Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, October 14, 1909, Image 4

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    v. ......
Not Tufted
Gnaranteed 20 Years
I have taken great care in selecting my stock for this Fall's business, getting one car
of goods from the East and have just unload-
1 nave iaKen great care iu scicvuu ury u.. iui ui u vUu.-, & -& - - u..:.,v in lartre quantities. My siock
ed another from the West, thus getting the best things from both sections, and the benent ot bin aj h m GlobeVer-
.ti.. .Z. i. - .t- ci T.,f rt Mattresses, guaranteed for 20 jears, ine oiouc vv
is tne mosr complete m v anowa wumy, &utu as mc vjcui x uUv.u - - i y . tjje reclining Koyal
FRED S. ASHLEY, The Home rurnisher
nipt Klnstip Rook Cases, new and un-to-date patterns in Bedsteads. Extension Tables, Davcn
Morris Chair, Spring Rockers, Furred Oak Rockers, Standing Work Baskets. RUGS of all kinds. Old Hickory Chairs which can
not be broken and will last a life time. Come and See the New Goods.
Headquarters for school supplies
Jackson & Weaver's drug store.
Air. and Mrs. John Baxter'
Grande Roude are visitiug her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson. I
J. W. Emmons went out to Hot
Lake Friday to take treatment for j
rheumatism. I
Mr. and Mrs. I.. Couih and chll-(
dren of Wallowa were Enterprise
visitors over Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Smbblefield
and daughter Mary, and Mr. and Mis.
Omer Stubblefield left Saturday for
the Seattle fair.
Whirlwind Tablets are a guaran
teed remedy for rheumatism and
kidney troubles. For sale at Jack
son & Weaver's. 3obtf
Fall colds are quickly cured by
Foley's Honey and Tar, the great
throat and lung remedy. The genu
ine contains no harmful drugs. For
sale by Burnaugh &. Mayfield.
Mr. Miller reports a alight in
crease in sheep, about a stand-off for
cattle, a Blight decrease in hogs and
an Increase in horses.
There l an increase in mercantile
stocks, and he has found the usual
amount of money and credits. Val-
WILL 1 iev. jand valuation is increased from
15 to 20 per cent.
The Bakery
Fresh Bread
and Fine Pastry
While County Assessor Miller has
not run up the to'.als on the assess
ment rolls, he estimates from the
increases on different classes that
the total valuation will run over
$S.iX)i).".H)0 and pjessibly pass the
eight and a half million mark. The
railroad assessment alone U an in
crease of nearly a million. In March,
190S, the O. R. &. X. owned no
property iu the county except a
right of way, whereas last March
the track was all completed and
the road in operation.
; The O. R. & X. valuation made by
; Mr. Miller is in round numbers S1.-I
i 117,000, or over one-eighth of the
! assessed valuation of all property
; in the county. The track is aasess
) ed at $21,000 per mile, and besides
' that the company owns 40 acres of
! land in each of the four towns and
j the improvements thereon,
i The basis of assessment of timber
lauds is the same as - last year.
$1000 per quarter, but there is an
! increase in total amount as
We Solicit IOUr Patronage -many claims were patented during
the 12 months. The timber holdings
j of the George Palmer Lumber com-
. pany are assessed at oJo,aao. tne
j next largest Is the Grande Ronde
company for SS4.090, followed by
the Xibley-Mimnaugh company for
Joseph Robinson, well known con
tractor, died at Promise, Tuesday,
October 5, of typhoid fever.
Frederick C. Gartike, aged resi
dent of Wallowa, died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. L E. McXutt.
Tuesday, October 5.
Anyone wishing apples, pears,
plums, crabapplej or prunes call UP
Mountain View Fruit farm. Home
phone. O. J. Roe, proprietor.
River St., 2 doors south of Funk's.
Enterprise Poultry and
1. VVAG.iEK, Prop
Frightful Fate Averted.
"I would have been a cripple for
life, from a terrible cut on my knee
cap," writes Frank Disberry, Kelliher,
Minn, "without Bucklln's Arnica
Salve, which soon cured me." In
fallible for wounds, cuts and bruises,
it soon, cures Burns, Scalds, Old
Sores Bolls, Skin Eruptions,
World's best for PHeJ. 23c. at Bur
naugh ft Mayfleld's.
-nd Tar" Xothlng else is afe
and certain In results. For .ale by
Kurnaugb & Mayfield. -
Slates and tablets, pencils and
pens-in fact everything needed by a
.chool pupil at Jackson ft Weavers.
