SETING MACHINE.' ' HIGH CRAM, a'vl " by bnying this reliable, honest, high grade sew ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co. Belvldere, III. City and County Brief News Items Alfalfa 3te for sale at R. S. & 7.. Full line of pies and fittings ami other plumbing supplies at S. I). Kelt ner's hardware store. -13c tf. Mr. and ilrs. J. J. Weaver aid little daughter Beulah weut out t ) La Grande, Thursday. Cold Storage Refrigerators Ktei's everything perfect. See them ai S. D. Keltner's. 43c tf. Mrs John L. Curtis of Albion. II!., who had been visiting her sister, Mrs C. O. Kn-dell. for the last month, left for her home. Wednesday. The ladies of the M. E. church cleared $71.25 on the dinner served Tuesday evening on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burleigh. Flyer washing machine. Best ox earth. For sale at Keltner's Hard ware. 43c tf. Born to the wife of John Halley. iar Enterprise, a daughter, Wednes Ji, August 4. Mrs. Frank Clark of L03tine was visiting her brother, S. V. Cray, and family, Wednesday and Thursday. We are the sellers of the E. How ard watches, the best on the market. Call for them at Martin Larsen's. Born, to the wife of Wm. Hayes of Alder Slope, a son; Wednesday, Aug ust 4. Gasoline engines, 2 h.p. and UP See sample of best kind made. S. l Keltner. 4:ic tf. C. C. Boswell has rented t'' Rankin property in the west part o' town and will move into it in abo,it a month. The gooseberry and currant bushes In the yard of J. W. Flowers are loaded with fruit in a way that would be beyond belief of Eastern people unless they saw the bushes. The currants are a large, tine red variety that make perfect je!ly. The third meeting of the W. C. T. V. will be held ou the lawn at the home of Mrs. X. J. Falconer Friday. August 13, at 2 p. m. In case of inclement weather the meeting wil'. be held in th Christian church. All interested in the cause are Invited to meet with the members. Go and order a suit at Andrews and Berry's tailor shop and leave your money at home. Andrews and Berry, located at Enterprise, Wheat building. Jlks Viniiio C.litldiH went to Giamle Thursday. ; lo;rs, VinJoB. Shingles a 'd Builders Hardwa-e at Keitner's. 43.tfi J. M. Rank:n of Joseph was vounty seat visitor. Thursday. j : V'arrfn Chandler of Elgin came in j Thursday o:i a sk buying trip. j Elgin Flour at W. J. Fuk & Co's. j ratent $1.S0 a saik, straight grade, j 5 1.40 a sauk. i Full line s rcn drtors, window! . .:ertHiis, and soejii iloth at Keltner's hardware. We tf- j F. W. Siie.h m left Friday f r I ' ISpokai t to a-L iid the Na:i mul lrri i : i,a'.ion congress to whioh he is ' .legate. He will s'm at La Grande j ,.ind Pendle on o:i 1)ih:iuas matters, j ! Effective Angus. 1st the O. U. '. S. Co. will operate daily and Sunday ! a mixed train servi.e in both dire -t-; ions between I. a Grande and Jo-st'i'h. J0b2 J. S. Ul'TXEIt, Agent, i For in '.iyes ion and all stoma -1. i trouble take Foloy's Orin:j Itxati.i ! ;.s it stiiiiLilaiei tie stomach and livei, and regulates the biwe s and will j i jwsltively cure habitual cjnstipati in. ' .tuniaigli Mayfield. People with I'hronir bronchitis, as h rua and ling tro ib'e, wil find v relief a id courort in Foley a ilon-n-and Tar, and can avoid suffering by , I'omniem ing tj take it at once. Bar-: tiaugh & .vaynei !. Genr?e Boner and Hugh Wilsjn of Jo-ijpli we.e on Wednesdays' train on tl;e!r way to Turlock, Oil. Mr. Boner made the journey in hole; of benefl Una his haalth and Mr. Wilson accompanied him. Mr. and Xr-t. Ka'ph S;irague of Imnalia have returned from Moun tain ilon.e an 1 