Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, July 08, 1909, Image 5

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Novelized From the Play by Frederick TL Toombs
(CHAPTER XIV, continued.)
senator' "iJingdon's secretary peered
gtraight Into Norton's eyes.
"Because, congressman," be said, "if
I were to put my money In Gnlf City
perhaps I wouldn't lose it."
The southerner took a step forward,
leaned over and glared angrily at
Haines. Ills face whitened.
You don't mean that you could
gwlug Langdon Into Gnlf City?" he
Haines smiled.
'1 can't say that, Norton, but I guess
people interested In Altacoola would
hate to have uie try."
I didn't know you were tlint kind,
Hulnes," said Norton, bis virtue
'Til make you pay for that!"
aroused at the thought of losing his
money. "So you're playing the game
like all the rest Y'
"Why iihorrldu't I?" shrugged the sec
retary. "I guess perhaps I'm a little
ore because the Altacoola people
haven't even paid me the compliment
of thinking I had any Influence, so
they can't cspect me to work for them.
The Gulf City people have. As things
stand. Gulf City looks pretty good to
"Is this straight talk?" exclaimed
"Take It or leave it," retorted Bud.
The Misslssipplan leaned with bis
hands on the desk.
"Well. Haines. If. you're like the
rest and are really Interested in Alta
coola, I don't know that you'd have to
go very far to talk."
"You know something of Altacoola
Jnnds, then. Norton?" said Robert,
tingling with suppressed excitement.
He felt thnt be was getting close to
real facts in a colossal "deal."
Norton was sure of bis man now.
"Well, 1 am in touch with some peo
ple who've got lands and options on
more. I might fix it for you to come
in." he whispered.
'Haines shook his bead.
' "You know I haven't much money,
Norton. All I could put in would be
my Influence. Who are these people?
Are they cheap little local folks or are
they real people here who have some
power and enn do something that Is
worth while?"
"Do I look like I'd fool with cheap
skates, Ilnlnes? They're the real peo
ple I think, Haines, that either Sen
ator Stevens or Senator Peabody would
advise you thnt you are safe."
"Ah! Then Stevens and Peabody
are the ones. They'll make it Alta
coola. then sell to the government nt
big advance and move to 'Easy
street.' "
"That's right," agreed Norton.
Bud Haines straightened abruptly.
The expression on bis face gave Nor
ton a sudden chill made hliu tremble.
"Now I've got you." cried the secre
tary. "You've given yourself dead
away. I've known all along you're n
d d thief, Norton, and you've Just
proved It to me yourself."
"What do you mean?" Norton was
clinching bis fist. Words like that
mean fight to a southerner!".
"I mean that before Senntor Lang
don goes one step further in this mat
ter he shall know that his colleagues
ud you are thieves, Mr. Norton, try
fog to use him for a cat's paw to pteal
for them from the government. I sus
pected something this morning when
uu uty tried to bribe me and a vis
itor from there gave me what turns
out to be a pretty good tip."
"So that was your dirty trick." ex
claimed the congressman as he re
Wined his composure.
"Set a make believe thief to catch n
fer-l one," laughed the secretary.
tery Rood trick. I think."
."I'll make you pay for thatr cried
aortoc. shaking bis fist.
"All right. Send in your bill any old
me," laughed Haines. "The sooner
the better. Meantime I'm going to talk
to Langdon."
He had started for the door when
Carolina Langdon re-entered, followed
y her brother Randolph. , -
Walt a minute," said Norton, with
nnexpected quietness. "I wouldn't do
hat you're about to do, Mr. Haines."
W course you wouldn't," sneered
"I mean that you will be making a
mistake, Haines, to tell the senator
u can't refuse to believe Mist Lang
dun." mf 0U Lave teamed.", rejoined 'the
tlita er' 8tl'uElUig to keep calm at
itk crltk'ftl niouieut when all was at
wn..'i He ren,lzwl. further, that opw
wat tlme to put Haines out of the
tak I t,mt Were PHle- "A mls
e. Mr. Halues." he continued. "l-
cause, you see. you aon t tnow as mucii
s you think. I wouldn't talk to Lang
don if 1 were you. It will only em
barrass him and do no good, because
LangJon's money Is In this scheme,
too. and Lanpdon'a in the same boat
with the rest of us."
n a lues stopped short at this astound
big t uurge against his chief.
"Norton, yuu lie! I ll believe it of
Lniitd.m when he tells me so; not oth
erwise." Norton turned to Randolph.
