Men of Character WUI Find It Profitable to represent Qr01lfC 1 he fffF Only energetic men of strict reliability can retain a contract in this Company for any length of time. This is for the protection of the public and for the protection of our representatives. The contracts of many of our agents date from the organization of the Company. HOME OPTICS CORBETT BUILDING, PORTLAND OREGON. A. U MLLL& Fm L SAMUEL. Gen. Mgr. CLARENCE 8. SAMUEL. Ant Mgr. Wallowa County CMrftaii County Pioneer Paper Established in JS84. Published ever) Thursday by The Enterprise Press. Office East side Court House Square. Untered in the postoffice at Enter prise, Ore., as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year $1.50 Three months 50c. Invariably in Advance. ritv anil County Brief News Items S. A. Gardner went to Portland Sunday on a bu;ineS3 trip. Rev. E. Owen returned Saturday from a visit with his sister on Jo3 e?h Creek. Miss Joyce Crilg returned Sunday from an extended vUlt at Seattle and Por land. Dr. E. A. Fosner is building a residence ou tli lots In the south east jart o.' tovin. Anyone wishing apples, pears, plums, crabapples or prunes call up Mountain Vie.v Fruit farm. Home ..hone. R. S. & Z. Co. ENTERPRISE A Large Stock of Dry Goods AXD Clothing For Fall and Winter wear JUST ARRIVED AT THE R. S. & Z. CO'S STORE WATCH THIS SPACE For Further Announcement R. S. & Z. CO. ENTERPRISE. Policyholders' Company C. S. Bradley went to Los i -i Wed nesday to ship to cars of rye. Mrs. T. P. Col Jinan departed Wed nesday for a vi it in SeUtle and raeoma. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dobbin and baby left WedneVay morning for a trip to Portland. The Epworfa I.eagua will give an ice cream so ia! on the Methodist church lawn Friday eve'-ilng begin ning at 7 o'clock. G. E. Mayfield and daughter. Miss Stela, who had be:n guests of his son, Mayor ByraTi Mayfield, return ed home to Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Charles Hug will hold her fall millinery opening Friday and Satur day, September 1? and 18. She is loea.ei in tha Whait building. Fred S. Ashley, the furniture dealer jle't SinJay on a business trip to ; Portland, J. H. Parrott is looking a't:r the s ore during his absence. A carload of fire brick arrived Tuesday for Ch rljs Christy to re place his lime kiln o.i Hurricane cre?k recently deUioyed by an ex plosion. Henry Fletcher has had a hand some bay win:'o.v added to his resl dence, Uie Bosae'l place which he recently purchased. O. H. Brady did the work. W. L. Mulkey o: Joseph want through on Wednesday's train en route for Portland on business. He will visit the fair at Seattle before returning. S. R. Hawo th went to Portland vVednesday on a business trip. Mrs daworth, who has be?n in Portland 'or some time will return to La irande wl'.h him. M'ss Edna Browning left Monday or Spokane where she will resume aer musical studies under the direc tion of Br. Heri ae who was her 'instructor last year at Willamette university. F. D. McCuily went through on Wednesday morning's train enroute for his saw mill at the head of the canyon to pre;a"e to ship about 50 car3 of lumber to various points along the line. Little Weldon Hyatt has been quite ill for several days and it was at first feared that he hod suffered spinal Injuries in a fall Sunday even ing from a baby buggy into which he had climbed. He was reported better this (We'nesday) morning. Mrs. A. C. Weaver was taken to the hospital at La Grande Sunday and an operation was performed very successfully Monday by Dr. E. T. Anderson. Mr. Weaver and little daughters who accompanied her re turned home Tuesiay. Low Zundell, who has resigned his posl:ion as nows agent on the Jos eph train, leaves tomorrow for. 8alt Lake and after a short visit there will assume a regular news agency run between Huntington and Port la id. La Grande Observer. Geo Funk came In from Turlock, Calif., Sunday, ascompanylng the car of stock and household goods belonging to J. A. Funk, who is taking up his residence at The Buttes on the ranch re.en'.ly purchased of Frank Kern