Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, March 17, 1910, Image 2

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O. R. &. N Derwrr-atio" Tram to
D-.st-4fc.te Seecs o Trip.
Free seed will be distribcted by th
CLtK. ieraocnuioc traia. which
is to tocr Eastern Orecvc this mocth.
Te varieties wiH be Caaadiaa fei
peas. Mjr.taa fr-vra alfalfa and
nesot cw-a Th seed will be rivea
to faraitrs seWcted at the titx.cs
places to be visited by lie cora-scrrial a
ciut cr tee I arasers casoc
ThiS sry;i , it Is beli
... 1
br--r.f better results thaa if ta seecs
were p-vea cct prjc-iscaoesly, as the
faraters will be seiected epee pcTalse
to carry cct exper-taerts with every
puesbie cars aad attertioc la th-i
way it will be pwssibie to ascerta.a ex-
W r5-.a-T "'rfr
ie cfs:cstrxt:.'ic traia w-; Weave
Pvrtiaad 5-tacay eveaiai:. Msrvi SO. ia
ts to arr-ve at Erpoer the f.l:w
nsf rwr-iaj. The last iecmire will be
delivered there betweea the bocts cf
:45 aad 11 -A': a. c Thea the itiae-
rarr 15 hereto; ; pr.atec
fuiowed tit.1 tc Xfi--h II. whec the
iast ie-.tre will re ie.:Tered at E.jc
EJs betweec the bocrs tf I :i: d
S :il p.
Ccissel JL A. M.-rof. cf the 0
t S. wiil have ciar- cf the
trail artd the f .Cowir.iT txper
Tr. Jtes rii;T-ocb. director
Crv-oc ejer-JseEt ?tit.jn. Com." .5:
Professor E. D. Sciier. arrococLat.
Orevc exrennet stiti-JC Corr":5;
Prof essur F. L. rer.t. diiry h3sb4d
Et CTec ir-eriiecl statioc, Cor
Talla: Prl-fessc Jies rrydes. pod
try hyi", Cts-x; eiperiser.
statioc. CctTalls: E. UE-berirer. sa
perte!3der.t M.to eipertziert statioc
Morr: E. W. Alien, scperirteraiect
Vtt-:" ext-erinect static jc. Eerje
toc: A. V A-"fThite. f jt" a Crs
fjc arri;ttltiril eoIle f ars. Corral
ka: F E. Sri' asflftazt hcrtiet
turist. Eirtcrr Ors:c ei:rijer.t sta
tlcc r:i-:c: A. G. Lc assistant
poetry E3ftam
Ejett stat-oc C
aasstarrt twttitn
.'rviUis : E.
eitwriaert stitjoc Cttu" .: S.
3. TTviec. issjsiart pocltrr
ya. Ctw-.'S eiperinect statioc.
v ;
Estate sn
Nu-se Near S-eui.
Sta'feic A pi&t cf rr.cad hjs beec
pcr-.-hatjed aeatr to w; aad abwet 2i.
apprf trees aad 50.i peach trees are '
be-ii set. Ttia pjtatiax is Etade cp '
ef waat are kaewa as "Jsae btuiiied"
stuck, whloh will riiie priaM trees ior
piaatiaz aeit year. The plaatiax f
ocaharis oc the F"raiih-Cje prvji"rt. ,
near S:a,-g.eld. is ia ftH s-wia.
Aaaocg tbe heaviest plaaters are Fa
4 Sou acd Et. Warts, both ef Fort-.
band, each itsttiajf oct a fH ccarter ,
sectioc the f jrttr 3sia peaches aad '
or 3) si:
fre to I
Llier ciiris. raiaj- frve;
acres, are beiai? piaated tj
A-a. Li-Hi $30 Per Acre.
Ceami. r :c; E. T. Htll hae :id
a Itrat cr.e ulle west rf to Jtr.
Servii. a rct trriri. fir: fa. I. wa. f ;r
tl ?. ;-!. The tr-ict euctaias -ti acres
acd is aeariy all Irst cLat aiiaif a land.
3tr. Ei2 refwetly scui 3U acres cf the
jaaie tr: f.r The Critic
piace. iirnxr'.-T tae Tas Vjeit firs,
wan iji; s.ui a few days azj f;r $1.7.-5"t'l-
Tola see the Sadist frsi.t
farms ia the T-aley aai has pricaced
Tiiii-h tr.afwiaciax scarf-
No a FlCXW3 Kiion.
estijc Tie p:tato irr-jwers
oszm ci:tcartry w-Jl ti.ii! a
wrri a Tiew to srxaaiaias a aaioc.