"Perhaps you'll believe Mr. Lang
don's son, Mr. Haines?"
Randolph Langdon stepped forward.
"it s true, Haines," he said; "my fa
ther's money is in Altacoola lands."
naines looked him up and down, with
a sneer.
"Your money may be," be said. "I
don't think you're a bit too good for It,
but your father is a different kind."
Carolina Langdon stood at the back
of the room, nervously awaiting the
moment when, she knew, she would
be forced Into the unpleasant discus
sion. "I reckon you can't refuse to believe
Miss Langdon," drawled Norton, with
aggravated deliberation.
"Of course," stammered Haines, "I'd
believe it if Miss Langdon says it's
The congressman turned toward
Carolina as he Epoke and fixed on her
a tense look which spelled as plainly
as though spoken, "It's all in your
bands, my fortune yours,"
She slowly drew across the room.
Haines could sardly conceal the tur
moil of his m:d. The world seemed
suddenly snatched from around blm,
leaving her figure nlone before blm.
Would she affirm what Norton and
Randolph had said? He must believe
her. But surely it was impossible that
played for Ume. She feared
the making of a false move.
"I don't understand?" she said In
quiringly to Norton.
He calmly began an elaborate expla
nation. "Miss Langdon, this secretary has
discovered that
there is a certain
perfectly legiti
mate venture in
Altacoola lands
being enrried on
through certain
influential people
we know aud by
me. The blood of
the young re
former is boiling.
He is going
straight to your
father with the
"My father ir-ln facts.
the deal" "i have tried to
explain to him how it will needlessly
embarrass the senator and spoil bis
own future. He won't believe me. He
won't believe your brother. Perhups
you cun make it clear."
At last Carolina nerved herself to
"You had better not go to my fa
ther, Mr. Haines. It will do no good.
He is in the deal! You must be
lieve me when I tell you so."
The girl took her eyes from the sec
retary. He was plainly suffering.
f ET me speak to Mr. Haines
alone," said Carolina to Norton
I aud her brother.
Norton turned a triumphant
grin at Randolph as he beckoned him
nnf and -a-hisnipred: "Leave blm to
1 1,0- if nil riirht. That New York
dude has been riding for a fall he's
going to get it now."
"I am sorry, so sorry this should
have occurred. Mr. Haines," Carolina
said gently.
The secretary looked up slowly, his
face drawn. It was an effort for him
i to speak.
"I can't understand It," he saw. i
mightn't have thought so much of this
a month ago, but
I have come to
love the senator
almost as a son,
and to think that
be could be like
the rest of that
bunch is awful."
"You are too
much of
idealist, Mr.
Haines," said the
H Ml K"And you?
w nu i uu j v
think of it?" be
The girl'
glance wavered.
"Don't Idealize
me too much, ei
ther. Mr. Haines.
I didn't think it
was much. Per-
t S haps I dont un-ffle-rJ
derstand business
"''.f anv too well."
"But you see
now?" insisted
the man.
"X can't understand
it,".hc mid.
The girl looked up at him sorrow
fully. . .
"Yes; I see at least that you and fa-
lBn nT work together now."
Haines nodded affirmatively.
"I auppose so. I'm thinking of that
How am I to leave him? We've been
so close. I've been so fond of him. I
don't know how I could tell him."
In girlish, friendly fashion Carolina
rested her band on bis arm.
"Won t you take my advice, Mr.
Haines? Go away without seeing him.
Just leave a note to say you have
gone. He will understand. It will be
easier for both that way-easier for
him. easier for you." She paused,
looking at him appealingly as she end
ed very softly. "And easier for me, Mr
He looked at her thoughtfully.
"Easier for your" he said. "Very
well. I'll do It that way."
The secretary stepped slowly to his
desk, sat down and started to write
the note. Carolina watched him curi
ously. "What wm you do," she asked, "now
that you have given up this position r
"Oh, I can always go back to news-
paper work," he
answered with
out looking up.
The term "news
paper work" gave
Carolina a shock.
She had forgot
ten that this man
had been a re
porter. Here he
was turned loose
with the knowl
edge of tbl
"deal," which she
knew would be
popular material
for newspapers
to print She
must gain still
another noint.
"J can no back to and she felt that
ffeicffajMrwrk." ha4 enoB0
powe. K nlu against blm.
"I'm going to ask you still another
favor," she said.
