"HI Pay More for Pork SAYS SMITH Smith wanta any quantity of Produce ran have a ratnd as -nd htm. The more the bet. tar. H amrchiniti conBlniia. Ship by "p. We will pay aa follows far load, fat Di uaaail Veal ap to 130 Iba 12H Dr ii Pork in. live Chirkana .............. 16e Dim mil Chickeaa 1 7ie bn Market Price Addreaa ' FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "FlaThtlnc the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON Aa Eaay Oaa. Tommy, do you know the meaning of prehensile'?". "No. ma'am." "It means adapted to seise.' Do yon think you can remember that?" Tes'm." "Give me a sentence in which the word is correctly used." " 'See the good ship, how prehensile !tls!'" TEA spirr Baking powder lATKACTS VIUSTRieUT CLCSSETS DEVFM I The confidence let! br larmers and I i gardeners in Ferry's Seeds to-dar would have bees impossible to iccl in ' i any seeds two score of Tears go. We have made science of seed i growins ahrav in YSC4tv Whtf wrut evenejheie. FEB. v. lfilA kefs i annual, free on request D. M. FERRY CO Detroit. Mlok. ! Trial Bottle Free Br Mail If yoo softer from Epilepsy. Pits, Palling Sickness, Bpaamg, or bare children that do so, my New Dis covery will relieve them, and all yon are asked to do la to aend for a Free TrlalSS Bottle of Dr.Uaj't Eplleep'fcloldo Oura ' It bas cored thousands where everything elts failed. Guaranteed by Hay Medical Laboratn y I nder Pore Food and Drugs Act. June 30th. ISO Guaranty No. 1M971. Please write for Special free ikmJe and give AGS and complete address OB. V. H. MAY, 548 Pearl Street, New Tori KOW-KURE ia not a "food" it is a medicine, and the only medicine in the world for cows only. Made for the cow and, aa its name indicates, a Cow Cure. Barreness. retained after birth, abortion, scours, caked udder, and all similar n flections positive y and quickly cured. No one who keeps cows, whether manv or few, can afford to be without Ku V KC'KE. It is made especially to keep cows healthy. Our book "Cow Money" aent FREE. Aak your local dealer for KOW-KUKE or aend to the manufacturers. " DA1KT ASSOCIATION CO. LysoWiSe. Tl C. Gee Wo Tbe Chinese Doctor Thia wondefnl man has made a lif eatudj of the propertiea of Roots. Herba and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit of bia sis i ii as Na Mercury, Poisons ar frags usea. no ii&niEA Operations or Catting Guarantees to ears Catarrh. Asthma. Lung. Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of sf nand Woman. A SUR5 CANCER CURE Just received f rom Pekin. Ct, ma safe, sore and reliable. U-Jafling iniu works. If yon cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose cants in stamps. CONSULTATION fREE The C Gee Wo Medicine Co. 162H first SC. car. Morrison, Portland. Or. VaJ CRIMSON WINTER RHUBARB tl J0 Per Doaen. 18.00 Per Hundred. 140.00 Per Thousand AW Is the Time to Plant Rhubarb and herry Plants J. B. WAGNEiK, The RHUBARB and BERRY Specialist Pasadena, California SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle Spokane Ask for Their Goods and 'SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost DISTEMPER Sure ears and positive preventive, no matter bow horses at any aw are infeeud or 'exposed." liquid, given on the tonirae; acta on tbe . il:ood and Glands, expels the pouonous serais from the body. CoraaDia teniper in Dogs and Sheep and Cbolera in Poultry, iarvcet selling-live stock remedy. Carea LAGnppaamons bnman befnga end is a fine Kid ney remedy. (Ocand II a bottle: IS and SlOadosen. Cat thia out. Keep It. Show toyourdiwirint. who will Ket It for yon. Free Booklet, "ins temper. Crowi and Curea. Special agenta wanted. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, S, COSEEN, IKD, U.S. A. A Carlrle Iters. Aa empty headed duke once said to Thomas Carlyle at a dinner "The British people, air, caa afford to laugh at theories." Carlyle, scowling, replied "The French nobility of a hundred years ago thought that they could tit ford to laugh at theorists too. But a man came and wrote a book called 'The Social Contract,' This man was Jean Jacques Rousseau, and his book was a theory and nothing bnt a thenrv The nobles could laugh at his theory, but their skins went to bind the sec ond edition of the book. No Appetite "I took H. od's Sarsanarilla when I was s very sick woman, had no appetite what ever, and could not sleep more than three hours a night. I was persuaded by a friend to try it, took two bottles of It, and it greatly benefited me, g.ive me a good appe tite and sound tleep." Mrs. JohnEdens, 2220 W 3rd Su, Davenport, Iowa. Hood's Barsaparilla restores the app -tite snd makes sleep hound and refreshing by I uiltling up the whole system. It purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves aide nH perfects digestion. Tak? it this spring. let ft today in nsual Hquid form or tablets called Saraataba. 100 Doses One Dollar. A Sklllfal Aviator. "Are you interested la these avla torgr "Intensely. I watched one this morn ing who was an adept. He rose, dip. ped. circled, turned corners and alight ed without trouble and without a mis. hap." "Well, well! He must have been a bird!" "He was; of the sparrow variety." Washington Herald. First Aid. Nervous Wreck (trembling and shak ing) Have you any " Druggist Already? Tea. Adelbert. hand down a bottle of bromide of po tassium. wisely directed, will cause her to give to her little ones only the most wholesome and beneficial remedies and only when actually needed, and the well-informed mother nses only the pleasant and gentle laxative rem edy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna when a laxative is required, as it is wholly free from all objec tionable substances. To get its ben eficial effects always buy the genu ine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Hats Cleuea a blocked 50c, with New Trinmiiifi SI Pan. modeled. Ec pomre main roar n to us. 315.17 Alder St Portland. Oregon. Portland is the big market place of die Northwest Sena Your Produce THERE We are handlers of Eggs, Butter, Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, live or dressed; also Apples, Onions, Pota toes. Consignments, whether large or small, are solicited. We can give you good prices for good stuff. Write Us. McEwen & Koskey COMUSSiON MERCHANTS 129 Front St, Portland. Ore. eeds Don't waste time and money plant ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First Grand Prize at the Seattle Exposi tion. Our ptices are reasonable. Big Catalogue free. Send for a copy. Vogeler Seed Co. Salt Lake City, Utah ppfMaMBMaMsajr roc iMrTCiincn pink fye, robee. Shipptng fever and Catarrhal Fever at, Teat Row easy tt la to remtnbr TJM MaJne,- When 11a only to mourn or to prats her! How hard to recall her when soma oat would fain Bee a few dollars woted to raise her! Allcalss Himself. "Brother Hardest, you're heard of what they call the higher criticism, ha vent you?" "Tea. I know all about that." x "WeU, do you take any stock la ItT" "Not a bit Brother Irons; rm ortho dox. I'm no Insurgent" Chicago Trib une. Ta B Perfectly Ftmbu His Lawyer They charge you with burglary. Now you will have to tell me, as your counsel, whether they have any direct evidence connecting: you with the crime. Client Well. I believe they er caught me In the act PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES The Sibson Rose Nurseries 20 Acres of Rosea! Two-y car-old toushaa Crown In the open field, Mow la a good time to plant Cataloa-ua IYm 1180 Milwaukee Road, Portland, Or. Xerer Weald Da. "Little girl." said the oculist, "your eyes are In an exceedingly bad condi tion. Tou ought to be wearing glass es." "And have to trim these beautiful long eyelashes of mine?" responded the little girl. "Nit!" CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Tb. KInrJ Yon Hare Always Bought Bears the Bigaatoreof The fractlcal view. "Do you believe In table tipping?" queried the woman advocate of spirit ualism. "Not me," replied the matter of fact man. 1 nave round waiter .tipping more satisfactory when I'm hungry." Rnxton Herald. Uothera will find Mia WlnalmWa Bnnthlna SyruD the beat remedy to naa fur thair ehlldKtn luring the teething ierlod. rklldhood'a