SUPPLEMENT TO "THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1909. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. I Mrs Wa Avery and Alias Nellie Wagner went out to La Grande, Tues- jar, for a iew uuo wan. I John Boyd of Portland, ma., re-. turned to Enterprise last week after . a trip back home. He came by way o( Montana, Idaho and ashlngton i and saw lots of good country, but j savs Wallowa county doesn't take a back seat for any of It. Whirlwind Tablets cure rheumatism ia this climate. They have relieved hundreds and cured scores of cases j ; Union and Wallowa counties, positive proof, names, etc., furnished i oa application. For sale by Jackson ; i Weaver, Enterprise. 20btf llrs. Henry Fletcher of Locust Lawn fruit farm on the Grande Ronde river below Powwatka, was in town over Holiday night. She brought out a shipment ol nice blackberries. Sirs. Fletcher says thsre will be no peaches but she will have plenty of meions. Don't fail to hear the "Band Con-' ten" given by Burk's Big Unclu Tom's Cabin Co. They feature a number of solists and will certainly j reader a musical treat, on the princi. j pi streets of our city, during the 1 day of their exhibition here at Enter- j rise, August 17. I Sir. and .Mrs. Bert Oliver of Sum-1 mervllle arrived Friday for a visit of i week or so with his sister, Mrs., EJgar .Marvin, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver have entirely recovered (ram the bums received while trying ' !o save their children in the awful ! Ere that burned their home six ' wfks ago. I Wm. .Miller of La Grande, brother' ni business partner of A. C. Miller ; rtthis city, went to Portland Sunday ! isd was there married to Miss Alice' Miinler, formerly of the La Grande i& school faculty. Following the irfding Mr. and Mrs. Miller left for Alaska to spend several weeks. They w return to La Grande about Sep eaber 1. Mrs. Daniel Boyd nnd children. Robert, .Margaret and James, left Tuesday for a visl: with her pe:;!e a Pittsburgh, pa. Mr. Eoyd aceom Ned her as far as La Grande, and Salt Lake she will meet his sister, In. Katherine Sexton of Penvllle, W, who since leaving here hns been n-"'H another brother at Twin falls, Ida. Mrs Boyd and Mrs. Sexton ill journey east together. Carl Roe, former publisher of the Chieftain but for the last three years manager of the Wa'la Walla Union, has resigned that position and accept ed another with the same company as outside t rave big salesman The hange is made on account of his health, he changing the close atten tion to night and office work for the Job entailing more exercise and less confinement. Star Actress In Splendid Drama Ethel Tucker Seen At Her Best Strong Support By Company. Two big audiences greeted the Ethel Tucker stock company Friday una oamraay nigtitj and saw two great performances, utterly unlike yet equally at'ractlve in its way. In Queena, .Visa Tucker is seen a: her best and her acting together with the s iperb support of the com pany kept the audience keyed to the highest pitch, Friday night. The fallowing evening, what many say was the b:;st vaudeville performance ever given in Enterprise pleased more than please! a whole house ful of people. On their re'urn to Enterprise, Fri duy night the Ethel Tucker Stock j c nni pan y will m:ike a very ambitious' effort when they produce a play that has been one of the dramatic sj-io ' ations of the past two years, "Paid ! In Full." This h a wonderful study! of one phase o' metropolitan life : wherein the mal whirl called living, ! hoior, love. business Integrity, woman's purity, aI1 are 80metlnies sacrificed. In Paid In Full, all are saved by ! woman's Duritr tm,. . . ' is a piay mat 11 should see; i, oe vou wln ni- c. lurKei. Every member of the ,a enthusiastic over the uiat always means good work. It ha. been decided by the manage-' EntCSC OOCraHOUSe "eni or the comnanv In r.nniTii.tinn : r l'h the management of the house to compliment its patrons in attend ance at Its performance on Friday and Saturday evenings next, August 13 and 14. Tn thu . ..., has been made from M. Larsen of a i strictly fi,8t (.l!iss goM waU,h which is now on exhibition in of Burnaugh Mayfield. With every j u u iicKet purtnased to either Friday or Saturday's perform-' ance, a number will be given and on Saturday evening a drawing will be; made, the lucky number winning the 1 gold watch. j On Saturday night will be present ed the beautiful story of Virginia, Roanoke.' New Suit Filed. August W. Cook vs. Arthur D. Hulse, w. b. Hunter and D. H. Harris The Ethel Tucker Stock Company FRIDAY NIGHT the g eatest play of the present day Paid In Full SATURDAY NIGHT The charming Southern comedy Roanoke BURK'S BIG Uncle Tom's Cabin COMPANY A Mammoth Amusement Enterprise! CROP REPORTS WANTED. The truest picture and fairest ad vertisement of an agricultural country are the figures giving crop reports. With only that explanation, this paper asks its farmer and thresher readers to cut out the blank below, fill it out, sign it, and send or bring it to this office for publication. WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, Crop Report, 1509. Farmer, name New illinery ARRIVI NG Now is the time To Get Your : : HATS SEWINH ALL WORK iivi GUARANTEED GRACE WOOD "'floor to Larsen's Jewelry Store, Enterprise, Oregon Farm, location Kind of hay Size of field Yield, tons per acre Kind of grain j Under a Palace Pavilion Theatre 7Q PEOPLE ENGAGED 7Q A Grand Spectacular Production ! More Men! Women and Children! j More Horses! Ponies and DonKeys! I The largest pack of Siberian Blood Hounds (More Vaudeville Features than any other Show of its Kind on the Road See the Four De Espa's Crowning Kings of the Air Watch For the Big Free Street Parade Size of field Yield, bushels per acre WILL EXHIBIT AT Measured or weighed Thresher Signed ENTERPRISE Tuesday, August 17 AFTERNOON AND NIGHT Under Waterproof Canvas Rain or Shine 2 Of andf ree exhibitions oa show grounds 7 p.m.