Bud returned her look with a bitter
"What is it?" '
"You have learned about this this
land matter and"
"Oh, yes! I tan guess. You want
me tokeep quiet about it to hush it
up," a shade of scorn in bis tone.
I only asked this so that you would
not disgrace me," she pleaded.
Disillusioned at Inst, rohlwxl of hla
llfelonir ontlmlsm shorn nt hla Monia
' ' ' "l
even bis love for he began to despise
this beautiful, misguided woman
Haines sat broken lu spirit, thinking
bow quickly the brightness of life
fades to blackness.
"Very well," he said sadly. "I sud-
Dose vou are Innocent. I'll save, vnn
If they're all your father, too crook
ed, why shouldn't I be crooked? All
right; I won't say anything."
"I only as!r you not to disgrace me."
pleaded the girl. "You will promise
"It's a promise."
She sighed in relief.
"Father will be comin? back soon."
she said. "You won t want to see
Haines rose.
"'n I won't want to htm Give
New and Elegant
Her t Taylors
Same low prices that save money
for every customer, and account
for ips rapidly increasing trade.
Watch for
Next, 4
0 -
" ttvtt;,,
FhV sirL,?. cw
, ..twoc, ... t
"1 1 ltttltiii1ii
Practice iu all State Courts and
i interior Department. Careful at-
teution to all business.
Practice in State and Federal
Courts and Interior Department.
i v.utu upstairs in Hank uuild- 5
f tag. Ind. Home phone in office T
im resilience. ),
blm this note. I'll have to come back
while he's away to clear im mmn
things. Goodby."
Haines bowed and hurried from tlia
room through a side doorway Just as
Senator Langdon came in through the
main entrance. i
'Bud, Bud," he called, but tlie sec.
retary did not halt I
Carolina Langdon stood with lint
note in her hand, wondering at what
sue naa aoue. She recretto:! h.ivim.
become entangled lu the wars of uwu
in Washington. She saw that the
man's game was nlareJ too aimm-ir.
tog furiously fast, for most women to
enter, yet she rejoiced that the coveted
fortune had not been lost Sh wuh
sorry that her meaus of saving it had
pot been Jess questionable. She saw
that ambition and bonestv. ambition
and trgth, with difficulty follow the
same- pain.
Senator Langdon's face was unnsiml-
ly grave as be came to greet Carolina.
Hues showed in his face that the
daughter bad never noticed before.
piw saw Norton and Rnndolnu. wim
had followed him. exehnnci. uli'nin,... .
glances Jubilant glances and won
dered what new development they had
"He'e gone without a word." the sen
ator sighed. "Well, nerhaos that's
"He left a note for you." said the
girl, handing him the letter which
Haines bad given her.
Langdon opened It and read:
I am giving un the tob. Tou pan nnrW.
stand why.-. The least said about It be
tween us the better. I am worry. That's
all. Bt"D iuines
Slowly he read the letter a second
"And he was making the best kind
of a secretary. I thought."
Divining thnt something against
Haines had been told her father, Caro
lina glanced at Norton.
"I told your father bow we caught
Mr. Haines," he spoke as an answer
to her.
The girl was startled. She had not
thought that things would go this far.
"I told blm bow Haines wanted to
get in some land speculation scheme
wlthv Altacoola, how we tricked him
and caught him wlih the goods when
he made the proposition to me find
how we forced him to con few."
"Don't forget tlierc't tome money cornlnq
1 Ut turn. n
"Ton told father that7" gasped Caro
lina. Norton nodded.
"I don't understand It," said Lang
don. "To think that be was that
kind!". -
Bon Randolph now took bis turn in
the case against the secretary.
"We were both here, father. I beard
htm Carolina heard him," be said.
"Dldnt you, Carolina?"
"Yes," said the girl weakly, "I was
here." Then she turned abruptly. "I
miio on " aha Mid "mnat rn rtr.i.t
away. Mrs. "Holeoiub is waiting for
. a '
The senator turned to bis desk bent
and dtwouratfad.
Duectory of Wallowa County
m taklnz Fo'eVs Kldner
Remedy if you have backache, kldner
! rbladder trobte-fft8le"8 dlseas
! ;uu mm niKei a cure more
i unr... 1 , .
t',KMl, .t:;'.; .',,
yv J ""i Independent phone,
' " " r,SK serious
malady? Uurnaugh & Mavfleld.
Inventor of Rolttr Skat.
