I v if- I r WE WILL PAY As follows. We never charge commission nor drayage. We want your ?ood fat hoes, veal and duckena. Dressed Veal up to 130 lbs 121c Lai?re Veal Less. Vr8ed pork, any size. .. . 1 U Live Hens .g Dressed Hens 20c Live Ducks ig Dressed Geese Dressed Turkeys 25c Addrr. FRANK L SMITH MEA1 CO. P0R1UND, OREGON. N Aevwawtlns; ter liiita. Flair Maiden Can't I sell you a cou ple of tickets to our charity concert? Only 12 for the two. Irritable Capitalist I dont care for charity concerts, young lady, but If youH bring me a couple of boxes of fine charity strawberries Til give you 5 apiece for them. , Where) 1'rpys Worn Fame. "Who was the fellow Pepya, and What is his claim to fame?" "His claim to fame Is well founded, my friend. He's the man who kept a diary for more than a year." Kunni City Journal. ads c tom otvWvc )owfcs; dcawses o system ej$cxttxy vabxol cousXoXoxv To $eXs bewcJco riAMuracTUProBTwE CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOLO BY LEADING DRUGGISTS 50A BOTTLE The Kind You Have Always 3 ture v viuui ii. x' lewuvri uuu nan oeen maae under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-grood" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its gruarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Eeverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. Tie Kind You Ha?e Always Bought S7 Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc umuni imf, tt maw stout, nn rem cm. (7 HflPI ill ! M Hun try u haia For Highest use 17 BAKING POWDER Hi 23 Ounces for 23 Cents Made from pure, carefully tested materials. Get a can on trial You never saw such cakes Jounces and biscuit They'll open your eyesk, IUk Cat. An extract from tha tele proves that the English can take a joks in a sportsmanlike war - The American opinion of coffee as understood In the English home Is not high, and how the coffee of the En. lish lodgings is esteemed may be un derstood from the following traveler's tale: It was his first morning London "apartments," and his landlady came up with the breakfast, and as she set down his coffee cup she opened a slight conversation. "It looks like rain," she said. "It does," agreed the American, "and It doesn't even smell unllks It" TO CURE A COLD M ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablet.. J?"" refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. lKOt S us-nature Woo each bos. Soa. Possible Cae for HI am. "No, sir," said the recruiting officer; .Tm sorry to say your boy won't do at all for the navy." "Why not?" asked the tad's father. "He's cross eyed." Tee. I know that, but his eyes are crossed at such a peculiar angle that I thought you might be able to use him as a range finder." Chicago Tribune, A Sport 1ms; Cbaere. "ril teach you to play at pitch and tossl" shouted the enraged father. "I'll flog you for an hour, I will!" "Father," instantly said the Incor rigible, as he balanced a penny on his thumb and finger, "I'll toss you to make It two hours or nothing." Cassell's Journal. Pcltii's Eye Salve. No matter how badly the eyes may be diseased or injured, restores normal conditions. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. I Soolfc Carollaa, Colonel Peterby met his colored gar dener, Jim Webster, a short time aw Jim had been recently ia.a.rrleil. "How do you like matrimony, Jim?" asked Colonel Peterby. Jim shook his head dubiously. "What's the matter V "Yer see, boss, before we were mar- ried. when I knocked at de dore.she used ter say, 'Am dat you, honey suckle?" "Now when I come home she bawls out, 'Clean off dem boots before you comes in dat dore, you black moke!'" Baltimore News. Overconfldeace. "What Is the title of this picture T" Inquired the connoisseur. " Tha Night Express Leaving on Time,'" said the proud owner of thf painting. "May I ask what It cost you?" "I paid $150 for it." "Well, you got left" Bought has borne the signa Signature of A flarorins vaed the tame a lemon or vanilla. Br dissolving