BiMiieau Vtil'S). Ida., ulie e they vi ;ited her sister, .Mrs. U"t a Uo;. bo.sidi-s ni:ta Tijiiiio. and the brothers and sisters of PioneeY i'a i ic Udgt. ice Lream Ice Cream Soda BUTTE BRIEFS Aug. 2. Every " basy ALL FLAVORS Sundaes, Foot Beer, Re- freshing DrinKs When extra C A NHY good is wanted come to PRENTISS KOMAN'S Next Door to Batik Enterprise, - - Oregon j Refreshment Hall Mineral Waters Scdas, Maltina Temperance Eeer And all kinds of So.t Drinks Cif'ars and Confectionery FOOL AND BILLIARDS liutic, with hay. ! Lester Neil and brother John Uae I gone to Camp Creek for fruit and, n f u hlts I Vesper Brumba h has r,.... fnrt mid. where hi treatment. mu V.iru Pearson and Pal, wir.' guests of Cladys N h, day. I.ertel Siiyi'-iil is helping father ttfk with the h.i. Mr. and Mrs Robert Shin a . i.i it liiiiuer at (leo. their A Few Goodi rot aft jd went f:f j .s.i:. hi laid ! t ! A:r. ' were Orderly House New Fraternal Rkiff. No Minors Allowed 1st door west of R. S. & Z. BRIGHT & SIEGMUND ; RESIDENCE SELLS FOR $2000. From Lostlne Reporter. W. W. Widen who last week sold ' his SO acre farm, west of town for an acre, has purchased the resi dence property of Evan Allen, across from the church. Mr. Allen in turn has bought the Swikert property and will move his family there in the ner future. Mr. Wille't will have possession of the ranch he sold until liie first of September, when he will ! move to Lostine. ; Enterprise Opera House Fourth VeeH of the Popular Favcrites . .. Seared With A Hot Iron, or scalded by overturned kettle cut with a knife bruised by slammed door injured by gun or iu any other iAay through. N'ci es erdav. Thty were on i.i riipsiilmiius to pick huckleberries Air. and Mrs. Sutherland P th rmi I'll h'Tfr toJav- on their way Cureka. .lames Davis. l.ilv and Cordus Ba'.e were "Mailing - -Nt;1's bo': day. and Mrs. Ed UrJ ana iann. guests at Bon lM'.e's. Monday. Homer Sarge.-ii'. was vist'-ing brother Bcrttl last week. H. O. ZJmwali and f.miily made a trip to Kn'e prise hut we.'k. where Mrs. Zamwa't his ben unite ill for some time. Geo. Neil mid daughters, Myr e' mid Cladys, took dinner with bi' daugh er, .;rs. B. Sergeant, yester day. Dick Cole passed through this vi cini y on his way to Lester Hart -horn s, where he has i-mploymeni. Mr. and Mrs. riargoant were visitois of Jlr. aad Mrs. E. F. Stir geant lst week. Onier Stubblefli-id of "ladian Vi lage" passed through this neighbor hood on his way to Enterprise. Jasper Trout and wi e are isitiiii her mother. Mrs. Dale. Miss Myrtel Neil was visiting Miss Irene Sargeant, Friday. fliauncey I.ale is on t!se sick lis'. John Horner, an '"old timer" of Imnaha, recently arrived froai Tut lock, California, where he has resid ed for the last four or five years. He took dinner at Ceo. Neil's, on his The Ethel Tucker Stock Company Presenting on FRIDAY NIGHT AUGUST 13 The great human nature plav Paid In Full j way the thing needed at once is ! Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue 'inflammation and kill the pain. Its ; eartb"s supreme healer, infallible for lloils. Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema nnd Piles. 2-jc. at Burnaugh & May. field's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sargeant and family were at Ce). Neils. Sim lav. Lester Nell, Iiertel Sargeant and John Neil are breaking horses tn.s w ;ek. Miss Zona Prnmbucli is hauling j fruit and vegetables, for -sal-', fio.n j her brothers place ok lower. Imnaha. P.ECORDING BUSINESS AT HIGH WATER MA7.K Saturday Night AUGUST 14 Taming Lions by Tobacco. j Mrs. Ja'.per Proat and Myrle We have nil heurd the old wheeze of ' were visiting at Sam Richard's, taming a lion or tiger by steadily j keeping your eye fixed on him. Ac cording to one of the keejiers at Bos tock's. a more effective method Is a cigar ur cigurette. 