lafajllaa; Joy. As long as there are children In th world the eolden and obiectlena Are li gation of make believe will go on; the Turamt oi ueugbt itself, untrammeled )y rules or purpose. Eton College :nronicie. Looka Dowa oa Othera. FudJy Tes. that's Cnrtwrlcht over there. He's won several aviatinn prises, and consequently holds his head pretty nign. Duddy Considers himself aerostocracv. eh! Boston Transcript. TO CURE A COLD M ONE DAY rake LAXATIVE RROMn Onini t-kl. Onifrsriets refund money if it fails to aura. S. W. QROVE'3 signature is on each box. ate. tderhade Trick. "Mamma, I don't never want tn at At this restaurant again." Vny not, dear?" "The under side of my chair aoat all wire springs, and my gum won't stick to It" Xa AmbltioB 1b That Direction "George," said Mrs. Ferguson, "there's an item in this paper that telli you how to know a mad dog when you see one." "Shucks!" exclaimed Mr. Ferguson; Tve no desire to know any mad dogs." PILES CURED IN TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guarantaed to rare any eaae of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pilea in to 14 days or money refunded. Me. Hla Statas. "Tour husband doesn't seem to take a very active part in politics," observed the caller. "No," said Mrs. Lapsllng. "He doesn't believe In going to extremes In any thing; he's a conservatory." SEEDS Catalogue for the Asking Send for If J. J. B U T Z E R 188 Street Front Portland. Oregon Cured Right at Home br EL.ECTKOPODSS. ft lUcMe Tinlaiiiil OaleTMstc torilM covptT aUk. tac wora luid fjkOM. lortcovaM matin body, f tm hmnmm "Mil witm.M Foaurtw oh. ka? RhaMMtistB, hmunlr. Bckehm. Kiatikarr m4 U r-nplilssti rric only $1.00. Your mommy retantd M lot ftattiactovy. nets bus i ass anarma-aj sm aaaeal mmim. I 11 IPIipulJgt fcalLahU. lTftot aj yotar Drug, wmd M $L WESTERN ELECTKOPODK CO. Painless Dentistry Oat af towa SMnpla eaa bare thedr plate 1 -. . . L . - ished ia aaa Say Wewdl gneyM foi 12k geld m aerulaa rsaalar (3.5 Mar Cram 6.0 22kSrUeTesa.5 eaUflKatS 1.0 taeael f Jbmf 10 kW FIBafS .5 leUyrniaK 2.6 , a rm S.09 as.Lnitrwsilxa swPhusi 7.60 n aaa aaauaai nenas PiMeM Eatr'dai .60 HOK atu ABAMTEBTB roa IB VflH Palnleaa Katractloa tm whaa plsteeor aridss work Uordeeed. Oooaaltatioe areew Toa eaaaot eni bsUea painiea worm sons njwDce. ah weem Tim J anuseo. atottara eieowe aanipai 1 Mas Wise Dental Co. Fin.ma Btnunaa .'?y.,TVT. THtanaWssa-ftia. POrTTLANO, ORCOON BRissawvaai a. at ta t.m. aaaay. ay I, Don't Wear A Truss After Thirty Years Experience I Have Produced An Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. I Send k On Trial. If yna have tried amt everything aba. came to aa. Where others fad ia where 1 hare aty great est eoceeae. Send attached coupon today and I will aend yoa free my illustrated book aa Rupture and its cure, showing my Appliance and giving rou prices and names of many people who aava triad tt and ware cured. It ia instant rehaf wbea all otnara fail. Remember 1 use no aaJvaa. Be aar niaa. no lies. 1 send on trial to prove what I say troa. Tou are the judge and once having seen my illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic aa my hundreds of patients whose letters you eaa aun read, t ill ont free coupon below and maO it to day. It's well worth your time whether jroa try my Appliance or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON C. E. Brooks. ZS5S Brooke Bids. aUrnhsIL Mich. Please aend me by mail In plain wrap per year illustrated bimk and full in forms lion about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name.. Addi City .State., Self-foaseaataB. Mr. Kajones. who had happened to step Into the parlor while looking for a book, was Just In time .to see some body slip hastily off somebody else's knee. "Ah. Bessie," he observed, pleasant ly, "this Is a merger. Is ItT Or la It a limited partnership?" "Neither, papa," said Bessie, recov ering herself Instantly; "George la my holding company that's aU." Chicago Tribune. "Glycerine McCurdy, I love youl" "Orlando Bpoonamore, I hate you!" "Well, then," he sighed, forlornly, "I suppose