Sia ary i.-?'r;atiai ii all bruaches cf
irafEKry is the -aKhod f the day. the
"scad" sea tbiak that they axay as
wii be hi the swtax. AH who are ca-
torestat psrzmir J -est atartet
pr f r tar pric&a? are saw-ed
dbjk. a jewiKitjx, wsi oa-!
peirted to pme 12 iarralztahue aid to i
pwe 12 irrajiahie aid to j
v3 13
F-eewater Seeks ta Se,t Water Bods
. -2 . .
at cts
Last aieetr- iastra-ted Eecorder G. P.
Saoiiersus to call f cr bids i'Jr bocnia f jr
that eucBtructi'jB of tbe mew water
wearies system. The bocds are fur $!.
W aad win ma for a term of 15
Tbe surveys hare been made aad the
eactract f jt the pcuapiajf piaat aad res
enotr wiS. be let as sooe as the bocds
are sckL
Teaeher Makes Good Wtt CarSe.
"" Lakeriew E. B. Jacks. jc tas suii
to A. A. Davis, giar-ath Marsh, ahoct
Sa.WI'O worth of cattle to be delivered
at Wajia-M riTer April 15. Ee also
retains aooct s) bead f yer!ia
t . t vr T..i. . ,
. ,
- , , . ...
Hi tie eattie bosLaess abocrt eifht years
Lxn. increase.
IjkaeT-jiwTbree years a;fo last f a!
a garter sertwrn of land was offered
I r
lor saM at $3.59 per acre. Tti piece
of land was oc the "West side." aboct
12 miles
rroca X-aie-rvew. A reoet
offer of $25 per acre was refasecL
Buys at Hood Rer.
Hood Kirer Edwia POboo of Wasa
intiroo D. C, has ooajfht S acres cf
WUliaa. Stewart far $12.$i. Mr.
PUwa will reBsore his f aaiily from tbe
East sfcurtiy.
Branch of A-ierica-. M ni- Cor-cress
Is Orjaiiied.
Th Owe braacfc tf the Araericaa
V::rr coesrres has bees orraaiied,
w;ia rwacrarsers in FortiaTd W;ra
new to f-f their orri'fMtioc sa
ehiie aU pars of the Kate, the board
cf directors will rocsist of ria aaem
bers, not racr thaa frve of whom may
be residents cf Portlaad. Tiers are
three r laces ia the beard still to be
jed bv eirctior. cf rerresertatrre nee
ert:ied with tbe m:aiar iadastry
la tastera aac toctaera vrecoa-
There are a: present ity-rve raases
oc the rc.ll. AH interested is proesot
iar the cWveiopeaeat cf the raiaeral re
cres cf the state shocid j:ca this cr
raaiiatioc aad send their aaaies at
occ to the secretary. Me-tbers cf the
Ores-jr branch raasi be nerabers cf
-i. , fJiT ttw
cation biaais w-.'il be forwarded oc re-'
Ore cf the
CiT-iriti-oc is
bcreaa cf ir.
pcrpcees of the state cr- i
r.-raivc coctfemiic the
is the state ef Orecje. ad
the rsas.es cf the eur'pa-ies ur ncriTii
s c-wt:z or coeratir thea with
; the asocrt cf rapitalisiti xu. tr-ber of
tx cl tie prcperties. wrta tie anocrt
, c' aerjiciCder.t wijrs aooe, tae
atnd ?rese-t pT-xrssrtL'je.
cares, bci
4 stone.
cua er a.r
rierrra! Taloe.
tr ;s ocject ta T-.ew tse f miitzzx reso-
fcitioc was passed at the btft Eeetir, '
Mir.-i 1. held i, the rxres cf the Oacs-1
cierciil cih. 1
""EescTed. That the chair appvirt a .
eoti:ttee cf three iesiiers who- shall ,
iie a list c-f all Lieral properties .
belt prceoted ir the state of Orean. :
with iH potssiile irfor-aroe euocera-,
tr? thess. This tzf ortitioo to be a 1
re.--rd t-x pebtie irf mtz.ix."
JUL owners lT'ieral pr'.iperty are
astiC to
c-o-e'pera.te w
ta tse cnrr-rKa-
-.'-g- rhe :
iesired triors- i
tioc aac ry jxm
s tar 8rt;Te sup- 1
It a believed that '
kac'wledfs cf ccr ,
will briig aa en ef .
rti aac aoarate
tu tjrf ;-c as :t s&jtLjt
se. cce cr
the iznrssxt cf the atiainr states. i
Aitrresis ce secretary. Frecferick
FweH. ivS M:St ?-:'--
O-cnard Sols for S30.00Q.
