Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, July 08, 1909, Image 6

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Take Advantage of I
The New
and have your supplies
Shipped to You Direct
Don't Pay Middlemen's Profits H
Here Are a Few of Our
Dry Granulated Sugar, per 100 pounds, - $5.75
Choice Japan Rice, per pound, - - 51-2c
Solid PacK Tomatoes, per dozen, - - $1.00
Sugar Corn, per dozen, ... 1.00
Sugar Peas, per dozen, LOO
Send for Our Cr::-lor,rIt's Full of
riargauas zzia r rce
HaJLe Ont a List ana We Will Qzote Tom Prices Br Setnrm Hail
"We Do Not Belong to Any Combination Association or Trust
r : ft t c exx exxxxsx
Ciiv and Countv
Brief Nesltem
Doors. Win.oxs. Shingles arj"
Builders Hard a e at Keltners. 43cv
Ben Eoswe'.l i; visiting old friend?
in Union county.
Paints, oils anl glass at Keltner's
Hardware. 43c tf. ;
J. B. Ready Tetumed Tuesday fron i
a visit to the North country.
Miss Alta' Davis returned honif- i
Friday from a i;it at the Cove
H. P. Co'eman le.'t for Taoma i
Wednesday mom.ng, on a busine.?; '
trip. !
Mrs. Geo. S. Craig returned Thurs '.
day from a visit with her parents at J
Ashland. '
Full line of pies and fittings and j
other plumbing supplies at S. D. Kelt :
ner's hardware store. 3c tf. j
We are the sellers of the E. How j
ard watches, the best on the market. ;
Call for them at Martin Larsen's.
Justice W. B. Apple?ate of Paradise
is attending to bu sines; matters a'
the county seat this week.
V.'m. Ballenger, oae of the ma'.!
clerks on the branch, is back to work
after a week's vacation spent in Port
George Btiei returned Thursday
from a sojourn a: Hot Lake. Mrs.
Baker left Friday to visit friends
near Seattle and attend the fair.
Veils for out'mjs. and still a nice
line of hats to se eet from at Mrs. !
Helena Zurcher's, three daors eist
of postoffice.
Chas H. Page', of Eaterprise made
homestead entry Tuesday in the La
Grande land orfice. according to the
La Grande Star: Mr. and Mrs.
"Dode" Harris of Wallowa, are ia La
Grande for a dav. having come out
to Sammerviiu yesterdsy to attend
the funeral o.' the late Walt Wetherall.
La Grande Observer: Leo For -
sythe of Eaterprise, who has bean in
Washington, D. C, attending the
Bliss Elect: ical school, 13 here visit -
ing friends, be ore go'.ng on to his
home to spend his vacation.
Pelts and Hides proprietor PHONE 20
Good Wheat Land
From $20.00 to $25.00 per acre
Will raise from 40 to 50 bushels per acre. The New Era Land
Company has some of the cheaiest and best what land in East
ern Oregon. This is not wind but the actual fais. Come and
investigate It for yourself. Also good dairy and 'jmWJij ranches
cheap, and I have some of the biggest sn&j is town property
in Eastern Oregon.
New Era Land Company
J. B. Seibert, Manager, Enterprise, Oregon
1st Door West of Sheahan's
for the Asking
S ;
J j
5 J
-rrrr I
Eig Lou Tnder New Reservoir only'
75. Reaui'ud location. See H. E.
ferryman. 43c3
Choice residence property for rent
See E M. M. Co.
S. D. Houck went out to La Grand
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boatman were
Joseph. Thursday night.
Gasoline engines, 2 h.p. and UP
See sample o. beat kind made. S. D
Aeltner. 43c tf.
.Misses Ethel Weaver and Cecil
Deck we.it ta La Grande Friday V:
remain over the Fourth.
Yiis Lorea Baker of Caldwell, Ida.
is spending her vacation visiting he
friend, Mi-ss Katherine Kay.
S. A. Gardner le t Friday for a
'ea days visit at his former home
Tacoma, and to th Seattle fair.
C. T. McDanie! and L. Couch, W'a'
Iowa business hustlers, were here
over Thursday night.
.Visses Eemiee and Lenore Lewi'
went to La Grande Friday to viai
grandparents and other relatives.
F;yer washing machine. Best o
earth. For sale at Keltner's Hani
ware. 43c tf.