we'll have to compromise on Platonic friendship." Chicago Tribune. Ia Hla at lad. "Old chap, where are you going foi your vacation?" "All over the country. In fact. Tm taking It now reading summer resort literature. Will Get It. "Tou should Insist." said the doctor, "on your boy's accustoming himself to cold baths." "I don't have to Insist," answered the worried father. "He'll be out skat ing before the ice Is an eighth ef an Inch thick." Washington Bur. Easily Aaswered. The teacher had written a difficult problem on the blackboard. "Now, children," she said, "what la the first thing to do with this?" "Erase It!" shouted the bad little boy on the front seat Baby Smiles When He Takes l CURE I So cbaauit Bat be Kits il ud eoetaaa as opi atm. Tbnre is aothiag like k ice Bfoaehias, Ajtbma sad si Soabka ei me mrael aad laaat. I A auadsal Kaxdylor hal a sealery. AS Dragglets, S Cts um une lear Pisa mW If it is possible to frame up an absolutely safe, sane and conservative Investment, and at the same time give the Investor big returns on his money, we have found it read the following and Judge for yourself No chance to lose, and you cannot 6036 acres at $50 per acre $301,800 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO PlfaTHACJNC help making a big profit. Here ia Subdivided into 20 and 40- Dwr"uvJ.'u.;.UKU,A3wl our story cr trct at $100 per MnUllAIE. Last week a client of ours read "re 603'600 JKTrf' as J?8 ... . . , , . . on basis of $3,018, payable as fol- our advertisement for lands for col- Gross profit of $301,800 lows: onization purpoeea. He thought he Cost In commissions, etc, With subscription ,.$325 had what we wanted and came to f thia land, not June 10, 1910 293 " le"thftn M.prch S S:::::::::: l000 acnption of 6036 acres. It reads as Making net profit of $151,800 March 16, 1912 300 follows: Thia land can be purchased on the March 16, 1913 !. 300 Situated in a level valley, 40 mtlea following terms: March 16, 1914 300 wide and 90 miles long, completely March 16, 1910 $ 32.500 16, 1915 300 fenced, 640 acre, under plow, 3500 in "J gjj ".300 JJ ftfc- hay and 1896 acre, virgin soil, com- Mirch 16, 1911. 3oooo March 16, 1918 100 pletely equipped for Irrigation, all March 16.' 1912!!.'!.".'.' 30,000 T.. An main ditches completed and lateral March 16, 1913 30,000 low $3,018 ditche. wfBcient to Irrigate every Jarcj! JSJi V??? " '"I .-.f fu . . . March 16, 1915 30,000 unit holders will not be called upon la acre except the rirgin land, and March 16, 1916 30,000 make any additional payment, slterihe water can be put on every 40 of the March 16, 1917 30,000 first one. virgin Iani I fop. cost not exceeding March 16, 1918 Our inquiries from tbe East after $25 each 40. The owner ha. a per- ToU $301 800 claw of land are such that we petual and exclusive water right; ' ' believe we can sell every acre of it sufficient supply of water to irrigate IT IS HOW PROPOSED duri"& the year J910." nd- inasmuch the entire 6036 acre., and a irplu. To organize a Purchasing Syndicate AiTttvme .ufficient to supply another trt with capital stock of $3ol,800 Thi. toB .w"r?ftT, equally as large. ifa?,,HL,e wion. ; .hall have the management of the .criptiorut The proposition looked so good to yndicate. cause the title of the if you want know what th ns that we took a 30 day. option at property to be pla In Um name of Union Bank, & Trust Company I. do- tfOperacre, Including water right,. Sjf.SmfZ &!gJ5tt our PROPosmoR. , XZZJ& .v,eachS iS&SU We crooose to form a syndicate to th -cre tract at -000 each, MPectfully submitted, Je?nTL UNION BANK & TRUST CO. thereafter to put it on the market' years, and $800 In four year.. 23S STAM STtlU WtTUHD, 01EC0K , PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more roods brtghtar and faster color, thtta any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton eauaHvwan S?..": r2rJl,f1i0 Prif 1 'eaulta. iLak daaiei, oi we wiil sand postpaid at 10c a paZkaie Write for UtmbooU how to dye, bleach and mTv colors. . UONKOE DKUQ COkaJ ANT, QtUx, nlnSk military Rata. Aa eld military dictionary tells ni