Cectr-al Fciat 5L 1L Aatrrews
aad '
The pijee scui aiwtt a year 14-3 fsr
ilT.Cn.'ij. The place ecctaias 7"j acres,
part cf whi-as. is ia brs-h aad aboct 31?
acres ia iriard. oce f whici is
jrat cocaiai irto beariaar. The oni-
ard s me cf the s:t
pr;-cuiaar aa i
Vr Fjot has ajso- bc-carht i
the c-id Alfvrd piace at Taject. coo- 1
siscia tf 13 acres, f jr 13. wO. I
F-e-ater Rcaas bsi:crd
Freewsier Gscrty Jain GStlasii
G:ci2i.i3i:osr E :race Walker aad
G:carr f .1:
. ..jh. y v T r-w.-. :
were ca tbe eitr re-.-etiT aad dr-rv- set :
oc aa raspecti'jB
this iectir.-c cf I
tottr cf the- yjads
j ;
eaeanrt has beea iet er tbe bckir j
saTr-es cf
procarts c-t co
sf a aew steel triire acr-jes the WaHa -. rai2iTisL aad as Oa the way the doctor aaked Jt
Walla ri-rer at the M.-Cor settiesaect. 1 pf'-'tect of tae cajoc. faist tae ssost -what had fceoufet him ae Jar
Wheat Track prices : Eluestea.
I H.I2ntLl?,; eiab, $I.';4; red F.assiaa.
j JI-'W; Talley. JX.'s-t: X-9-fssi.
; Eariey Feed aad brewing, CSi'
Cors Whcie, $:i
ked. IS toe j
! Oata N. I
white. JliiiffLS too. 1
Eay Track prices: Tcocby. WiJ
Uusetse raHey. S&ittzZl per toe: East
i era Ctwjfi. J22id:23: alfalfa. $I"tl:
; Califcjraia alfaia. $IfrIT; ciorer, $15
I 4i'l: g-raia hay, tli 1:?.
, Frsits ApcAes, $l23j'3 pe-i
jfae n.3ifcLp box; craa-!
i; Hi.ift
peratoes TaHrw?" n -
j og, T'V per hundred;
I potatoes, be per pouad.
! v C"ltT il-5i1-'
i bas, SlftiLS: earrota $1; beets,
j $1-23; parsnips, $1
) arser City ereaaiery, extras, 3Jr.
i fancy octsiiie creassery, 2.3ii:3Sc; store.
i 'it..'''!.. 1.-.'.,.. ,
1 t-i- t mMT-irf
aier rejfilar batter
j prices.
Frgs Fresk Osegoa racch.
per doeec
Prk Faacy. ia.i13t
Veai Faacy, 12wtl3ft.
PtaBferyEeas, - lej- brstiers, - TXh
r;c; fiacKS, Z'Je.
iceese, I2s(Cl3cr tor-
keys. Eye.
cressec, Z5ri'2c;
squabs. $ per dosea.
Cattii Seat steers.
$J. 4 X'r6.1i-:
1 7 .-,"7 - ,
w m.-jv .jifj.w..w. 4j-iry rjoc
w8, e--iffc. d-. lair Uj e)C-
! - sa. t;ju. ' Z,. X .
$3-T5 Sa tS;
Eo?a Top, $13tli.SJ; fair to g-xd
StteepBest wethers,
' to pxni. $3.50(c5.T5; yxi ewe
1 tamos,! T.T5.
Hoc li9 rrtm. Tfc7-i -j.
ids, neiaical; 1319 contracts. 1K
' nomEaaL
Wool Eastera Oregon, 15r29 per
ponnd; TaHey, 22i,gi4 moknie,
choice. Tie.
Caseara bark, 45c per piad.
Hides Dry tides, ITfrilSe paond;
dry kipv ITccclSe; dry calfskin, 14cc2tV;
salted fcidea, -elr; salted ealfskia,
14c; green, le less.
Ph2adeipKa's Sr- ke Sraon Has i
j Littt Prospect f knpr pwrnint j
i FhHadelpfcia. Varck 14. Tw fj
the loer Eediss ttroci wttici Pfeii- j
&V.7v:s Wrvti tAt a strife attVmMiit :
ciptt be reartteci were today prct5eaJ
hr elioisaaed. It was ho$wi that Pres-1
Wsect Taft. the barkers of Fiiiacel-1
pfcia. the Natkcal Civic federatxg. cc-J
tse local rcGsciimazie hadies wgcJJ !
tzoi a way to Veai & baai to stop th '
Today the word ease from Wasiiiar
toc C3oc:al!y. bet oc seemirry pood
t oepartaect c-f orre arl Ubcr. ntLtztnM
cocid ot see h j way caear to iter- wao-ii. (ats at ki prowawt.
