estm mi ' TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NO. 30. ENTERPRISE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1910. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER wiiei . B M MONEY TO LOAN Slate Funds loaned, 8 per cent. John . P. Rusk. Attr. State Land E d. Joseph Farm loans at 7Vi percent. Call or write first Bank of Joseph. 68W? WANTED. Lttniber. Anyone having lumber of any grade In any amount for sale, or who has timber he Intends to saw soon, and wishes to contract the lum ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin ' at Haney planer In Enterprise, Agent ' for W. R. Klvette. 26b4 Man to take contract to cut wood. I will furnish saw and team and want man to take charge. I will , feed team. Address J. H. Doty, En terprise, or inquire of C. M. Lock- wood, over harness shop. 89bl FOR 8ALE. ' 400 acre ranch oa Freeeeout, known as the Karry Hope place. Address J. A. Wilson, Imnaha, Ore. 88b4 8TALLIONS FOR SALeT Two dapple gray Percherons, weight 1600 and 1800 lb3., and one black, a cross- between Pexcheron and. Eng. lish Shire, weight 1400 lbs. Address Wm. Brobst, Wi'.oonville, Ore. 88t4 Fine line straw and linen hats just In ad W. J. Funk & Co's. The road drag has been doing ex cellent work on the city streets. 1 Sachs & Company Branch House of BaKer City Hide ana Junk Co. Wrt mt Froat Bars, Eatn-priM Highest Market Price Paid for Hides, Pelts, Fur, Junk of all kinds, Rubber, Brass and Cast Iron -:- -:- -:- Beginning Feb. 1: 18Jc per pound for dry beef hides; 15c per pound for dry sheep pelts. Will buy wool. -:- - -- To Our Friends ! and Patrons I m H T a B 8 . m m We desire to say that our store room and stock are gradually emerging from the state of dis order caused by the work of remodeling our building, and we will soon be ready to serve you better than ever. The spirit of forbearance on your part, as evi denced by your liberal patronage during the progress of the work, is appreciated by us, and we desire to show our appreciation in the bet ter service we may be able to render in the fu ture. Our desire to better serve you prompted us to undertake the seemingly almost impos sible thing, of successfully conducting a mer cantile business in a building undergoing re construction during the winter months. The measure of success attending our efforts we leave the public to judge. If we have been successful, we owe our success largely to your , indulgence and co-operation. The fact that our sales for the year were over $25,000.00 more than for the previous one leads us to con clude that our efforts towards progress meets with your hearty approval. Your confidence and good will are more to us than money; and it is our earnest desire to conduct our business in the future in such a manner as will merit your continued confidence, good will and pat ronage. Yours respectfully, Enterprise I Mercantile Company IIHIMIIIIIHIMKHWIHBttgUmniMI WILL TAKE DINNER kl THURSDAY, MARCH 24, DAY OF VISIT OF DEMONSTRATION TRAIN. The farming demonstration train which 13 coming over the branch Thursday, March 24, will stop in Enterprise for dinner, and it expect- ed that a large crowd will take ad- vantage of this splendid opportunity to see the exhibits -and hear the lec tures by the experts In. charge. The train consists of a number of cars thoroughly equlppel -for the purpose of practical demonstration and lec tures on all brant-hes of agriculture of special Interest to the farmer. Its purpose is to encourage diversi fied and Intensified farming through continuous and scientific occupation of the soil, and to further the im provement of agricultural conditions In the territory visited. A poultry car Is one of the inter esting features Mr. Vandewa'er was here Wednes day making arrangements for the oaiing of the train. The hours assigned for Wallowa county are: Joseph 9:00 a. m. to 11:00 a. m.; Enterprise 11:20 a. m. to 1:15 p, m.; Wallowa 3:00 p. Hi. to 5:00 p. m. The demonstration .work is in charge of the following experts: . Dr. James Withycombe, director, Oregon Experiment Station, Corval- 113. Prof. H. XX. Scudder, agronomist, Oregon Experiment Station, Corval Lis Prof. F. L. Kent, dairy husband man, Oregon Experiment