that rats were sometimes used la wai for the purpose of firing powder maga tines by means of lighted matches tied to their tails. We cannot offhand re call any historical Instance of this, but presumably It did occur, seeing thai Marshal Vauban laid down special rules for counteracting It Anyhow, the dodge is as old as Samson, who, yoa may recall, used foxes In a similar way for a somewhat similar purpose. As to the royal rat catcher, we may add that he had a special official livery According to Pennant's "British Zoolo gy," It consisted of a scarlet costume. embroidered with yellow worsted, in which were figures of mice destroying wheat sheaves. By tbe way, rats were not the only animals honored with a special catcher. Llecester, for instance, used to pay a yearly salary of 1 lit d to Its municipal mole catcher. London Standard. Aaether Ferna af It. Visitor Come here, my dear: whose pretty little girl are youT Housemaid 'Sh. Mrs. Jlmesl The courts 'avent decided yet taadardlalaa Hla Uratltad. Wareham Long What'd you ssy ef Rockefeller wus to give ye a million dollars? Tuffold Knutt Tanks! Chicago Tribune. Theaght Ha Had. Speaking of the boycott of beef have you ever tried horse meat?" "O, yes, I presume so, and goat meat too, X dare say. Tve eaten In all sorts of restauranta." Against his little playmate's breast By her "I dare you" goaded. He pressed the pistol ah, you've guessed? You're wrong! IT WASN'T LOAD EDI Headache "My father has been a sufferer from sick headache for the last twenty-five years and never found any relief until he began taking your Cascareta. Since he has begun taking Cascareta he has never bad the headache. They have entirely cured him. Cascareta do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of using his name." E. M. Dickson, Iiao Reslner St., W. Indianapolis, Ind. Pleaaant Palatable, Potent. Taate Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Grliia. 10c, 16c Me. Never sold in bulk. The gen uine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed ta aura er your muney back. 8TEINWAT AND OTHER PIANOS Sherman EIITH AND MORRISON. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, PORTLAND, ORB. We Sell Pianos and Player-Pianos of Unquestioned Reputation In addition to ear regular Una of beautiful new Pianos, we hare many vary desirable used Pianos which we are offering for a mere fraction of their original cost Though you may not have contemplated an immediate purchase, it will pay you to take ad vantage of this opportunity to secure s fine Piano much below the coat of a new one. Our Rental Purchase plan makes piano buying easy. Name How Would You Appreciate on an Investment Have One Doctor No sense In running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use It or not, just as he says. A W pmklUh hi llmilai m alkeBniata Itahai yers IVO-. r adlamM w ..-( row tlovtor Always keep a box of Ayer'a Pills In the uuuas. juii one pin si oeatime, now ana then, will ward off many an attsck of biliousness, indigestion, sick headsche. How many years bsi your doctor knowa these pills? Atk him all about them. Made by the J. O. Ayer Oa., Lewell. Miss Elatoa Aveaeet Stranger Ia this a pay-as-you-en ter car?" Native That doesn't classify It ac curately. It's a swear-as-you-entef car. Tie la Essential. "Dad. what sort of a bureau la a matrimonial bureau?" "O, any bureau that has Ave drawers full of women's fixings and one man'a tie In It" Houston Tost WE PAY CASH Por homestead relinquishments, and ean sell your farma and ranches quickly. Let ua handle you bualneea and we wili guarantee your satisfaction. Give full particular! tn Unit letter. DAVIS At BUITKAMP 610 Dekum Bldg. Portland, Ore REDUCE THE COST OF UV1N0; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND P N U No. U-10 w HM writing to advertisers please I meniioB inis paper. I VICTOR TALKING MACHINES tetay&Co. Fill Out and Mail Today. Please mall me catalogue, bargain list and Rental Purchase plan. Name Address of friend who expects to buy a planot Address Please aend free copy of Musical Celebrities, $1518 in ot Ua! mi i