Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, July 08, 1909, Image 7

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tfethods of Increasing Crop Output
Will fcltUWM.
The Dry Farming congress U Don
arnjled, with some persistency anc
3rterinintion to be heard from in the
matter of urging its claims upon the
Attention of the public The faith that
IL. promoters and operator of thii
-geocistion have in their claims of drj
farming methods, well carried out,
cannot be questioned, says the oditoi
of the Twentieth Century Farmer. Tbi
experiences and .results of careful am
persistent work in crop growing effort)
lire the evidence that is offered in tes
timony of the feasibility of dry farm
tag methods and dry farming as an in
It is not surprising that there an
the doubtful, the skeptical, the nnbe
liever in converting the dry land of thi
arid West to agricultural purposes, thi
growing of crops, the cultivation o:
orchards and forests, the esUblishin(
of homes and the building up of com
mercial interests and industries 01
these lands; we say that it is not sur
prising that some hesitate, that the)
doubt the availability of sufficient
moisture to grow crops; that they fore
cast seasons of drouth, etc All these
things had their period and have exert
ed tbeir influence to discourage and
prejudice the mind of the public as the
settlement of the country has pro
gressed westward for the last fifty
years, and yet cultivation has been the
civilizing influence that has conquered
drouth, hot winds and the barrenness
of the plains and prairie countries that
are now the dependence in production.
The Fourth Dry Farming congress
will hold its meeting at Billings. Mon
tana, October 26, 27 and 28, 1909.
This will not only be an institute for
dry farming farmers and dry fanning
instructors sndeadiers, but it will be
as exposition of dry farming products
tuch as this or no other country has
tver witnessed. There are pledged al
ready exhibits from thirteen Western
itates that are engaged in dry farming
work. The organization by states, to
ihow what each is doing and capable
of doing in the raising of grain and
vegetable crops, without irrigation, is
i feature never before undertaken in
this distirct and promises some great
lurpriaes for visitors.
The area of tillable lands in the
United States not yet turned to culti
vation is comparatively small, and un
der present conditions of demand by
the homesteader will last but a few
more years at most. It is only the part
of good business judgment that the
dry farming districts be investigated
by those who contemplate getting a
home under the free homestead law.
Good lands and the best locations will
be the first taken. Each year will re
duce the quality of lands to be disposed
of as government homesteads.
The Dry Farming congress will be
i good place to visit next October, in
view of getting dry farming informa
tion and dry farms on which to put it
into practice. The Dry Farming con
press announces that there are 200,
000,000 acres of arable land awaiting
development by the dry farming meth
tds. Appropriate Breed. ,
"The aeronaut who is going to try
that long flight will take his pet dog
"What kind of a dog is itr
"A skye terrier, of course." Baltl
Bore American.
Information Bureau.
Caller I wish you would tell me U
there has been any change in the sIm
of the 5 cent piece within the last ten
or fifteen years.
Man at the Desk Decidedly there has.
The 5 cent piece of ice isn't more than
half as large un It used to be.
The Heal Tain.
"I must congratulate Jack on his
tolden wedding."
"Golden wedding? Why, he's only
lust married."
"I know, but the bride Is worth a
million." Boston Transcript."
Her fatal gift of beauty
Never caused the pit-a-pat
Of anybody's heart at all
She wore a modern hat. .
-Houston Post.
" tr Leader in Painless Dental
Work in Purtland.
Out-of-Town People
that Wi?T. v, rJhat m,r t,r Is so arrang-ed
dl wp ESfftwh-n plate, or bridiree are or
kT..1." AND ROOTS wrrunirr TUP f .EAST
'. NO STI mi. Nro """"''Tl. '
akj, nu unccruunv.
for the Next Fifteen Days
i.1" lve you a aonH Mk u
"; crown for. " " .,
rT """n ' fc0(j
r.lmiln" : 2
Sstas- 7
T.T ti
"r. w. A. Wise
PrMlrt..4 a
- -whvu. una HMnacer
ne Wise Dental Co.
fit. I
ww Third and Waahlna-ton Sta,
: : 3
Congressman Cnshman, ct Wash
ington, at Point ot Death.