granulated sugar in water and adding Mapieine, a delicious syrup is made and a syrup better than maple. Mapieine ii sold by erocers. If not send 35e for 2 os. bottle and leaoebook. Crwcit Mis. Co., Seattle, Ws. Quality 'Gaaraataed dor sill far Feoei Law FIND HUGE GRAFTS Pittsburg Bankers and Polltlcans Deeply Involved. COUNCIL MEMBERS BOUGHT CP Bank Officers Caught Along With Men Whom They Bribed to Deposit Public Money. Pittsburg, Jan. 15. President E. H. Jennings ana Vice-President F. A Griffin of the Columbia National bank: Max Q. Leslie, county delinquent tax collector and ex-Republican city chair man; Charles Stewart, ex-councilman. and F. F. Nicola, a capitalist aad real ramie operator were arrested today on """' iiwueu oy uismct Attorney acy to cause the selection of the CO' lumbia National bank as a city do positorv. In addition, Leslie is charged with perjury and another councilman alleges that for two years he made a business of soliciting tha aid n the influence of legislation. All gave The charppa are thn rsanlt ttto craft scandnln nf n ' ' I. UV-M . If brought out that councilmen had been iu money to yote ror six depositories. Officers of other banks who were found guilty had taken an appeal to the su perior court ana tne present cases bad been salted K q VU .uc Other Cases. An nn AoiMBinn aaamA likely until March, when the statute " "suuuoa wouia nave exempted iiiu.c urresieu today, tne district at torney took summarv actinn It is charged in the writs that in solicited from Griffin $17,000 for his vote and influence in favor of the or dinance that authorized the Columbia National bank as a depository. It is also charged that Nicola i move on the "part of Stewart. Griffin cuargeu witn conspiracy to defraud the city by corrupting members of the city council and it. i. fnrth .o.j that he promised certain members sV O .T ff M a l ior ineir votes and influence in iavor or tne ordinance. Leslie i chnririxl with ?2Sfn ;fl Z :i , ' v auuucuw cuuucuuianic votes. It is also charged that jury investigated this ohum i perjured himself in denying that he uau iciavcu unjr payments ior any purpose whatever from any of the men UOUICU. DIVER BEATS Tl'P.VTT.'PTRTT Deep-Sea Artist Wins Desperate Fight on KJcean Bottom. Lone Beach. Cal.. Jan. is Pnt r from assistance from nhn A n Christy, a professional deep-sea diver, sjjeni ine worst 10 minutes of his life toaay in a desperate battle on the sea bottom with a larra devilfish Christy had- gone down to inspect the caissons and piers of the outer wharf for the around he tangled his lifeline ud so i.uai, wiieo ue ieit tne octopus seize his leg he was unable to give the signal for ascendint?. Perceiving that the line was fast he lumeu to tne octopns, wnicn Dy that time had four tentacles wrapped around his left lee. Five times hn lnli.,l at the monster with his big scraping su eaen time severed a tentacle. At last, the octonua mnvAri fiwav and Christy hastened to straighten out the j . . iueuue sua gave tne signal to be hauled up. lie has been in a state bordering on nervous enllnnsn PVAT since, but bis condition is not serious. Walsh Signs Agreement. Chicago, Jan. 15. John E. Walsh to day attached his signature to the agree ment of settlement of his. financial troubles and sent it to thn First Trust and Savings bank, to be held until the guaraiiiura 01 tne note sign tneir part of the agreement. Thn sicrnntiirn oina. to the Associated Banks of Chicago, wuicn DacKea tne adjustment of Walsh's financial affairs after his banks were suspended in ion;, thn 114,039,000 in securities be put up to cover a note ior 9i,izifii in return for the canceled note. In addition, the banks will cet 600.000 from thn antors signing the note, who are then uj oe given ine f4,uuu in securities they put up as surety. Port Arthur to Be Open. Washington, Jan. 15. Notice to the intention of the Japanese government to open Port Arthur to world-wide com merce is indicated in Tokio dispatches to the