Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, March 24, 1910, Image 1

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State Fundi loaned, ( per cent. John j
P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph j
Farm loans at 7 percent. Call or!
write fir Bank of Joseph.' E8btf
Luaber. Anyone haying lumber of
any grade in any amount for sale,
or who has timber he Intends to saw
soon, and wishes to contract the lum
ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin
at Haner planer in Enterprise, Agent
for W. R. Klvette. 264
Man to take contract to cut wood.
I will furnish saw and team and
want man to take charge. I wRl
feed team. Address J. H. Doty, En
terprise, or inquire of C. M. Lock
wood, over harness shop. 89bl
400 acre ranch oa Freeaeout, known
aa the Karry Hope place. Address
J. A. Wilson, Inroaha, Ore. 8Sb4
Two dapple gray Percherons, weight
ISO and 1800 lbs., and one black, a
cross between Perc heron and Eng
lish Shire, weight 1400 lbs. Address
Wm. Brobst, Wi.oonville, Ore. S8t4
Fine line straw and linen hats just
in at W, J. Funk ft Co's.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to I. N. Piitzer are hereby no
tified that all account due him have
been placed in, my hands for imme
diate collection. T. R. AKIXS.
There will be a meeting of the
Wallowa County Stock Association
at the court house in Enterprise,
on Saturday, April 2nd, at 2 o'clock,
p. m, to elect officers and to trans
act such other business as may prop
erly come before said meeting. All
stockmen, are urged to be present.
B2w2cl SAM WADE, President.
Sealed bids will be received up to
p. m, April 20, 1910, by the under
signed for the construction of a
frame dwelling in Joseph. The suc
cessful bidder will be required to.
furnish satiaaotory bond for 40 per
cent of the cost of the house. Plans
and specifications are on file at my
furniture store in the Jennings Brick
Block. The right is reserved to re
ject any and all bids.
3a3 W. Q. BEITH.
The management of the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation Co. takes great
pleasure in announcing that the low
rates from Eastern cities, which have
done so much in past seasons to stim
ulate travel to and settlement in Ore
gon," will prevail again this Spring
DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive.
People of Oregon
The railroads have done their part:
now it's up to you. The colonist rate
is the greatest of all home-builders.
Do all you can to let Eastern people
know about it, and encourage them to
come here, where land is cheap and
home-building easy and attractive.
Fares Can Be Prepaid
At home if desired. Any agent of
the road is authorized to. receive the
required deposit and telegraph ticket
to any point in the East
Remember the Rates
From Chicago, $33; from St 'Louis,
$32; from Omaha and Kansas City,
$25. This reduction is proportionate
from all other cities.
General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon
Portland, March 22. Eastern Ore
gon cities are tremendously In earn
est in perfecting their commercial
organizations. During the past
week, under the joint auspices of
the Oregon Development league and
local bodies meetings were held at
Baker City, La Grande, Pendleton,
and The Dalles, and each was ad
dressed by Tom Richardson, secre-,
tary of fcthe Oregon -Development
League. The gatherings rere extra
ordinary in attendance and Interest.
Baker City had the largest at
tendance ever gathered at a pro
gressive meeting. The leading cit
izens, after a conference, determined
to raise a large sum of money and
advertise Baker City thoroughly.
At La Grande a newly built re
vival tabernacle was turned over to
the business men and a great meet
ing resulted. Almost every town
and community in Umatilla county
was represented at the Pendleton
meeting and there is a determination
tc make a great canvass of that
section and to take advantage of the
state law providing for a special tax
for advertising the county. At the
meeting at The Dalles, every seat
In the hall was occupied and stand
ing room was at a premium. Many
prominent mem .were out who had
never before attended a meeting of
this character.