At the resular meeting of the city
council Mondav night. October 4.
a motion was a'.opted allowing any
i citizen who ue--irtr w
T . ia!n.onev to extend the water system.
About 300 people to U( so and the amount so advanced
3rande from this valley TnursiMj Kedit against
jn the special train provided for Thj UK.
Wallowa Day at the La Grande fair mder8,ood a few prop-
h..ir'-nr rh number nourur" -
Jie train at Enterprise. Agent But-
.. ... t - r.,li
aer sold 1,J new "'"'7 'curing water without delay,
.or the special train and 20 for the,
regular train Thursday morning. The
Josenh Herald reports 52 sold at the ;
Joseph station, and the Wallowa
Sun says fully 75 people went f rom j
.here, although but 48 tickets were!
eported sold by the Wallowa agent, i
ertv owners wnere uie mama
reach, desire to take this method of
Hawley's System
To Build To Coast
G. J. Wagner is here from
kud to remain for some time.
Get yo .r wlnt?r cabbage and Bauer
kraut. A. M. Wajner, Enterprise.
Galloway Appointed.
Cecil Galloway of Elgin has been
appointed county commissioner of
Union county by Judge Henry to
fill the vacancy caused by the death
af Ben Brown.
Marble Mountain Highest.
A. W. Sampson of the Forest ser
vice, who has made careful aneroid
measurements, says Marble Mountain
.a Hurricane canyon is higher than
llagle Cap. The former is 9,665 feet
,and Eagle Cap is 9 415.
rlwind Tablets cure rheumatism
this climate. They have relieved
hundreds and cured scores of cases
Union and Wallowa counties,
positive proof, names, etc, furnished
on application. For sale by Jackson
& Weaver, Enterprise. 20btf
Eighteen tickets were sold ut Los
The Joseph Herald says there
were 52 tickets sold at the station
there, "more than were sold at all
the other Wallowa county towns com
bined." This was evidently one of
Editor Shutt's Jokes as there were
three times as many tickets sold at
Enterprise as at Joseph.
The excursionists spent a pleasant
day and returned with only words of
praise for the fair. The exhibits of
agricultural and horticultural prod
nets were large and of excellent
quality. There were no Wallowa
Minneapolis & St Paul Coming
We:t-May Be North Coast
MinneapoX Minn., Oot. 7. Indica
tions of a substintlal kind point to
the building of a fourth transconti
nental line from the Twin Cities to
the IVi.'ic Coast in the near future.
This new coast line will be an ex
tension of the Minneapolis & Bt.
Word come3 from Lebeau, 8.
the present western terminus, that
E. I). Sloan, locating engineer, has
county exhibits to speak of, due to . besn ordered to proceed at once
lack of organized effort in this j i:h a survey across the Cheyenne
county by anyone representing the 1 Reservation to the Montana line,
fair. . ! While th Minneapolis & St. Louis
Wallowa Day edlpssd sll other officials here will not discuss the
days at the fair for attendance to:b i matter, it isi believed in well informed
foreign and local, said the La Grand ! circles that this evidences an inten
ObserverJ ' t-iou on the part of the Hawley lnter-
Tbe excursion train left La Grande eais to build through to the coast,
near midnight and did not reach ', The e has been great aei(vty all
iSnterprise until 5 o'clock Friday ! along the Minneapolis b St. Louis
morning. ; since the new management took
chargt,. Both Edwin Hawley. chatr-
The George WUght farm at the
head of Swamp Creek, about six
j mtlle northeast of town, was sold
I Friday by the O. R. & N. company
! to Wagner Bros, for $6400, or J20
! an acre or the 320 acres
The place is known as a flnt
class hay farm, with living water
on it. There are good improvements
including an extra large barn.
The purchasers are George and
John Wagner, who compose the well
known sheep firm of Wagner Bros.
Town Property Sold,
Clarence E, Vest has sold th A,
C. Wlllett cottage in the north we 4
part of town to E. R. Renfrow for
ti0. Mr, Repfrow and family U
occupy It as a home.
Mrs. C. A. Ault has sold her Al
der view cottage to J. E. McOlure
for $600. This deal was also made
through Mr, Vest.
The Enterprise Real E3tate com
pany has sold block 22 la Bufr
naugh's addition to Charles Horner.