Teae. The reaoe giTen was that the j
trocble is pcreij of a fceal character. Tt bat u wy JW. aS wei
KaJcers declared that the f-jnal j 154 pooii. Ti tester wr w
irterests probably wvtVi keep kaads a2Bja&d that ther had har7 pacVc
oif the it. Frank B. Eeeres. presi-1 - ret cp the carcass aad carry hon
der-t of the Fhilacierpcia dearir ' ti a to be eooked. It eded aT
Bocse associatioc, took, a stroc stand j au-tjr's yerwuaaVrii to preTeot
oc tae qaestxie
of eschssrre reco?ri-1
coe c-f its orrarixatioQ. f
3r. Feres said today: I e-SEaot;
see how ccr favfal istittKics ca
brir. their powers to bear in ary way j
.r-t reJ!roTl: The doctor FX tie uder aad aaked
Woether tae Natwcal Ctttc feoer- j jgtxaea lac the aeoL
tsoc win take cp the strike setlfeaer;t j The aaor west ttroc tia pockets
and the roczcihsec caa be farced to asd searched the hat. Tbe steel was
take actios remains to be sees. As- : eosa.
other telejcrara was sett today to Seth "Not rt the sceeir" the doctor re
Low, head of the? federatsoc. SciiEf . V ahadderts. "T-oc ipti'
tsat body to offer laediatiiiB. "3ttt fc re.
Xr. Lc-w repised the feders-tioc f 'k3m bestaeaa, doctor
wwiid do so if he eocid be S8r-d the i-" Eararaa. rravety.
c er wocld be acreptaie to both sides. ,
There was so rh.a-ge today 12 the ;
t . 9 v. ..t. - - ' t - 3
ox a reaerai. eras: iaoe tae sr&-1
pataetae rtrtters. aad eos ef local
of keal
' criocs heid taeetiris today and taeigit '
; io ta; piazas io sci csex BBes&.'sers so-
I either.
UcioE bakers esipioyed by a bf de-
partziect store hare rvoe on strike and
seriocslT ertrcrfd the mcxtr of bmi
stii t that store. "
.j .as-T
trbac s tbe Kessirxtoc diKrictlfl " 5lk f f1145 1
t. j.-, ' ; pta- w-Rh hie tsaers. r
Tli: -.T . - !r
eccjinKput. a
u.-cu.tDdiiwjK. aw
toed tsat tse
pouee refrased froas
refraiaed frosa
1 aiss t; caa ta
eafperx erowxas.
The Esoert servjes dlitsrbaaee ef the
lay oetrcrr-d waea a 4 year 01- e&iii
was iciHed by a ear rsa at iii speed
to pft aw it frora nea aad bews whe
were stocia it.
The car was stopoed aad c
a-jd rathereii and Bd as.
ta Fit at the Ejixorsaa. The
ataa on Dori crew ta rerocrer aad
heid the crs-wd back whiie arocher po
Jiceaaa sect s a riot calL There
1 were cries c-f traca '.
aad it is
saii a oB4i procaced a roie.
a scau ot awratec pouee
: arrrre)
The crowd beiran to searter
poiice wre forced t vse
: taexr
Serai persocs were
il-.xh.tiy wocauied. Three ccea. asd oce
wciaa were arrested.
Sepir$ Cecsion Acairrst
; FJiWsaod, Ta 5ardt It Ey cEs-j
slsiay the appeal of the Utited lliae-1
wjciter e junervca, tae i. exibq saaes ;
"-" Apwsaj
practieaily ;
perpeiaiates a tesstpcrary
ls cf sweecuur esamrter.
ft8 58 -r" cz BSrB: irT
ct.T.i-s.r-arT si uoce cocapacy. ox
West Virsriaia. aad ta aa appeal froea
the Halted States CLrnit Coirt Zae tbe
I Northera District of West Virjpaia at
I The iajcactioc restraia the aaion
frwa iaterferia with th eoipioyes of
tae Eiaes. rrom lEtenenay aaa
conspiTta to tatertere wita ea:pvves
01 ptacax so as caowTrjr.T w srtasr
aboct is acy ataam the breakifig of
the piaistiSTs eaipioyes cooiracta for
serrice. eiistia at the tiaae or there-
after estered iato; froea trescassisc oc
Sh Mipwcy- property; frwa eorcpei-1
by their threats of Tiofeaee, aayl
erimre to fw :r-
i pickets arocad toe prooertr of the com- f
posy for tbe ptsrpeee- of using Tiowec.ee
or threateciair or persuasire txagnage
; to lodsce the cenipasy's estpioyes to
Camej-'e Masses Mayor.
