-- fl City and County Brief News Items Alfalfa seed for sale at R. S. ft Z. D. M. Young of Trout Creek went out to La Grande, Tuesday. Sauer kraut, cranberries and swee' potatoes at Funk's. F. I. Vergere was among the pus sengers for Portland, Tuesday. Paul Rutter fame in on Fridays train from Union. Line of fancy hair combs and bar rettes, in jets, etc. at Mrs. Hug's. Jacob Bauer went to Portland Tuesday. White Loaf Flour, $4.75 per bar rel at E. M. & M. store. Deputy Elstrict Attorney Dill has been confined to his home several days by illness. Kegi'iar meals 23 cents at Pid cock's restaurant, 2nd door south oi P.. S. C Z. 64tf A. C. Carpenter, watch maker and Jeweler, in buHding east of the Jor dan & Pace real estate office. Individual silk waist patterns at Funk's. Art. Scroggins left Tuesday fo: Pheonix, Ariz., where the shesi shearing season wi'.l soon begin. Get yo :r winter cabbage and sauei kr.iut. A. M. Warner, Enterprise. Frank Anderson took his teacher M!sa .Vartha Cas'.eel to her home at Waverley on Day Ridge to spend Christmas. Bertha Hambleton came home or Friday's train from Union and Bakei City, where she was visiting friend: through the holidays. Misses' Patent Leilher Sailors, $1: children's Patent Leather Sailors cents; all r3ady-to-wear hats goinf accordingly at Mrs. Hag's. .The new officers of Enterprise lodge No. 133, I. O. O. F., were in stalled Saturday night, and the mem bers enjoyed a fine, hot supper af ter the ceremonies. Walter Evans has Tetumed to En t irprUe after an absence of eight iars and is at the uome of hU j-Uer, .Mrs. L. W. Riley. He w residing at Wardaer, Ida., just be fore returning hire. INTERESTED IN AUTOS. Are you interes:ed in automobiles? If so it will interest you to know aoout the S'.uJebaker lines for tlie year 1S10. Thee are strictly ui to-diie in every respect, embody, ug ail the new features that wakes Uwni excel. Purchasers will not be obliged to buy in January in order to have their car In July, but wi'.l have the opportunity of seeing the machines demonstrated to their en tire satisfaction before purchasing. The E. M. & M. of this ci'.y will have the entire Lne consisting of 20, 30 and 40 H. P. machines la the different types, to suit the most fas tidious purchaser and at prices that win appeal to you as being the be3t values on the market, today. No trouble about filing orders. See your machine demonstrated before you buy. Popcorn and com poppers at Funk's. John Anthony of Rundown U ii the city on business. j Dan Dozier spent a couple of days thla week in La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAlister of La Grande are guests at the home f V. A. Moss. Miss Ollie Pou'.son returned home rom Wallowa Monday where she had H?en vHiting friends, Mrs. W. R. Ho'.mes and daughter disj Klise went io Portland Wednes ay, where the latter will resume :er studies. Mra. Holmes will visit -ela.ives in Portl nd several weeks. A. R. Emmons has bought the m'.h half of block 13. Gardner's ad dition, of Roxey A. Vaughan for $830. he deal being made by W. E. Tag .irt, the pioneer real estate man. .r. Emmons wi'.l erect a home at he southeast corner of tfle lots. L. Berlund has received word that he condition of hli daughter. Miss .aura, is improving as fast as could -e expected under the circumstances he was operated on In Spokane last veek for appendicitis. Her mothei :nl sisters Cora and Jennie are it her bedside. 71r. and Mrs. J. H. Dobbin r.'id W .1. Graves left Tuesday to attend the .ttiojial meet of woolgrowers at Og en tills week. Mr. Graves will pro! -idy go on to Chicago before return ig home, while Mr. and Mrs. Dob bin will make an extended trip, vis -ing relatives in Wyoming. Iowa, 111 nois and Missouri. They will b jne about five weks. Earl C. Pack has secured patent it'.i'.s on two of his inventions 'ack's Automatic Window Raiser and in automatic lock nut and bolt. Th irni through whom he secured hi? atent write him very encouraging y In regard to the Inventions, espec ally the lock nut and bolt which hey say should bring him a large -.urn, as' it is cne of the best that ku been brought before the public. They say: ''Two years ago the C & O. R. R. Co. put out a standing ffer of one and a half million dol: :art. and perhaps they still offer H vet, for a bolt that couldn't lose off, iad Unit Li whit you have here." Clarence and Maude Flowers enter .aiaed to a masquerade party, ThuTs lay night given In honor of their classmates of class ?s Nos. 3 and 4 of the M. E. Sunday school. Th. Irish Paddy, the little clown and Sambo were all right, while our neph ow and cousin from