LODGE DIRECTORY I n n C ENTERPRISE LODGE, No ,U U. r.. EMERALD REBI3KAH LODGE. No. 11 K n ENTERPRISE LODGE, No. . ofr. JUANITA TEMPLE, Na 1. Pythla Sleters. II 1001110 ENTERPRISE CHAPTFJt nflAuUnlUNoL SO. Royal Arch Mason., meet first and third Tuesday of each month In Masonic HalU All visiting Royal Arch Uasons welcomed. J. a OLMSTED, Hlsh Priest. p. W. SHEAHAN, Secretary. WALLOWA LODGE, No. 82. A. P. a. M-, meets second and fourth Satur days of each month In Masonic Hall Vtaltlng Masons welcomed . J. A. BURLBIQH. W. M. W C. BOATMAN, Secretary. WALLOWA VALLEY CHAPTER, No 10, O. E. S. meets first and third Sat urdays of each month, in Masonic Hall Visiting Stars are always welcomed. MRS. ELVA L. FRENCH, W M. MRS. MARY E. STEEL, Sec. Mill i EAGLE CAMP, No. 10497, M .H.n.W. A Meets first and third Thursdays In each month. In new Fra ternal halL Visiting- Neighbors alwayr welcome. 3. W. RODGER3 Consul. T. M. DILL, Clerk. ANEROID CAMP, No. S542, R N. of A. Wn til ENTERPRISE CAMP, No .U.U. 525, W. Of W. ALMOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. A Ssalded Boy's Shrieks horrified bis grandmother, Mrs. Alarla Taylor, of Nebo, Ky, who writes that, when all thought he would die, Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured blm. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts Corns, Wounds, Brulse3.' Cures Fev er-Sores, Bolls, Skin Eruptions, Chil blains, Chapped hands. Soon routes Files. 25c at Burnaugh & .Mayfleld's. A Queer Wooden Flower. A queer wooden bower Is to be found la Guatemala. Thin Dower is called the rose of hell from I he fact tbut It grows on the Hides of Mount A gun and round the seared edges of the volcuuo of Kuugo. It has four distiuct petals, tbe outxldes of which are covered with bark like that of a tree. The item, usually about a foot high. Is of olid wood covered with bark. The flower measure nearly u foot across. C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler, 1060 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I was bo weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney remedy cleared my complex ion, cured my backache and the Irregularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day and recommend Foley's Kidney Renie fly to all sufferers, as It cured me aftar-ithe doctors and other remedies had failed." For sale by Burnaugh 4 JIayfleld. Where Her Thoughts Were. Nell-Thut was a frightfully long drawn out sermon tbe minister preach Hi this morning. Belle-Why, I didn't notice It was unusually long. Nell Of course not. Ton had on a new hut.-I'hlladelpula Record. Young Girls Are Victims of headache, as well as older women, but all get relief and prompt cure trom Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best remedy for sick and ner vous headaches. They make pure Wood, and strong nerves and build up your health. Try them. 25c at Burnaugh & Mayfleld's. Very Realistic One of the charms of music is that tup musically uneducated person does uut have to "understand" it. With "Imitative" music, however, the case Is quite different, and every passage has either an obvious or a thinly con cealed meaulng. Occasionally It Is hard to decipher certain unusual noises, as 'he following story from the Fliegeude Blatter Indicates: The composer bud just played his m piece to his friend the critic. t"Very flue, ludeed." suld the critic, "but what is thut passage which makes tuecold chills ruu down tbe buckr "Ob." returned the composer, "that where the wanderer has the hotel Wll brought to him." Baffled. Confidence Man-Why, how do you Mr. Wllsou? I met you last-"fstertier-See here, young fellow, uy name ain't Wilson. My name's "uu Jones, alias Pete Rodney, alias T"u Hall, alius Joe Peters. So you Mter move on.-Western Times. j'HlliiBsjBBwjnH-jp-jijjaajjBBiHgBiBHllBlIIIIIMM"1 Hack Calls to any part of the city answered day or night. j ENTERPRISE LIVERY AND HACK BARN j BAKER BROTHERS, Proprietors. ! First Class Rigs ' ftnd careful drivers. f NMH.L Arm ,:Pr"- rost . w..m e '"fdBy Evening tost, a Washington negro tboujrbt he was a prizefichfr - - -- - mi ,mi ' ""ule vl tue lo cal sportlnc mpn mnni,.j In ,?,rU'' BBbt- M W"8 'to on h! n rUnd h,8n'Konlt swung on the DPLTiiBnH i, ..i. . .. ... , ,r. " " u," mm sprawl. ,, referee. th- UCM tDere WB nothing he matter with the negro but fright AID t von m.ln' . shouted b 1 " more- b .ft7aK8!r,M rPP"ed the w T" Koln tO flcht Bonn. m..M k... . "ui uoi lonignt. If peploe with symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without toes of uie 1-imimeuce taking Foley's Kid uey nemeay. Thla pt. rm, stops the pain and tie