It will surprise many old and young
American boys and girls to lonrn that
the inveutor of the roller skate was a
Dutchman named Merlin, who visited
England in 17K1. Eight years Inter be
exhibited a "pair of skates contrived
to ma on wheels" at a museum In
London and also gave public exhibi
tion of hl9 prowess In skating over a
smooth floor, playing a violin the
wlil!c. It appear", however, that his
demonstrations were on oceasioux rath
er more exciting than Muvessful. for It
Is recorded thnt he used to fall about
and smash Into mirrors and pictures
which covered the walls of the room.
A Night Rider's Raid.
The worst night riders are cnlomel.
erotou oil or alos pills. They raid
Vnur hat In
" awi VI I v-'l, itJl o
wnn ur. Kings New Life rills. They j
never distress or Inconvenience, but
always clear the system, curing
Colds, Headache. Constipation. Ma-
larla. 23c. at Burnaugh & Mayfleld's.
"l suppose I should have taken a
secretary who was a southerner and a
gentleman. Well, Randolph, you'll
have to act now. Take this letter"
The young man sat down and took
the following from the senator's dicta
tion: Mr. Ilftlnea.
8lr 1 quite understand you'- freilnfca
and the Impossibility of your continuing
In my employ. The least said about It
the better. I am sorry too.
"Vou boys run nway. I've got to
think," said the senator.
When the pair bad gone the old ninn
drew the letter to blm. and below bis
tlsnature he added a postscript, "Don't
forget there's some money coining to
Walking across the room to leave,
he Fished:
"He was making the best kind of a
(Continued next week.)
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy the
best and Surest.
"It affords me pleasure to stato
that I consider the preparation known
as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy the best and surest
I of good remits of any I have ever
used In my family,1' says P. K. Her
, riugton, of Mount Aerial, Ky. This
Is the universal verdict of all who
use this teniedy. lu curei are so
prompt and e fe.ituui that po:ple
take pleasure In re ommeudlng It.
For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfluld.
Httti will be small. This la the word
In fashion's new advices.
Has any one, however, heard
Of ar.y siiuL'er orlcesT
-C'hU-(jo Poat
Twenty-Five Cent it the Price of
The terrible Itching and smarting,
incident ta cer'aln skin diseases, is
almost Instantly allayed by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. Price 25 cents.
For sale by liurnauRli &. Mayfield.
Red Front Livery and
Feed Stable
First Class Accommodations
Best of Hay . and Grain
onj; block south of W. A, MOSS, Proprietor
Successor to Boswell Zl Son
Wallowa. Appleton, Flora lo Paradise,
From Paradise, Flora aud Appleton lo Wallowa,
Good acconiniMtntioiih, court oun treatment and reasonable rateH.
lxjuveu Wallowa at tf a. 111.
; E. W. SO'UTHWICK. Proprietor.
nn r h rsa t a
Wm. Miller & Brother,
I SUITE 204, Wallowa National Bank Building',
Enterprise, Oregon.
1 t
? nrvT T ' VI' S
ix "mnd nuii.nns. Home
f A. B. Conawar. O. M Pork In
Enterprise, Oregon. X
t E. T. AXDUnsOX. M. D.
'! Calls attended t day or night,
r llo;iio phone. Knttii prise, Oie.
Dlt. C. A. AULT
PHYSICIAN! An ci'Dcrnv
1 i
Office In Tank Building. 2
Home phono both office and
1 1 ,,.,
Sewing .Mathli.ei for rent, by Hit
week or mont'i, m the S.v:.id Hand
Bowel Compla.nt in Children.
When k'.x mmths old tin litt!o
daughter of K. N. Dewy, a wt:l known
tuereltant of Ainewvllle. Vn., hal mi
attack of ehole-a Infant inn. t'hiniber
laln's Colic, ( h lleni and Dlarro'u'i
Remedy wm jl.ei and erfvted a
complete euro. This reiittl.v b.u
proven very siiceoiisful In c iso i of
bowel coniplr.int In children nnl
when given anording to the p'jiu
prlnte.l direct l ins can bo relle.l tipn'.i
with perfe. t rontl leuec. When reduc
ed with waler mil sivestoiiel It. It
ple.iHnnt to take, which Is of gre it
importance wlien a medicine must l.o
given to young children, for sale
by Iliirnaurh & .YnyfloM.
You Might As
Well Be Dead
Not To Be In Style
TJAVE Your Letter
" Heads Printed
on Cloth Finish
Bond in the Latest
Type Faces at THE
Printery and
You Are in Style