These meetings show that Eastern
Oregon is earnestly at work to get
all the benefits- of intelligent pub
licity and the value of this organ
ized effort will appear as time
A. L. Mills, president of Port
land's biggest ba:;k, evidently knows
what he is talking about when he
sayg the Pacific Northwest is the
most prosperous section of the Uni
ted States. He says capital of the
country is easy and It is coming this
way for investment in large quanti
ties. Prospects for this year are
the best, he says, the Northwest
has ever known. He naturally at
tributes a very large part of the
and the
Great Northwest
activity at d hue le hereabout to the
large mo unt of railroad building
now under way. This work, he says,
is showing- the confidence the lead
ers in the financial world have in
this section, and it naturally breeds
confidence in others.
John F. Stevens, president of the
Oregon Trunk railwav. now under
construction up the Deschutes to
Central Oregon, say 6000 men are
at work on, the 109 miles now under
construction and the whole thing
is being pushed' with the utmost
possible energy. The present plan
is to build south . only as far as
Bend, although maps have been filed
from Bend south" to the Klamath
Indian Reserva.ton.
Despite heavy weather of the past
winter, inquiry iato crop and stock
conditions show that losses have not
been eo general as was feared.
Some stock was lost on the range
but the percentage is not large.
Piospects in the extensive grain dis
tricts of Eastern Oregon are re
ported to be excellent for a bumper
crop. Grain prospects In the Wil
lamette Valley are said to be some
what less satisfactory. Because of
the unusually heavy snowfall in the
mountains during the past winter,
mere will be plenty of water for
irrigation purpose this year.
The James Stubblefleld place of
160 acres on lower Imnaha has been
bought by J. F. McCoy for $1600.
The deal was made through the O.
K. & I. company. The purchaser
owns extensive holdings adjoining
the Stubblefleld land.-
The John Wortman, Sr., home
stead northeast of town has been
bought by E. B. Knapp of this city,
the reported price being J2000. It
is fine .wheat land hough it has
never been broken. The improve
ments on the place are merely nomi
Brewer-Rip ley.
A pretty home wedding was solem
nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Lathrop, 15 miles north
west of Enterprise, Sunday, March
20, whe their niece, Mrs. Laura D.
Brewer, and Mr. Charles E. Ripley
were united in marriage by Rev. W.
P. Samms. The ceremony was, per
formed at high noan in the presence
of .thirty-three relatives end inti
mate friends of the contracting par
ties. Immediately afterward a sump
tuous wedding dinner w,as served.
Mr. Ripley is- a prosperous citizen
of St. Anthony, Ha., and his bride
has just completed a successful term
of school at Fairview. A host of
friends wish them a long and happy
married life. They expect to make
their home near Enterprise.
At the Hotel de France, in Lewis
ton, on Wednesday evening, March
7, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock. Rev.
A. D. Richards, of Asotin, united in
marriage Mr. Frank Wllsey, of Flora,
and Miss Edith Cole, of the Ten
Mile country. The bride is the
daughter of Jlr. and Mrs. George
C le. a very highly respected young
lady by all who are acquainted with
her. The grora is a son of W. G.
Wilsey,' of Asotin, although he has
lor fcten a resident of the Flora
cofiiry, where he Is engaged in
farming. The, young couple pos
sess many friends, and ail wish for
'hem a happy married life Asotin
A quiet wedding occurred at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Catherine Weaver, on Alder Slope,
Sunday, M-arch 20, when.Mlfle Fran
ces E. Weaver and Mr, Lorenzo D
Roberts were Joined together in mar
riage. Rev. N. E. Hammack offici
ated. Mr. and Mrs, Roberts left
shortly after the ceremony for their
new home near Elk Mountain.
A. C. Miller made a business trip
to Wallowa' Wednesday,
Farmers' ' Demonstra'
, lion Train, March 24
March 24 the 0. R. & N. Co. will
stop a demonstration train at En
terprise station from 11:00 a. m. un
til 12:50 p. m. tor the benefit, of
the farmers. Ail farmers are espec
ially invited.
2r3 J. S. BUTXER, Aseat.
