ESTOr.ATlON TO KNTKY i'K 1 1U a'-iona. Foie.-t. N"-ivv 1 hereoy iven t:ai ta!-.l H below, embracing cit, wii:..u j tn Wallowa .Na'.loJi; iurf-i, o: j wiil b aubjev't lo ;.. riiifii: ar.j wr.i.' j under tile provisions o: ::ic iiMii'..-u.iO , laws of the L'nileJ lalr? mid u.e- -V I , of June 11, l0i i4 tfiaL. ..J', a; i .:v VniieU Stales laud o::i.c a; i-a J 0. -uae, ureoc, on May .4, ls-ly. Ai ;- j ettler who was actually and In i--'- ' j lalLu calming a:i c -J i"i i": agricultural purposes i no: to Januar;. 1, 1, and not ai-.tini.UKrU sji'-'.i, ha a preference rl.t to mak a i.. uu -stead entry for tac lands actual:;, oc cupied. a:d lar.cls .-:t Uiea :.&:: the applications -'. tat? .-:..! im:. tioned below, ;.o l.avr a l!e?vrei.-.-nnt sub;ect to tne prior r.:.t o: an; ucb settler, provided such s..'.:ur or applicant u qua.!: led to n.axe r.civ.t--.-trail entry and the prrierenco riM , exercued prior to May l.-lv, on .vi. i. r. dale the lands will be '.h;tci to settlement and entry by any quaHfie-l (.rou. Tne lands are as follows. Tile tfVi f !!, Of NW, of XW: t:.e SE of of NW5, of NW'-, t:.. r. of Stt of X tne i: - : Wj, of SW;, o: XV."'. l..e V.- of X of SW. t:.e ES of X of XW t of ?W4, the SWV of XK;. of SV tne S of XWi, of NE- of .-'V. tne of SI"'-, of Xi: of ',, the of SWV.. S. . T. : N-. E.. V. SI., lit a.its, a: v . -.'.. :. ; Leonard E. tlr, of lntnan.t. ..on. List --7. A tract : a',"-- x'--...a.ely Vt.n a-Tr w.:.".;:: ur..:r'.e-d o..i what Will proia .y : . v. - . eved, Jev. T. 1 X-, K. ''' ec. U, T. 1 X.. 11. -". i-. W M.. d-- rlued by nv-tes and t c f - .j.vs. Be-in!.l::g at Fere: erv-..e 1! :.- i, .. ... n is v. i".:. cor-c.-: j. 12 c: .ne Ten.." ranee M:r.ih Cain: .la 4, anc. vc:i:c:: is .i'.r .. :.. .;iain$ ws; and ll..-o c!.a::.s sc.'.:- o: T:ie , sclioi: ccmer ic-.afii '-:: t-- east boundary o: -. 1 X . i- w E.: extendm: t. er.ce X. 4.' dr.. :.. 73 chains, -.iiencv K. . c.r.r.s X. 5 dep. W. 2 cl.a.r.s. :::r::ce X ' .r- iv mnu TV. c: a:r.s t:.rf. v .. W. :'r.v ci.a:::. fuer. s .a.:..-, ir.ep e X TO des. E. " c'tv.i::..' 0 tne r-A.-e of beinnir.:. Va.-..i:...r. .1 dec. 10 rr.:r.. E. Saii '-r.--. '.;.- 1 rv r. h- a P I at:or. of V,". ? Hr.-k- e Ei-d. Ida::.-- I.:st -.-Ci to tliit. A;i c;.i:i". C' rar.jsi-'ii Gr.era: Lar.ti O"1. Av- Slarcr. :. Asftstar.: c. Fran: refary of r in: lr.- otich: for publication. ""rrier" of the Ir. tenor. sta-e Ird Office a: L . - ? . Fe -ruary 2-th. li-i'-. he e'-T given '-hat Fred .A ; of Or-jcor.. vciio i. ay 2-"th. li0C, made Homes-er.i :'o. 1234. Seria'.. No. OCt'Ov. for S'-. NEt4 and N'-. SEi. Section Township 2 North. -iT Exa:, v.'i'.iatBev.e :er:disn. has fi'.-C r.otk-e :. :,), :j make Fitial Five Year . .i.J)ii;t c-i'.at to '-ho '--.d a.o.e .. ..hei. before C. ly k ;: k ed Sta-es Cor.-raUsi-sr.''-- . .. c. -it Enterprise. Cr-rror:. v of Apr::. :c:o. Ciaiaiaa: narjje as -s-itLeTs: j .i , . o'.juii.ef.e'.d. of Z.irxwa't. Or ..u Ljri. of Zumwc.:.. Orego;.. - I't.e of ZurrwaV.. Or-vo. . . C. BRA-VWEli. Res.s.-r. Are you fre ;u-.r. ly ho-rrx? l o o-r have th-. ati-oyir.g li-.-kliu? in yr:.r thro:.t? Vyoi your couch annoy you at night. r-r.d Ur ycu ra.j rju us in the aoraing? Ho ycu win". re.::ef? If so. take Charxiter.iin s Courrh Kernece and eou v.-;:: he P'.e-s-d. all dr-jgghi'-s FOR SALE Recleaned Timothy Seed. 26b4 C. S. Bradley. SPRING GOODS New Spring Suits Elegant line just received. We are making' ex ceptionally low prices on this line considering style, goods and workmanship. See our Men's Suits at $10.00 to $15.00 6 S 8 New Line of Shirts. Neckwear, Shoes and Hats for Spring wear. S For the Ladies We have a beautiful assortment of Waists, Skirts, and Wash Suits just in. You will want new for Spring some of the little accessories such as Belts Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc. Ji Fine Line of Oxfords Now In W. J. FUNK CO. BIG RANCH DEALS MADE THIS WEEK HAGS3ALE SELLS 17C0 ACRES MALEY PLACE SOLD ANOTH ER GOOD BUY. c. r.; Iron: . : . j. a ; .tsrs.'.a.-.1 bas so':J during the ,ivk o?r ITmO acres o: n'-s Cr.'fk r..iuh to outsUle par ui: aTO. The deais were ;':.rc.'