Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, March 10, 1910, Image 1

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waxxxs u u v vim
Slate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
P. Rusk. Atty. State Land E d. Joseph
Farm loans at 7 percent. Call r
write First Bank of Joseph. G8b?
Man to take contract to cut wood.
I will furnish saw and team and
want man to take charge. I will
feed team. Address J. H. Doty, En
terprise, or Inquire of C. M. Lock
wood, over harness shop. ' 89 bl
Lumber. Anyone having lumber of
any grade in any amount for sale,
or who has timber, he Intends to saw
soon, and wishes to contract the lum
ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin
at Haney planer In Enterprise, Agent
for W. R. Klvette. 2Gb4
400 acre ranch oi Freezeout, known"
as the Harry Hope place. Address
J. A. Wilson, Imnaha, Ore. 88b4
Good farm teem. Weight 1200 to
1300 pounds, and harness. Cheap.
Inquire at office. , 90bl
Two dapple gray Percherons, weight
1600 and 1800 lbs., and one black, a
cross between. Percheron and Eng
lish Shire, .weight 1400 lbs. Address
Win, Brobst, Wl oonvllle, Ore. 88t4
Promise, March 1 Four feet of
snow. Welcome, oh, south wind!
Clint Clemens' was visiting In
West Grossman Friday.
The Washington entertainment
and box social was postponed but
the postponement was re-called. So
in spite of deep snows and bad
roads It was held on Feb. 22, with
good attendance considering the
weather. The program by the Col
Pitt's school was well rendered. The
box supper was a success. After
this, the time was spent In a ciph
ering match which was enjoyed by
all. Grown people and children all
took part.
! To Our
and Patrons
We desire to say that our store room and stock
are gradually emerging from the state of dis
order caused by the work of remodeling our
building, and we will soon be ready to serve
you better than ever, y
The spirit of forbearance on 3'our part, as evi
denced by your liberal patronage during the
progress of the work, is appreciated by us, and
we desire to show our appreciation in the bet
ter service we may be able to render in the fu
ture. Our desire to better serve you prompted
us to undertake the seemingly almost impos
sible thing, of successfully conducting a mer
cantile business in a building undergoing re
construction during the winter months. The
measure of success attending our efforts we
leave the public to judge. If we have been
successful, we owe our success largely to your
indulgence and co-operation. The fact that
our sales for the year were over $25,000.00
more than for the previous one leads us to con
clude that our efforts towards progress meets
with your hearty approval. Your confidence
and good will are more to us than money; and
it is our earnest desire to conduct our business
in the future in such a manner as will merit
your continued confidence, good will and pat
ronage. Yours respectfully,
Mercantile & Milling'
liliiiuuu uum
The committees in charge of the
the booster social to be Given b'y
the Commercial Club, Monday even
ing, March 14, ait Fraternal hall, are
actively engaged In the work of
preparation and will leave nothing
undone to make the affair a success.
A cordial Inviitatton 13 tfven every
man and woman In Enterprise and
vicinity to be present, and It Is
hoped that everybody will take this
occasion to ehow their loyalty to,
the city and their faith in her fu
ture by attending. The Hon. Walter
M. Pierce of La Grande has accept
ed the invltatioi to address the
meeting and it' is expected that a
number of La Grande boosters) jwlll
be here to tell us of the methods
that have made the La Grande Com
mercial club-successful. Following
is the
Piano Solo Miss Cone-way
Remarks Daniel Boyd
Song, Quartet
Reading Mrs. Weaver
Vocal Solo Miss Browning
Violin So'o Miss Brakel
Remarks F. A. Clark
Song Quartet
Address ....Hon. Walter M. Pierce
After the program corfee and cake
will be served and a social time en
Joyed. The La Grande Observer says:
"Looking to closer commercial re
lationship between Union and Wal
lowa counties, the Enterprise Com
mercial club has planned a lovefeast
for March 14, when every Commer
cial dub member and worker In La
Friends I
Grande will be the special guests of
honor at Enterprise.