Farmers and ell interested are
urged to remember the date of the
dtironsUraUon train Thursday, March
2l, the hours at Enterprise being
from 11:40 a. m. to 1:15 p. m. The
following interesting deosription of
the train is from the La Grande
The announcement that the offic
ials of the Orgeon Railroad and Nav
igation company are spending up
ward of $10,000 in sending its dem
onstration train through Eastern Or-.
egon this week, is causing the farm
ers of this section to' sit up and
take notice.
&iany of 4hem are about to come
to the conclusion that the railroad
bu'Mers and the farming experts of
the state Agricultural Coltege are
not mere dreamers. When the first
demonstration train arrived, iu Pen
dleton two years ago, it 'was given
slight attention, but the prediction
i being freely made that the frost
which attended that occasion will
not be visible this time. Everything
of interest to farmers, great and
small, will be carried and exhibited.
The' wheat farmer, the poultryman,
the dairyman and the orchardist will
all find things of Interest.
The estimate of $10,000 Includes
the cost of operation, earning capac
ity of equipment, motive power
(bat will be used, advertising, ad
vertising expenses, expenses of the
Oregon Agrciultural college and Ex
periment Station in sending out 13
experts with the train and in provid
ing stock and exhibits. Then there
nil) be many other miscellaneous
ei.etses that are bound to crop up
in such enterprises.
The chief object of the farming
demonstration movement is to en
courage the utilization of the one
million or more acres of idle lands
in Eastern Oregon, most of which is
good grain land and lies tributary
to the O. R. & N. system. Under
the present methods of farming, half
of the land every year lies fallow,
and It is maintained by the experts
that the true crop producing value
if the land is not attained. "A
crop every year, on every acre of
kind." Is the slogan of the coun
tv and the agricultural college.
The stock car ;wtll carry one prize
Jersey cow, one beef cow, two Cots-
wold sheep, two Shropshire sheep,
four hogs and one Belgian mare.
The stock car will be open at one
end so that the animals may be driv
en out on a flat car that will ad
join It, and . the good points ex
plained by the college expects.
Another 36-foot flat car will carry
Implements, and tools that are now
xrlng utilized by the advanced
nethods of farming. The train will
list carry three of the new steel
bat gage cars, one of which will con
tain the poultry exhibit, incubators
la operation, model poultry house,
coo pa, etc. Another will contain an
exhibit of trees, shrubs and fruits.
Demonstrations of pruning, grafting
and fruit packing will be shown.
In the third car will be the gen
eral agricultural exhibit and the
dairy exhibit. The dairy exhibit wJII
Include hand and power milking
machines and both cows that are
carried on the train will be milked
Sally and the milk will be made in
to butter in the model dairy that
will be carried. There will also be
dairy machinery operated by gaso
line power. In the agricultural de
partment will .be an exhibit. of soils
shoeing the capillary attraction and
percolation of moisture, different
mulches, varieties of grain and
giastes and many other interesting
dwplays pertaining tj agriculture.
The entire train will be electrically
heated and lighted, the power being
supplied by a gas engine.
Sleepers will be provided for the
people accompanying the train and
tut personnel will cumber bout 32
to !!. The train in its tour will
cover 1300 miles in ail.
By Professor William James, De
partment of Philosophy, Harvard
Truth must run through the clas
sic stages of a theory's career.
First, you know, a new theory is at
tacked as absurd; then it is ad
mitted to be true, but obvious and
inslgnlflcent; finally ft is seen to be
so important that its adversaries
claim that they themselves dis
covered It.
Osteopathy has already passed
through each of these phases.
Osteopathy is a simple method,
too, based upon rational theories
which have been thoroughly proven
in practice. Primarily It is founded
upon tthe great principle, now
acknowledged by every school of
medical practice, that the bodv
forces themselves really perform the
cures, no matter what the system
of treatment.
Admitting this one great truth.
it becomes manifest that the very
most anv healine method can accom
plish Is to assist nature; and, far
In advance of the old systems which
rely chiefly upon drugs. Osteopathy
renders this aid to the body in a
most skillful and masterful manner
and gets results. Right Way.
Ladies Auxiliary Meeting.