Japanese Embassy about two months ago, but it was said the issuing of the order would be withheld until the government was able to fix the exact date for the opening. The pur pose is not to make Port Arthur a free port in the sense of Hamburg, where goods may enter free of duty and be placed in bond, but simply to put it on the footing of New York or any other commercial city. Harvester Company Waxes Fat. New York, Jan. 15. Another "mel on" of large proportions the distri bution of $20,000,000 in common stock is to be given to the stockholders of the International Harvester company. The new stock is to be distributed ratably as a stock dividend to the pres ent $60,000,000 of common stock. The directors of the company have recom mended that the entire 180,000,000 of stock be placed on a 4 per cent divi dend basis, beginning next April. - Switchmen War Still On. Washington, Jan. 15. An agreement between the railroads operating out of Chicago and their switchmen is not yet in sight. Conferences between the par ties involved and the mediators under the Erdman act have been in progress for three days. From132to180lbs. Wonderfully BulJt Up at Small Cost . The number o ca-s i.f general debility in which Hood's Sarsnpart la lias proved just the mclicine thai was needed is very Itreat. Mr. K. !. Fry, Ivanlioe, Va., de scribes bis cae and tvll what this medi cine did for him, in the f.'llowinR testimo nial: "I was all run. down and weighed only 133 pounds. I took Hood's Ssrsapa rilla, and before the Hrst bottle w as flnilied began to improve, and when I had taken six Unties was wonderfully built up and weighed ISO pounds." Get Hood's 8arstiparira today. In usual ilium lonu ur lauicts cuue i SarsAtabs. Tarlfflpt Rivers (who Is writing an article on Imports) Say, Brooks, what's the rate on automobiles? Brooks In the suburb where I live It's not less than forty miles an hour. PlltS Cl'Reo IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is irusnnteed to rurs any eas of ltehinir. Blind. Blrvilinic or Protruding- HUs in to U days or money refunded. We, A Coolness It rl ween Them Now. "Do you mean to tell me, colonel, you are 63 T Why, I shouldn't have taken you to be over 40." "I fear, madam, you are not a good Judge of ages.". "O, yes, I am, colonel; but I thought Td lie Just a little, to please you." DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS. Seventeen Tears the Standard. Prescribed snd recommended for women's ail mentsa scientifically pnpar.id remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick and permanent. Fos sale at all drug; stores. Kot I be 0ly One. The Court Ephralm, this Is the fourth or fifth time you have been up befdre me for petty larceny. You are an old offender. Uncle Ephr'm Yes, suh; It's about as tough a Job to refawm me as it Is de Standahd Oil comp'ny. Chicago Tribune. Wnere la worsedi "While we were on my honeymoon I always spoke French to my husband so that no one should understand us." "So you went to France, did you?" Fllegende Blaetter. You Can Get Allen's root-Ease tmt. Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Lo Koy, N. Y., for a tree sample oi Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy. A oertsin cure for corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug guU sell it. 25o. Don't aeoept any substitute What For who, to dumb forgetfulness a prey. That letter In his pocket e'er resign ed. Without receiving, on some later day, A good-sized portion of somebody's mind? Philosophic. The Grumbler Seems to me It's about time something was coming my way. The Philosopher Be thankful, mv friend, lest the something which doesnt come your way is something rou deserve. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Constipation "For over nine years I suffered with chronic constipation and during this time I had to take an injection of warm water once every S4 hours before I could have an action on my bowels. Happily I tried Cascareta, and today I am a well man. During the nine years before I used Cascareta I suffered untold misery with Internal plies. Thsnks to you. I am free from all that this morning. You can use this In behalf of suffering humanity. B. P. Fisher, Roanoke, I1L CUT THIS OUT. mall it with your ad dress to tho Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, III., and rec ive a handsome sou venir Gold Bon Bon FREE. You can't sow thistles and reap iigs. ii you plant reny a beeas yo grow exactly what you expect and in a prolusion and Deflec tion never excelled. PIMv Mir. nf tnH.-nrl make them r. flnhU Pn, mtim 191 rfree on request. v oeea Annual D. u. rcoBT a co. Detroit. sOds. When You're Hoarse Use a Gives immediate relief. The first dose relieve your aching throat and ftltaVS trir ifrttahrtn f. i i.r.nluyJ I a contain no opiates. Very palatable. All Drusgiata, 25c TOWER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED .ts .v9ra CLOTHING will give you full value ror every couar spent and keep you dry In the wettest weather. SUITS 322 SLICKERS22 POMMEL SUC SO(D IWRYWHWe CATAlMfJfU AJ.ToVFB"fV. RmrnuM iC? To wrjj Canadian Co. limited tosohto.cam. PUTNAM 1 B-f IS) a m 4 It 'IT' LsaiBBmwi I A I I V 1 V w t'ttsses. She was shopping. She drifted Into the place where they sell blankets. Roll after roll was deposited and spread outt before her. Sill, she list lessly aBked for more. Finally, with brazen face, she remarked, as she rose: "Oh, well; I don't really mean to buy any. I was only looking (or a friend." "Pray wslt a moment, ma'am," said the attendant, suavely, "there's is one more blanket on the shelf. Perhaps your friend Is In that." Tlt-Blts. Mother will find Mrs. Wlnslows inothlof Syrup the tvst remedy t uss fur to. sir c&Udrwu ttuilug tha tcatbiug period. Bema 1 rob ski. They've found a now cure for con sumption." "What la Itr "Crotalln." "What Is crotalln T" "Rattlesnake poison." "Well, it's trua that a man who has been bitten by a rattlesnake is not likely to die of consumption." The next time you have a cold on the lungs try rubbing Wizard Oil on your chest and see how quickly it will draw out the inflammation and break up the coia. Not Handing Oat Statistics. The Ml88ua Norah, how many fam uli's have you ever worked forT The Maid Wurruked, Is it, ma'am? ril have you know, Mrs. Pa-arker, I've wurruked fr ivery fam'ly I Iver lived with!" Chicago Tribune. Jnst Hcforo ! Swears Os?. Man wants a great deal here below. (The poet hath It wrong.) He wants a lot the man you know And wunts It good and strong. SEEDS Catalogue for the Asking Send for It J. J. BUTZER 188 Street Front Portland, Oregon Some Excellent Rooms ' Still on Sale for CLARK'S CRUISE OP THE "CLEVELAND" R 18,000 Tons, Brand New and Superbly Fitted I Ik OUND THE WORLD FROM SAN FRANCISCO FEB. S. 1910 ONE STEAMER for the Entire Cruise of nearly four months, matins; only U60 and up, includlns all necessary cxp?naa, ROUTE: Japan, China, Philippines, Bornap, Java. Burma, India, (avion, tgvpt, Italy, etc. An unusual chance lo visit unusually attractive places. jKffiK ORIENT CRUISE February 5. 1910. by 8. S. "Rroaaar Kiirfur 73 days, including- 24 days Ewypt and Palestine, $400 up, Inctu ling- hotels, shore excursions, etc. f RANK C CLARK Times Bids. New York KOW-KURE is not a "food" it Is n medicine, and the only medicine in the world for cows on y. Mailt; for the cow and, as its name indicates, a Cow Cure. Uurrenexs. returned after birth, abortion, scours, caked udder, and all similur nlt'urtionn positively and quickly cured. No one who keeps cdwh, wlK-tln-r many or few, can alTord to be without KO W KUKE. It is niude especially to keep cows healthy. Our book "Cow Money" sent FRKE. Ask your local dealer for KOW-KUhE or send to the manufacturers. DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO. LHoifillt, Vl. ainless Dentistry Out of town people on Dare tnair piai i : ana brldgttwotk Ou- TS l.tind In nn. Sbi neceMarr. Wa will alwa voa a maai A Z2k sold r sorcalili i-Jerowllof $3.61 11 Molar Crown. 