Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, December 16, 1909, Special Christmas Edition, Image 7

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    Chinese Rica Methods.
The Chinese thrash rk-e by h:ind.
beating a bunch against a frame nis
ppndcd over a basket. I or a funulujr
mill their usual way U to ut the un
hulled grains into a revefitacle and
tread on tbem with bare feet until the
breeze b.is Mown away the chaff.
Stung Far 15 Years.
by lndigej'-ijn's pangs tr lug tiiaiy
doctors and $-00.00 worth o' ruedk-in
iD vain, B. F. Ajscue. of lagrlssile.
X. C. at last used lr. ICiag's New
Life PiUa, and writes they wholly
cured him. They cure constipation,
biliousness, skk headache, stomach,
liver, kidney and boweJ trouble. 25c
f at Burnaugh &. Mayfiel.Vs.
Easily Obliged.
Tramp Say, boss, can yer toll a fel
ler where he kin get 13 cems fur a
lied? Old Gentleman ;Jc::!or tn sec
ondhand furniturei tVrtniuly. my
pood man. Briug the bed to me. and
If It Is worth 15 ceuts I'll buy it.
Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremont, X. H.,
writes: "Aboat a year ago I bought
two bottles of Fo'ev's Kidney Rem
edy. It cured me of a severe case
of kidney itroabla of several yeais
standing. It certainly is a grand,
good mellcine, and i heartily recom
mend it." Barnauga & r.iayfield.
une ostier.
Wigwag When r.re you going to pay
me that $10 you owe me?
Borrowell-My dear fellow, you can't
get blood out of a lurulit.
Wigwag 1 kuow, but If I puuch
your head I can get blood out of a
beat. rhiladel)l)i.i ItecorU.
Alone In Sa Mill at Midnight
Unmindful of daaipi.e-is, drafts,
storms or colds, W. J. Atkins work
ed as nightwau-hman, at Banner
Springs, Te:in. Su.h exposure gave
him a severe co'.d that ssttled on
his lungs. At last he hid to give up
vork. He tried many remedies but
all failed tiU he ussd lr. Kings New
Discovery "After using one bottle,''
he writes, "I went back to work
as well as ever," Severe colds, stub,
born cougho, inflamnied throats and
sore lungs, hemo raises, croup and
whooping cough get quick relief and
prompt cure from this glorious med
icine. 00c and 1.00. Trial bottle
free, guaranteed by Burnaugh &
Sure Sign. I
A woman can always think the !
baby's like lis father wlieu it begins 1
to talk foolish. Atlanta Constitution. !
The above is the name of a Ger
man chemical, whL-h 13 one of the
many valuable ingredients of Foley's
Kidney Remedy. Hexamthyleaete
tramlne Is recognizd by medical text
books and authorities as a uric add
solvent and ea!i;e,tic for the urine.
Take Foley's Kllney Remedy as
soon as you notice a:ry irregularities
and avoid a serious malady. Bur
uaugh & r.iayfield.
A Dreary Failure.
"Yes. my iife is u failure."
"Oh. Henry, how sad: Why should
you say I hat?"
"I spend ail my time matins money
enough to buy food aud clothes, and
the food disagrees with me aud my
clothes don't lit."
Foley's Honey and Tar is the best
aud safest cough remedy for child
ren. At the first symptoms of a cold
give as directed, and ward o!f danger
of croup, bronchitis, sore throat cold
in the head and stuffy breathing. It
brlng3 comfort and ease to the littie
oaes. Contains no opiates or other
harmful drugs. Keep always on hand
and refuse substitutes. Buraaagh
& Maytield.
A Good Judge.
"Why do you allow your wife to pick
your rompauy?" "She's a good judge.
She picked me."-Exebnnge.
A Policeman's Testimony.
J. N. Patersom, night policeman of
Nashua. Iowa, writes: "Last win
ter I had a bad cold on my luna
aid tried at least half a dozen ad
vertised cough medicines and had
treatment from two physicians wlui
out eettjne anv benefit. A friend
recommended Foley's Honey and
Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured
ma. I consider it the greatest cough
aud lung meiiclue in the world."
Burnaugh & May field.
n Hack Calls to
H any part of the city
answered day or night.
BAKES BROTHERS, froprietors.
First Class Rigs
and careful drivers.