Mrs. Ed. Hoffman of Elgin returned
home Friday after a visit of severe
days with her mother, Mrs. Marti
Larson, and sifter. Miss Grace Wool
Yr. and Mrs. Ja.k Fe returned
Friity t3 their home at La Grande
.Vr. Fvi had been working here but
was taken sick and had to return
Lake Osborn and family. Mr and
i Vrs v- SlraUy and daughter
:Eff.e. Harry Yiller, G. M. Hendrick-
son aad fami'y and Dale Beach of
Paradise are all va:iey visitors this
; weak, some going on to the lake for
a few days camp, others visiting
' friends and re'atives here.
j The two year old son of Mr. and
j Mrs Frank She.iia of Imnaha Li
j verv m Tnev re,jae 14 above
j the" Dridge an,i max carrier Weaver
'delayed his departure from this city
- Friday until some medicines were
j ready for him to take in. It's hare
j lines when your baby is sick aad
;you have to send 50 miles for medi
I cine.
ja'alfa seed tar sale R. S. 4 Z
Japalac. Tamlsk stains. Unseed of'
at Burnangh & Wayfleld"B.
Full line arreen door, window
arreena, and screen cloth at Keltncr
2'bardware. 43c tf.
j J!r. W. R. Forsyth and daughter
Be'.Je of Kim bo: ton. Ohio, are guests
erf E J. Forsrthe and family and will
remain a month, or more. Miss For
jsythe visited bere six years ago anf
her acquaintances formed then are
glad to welcome her back..
La Grande Observer: The we!"
I known lav firm of lranhoe t Hodg
, ins will dissolve by mntoal consent or
; the first of the month. District At
; torney F. S. lranhoe will remain it
j his present quarter and Refere.
j Hod gins will irove into the law of
i rices for so long occupied by Attor
i ney C. H. Finn, but to be vacate,
'ju1t 1st.
Cold Storage Refrigerators Keep
every thing perfect. See them at S
!D. Keltners. c U.
Everyone wouli be benefitted by
takinr Fo'.ev's Oiiuo Laxative fo
j stomach autl liver trouble and habii
j ual ousupation. It sweetens th
i itaaiach and brsxth. gently stimulate?
) -ae liver and Tabulates the bowefc
jand is much superior to pills and
ordinary laxalves. Why not tn
Foley's Orino Lata ive today? Bur
naugh & Msyfield.
Mrs. O. M. Cork in i was given
delightful reception Saturday even
lag of last week by the young peopl
it the "Christian Sunday school. Th
Affair was a surprise to welcome Mrs
Cork ins home after several week
Absence In Portland. About 35 youn;
people of the school, of which Mrs
Corkinn is ncmular teacher, assem
bled in the lecture room of the churc)
which they had decked in party form
and Mrs. Corkins was seat for. Ic
.ream and cake were served and i
general good time was enjoyed.
Walt Wethera'l, formerly a salooi
teeper at Wallowa, died at Summei
ville Sunday morning and was burie
Monday aftemooa. Rev. Kliae of th
A. E. church officiating and th
Sagles of Elgin in charge of th
,'unsral. Weatherall was bartende
.n a soft drink joint at Summervillt
ind when he closed his place at
i. m. he was suffering and had to b
helped to his room. A physician w
called but he was already dying an .
assed away at 7 o'clock.
Wetherall is the man who achieve
aotority by a lively tilt with R
iloore at Wallowa a year ago. H
eaves no imme iate family.
Mrs. Sam Coble.
Mrs. Lucy Ellen.wife of Sam Goble
lied at the home of her daughte:
iirs. George Morrow, in An atone
.Vash., June 22, of dropsy and hear
.rouble. Mrs. Goble wa3 well know
in Wallowa county, she being a fot
mer resident. She was a sister-ia
aw of Mrs. E. A. Hart of near this
:ity. The following obituary is fron
die Anatone Times:
The deceased was born in TJnio.
.-ounty, Oregon, Juue 28, 1865 ant
as therefore aged 43 years, 11 moo
hs and 26 days at the time of hei
She leaves to mourn her demise
her husband, three sons, Elmer, Clyd
jnd Edwin; six daughters, Mrs. Geo
Morrow and the Misses Cora, Maude
Cressie and Edna, all of Anatone
oe.iides two brothers, L. A. and Wm.
llis; also two sisters, Mrs. W. V
Bowersock, and Mrs. A. C. McDonald
jf Vancouver, Wash, all being here
except Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Pyle
Eight years ago, she moved with
iter family from Oregon and ha
since resided in Asotin and Anatrae
intil a few montas ago whjn the
noved to Spajlding, Idaho, r.ae:
-hey lived until a'MMt three weeks age
when she return d to Anatone foi
he benefit of her health. Ail that
xedical skill and willing hands coult
do was administered, but of no avail
tnd the end came and-was welcomed
ay her for she was prepared to go.