an. Mrs. W. R. Forsythe, daughter Belle and son Crals who have made an extended visit wl u their relatives, E. J. Forsythe and family of this city left Monday for Seattle whence they will return to their home at Klm bolton, Ohio. E. J. Forsythe accom panied them lo Seattle to visit the exposition. Mi;s Giace Wood will hold her annual Fall mi llnery opening Wed nesday, September 15. Commenc ing that day and continuing for three weeks each lady making a purchase amounting to $1 or more will be given a ticket on a beautiful sliver berry spoon. This spoon was pur chased of M. Laraen which Is a guar antee of its be'ng the best, as he handles no other. . All are cordially Invited to come and sea the beauti ful new Fall goods. Remember the date, Wednesday. Sept. 15. AKa'fa eed for sale at R. 8. ft Z. Will Gardner returned from the Seattle fa!.- Tuesday. Mijg Nell Morton of La Grande who was a gueit of Miss Anna Rich ard, retuiaed home Tuesday morn ing. The Enterprise W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meeting at 2:30 o'clock Friday a'tsrnoon at the home of Mrs. G. M. Gal y. New style bo ks and samples of made to-order suits and silk dress Just received. Ca 1 or phone. Mrs. R. I. Long, representing Chas. A Stevens ft Bros, bl Tom Eaton an 1 family passed through town on Welnesday ou their way . to their place near Zumwalt. They are returning overland from Pullman Wash., where Mr. Eaton has been to harves . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen and little son Jay returned home Friday from a vUit at the home of Mrs. Allen's father, E. F. Sergeant at The Buttes. Her sister, Miss Irene Sargeant, came home with them for a visit. Miss Mary & roher Is home for a few days , is.t fiom Cove where she has be 3u teaching. Miss Zurcher ami i j Inez Mat. in will leave in a lay or two for Pendleton where both are engaged as teachers for the com ing year. A. H. Rudd wa3 o:i WeJneslay .uorning's train bo.ind for the Mc Cully mill at the head of the canyon o prepare for planing pipe for the Joseph electric lipe line. The ele ric company is a .oat ready to lay ;he pipe for the new line. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington DaP'iy and the latter's sifter. Miss Bunnie Dwnbey, went to La Grande Sunday where Mrs. DuPuy underwent an operation. Er. E. T. Anderson ws n charge of thj work and the patient Is reporte 1 as getting along well. The DuPu.vs came here with :he Ethel Tucker S.ock company. Mrs. L. E. Jo dan went to La Grande Monday, accompanied by hei ausband, Mrs. L. J. Jordan and Dr. C. A. Ault, ente:lng a hospital thore 'or an operation which was success ,'ully performed Tue3day morning. Dr. Ault who assisted In the operatloi returned home Tuesday evening. WALLOWA COUNTY HISH 8CHOOL NOTES . The opening of the second we'.t finds an enrollment of fifty pupils .vith several more to come in during the week. Everyone ha3 se tied down to work In earnest and the studies go along with a vim. We are to have a Bausch and" Lonib compound microscope for use in oar physiology ani botany classes which will be a great help to us In those studies. The High School Board has order. 3d an additional hundred volumes for oar library; this will enable us :o do much better work in the future ind la appreciated by pupils and teachers. If you intend going to school till i winter better join us now; as the work in algebra and book keeping will be hard to make up later. Cordon Ragsdale wa3 out of school Tuesday with a touch of the grip. Fred Holmes Is one of our new recruits. Ivan Jackson is doing P. G. work to help him in entering the medical school. Frances Stanby, Fred and Nepoleon Beaudan entered school Tuesday and are taking the Eng.Uh course. FINE LIVESTOCK 8H0WING FOR LATE SEPTEMBER (Continued from First page.) and good pri es were rea ized, Eastern Oregon wool getting a max! mum price of 23 cents and the Wil lamette Valley c:o.o reaching a top price of 26 ceats. The season was ideal for wool g o.vors. Flaeces wert heavier than usual and the grade of he product is hlh Tim ,ni .... - , wi jjjUllVJ will be divide! quite generally through out the state. Enterprise Opera House One Night Only Saturday Night The Ethel Tucker Stock Company Presents the unusually absorbing drama Across the Desert Popular Prices, 25, 35, 50 cts Seats Selling' at Burnaugh Hayfield's Official Proceedings Of County Court (Continued from pa;?e C.) Aaron Wade, rest of bldg. for court hourfe (trorn Jan. 1. 