.li ilio Euierprie Real lu.nio com rarv. j. A. I'.ado.t.v of Aiueiia, Ore.. uouiflr-' aiifs a: :he lower etiJ of -.he r.-.-.ioh. in, I.idi::? wu.t; was tor. m..:y Usiowu is Uw Sprapue and il vfciniau 1. j::; s - e .iU. 1: cosU: of a ! proiwriion of govnl wheat land. Mr. Had-'., y, who reoe' t!y sold a sei-.ior. o: lam! n-?ar Aiheua a: $10 a:i acre, is- coming to make his home iierr anil has aiready given orders to rr.t a co:r,p'.e'.cS house in town until ne improvements on the Aiuv.f '.'2o acre- of tne .agouaie were bought Friday by Join. C.iass of Spokane and A. P.. Shaw r u '.t. The new owners will o here ar-d live on theiT places. Thi purehase includes the sheep i,d iambing corrals and the main .-.:. h bouse, barns, etc. Xr. Ragdaie owns over 7'X) r.-s n,;.i:.':y at of Trou-. Creek. U- t-oui.Lt the ranch in the fall of .. : of Sen. l.itch. paying $10 an ere. Anctiier Eig Deal. p. I'.. KeUtiier and C. S. Bradley : ;!,:.- ci y have bought the wel: .:m: Ma'.ey homestead on 'ru.r.t- Creek for This is a i:ie p'.ac-:. under the ditch, and has rer. eager'.y soighc by local inves ors for sjme time. Sir. Maiey wa. ;.e of -JLi earliest se t'.ers here but f late years he hif resided at New He came la k a few days ago t j of hi holdings prepara-o-v to going to Honoiu'm i live. This ra:uh sa'.e U considered an tttreate'.y good buy. The deal was L..uc thru V.. E. Taggar., the pio-.e.-r reccj estate dealer. Timothy and Timber Ranch. J. A. Io:r::gh and Daniel Boyd . e totsg'at the I. Harvey timothy .:.i timber ranch 12 miies north of his city for $20' .0. It is - fine place ir.d good jt:l?es s-iy it went, at a e-y iovc price. Five More Alder View Lois Sold G-tat Activity In C.ty Property Emmons Buys Keitrrer Cor nr other Sales. La;;iel Boyd has sold five lots c A.uer V.ew reoently, that favorite re:der.-e section of Che city get ting its share and more too of the veritah.e boox ia city lot sales. G:en E. Od.e bought one of the lot and will teda cte erection oi e cottaae home at once. The purchasers were C. S. Haney. .v.ary F. Rankin of Salens. I. Har vey of Eagle Point and Joe Alien. .Mr. IO yd is a hearty believer in nercspaper advertising and attributes many of h.o saies to his ad in th paper. rit'tner Co'ner Sold. S. l. Ke.'.ner has sold the quar- n tr blovk at Greenwood and West First streets to J. W, Emmons for j iX.K It is inn roved with two bui'.d- 1. ii:ps and if a very desirable prop- ns the business dis- itner bought the cor ner las; summer ol E. B. Wheal for I3000. Many Lot Sales. The Real Estate com pany reports the sale of the follow ing city property: The De'.bert Homan residence on West Main street lo Premiss Homan for $1400. Two lots in I.ookwood's subdi vision to Ie:berr Homan. two lot from Prentiss Homan figuring in the deal. The lots in the northeast part of town recently bough: by L. Berland of Frank Veiotte, to Dnve Steel for i.'OO. Two lots in Lookwood's subdivi sion from F. A. Wagner to L. A. Davis for $U'iO. Poison wheat, 1,1 cents a pound at Jackson & Weavers. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Wallowa County. A. Levy, piaintiM, VB. cr.ivirj smitn and Jsai smr.n, i'e- fendanu. Notice is hereby given. That by virtue of an execution, judgment or der and decree duly issued out of nd under the seoj of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause to me duly directed md dated the 2Sth day of Febru ary, 1910, upon a judgment rendered :i anc" entered in said Court on the Sth day of November. 1909. in favor r! A. Levy, pinintiff, -tid against ra'.vin Smith and Jeusie Smith, de fendants, for the sum of Twelve ilundreJ Eighty ond f.5-100 Dollars vith interest thereon from Novem ber Sth. 1309, t 10 per cent per lunum. and the further sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars with inter t thereon from the Sth day of No anther. 