She was a member of the M. E.
church of Anatone, and a true, chris
Uan woman, be oved and respected
oy all who knew her.
The funeral sexvi-e? were held at
the Anatone church this Wednesday
after which the remains were taken
to Asotin and laid to rest in the
cemetery there.
Boys Need No License.
A letter from the state game war
den to County Clerk Boatman says
his deputies are instructed to not
i ask boys under 15 and women for
anglers license, and therefore there
ia no necessity for boys under that
age or women to procure such li
cense. That's more like it. What's
i country coming to If a boy had to
aave a license to fish?
Any person knowing of any viola
ion of the game or fish lawa of thi
nate, or of persona not pro perl;
keeping screens over IrrigaUw
Utcbes, are requested to -notify
Deputy State Game and Forectr.
Warden, Zumwalt, Oregon. 41tf
ji tbe Circuit Coart of the S:i:
of Oregon, for Wallowa County.
Charlotte B. Cot'.er. Plaintiff, vs. J
F. Cutler. De eadant.
To J. F. Cutler, the above namea
Toa wi.l take nDtice, that yon are
.equired to appear and answer T
Kherwise plead to the complaint
iied against you in the above en
iUed Court and Cause on or before
he expiration of six weeks from
he date of the first publication of
his summons, which date of first
ublication is Thursday, June 3"d.
M9: and you will further take no
tice that if you fail to appear and
jiswer or otherwUe plead thereto
(rithln said time, the plaintiff for
.ant thereof w ill apply to the Court
bove named for the relief prayed
dt In her complaint filed herein, to
wit: i"hat tbe bonds of matrimony cow
tnd heretofore existing between the
lainUff and defendant be dissolved
ind hence'orth held for naught.
n the grounds of willful desertion of
jlalntiff; and that plaintiff have such
ther and further relief as to the
urt shall seem Just and equitable.
Vou will further take notice that
.his summons is served upon you by
mblicatinn thereof, for six consec
tive weeks, in the Wallowa Chief
ain. a weekly newspaper printed and
published at Enterprise, Wallowa
'ounty, Oregon, commencing with
he Issue of June 3rd. 1909. by or
er of the Honorable J. B. Olmsted,
'ounty Judge of Wallowa County,
Jregon, made and dated at Enter-
irise. Wallowa County, Oregon, on
he 1st day of June. I9n.t.
41c7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
in the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wailowa County, ss.
a the Matter o! the Estate of R.
James Beard. Deceased.
To Jame3 William Eeard, Joan
lalvin Beard, the he rs at law of R.
lames Beard, deceased, and to all
.her heirs, and parties interested in
aid estate, known and unknown,
ire Jting:
In the name of the State of Ore
,on: You are hereby commanded,
equired and cited to be and appear
n the County Court of the State
rf Oregon, for the County of Wal
owa, at the Court P.oom thereof, at
he City of Enterprise id the sa'.d
unty of WVlowa, on the 9th day
f July, 1909, at the hour of tea
clock a. m. of said day, then and
here to show cause, if any you have,
vhy the petitioa of W. B. Applegate,
he administrator with the will an
iexed, of the above entitled estate,
iraying for an order to sell the
ollowing described real property be
angiag to said eitate, should not
-e granted and a'lowed, to wit:-
The Southeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter, and the West half
jf Southeast quarter of Section thir-y-three
in Townjhip six North, and
he Lot numbered two of Section
oar, in Township five North, of
lange forty-five East W. M. in Wal
owa County, State of Oregon.
That said real property, or so much
hereof as shall be necessary, be sold
'or the purpose of paying the debts
uid legal claims against said estate
and ior the purpoie of paying the
expenses of administration of said
vllness, the Honorable J.B.Olmsted,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Wallowa, this 4th day of June, 1909
with the seal thereof affixed.
C. Boatman, TJierk.
12c5 Chas. G. Bilyeu, Deputy.
Foley's Honey and Tar not only
.tops chronic coughs that weakea
hi cim itutlon aid develop into
jonsuuiption, but heals and strength
ens the lungs. It affords comfort
and relief in the worst cases of
chronic bronchitis, asthma, hay fever
and lung trouble. Burnaugh & Mav
From Asotin Sentinel.