The ladles who signed the mem
bership paper for the ladles auxiliary
of the Enterprise Commercial club
are requested to meet at the Chris
tian church, Thursday afternoon,
-March 24, at 3 o'clock.
The local W. C. T. U. were com
pelled to postpone tag day until
March 26, as owing to irregular train
service the tags did not arrive In
time to observe March 19, which
was the day observed all over the
United States. The price of the
tags Is 10 cents and the amount
from sales is to be divided equally
between Enterprise Union, the state
and national, and will be used In the
campaign for a dry state.
Mies Grace Wood's spring milli
nery has arrived and a formal open
ing will be held Saturday, March 26.
Miss Wood is showing a beautiful
line of hats at reasonable prices.
Ladies are cordially Invited to call
and see them. With M. Larsen'e
jewelry store, 4th door east of post
office. Sheriff Marvin and Deputy Crow
have been very busy receipting for
taxes. T,wo big turnovers to the
I asurer were made recently, one
Mhich 16 of $13,106.49, and on March
21, $27,313.11.
COUNT. In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Wal
lowa. In the matter of the Estate of Sam
uel James Dorrance, Deceased.
Notice is Hereby Given: That W.
C. Dorrance, the administrator of the
estate of Samuel James Dorrance,
deceased, has rendered and present
ed for final settlement, and filed in
said court bis final account of his
administration of said estate, to
gether with his report and petition
for final distribution, and that Mon
day, the 9th day of May, A. D.,
1910, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, at the court room of
said court- at the court house In
Enterprise, in said county, has been
fixed and appointed aa the time
and place for the settlement of
said account and the hearing of ob
jections thereto by any person in
terested in said estate.
Notice is further given: That said
account is for final settlement, and
the said estate is ready for distri
bution, and on confirmation of a&ld
final account final distribution of
said estate will be Immediately had.
Firat issue, March. 84. 1910.
31c5 W, C. DORRANCE),
Administrator of the estate of Sam
uel James Dorrance, deceased.
Reliable Abstracts of
All Kinds of money to loan on farm property,
from one to five years; large or small amounts
Fire Insurance written in companies that pay
all losses in full. ' . , .
N. L0CKW00D. Lackwosd ft Rllvaa.
Uaited States Commissioner
(From La Grande Star.) '
Washington, March 21. That herd,
ars will not be allowed to grass
iheep in California forests In defi
ance of the regulation of the Agri
cultural Department and the r - . . '
Service indicates today the stanu .
government intends taking re a ru
ing the same question in Orego.j ui...
According to an announcement to'
day in Washington by the Agrlc .
tural department, the graxing t,,
are to be enforced to the letter and
foresters have been, Instructed to iv 1
port all violations and to prosecute
The announcement was made after
the supreme court decision wa ren
dered, upholding Judge Welbtirn of
the Federal Circuit Court of Cali
fornia, who acquitted three herders
of the charge of criminally gnuluir
sheep In the forests of California.
M. L. Harris, John Harrta and
Jesse Read came in this week from ;
County Superintendent J. C. Con
ley went to Pendleton Tuesday to
attend the ninth annual convention
of the Eastern division- of the state
teachers association, which convenes
there March 22-25, In conjunction
with the twelfth annual meeting of
the Inland Empire association, and
the Joint county institute of Baker,
Umatilla, Union and Walla Walla
Miss Amy Olmsted gave her re
port of the state Endeavor conven-'
tlon before the Endeavor Society of
the Christian church,, Sunday even
lug. In a pleasant conversational
way she urged upon them a more '
concentrated and united effort for
the good of the cause. Miss u.
sted Is very enthusiastic over the
convention and those who heard her
received much of the same spirit.
Best of the Best
Patent Flour
(North Powder)
used in all baking at
Riley's Bakery
Bread, CooHles, Pies
and CaKes
always fresh. North Pow-'
der Patent Best of the
Best Flour is sold in our
grocery department at the
same price as home flour.
Just received a fresh lot of
the healthful spring drink
Take a bottle home and
try it. Only 65 cts. at
Riley Riley's
title furnished on short
! :
' - 1