irregularities, ruBinene and builds up these organs and the u n an "w&ci ungnts disease or other serious dia ler, uo not disregard the early symptoms. For sale by Burnaugh Numbered Teemoona. Tea table etiquette was somewhat complicated lu the days of that "hard ened and shameless tea drinkor" Johnson, when mnny people thought nothing of drinking ten or twelve cups ut a sitting. It was considered proper for the cups and saucers of n now- drinkers to be all passed up to the uubicts in one oatch when replenish ment was considered in order that each person might be sure of getting buck tln riirin mm th. teuspoons were numbered. When the cups were passed up those who did not require any more tea won n. posed to place the spoon In the cup.- iajuuud carurany Review. oup Curqd and a Child's Life Saved. "It affords me great pleasure to ldd my te3timony to that of the thousands who have been benefited by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My child, Andrew, when only three years old, was taken with a severe attack of croup, and thanks to the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy his life was saved and today he Is i robust and healthy boy," says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas, 'his Remedy has been in use for many years. Thousands of mothers keep It at hand, and it has never jeen known to fall. For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Foolish Worry. "Captain. Is there no way In which the ship may be saved?" "None nt all. sir. We are going to the bottom, but I should not worry about the ship. sir. If I were you she is fully Insured. Tou'd better find a life belt." Houston Post. BOTH B0Y8 SAVED. Louis Boon, a leading merchant of Norway, Mich., writes: "Three bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar absolutely cured my boy of a severe cough, and a neighbor's boy, who was so 111 with a cold that the doctors gave him up, was cured by taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Nothing else is as safe and certain in results. For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Mot only have hats at various timet been subject to taxation, but have even been made tbe subject of special laws. Thus In Henry A'll.'s reign none was allowed to sell bats at a larger price than 20 pence or caps for more than 2s. 8d. Some, compensation, however, for this interference with free trade could be found In the fact that in 1571 on Sundays and holidays every one above seven years of age was required to wear a cap of wool of English make under penalty of 3 farthings fine for every day's neglect. London Chronicle. A Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain'si Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for voaro for diarrhoea. I consider it the best remedy I nave ever tried for that trouble. I bought a bottle of it a few days ago from our druggist, Mr. R. R- Brooks. I 3hall ever be glad to speak a word In its praise when I have the oppor- tunity." Rev. J. u. f K Church. Miles Grove, Pa. Sold by Burnaugh & Mayfield. m m m Both rhones Home Independent 40 m Pacific States 45. Our bus meets all 5 trains. Fare 25c. g within city limits The Lena RiJ. t u: - "This hi where you get off." said th ,,u'u i-uuuucior. "But I haven't rid fur enough," said tbe Blllvllle man. "Can't help that. Too can't go any "'"n u iuis ticket. "My friend." said the man. "Ifa the fust time I ever rid oo a railroad train, an' ef you ain't a better uiaa that what I am I'm a-golo' to set right mi i see wuar the road ends. I know it must end nnn'r. pm rlous to see whnr Hr' ... dollar. Now. go "long an- le me alone:" -nuouu ionsmution. Whirlwind Tablets cure rheumatism in this climate. Thpv hava phvh hundreds and cured scores of cases in union and Wallowa ronntlos positive proof, names, etc, furnished on application. For sale by Jackson neaver, Enterprise. 20btf A Bumosr. When a glass Is as full as It possibly cuu oe or liquor the suifaee of tbe uquor is slightly convex aud the cen ter lies higher than tbe brim. In view OI this fact such a classftll is railed a bumper, because the liquor bumpa up or protrudes in the middle. Troubles of Ita Own. High pitched, arnrrv voices reverhor. ated through tbe bouse. I jU8t knew." hoarsnlv mnMpvr1 th naeieioD in tne family closet, "there was going to be a quarrel between them. I could feel it In my bones T' iiucago i rioune. 