5.00 '4ckBrll(sTtls3.50 pj Osld Fillings 1.O0 Ifnansl Filllnis LUb Silver Filllnss .50 lnl Flllinn 2.50 i 6ood Rubber . M. 1 PI.Im 5.00 "V'Arf -r en B&.a.itI,rMffis!SWe rrisis, i.uu st um snwaan fnm Silnlan Extr dos .00 WORK OUARANTICO POK IS VKARS Esinleaa Estraution rree when platoaorbriilse work ordered. Oonaultatum Free, Von cannot atbetut palDlftaa work done anywhere. All work fully auiir anteed. aloderaelentrloe(juliuint, bual nmtkodi. Wise Dental Co. hii.w.u.is. PORTUAND, OREGON err ui aoosst a. at. ta . at. Ssadar. . C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondefu! man has made a life study of tha properties of Hoots, Herbs and Barks, and is rlvin the world the benefit of his services. No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used. Ne Operations or Cutting Guarantees to euro Catarrh, Asthma, Lane Stomach and Kidney troubka, wui all Private iHaoaaos of M a and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China safe, sure and reliable. Unfailing in Its works. If you cannot call, write for symptom aaat circular. Inclose 4 cants in stamps, CONSULTATION TRtC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 11)11 RmI O Ml. B si J FADELESS DYES When the Hair Falls Stop it! And why not? Fill ing; hair Is a disease, a regular disease; and Aycr's Hair Vigor, as made from our new im proved formula, quickly and completely destroys that dis ease. The hair stops falling out, grows more rapidly, and all dandruff disappears. Ones not chnnn iht color Iht hair. A rerssula win eeeh kettle ft Shew It te yea yers Sak kiwi abewtn, then Se as ke aaye The little book In each package give the formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells why each Ingredient Is used, and ex. plaint many other Interestinj things. After reading you will know why this new bair preparation does Its work so well. Made by the J. O. Iyer Co., Lowell, 1 Trree tlrouelht Halo, In lower Egypt rain fell very tel. dora. During the French occupation, about 1789, It did not rain ror sixteen months, but since Mahomet All and Ibrahim Tasha completed their Test plantations the former alone planted more than 20,000,000 olive. Or, cotton, acacia, plane trees, etc. there now falls a good donl or rain. " A IllaVh Courts, He Do you believe In the higher education ror girls, She Oh, my, yes; I'm taking lea sons In aviation already. Boston Her aid. C0FFEEC TEA SPICES BAKINO POWDER IXTrUCTS JUST RIGHT CLflSSETADEVFIM PORILAND, ORC ) ' THE OLD RELIABLE." GOIMRHOEAandGLEET AT DRUGGISTS.OR TRIAL BOX BY MAIL 50c FROM rM.ANTEN.83 HENRY ST.BROOKLYNJUd k BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. MODERN EXPERT DENTISTRY At Prices that Defy ComoctltlM TEEfM WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY PAINLESS EXTRACTION...., 81LVEK riLt.INUS GOLD KILL1NCS ........aoo .. .60)0 up $1.00 uo till GOLD CROWN T...SS.0 GOOD KUBHKR PLATE S5.0O TUB BKSr KUHHKR HLAT13 SS.0O WHALKUONK PLATrW 110.00 Out-of-town patinnuj can obtain perfeet work snd save money by calling- at our office. NO BIDDEN re NO OAS NO COCA1NB All work guaranteed for ten yean CHICAGO PAINLESS DCNTISTS 23W Washlnaloa St.. Cor. Slath EatablUhed It years. Hera to stay. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Means an unfalllna water supply. It means that you will have the moat praenV eai Domestie water sunply ayatam now tat eaa. No elevated lank, no fruaea pipes la winter, no stagnant water in summer, ae wster supply troubles of any sort. Tank placed in basement, out of tight and way, made of preaaod steel, will not rust and will laat a lifetime. You will be pleased wtth the LEADM syatena of furnishing- Dome. tie Watar Supr 'y. Atk for our eataloirua and free booklet, "How I Solved kty Wales "supply Problem." LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. PNU No. 4-lw WHJCI wrltlna-1 nienlloa this to advertiser alaaaa vapvr pwwwwwwawa.1, .-wjBwij i.,wjwwaewaawawwwwwM "rrW"lsr't'"'J,