Oil Mtti LODGE DIRECTORY i 0 0 F fTERrRISE lodge. no EMERALD REBEKAH LODGE, No. Ill K n ENTERPRISE LODGE, No . ofr. . JUANTTA TEMPLE, No. 1, FythlM Sisters. IlOnVIIP ENTERPRISE CHAPTF.K IllAOUitllJ No. SO. Royal Arch Mason, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month In Maaonlo Hall. All visiting Royal Arch Masons; welcomed. J. B. OLMSTED, High Prieat. IX W. SHEA HAN, Secretary. WALLOWA LODGE, No. 82, A. F. ft A. U., meeta aecond and fourth Satur days of each month In Masonic HalL VUltlnc Masons welcomed J. A. BURLHIGH, W. H. W a BOATMAN, Secretary. WALLOWA VALLEY CHAPTER, No 10, O. E. 8. meeta first and third Sat urdays of each month. In Masonic Hall Vlsitlnc Stars are always welcomed. MRS. ELVA L. FRENCH, W M. MRS. MART E. STEEL. Sec. Mill EAGLE CAMP, No. 1047, M ,HA.W. A Meets first and third Thursdays In each month. In new Fra ternal hall. Visiting Neighbors alwayt welcome. J. W. RODGERS Consul. T. M. DILL, Clerk. ANEROID CAMP, No. J542, R N. of A. Wf t ENTERPRISE CAMP, No .U.W. 635. W. of W. ALMOTA CIRCLE, No. 278. W. of W. To m In tain h alth, a mature man or woman neds du enoigh fo d to repair the YRe and supplr energy and body be t. The habitual con tumptlon of more fo:d than is necess ary to: thei purpose? is the prime caire cf stomach traublis, rheu ma'ism and disorder of the kidneys. If troab'ed with ind'.geMlan, relse your diet, let r?a3n and not appa tlte control and t ke a few doej of Chaml:la!n'fl Stor.a:h and Liver TaVots and you 111 on be all right aga n. For eale by Burnaugh & May field, Mr. and Mra. Clarence D. Vest end his brother, Oover Vest, all of Sun Dance, Wyo., have come to En terprise to locate, The men are pephews of G, H, Vest, and visited here about 'two year ago. Ths Eest Plaster. A piece o' fl inel dampened with Ch&mb rlaip's liniment aid bqand oa the afflicted part Is superior to any Filter. When troubled with lame back cr pains in the side or ches- ej e It a trial and you are cer 'Mn to be mor than pleased with the prompt reUer -which it a fords. This liniment al roll -es rheumatic pains and ifl c?rtain to please anyone puffer Jng from that ( eaie. Eoll by Bur naugh & a'ayfiald. . Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boyd and children returned Wednesday from au extended trip to the East, dur ing which they visited with Mrs. Boyd's people near Pittsburgh, pa., at Mr, Boyd's od heme in Indiana and wltlj his brother at Twin Falls,; Idaho. Ko v ta Cure a Cold. - Be as careful as jqj can, yon vl faclfic HorK Uim H prepared expressly for lb need ol horemen and ranchmen. It Is a powf riul and pene Irstlnf liniment, a remedy lor emergen cies. A soothinc embrocation lor the relief of pa. n5 tbt best liniment lor sprains tnfi soreness. Untqualed lor fufinf the wounds and injuries W Wm WIPE and lor fceaMpl wis. tensions, sores and Kuiies. Pacific Horse Liniment is fully guaranteed. No other is so good or helpful in so many ways! II it fails to satisfy, we authorize f !! !e,!r! 1 F'ff tt!? BWflW rW( HOVI COMICAL CO., wu0, (MI. BOOKLET FREE 6-3 - rem sale By 5VRNAUGH & MAYFI5WP, I HECORD !"Miusinniw?aHiHiwi!??"H'w,wu,Iun! any part of the city answered day or night, ENTERPRISE LIVERY AND HACK BARN J. C. SHACKELFORD, Proprietor. First Class Rigs and careful drivers. County Pioneer Paper TnUred Ln ,SS4- P-bllshedevwy WficT Th,e, s, PresT SquarV 'M" CUFt HUM Prir8edOthe P"se, ore, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year 11.50 Three months BOc. Invariably in Advance. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1909. occasior.lv take cold, and when you eei a meiiciae cf known rlla oity, one that has an established reputation and that is certain to effect a quick cure. Su.h a medicine is Chanberliin' Cough Remedy. It has gained a world wide rewivatlon hv its renaarkabls cures of t'lls most common ailment, and can always be depen 'el n on. It act n ., plan, relieves the lungs, aids expector ation, oren f e secretions and aids nature in re torinj the system to a ne liny tonditlon For sii- by Burnaagh & Mavfield. CATTLE SHIPPED. Chandler shipped four car loads Jf cattle from Enterprise, October 6, he major part of which he had Pur chased from C. G. Holmes, and the .emalnder from the McCormacks. Money Comes In Bunches o A. A. Ohisholm, of Treadwell, N. T, iow. His reason Is well worth read ing: "For a long time I suffered from indigestion, torpid liver, con rlipa'.ion, nervousness and general Jebility,' he write3. "I couldn't iieep, had nj aTpetite, nor ambition, irew weiker every day in spite of aedical treatment. Then used Elec ric Bitters. Twelve bottles resto,-ed ill my old-time health and vigor, Now can attend tq business every day. :t's a wonderful medicine." Infallible 'or Stomach, liver. Kidneys, Blood and Kerve3. 