"An invitation, worded and phras
ed In such a way that there Is. no
mistaking the actuating spirit, has
been received! here, from the . Enter
prise club. In warm, friendly and
urgent tones the Invitation urges
the Commercial club workers of La
Grande to answer - the Invitation.
What Is In store at the other endi Is
not known, but Enterprise Is well
reputed for hospitality and it to
doubluj If the local club members
half realize the treat In store for
"LaGrande ladles are also urgent
ly Invited, Indicating that the Enter
prise ladies have something to do
with the affair. Enterprise correct
ly argues that the banquet and love
feast will have an Important bear
ing on commercial relations between
the metropolitan cities of the two
sister counties.
"Arrangements for accepting the
Invitation with a large delegation of
local club members will be put In
action at once."
Peer Creek Flood
Highest Ever Known
All. Mails Are Delayed and Roads
Almost Impassable) Neap
Paradise, March 4. The deep
snow Is fast disappearing. Flood of
Deer creek washed the wagon road
out and the road Is impassable.
Alonzo McWillis and wife and
Henry Schmith had papers, made be-
rore the Paradise notary this week.
Travel on. the roads is bad as the
snow was deep and, softened by the
thaw allows the horses to break
The mail from Paradise to Ana
tone Wednesday could not cross
the Grande Ronde river. The mall
from W&llqwa has been very late
on account of deep snow. The high
est water lm Deer creek ever known.
The family of Bailey Shelton who
live on Deer creek had everything
packed ready to move out but the
water did not Quite get Into the
R. C. Goodman New
Agent At iostine
Success 8. S. Hooper1 at O. R. & N.
Depot Local News Gleaned
From Reporter,
Lostlne, March 5 S. L. McKenzie
had the misfortune Saturday, of last
week to burn his arm quite severe
ly with carbolic acid. He .was pour
ing the acid from one receptacle in
to another and spilled the poison up
his sleeve, burndnig his. arm from the
wrist to the shouldsr.
Raleigh' C. Goodman has receiv
ed his appointment as the agent for
the O. R. & N. Co. at Lostlne de
pot, and will assume bis duties this
week. Mr. Hooper, who is resign
ing the position, will leave soon, for
Elgin where he intends running a
meat market.
Mrs. May Lee arrived in Lostlne
from Orau, Wash., Friday of last
week on a visit of a couple of
months with relatives and. friends
She brought little Dorothy Alien,
whom she has had for the past
three years, back to Lostlne and the
child Is now staying with Mr. and
Mrs. Lafe Ham mack.
Jackson. Poe was able to walk up
to town this week by using his
crutches. He has been unable to
leave the house during the winter,
and a greater portion of the time
he has been practically helpless,
having suffered for the past year
and a half from rheumatism.
-At last the "bus to the depot Is
again on wheels. Last Tuesday was
the first time Mr. Childers, the bus
driver, had taken the coach to the
depot since the lirst part of Decem
ber, having had the bus on runners
every day since that time. '
Everett Johnston who haa spent
the winter on Snake, river returned
from there the latter part of last
week and wai In Lostlne Saturday.
He has rented the Ed Mason farm
In Middle Valley and will live there
this summer. , , ,. ..
Levi Womack and family have
moved to the Fitzpatrick farm 'be
tween here and Enterprise. Martin
Wolverton's have moved In,to the
house recently vacated by Mr. Womack.
Adjourned Session, January Term.
Tuesday, February 13, 1910.
In the matter of receiving bids for
the furnishing of furniture of the
court house of Wallowa county, Or
egon: ' Following bids were opened, read
and considered, to-wlt:
Glass & Prudhomme Co.
Shaw & Bordem Co.
Fred S. Ashley.
Leffel & Durr.
Matiter continued until next day.
Wednesday, February 16, 1910.