Saa Fraociseo, Jrk 14. Andrew
Caraegie was the gaest of hococ to
Biht at the local chamber of com
aaeree at a baniaet attended by aaasy of
the karfiig rdtizefis.
The address of
welcome was made by Presaiert W3r
aaa Gerstle, of ttie ebazaber of ctxtv
Eeree. AawojE the the speakers were
Goveraor GcSett aad Jadjfe W. W.
Morrow. Mayor McCarthy was doc. in
Titod to be present at the trgset aad
socae cttie emaarrasiMrieret was caused
by the pust of hooor acpznag as to
the reasoa for his absence.
M?n Ejcptooiw Kit Scees.
WCkesbarre, P, March- It. Ser
ea men were estoeioed tocdifht in the
X. 5 sojaf t of the Lehigh 4 Wukes
fcarre Cosi compaoy. as the resuit of a
terrie cxpiuoioa of gas. The zeseaers
came aerssa the estoabed aaes ahortly
after sudsighc There were sewea ta
the party. Ail were scfocated by re
danap. The eiplueioc oeccrred in. a
place waere a racg of cea was pal
tiai? together a lunatiatf eciae. It is
beluered they struck a pocket ef gm.
Camesie Lays Cornerstones
Saa Fraociaco, Mares It. The eor
herstoce of the aew- Scotitt& kail ef
the St. Aodrews' society as laid today
by Andrew Caroeci ta the presence ef
a Urge aaesafclage.
rr Jules vfctihs-
CHAPTXR HI. I CoDtiaatd-)
Eaceraa had atmed wen ul before
fiber at tlm cowiparlona came up he
had ptasxeed hla m! tn the admal'a
Is r" n w-
- ts:ers tae tst taer were
rnci tie ee.a of ti atstoe-
pfeerw. Tie ftre was oot. The earlt
fcC Mtxmm mt th Bocrtre had made
Jsacs ne-ct KJw acccstoaed duty.
a sax ioic2: at the other, and
M fcart. It was aertoua. Thes the
'a v . . . , ,., ,1 . .
"Erw r
"Trtti fcw."
1 oTi. try
) W-mr.
it. Erta- yocr hatehet.
j A iKS-tad pteee was sooa cct oi
; Sc" ta dsaaeter. and the doc.
er aec t work. He chopped tt tate
j rocfi. the hatchet, then
t Kszst, -s a sasocth a
' watC he had obtaod a lens
as traaapareiLt aa crywaJ.
1 The ass; was ahhiix. the tader was
; hid fceaearh the tee leaa ta catch tie
j rays. la a lew aeeoois it toci firs.
. Jcfcaacc'a rarcroc deiht.
! se eaaeed abo tie as kite.
! - hoeg w-ssh jar. aad aaocted.
sittt: harrair" while OawtwoEy
ftarrlod hack faio the has aad rekiji-
d the fire, li waa suoa roars aad
' aarorr O&ir tit kmTad kr tnia.
tThat a feast this ctl wu to the
poor tari-t r stay he tsa-tsed.
The docsoc. hcweicr. etxiiuatied nuxler-
azSaei hm oaiacai aad C the eaaaipie
"Tfcis ! a c'-mJ. day for u. he said,
"aad we hare as fear of waatiaa- Sood
a2 the rest of otsr Joomey. SuS. we
atact ayx raraet w ha. farther to so
yec aad I th.'j h the awcer we start
the better.
"We eafiac be !ar oC tow." oaJd AI
taimtr. whw t&ail iif it almost per
fects arun; "w kj: he wtahla toe-ty-eiaatt
aoora icarch of the Porpoise."
"I hop well tad w v there to
saaite a are wtth.- saM the rjctor.
smifrrc Lt kss seeds the avia. and
Jhera are iEty of daya when te does
net sbsJu tt appeaxaace here, wtihia
for dieirreea of the pole."
thasi foix dreesr" rwM.ted
Armart. with a eth; "yea. my ahlp
vtfit t-zrzr T mm nfV.. V . .