50c. at Burnaugh & May lield's, Mr. and Mr3, Henry Ross of Osh iosh, Wis., after a fortnight's visit vllh her sister, Mrs. Earl Coffman, ind husband, of Elk (Mountain, left .'or their home Saturday, If peploe with symptoms of kidney r bladder trouble could realize their lauger they wquld without loss of .Ime commence taking Foley's Kid ley Remedy. This great remedy Hops the pain and the irregularities, itrengthens eud guilds up these rgans and there Is no danger of Jrlght's disease or other serious dis rder. Do not disregard the early lyuiptomg. For aa'.e by Burnaugh i Mayfield. La Grande Star: J. W. McAllis ter is here from his home in Cali fornia and will remain for the week of the fair and then go to Enter prise where he has some farming In terests to look after. He peots to remain In eastern Oregon about a month before returning to his home in California. Alfalfa seed tor sale at R. S. t Z. Another car of Western goods re ceived thia week by Aobley. Mra. C. T. Hokett and children spent the day. Saturday, in Lostinc. Mrs. J. S. Butner and baby weni to Cashmere, Wash., Wednesday, for a week's visit with hex Bister, See the new Art Squares at Ashley's. w Elgin Flour at W. J. FiUs ft w s. Patent $1.00 a sack, straight grade, $1.40 a sack. Ttie Non-Breakable Old Hickory Chairs, atj Ashley's. W School supplies of all kinds at JacK son & Weaver's. Paul E. Knapp is a Seattle fair visitor. Do nqt forget -the premium will be iven away at Grace Wood' millin ery store next Friday afternoon, Oc tober 15, at 6 o'clock, Come and get your chance. The Bed-Rock Of Success. lies in a keen, clear brain, hacked bT indomitable will and resistless energy. Such power comes from the sDlendid health that Dr. Kin New t tf Piiia lmnar4 Thev vitalize every organ and build up brain and Both Phones Home Independent 40 Pacific States 45. Our bus meets all trains. Fare 10c. within city limits jdy. J. A. Harmon, Lliemore, W. wmes: -They are the beat pills UB- z-c at Burnaugh A MayfieWg. Cnited States Land Notices NOTICE FOX PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, ' United States Laud Office at La Grande, Oregon, Se;t. 7, 1909 Notice la hereby given that Ira Pratt, of Enterprise, Oregon, who. on December 23. 1907, male Homestead Entry No. 15722-Serial No. 05212, for S SEM and NW NE Sec. 28; 8W14 Sec. 21. Township 1 South, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice of intentions to make Final Com mutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. M. Lockwood, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Enterprise, Oregon, on the 18th day of October, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: C. J. Sanford, of Enterprise, Oregon. John E. Osterhoudt. of Entemris. Oregon, B. B. Bod, of Enterprise, Oregon, Charlei Thomas, 0f Enter prise, Oregon. 3c5 F. C. BRAMWELL. Reeister Legal idvertiscmcnts PUBLISHED SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wallowa County. William J. Knight and Mary A. Knight, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles A. Altch, Defendant. To Charles A. Rltch, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, You are hereby notified and re- lulred to appear and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed against you in the above en titled cause on or before the expira tion of six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this Summons, whicb date of first publi cation is Thursday, September 2nd, 1909, and if you fail to so appear and answer or otherwise plead In said cause the plaintiffs, for want thereof, will apply to the above-entitled Court for the relief prayed for in their complaint on file herein to-wlt: For the satisfaction and cancellation of that certain mortgage of record In the mortgage records of Wallowa County. Oregon, in Volume "E" at page 374 thereof, dated February 10th, 1893, on the southwest quarter section ten in township one south of range forty-four east W. M. ln Wal lowa County, Oregon, which mort- gage was executed and delivered by the plaintiffs to the defendant to secure the &um of. $1000.00 and In terest; and for a decree satisfying and cancelling said mortgage upon the records ef aald county, and re moving said mortgage as a cloud from plaintiffs' title, to Bald lands. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In. the Wal lowa Chieftain, a. wekly newspaper published at Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon and bavlng a general circulation therein, fox the full period of six consecutive weeks and seven issues of said paper, commencing with the Issue of Thursday, September 2, 1909, pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. B. Olmsted, County Judgi of Wallowa County, Qregon, made and entered m the 81st day of Aug ust, 1309. CONAWAY & CORKINS and BURLEIGH Sc BQYI Attorneys for plaintiffs, 2e7 For Chapped 8. 1V. Chaprel ak'n whether on the hand or face majr be cured in one night by applying Chambrlan's galve. H is always uneiuajad fcr sore nipples, burns and acalls, Ftv aale by Bur nau.h & Majrfield. , Cottcge Owe comes to the front with ;i50,000 In tonas lor wnr and streets. It pays. Filer's Honey and Tar clears the air passages, stojs the irrltauon' . the throat. soo'Jie the Inflamed mem branes. and tie moat obstinate cough dumpears. Sore and infiamea mngs are healed and strengthened, and we cold 13 expelled fvom the system Rafnu iiv but the genuine ln the yellow package. For sale by Bur naugh & MavfleW, Roaeburg bfla just completed one sciool budding and needs another, which will be provided nest year. Its A Tap Notch Doer. Great deeda eompel regard. The io crowns ut doers. That's why the American pesple have crowned Dr. King'a New Discovery the King of Throat and Lung remedies. Every atom Is a health force. It kilta germs and colds and Ja grippe vanishes. It heals cough-racked membranes and coughing atopa. Sore inflamed bron chial tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. George More. Black Jack. N. C writes "It cured me of lung trouble, pronounced hopeless by all doctors." 60c, 11.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Burnaugh ft Mayfield. Professional Diectory of Wallowa County asV riTa Ttt m f THOS. M. DILL ATTOLNEMRAf I Office first door south of New 7 Fraternal BlOg, Enterprise, Ore. J BURLEIGH ft BOYD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Practice lu all State Court and tention to all business. . D. W. SHEAHAN LAWYER - ENTERPRISE S PracUce In SUte and Federal T I CourU and Interior Department. C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler, 100 Virginia Ave, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I was o weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's tCldney remedy cleared my complex ion, cured my backache and the irregulaiiUes disappeared, and I can aow attend to business every day ind recommend Foley's Kidney Reme dy to all sufferers, as it cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed." For Bale by Burnaugh & Mayfield. A Word About Osteopathy. Dr. Still called his new system os teopathy. Osteopaths, then being essentially1 an atom lata locate a le3 iion caused by a bone or ligament or a conrac'ei muscle compressing a nerve, a blood vessel or some argan and cure the trouble by re moving the lesion. Why there should be any opposi tion to the free practice of osteo pathy la not elear except that some people are always too busy to atop die progress of the world. Harvey. ; the discoverer of the circulation of die blood, suffered ignominy and con tempt at the handa of bis medical Jrethren, and his practice dwindled to very small proportions, Galileo was put i prison Cor saying the jarth moves around the sun. But those whq trust themselves In the hands of en osteopathic physician san rest assured that he thoroughly Jiidertsandu the anatomy of the hu man body, and wi I soon be able to ooate in the particular spot the esion causing the mischief or dla sase, and that only such manipula tions are exerted which - will set the bones In their place or remove any obstacle or constriction and