New York Hospital for Slieht
deration and While Recover
ing Pneumonia Sets In.
New York, July 3. ConPT,.mn
Francis W. Cushman, who has been ill
Roosevelt hospital for 10 days, was
a critical condition last night, and
midnieht the anthnritioa nf k
. , " VA ura uw
pital held out little hope of his recov
ery. They in fact said he was so low
it was doubtful if he woudl survive the
Mr. Cushman entprsH tti
June 21 to undergo an operation for
me removal oi an abcess in his neck.
Ihe operation, which was a alio-ht
one, was successful, but before he re
covered from it nneumnnia rirlni4
The disease reached the critical stage
jresieruay, ana, contrary to the expec
tations of all, it took a rapid turn for
the worse.
Francis W. Cushman was born May
t, 1867. at Brighton. Ia.. and was edu
cated at the local high school and at
rieasani view academy. In order to
aid in pavine his tuition there. h vnrV.
ed during the summer vacation as
"water boy" on railroad construction
work. On completing his education at
the academy the future congressman
worked for some time as section hand
on local railroads, until at the age of
16 he moved to Wyoming. There he
remained for five years, being a cow
boy on a ranch, a "handy man" in a
lumber camp, and also a school teacher.
During this period he took up the study
of law, reading by himself, with but
little outside aid.
At the close of this time ha mnvert
to Nebraska, and was admitted to both
we uistrici ana supreme bar. lie re
mained there until 1 891, when he went
WeBt again, settling in Tacoma, which
has since been his permanent home.
Prior to hiB election to congress he held
no offices of any kind, and made his
living entirely by his legal practice.
In 1898 Mr. Cushman was nominated
bv the Renublieans for con tress. Since
that time he has been without opposi
tion in his own party, and has been
(tlected hv overwhelminr maiorities at
each succeeding election, and is now
serving nis sixtn term.
Bret Harte Land Shaken.
Downieville. Cal.. Julv 3. Almost
every night for more than a week
earthquake shocks have been experi
nnced here, and their freauencv has
caused considerable uneasiness. Since
the rather severe tremblor of June 21
there have been frequent lighter
shocks, most of them sufficiently per
ceptible' to awaken people. People
living at Poker flat say Mount Filmore
is the seat of the disturbance, mat
country has reported some of these
quakes as being quite severe. Earth
quakes are rare in Sierra county.
Steamer Burns At Dock.
Rtwlftnn. Cal.. Julv 3. The steam-
r Talntnn. of the California Trans
portation company, valued at $100,-
000, burned to tne water s eage at. ner
dock here early today. The entire
cargo had been removed before the fire
started. There was no insurance on
the vessel. The fire started in the
of tr hnlrl. where it could not be got
at, owing to its location and the dense
smoke. The city Bremen savea huh
containing 5,000 gallons oi cruoe on.
Clergy Is Appealed To.
Victoria, B. C, July 3. A. Canon
of Westminster abbey, also
rector of the British House of Com
mons church, in a public address nere
today, urged the clergy to preach sacn
ouorvwhpre to secure immediately
a needed army and navy fund. Hen-
don declares England is unarmeu
Aat AwiaolAOfi. and on the veree of a con-
test for her national existence.
Johnson Favors Women.
-t ur;h Jul a. Governor
Johnson, of Minnesota, delivered an
a . 1a. aa irt I
address here lasi nigni. " -hope
to see the time when women i wil
.:. thai hoshands in Domical
join wiiu -
affairs. Where woman is, the atmos
phere is better and politics would be
better wnere renning umu r
Rescued After Ten Days.
St Gall, Switzerland, July 8. A
young woman who ten days ago was
.- .in nf a railroad tun-
caugm in -'" - , c. .
nel was dug out alive today. She
suffered agonies of cold and hungtr
. . !u: .!v Kiit manaeed to
during k" - - .
sustoin life by sucking moisture from
her clothing, on wora w-
ally trickled
n;..u.j RaHia in Street.