"It s Case we atarted." aaid Hatter-
; aorta. Tie Aaerte&a made ody era-
! arre repd. CJawbwesy whlepered to
! Joteasoa: -TTe'Tre rx two dms that
i Isiia after.
"T1 tr rUht." said Joivnexm.
i tai to this law-
Jt't1 y tne s.3 has not
of his
: face." said Jo2t&su.
j. i wni a sospecta Hatterar piaa."
: rwi- :
j -je, at-, V1U eertalnly oa the road
i ts the aocth poie."
j "Box dust Altasnet any that he
had txea eashe uuei tbe lee. and
rxed there irreslsaWyr-
"Ee aaM so. hct thre was a
scaie on u ars.
Next day. areer a hearty hreakfast
off hernia meat, the Ctt pajty eootia
wed the rocte.
At last, aboct S o'clock la the after
aooe. jLiamoat started ap wtth a
aaewt. TtiB.&ex to a white mass that
a eye bat his d!stm-a.thed frooi the
I suzToasxfina- Icebergs, he exclaimed In
a m. rtrcm vote:
"Tbe Forpoe:"
The Prjcpotse was eompietriy baited
; motr the snow. Xast and rltn
I had heea destroyed la the shipwreck,
i aad she was lyta oa a bed of rocks so
enttrefy oa her side that the hcH was
"Steeer sated.- said Hacteraa. "we
wta Sa It cp asd nut ouweiee com
Sartaiis) there."
By aazht BeS had naaased to make
toierably level Soar wtth piasks and
para. Ateamowt waa helped 00 board
wtthsu macs. trouWe. A sig-h of sat
tsaactiow escaped him. as If he felt
HmmeU sac more at hees a etsh
wfelcft to J ohaaos's oar boded ao good.
The Porpoise had been thorochly
W3I aad pronsSficed for a kmc
ewya. They foaad II M powads of
w. fat. aad raistas; t.4 pounds of
ad pork. 15 pounds of
TW PMiads of unr (
the same of chwoiato: a cheat aad a
asJc of tea. weltfhtea- ttiny-U pound
Sm aeoBds of rlc. several barrels of
preserved fruits asd vegetables, a
of iim JuW-e. wtth aU sorts
of mEctae. aad 30 sailoos of ram
and brandy. There was also a large
supply of rspowder. oaH aad ahot.
aad coaj aad woh2 1b abundance.
AJoeher. eamLgh to last those flvw
a more thaa two yara AH fear of
each freoa scarvatliOB or cold waa at
"Well. Batter&a. we're sure of enough
to live on now." said the doctor, "and
there Is nothlcg to hinder us reachbvg
the pole."
"The pole: echoed Hatteraa.
"Tea. why not? Can't we push or
way overland In the summer?"
"We might overland, bat how could
"Cart we build a boat out of the
aatp t planks 7"
ed the captain, coctesptaously.
Clawtiojiny was pnidea.1 eoocga to
charge the coc versatioo.
Ia ve cUyi the men had fccilt aa Ice
house on shore not far from the boat,
also a powder magaaiae a shelter
for the doss.
The waj of the house were over
five fet thick, and the winiews made
of polished sheet ice resembling port
holes for cannon. Every part was as
olid as possible, and a parapet was
erected oataide for defense against any
.Wine a2 these preparations for was
ter were gates' on. Altamoct was fast
regain rig streng-i He was a type of
the American, shrewd. tateUigeat. full
of energy aad resolut'.oji : enterprisia.
bold and ready fsr aaythiag. Ee was
a native of New Tsrk. he informed his
companions, and had been a caSor
from his boyhood.
The Porpoise had been equipped and
sect oat ty a eompaay of wealthy
American merchanta
There were many points of resem
Maace between Alamont and Hatter
aa. but co friendship. With a greater
show cf frankness, he was tn reality
far more deep and crafty than Eat
terta. Els apparent openness did not
inspire sach conajenre as the English
man's gloomy reserve.
The doctor was in constant dread of
a coiliaion between the rival captaina,
and yet oce must command inevitably.
anS which should !t be ? Eatteras had
the taen. but Altanioct had the ship.
It was hard to say whose was the bet
ter right.
It required a the doctor's tact to
keep thinrs smooth. At last tn -drm
of all his endeavors, an outbreak came.
It was at a grind banquet, a sort of
-house-warmirg.- held when the sev
habitation was completed.
This banquet was Dr. Cawbonny's
idea. Ee was head eoofc and made a
wonderful puiir.g. BH had shot a
white hare and several pcarmlrana.
which made an agreettle variety from
the pemmican and salt meat
Ciawbocny w-s cools and master of
ceremonies, and brought la a pudding,
himself adorned with the big apros and
a knife at his belt.
