllisard." hs said, "that I am very happy to and yet, I suppose, of course, it's the proper thing- to tell you and I am sure you know I didn't mean It though I did mean that I was happy to to make your acquaintance In this informal though, to be sure, it's formal, and quite properly so, for there Is nothing- so en joyable as to witness the opening I should say the unfolding or the pre mature, or. rather, of the immature which Is the word I intended to use, of course In this delightful and conven tional function, to to stand with reluc tant feet, you know, where the I beg your pardon. Miss Glizzard, but one of our hairpins Is comlnsr out." The first recorded Instance of tar ring and feathering a human being was In 11S9, during the time of the crusades. In that year, the first ol the reign of Richard I, a law was passed that "any robber voyaging with the crusaders shall be Orel, shaved, then hot pitch shall be poured upon him and a cushion of feathers shook over him." After this the criminal was to be put ashore at the first landing place the ship reached. LAZV LIVES "I find Cascarets so good that I would not be without them. I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar tic I feel very much better. I shall cer tainly recommend them to my friends as the best medicine I have ever seen." Anna Baiinet, - Osborn Mill No. a. Fall River, Mass. Pleasant Palatable, Potent. Tasta Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 2Sc 60c Never sold in bulk. The gen uine tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. is the word to remember when you need a remedy firCQUGHS6COLDS v COFFEEC TEA SPICES BAKINO POWDER s EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT' U.MMS1I!IJ.I.'.IM..W CiaOSSET A DEVEH DnDntun rr r- 1 II Free W"1 '.OOW HO e k REIERSON Machinery Ca NET PRICE CiUlofw sf Power Sprayers. Drag Saws, and Wood Saws. Saw Mill Machinery. Kock Crushers & Road Machinery, all kinds of Pumps, irrigation Out fits and Rams, Well drilling Machinery, Pneumatic Tanks, Mar ine and Stationary Gas olene Engines, Launch Supplies, Launches and Canoes, Belting, Hose and Packing. ThrGAS ENQNE HOUSE B24S4Befor Si. jParrtartd.Oregon I The confidence felt br tannera and I garoeners in Ferry s Seeds to-dar , would Dave been impossible to feel in any seeds two score of years aso. we nave made , science of seed growing, always da enactly what you expect of than. For ssle everywhere. raifiUUKEl! laimiu Free on request D. M. FCRRV 4V CO.. Detroit, Mioh. 1 REDUCE YOUR COST OF LIVING Take Advantage of Our Cut Prices on Everything Ton Buy and SAVE 25 to 50 VjOarCttilof No. 60 b eramnal fad of slrooMs- lV eaaaiuaor sricoa, Write isr k. Koto taooo JaV Specials for April SKEDS THAT ABE PURE (Per lb.) Tiiuotl.r . . . iVto CaoloeAlsyke . lo Mam. Bed Olorar IKo Turkeslanaltalta tXa Ouoice " lKo Jjrf IauA ' Wio truoe " - 11c Ohol " 1.1 White Clone, ahoioe tlo . BLACK riGS ID lbs. torKo. Klu.fortLoU. Kite for EL X .. M OV8TKK8 Siaall eaoa, 4 o. (ir7 sMt) . B OO par dee. Lata osu. Sob. (dry meet) . Llfipardoa. KXTRA FINK OT8TEB8 tea. eaoa. Sl.aGdoa. Kl os. eaoa, B aoa. VERMICELLI OR SPAGHETTI lb. boi for lie. 10 lb. bos for Mo. HONEY IN COMBFureOrea-on Unary U lb. osse. 13 60. 1 lb", too. ITALIAfT PRTJNFS VIU.for)e. eibo.fortl.e9. t01bs.fore.Tt CRESCENT BRAND SARDINES r orlaerly called Mackerel lib. ean, 17o. 1 doe. eaua. S1.S9 per dos. MAPLE STRrP-Eaeteral Star Braad Quart. Mo. Half aalloa. aXw. Galloa, Sl.sO PJtEHKBVED r Ilia Floe and Haalthr awparoaa ,KJotwrdoa. BO jariiegia to save now write today M for CfltflW Tin tn ira Fraa r THERE IS ONLY ONEwj- Jones Cash Store f Front aad Oat 8ts. POBTLaJTD, ORg. JJ YHIALS of th NEEDEMS M NOT CT-rsw. Vttbdj tub r-k- throw Away AiiTMA Ant, ft rew WW PiUM XHNGMEkNYGOOO UNB INDIGESTION MUNYONS PAW;PrWP1LLSl Kanron'a law in ptiia roaz me irm Into activity by gentle nietbods. Tbey d& not scour, gripe or weaken. They are a tonie to the stomach, liver and nerves ; luvlgorate instead ot weaken. They en rich the blood and enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that la put into It These pills contain no calo mel; they are soothing, healing and atlm tinting. For sale by all drugglata In 10c and 23c shtes. If yon need medical ad vice, write Monyon'a Doctors. They will adrlne to the beat of their ability abso lutely free of Charire. MITNTON'8. A(4 nd JeTTcrsau Bta, I'bUadelphla, Pa Sand 10a for trial package. "Ralsta tmm, Hssi. The raisins; of the hand which re places the kissing ot the Book In the oath which witnesses In England will henceforth take was In origin a point ing toward heaven.