I-ands in National Forgot. Notu-
In hereby Klv that the lands drxrrlW I
e.-nbravlns arw. m.UMn iht
Wallowa Nail.inal Foivm, Oregon, will be
sulijiHt to esitlement and ntry under
the provision of the homestead la-s or
the fniieJ States and the act of June
11, IMS 3t Stat., "aJi, at the Vntted
Siats land offi.-e at La Grande, Ore-K-m,
on Ket.niary !, IsilO. Any settler
ho was actually and In itood fslth
claiming any of tall lands lot agricul
tural purposes prior to January 1. 10S,
and has not abandoned same, has a
preference rUht to make a homestead
entry for the lands actually occupied.
Said lands were l.sted upon de applica
tions of the persons mentioned below,
who have a preference right subject
to the prior rtel.t of any such stttler.
provided such settler or applicant Is
qualified to make homestead enrty and
the preference rt.ht Is exercised prior
to February 24, lslO, on which date the
lands will be subject to settlement and
entry by any qualified person. The
lands embrace a tiact of 93.1 acres,
tiilch when surveyed mill probably he
within Sec. 15, T. 5 X., R. 4 E., W.
M-, bounded and described . follows:
Bey Inning at the F. S. M.. a basalt
cliff on the west side of Ba;"n Creek
opiwsiie the mouth of Hush Crek,
four chains from the edge of the water,
approximately the corner co.nmon to
Sees. 9, 10. K. and 16. T. S N-, It- '
C. thence 5-, 65 chains; thence EL, 8."5
chains; thence X. 8 Jeg. 5 min. Et,
ii enains; thence W., 19 90 chains, to
corner No. 1, lisied upon the applica
tion of M. E. Hot.-hklss of Enter.
..nse, Oregon; Li.-t 6-145. A tract ot
I acres, probably within Sec. 23, T.
1 S., R AS 11, bounded and des.-rllied
,is follows: Beginning at the F. S. M-.
a prominent lock in the XW corner ot
McGiaw Kasin. 87.5 chains north and
j$ clialns west ol approximate corner to
Sees. 23, 24, 25 and 26. T. 5 S., R. 4S
E., thence S., 30 chains; thence S. 45
Jeg. E., 21.21 chains; thence X. 25
clialns; thence S. 66 deg. 20 mln. E.,
13.60 chains; thence X. 17.50 chains;
thence X. 51 -0 min. W., 32.
chains; thence W. 30. chains to Cor
ner No. 1, application of Luther 11. Per
kins of Homesteal, Oregon; List 6-211.
A tract of 10S a 'res, probably ithln
Sec. 17, T. b X.. R. 47 E., bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at cor
ner 1 (from corner 2 the V end of
the roof of the hjuse bears X. 66 deg.
M mln. E., 34.8 chains) thence X. 81
deg. SO min. W., 11.45 chains; thence
X. IS deg. 20 mln. E., 10.21 chains,
-hence X. 53 deg. 10 mln. E., 35. chains;
-hence S. 68 dej. 30 min. E., 25.60
-hains; thence S 3 des. E., 12.61
ohains; thence S. G6 deg. 30 min. W.,
6. HO chaiiiB to the place of beginning,
application of Gug ave Giliard of Jo
seph, Oregon; List 6-213. A tract of
70 acres, probably within Sec, 3, T. 2
X., It. 50 E., Bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a point SV
chains south and 20 chains west 01
the northwest corner of Section 2, T.
2 X., R. 50 E., extending thence X.,
40 chains; thence W., 10 chains; thence
S., 10 chains; th?n:-e W., 10 chains;
thence S., 30 chains; thence . E., 20
chains to the place of beginning. Other
vise described as what will probably
je when surveyed the E4 of XW14 of
iEU. the SWVi ot XW of SE and
he SV4 of SEV4, Sec 3. Application
.f William Campbell of White Bird, ld
iho;, List 6-231. Fred Dennett, Com
nissloner of the General Land Office.
pproved December 2. ll09, Frank
fierce, First Assistant Secretary of the
interior. 7c4
Rich Mtln's Gifts are Poor
oeside this: "I want to go on rec-
rd as saying that I regard Eiec--ric
Kilters as one of the greatest
ilfts that God has made to woman,"
1 rites Mrs. O. IVhinevault, cf Ves
:r.l Center, N. Y. "I can never for
jet what It has done for tne." This
ilorloos medicine gives a woman
jouyaut 6iirils, vigor of body, and
jubilant health. It quickly cuics ner
vousness, backache, fainting and
iizjy s?e'.l3; soon builds up the weak
.tiling and sickly. Try them. 50c at
Jurnaoghi & Mayfijlds,
How to Treat Wife.
