Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, August 12, 1909, SUPPLEMENT, Image 10

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.-.MiiriW'.THO. Willi MIWlili
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In order to place ourselves immediatclv before the people of Enterprise and Wallowa we have decided to
con.e w,th a whole Carload of Pianos which we will hare on sale for the nest two weeks at unheard of Y
lowpnees. Among them arc pianos of the very finest cualitv and riW fmm r,...: V
- - " bui. AU.kVAJVa LJ1CLXIV9 A.
Of New and High-Grade
Eilers Piano House
of Portland direct
We have so many of these and of van-incr cfrW l,o u u : :t.u
. -"O ' It n UUIU UC HUjJUSSlUIC .1.
that have never been used
to pre prices on then all. but we will just say that Pianos that any other fi M ,1. no
for we are selling NOW for $350.00. Pianos that other dealers sell for $400.00 can be had for $250.
In other words von wil! save during this sale at least from $100 to $150. And vou do not have to pav
all cash Any dependable man or woman can pay a small deposit down and the balance can be
arranged to your entire satisfaction.
Thccondnct of the sale is in charge of Mr. W. C. Motlev. who is vcrv favorab.v known to tie musicians
of tta count,-. ass,sted bv Mr. C. J. Grim,,,, who is also direct from the head office at Portland.
We also have a number of slight!,-used instruments, that practically yoa tan hare On ,oar own price
CSET vZl0: nee1 " ',ia" " "0t Wl'at " to direct with THE
GREATEST PIANO HOUSE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Right ,nv thc time to bur ;f voa nerio
your hie intend to bo- a Piano.
We are located in the Samrns building block south of the Bank
upen irom o a. m. until 9 at ni&ht V