J. Arthur Bishop was the former
a leading merchant of
mau of the buafd of directors, and
J. P. Shouts, preside it of the road
urauui unnninnnnauiuu i
Corresponds With the Season's Crops Biggest Yet.
It is none too early to begin preparations for Winter and our store is crowded with Fall and Winter goods.
opening up we would call especial attention to our line of shoes for children.
The Famous Buster Browns and Nap-a-Tans
As schools are
vMySygiuE Ribbon
rH" Shoes
Louis Boon
Norway, Mich.. writ?s: "Three bottles -ire known as asgrewive railroad
if Foley's Honey and Tar absolutely builders. Mr. Hawley now controls
:ured my boy of a severe cough, and j Ae, Chesapeake & Ohio, Chicago, Cin
i neighbor s boy, who was so ill with ' iunau & 6; Louis, Iowa Central,
i cold that the doctors gave him up. i aid .Mlnueapo Is & St. Lquis Thus
was cured by taking Foley's Honey j he rales a system extending' from
1 tQ3 Atlantic to western South pako-
, ia. anu it is onfy natural that he
inouid seek to extend this system
Across the coniineiu.
As one official of the Minneapolis
St. Louis stated recently, Jir. Haw
ley seems des ined to inherit Ha,
riman's mantle, judging from his
present activities.
Edwin Hawley, owner of the M, ft
3t. L. and other railroads aggregat
ing nearly. 5000 miles of trackage.
a said to be the coming railroad
'i'ng. H U the only man that ever
Jeat Harriman at the latter's own
ame, and he wrested the Chicago
Alton from Hariiman. He has the
support of big capitalists and is
Jne of the few men who could put
P the millions ihut Sfrahorn has
been spending on the North Coast
road, and Wall street be in the dark
w to where the money came from.
any Leather, Style or Size
our store. Guaranteed to give satisfactory service and a neat, comfortable fit. A nice, new line of
j Ladies' and ChttcWs Coats At Tall" Reach
!j New Dress Skirts and Shirt Waists for Fall. Also Kimonas, Dressing
- Sacques, Underskirts, etc.
Complete Stock of Men's Apparel of All Kinds
The Gordon Hat, best $3.00 Hat on the market. A big line of Men's Extra Trousers at $3.50, $4.50 to $6 00
Also a lot of broKen lines in the old stocK with prices cut away down. Come in and look us over whether
vou buy or not.
Mrs. Ina E. CadtU and Mr, qU
omon D. Keltner. both of this city,
were married at the home of the
bride's father, L. L. McKinnon,
near Alice!. Weinesday forenoon,
October 6, at 11 o'clock. Ry. JIj.
Leod, pastor or the La Grande M. E.
jhurch, performed the ceremony, In
the ppesjnce 9f the Immediate
iUves of the bride, and after a fins
wedding dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Kelt:
ner toak the afternoon train for this
city, where they are at home to their
many friends in $ie pretty cott&gs
on East Main tr92t.
The bride is a very estimable
lady who has won the esteem
and friendship of a large circle of
peopi Cufing her residence in thla
city. The groom s a successful bus
iness man and a'.l their friends
wish them a long and happy married
Miss Mary Wrgner and Mr. Gor
don iMartln were married Wednes
lay noon, OctoLer 6, at the home
in this city qf the bride's parents
Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Wagner. Rev.
S. Crocks: performed the eerfc
mony In the preience of the Immed
iate relatives. The happy couple
went to La Grande on a brief wed
ding trip. They wl".l shortly go to
housekeeping in this city.
The bride la a popular young lady
md both she and the groom h
many friends who wish them much
joy and happiness.
Japalac, varnish stains, linassd oil
at Burnaugh ft Mayfleld's.
320 Acres
per acre
10 miles from town, 125 acres caa
be irrigated, 75 acre in summer
fallow, laxga natural lake. 150
inches of water, 40 acres of timber,
Hlngs in Interprlse, 1650 to 12600.
LoU In Enterprise, $75 to 250
W. E. TAGGART. The Pioneer Real Estate Mao.
. ' 1 .1 1 J l II
"Cartful Banking Insures th Safety of Deposit t."
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
CAPITAL 150.000
SURPLUS 150.000
We Do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on
All Principal Cities.
SS'fvSfiL, W.B. Holmes, Cashier
-rag. ice President Frank A. Ileavis, Ami. Cashier
Geo S Ckaih iikector
J Hrw,...- Qt'W.HYijT Mattik A. Houaei
vwuoi.n .
W. B. Holkks