Guayaquil, July 8.-At ceeb"t'.n
yesterd7.; in honor of St Fr
Paul a moo iwK r .
Soops were called out but many of
STsoldierT joined the mob and a
Steh battle was fought in which ten
p and SO wounded.
persons we t"1 .
..... a.i i- r.mhe Ready.
New r.i"v
Calona sailed irom ,
1,600 mile, of cable on h-Jf
the Commercial u.i-j "N
line between Newfoundland and New
I 2ji Race !
. . Wife:
:" i :
.HT?B xXIl.(CounuM.)
... , ?. vh ba,ine Gren. vtry. I'm
afraid," b. replied at length. "Nobody
r..,,ooner ive hw ta. provldint aba's
willlnf to take you."
My dear nncle, Mande and I "
Toon ! Ton needn't f o on about that
I never doubted that yon and Maade had
settled It all befora you did m tha honor
to consult me. But what are yon to lira
on? Tonr f400 a year wont keep a
Grfn' tBd 1 "' Id yon-"
"No, but we can wait a bit; we are
both-young, and I shall be making two
or three hundred a year at my profeulon
very soon."
"Nonsenae, bey; I know tha law. I
thoroughly believe yon to be clever and
have no doubt the money will coma in
course of time, but It's alow work very.
Long engagements are not judicious." .
"But thia ia not to be so very longj
and Maude ia good to wait a couple of
yeara or so for me."
"A couple of yeara," smiled the squire.
"What did the fee-book say last year.
Fifty pounds."
"Not quite; very near It, though."
"I'm afraid you'll find It will take all
two yeara to double It. I don't doubt
your doing well at last, but It takes tlma,
it takea time. Still, Gren, I'll not gain
say the match, and if at tha and of next
year you can see your way into something
like 300 a year, exclusive of what you
hare, make a wedding of It, if you Ilka."
"Ten thousand thanks, uncle. This
case of youra will find ma practice, sea
If It don't. I lavs no Intention ot hid
ing my light nnder a bushel. I'll take
very good care, through my friends, the
case is well talked of. Only wait till
the Two Thousand la over, and see what
doraila the sporting papers shall have
of Itl Good-by. I will just run up and
see my aunt and Maude, and then I'm
Grenville dashed Into tha drawing room,
where he found Mrs. Denison and hla
"I'm just off to town, aunt, and have
come to wish you good-by, and to tell you
I'm to be your aon-in-law, after all."
"Don't believe him, my mother," laugh
ed Maude, her eyes dancing with fun.
"We know better than that don't wa? We
mustn't detain him, or he'll be too late
for hie dinner. You greedy thing; you
wont live If you gourmandise so"
"Come here, Gren," aaid Mrs. Denison ;
"has my husband consented to your mar
rying Maude?"
"Vet. aunt, as soon as I've got bread
and cheese enough to feed her on."
"My dear boy, I'm so glad I I was
obliged to be your enemy once, Gren I
couldn't help myself; but I'd rather you
took her than anyone!"
"Oh you, mother!" cried Maude; "and
he sajs he'll feed me on bread and chee,
and I like, I like atrawberrles and
'Sad thing, aunt, but I suppose 1 d
better break off the match at once. Bet
ter that than come to a separate mainte
nance, you know. Bread and cheese 's
a good lusting dish, but bow aha s to get
through the wlntera I don't know, on
Whnt she proposes."
"Ah, well, never mind," laughed Maude ;
"she's yours now, and won't have a sep
arnte maintenance. Tou'll have to feed
her aome way and you can't gueas how
she eats. When are you going, Gren?"
"In a very few minutes. I'm going
to walk ; will you come with me? Good
by. aunt. Don't be afraid. I won't run
way with ber, at all events till straw
berries are well In, and thre pence a pot
"Maten : were lovera like that In yoar
da, mother? I used to dream, a little
while back, that when you had a lover, It
was all you could do to keep him from
running way with you. Now I'm getting
qu'te clerer about it, and know that
Gren would always much prefer to leave
me behind thaa bis portmanteau."