After dinner different toasts were
drunk ta brandy. One was gives to
the Cnited States, to which Eatteras
made no response.
This over, the doctor Introduced aa
Interesting subject of conversion by
"ity friends, we have something yet
to do. I suppose we should bestow a
tame 00 this continent, which we
hae found, and also 00 the several
bays, peaks aad promontories t we
meet w-.th. This has been Invariably
done ty navigatora"
"Quite right." said Johnson: "when
once a place ts named, tt takes away
the feeling of being castawaya oa as
unknown shore."
Eatteras had takea no part to the
conversation as yet. but seeing all eyes
used oa him. he rose at list, and aald-
"If no one objects. I think 'the muet
suitable name we can give oxr house is
that of Its akUiful architect, the beet
man amocg us. Let us call tt 'Doc
tor's house.'
"Just the thine r aald EeL
-First rater- exclaimed Johnson.
" Trtr's hour'
-We cannot do better chimed la
Altamoct. "Hurrah for Dr. dawboo.
ny." Three hearty caeers were riven, to
which Dui. the do Joined lustily
barking his loudest.
-It is agreed, then." said Eatteras
-that this house Is to be called "Due
tor's house."
The doctor modestly proctel
against the honor, but he was obllgtd
to yield. The new habitation was for
mally named "Doctor's house.
-Now. then." said the doctor, "let as
go a to name the most Important of
our discoveries."
"There ia that !mmuii
surrounds us. unfurrcwed as yet by a
suigie aip.
Altamoct looked up ejulckly.
a mjtx ap. ce repeated. "I
tnma iw nave forgotten the por
poise. She certainly did not get here
-Well, tt wouldn't be hard to thick
so. replied Eatteras, "to look at her
"True enough. Hatteras. said Alta
moct, piqued, "but. after all. Is cot that
better than bein blown to atom, like
the Forward ?
Eatteras was about to reply when
Cia.wbor.ny Interposed.
It ls not a question of ships, my
friends.- he said, "but of a fresh aea.
"It Is no new sea. returned Aha
moct: "It ts In every polar chart, and
has a came already. It Is called the
Arctic ocean, and I think It would be
very Inconvenient to alter Its design.
tton. Should we find out by and by
that. Instead of being aa ocean It is'
only a strait or gulf, h will be time
noug to alter tt thec-
"S be tt. said Hatteraa.
"YmT that Is aa understood
W th "sreto.
that he had started the dlscAisaioet
-Let us proceed with the coctlnent
wcers we tad oarselves at present.'
resumed Hatteraa "I am cot aware
that any came whatever has beeoaf.
ftto tt. even to the mow rQt
Hs looked at Altarooot as he spoke.
. rou may be aUstaksn
fain, Hatteraa. "
"Vistaksn! tThat! This
continent, this virgin 1
-Ha already a aara. repOod
mont. cootly.
Hatteraa waa r3ect. bet Ma B
-And what came ha . then?" asked
the doctor, astociahed.
-Ky dear Oawboaty." repKed the
American, "t Is the csstoea.
say the right, of every artgate te
christen the soil on which h M th
Crst to set foot. It appears to a.
therefor, that It la my prtvCe a
-But. air Interrupt ed Jot-o. ww
"It would be hard to prove that Cs
Porpo! did not come here. vs tt
shs got her ty land." continoed AJta
mont. without noticing Johnsoa'a aew
test. "The fact Is mdispatabla," k
added. looking at Hatteraa.
-I dispot the eUtmT said the Caa
Ushmar. re;raV hnself. by a Pww-
erful effort. To Basse a cocatry TO,
must first discover ft. I suppos. aad
that yo cerraiT.ry did aot do. Where
would yoa have been. sir. at this m
mect. pray? Lying twenty feet deep
catder the eaow."
-And withoot me. sar retorted AJ
tamoct. hotly, -without me aad ray
ahip. where would yoa a3 b at this
moment? Dead, from coid aad msa
ger -Com. come, frteads.- aaid th doc
tor, -dont get to words; aU that caa
be easily settled.
Hatteraa," said Altasaost. Ta
welcome to cams whatever terrttorlea
he may discover, should b saccewd la
discovering any; but this cnr.n-ent be
lot rs to ma. I should not even east
sent to hs havtn two came lik Gra
cell land, which is also caEed Prtae
Albert's Land, (cause tt wa diaeew
ered almost simultaneocaly by aa Es-f'-ii
and aa American. Xy right
of priority la Incontestable. X skip
before eiise ever touched this ahore;
no foot before mine ever trod this sad.