- The oath taker extended his hand toward the Being whom he Invoked a pagan, for In stance, touching the foot or knsa of his god's statue. "I have lifted up mine hand unto the Lord," says Abra ham. Our Germanic ancestors raised their spears toward high heaven. A Quaint case Is that of the Shrewsbury parliament of 1S98, when the lords took a solemn oath by the cross of Canterbury, while the commons to doubt to mark the distinction between the two orders swore simply by lift In their hands. London Chronicle. RlaThtfal Hesentmeal. Member of Legislature What particu lar thing are you around hera lohhrlne- far, anyhow? Lone Haired. Wild Eved Pernor. r am aot lobbylns. sir' This la a TsPaTsl-laft. tanda !" . If It's Your Eye Use Pettit's Eye Salve for inflammation, Btys, itchinp; lids, eye aches, defects of vision and sensi tive to strong lights. All druggists or Howard Bros. A Deeply Felt Want. Steward (the first day out) Did you ring, sir? Traveler Yes, steward. I I rang. Steward Anything I ean bring you, sir? Traveler T-es, st-teward. B ring me a continent. If you have one, or an Island anything, steward, so 1-lul-longs as it's solid. If you can't, sus slnk the ship. Ye Can Get Allen's root-Fas rRFf. Write Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y for a Iree sample of Allon's Foot-Kaso. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or titrht shoes easy. A certain cure for eorns. ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug, llsuiselllt. 2oc. Don't accept any sutwllluU Uncle) Allen. "A preacher who draws a big salary," said UnCle Allen Sparks, "sometimes gets a tempting offer to go somewhere and give a lecture, and he asks a col lege young man who Is studying for the ministry to fill his pulpit for one Sunday. The college young man dooa It, and all he gets Is thanks. Such things happen sometimes, and I sup pose It's all right I'm not blaming the preacher, understand. I'm only kicking because the young chap lets that sort of game be played on him, by lucks!" PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 OAVS PAZO OINTMENT la (ruaranteed to cure any east of itching, blind. Bleeding- or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c Glvlnaj Himaelf Away. "You're always complaining about your 'ruinous taxes.' I wish I had your taxes to pay." "What fort" "Because then I'd have your propert) to pay 'em on." (Snarling.) "That's you, exactly! You'd like to have plenty of money to live on, without having to earn It your self, as I have r that Is SEEDS Catalogue . for the Asking Send for It J. J. BUTZER 188 Street front Portland, Oregon Cured by Electropodes New FJoctrlc Tn MettlfcuoUo- bulde shoes. Body becoetee surset eervoe Uio coaacctioa wbeo. rooitivo cbm inr Bhtinnol'-m. Nrarslets. Borkorho, KUatr sad Uter com. plaiau. Oalr f 1.00 pair. GuBfastee sireed ite osck Bole. II aiccSKipodoo toil to out, sioarr re. turard. If aot si row bfuzrlar'o staa as i-S. Ws U1 see tkat you ere ouppliea. WESTERN ELECIbOPODE CO. XT Um Aaa-eUa bL, Lee t assies. Cat. BKOWN'O Bboncrtju. TDfirnrq A preparation of superior merit forrrilrrtxw CourfiB. Hoarseness and Irriutloo of throat, of great bsnciiS i1 kS! wwotKM, orenenraa ana AStAsaa PraS from opiates or any harmful tntredleot. Pries, 25 cents, 60 cents and $1.00 pa? box. Sample mailed on request. V JHI1'-PR j SOW. Borton. Wars. taresa Chenper than Wlfaw A few months ago King Edward an nounced that the distinctive feature of an American woman was her bark. He could tell at a glance from the rear whether a woman hailed from this country by the way In which she was gowned. This Is all right so far as It goes, but It Is a very slight Instance. Then are a good many other distinction which go to make, up the American women, notably her general outlook on life, which Is that man was made for her amusement and her support. Our men do not dispute the fact They are never permitted to talk back, so thuy Imply grub a