thus allow a free flow of blood and if nervous energy. In these days of jurgery, when Jt Is aaugUt to bring ?very possible disease, in the domain 3t the surgeon She people should be $lad to see simple manipulations triumph over !ttteult cases which even (he surgeon's knife could not remove. These remarks are offered in a friendly epirtt, and not to antagonize any school jf medicine; they are prompted by a love of fair play In the land of the free. After many years of medical studies from all possible standpoint, the writer, as a disinterested party not tied to any particular school, neither riding a fa vored hobby, ta forced to recognize the positive fact that osteopathy is merely applied anatomy and physi ology; and (hose who fight It do K either from Ignorance or malice. A. A. RAM SEVER, Deseret News, Sftlt Lake City Wa'l KaeArn Ketel Kseper Uass and Reoommcnds Chamberlain's Colic, CM-a and Dlar ' Photes Remedy, I tar.e pleasure in aaying that 1 have kept Cbamberlitn's Colic, Clio' era an 1 Dlanhoea Reanely In my family medicine cheat for about flf teen year and always baa aatisv faot ry ulta fiom Its uf. I have a&mhVttterad It to a great many traveling men who ware eu'fering from troubles for whkh It li re o- mended, and have never faled to relieve them,' U S J. C. Jenkins, of Glasgow. Ky. TbU remedy is for sale by Burnaugh & Mayfield. Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda ALL FLAVORS Sundaes, Root Beer, Re freshing Drinks When extra CANDY good is wanted come to PRENTISS HOMAN'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - - Oregon X . D.t. F. E. MOORH OSTEOfATHIC PHYSICIAN Office over Dank. At Eiter- prise except Mon, Wed. and Fri. at Josei. Ind, 1 "bones. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Morgan f Prairie Creek left Wednesday for Pittsburgh, Pa., to attend he cen tenary celebration of the Christian chunh. They will visit at other pot-its in the East and will be gone for several wejks ; ; C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. :; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ; ; Office upstairs in Bank Build- ' i, ing. Ind. Home phone in office ' and residence. k Alder Slops Farm Sold. The J. J. Murphy place on Alder Slope, formerly known as the L. J. Rouse place, has been sold by the real estate firm of Couch & Mc Donald to Loyd Purdln and J. E. Bruce for $7000. This Is one of the best known fruit ranches In the val ley and Is especially well adapted to grain and hay as well. Mr. Purdtn, who will reside on the place. Is a brother of Charles Purdin who re cently moved to Lower Valley. Wal lowa Sun. Picture moulding of all kinds Just received at Ashley's. b2 La Grande Iron Works. D. FITZOliRALI), Proprietor. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting; and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL kyvs L. BERLAND Dealer in Harness, Saddles Chapps, Spurs and Leather Goods of all descriptions. I will fit you out with the best goods for the least money. When in need of anything in my line, call and inspect my stock before purchasing. ENTERPRISE, .... OREGON 4j(jtritr:f ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BE81 OK MEA18 ALWAYS ON HAND. Pr'KrMarket CombeS & Hotcllkiss INDEPENDENT Pelts and Hides proprietor PHONE 20 What Can What can you expect your business to amount to without a Telephone? Do you suppose a customer will lose time running after you when you can call your compet itor by 'phone? Home Independent Telephone Co. MILLIONS OF AT LOWEST RATES. Wm. Miller & rother, SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanH Building. ENTERPRISE, OREGON Red Front Livery and Feed Stable First Class Accommodations Best of Hay and Grain ONE BLOCK SOUTH 01? HOTEL ENTEKl'KISil W. C. KETCHUM BEXTIST - ENTERPRISE T office Berland Building. Home t inaepenuent roone. PHYSICIAN AND Sl'RGEON X Calls attended to day or night DR. C. A. AULT 1 PHYSICIAN AND Sl'RGEON t Office ln Bank Building, t Home phone both office and t residence, J S. K. Clark Pluicr fi Steam Filler Full line of plumbing: material. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Keltner's Hardware Store Leave Orders. You Expect? ON EASIEST TERNS W. A. MOSS, Proprietor Successor to Boswell Q Son M w 8 : s 8 : w w Jt r. ,1 u 'if I . - i I