Elgin made quitf a hit. Those present were: Nora Pearson, Mabel Eoiton, Minnie Vi geroUt, Maude Flowers, Vera Stubble field, Lida Flowers, Marie Browning Esther Trueblood, Gladys Amey, Miss Robertson, Mrs. Akins, Alvina Flowers, Sylvester Burllegh, Fletch er Morrison, Clifford Smith, Charles Duntar, Leonard Jordan, Russell TVench, Clarence Flowers, Jess Brown, Joseph Bauer, Edward Cham bers, William Hamblen, Alvin Clay .on, Richard S'.owble, Marion Jor dan, Everett Flowers, Harris Flowers. Rep lar meals 23 cents at Fid orck's lestaurant, 2nd door south 6 U. f. & Z. 64btf ADVERTISEMENT FOR NORTHWEST fir a (Continued from first page.) a D S3 E3 auractioti of the convention' is en elaborate banquet that will be held m. the closing night. Loggers of the Columbia River ex-1 2Q pect the new year wl'l see more raw j gfj material handled la their camps than 3ver before In the history of the Jidustry within a similar period. The lumber trade is said to be booming and the coming yeir promises great ictivity. Many mills are short of .ogs and camps wi.l resume opera ions in February Instead of wait ing for spring. New mills In the -Columbia river dl-strict have drawn leavily upon the usual log supply un 11 it Is Jess than usual at this sea ion of the year. Mills are 6aid to ye filled up with orders that will ceep them busy for the coming three months. A general revision of rates on the N'orth Bank road that is favorabU :o the shippers o" the Northwest has een announced and will go into ef ect February 1. The new rates v:!l apply between points on he oid in Washington and between all .tatioao- and Portland. New and nore favorable rates will be made Jn packing house products and fresh meats hi carloals. These conces ons by the Hill line will add to the business of Port'and livestock pack .ng plants and increase the prestige rf Portland as a packing house center. Surprise Enterprise Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY Saturday Night, January 8th THE LEADERS OF MINSTRELSY Culligan & Hockwald's REAL NEGRO MINSTRELS AND FAMOUS NASHVILLE STUDENTS THE CHEERFUL WAX CANDLE. a 1 E3 n H ss a n a H H 33 22 B B n m S3 ! In es a a n a a a a a 23 m a m a a a a a a a R A Curious Palm Tree. The wax palm tree of South Ameri ca, which grows at altitudes us high as 10.000 feet above the sea level. Is com pletely covered with u coating consist ing of a vegetable was and crystalline resin. Wheu mixed with tallow this substance Is made iuto caudles. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nev er disappoints those who use it foi obstinate coughs, co'.da and irrita tions of the throat and lungs. It stands unrivalled as a remedy for all -hroat and lung diseases. Sold by all dealers. CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION. V I Singers 20 Dancers Comedians Singers that can really sing Dancers that can really dance Comedians that are really funny Prices Parquet, 75 cents. Family circle and first two rows in bal cony, 50 cents Last five rows in balcony, 25 cents Seats on sale at Jackson & Weaver's Drug Store By ALICE LE BARON. Copyright, 1009. by American Press Asso ciation. J NCE upou a time two little cau dles lay side by Ride In a big bos. Both were pure white. Said oue: "1 wonder what will become of us. Do you think we could be meant for a Christmas tree?" For you must know that to be put on a Christmas tree Is the best possible thing that can happeu to a caudle. "Of course not," said the other, who was cross. "If we are meant for a Christmas tree it will be for some shabby little children see If It Isn't." "If we are." said the first, "I'll shine my very brightest, for the eyes of even poor children with only few pleasures in prospect are enougb to rival little caudles on Christmas eve." "If we are." grumbled the second, "I am not sure that I will allow myself to be lighted nt all." Christmas eve drew nearer and near er. Sure euough, the two little can dles, with many others of blue nnd pink and yellow and red, were bought for n Christmas tree. On the dny before Christmas, while It still was daylight, some young girls came .to arrange the presents and make the tree ready for the evening. "Oh, what a lot of pretty little can dles!" said oue of them. "They are such lovely colors all except those two white ones. We will put those out of sight, because the red and pink ones are prettier." "Didn't I tell you what would hap pen?" said the cross little candle in a whisper. "Yes, but wait." replied the other. "Just shine your brightest all the time." "I won't," snapped the cross one. When evening came, ranged all isepariuieui oi .ruuui; m-ww... Balem, September 1, 1909. Giving the sources of examination questions for State and County pa pers, February 9-12 and August 10-13, 1910. 