Station, CorvaHis. Prof. James Dryden, poultry hus bandman, Oregon Experiment Sta- Milling ENTERPRISE tion, Corvallis. Mr. H. Umberger, superintendent, Moro Experiment Station, Moro. Mr. R. W. Alen, Superintendent, Umatilla Expeiinient Station, Her miston. Mr. A. L. Applewhite, foreman, Or egon Agricultural College Farm, Cor vallU. Mr. E. H. Spillman, assistant hor ticulturist, Eastern. Oregon Experi ment S union. Union. Mr. A. G. Limn, assistant poul try husbandman, Oregon Experiment Station, Corvallis. . Mr. R. W. Re?s, assistant poul try husbandman, Oregon Experiment Station, Corvallis. Mr. Robert J. Dryden, assistant poultry husbandman, Oregon experi ment Station, Corvallis. Fine Church Record Of Middle Point Sirnyside( Elects A. Peterson As School Director to Fill Vacancy Local Happenings. Promise.. March 5 Mr. B. South wick closed a successful term of school near . Rondowa, Thursday, March &. Miss Carrie E. VanPeit of Los tine is the new schoolma'am at Sun nyside. She commenced the school March 14, and has three months to teach. A special school meeting was held at Sunny Side Marcli 7, and Mr. A. Peterson was elected director to fill vacancy, John Bennett having sold out and removed his residence. Mr. Stace is home again a little improved in health. Dan Snuffer was a visitor at Uto pia, last Sunday, going and return ing with Rev. F, Q. Potter who preached there that day. Utopia's report for church atten dance last Sunday was every man, .woman and child on Middle Point came to church. El wood Robinson, took the Bur sel brothers over to their home stead in West Grossman, returning with them March 13. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Trump are viisitfag relatives of Mrs, Trump in Utopia Mr. and Mrs. Joner Trump, who have been visiting in West Virginia for five or six weeks, are highly en joying their visit but are about ready to return to their hom in Wallowa county. DEATH RECORD. William Holloway, an 'old resident of the North Country, died at the Pldcock hotel Sunday morning. Mr. Holloway had long suffered from a cUroiifc uiseitt and was brought in for treatment, driving Thursday ev ening In such condition that It was imposJble to begin treatment. He was taken very 111 at Sled Springs on the way In and two days were spent on the journey. He was ac companied by his wife and son John, and another son, Bargue, arrived be fore his death. The remains were taken back to Flora for burial. NOTICE TO 8ELTLE. All persons knowing themselves In debted to I. N. Pitzer are hereby no tified that all accounts due him have been placed In my hands for Imme diate collection. T. R. AKINS. NOTICE TO SPRAY. All growers of fruit trees In Wal lowa county are hereby notified to spray, in accordance with, the state law. Marcn i the. time for this work. FORD C. POTTER, County Fruit Inspector. Easter Candies, Eggs and Post Cards at Jacksou & Weaver's. I. N. 'Pitzer left Friday for Tou san; Arizona. Mr. Pitzner recently sold his blacksmith shop to J. A. Leo. 50,000 22-artrldgs Just, in at W. J. Funk & Co s. The Ancient Brahman. ' The Brahmaus were he lawyers, priests, professors, the sole instructed class, the sole authorities on taste, morality, the sole depositaries of what ever stood in the place of science. Ev erybody . was to oiluister unto tbein, everybody to give way to them. The Brahman was above the law. He was "not to be subjected to corporal pun ishment, must not be Imprisoned or fined or exiled or reviled." la the law of the Visbuu it was written: "The Brnhuinns sustain the world. It is by the favor of the Bra lima ns that the gods reside lu heaveu." , Uuder Eng lish rule and ideas the ancient caste has lost some. of its prestige, but is still a forcible reminder of its former grau deur.Kew l'ork American. L CLUB BOOSTER SOCIAL LARGE CROWD AT FRATERNAL HALL LISTENS TO FINE PROGRAM. "Enterprise Does Things." Mon day niht the Commercial club en tertained in regal manner at Frater nal hall, and probably every home to Enterprise ,was represented In the large assemblage that filled the hall. S. L. Burnaugh .presided and the pro gram went off as advertised with out a change, except for the absence of Hon. Walter Pierce, who wa to deliver the address, and was unable to