little harder to pay thi ever-Increasing pile of bills which come In. It Is estimated that a man tn Persia or Turkey can .maintain a first-class harem on half the sum that a single American wife costs a man ot equal standing with the oriental. We give this for what It Is worth, not that it bears upon the matter In hand. Amer icans are Immune from polygamy, even If there were no other factor than the cost. Philadelphia Inquirer. Mothers win And Mrs. WlnsloVs Bonthlog Byrup the bt'st rvmcdy tn uso fur their chiluxaa luring the toethlug period. One Glaring; Exception. Ts there anything the people of this country cannot do," vociferated the or ator, 'If they unitedly say it shall be doner "Yes," spoke up the fussy old person In the audience; "there's one thing they can't do." "What Is It, sir?" "They can't get the battleship Maine raised." Chicago Tribune. On on the Doctor. The Rev. Dr. Fourthly Brother Har desty. In view of your present spirit ual coldness, how do you think you would feel If you were called upon to dieT Brother Hardesty I think I'd feel a good, deal of ourloslty, doctor, to know whether all the things you've told me about the other world were quite cor reot or not. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That la LAXATIVE HROMO QUININE. Look for the siimature of E. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. !6o Elaborate Keren ge. "Paw, wasn't that a horrible din ner?" "It was, Tommy." "But you handed the waiter a dime when we went away. What did you do that for?" 1 wanted to convey the Idea to him. Tommy, as delicately as possible, that f he'd brought us a good feed It would ave been a half dollar." ALCOHOL 3 PER CI'nt AVetjelabte frcramlnn fir i. simtlatlnfj theFoodandRcduta lingOtfSiomadiSumuIJowii Ptomoles Dfeesttonfltttfii rtess and Restrontalns ncithrr Opiuru.MQrphine rvarMiaeraL WOT MARC OTIC. MhyxsfQldft-.ltMTlFnwS FlmmSmd' . Jlx.Saum tmtrftmTkrnn Anerfeet Remedv forComflM Hon , Sour Storrach.Dlarrtm WorraSrConvulsronsJ'evEriSa- ruessandLoss of Sleep. Fac Simile Sifoaiortsf NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Genuine it means They fit like a rest and relief. No them on and off like a provides perfect lit over iiii know bow comfortable a good looking shoe can be until 700 have worn MARTHA WASHINGTON COMFORT SHOES Bewara of Imitations. Onlulht Itnutne and Mayer i tadt Math: stamped en t h Your dealer will auppl you; if not, kss - ii you win sana as trie name era dealer who does not handle Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, we will sens roo ircc, posipaio, a oeauunu picture 01 atarioa vvaamrjKun,aiie i a w. we also make Honorbllt Shoes for men.Leadlng- Lade Shoes, Yorma Cushion SOoea, Special Merit school F. Mayer Boot&Shoe Co. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling la the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral. A We pahlish ear rerssalae We banloh aleoael froai our medleiaee We arse yea re eonaull J oar doetor vers fha make fha hee lite r.lll.9 Tk. J. C. Ajrer Company, of Lowell, Mass. They have been making Ayer's Pills for over sixty years. If you hsve the slight est doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor. Do ss he says, always. Made by she . 0. Aye Oe.. Lowell, aTus The electric motors on the New York Edison system aggregate -Oo,373 horsepower WITH OYER 56 YEARS Of successful experience back of Hostcttcr's Stom ach Bitters, don't you think it is the medicine you need to set your stom ach right again? It is only natural for you to want the best, and the Bitters will prove to be "it" Try a bottle today for Heart burn, Flatulency, Sour Stom ach. Indigestion, Castive ness, Grippe and Malarial Fever. Get OSTETTER' CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER inl For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of aT A Use V For Over . Thirty Years win VMS esa-rava eeaieaer, as raaa arrv. Martha Washington lomrorrjnoes comfort that's what to wear the stylish ZAP AAt Martha Washington Comfort Shoes. glove, and Insure complete buttons or laces just slip slipper. Elastic at the sides any instep. You will never haot thm name Martha Washlnilon sol: Keluae subetitutea. writ to na. 1 is m me r .0 1 1 mVayl 1 i 11 1 jir.-rSfWksa, TlenaiaMaaBMaa 1 r;rViV ,V.-.:i '