T ' JOnas Praseifc Otorffc While fX TL I X m t X . - . -. - at RILEV AND RILEY'S Beautiful Decorated Oold, Qla&s and Delft X See the Handsome China Cabinet Lots of Granite Ware NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Laorf, m4 , Notice is hereby given that the an-' at Mrt. . M. L. Larser La0 cuaJ meeting of the stockholder of 10 and 15 cents; me" .- cbj the Wallowa National Bank, of Qi-' tj h (erprise, Oregon, iU be held at the, Savage, baoikecper 4t . oryice of their baokina; house la Eti-jru,lk Co. i walking I:. will be held at . -""-ea Aare, ti rwm, , WOUnd 13 toa, of ' CWUSM x ' "t 'J- -: WV '-rt v'a i Dishes. -BIG LINEOF Men's Gloves Men's Mittens NecKties Christmas Post Cards Candies and Bon Bons by the Box and Pound Fruits of Every Hind Nuts Cranberries Celery Canned Goods Bottled Goods All Kinds of Baked Goods for Christmas WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF NHflrS Fatla 20 Faet From Scaffold at Lite ! terpn. OTcon, a.. .. u,. terprSw. Oregon, oa Tueed.r. 8 " " !llth Ut of January, 1910, between Head- j ihe hours of 10 a. w. and 4 p. m, jfor the !vtion of director for the C. R. Tliorntou. the arthiteot elKuing year, and for the tranaac- desigced tbe Val.o-a County cOAjrt- tion of ejoh other business aa nay hause. from a aoaffoid at the W. legally come before eaid meerlng. afremoon Dated at Enerptise, Oregon, I cember Sth, 1909. 66w4 W R. HOLMES, Caahler. ' I f 4y ii t 1 J. Funk corner Monday .ibout 2 o'clk, ajd as verT sri ou&ty and pwoaps fatally hurt. He j was etiE unconiojf. Wednesday, but ; Notjee to Modem Woodmen, his heart action is stronger and j Eagle Camp. No. 10497, will hold more hope is entertained for h:i ' its annual election of officer in recovery. j Fraternal hail, Thursday night, De Mr. Thornton was puttirg on the'eember 16. t 7:30 p. m. All mem iron sheathing at the bottom of the j hers are rniuee'ei to be present, second storr windows oa the Sam J- w- RODGERS' Consul. Litch bulldh'g. jua: m few feet west ! TH0S- M- DILL- Cterfc of the W. J. Funk Co. corner en-! -ranee. The scaffold oa which he tool is about 20 feet hisrh. It U XMAS RUSH AT P. O. The Christinas rush at the oost- timrvticiri hA i i- - t ntfirtk i In fii'l Hvlnc p.nA it keens ' ' w "-cpjura uiuk, rorsetiuigi " -he platform is oa!y two p;aaks wide i Po8'-81!" hers and two derka. and tumbd over backward He ! MrB- Weatnr d Wise Wagner, flighted on the riht s!d of his head ' bu"-T d!strlbutlnK postcards and eell- ma race, breaking his nose Kr,. ! ,E oaJ oroeni, Jig his cheek, but the nhiof ' .. ng contusion on his forehead so far as known there Are no frac -ures. He was carried unconscious into into Jackson Weaver. drug 'tore and attended by Dr. Hockett. La'-r he was removed to bis home, he Sam Dormnc house comer East Firae and Nona -.retai where ev rytnicg posalble U being don to ve i's life. Mr. Thorntons home is in La iraade but Tor several months he ad his wife have resided her while ae worked on th courihoua and he Litch building. Every Year Old Santa Claus Leaves His Best Gifts at HOMAN'S See the Wonderiul. Picture Eaid Animal blocks The" Appropriate Books for Children Games, Toys, Matts, Dolls and Doll Heads, Child's Dishes Girls' Sewing Sets Trumpets, Toy Guns Smokers' Sets, Candies, Nuts, Fruit I Christmas Tree Ornaments Largesf StocK in Town Never Forg'et the Fresh Baked Peanuts at Prentiss Homan's j Dance Christmas eve at Enterprise : Opera House. 66hl ! Emeraid Rebekah lodge. No. 119, 'elected the fallow iag officers Satur 'day night: lona W'oodeU, N. G.; ' Maggie Oakes, V. G.; V. L Cronin, ! Rec. Secy.; Mrs. S. L. Burnaugh, Fin. j Secy.; Alice Gaily, Treaa. j Miss Ella Daley, the very efficient i stenographer end deputy in County Clerk Boatman's office, left Monday tor Yale, S. D.. for a long visit with j home folks. She went by way of Spokane to Alberta, Canada, where she wiU visit a cousin, and then go on home via the C. P. Ry. Miss Nina Ma k of Los Angeles, Cal, is a guest of heJ relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bell and Mr. and -Mi-3. V. C. Boatman. Mias Mack is a daughter of George Mack, a for mer Joseph banker. She has return ed to this county to spend the win ter at least as she finds this cli mate better far her health. She will reside at Joseph. Reverand Adams wiU begin a se ries of bible lectures in the Chrift.ian ! church Wednesday night. Mr. Adams is tbe evangelist who has been hold- ; ing a revival at Wallowa. He will j occupy the pulpit in the Christian : church next Sunday morning and ev ening. W. H. Drydea and J. R. nen came in Monday to ship out the big steam ditcher belonging to the American Light & Water Co. It has been standing on River atreet near the fiume since the completion of the water works last summer. It will be shipped to Tucumcari, X. M., where the. company has a contract. he La Grande water works system !s complete and th citizens are now drinking reaver Creek water. Mrs. L. M. Chapman of Leap, who has been in the count t 27 Tears ke before Enterprise was started, in town Thursday, commented on the large number of neoale who had driven hre thsough the storm to trade and on other business er rands. She aiso praised the rapid and substantial growth of this city, and the many fine new buildings. Mrs. Chapman spent eeven months during 1908 visicing in Missouri and at her old home in lowa, and saw no better built town of its size Tn Enterprise. OS-TE-OP-ATHY. A Thought "When in the future an estimative intelligence sums up the great dis coveries of the nineteenth century, 1 believe that the aclente Ot Osteop athy will be appointed a place near the head of the list.- Ople Reld. New Suits Filed. Dec. 13 S. C. Himaielwright A. W. and Sarah V. Hodgln. loaded Mrs. 1 Myrtle Huffman Cam Tita.- , vxstt win her relatives of M. Larsen. rtiallj parson They wis" Mr. and M. B. B. Bovd lCt iw day morning for Eedfo, - wna his r. ana Airs. J. S. Bovd. K .1 "v a monui ir ... xpecu to make a trip down towf iahoma while la. Vest Brothers Orchestra wiu par far the dance at the opera ho-js m Crtotmae Eve. Supper ervej u Hotel Enterprise 85bl Paul Wilson was in town Sat day visiting his rarents. He Kn the sale of 1020 sacks 2"u w,,j,,u of wheat, to C. R. BradW for "gj cents a buehel. the top price so fa paia in uxia vaL.r. Marriage Licenses. iec. a v. r Bames, 30, mill man; Aille M. Norton, 19! 5 Probate Record. Dm, 10 Estate of Leonard Satfl. Order confirming B-Ce or persxal property. Notice of final settles WANTED. some one to saw wood. 1 win tnr. nish tte machine. A eaap for r!ht Party. 0. J. Ro. Alder S'om p. terprtse, Oregao. ' ea La Grande Iron Works. D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Foundry arid Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice, WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL How Sunshine Beats Down. It is a coinmou thins on hot days to hear people say that "the sun beats down." But few suspect that the rays of light actually do bent down upon the surface they strike. Lhrht is a wave I motion in the ether, and waves, wheth er 01 Bouna or water, press on bodies In their way. Clerk Maxwell calculated the pressure of light, and experiments of Herr Lebedew hare shown that he was right. The pressure U very slight. as may be supposed, but It really ex Ista. r I lll ML. av 1 " . At Bargain rno es For Cash In Hand In order to Raise Money to Meet Maturity Obliga tions I will sell My Great StocK of Furniture, Etc at Cut Prices for Cash. Great Op portu n i t y for Christmas Shop pers at this FRE-INV NTCRY SALE : VM A 4O Mission, Golden OaK and Reed RocKers. MaKe Fine Gifts. See the Genuine Brass ai 1. KATCLIFRS, The House Furnisher Bishop Robert Paddock of the Episcopal church preached two fine sermons to large congregations in The M. E. church here, Bandar and Monday eights. Ee went to Joseph Tuesda aTrteoa te ho rrie there. W. M. Sutton, formerly principal of the local schools, has been elect ed mayor cfr Springfield. Fred Wagner of the Enterprise Real Estate company returned home Saturday from a business trip to the Walla Walla country. Worse Yet Mamma Johnny, you bad boy, jou"ve been fighting again: Tour clothes are so badly torn that rn probably bare to get you a new snIL jonnny Tbat s nothing, mamma, l'ou Just ought to see Tommy Jones, m bet his mamma will hare to get a new boy. Chicago News. Corrected. Mr. Strockoil-Tbat there sculptor feller says hea goin to make a bust of me. Mrs. StrucLoii Henry, it's dreadful the way you talk. Say "borst," not "bust" Philadelphia Record. Exclusive Agent for GENUINE EDISON PHONO GRAPHS The best of all Talk in o- ft Machines. I am selling more Phonographs thau any other dealer in the county. There's a reason THE LIGHT-RUNNING NEW 1 HOME SEWING 2 MACHINES 1 MERMAID WATER MOTOR 2 WASHING MACHINES Art Squares, Rug's and Carpets share in the Cash Cut Price Sale, as does everything in my immense stock, ex cept Phonographs that must be sold at Contract Price tapir Jfm G. I. RATCLIFF. EntPmrisP