reach this city because the train was delayed by a slide. The program opened with two beautiful piano solos by Miss Cono way, the second In response to the hearty applause accorded her open ing selection. Other musical num bers on the program were a superb vocal solo by Miss Browning, which was so roundly applauded that she graciously responded, and some fine selections by a quartet composed of Miss Browning, Mrs. F. A. Clarke, Herbert Browning and C. S. Bradley. Miss Brakel, ,who recently came to Wallowa county from Portland, de lighted the audience with her brilli ant violin playing, kindly answering the continued applause with a sec ond number. She was accompanied on the piano by Miss Mack of Jo seph, Miss Brakel is an experienced teacher of music and is now Instruct ing the Wallowa County high school orchestra, as well as an orchestra in Joseph. She is meeting with great success here. Mrs. A. C. Weaver appeared be fore an Enterprise audience for the first time, giving in a charming and graceful manner, "Jennie McNeal'e Ride." The speeches of Daniel Boyd and F. A. Clarke fully upheld the reputa tion of these gentlemen for always being able to say the right thing at the right time. Both speeches were witty and entertaining, but 'sound In thought and loyal in spirit. A beautiful streamer bearing the slogan, "Enterprise Does Tilings," executed by Artist Oakes. occupied a prominent place across the front of the hall. Secretary Payne had the member ship book open and a large number got Into the band wagon. More than fifty ladles enrolled as members of the Women's Auxiliary. At the close of the program the banquet hall was .thrown open and delicious Ice cream, cake, cocoa and coffee were served from a daintily laid table. The booster social was in every way a great success. Heavyweight) Hogs. R. L. Day shipped a load of hogs Friday for C. F. Walker of Seattle. Among the lot were three fine pork ers bought of J. T. Blrctoer which aggiegated 1450 pounds, or an ftver ige of 483 1-3 pounds each. It took tw men a half day to drive Uiese heavy-weights from the Blrcher ho-t-ii to the stockyards. NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the Wallowa County Stock Association at the court house in Enterprise, on. Saturday, April 2nd, at 2 o'clock, p. m, to elect officers and to trans act such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. All stockmen are urged to be present. 92w2cl . SAM WADE, President. MALADJUSTMENTS VERY COMMON The Osteopath, is the master ma chinist whose specialty Is tills, hu man machine. He knows exactly what Us adjustments should be throughout; and, when good health is not resulting from Us labors, be at once seeks to learn in what re spect its adjustments differ from those of the normal body In which there is no blemish, of disease. The case of the human machine differs from that of the machine of metal only for the reason, that when there is faulty operation defects in Its adjustments ere much more cer tain, to exist. It is a proven fact that there is scarcely a species of disease, or a single case of any such j species. In which either the eggra ' rating or the pre -disposing cause is , not a discoverable' mls-adjustment of ' some parts of the structure. This c onciA may be a displacement of the bony parts from their normal relative positions, a contracture of soft Us sues, the sagging of some soft tis sue part such as the stomach or In testlnes, or other abnormality fen the structure. In any case it causes Interference with, the proper circulation of the hfluid and nerve force of the body, and the only hope of radical cure lies in its correction. In the thirty-Uiree yean of its de velopment period Osteopathy has thoroughly proven every one of these- facts; and Osteopaths every where are proving them anew con stantly by removing the structural causes of disease and bringing health even in the most difficult and aban doned cases. Right Way. Buttercups Blooming On Chico Hillsides Lovely 8prlng Succeeds Cheanlmnus Freshets Closing of School Celebrated. Chlco, March 12. We are having lovely weather here. The snow is almost gone and buttercups are now blooming on the hillsides. Although Chesnlronus has recently been very high