An ancient Kgyptlun morulist, writ
lug to his mm. said: "If thou takest a
wifp trv to initUe her happier than any
of her women friends. She will be
doubly bound to thee if the tie is sweet
to her. Accord her what pleases her.
She will appreciate the effort"
d whan you feel
1 cold coming on, take Foley's Honey
iiid Tar, the great throat and lung
remedy. It stops tne cuu6u,
;lie congestion, and expels tb cold
t miidiv laxa-
irom jTur .'" -""
Live. Refuse sub&Ututea. Burnaugh
So Mayfield,
Hit Strong Point.
A brixht schoolboy has written a
composiiiou ou the turtle, In which be
"A lurtle Is not so frisky as a man.
but he c;iu staud a hot coal longer on
his back without squealing." -
rtrt1i Phones
Home Independent 40
Pacific State 45.
Our bus meets all
trains. Fate 25c.
within city limits
CHRISTMAS In fpaln U a rell
glou festival rather than a so
cial one. It was mi originally lo
I'orto Kico. but the imputation
has bceu Influenced partly by the
spirit of the new world and partly by
the many American merchants who re
side In the cities aud who exert an in
fluence much greater than the num
bers would seem to warraut
The churches welcome th? day with
chimes which begin at midnight and
last until the mlduight of the next day.
What with one church begluniug ten
minutes too soon and another ten min
utes too late nud a third at the right
moment, what with bells which rlnjr
every fifteen minutes and bell ringers
who under some ancleut custom will
sound the great bells every half hour,
the air Is filled with music which never
seems to end.
If you ore near a campanile the ef
fect is not altogether pleasant on ac
count of the volume of sound striking
the ear with too much force, but In a
public square- several hundred yards
from the uearest belfry, where trees
and buildings break the sound waves,
or lu suburbs on the hillside the effect
is unsieakably delightful.
rieasantcst of all is It when you are
sitting !u the Inner court or quadran
gle of a Porto II lea u home. Around
you on four sides the bouse rises above
you, and in the grounds or In great
tubs aud porcelain pots rich flowers,
graceful vines aud restful trees afford
shade, color and perfume. The sound
of the bells descends from the air
above very much like a benediction.
You sit in an easy chair, and servant
bring you tea or steaming coffee,
sweetmeats aud biscuits, confections
and cigarettes, while a daughter or eon
plays ancient songs or dauces upon a
waudoliu or guitar.
The churches are crowded; so are the
clubs aud most of the places of recrea
tion. Every vehicle Is iu use, and here
and there cau be seeu young men and
women trying to imitate English mod
els. Some of the people of the moun
tain districts carry out ninny of their
early superstitions in regard to Christ
mas. They hang over the doors of
their houses boughs of trees which are
supposed to possess charms aud often
conduct marriage ceremonies under
great canopies inude of these charmed
A great many wild flowers are In
bloom at Christmnstide, and these are
worn by children of the mouutaln dis
tricts lu wreaths aud garlauds about
their heads, necks and waists. The
Christmas giving Is sadly missing la
our new possessions. The churches
hold no Christmas tree, and there are
few charitable societies to give feasts.
However, oue hospital for old people
aud orphans in Ponce gives a Christ
inas fete, and the iiimates have a good
meal and receive warm clothing, med
icines and other needful gifts.
The Aiuerlci.11 occupatiou has brought
extra Christians cheer to the people of
the island. The American residents
celebrate the day lu good American
fashion, and, best of all, they put
money into circulation and give zest to
Industry aud business.
When Shepherds Watched by Night.
Kim liiKLoritiiis contend that the
shepheids could uot have watched by
night ou the Uetuieueuj plains in De
cember, It being a period of great ln
clemeucy. Iu uuswer to this a well
kuowu student says: "IJethlehcm Is
not a cold region. The mercury usual
ly stands all the mouth of December
at 40 degrees. Coru is sown duriug
this time, and grass aud herbs srlDg
up otter the rams, so tuut iue Aruus
drive tholr flocks down from the moun
tains iuto the plains. The most dell-
cote never make nres till auout tne
end of November, and some pass the
whole winter wilhout them. From
these facts I thh'.U it Is established.