1909 to July 1. 190) .... 325 10 J. C. Conley. expense to Sa.i':ii s.iit r mi veil 'Ion ''' Frank Melott, supervising couit house Dave G. Tuikjr. rebate In taxes L. P. Rose, rojnty poor Stella Doud, co inty poor . . Gen:ral Fund nr. v: 71 L'l o 21 0' 1 10 00 2 ! 0" A' ti Dfi kjr. tomtv poor Chas. W.Ugerodt making date for co. rt lioisj Ul Grande Wei'tly Observer, printing I!ri?f, Sate vs. Moxley -i T ...... . nnnnihd'ninr IS O'l 21 40 3HII1 U"L.I, - J. ' ' " A'. G. Locke, Co. co nml isloner 20 00 Road Fund f. A. Grimes, road work .. Thos. Mc 'arty. supervisor road Blst. No. 8 I. E. .Me.ryman, survey! ig i'' C. Sinfer r.ul 1. C. Cramer. ro:'d vbwer F. C. S'.ia'er load onar Trump, viewer F. ('. Sfca'er roul M. Coo i, dial innn F. C. S!i: f;r ). D. Lro.k, cVaiiman F. C. Sha'er roid C. Sharer, marker F. C. Siia er road W. Ilantna'V, sipar.-isir road Dlst. N. 2 .'m. Ne vby. road work .... eter Kue'il, s.ipe.'vUor roul Ds . No. 18 V. E. Daggett, lumber oe Clemon , r ad wo.k . . 107 50 37 50 10 on 4 oo 10 oo 1 (1(1 1 on 2 00 r.7 ro T.2 50 10 00 3'J 80 42 50 ittirm & Os o.'n, bri.lge lumber 33 S ). L. Her'.au.l, loal wo.k .. . E. Pa ters, lumber . . 'm. I. 8 uinar, roul super visors saiary 1 1 High School Fund fhe Enterprise 1'iess, n;o slip books . R. Alien, work an.l m iterial id Rolge s, 1 inibe aid work ackson & Weaver, supplies OU 25 58 o4 30 0J 1 75 12 :i . 10 2- n the matter of the road petition of ' C. Shafer et al. This mater came tj be heard at this time on the report or tlu Board or Co n y Road Viewers for a sacond rea ing, as provided by law, said re o.t being in words following t)-wlt: To the Honorable County Court above named: We the under. ignad Board of Coun ty Road Viewers, appointed by the honorable ccurt, to view, survey and lay out a toaiity road a3 pray ed for In the pe'ltion of F. ('. SCiafer and ctaers, beg leave to report: That pusuant to said order wo mat at the beginning of the pro posed real on tie 20th day of July ,190!), t'-e same being the time and place fixed by said order for the mejting of tiie und,'ii..(l Board of County Road Viewers and took to oar assistance L. M. Cook and D. D. Brock as chain baa' ers, al,d F. C. Siw'er as marker, aid proceeied to view, survey an.l lay out sa d rad as prayed for in said petition, as near as in o ir opinion a good road can be made at a reisonable expense, taking into consideratbn the utility, con venience and i lconvenieace' ans! expense which will result to indi viduals as well as the public, if s :ch road s'.ia 1 bo established and opened. 'the said road was surveyed under oar directions, and the 'same was conspicuously marked throughout the corners and distances thereon noted, and all treas ou the line of said road were marked on each of the slles thereof corresponding with the direction of said road, with three noUhe3 cut through the bark and one in-h into the wood, and all trees adjacent to the said line of said road were plainly blaz ed on the sile facing said road. T ie be;.inning and termination of said roal and the tarmination of each mi e a id intermediate points nave baen marked in the manner provided by law, as will more fullv appear by the certified return o'f the survey cf said road which is hereunto at ahed and made a part of this report. That in our ooinlon the said road &houd be e:abishI for the fol lowing reasons; It is n:e?el by th9 adjacent su tlers and the public We consller that the sW!4 swV4 fd by B. ,. BoyU will be rendered ess valuabie to f.e amount of $100. We consider t'.at the w-. nw'. Bec,r,twp2sr4,K.w.A- f by J. Ha;.s will be rendered tel. valuable by the establishment cJoposeJrad,othoam0lJ Dated th s 2Uh day of JtlIy i90j. H. E. MERRY MAN, County Surveyor. H. C. CRAMER, JONAR