In the matter of accepting bids for
'the furnishing of furniture of the
county court house of Wallowa coun
ty, Oregon:
After due consideration, and It
appearing to the Court that Fred
S. Ashley of Enterprise, Oregon,
is the lowest and beat bid for all
loose furniture and counter and
bar railing; end Glass & Prud
homme Co, of Portland, la the
lowest and best bid on all steel
vault fixtures,
It 19 therefore ordered that Fred
S. Ashley be awarded the con
tract for the furnishing of all
loose furniture, counters and bar
railing, according to the price and
specifications filed herewith, and
Glass & Prudhomme Co. be award
ed the contract for the furnish
ing of all vault fixtures according
to the price and specifications
filed herewith.
March Term, 1910.
First Judicial. Day. Wednesday,
March 2.
Present, Hon. J. B. Olmstead, coun
ty judge; Sam Litch and W. G.
Locke, county commissioners; W.
C, Boatman, clerk; Edgar Marvin,
sheriff. "
The following proceedings were
had to;wit:
In the matter of the county road
petitioned for by John Anthony and
On motion of D. W. Sheahan, at
torney for the petitioners, the
same Is continued.
In the matter of establishing a new
road district:
H. E. Driver and others petition
to establish a new road dietrlct
out of road district No. 1. Same
is disallowed as the regular Janu
ary term Is the only time that
new districts can legally be es
tablished. In the matter of allowing miscel
laneous bills against the county:
Said bills having been submitted
to the Court, and the Court hav
ing passed upon and audited each
of said bills separately as appears
from the signature of the Court
It is therefore considered and or
dered -by the Court that the said
bills be allowed and warrants is
sued by the County Clerk in pay
ment of the same as allowed In
amounts as follows:
Scalp Bounty Fund.
S. A. Keck $ 6 00
A. E. Davis 1 DO
L. E Feaglns 1 CO
C. H. Ford 1 50
John Curry 1 50
W. P. Warnock ...... 4 60
Geo. W. Richardson 3 00
W. C. Meek 1 50
W. C. Meek 2 00
C. K. Bue 1 50
B. Sargeant 10 50
W. H. Gentry 21 00
Ira C. Pratt . ; " 1 50
Will Vanassc?)e .... 2 00
H. T. Coleman 3 00
H. C. Beggs 4 50
A. B. Milter 4 50
Murat Blevens '. 1 50
J. K. Carper 14 50
T. J. Dlledge 3 00
P. Winner .. . 4 50
Dan Ciemans , 1 50
Gerald Graves 8 00
W. C. Meek 4 00
John Cook 1 50
John Cook 4 00
J. A. Cross land 1 50
Geo. Greenwood 26 50
A.R.Murray ..., 160
Neal Baker , 1 50
Cecil C. Ghornvley ... . . 4 50
Geo. C. Russell ,
W. F. Craig ....
Dan Ciemans ...
Dan Ciemans
P. Winner
John P. Brvndon
Geo. W. Wright
1 50
3 00
16 60
4 00
1 50
? 7 60
3 00'
B. C. Carper (60
Clemy Ward l 60
C. E. Merrltt 1 60
W. A. Murray I 60
W. C. Meek 1 00
J. W. Allen 9 00
K. S. Pace 1 60
Samuel Sheufelt 64 00
Dale Wlleon 3 00
Joha Cros8land l 60
H. W. Dale 4 60
Huber Gossett J 00
Glen Russell i 60
Napoleon Beaudola 6 60
$278 60
Thomas Morgan 351 00
High School Fund.
II. K. Shirk, principal 125 00
U. W. Hall. Ass't. Prln .... 100 00
Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, teacher.. 90 00
May Bothwell, teacher .... 90 00
E. J, Forsythe, (wlrlng high.
school 145 69
Calvin Long, janitor 25 00
Geo. H. Sutherland, plumbing 291 96
H. K. Shirk, principal 125 00
(Continued on last page.)