1509, aud the further sum . $11.00 costs and disbursements -did the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of ;he foliowiug described real proper ty, to-wit: The northetst quarter of the north .ved; quarter, the west, iialf of the northeast quarter, and the northwest of the southadt qdarier of section twenty-seven in township two north of range forty -five East V. M. and in Wallowa County, Ore gon. Now, therefore by virtue of aid ixecution, judgment order and de cree and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of April, 1910, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the front door of the County Cour. House, in the City of Enter prise, Wallowa County, Oregon, all at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to the highesc bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title, inter est and claim which the within nam ed defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage herein, or since had, in and to the above de scribed real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and decree. 2Sc5 EDGAR MARVIN, 1 Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon. BURLEIGH &. BOYD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. TRESPASS NOTICE. All parties are hereby warned against dumping rubbish on my land. W.M. McCOR.MICK. New 6uiU Filed. March 22. Marion L. Harris vs. Albert Graham and W. B. Hunter. Jj Fully nine out of evary ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheumatism j of the muscles due to cold or damp, J or chronic rheumatism, neither of j which require any internal treatment. i AU that ia needed to afford relief g ; is the f ee application oi namoer- t j I Iain's Liniment. Give it a trial. You i j are certain to be pleased with the J . quick relief which it affords. Sold ; by all druggists. THE GOOD TOBACCO SHOP IS i' HOMAN'S 5 If You Prefer the Best Brands of Cigars or SmoKing Tobacco you can always get what you ; want here. Fine line of PIPES The same is true of all our Stock. Come in and see, PRENTISS HOMAN'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - - Oregon PASS DRASTIC HEAR BEER ORDINANCE COUNCIL FIXES HEAVY PENALTY GOVERNMENT LICENSE SUFFICIENT PROOF. A drastic an'l intoxicating bever age ordinance was passed by the council at its me ins Monday nig"-. I March 21. that U expec.-d to close j up the near beer placs, of which two have been running in this city with out payment of city license. The possession of a government is stated to be sufficient evidence .o declare the place a nuisance. The ordinance is published els -where in this paper. Counciinien BUkford. Combes, Funk aid Hockeft voted yes; Councilman Graves was absent. The marshal wa also instructed :o strictly enforce the ordinance .losing the pool rooms at 10 o'clock on week nigh'. and all day Sundays. After some discussion t'ie council lecided to keep the city wacr ditch .n its own han Is. and it will be cleaned out and placed in repair i'tiis will be gooJ news to owners of gardens and sha'.e trees. It was voted to vacate Main street from the souheast corner of S. E. Combes" property in an aiigie to 'eet from the southwest -he same property. No corner ot notice of he intended vacation has been oub iished or ordinance passed. The sidewalks washed out by the ecent flood on IVpot street were mlered replaced. Pipe and connec ions for tapping mains were order d, a'.so 120 feet of tt-incu pipe, fhe committee on securing a new ouncil room reported "progress." following are the Claims Allowed. V. P. Hambelton. work on water ditch $ C ."0 Oscar Davis, work on water ditch 1 2o 3. E. Bother., work on water ditch o To V. J. Funk, mdse 6 CO 'has. Homer, work on bridge 1 2." ,'haries Crumpaeker, work on water ditch Chas. Dunbar, work on water ditch Z. J. Payne, work on bridge . . 5. D. Keltner, mdse IT 0 00 1 2.' 20 99 SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY. Notice Is hereby given. That by virtue of an execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State if Oregon for the Coun-y of Wal lowa, and to me directed on the 1st day of March, 1910, upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure, duiy ren dered, entered of record and docket ed in and by said Court on the 2ith day of February, 1910, ia a certain suit then in said Court pending, wherein Schuyler C. Hicielwright was plaintiff and Albert W. Hodgin and Sarah Vise Kodgin -..