LODGE DIRECTORY r ENTERPRISE IX3DGE. No jjj REBEKAH LODGE, No. 11 - ENTERPRISE LODGE, No K. of" JCASITA TEMPLE, No. T. Pjrthla Slstsra llPnUIP ENTERPRISE CHAPTEJ MlSUnllUNo. 3. Royal Arch Mason. ""vL first and third Tuesday! of c. i Masonlo Halt All TlaiUni Arch Masons -welcomed. W J. B. OLMSTED, High Priest. - R W. SHEAHAN. Secretary. WALLOWA LODGE. No, 8S. A. P. t . meets second and fourth Satur jiya of each month In Masonlo Hall Vlsltln Masons welcomed J. A BURLHI3H. W. V. W- C BOATMAN, Secretary. WALLOWA VALLET CHAPTER, No M, O. E. S. meets first and third Sat inlays of each month. In Masonic Ball dsltlnc Stare are always welcomed. MRS. ELVA L. FRENCH. W M. MRS. MART E. STEEL. Sao. I lit I EAGLE CAMP. No. 10497, M Rl.Vf.A. W. A MeeU first and third Thursdays In each month. In new Fra ternal ball. Visiting Neighbors alwayt welcome, J. W. RODGERS Consul. T M DILL, Clerk. ANEROID CAMP, No. S542, R N. of A. Hi ft III ENTERPRISE CAMP, No n.U.II. 515, W. of W. ALMOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. Th Eest Platter. A piece of H nnel dampened wit! Chamb rlaln's liniment aid bound on tii afXUcted part superto) to any piaster. When troubled rfth lame back cr pains In the side or chei gl e U a trial and you are cer tain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It a'fords. This liniment al3 relieves rheumatic pains and ta e-rtaln to please anyone suffer tag from that di .ae. Soli by Bur Buga k Vayfield. It should make the fanner tired to hear thesq experts talk about exempt ing the timber grabber' wealth from taxation while Old Hayseed pays his uei on every stroke of improve menu be puts oa his clearing. The farmer is to pay taxes on his apple trees that he has devoted labor to grow and the timber speculator is ot to be taxed at all. In the word if the poet, Avaun, Mat. lt out. -Bcho Register. C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler, 1060 .TTtata Ave, IndtanapoJIa, Ind., wrttee: "I wea ao weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidaey remedy cleared my complex Ion, cured my backache and the Irregularities disappeared, and I can new attend to business every day and recommend Foley's Kidney Reme fly to all sufferers, as It cured me after Che doctors and other remedies had failed." For sale by Burnaugh Mayfjeld, Any sparsely settled road district 'a Oregon can get good roads now by simply votln.g n December on the Initiative of ten per cent of its citlaeng such funds as may be re quired. The cash can came from the abasntee land speculators and the residents can get their money back in warrants for work. The road wil) aise laud values perman ently, and the Idle tract can be made to pay their share by a little acting together, OF BENEFIT TO ALL Kasparljla is the name of a new remedy Post iuccessf uUy prescribed for a ''worl W troubles," For derangements of thi digestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating a healthy activity, Jt? penes Eetal IRBuenea extend however, to every "tion of the system, aiding in the Processes of digestion and assimilation of food, promoting a wholesome, natural Ppetite, correcting sour stomach, bad vTh, irregularities of the bewela, eon I'lpstlon and the long list of troubles Sweetly traceable to those unwholesome onditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi Pess, headache, backache and despond de to Jpactivity of the liver, Jiianeys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tonic of the highest value. If it fails to satisfy we authorize all Bjalen to refup4 the purchase pjc. ovt CHeaucAt Co Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE BY n N n Hack Calls to any part of the city answered day or night. ENTERPRISE LIVERY AND HACK BARN . J. C. SHACKELFORD, Proprietor. r ft sn i First Class Rigs and careful drivers. B as careful .... occasnml, take cold, and when, tou 1o. t a meliclne ct known rilla- renu'ailon ,.. " effect a quick ,re. Su h a medicine "" voagn Remedy It " reputsxloo by its remarkable cures tib most - .uis ua ca always be - - . lt oq natures . an.reueve3 Uie lunga.aWa expector ation, oreas te secretions and a'.ds . vVWWUb xor sue by Railroad rights of way are being ontracted for in Coos and Curry aunties for a line bearing north-A-ard up the coast from Eureka, -and values a0 not assume very itartllng figures because of these rcntracts yet because the farmers lown there are accustomed to pa per railroads. Money Comes In Bunches to A. A. Chisholm, of Treadwell N. Y now. His reason is well worth read ing: "For a lone time I siflferd from indigestion, torpid liver, con- mpation, nervousnese and s-enera, debility,'' he writes. -I couldnt !eep, had no appetite, nor ambition. grew weaker every day in epite of mejical treatment Then used Elec 'ric Biaers. Twelve bottles restorec 11 my old-time health and vigor. Now can at'end to business every day fs a wonderful medicine." Infallible or Stomach, Li.er, Kidneys, Blood aid Nerves. 