S Nobby Sacuner Suits : from thi celeerated GARCEN CITY TAILORS Why wea Ha ni-rf e Downs" when you ca get Ta io' Maae just c ep. S t f-om t"2 uo. La'i:- and m-t si'-i t.fi:: r r if i S Enterprise Cleaiiinir " amirreMnir ork J. i e:egw!JN3. s nnminuiuiiuiuut ALL THE DAILY PAPERS, MAGAZINES AND THE National Weeklies at Coleman Brothers The I'.et Cigars. C.T.kv- tioncry r;r Iru:i. Stationery Supplies A a. kind?. Firs: donr east of Pcnoff e. WESLEY DUNCAN, Sfick Inpf-ector for Wallowa Cour.tv. JOSEPH, OREGON S. K.Clark Pluto i Steam Fitter FuU line of plumbing j material. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Keltner's Hardware Store Leave Orders. LODGE DIRECTORY I.OO.F. ENTEP.PKlsE IXiIjGE, Nc ; KMEl'.AiIj I-.EEEKAH ZXtHOZ, No 15 1 K. or P. jtak:ta f-urtera. TEMPLE. r-.-.h.a- E CiiAiTFj: lias.,.-- first and D.ird Tjcvdave of twm:h in KiUKinjt IlaJi. AH vis:uru I-rr.-tt Arch Mauris mi'romfc-fl J. . OLlL'TEli, Hisb Priest. r. vr. skeakax, V. AL1X.-WA LC'KE, No. , A. F. A. nwrets -;or.d and fourth Hatjr davs oT a'.b month in Manic Hai: Visiiuig lla-fons welcomed J. A. BITP.LHJGK. V. M. W C. BOATilA.V. Socretarj-. WALLOWA VALLEY CHAPTEP-. Nc 50, O. F. S. meets first and third Sat urdaya of each month, in Masonic Hail i ed. j uuing Stars are always welcomed. MRS. ELY A I Fr.ENCH, W M. MHS. MAl:V i STEEL, Sec Mill a EAULE CAMP, No. 104S7. M M.n.W. A Meets fust and thlrc Thursdays in each month. In new Fra temai hall. Visiting Xehjhbors aiwayt welcome. J. W. ROD5BR3 ConsuL T. M. DILL, Clerk. AXEP.OID CAMP, No. 35 - P. X. of A. Wn W E-s'TEnri:i.sE camp. No .Ui If. 535, W. of W. ALMOTA CillCLE. No. S7S. W. of W. Tortured On A Horse. "For ten years I eaalln't ride a horse without bei lg in torture from piles," writes L. S Xapier. of Rua- less, Ky.. "when all doctors and other! Salve cured me." infallible for Piles. ! llurns. Scalds, Cut.s itolis F,r. : Sores. -"rO -Gimra tl.la k 11., . c ..... ; field ; i - -IUMUI.U ol .ill'- - They Will Be a. High Ever. , "The women's hats are to be small er." "Have you heard anything about the prices?- Boston Globe. Life 10C,C03 Years Ago. ! Scientists Lave fo-nd in a cave iu Switzerland bones of men. who lived iw-'fi yeirs ago, wbea life was in cocistatJt daueer from wild brtt;. To-day the danger, as shown by A. W lirown of Aiexiiier. i.-; iarge;, from deadly oi,exe. -if it had not teen fur lr. King's New LiiooveTy, which cured me. I coild r.at ha. i lived." be writes, "suffering as I did from a severe lung trojhle and stubborn cough." To care Sore Lung' ("olds. oUsC&ate Coasts, atid preven- ' i'aeamonia, ifs tae best medicitie o i rth. 50c and tl.(W. Guarantee l tor Burnaugh llsyfifld. Trial ho -' l.t free. ' - - j Ccunty Pioneer Paper; J . fc i'M. Putilu-ned evry Tie Eiie"-pn Press. pes: Tffioe at Enier fcs se -oad-cla matter RATION RATES. ;tr ?:."( Tiree months 1:.'