"Come away, Maude, and let's sea if
wa can shut it; you know we always
have a deal of trouble about that."
"Oh, yea, I always found you and
Thomas despairing ovar It, and K takea
all my ingenuity to make those last three
or four packages Bt in. Don t you tnin
he's making a wife of me, mother, a little
before he's entitled tor
"Co away, you foolish children. Too
can quarrel and make up all the way to
tha station."
The refractory portmanteau was soon
reduced to aubjection under Maude's
clever auspices, and then the two cousins
walked across the fields to the station.
"Tour father's given you to me, Maude,
as soon as I can get together as Income
that we can live upon."
She might be coquettish before her
mother, but she was meek enough to her
lover when they were aione togeuer.
"I hope I shall be a good wife to you,
Gren. You know I'm not extravagant,
however I may laugh about It"
"No, my darling, I know you better;
and If we have to begin with a little, I
hope you'll be able to spend lots of money
tiWnre lonff."
"I never had any money to spend," aaid
the girl, gravely. "I've often had to want
a five-pound note, both for myself and
my poor people in tha village."
"And will have again, pet. Wanting
-n Is the normal condition of ninety
hundredths of civilized humanity,
vnu must turn back now, you have
come far enough. Good-by, and God bless
you," said Kose, as ne ciaapeu u .
m ...m, "Mine now, forever, bra t It?"
"Tes, Gren. Tours or no one's," she
replied, as she lilteo ner lips anyiy w
TlaaA u-ritp"
"Every day, dearest. Good-by;" and,
with one more kias, Grenville Rose tore
himself away.
Ifow he traveled up to town In the
same carrioge with Pearman we have al
realv seen. On his arrival at Waterloo
Station he jumped Into a cab, and pro
ceeded at once to the Temple. On enter
taf his rooms the first I thing that caught
bin ye was tue ngure vi
who, comfortably ensconced la the eaaieet
chair In the room, was making, apparent
ly, some abatrnae calculations on a niece
of paper, and referring frequently for
guidance to a gaily bound betting book.
"All right, old fellow." he aaid. In re
turn to Granville's greeting. "Wanted
to have a talk to you: knew you would
come up by that train ; told the old party
to get food for fwo at half-past seven
wants just tan minutes. Go and wash
your hands, while I finish what I am
After the "bit of fish and beefsteak"
that constitute an ordinary bachelor din
ner In chambers, the two began to smoke.
'.Now," said Dalllaon. "'shall be back
to dinner' of course meant, as we agreed
It ahould, that Pearman had yielded to
your terms. I was off to Flyait directly
I got your message, and we have had a
buay afternoon of It. We rather woke up
the Subscription Room at Knlghtabrldge,
I flatter myself. From being an outsider
W the betting, we brought Coriander back
to 7 to 2, and made him once more first
favorite. I told you we had Pearman in
a hole, and we had. I suppose you got a
lot of money out of him?'
'lee, indeed; we made him ear 110.-
000 to let off our claim." And tJhen
Grenville recounted his Interview with
'Very good; then he's now absolute
master of the horse again. Ot course,
exactly what I expected from your tele
gram. Now I'll tell you what I've done.
In the first place, I laid, between us, or
rather Plyart did for os, 3,300 to 21,200
against Coriander; that was before he
was driven back In the betting ; of course
that left ua to win 1,200 If he was beat
or didn't start After getting your tele
gram I went down to TattaraaU's, and,
with Plyart's assistance, got that whole
1,200 on the horse at long odds. We
now 'stand to win, between us 10,170 If
Coriander, wins the Two Thousand, and
just quits if he loses. Not a bad book,
"By Jove ! no ; and he's a good chance.
hasn't her
"Yes, on previous running, wonderful.