TRUMP, I'.nird of Cosuty Roid Viewers. And said repo't of the board of County Riad Vie vers having been now pub'lfly re id In open court on two se e al days of the present term of the court, and It appearing to the court thu said Board of County Road Viawers raport favor ably thereon, and re-ommend that said proposed r:al be established as a county road and be declared a highway of Wallowa County, Oregon, and I- also appearing to the court that there are damages l..lmed, and that said damages h ive not been ra'd Into the Clerk of this court, and also that the 1 it; i t Attorney has not reported is to the le:a lty of the proceed logs. it is hereby considered and order ed that said proposed road be, and the same Is he'eby continued for the term. In the matter of road petition of S. I.. .!cie:izle, et al. Tiiis :ra ter came to be heard at this time on the report of the Board of County Rpad Viewers for a second reading, as provided by law, sail report being in words following to-wlt: To the Honorable County Court above name 1; V e, the undersigned Board of County Roal Viewers, appointed by the Ilonora'li Court, to view, s.irvey and lay o :.t a county road as piayc.1 for in the petition of S. I.. McAfiide and others, bag h to re.-.ort; Tiiat pir.suant ti said order wo met at t :e beginning of the pro- road oi the 28th day of July, l'.iO'.l. the name being the place and wi.hin iie da b of the time fixed by said order lor ths meatlng of the uiu'eralsinad Board of County Roul Viewers, and took to our asaistam-e II. E. Fine and L. S. Va i I'e t ns chain bearers and procedej to vlsw and survey out said road as triyed for in said petition. Tiiat in o.:r o lini in the said pro po el .sho i!d not be establish ed for the following reason: The r.o'nt tf t jrniinatloii accord- ins to tiie petitloi appears to be in two or thre di.'ferant places, l.-ut d this 2sth day of July, 1909. II. E. MERRY. MAN, County Surveyor. II. C. C5RAMER, JONAR TRUMP.. Hoard or County Road Viewers. And said re.ort of the Board of County Roal Vie.vers having been publicly read in open court on two se erai days of the present term of tiie court, and it appear ing to the co;:rtthat said Board of County Road Viewers have report ed unfavorably thereon, and recom mended that said proposed road should not be established as a county road and be declared a after the court examines and checks said warrants, It 8 hereby public highway of Wallowa County, Oregon. And a ter t':e court fully consider ing the matter, it is hereby consider ed and o do ed that said Board of County Roid Viewers survey and lay out said road on the da' of .... 1909, according to the description in said road petition and make due and legal return according to law, to this court at th.:ir next regolar meeting. Whereupon court adjourned until to-morrow at 9 a. m. Third Judicial Day. Friday, Se,t 3. 1909. Court met pu'saant to adjournment when were present same as on jestarday. The Journal of yester- lay haWng leen read the same is here now approved. Tha following proceedings were had, to-wlt: n the of cancelling warrants 'eturned by tile Co.nty Treasurer. ... tia ume tne County Treas- tresants tie County Court with warrants to be cancelled, and coasidered ond ordered, that the to lowing anient, be cancelled to-wit: 119 Road Fund $3,or)7 32 120 General Fund 18,282 97 'N3. 121 High School Fun ir. or J' :BUnty. "7 50 ""UUV ocnooi und 11,114 60 "eupon court adjourned. Photograph Volcano For Moving Pictures 8:afe. Sent, fi t ,0i,. .... -Hio of Kia iei i .:.. .u r " v-t.un, ing artist. Ion :no, ec o jntered many difficulties. . .. lern onoi exhibit of Hawaii "own at thv. iiL.v... ... i-,,..,,., 7 i unuii-jacinc h ' n' " ""''.'