Without doubt that our Saviour was
born on the 2-"th day of December, the
uy wblf h the church throughout the
world has united to celebrate In honor
of Christ's coming in the flesh.."Vuh
hipton Star,
Tha Most Popular Cnriatmas Poem.
The most popular Christmas poem
ever written for children was that fa
miliar to the world, beginning:
Twas t!i night before Christmas, whea
all through tlio house
The poe:n was written by a very
teamed man, Dr. Clement Clarke
Moore, a profound Greek uud Hebrew
scholar. lie was a professor In the
General Theological semluary in this
city. He wns boru lu 1779 and died
ln'lSC3.-New York Globe.
Read the advertisements.
Professional Biiectory of Wallowa County
f.f J aw - k
-wii.va uiii uour soma oc imw a
r r raiernai tiiac Enterprise, Ore
Practice in all SUte Court and
Interior Department. Careful at
tention to all business.
Practice tn SUte and Federal
I Court and Interior Department.
Looking One' Best.
It's a woman' delight to look her
best but pimples, akin eruptions,
sore and bolls rob life of Joy. Lis
ten, Bucklen'e Arnica Salve cure
them; tnakee the ekla soft and vel
vety. It glorlflej' the face. Cure
pimples, eore eyes, cold sores, crack
ed japped hands. Try It. In
fallible for piles. 26c at Burnaugh
6 -Maytield'a.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wallowa County.
In the matter or the Estate of Leon
ard a. Snell, Deceased.
Notice ta hereby given that the under.
signed has filed with the Clerk ot the
above named court, ha final account
and report as administrator of the above
named estate and the Judge of the ald
Court has fixed upon Monday, January
17, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,
at the County Court House In the City
of Enterprise, Wallowa County, Ore
gon, aa the place for final hearing of
said report and account and all objec
tion thereto and why aaluV estate should
not be closed and settled as provided
by law. CHA8. RICE, Administrator.
J. P. RUSK. Attorney for Administrator.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the undersigned, up to and In
cluding Jan. 3rd, 1910, at aix o'clock
P. M, for the purchase of $30,000
Bonds of School District No, 6,
Wallowa County, Oregon.
Said bonds to be dated Jan. 3rd,
1910, due in twenty (20) years from
date of Issue, optional on and after
ten years (10) years from said date,
bearing Interest at not to exceed six
per cent (6 per cent) per annum,
Davable semi-annually, principal and
Interest payable at the office of the,
Treasurer of Wallowa County, or a!
designated Fiscal Agency In New
York City, as may be designated by
the purchaser, bond to be In denom
ination of 500 or $1,000 each, bid
ders to name the price and rate of
inteust at which they will purchase
said bonds, or any portion thereof,
each bid being accompanied by a cer
tified check for five Per cent (5 per
cent) of the amount of bonds bid for.
the right being reserved by the Boai 1
of Directors of said school district to
reject any or akl bids submitted.
Treasurer, Yallowa County, Oregon.
Foley's Orlno Laxative Is best (or
women and children. It mild action
and pleasant taste make it preferable
to violent purgatives, such aa pills,
tablets, etc. Cures constipation.
Burnaugh ft Mayfleld's.
Department of Public Instruction,
Information Coneornng Eighth Qrads
Final Examinations,
Three examinations, annually. Each
county superintendent to select
monUis for his county.
(a) January 20-21, 1910.
(b) May 13-13, 1810.
(c) June 8-10, 1910,
(d) September 8-8, 1810.
(a) Thursday physiology, Writ
ing, History. &nd CIyU Govern
(b) FridaysGrammar, ArKhtne
tie, Geography and Spelling.
(a) ArlthmeUo Practical Arith
me Lie Smith,
(b) Civil Government, United
States Constitution.
(e) Geography Stat Course of
Study: Redway and Hinmao'a
Natural School Geography.