Wa know Pearman has backed him to win
him a lot of money. It's not likely he
would have paid you 10,000 to-day un
less he was very confident about his
chance. To wind up with, his own oom-
miasionar backed him to-day for a good
bit of money, although ha had to take
shortish odds, owing to our having ap
propriated all the long prices against tha
Granville's eyes sparkled, though he
said nothing, but smoked on In silence
for a minute or two. Tea, If that should
come off, ha might marry Maude at once 1
Dallison bad regarded him intently.
Suddenly he broke silence:
"I saw your eye flash up, and then
you plunged into a reverie. I had for
gotten the stake yon told me you had on
this, when you first spoke to dm about
It. Whether it's been any good to go so
far, of course I don't know; but you
stand as fair a chance as a man can do
of winning 8,080 next week. If that will
help yon at all. There's no certainly
about anything la this world about how
long it's been a world, or about how long
we've been preying on each otter In it
Practically, mind, we are as much canni
bals as ever, and eat each other up with
as much alacrity as the Feejee Islanders.
A good heavy city swindle gulps us down
much as a whale takea herrings) but
there's plenty of pike about, who do their
cannibalism one at a time, and not by
the shoal. Old Pearman was a pike of
renown; In fact, he might have aspired
to the dignity of a shark, if be hadn't
been of a retiring disposition, and ever
anxious to hide bis light under a bushel.
Young Pearman has a fair daab of the
pike about blm, too. Which way he can
make most money out of Coriander I don't
know; but I should think, by winning;
and if I'm right in my conjecture, bar
accidents, we shall win our money, Gren."
"And If It la the other wayr
"Shan't lose It thank goodness t But
I'm afraid If his book makes up a few
hundreds better on the- lose. Coriander
will not ran up to hla previous perform
ances. We've done pretty well; win or
lose, we stand a big stake to nothing.
Granville mused far Into the night Yes,
ha had been playing for high stakes late
ly, and winning game after game. Let
this only come off, and be should nave
fairly won bis sweet cousin. Then the
thought came into his head that be must
aee It and then It flashed across blm that
Maude must be with him. How be was
to manage H, he didn't knpw. As inspira
tions flash across mankind, so do supersti
tions. Coriander's ' winning the Two
Thousand depended upon Mande and him
being there to see.
"Ridiculous!" you'll say. There is
pretty well as much romance and super
stition going about the world as hereto
fore; but our nineteenth century training
teaches us, above all things, not to lay
ourselves open to ridicule. We may In
wardly admit such things we don't ac
knowledge them. .
(To be continued.)
Cssle Haak'i Iaaa.
It was Uncle Hank's first ride In a
parlor car. The porter came around
and brushed ' him down with a whisk
"How much, bub T drawled Uncle
Hank, fumbling around in his pocket
for a nickel.
"Quarter will do, aah," responded the
porter, with open palm.
"Quarter will do? Say, do I get the
whisk broom, too, for thatr :
Sara Biss(k,
Kind Lady What art those bolls
ringing fort
Johnnie Jump Because somebody's
pulling 'em I
'. V. " uuuniit nits urn-no tne ftiiriiAa
ture of Cuhh. II. Fletcher, and 1ms boon nmle under Ills
personal supervision for over ao years. Allow no one
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitation ami
JiiKt-as-trnml" are but Experiment. nnl rntlanirer the
bealtb of Children Experience against KxpcriineuU
What is CASTOR I A
CastorU i a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric. Drop and Soothing- Syrups. It is IMeaant. It
-- ---- vf. ,
substance, lt.s asr is its
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Dl;
Colic. It relieves Teethinir Troubles,
n .1 ... 1 J .! t . 1 -
uuu ii.mn-in t. it nsxiiiiuHirs me a- tMMI, regulate tUB)
Stomach aud 1 towels, givlnfr healthy and nutural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Tricnd.
The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For
tmc ecNTftua twiiff, rv
Crashed Aarala.
Mrs. Denham Do you think that I
shall be a good looking old woman?
Denham I don't know why you
should expect any such radical change.
New York Press.
Mothers will find Mrs. WInalowa Soothing
Syrup tbe best remedr to u w lor their childiaii
luring tha teathiug period.