'Nearly every wild beast that I ever come across," said this otlk-lal to the writer the other day, "is fond of tobac co In some shape or form. 1 made this discovery quite accidentally. Once, when 1 lu America with this show, one cf the visitors, who was smoking a tigar. puffed some of the smoke Into the lions face ns be lay asleep In the cage. I expected to see a real riot, but Instead of that the lion, after giving a cuuple of sneezes, moved quietly up to the bars and raised his The beautiful storvof Virginia now uifflnSiy as i; asking for a sec- I one uose. t nave made tne experiment ; on all sorts of wild animals since, nnd j I have found that most of tham enjoy : thoroughly a big sniff of tobacco. Wc ! had a bear here once that used to rub i his nose and back against the bars ; of his cage, just like a cat asking to be ; stroked, whenever any oue smoking n cigar came near him. Antelopes and i wild goats aren't satisfied with the mere whiff. If you give them a cigar j or cigarette they will swallow It eager i ly aud, what is more, seem to suffer j no bad effects from their meal." Lon- don Scraps. Roanoke SparKling Special ties Between Acts, by those Popular Players, Mande ville and Athey Popular Prices, 25, 35, 50 cts' Seats Selling at Burnaufjh a Mayfield's ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BEST OF MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. H,s, Warke. Si E, COM BES INDEPENDENT Pelts and Hides proprietor PHONE 20 Hack Calls to any part of the city answered day or night. Both Phones Home Independent 40 Pacific States 45. m m n s m a m M H ta n a ENTERPRISE I AND HACK BARN J. C. SHACKELFORD, Proprietor. First Class Rigs and careful drivers. u K n M It V m w w H M H n Terhaps the most human thing about J. riermnt Morpm Is his affect! f -r apple pie. It may not answer t tl: description of a Brand passion. In:: c tain It Is that the preat Duancier cher ishes a tenderness for apple pie that Is as genuine In Its way ns was the pref erence of Abehml for the society of Ilelolse. At precisely 12:80 every work ing day. whl -h means all days except fcuuday, the Mor gan otiiee boy pro-i-c.eds to a nearby luwh room and h-.vests a dime of Use big promot er's fortune In a mammoth pleeeof tipple pie, which constitutes the great man's mid day meal. One evening, at h I s New York home on Madison av.,ue. Mr. Mor gan aud a few literary and ar tistie friends were discussing epl t a p b 8. Finally each member of the company pro reeded in turn to and appro- C prlate tombatone inscription be could July is counted among the dulltst aion.hs of the year in tile rt-covder's Jf.'i'e. but showing how the trans fers and kindred business in this coui.ty U rapidly increasing the re ceipts for recording iu Clerk Boat man's ot'tice during July were $-!r.H he highest ee;- known except 1;. .March, when the total was about more. The total ro.eipts in Clerk Uoa' man's office las: mouth were Sl.11.ili!. 0:i August 5, there wore 41 lustra men's filed for re:ord, Including 111 patents. HORSE SALE. At Joseph, Or. 3D h';ad of horses, about haif of them well broke, mosth home-bred percherons some of the mares with foal. Saturday Angus 14, 1900, at Duncan's Livery stable commencing at 10 a. m. Terms:, per cent off for cash. Four months time will be given, with secured ik-r. i noc pain within 4 months, 8 cent interest will be charged. H. B. Davidhizar, auctioneer. Julius Liidstrjp, owner. 