50c. at Burnaugh A JIaj ield's. Weston, Or, has better schools aid more business, says the Leader, luce the normal closed than before, lany a town in Oregon Is wait ag and scheming its energies away rying to obtain or retain some pub ic moneys. The property In and .round any city Is easily able to ake care of needed public Improve oents or institutions. All such alues are left In the land In the end. If peploe with symptoms of kidney r bladder trouble could realize theii langer they would without loss of ime commence taking Foley's Kid ley Remedy. This great remedj .Lope the pain and the irregularities, strength ens and builds up these rgans and there is no danger o! 3right'e disease or other serious di rder. Do not disregard the early .ymptoms. For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Should flowing oil be obtained inywhere in this state It would cause jreat Industrial changes and make nany fortunes for the finders anfi iand owners In that vicinity, and idd In some degree to the price of ;peculator's land in sections affected y the use of the oil and gas. The Bed Ro:k Of Success lies in a keen, clear brain, backed by indomitable will and resiatless energy. Such power cornea from the splendid health that Br. King's New Ufa Fills impart. They vitaliie every organ and build up brain and body. J, A. Ifarmon, Llzemore, w Va., writes: "They are the be&t pills I ever used." 23c at Burnaugh & Mayfleld's. Wf l Knevn Hotel Keeper Uses anf Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, ChJle-a and Diar rheej Remedy. "T treasure in sayine that I have kept Chamberlain's Colic, Cho'- Diarrhoea RemeJy in my family medicine cheat tor about fif teen years and always nas saius-faot-rv is) ults from its us. I have administered it U a great many tra-.eling men who werq auienng from trquldes hkh it U re mended, and have never fal'el to relieve them sa s J. C Jenkins, o' Glasgow, Ky. Thii remedy U foi sale bj Buimaugh A Mayfleld. turns out well In the Rogue River Valley the profits from fruit and intensive farming Is steadily reducing the area of the .u men alfalfa is aald W ileal xa"". " to pay better when, cropped for seed, Both Phones Home Independent 40 Pacific States 45. Our bus meets all trains. Fare 10c. within city limits Tor Chsnn.l c i- Chap;ei k n whether on the hands r apply ins Chamberlain-. saiv it i. .i - ...syS unejuaiad fcr sore nlppl s. -3 sua seal is. For sale by Bur nauh A MayfieU. The city of Forest Grove Is spend ing the $70,000 voted tnr rnt supply of water. whiU hmiw, u.ues away, has soid its citv Pumping plant to a corporation. AH .1. r. . wmca shows that there are dif ferent ways of doing the same thing in enterprising communities. "Before Medford can rcaliia li !. timate destinv." SOTO tha fimithAra Oregonian, "railraals must be con structed to the timber, to th mins and to the coasL- nth- tn-n. '-haa Medford are In the same frame mmd. and capital is goina to be incouraged to build them. Its A Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard. The id crowns its doers. That's why he American Deonle have crowned Or. King's New Discovery the King inroait and Lung remedies. Everv ttom ks a health force. It kills germs wd colds and la grippe vanishes. cough-racked membranes and xwghtng stops. Gore inflamed bron- mial tubes and lungs are cured and lemorrhages cease. Dr. George lore, Black Jack, N. C writes "U ;ured me of lunt trouble, nronounced lopeless by all doctors." 