The steamer of the Open River
Association, "The Twin Cities." will
make a run up Snake river Satur
day, June 26tb, ts far as Lime Kiln
Point, for the purposa of taking on j
a cargo of woo). The steamer will '
also carry passengers, who may
desire to make the trip for pleasure, i
Also any freight in the nature of
merchandise, etc, will be take i on !
in Asotin and put off at points along j
Reliable Seeds
So much has already been said on the
importance of buying your seeds from
a reliable dealer tliat to repeat it is only
. flM. fclltlj ,M-(Ct h-:
proved their worth our increas
ing Dusiness is proof indeed that
merit alone has made the
as. II. Lilly Co. fore
most seedsmen on the
ihc Coast Send
ea'aloz, 120
, illus-
iOl.H BY
1 X
Hack Calls to
J any part of the city
I answered day or night.
J. C. SHACKELFORD, Proprietor.
First Class Rurs
and careful drivers.
La Grande Iron Works.
D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor.
Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma
chine Work done on short notice.
Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to
, the way, to me3t the wishes of peo
p!e who may leire ID have anything
taken up the river. The trip will
also prave a pl?asure to any one,
who his never taken it.
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned admiaistratrlx of the
Estate of James T. Moxley, deceased,
has filed her final account of the
administration of said Estate with
the Clerk of the County Court of
Wallowa County, Oregon, and that
d County Court has fixed Satur
day. July 10th, 1909, at the hour of
te;i o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, at the Court Room In the County
Coart Hoiise, in the City of Enter
prise iu said County and State, as
vhe time and place to hear object
ions to said final account and settle
the same.
'. Persons having objections there
to, are hereby notified to file the
same in writing with the Clerk of
:uid Court on or before said date.
E. A. MOXLEY, Administratrix.
Bnrleish & Boyd, Attorneys for
Estate. 4ic5
If peaple with symptoms of kidney
or bladder trouble could realize their
danger they would without loss of
time commence taking Foley's Kidney
Remedy. This great remedy stops the
pain and the Irrejularities, strength
eas and builds up these organs and
Uiere is no danger of Bright's disease
or other serious disorder. Do not dis
regard the early symptoms. Kar
naugh Mavfield.
(Con'Uiued from last week.)
W. W. Winings to Jennie E. Win
ings. tract in sw sw 10-18-43. 1.
Thos. F. Rafter to Nlbley-Mimnaugl
Lumber Co., nw 33-2n-44. $1900.
U. S. Pat. to Sarah E. Wood, w
Will make the season at
the ranch of Thomas
TERMS: $5.00 cash; $10.00 for season and $15.00
insurance. Either of the above prices be
comes due upon the trading, selling or re
moving the mare from the county.
C. U. WILLIAMS, Manager.
Both Phones
Home Independent 40
Pacific States 45.
Onr bus meets al
trains. Faie 10c.
within city limits
are but outward signs of file evQ I
acne in secret by myriads of mb
Jruff germs sapping the life blood
t oi th; heir. Micro kills the para
r site, soothes the itching scalp,
"vn lustre to the hair and stops
' I'Jlicjj ont, A single applicatioa
- ,-:'"ct and proves its worth.
" fcsir before too late.
': ents baldness. It is a
-in for the hair,
.-r? sticky oils.
. truicr tree booklet
- -.i.L CO.
ne, eV&nw, sec 17. 2s-44.
U. S. Pat to G. H. Crossjand, stt
se, nw sw, sec 9, 5n-43.
U. S. Pat, to James T. Baker, sw
U. S. Pat to Nancy S. Fleshman;
ne nw 23-4n-42.
U. S. Pat. to Oscar Victor. e nw,
sw ne, nw se, sec 34, 2n-41.
U. S. Pat. to John Martin, wtt nw
sec 27, eV4 ne sec 2&, 4n-49.
U. S. Pat. to Averill Combs, nK
se and lots 6 and 7, see 31-3n-41.
V. S. Pat. to Wm. E. Plckeriog,
se 27-2n-44. .
U. S. Pat. to Otto H. Olson, se n.
e sw sec 20, ne nw sec 29, 3n-48.
U. S. Pat. to John T. Foran, sV4 n
sec 9, 8V ne sec. 8, 3n-48.
U. S. Pat to Harry S. Tempieton.
lot 6, e4 bw, sec. 6-2s-44.
U. 8. Pat. to Jos. Allen; se nw
U. S. Pat. to Joa. Allen, stt
U. S. Pat. to Thos Sanderson,
3e, ne se, sac 2L nw ne sec. 28, 6n-4i
U. 8. Pat. to M. D. Sanderson,
se sec 28, n nw, nw ne sec 33, 6n4
U. 8. Pat. to Frank E. Vaughsn.
lot 1, se ne, sec. 2-2s-48.
U. S. Pat. to Press B. Baakhead,
nV4 sw 17-2n-44.
U. 8. Pat. to John Seibert, w