A Literal fommasi,
"Beat it! Beat It!" cried the mas
terful wife to her meek and obedient
But he did not go a step.
She did not mean him to. She was
referring to the carpet hanging on the
line. Baltimore American.
Better than gold Like it in color
Hamlins-Wizard Oil the best of all
remedies for rheumatism, neuralgia,
and all pain, soreness and inflamma
tion. The Cause of It.
"The writer you Introduced me to
the other day was not at all Imposing
In his appearance. In fact, I thought
he had a very poor carriage."
"That may be because be is nothing
but a hack." Baltimore American.
Shake Into Tour Shoe
Allen's Foot-EaM, a powder for the feet. It cures
painful, swollen, smarting:, sweating feet. Makes
new shoes easy. Sold by all Drwrirlsta and 8hoe
3tora. Don't accept any substitute. Sample
FREE. Address A. S. Olnutad, Le Roy, N. Y.
Mn'a I'rrBdy.
Lawyer You want to sue your hus
band for breach of promise? Why, mad
am, pardon me, but that's absurd.
Fair Client Not at all, sir; he prom
ised ma a divorce, and he's gone back on
"I used Cascarets and feel like a new
nan. I have been a sufferer from dys
pepsia and sour stomach for the last two
rears. I have been taking medicine and
rther drugs, but could find no relief only
or a short time. I will recommend
Cascarets to my friends as the Only thing
ior indigestion and sour stomach and lo
keep the bowels in good condition.
rney are very nice to eat."
Harry Stuck ley, Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Dotiood. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. '
lUc, 25c. 50c. Never sold lo bulk. The Ken
nine tablet stamped C C C. iiuaranteed to
curs or your money back. 926
No. 2S -09
HJElt writing to dvrtlMr plMM
mention tins paper
wax no ui
rowDa Mil
K C Baking Powder wil do it! Get
a can. Try it for
It doesn't raise better, more evenly, hteher.
if it isn't daintier,
--we return
agrees K C
Pure, Wholesome.
'.v. j i 1 1 1 1 1 4. r iirruiiu
Eruarantee. It destroys Worm
iitrriMi'iii uiiti iiiii
cures Constipation
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
Muaaar emrr, ma voa air.
Slaeea say.
a a.r, alira.ta
8J .III. all Stea
at. clau. ora.
mmiUi, m?N
ioKLvante. Laata
allaraaaa. Haa
of m.ll. eaaaoe
pill or Up mar.
J Irijura anrtalna.
tire. Of all aralars or sent prepaid Cor Stfoauu.
HAR0L0 SONERS. ISO DsKalb e.. Braaklfs.N. Y.
rum LANU. UKE. J
The Treatment Is to Accomplish
What Science Has Been Strug
gling to Attain for Centuries
The Intanae Interest that has bean manlfaataa
throughout the country by tha wonderful cures
that are bains aocompiiahrid daily by epllapteide,
till continues. It la really urprialna tha vast
number of people who have already bean eurad of
fits and nervousness. In order that everybody
may have a chance to taat the medicine, lanre trial
bottles, valuable literature, Hiatory of Epilepsy
and testimonials, will be aant by mall abaoiuuly
free to all who write to the Dr. May Laboratory,
648 Pearl Street. New York City.
C Gee Wo
The Cblnesi Doctor
This wondeful man has
made a lifsstudy of tha
properties of Roots.
Herbs and Barks, ana
Is alvlns the world the
benefit of bis services.
No Mercury, Poisons
or Dregs Used. No
Operations er Cuttin
Guarantees to cure) Catarrh, Asthma, I.unr,
Htomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private
Diseases of M n and Women.
Just received from Pekln, China safe, sura
and reliable. U.. failing in Its works.
If you cannot call, write for symptom blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
1a2lt flral SI., far. Morrhuaa. Partlaaal. tlr-
POUND 25c.
Get It from
your Grocr
Guaranteed ander
all Para Food
your favorite cake. If
more delicate in flavor,
your money. Everybody
has no equal
'Jaques Utg. Q