and has washed out all tha foot logs, and. small bridges on. the creek, It is going do;wn some, now, Thursday was the last day of our sciiool and an. entertainment was given by the school children and a few outsiders, but there were but few visitors' on account of hlghi wat er and muddy roads. Our teacher, Miss. Laura Weaver, left Chlco for her home on Alder Slope, onj todays stage, A party was given at the home of J. T. Edgroand Thursday night, for the benefit of Miss Weaver. It was largely attended by all the young people of our neighborhood. Refresh ments were served at midnight, and all made merry until the wee, small hours. Cal Monroe and Walter Daugherty are cutting wood for the Fine bro thers. Mrs. Ella Daugherty has been quite jlck for the past three weeks with an abcess under her right arm, but is getting better now. John Fine and Guy Tlppett made a trip to town. Wednesday. Burnett Bell has come out to the ranch to slay this summer. Miss. Ina Edgmand was on the sick list last week. Jack Tlppett was seen, la Chlco Friday evening. There was a dance at Fine's hall, Friday night. Foot Was Amputated, La Grande Star: A, J. Eouray, a resident of Joseph, who was brought to the Grande Rondo hospital a few days ago, was. compelled to withstand the loss of his right foot by ampu tation. The foot .was acected by a gangreous condition and amputation, was the last resort. Strychnine at Jackson, 4 Weavers. Farmers' Demonstra tion Train, March 24 March 24 the O. R. ft N. Co. wilt atop a demonstration train at En terprise station from 11:05 a. ro. un til 12:50 p. m. for the benefit of the farmers. All farmers are espec ially Invited. 92r3 J, 0. BUTNER, Asent. . Abstracts Loans Reliable Abstracts of title furnished on short notice. All Kinds of money to loan on farm property, from one to five years; large or small amounts Fire Insurance written in companies that pay all losses in full. WALLOWA LAW. LAND a ABSTRACT CO. , ' . INTERFUSE, 0BEG0N C. M. L0CKW00D, Lockwoed ftJlyso, Units States CsmmUtlonsr ' Managers EASTERN CAPITAL INVESTS OREGON CHICAGO PROMOTION COMPANY BUYS LARGE INTERESTS BANK DEP0SIT8. Portland, March 15 Large sums of Eastern capital have been Invested In this state during the past week la the purchase of the Northwest Corpo ration, which controls numerous goa, water and electric light and power plants in Oregon and Washington. II. M. Byllesby ft Co.. of Chicago, a large promotion concern, are under stood to have taken over the prop- ertlos. The firm will establish an oftlce in. Portland by the first of next month and direct operations from here. The properties bought extend from Walla Walla, Wash., to Southern. Ore gon. Ambitious projects yet to be completed are included in (lie com pany's, holdings. Various electric lines la the two states are planned. and the development of big water powers has been outlined. This transaction, which carries .with It a very large sum of Eastern capital, shows (he confidence out side investors have In the future de velopment of this section of the Uni ted States. ' Total deposits In Oregon banks, bothi National and State, at the close of business January 31. totaled $91. 314,138, an Increase of $1,265,388 since last November. Loans and dis counts in the same period1 increased $1,441,249. On the last day of Jan uary tbere. was due Oregon banks from approved reserve agents' out side of the state, a total of $10,239,- Hoi. These figures are given In a statement Issued by State Bank Ex aminer Steel. Portland's big new packing plant, just completed by the Swift Inter ests, began klllitiK livestock yester day. From now on, it will enlarge its operations until all the depart ments and allied industries are un der way. It is expected to be two or three months before the big $2,000, 000 plant Is in full operation. The (Coutlnued on last page ) Best of the Best Patent Flour (North Powder) used in all baking at Riley's Bakery Bread, CooKies, Pies and CaKes always fresh. North Pow der Patent Best of the Best Flour is sold in our grocery department at the same price as home flour. Just received a fresh lot of WELCH GRAPE JUICE the healthful spring drink Take a bottle home and try it. Only 65 cts. at Riley s Riley's Insurance n