1. Arithmetic. One-fifth from State Course of Study, four-fifths i'rom Smith. 2. Civil Government. Strong & Schafer. 3. English Lltsrature: February, 1910 A. One-half from texts: New comers English Literature, and Newcomer' American Litera ture. R. One-half from the follow ing classics: 1. The Gold Dug Foe. 2. The Ancient Mariner Coleridge. 3. Sllaa Marner Eliot. August, 1910 A. One-half from texts: New comer's English Literature, and Newcomer's American Litera ture. B. One-half from the follow ing classics: 1. Franklin's Autobiography. 2. Macbeth Shakespeare. 3. American Poems Edited by Long. Geography. One-fifth from Course of Study, four-fifths from Redway and Hinman. 5, Grammar. One-fifth from State Course of Study, four-fifths from Buehler. 6. History, V. S. One-fifth from Stte Course of Study, four-fifths Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not. fr'ji Doub. ;a common every day cough mixture. 7. Orthography. Reed's Word Les i It la a meritorious remedy for all sons, I the troublesome and dangerous com- 8. Physical Geography. Tarr'g plications resulting from cold in the New Physical Geography. Our Second Surprise Sale w: oe held on Saturday, January 8th, 1910 and will include the following Specials t Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Sweaters Wool en Underwear, German Sox, Mittens 25 Percent Discount for Cash For One Day Only Remember the Date Next Saturday January 8th, 1910 Watch this space for the Third Surprise Sale January 15, 1910 D a a a a n D U B a a a s D n n a n n a n E '12 ft D 3 S3 Gt C Id en Z. CO. "PUT IT ON THE VBKV TIPTOP." girls. Soon every bough ou the great tree blossomed with little lights. Some of the flames were faint, but many were bright. When the little white candles were lighted the cross one Just sputtered a minute and then went out. The other shone so brightly that a gentleman standing near said: "Ob, what a brilliant caudle! liut It Is almost out of sight amoug the green branches. We ought to put it where It can be seen better." "Put It on the very tiptop," said a little lady. And that is where tbey did put It on the very tiptop of the tree, where It nodded and gleamed In answer to the smiling faces around it. 4. State I head, throat; chest by all dealers. or lungs. Sold 9. Physiology. 10. Reading. Krohn, State Hutchinson. Course of PRE-INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 20 Per Cent Off on any Suit of Clothes In the store. Don't miss this Opportunity to Get a Bargain C. H. ZURCHER Study, White's Art of Teaching, Oral Reading. 11. School Law. School Laws of Oregon, edition of 1900. 12. Theory and Practice. White's Art of Teaching. 13. Writing. Outlook Writing Sys tem, Tests in Writing, 14. Algebra. Wells: Algebra for Secondary Schools. 15. Bookkeeping. Office Methods and Practical Bookkeeping, Part I. 16. Composition. Herrick & Da mon. 17. Physics. Milllkan & Gale: A First Course in Physics. 18. Psychology. Bueil. 19. Botany. Bergen: Element of Botany. 20. Geometry. Wentworth: Plane and Solid Geometry, questions on Plane Geometry. 21. History, General. Myers: Gen eral History. An examination Is required upon the first thirteen subjects for a first grade County certificate valid for three years; upon the first eighteen subjects for a State certificate valid or five years; and upon the twenty one subjects for a State diploma valid for life. Uci W. B. APPLEGATE. j Notary Public . ! Collections made. Real JEetate bought and sold and all business matters attended to. Call on or write me. PARADISE, OREGON. OF BENEFIT TU JSL1 Kasparilla is the name of a new ren. '? mast successfully prescribed fur a a, r'd of troubles."' For derangements f t' c diRestive organs it is a natural corren-'vo Derating directly upon the liver ai d : i tnentary canal, gently but persiteiiliN sUnulating a healthy activitv. Its bet . ucial influence extends, however, toeve'v portion of the svstem, aiding in t! ' processes of digestion and assiuiilat -of ' food, promoting a wholesome, :.ti appetite, correcting sour sto- breath, irregularities of the bou , , Jtipation and the long list of i- i i directly traceable to those unw4u.lt -conditions Kasparilla dispels fii-J ness, headache, backache and d u -ency due to inactivity of tht "V kidneys and digestive tract ' ' strengthening tonic of the wW If it fails to satisfy we a; i dealers to refund the purchase' y-y- '. , How Chkmicai. Co. rortknu; For Sale By BURNAUQH & MAYFJELD