(d) History Li of topic from
History Outline la Stat Course
of Study and Current Events,
(e) Gram-mar Buebier's Modern
English Grammar, no diagram
(f ) Physiology Graded Lessons
In Physiology and Hygeo
send to the County Superlnten-I
dent the applicant's class stand
lng in reading, which shall b
Office over Bank. At Enter
prise except Mon, Wed. and
Frt at Joeeuh. Iml Phone.
A ' ... ' '
ettttttf ttfetf f t44f 44te
Senior Partner-Keep a sharp eye on
Holdfast. I'm afraid he's robbing the
Or in. Junior Purtuer-Knr I be lit.
Ins; extravagnntly? Senior Partner
Well, I pnswxl htm Id the afreet yester
day, and he was mnoktng a cigar that
didn't smell at all bad.
J Office upstair In Bank Build- f
lng. ind. Home phone in office I
and residence. J
nwkta ufet Combes & Hotchkiss IMPENDENT
Pelts and Hides proprietor PHONE 20
Wm. Miller & Brother,
SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanKjBulldlnfj,
SKJt)KftX)tft VM
jS Dealer In Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs
; and Leather Goods of all descriptions. 5
I will fit you out with the best goods for the least 2
2 money. When in need of anything in my line, call and S
S inspect my stock before purchasing. JJ
XX A ( t V
In the old Electric
Theatre Building on
River Street
taken by ouch superintendent as
tha applicant's standing on the
(n) Spelling Reed's Word L
sons. ,
(I) Writing Specimens of pen
man ship Indicated In copied
matter and from manuscript fn
Kesre.tf nJly submitted,
16cl Supt. PubUc Instruction.
Notlca of
Eighth Grsae
Enterprise, Oregon, Dec. 6, 1909,
The first two examinations for
Eighth Grade clauses will be held
January 20-21 and May 12-13, 1910.
Teachers preparing- classee for
either of tha above dates will re
port names and ages of applicants
thirty days before data selected.
lftcS Supt. of Schools,
Department of Public Instruction,
Salem, September 1, 1909.
Giving the sources of examination
questions for S'tate and County pa
pers, February 9-12 and August 10-13,
1. Arithmetic. One-fifth from
State Course of
Study, four-fifths
'from Smith.
2. Civil Government. Strong ft
- 1 Schafer.
8, English Lllrature; , ,
Office Berland Building.
Independent Phone.
t Call attended to day or night t
I lining ekn m t.n T
Office In Bank Bultdlnz.
Home phone both office and fc
February, 1910
A. One-half from texts: New
comers English Literature, and
Newcomer's American Lltera-
- ture.
D. One-half from tha follow
ing claseles:
1. The Gold Bug Poe.
2. The Ancient Mariner
3. St la Marner Eliot.
August, 1910
A. One-half from texts: New
comer's English Literature, and
Newcomer's American Lltera
D, One-half from the follow
ing classics:
1, Franklin's Autobiography.
2, Macbeth Shakespeare.
3, American Poems Edited
by Long.
4. Geography. One-fifth from
State Course of Study, four-fifths
from Redway and Illnman.
5. Grammar. One-fifth from Stat
Course of Study, four-fifths from
6. History, U. S. One fifth from
8tate Course of Study, four-fifth
from Doub.
' 7. Orthography, Reed's Word Les
sons, 8. Physical Geography. TarTs
New Physical Geography,
9. Physiology. Krohn, Hutchinson.
10. Reading. Stat Course of
Study, White' Art of Teaching,
Oral Reading.
11. School Law. School Laws of
Oregon, edition ot 1909.
12. Theory and Practice. WhlU'a
Art of Teaching.
13. Writing. Outlook Writing Sys
tem, Tests in Writing.
14. Algebra. We Us; Algebra for
Secondary Schools.
15. Bookkeeping. Office Method
and Practical Bookkeeping, Part I.
18. Composition. Herrtck A Da
mon. 17. Physic. Mlltlkan ft Gale: A
First Course in Physics.
18, Psychology, Buell. v
,19. Botany. Bergen: Element
of Botany.
20. Geometry. Weutworth: Plan
and Solid Geometry, questions on
Plane Geometry.
21. History, General. Myers: Gen
eral History.
An examination is required upon,
the first thirteen subjects for a first
grads County certificate valid for
three years; upon the first eighteen
subjects for a State certificate valid
for five years; and upon the twenty
one subject for a State diploma
valid for life. 14c.