I have gives tt a came, aad that name
tt shall keep.
'And what ts that cazte?" trujuired
the doctor.
"New America." re; tied itramoeL
Eatteras trembled with
passioci. but by a Ttoiest effact
Btraiacd himself.
(To be raethraed.)
Pmwyw Akmiiul
Ctuiin It DeUeaer.
George Eetajbcrs. the Atehissa
coaary hlstorlaa. aay the v- - City
JoaraxL has beea baa Mas; cp aocae
thtar about the pawpaw. Ee says:
"la the old ehroaJcle of tie early
explorers aid travels thrwigl this
section of the cotatry I ts.i raoch
xeatloa cf th pawpaw, which seercs
to have been as abscdaat ta this re
rloa a ceatary or raor ir as at th
presest tia. Ia these early aeetmau
the estlata-.es of the e-ilVrfaess of th
pawpaw, seeai to be aboct equally dl
viieit One pro32i ft deUcioas.
while aa other woold lead jvn to be
l'-cve that It waa reaT.r dOterloes.
However., I believ the foaawia" froa
Charles Aarastas Xarrxr. ht aa ac
ccaat of his westers travel Ja 134.
1S33 aad ItZt. ia tbe stroayest ea
coatlaai ever bestcwed spr; th ITiv
sas aad Vlssocr! baaa-a.
"While pajsiar this locality eat a
teaster he laaded aad secsrad bwsm
r!p pawpawi, th first he had seen,
aad which h proao-aiced the aow d
Urlons frett la the world. Tt naega
ties th baaaa of th West ladSe.'
h eoatiaaes. "wt Is atw rtca a&J
lusctock Wha epeaed th latertor I
eiactly lie a eard aad tbe 3a to
scK-ethlt- between a 5 tad a p4s
ap?. Althoach I prefer thla fralt
to th baaaaa or p'aeappl. I ffad It
It toe gecerarly so hlrhly esteeesecl. b
Itg cocrflered to r!rh aad rloyfwr:
moreover. I was told tt was ettiwately
aawiolesoc. This I toaad t be as
absard pre-a!' fas I iav ftew
e&te-a frat ii to twve at a h
wtthont anteajant eoeueiraeor)."
Th belief ta Its hsrtfal eraiaia
probably owes Its ortda t th rt
that hos. which rrxuri th woods and
eat th prod'sr ef every other frsrtlf
eroas plaat. would aot toracfc ti pw
paw. Asotier eaase of th low teO-taarl-
ta which it ts' fcetd !s its et-t--a
tbesdaa-e: they ts tV
s-sds !- ta woH. as thick as
la aa Ear?a t-wiwiat ajtd raTdr-a
sooa at si.-k m ! Hrd of eariaj- tbem.'
fTrav.N f Xoth A!rVa.' vol. H.
pa-s SZSt ) Jo, BradMry. Is kis
travels ta tMs reeioa fa l'-??-!-!!, v
srvd plearr of jw'-twws. wfcfca ha
p-oao-tBced 'of the ro-fe-yry of -tard
aad very trreeahle to aora pa
Wm Rtpeir t Tewssi BtTt
Vary Cotes Ca--ro. RleajBead
sends s th follow5; :
"On f tb rvrioom earaerts(-i
of th old-ttm darkies is their ahfBty
to make themselves always tateffigfbJ.
n roatter how twir,v the Veng wrds.
wdstctl are their deSrht
-AMt DCsey. w-at sas b-ots f
Tmg Tota B1Hcpsr I asked -ay
"ma-aaay receaay.
-T Jaa" saies. V!s Eabv.' & r
ptted. wtth aplifted kaads a&d eye
We saorera. "he d na off t ds
Lewis teposltloa. but we ai-rt heard
from kltn. aary Its. cepc tt o
saaara n'er pb-fare rards: V
I Jew" believe. Baby, ftafc he's dm
bta emts!ppeoL" Atlaxta Cotiwoa
Tavey wr Sa4y.
Bocg So yo bar sicceecd fa
tradas; back say ancestors What ia
yocr fee?
Geoealorlst Twea-ty rviaeas for
keeping ouiet ahovd. n-m Caassfr
Saturday Jourcal.
Tery ,M
1 wish I cad aa idea for a paesa."
"Wbat do yo wait to pat a Idea
tato a poem for? Kaasas OXJ JoJ