60c, 1.00. rial bottle free. Guaranteed by Jurnaugh Mayfleld. The Telephone-Register of iMcMlnn ille continues to call attention to he need of and a good opening for fruit cannery there.. Offer all he inducements you can and capl- al will be attracted to the proposl ion. How would a bond to nav the axes for 20 years beT Maryland owes get enterprises that way. BOTH BOY8 SAVED. Louis Boon, a leading merchant of N'orway, Mich- writes: "Three bottles f Foley's Honey and Tar absolutely ured my boy of a severe cough, and i neighbor's boy, who was bo ill with i cold that the doctors gave him up, as cured by taking Foley's Honey ind Tar." Nothing else is as safe ind certain in results. For sale by ium&ugh & Mayfleld. Bays the Gresham Beaver State ierald: "Every town of 500 inhab tants or over should have proper tnd 6trlct regulations in reference o the conditions that determine he hea!thfulne3s of its citizens. V'hether these conditions are agree hie to every one in town is not issential. In faci, it were better bat some we:e not entirely satis fied." Frightful Fate Averted. "I would have been a cripple for ife, from a terrible cut on my knee :ap," writes Frank Disberry, Kelliher, linn, "without Bucklln's Arnica Jalve, which soon cured me.' In- allible for wounds, cuts and bruises, t soon cures Burns, Scalds, Old iorea Boils, Skin Eruptions, .Vorlda best for Piles. 25c. at Bur- iaugh & Mayfleld's. The city of Cervallis Is propos og to sell a piece of business prop- jrty. No city should sell any of Its and. Had Portland retained a few msiness blocks, lu the early days hat were sold to speculators there rould not be any school taxes now, or the rents would keep up the schools. To m ln'aln h alth, a mature man or woman n?eds Just enough fo,-4 to, repair the a e and auPPly energy and body he t. The habitual con- lumptlon of more ford than is necess ary for theio purpose! Is the prim cau of stomal troublss, rheu matism end disorder of the kidneys. If troab'ed with inl!getion, revise your diet, let rsasan and n.qt appe tite control and t ke a few daiej of Chamtrta'a's Storah and Liver Tablets and you m ill on be all right aga n. For 6ale by Burnaugh 4 MaJ- field. The practice of compelling every person doing a legitimate and nec essary business to the public to pay a tax is an abomination and un American. Drain Nonpareil. "HAVE WE A NAVY? Ambrose Bierce aya we think we have and give our bump of patriotism an awful whack. To console us, E. Alexander Powell takes us to "The Land of Lovely Ladies," and shows us the most beautiful women in the world. It's a mighty interesting article. You'll find every page of the OCTOBER EVERYBODY'S well worth reading. Look it over. FOR SALE BT JACKSON a WEAVER Professional Duectory of Wallowa County THOS. M. DILL ATTOLNEY-ARAW X Office first door south of New I Fraternal Bldg, Enterprise, Ore. BURLEIGH It BOYD I AnORNE"S-AUAW r Practice III 'l Ststa Pmirta mil t Interior Department. Cartful at-1 teution to all business. f r4 D. W. SHEAHAN f LAWYER - ENTERPRISE PrsrtlcA In 6f.t. n.j f..i..ci .U VMk, mtA , VUVI r . .. . . wurui ana interior uepartment. 't brigadier General George II. tor aey, the new surgeon geueral of the army, Is a Haltlmorenn by birth. Judge Fred Wellhouse of ToDeka. Eaiu, owns over 1.6t)0 acres devoted to apple trees and has made apple 1 growing a life etudy. . Rudolph Blankenburg of Philadel phia has given his entire ealiiry as . county commissioner for the past three ; years to three public pension funds. Daniel Teters of Grafton, Mass, Is the town's only full blood Indian the j eon of a .Narrnganaett father and a Mohican mother and his years are ; mnety-tnree. The fattest man tn New Englnnd Is declared to be Arthur H. Moulton of Portland. Me. He welehs 415 pounds and Is president of the New Englaud Fat Men's club. President Roosevelt has accepted the Invitation of the president of the Roy al Geographical society to deliver an j address before the society on his visit to London about April, 1010, Lord Clanrlcarde, the most execrated man In Ireland, Is about to lose his property there. His enormoua estate of 80,000 acres is to be taken from him by the Irish land commlslonera and distributed among the Galway peasantry of course at a fair valua tion. Tommaso eaivini, tne great Italian tragedian, recently celebrated his eightieth birthday. The pupil of Mo- denae, Balvlnl won fame In his own country as early as 1S48 and then re ceived the laurels due to greatness the world over, making his most suc cessful appearances in Englaud and the United States. Fickle FertuHe. Ill-fortune never crushed that man whom good fortune deceived not I therefore have counseled my friends never to trust to her fairer side, though she seemed to make peace with them. but to place all things she gave them so as she might ask them again with out their trouble; she might take them from them, not pull them; to keep al ways a distance between her and them selves. He knows not bis own strength that hath not met adversity. Heaven prepares