-ere de fendants, in favor of plaintiff and againat said defendants, by which execution I am commanded to sell the property in said execution and hereinafter described to pay the sum due the plaintiff of Eighteen Hundred and Forty-three and 85-100 Dollars, with interest thereou at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 2-Kh day of February, 1910, until paid, and the further sum of $150.00 as plaintiff's attorney's fees, together with the costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at $50.80, and costs ana expenses or said exeou- tion, I will on Saturdav, the Uth uay of April, 1910, at the hour of itn o'clock A. M. of said day at the Iicnt door of the County Court House ki Enterprise, Wallowa Coun ty, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest Lidder for cash in band on the day of sale, all the ! right, title, interest and estate which said defendants, Albert W. Hodgin and Sarah Visa Hodgin, or either of them, and all persons claiming j under them subsequent to the 12th day of December. 1907, had, since acquired, or now have, in, of and lo said real property hereinbefore men- lioned, described in said execution as follows, to-wit t The SWVi of the SEi of Section 28. the XE4 of the SEVi of Sec lion 22, the of the SW14 of Section 23, the NWVi of Sec tion 26, the E'i of the NEVi and EVi of the SEVi of Section 27, the NWVi of the NEV and the NEVi of NWVi, of Section 27, and tne SWVi of the SEVi and the SE Vi of the SWVi of Section 22, all in Township Two;2) South, of Range Forty-eight (48) East, W. M, in Wallowa county, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to redemption in the manner provided by law. Dated this 1st day of March, 1910. 2Sc6 EDGAR MARVIN. Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon. Don't Break Down. Severe strains on the vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause break-dewns. Y'ou can't over-lax ' s'oniach, liver kidneys, bowels or iiitvcs wi hout serious danger lo ' yourstlf. If you are weak or run down, or under ra:n or any rs. the niatcnie Mrs. J. E. an ue s:inde. of Kirkland. Hi., writes.. "That I did not break down, whne endurirg a most severe strain, for three months, 1a due wholly to Elec tric Litters." I'se them ar.d enjoy health and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. Sot. at all druggists. Make your selections in Vndermus lins now while 'ou may have a large stock to select from at M. k M. store. the E. SUMMONS. In r'.io Uvcar Court of the State of ; Orrgon, fo- Wallowa County, i Max Gu', I'la.nt'.'f, vs. Helena J. C. Gumerman, Defendant To Ileiena J. C. Gumerman the above-named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore g:n, You are hereby commanded and required to appear and answer or ! otherwise plead to the complaint I filed against you in the above eu I titled Court and cause on or before he expiration of six weeks from he date of the first publication of ihij Summons which date of first i publication is Thursday, March ! 191'.' and if vi.u fail to appear an i mswor or otherwise plead within t'm time, for want thereof, the ; p.aintif will apply to the above eu 1 titled Conn for the relief prayed J or in his said complaint, which re i lief is for a decree of absolute di j .orce from the defendant upou the grouinls of desertion, and for such I other relief as to the Court shall seiin equitauie. You will furiher take notice that his summons is served upon you by publication in the Wallowa Chief tain, a weekly newspaper published at Enterprise, Wallowa County, Ore gon, for the full period of six con secutive weeks, commencing with .he issue of March 17, 1910, pursu ant to an order of the Honorable J lJ. Olmsted, County Judge of Wal iowa County, Orgeon, made and en- ered on the loth day of March. 1910. ' BUREIGH & BOYD, iiuci Attoruevs for Plaintiff NOTICE OF FILING COUNT. FINAL AC- la the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wal lowa. In the matter of the Estate of Sam uel James Dorram e. Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given: That W. C. Dorrance, the administrator of the i estate of Samuel James Dorrance, 'deceased, has rendered and present- ed for final settlement and filed in i said court his final account of his administration of said estate, to- i gether with his report and peUtion ..'or final distribution, and that X'on ' day. the 9th day of May, A. D-, i 1910, at 10 o'clock in the fore roon . i said day, at the court room of 1 said court at the court house in ; c!uierprisv in said county, has been ; .'ixtl and appointed as the time : and place for the setttlement of i said account and the hearing of ob- lections thereto by any person in ' terested in said estate. Notice is further given: That said j account is for final settlement, and i he said estate is ready for distri ' bution, and on confirmation of said j 'inal account final distribution of . -;aid estate will be immediately had. Pir-it issue, March 24, 1910. ! 3K-5 W. C. DORRANCE. j VJmin'-s;rator of the estate of Sam- uel James Dor.ance, deceased. 293 acres Alder Slope, 823.000.(11.1 80 acres Alder Slope, 8,000.00 160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00 320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 City Lots, SlOO to $300 Residence Property, $6CO to $3,000 Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance J j ! W. E. TAGGART, ENTERPRISE, : : Cartfu, Banking Insures tht Safety of Deposits." Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE. OREGON CAPITAL $50.C00 SURPLUS $o0.UO0 We Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on AU Principal Cities. Ueo. W . Hyatt, President Geo. B. Craig, Vice President directors Geo. W. Hyatt Geo .8. Ckaio J. H. Dobbin WALLOWA COUNTY S1EERSJP PRICE COMBES 4. HOTCHKISS GET HIGH EST MARKET EVER KNOWN AT PORTLAND YARDS. Again Wallowa county stock has broken the record for price on the Portland market. A carload (26) of steers shipped from this city Satur day, by Combes &. Hotchkiss, aold Tuesday at $6.75 rer hundred. The steers averaged 1213 pounds, so the i average price oi mem was oa.oo each. How s that for high? I This is 15 cents a hundred pounds ! ahead of anything heretofore offer i ed at the I'nion stockyards or Port j land. The preceding day two car i loads sold at $6.C0, which was 10 cents higher than ever before, j Cows are selling at $5.50, the high ! est prk-e ever reached on Portland market, j Hogs c-ou Untie to soar as If they j had wings, nhe top being $11.75. Ba I con, the standard poor man's food ! since the Lewis & Clarke expedi ' tion, is now out -of the reach of ev 1 erybody except Wallowa county res j idenis, w ho sell the hogs, cattle, ,i i sheep or wool that even body else must pay the big prices for. Demonstration Train Gieeted By 1580 Large Crowd Gets Benefit of Lec tures Ey Expeyts Much Prac tical Information Given. ! A burs; of cheers greeted the ! demonstration train when it pulled i into the Enterprise station Thursday, iand the Oregon Agricultural college I yeil was enthusias.ivally given by a aos; o: students who were, students ; who are, and students-to-be. It is estimated that l.00 peopie, among I whom were many prominent farm ers and stockmen, viewed the ex- Ihibits, and the O. R. and N. B'ld coi- lege officials in charge were mjch pleased by the large attendance ana great interest shown here. There were a'.l kinds of interest ing practical things, for the garden er, the dairyman, the poultryman, the farmer and the stockman. A. A. Morse, special repies-sita tive of the O. U. & N-, presided and introduced the speakers: Dr. I Withycombe, Prof. H . B. Scudder, who spoke of soiis and tillage, i'ro: j F- L- Kent, on dairying, a i) ' j Livesay, of the Portland U . : ; i 'ards. on live stjek. Ai. valuable informal ij i c short speeches, the fi. shown, the cow m..i i y, and pamph e s ;. jects (lis riijuted to t , A Man of Iron Ne Indomitable will am. ?uergy are never foun 1 v. ch, liver, kidneys am: out of order. If yo qualities and the sue a use Dr. Kings New :.. bo. matchless regula ors and strong body, gists. fo: l.e lo r ' Call and see our r.-.-u drygoods. Notions, and i.ali Missea Rea;ly-to- eir S ...i etc 'n t -j.-n eiit-a nlilca iC ' M. Co. The Pioneer Real Estate Man. : : OREGON W. R. Holme, Cahu rrank A. Reavia. ahi. Catdiwr Mattie a. Hoi.mkp W. R. Holmes 1