Mail Carrier Has
Troy Hill Troubles
Drifted Snow Blocks Travel In, North
Country Grouse Star
Grouse, Feb. 26. All business, sus
pended except fireside conversation
as everybody de indoor during- the
Snow to the depth of from two
to four feet owing to location cov
er the roads which are blocked In
many places with drifts till It Is
almost impossible to travel. The
mail from Flora failed to get through
the drifts on the Troy hill Tues
day and was compelled to turni back
to Flora. Thursday Mr. Oowey and
Mr. Bell, by Bteady perseverance,
made their way through to Grouse
by 4 p. m. with the mall returning
Friday. Warmer Thursday and
rainy all day which settled the
snow almost one third.
Hay 1s almost all fed out, and a
heavy loss of stock to anticipated
if the winter continues a few weeks
John M. Silver Is closing out his
stock of goods at this place. A
number of buyers have been In from
Hansen's Ferry and Bartlett during
the last 10 days.
Mrs. Charles Wilson of La Grande
Is snow-bound at this place. She
came to visit her father and rela
tives several weeks ago, expeotlng
to only make a short visit. The
weather has been so cold and
atormy she thought beat to wait till
the storm period ceases.
Wm. Wilson of Troy has sold all
his holdings and Is on bis way to
Missouri in search of a warmer cli
mate. The school at Falrvlew 1 pro
gressing nicely under the leadership
of Roy E. Edigmand as teacher.
Miss Mabel Boston of this place
will teach the Renfrew school. She
is a noble young lady and we wish
her great success.
There will be a meeting of the En
terprise Commercial club at the
court house Thursday night, and It
Is requested that every citizen of
the town be present, as business of
Importance to property cjwners and
-ltizens will be discussed.
Rev. W. S. Crockett wilt d reach
ki the Christian church In thu city
next Sunday, morning and evening,
and Mrs. Samuel Gregg will occupy
the Lostlne pulpit.
Reliable Abstracts of
All Hinds of money to loan on farm property f
from one to five years; large or small amounts
Fire Insurance written in companies that pay
all losses in full.
C M. L0CKW00D, Loclwooa S Blly.u,
United States Commissioner Managers
B. B. Boyd and L. B. Payne met
with council Monday night to ex
plain and advocate the making and
use of the log drag, and the mar-
shal was ordered to have a drag
made according to their sugges
tions. .
A. M. Wagner was present to talk
about the town ditch. A committee
consisting of Graves, Blckford and
Hockett was commissioned to meet
with the users to consider the dis
position of the djtch, and also to
make price of water from water
works for Irrigation purposes. '
An ordinance for collecting road
poll tax and expending of that fund
was adopted as published elsewhere
to ttii paper.
Proposals for licensing poddlars
and skin buyers was turned down.
Mayor Mayfleld and Councllmen
Funk and Combes were appointed
to confer with the county court In
regard to a city jail and council
room In the new courthouse.
Mai shal Hug was Instructed o
hire teams and men to repair the
damage done to the streets and
bridges by the recent flood.
The water rate for bakeries was
reduced from fa to. II aj month '
After ai4week's mall famine a train
arrived about to o'clock Monday
night, bringing 32 sacks of mall.
and Postmaster Weathers and his
assistants were kept busy Tuesday
distributing mall and .waiting on
eager callers.
The outg61ng train, Tuesday reach
ed La Grande, but the Incoming
train found trouble and turned back.
Today (Thursday; we are again
put In communication with the out-
side world, a train in charge of Con
ductor Kerr arriving at 12 o'clock.
The latest trouble was 12 miles
this side of Elgin.
W do tirst-olas job work.
Best of the Best
Patent Flour
(North Powder)
used in all baking at
Riley's Bakery
Bread, CooKies, Pies
and Cattes
always fresh. North Pow
der Patent Best of the
Best Flour is sold in our
grocery department at the
same price as home flour.
Just received a fresh lot of
the healthful spring drink
Take a bottle home and
try it. Only 65 cts. at
Riley Riley's
Insurance n
title furnished on short
(Continued on last page.