good men with crosses, but not 111 can happen to a good man. Con traries are not mixed. Yet that which happens to any man may to every man. But It ta In (lis reason what he accounts It and will make It Ben Jon on. Irresistible Temptation You with the (lossy hat ot silk Unto my warning- hark Don't tempt the boys in snowball time With such a shining mark. Kansas City Times. Balloon Talk of 1804. Robertson, the celebrated aeronaut who ascended from Petersburg last vear, Is endeavoring to tibtaln the nec essary assistance at that place for the construction of an air balloon on a very large scale, tie proposes that It shal be T522 feet in diameter, which he calculates will carry up thirty-seven tons and which be supposes, therefore. will easily support vtij people and all necessary accommodation for them. It ta to nave attacnea to it a vessel iur Dished with masts, sails and every other article required for navigating the sea In. ease of accidents and pro vided with a cabin for the aeronauts, properly fitted up, gallery for cook ing, proper stores for stowing provl slons and several other conveniences. To render the ss ent more safe. It Is te take up another smaller balloon within It and a parachute, which will render the descent perfectly gentle if the outer balloon bursts. From Its construction It will be calculated to re main in the air several weeks. From Hudson (X. YJ Balance and Colum bian Repository of July U. J"- Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda ALL FLAVORS Sandaes, Root Beer, Re freshing DrinKs When extra CANDY good is wanted come to PRENTISS HOMAM'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - Oregon DH. F. E. MOORE) OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Office over Bank. At Enter- sa. we , asa a vi a Efforts on Rogue river are being made to establish electric experi ments with a view to seeing if plants and fruits cannot be made to work overtime with artificial light, and do -o at a rate which will prove com mercially profitable. ' ; C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. :; PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON Office upstairs In Bank Build . lug. Ind. Home phone in office and residence. 444-M44-4 Ne lrrl; I n Book Free. Well Irrlsa Ion fo: Small Farms." la a publication Just Usuod by the Geaer.U Pas;en;er Department of the O. R. & N. company and Southtm Paclfla line's in Oregon. This booklet sets forth In a practical, concise way tie possibility i fcr proMt ot inexpensive lrrt&a Im and should be In the hands of every furmer tn Oregon. Co.)lei may be obtained tree on application to W. M. Mc.Murray, General Taisenger Asent, O. R. ft N. and S. P. linei in Oregon, Portland Or.?go.i J. S. BUTNSR. Agt. O. R. & N. ' La Grande Iron Works. D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS e Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL yyav L. BERLAND I 2 Dealer In Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs Z and Leather Goods of all descriptions. Z I will fit you out with the best goods for the least JJ w money. When in need of anything in my line, call and JJ 3 inspect my stock before purchasing. jj ENTERPRISE, .... OREGON J ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BFJ31 OF MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. nww Mark.. CombeS & llotdlkiss INDEPENDENT felts and Hides proprietou PHONE 20 What Can You Expect? What can you expect your business to amount to without a Telephone? Do you suppose a customer will lose time running after you when j'ou can call your compet itor by 'phone? Home Independent Telephone Co. MILLIONS OF AT LOWEST RATES. ON EASIEST TERMS. Wm, Miller & rother, SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanK Building. ENTERPRISE, OREGON Red Front Livery and Feed Stable First Class Accommodations Best of Hay and Grain ONE CLOCK SOUTH OF HOTEL ENTEItrUIBE W. C. KETCHUM DENTIST - ENTERPRISE f l.e Perlaml nulldlng. Independent I hone. Home HWffmT4THW E. T. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON X Calls attended to day or night. -4h'Hf a SBt I DR. C. A. AULT PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON f Office In Bank Building. ? I Horn phone both office and't residence. ? S. K. Clark Plumber Steam Filler Full line of plumbing: iraterial. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Kellncr's Hardware Store Leave Orders. IXaffiHE3E3Sw 4 W. A, MOSS, Proprietor Successor to Boswell Q Son SKI SL nmnwr-nnr9mnnnm"