3ood Cough MeVicine for Children and Grown Folks, Too. ' We could hardly do without Cham jenain s Cough Remedy." savs Sirs flora Deapain of Bioyd, Ky. "I ouna it to be so good for croui and nave used it for years. I can heartily recommend it for coughs. :oios and croup in children and jrown folks, too." The above shows the implicit, confidence many mothers .nace In Chamberlain's Cough Reme- ty, a confidence based on many years' experience in the use of it. No one need hesitate to use this 'emedy for It contains no chloroform, jpiuui or other narcotics and may be given to child as confidently as to an adult. For sale bv Burnauzh A .dayfield. Pat's Rejoinder. A British warship recently found it necessnry to call nt a military port on the coast of Ireland. Tommy Atkins, meeting a full bearded Irish tar in the street a couple of hours later, said: Tat when are you going to place your whiskers on the reserve list?' "When you place your tongue on the civil list," was the Irish sailor's reply. -London Tit-Bite. Sick Headache; This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the jinniach and can be cured by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at Bur uaugh & Mayfleld's drug store and -i it. A Definition. "Isn't stillness tbe same as silence?" asks tbe little boy. 'No. Indeed." explains tbe little girl. "Silence Is when there isn't anybody in tbe parlor, and stillness is what you don't hear when your big sister and her beau are there." Life. Hind Sight. Casey Well, ye can't prevlnt what's past and gone. Sassidy Shure ye could av ye only acted quick enough. Casey How could ye? Cassidy Slitop It befoor it happens. Philadelphia Tress. Fley's Honey and Tar clears the air passages, stops the irritation in the throat, soothej the inflamed mem b ranee, end the most obstinate cough diesa pears. Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and the cold is expelled from the system. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. For sale by Bur naugh & Mayfleld. No Place For Women. One peculiar fact is impressed on tbe world. No woman, suffragint or antl. has designs on tbe north pole. The Eskimo winter styles lack something that might make distinction and ele gance. No true woman would go where people could not tell which di rection she was going or whether she was herself or ber husband. Umaba. Bee. La YO'J READ The Beast and the Jungle," every drop of fighting blood in your make up w ill tingle. Your indignation at the conditions exposed will be almost lost in your admiration of Judge Lindscy's game, single-handed fight and your rt-Jization that he is rcrforrr.ir.g a rr.agnif.ccr.t public Yu-'li Cud tlis , nr.Kim everybody's FOR SALE BY JACKSON a WEAVER Professional Bit ectory of Wallowa County THOS. M. DILL ATTOJLMY-AT-LAf Office first door south of New 1 Fraternal Bldg, Enterprise. Ore. I BURLEIGH & BOYD t l ATTORNEYS-ARAW i Practice In all State Courts and J I Interior Department. Careful at- J i tention to all business. A D. W. SHEAHAN LAWYER - ENTERPRISE Practice in State and Federal Courts and Interior Department. A Boomerang. Edith Oh. Terry, your present was so beautiful! And you unintentionally left the price tag on 8 guineas. Tercy Oh. how careless of me! Edith And I see you bought It at Selltim's. And I know you wouldn't mind taking It linck and exchanging It for one of those lovely eight guinea brooches they hare there, would vou. dear? rorcy-Oh. not at all! With pleas ure! Percy (an hour later In his That Is wbnt comes of buying a six teen shilling ring and sticking an eight guinea tag on It. Now I've got to buy the brooch or lose tbe girl. London Globe. Forced Into Exits. Wm. Unchurch of Glen Oak. Okla.. was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought, would cure a fright ful lung-racking cough that had de fled all remedies for two years. Af ter bIx months he returned, death dogging his steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery," he writes, "and after taking six bot tles I am as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly from desnerate lung diseases. Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, BOc and . $1.00, trial bottle free, guaranteed by Bur naugh & Mayfleld. An Injudicious Text. church was a considerable time without a pastor. A great number of persons of varied talents preached to them with a view to obtaining the post A very ambitious young. jnau was asked to supply them for a Sab bath. All went well until he gave out the text, "See that ye refuse uot blm that speaketh." Imagine tbe conster nation tbe people experienced wben he read out the text In a lofty and commanding manner. He was una ware of tbe feeling he created. Tbe people did tbe opposite from the text. Tbe young man was not called. Fall colds are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. The genu ine contains no harmful drugs. For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfield. The Water Clock. It Is pretty well established that the citizens of the Eternal City went on for more than six centuries without any accurate means of knowing the time either by night or day. The con sul P. Sclpio Na8ica, In 109 B. C. set up in Rome a public clepsydra, or wa ter clock, the Brst timekeeper In the history of the city, waiving the ordi nary sundial. What Would You Dof In case of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such injuries are liable to occur in any family and everyone should be prepared for them. Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft cloth will re lleve the pain almost instantly, and unless the Injury is a very severe one, will cause the parts to heal without leaving a scar. For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfield. Leatherback Turtle. A marine creature hard lo keep alive in captivity is the lefftheeback turtle The leatherback Is a sea turtle, aud It Is tbe biggest of' all the turtles. It grows to weigh a thousand pounds or more, six or eight times as much as a man. Mr. F. Q. Frltx, Omeonta, N. Y, writes: "My little girt was greatly benefitted by taking Foley's Orino Laxative, end I think it is the best remedy for constipation and liver trouble." Foley's Orino Laxative is mild, pleasant and effective, and cures habitual constipation. For sale by Burnaugh ft Mayfleld. What Did 8he Meant Harold What did she max when vou turned out the gas and kissed her Rupert-Said she felt as If she never wanted to tee my face aa-aln. Phila S , D.T. F. E. MOORS J OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Otric over Bank. At Enter-'! prtss ex ept Mon NVed. aad Frt. at Jose,, lad rhones. " j-H-i4-M" 4-.Vi- Mere Details. Life Insurance Agent-I'd ll'e to write you up a polky if you haven't all the life iusurance you think you ueed. Cholly Kuk kerbooker You'll have to see tuy valet, old chap. Ue at tends to all such matters, dontcber-kuow.-rhlludelphla l-edger. U. T. HUt KETT. M. D FHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON J Office upstairs In Bank Build- ing. Ind. Home phone In office and resilience. She Had Waited For It. He (about to ask for a klssi-I have an important question to ask you. She (playfully-l know what It Is. George. Vou waut me to be your wife. Well, take me. ne (rather taken abnekt This is somewhat sudden. Isn't It? She (tenderlyi-1 don't know, George, whether It Is sudden for you or not. but I have waited for it for three years. Walking. The avernge walking pace of a bealihy man or woman Is said to be seveniy-Bve steps a mlnuie. La Grande Iron Works. D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL I L. BERLAND I Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs and Leather Goods of all descriptions. . I will fit you out with the best goods for the least J money. When 'in need of anything in my line, call and inspect my stock before purchasing. ENTERPRISE, - . . 0EC0N S ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BKS1 OF M EAT 8, A LWAYS ON HAND. n,s,M,ke, combes & Hotclikiss mdepekoent Pelts and Hides proprietor PHONE 20 What Can . What can you expect your business to amount to without a Telephone? Do you suppose a customer will lose time running after you when you can call your compet itor by 'phone? Home Independent Telephone Co. AT LOWEST RATES. 0NIEA5IEST TERMS. Wm. Miller & Brother, SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanK?Building, ENTERPRISE. nRFr.nw w,,W4 Enterprise PouItry" Produce'Farm Rhode Island Rd Eggs; all kinds of A. M. WAGNER, 4tW W. C. DENTIST KETCHUM ENTERPRISE' f OfM.e IterlanJ Building. Home Independeut Phone. Hi. T. AAUEHSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON Calla attended to day or nUht. Home phone. Enterprise, Ore. a v rr a a t n VIV, V.. A. AV Li I PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON Office In Bank Building. iiom phone both office and residence. t j Naw Irrlja I n Book Frts. J "Well lrrlfa Ion fo- Bma'l Farms. to a publication Juh issued by the jGenanl Pas eajer Departnunt of the O. R.ftN. company and Southern j Pacific lines in Oregon. This, booklet sets forth In a prictieal, concl way tte poslblllttei for profit of Inexpensive lrrisalm and should be , lu the tan ds of every farmer In Oregon. Co.ilei mar be cb ainod free on a.Hdtea-.ion to W. M. Mc Murray, General l'aaanger Asnt, O. R. ft N. and S. P. line la Oregon, Portland Oregon J. 8. BUTNER, At. O. R. ft N. You Expect? and Chickens; Vegetable! Prop. delphia Record. ....