. of n,.u. " "'uvuig picture -.on to se.:re a set of flins Bhow.. " j3t - U appeared III dohio- !;.. m. . dlf'icnifi, ""nine had many . . fc8 Vercle' The heat when the lava Is flowing fre.,, close approach 1, nearly , ' In making the exrosures the could not be ke.t in posltl 2) longer Ume than one half ml . The heat o.lj des;roy " or film and rende it useless V artist enveloped 1 l.riRelf , ,'MJj Ing o? asbestos, an 1 the earner., protectel by the sane material & doing this, and by rr aking only ti very short exiosjres. Mr Baolne h hU great patience, soured t derful set of pi Jturei, absoli, correct In every de all. In looking at te n as they arerj, through the moving picture In the Hawaiian Building the re. production of Kl auea In 'action it seen pe factly and beautifully, jp tha botlom of the crater the Vm streams of mo ten lava are seen. rmi. lug and surging above the hw cauldron in which the GoddMg ftt makes her home; tha steam and mi phurous smLke Hows and drill, tj clouds and one looks on fte grest. est demonstration nature can present The picture requires tweaty minuU, n prese itng, and required man; weeks in making. A model of the o'.d Mayriowr hai been built on.La'-e Union as a featan of the New Englind Day celabraUot at the Alaska Yukon-Pacific Eim sltion, Sop'emher 11. Bearing a crew of 120 "I iigrio:s", who will repr sent the different people who malt ap the party of the original Msj fiower, tiie ship will land Its pass gers on a mo. el of Plymoai Rock, located at the foot of the Pay streak t the Expoiition. The pa:ty wl 1 be dressed h tie old Pilgrim costumes and will present a quaint appearance as they land from their '..ip. They will be met i)y a pa ty o: In ilans, who will be secured from on a of ta3 attractions on the Pay Streak for th3 o:ws:oi and a pow-wow will ensue, which end in the sjioking of the pipe of peace. Then the party will march through the ground3 to the Puritan Inn oa ft, Exposition grounds, where they vlll be serve! wi h aa o'.d Naw Bagland dinner. The bl.l of fare will laduJe the well-known Boston baked beans and brown bread. A letter has been received by the Seattle-New England Bay commiUse from Governor Quiruby . of New Hampshire, in which he slates that he has delegated Mr. Goadell to rep resent him. Among the distinguished visitors who will speak at the after noon exercises In the Auditorium is Ex-governor Rollins of New Hsm shire, the father of "Old Home Week An o-iglnal poem o:i New Eigiaad Day will be writ en by Sam Walter Fos3, whose name appears in the Boston Hall of Fane. This poem will be recited by .Mrs. a. Warn Gould. Tli 9 Pacific Monthly of Portland, Oregon, is a beautifully Illustrated monthly magazine. If you are inter ested in dairying, fruit raising. pouK ry raising, or want to know about IrrlgateJ lande, timber land3, or free government land open to homestead entry, The Pacific Monthly will give you full informa Ion. The price i $1.50 a jeor. If you will sand twenty-five cea Iius amrs, three Me issues will b' ient you so that yoj may become acquainted with it. Read the follow ing ep.eidid offers: Of-'er No. 1 -McClures Magaz'W Woman's Home Companion and Tas Pacific Monthly, costing $4.50, 13 be sent at a sreilal rate of $3.00. Offer No. 2 .McClures M>oiM Review of Reviews and The P"1114 Monthly, cojtlng $6.00, will be for $3.60. Offer No. 3 Human Life, Ideal Home and Tha Faciflc .Monthly wiU be seat for $2.o6. Order by number and send yoar order accompanied by postal monej order for the amount to The P Monthly. Portland, Oiegon. Whirlwind Tablets cure rbeuBsU5111 In thia climate. They have relieved hundreds and cured scores of cas. in Union and Wallowa counties, positive proof, names, etc, lurnisaf' on application. For sale by Ja" NOTICE FO.l PUBLICATION. Department o! the Interior, United StatAa T.nnd Office at I Grande, Oregon, Se.t. 7, 199 Nitl l l..u nlvan that P Pratt, of Enterprise, Oregon, who. December 23, 1907, .made Home"" rrsit,. m iktoo o-i0i vo. 0321 for S N14 end NW'A NE 28;- .&Wl4 &E Se?. 21- Tow ' 1 South nm Ji Knst. WlUoe'18 , .u..Bw . Intenons to make Final Com mutation Proof, to eUablish claro C M. Lockwood, U. S. CouimUsloner, at his office, at Enterprise, Oreg on the 18th day of October, 1939. ci-i . ,itne3se: C, J. Sanford, of Eiterprlse, Oreg John E. OdterJi-ult, of Ei:erPrJsft Oregon, B. B. lod, of Eterprw Oregon,. Charlei Thomas, of Enter' prise, Oregon. 3c5 F. C. BRAMWELL, Hes'8'- c "aw 13 always Intense, and