281)1' pei fen A'atermelon Booth for a Summer Fair. The feature which stored the great est success at a summer-resort fair was a watermelon booth, the brigh invention of an artist sojourning a) one of the hotels. The booth was hung with festoons af red and green tissue-paper and lecorated with piccaninny heads cut ro:n black paper, with features paint ed in water-color. i:ig slices of watermelon at ten :en!s a slice were served by oye of :he ladies interested, blacked and bandana-ed to represent a ponlv Southern mammy. The "Waternilllion; owing to the warm weather and tlx' novelty of It, took like the proverb ial hot cakes. Woman's Home Com panion for August. THK OBEAT MAX'S JUDDAT MEAL. quote tbe most striking Our bus meets al trains. Fate 10c. within city limits remember. When It came Mr. Mor gac't turn he declared that the most pathetic and expressive thing of the kind that had ever been brought to bis attention was the following tribute of a disconsolate husband to bis wife, who lies burled lu the neglected little cemetery of a Maine Tillage: "She was good and true, and she was the best pleinaker In Somerset county." Reliable Seeds So much has already been said tn the importance of buyine your seeds from a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only jvaste of words. iLiCJ Seeds have Proved . their worth-our increas $"2 busincss is proof indeed that SSNk16 alone has madc the Chas'- Lilly Co. fore-"4ji'-j?most seedsmen on the Wf'-r'aciflcCoast- Sed S K lAWto. .113 B argams 1 GO acres of timber on Alder Slope $1000.00 s H a M a . a s M kl PI M M ft fed B Four t m B m u u N M a H H 19 Vt n n bi n u u IS H u H a acres of tunuer on Alder ovi . 00.00 ! m . - i i . r . t.i- a Une business lot uh muc- ui puuiie square, facing court house - 500.00 S One ."-room house with stone foundation, wired for lights and phone, insured for $1000, paid up for three years, with woodshed, cellar and well and one-half ii -t - 1" .i. C 1.1. --l. hlocK, i.ux-ti icvi, nc umths trom liostotfice .... 1200.00 residence lots. 00x120 feet each. fenced and part sodded down, all four 400.00 5 ! 8 These prices are the best I can maKe but I can sell on terms to suit the buyer, it not being neces sary to pay down any money if not convenient. CLARENCE E. VEST k.XZIZ2SX5ZSnSZSSCTI3ia XISKBBZEaEEIEEUinami I Andrews k Berry I MERCHANT TAILORS : ENTERPRISE LA GRAKDE a. 4 m w ilk Located in Enterprise, with a full and complete line of Imported and Domestic Woolens. Have ycur Clothes Made at Home and Secure a Perfect Fit and Tailor WorKmanship j& ? ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cleaning, Pressing' and Repairing' of ladies' and gentlemen's clothes by an experienced tailor ANDREWS & BERRY M. GUMERMAN, Manager ENTERPRISE, ORL La Grande Iron Works. D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL saEaEaasiazscxBsaaaasaEflisEiiussaissasESSKinii" El a n M 5! B n m M M m a a u m L. BERLAND Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs, and Leather Goods of all descriptions. I will fit you out with the best goods for the least money. When in need of anything in my line, call and inspet my stock before purchasing. ENTERPRISE, - - . . OREGON uZZHZgSfcST.EeSBBEEBaEEBKaa ilTZMfcSIIBZEEBlBBEaMlItt- MAMMOTH JACK "Will make the season at the ranch of Thomas Morgan. TERMS: $5.00 cash; $10.00 for season and $15.00 insurance. Either of the above prices be comes due upon the trading, selling or re moving' the mare from the county. MORGAN & DOBBIN, Owners. C M. WILLIAMS, Manager. ktive