. i.r:a: ;v it Aivtnc. C'C THURSDAY. JULY 8. 1933. L'Er.IT REWARDED. f H;zd of th. Stat. Deoamfi. Refct-t Zz H.s Assistant. . r,.. -.,.. , r-,,0 ncn. . ' ' ' ' ' ' " M..:. : s-::. r frr-H) New Tort left r.-x-wreit under lie nectn- ff tii:? "rr.e ice to fu'.fiir tt of -"-etarT of state In the In- I:0i:P.I?T BACON. j '.ervnl Iftwi-ei) ilr. Roofs retirement .iiid iliv iii':fsfi! of Mr. Kuux. who la j to l.c m." rt-wrr of state under Presl T:.ft. Mr. Iinosevelt concluded j h:it Ii- fould cu do better than pro- i ! mute AsfiniMiit Secretary Robert B:i- j ! rf'UiiiiLiins of bis adnilnistr.i- y.r. Paeon lias hnd couBlderable ex-K-vi -iK e t;lre:u!y in handling ihe dutl s j .f t'. r otiive of secretary of state, for j it L::s be n actins secretary on Bevenil j K-'.-aT.s wher Mr. Root was vlsitlug j ;-u:h America ai:d Mexico In pursu- j :.uce of Lis i-illcy of funhering closer reljuio'.js with Latin-American repu? ' :-s S'.- reiary I'-on Is one of the' :;ai T rej rv-wntatives of Harvard con- i-il v. 5:b the present admluistra-' i'lii l: i! .i..nfed to President Rovse- : , v c r lass. l4t0. He was a mem- J ; : -r i f rttf t rw, f J. P. Morgan & Co .; ' r t". ii-'-ua.:?-? the jtt.-m uf assistant , .. r":::rv Htnte. He h:is sometini't : .t: '.-,:iiel :I:e Adonis 4 if the cabiu.t 5 rt ::c . ui.t Lis hsttidsome face ai d ; , f:cTire. J' r K- v as (ju;te an athlete t.t Hon -era anJ. though now f i r- j ty-r.i:..- ;-'-;irs f age. lubks mil b y'-tv.'j-r st.il s::i:i Mfces a Hjlemlid ) i ! : Mr. Ba'-on was one of the lt.'-st i 'it ":s Harvard ever had. ; ' f'v- T'-v.'.: f the changes In the strt" ("'i;-:'.:-r::"T:T is the promotion of a ; ;r :: ! lit i::cr.,:-r of the JounialLstic , ! fraT-r ry ::t Washington. John Callan to 1 assistant secretary ut.uer Mr. Bacon. Mr. f..f .s;a:e ' 0'l.:;u L:in has un'.Il re ently earued hi iitvad ly sweat of the brow and im-1, i f tae pen as a newspaper corre- at:d c;aga7.i!ie writer. Not : long since lie was aw olntid secretary cf the American enmnnssion to the .lapanese expos I - tion. but as that en- pi stponed from 1912 .o ,..i. me i,, of t!ie commission- ers w u iroio Amer- ; ,tr ica have been le- dnced by C?.T JOH.N C. O I.Afr.n UN. i. -t 4- . , , ; , , " ,7-, fifteen yenrs' sttnlv of American dlplo- .. . . , .. ', nwtie aud commercial questions, has 1 ! .1 f 1 T "... I . I ....... T . . . . .1 . 11 ' . . fa - ) t, i o . t tn wash and btitb room If possl Berliu and St. IVlersburg aud has,.,. . , . . niade infjuiries in other countries. 1 .. . commission i,e stuaieo tue po.tc.ea or "-uina- -"Pan a no otner powers, ue Washington thirty-five ao 1. r ita V. .rvt II binnra ivmllaiM . .i. . "-""s r Japanese war b. A spring d,r between tbe two See Mother Gro, Vouna. ! "It would be hard to overstate tie '. wonderful -rful cbate in my mother since ' she be ejan to usa Electric Bitters." i writes Mrs. V.'. L. Gilpatrick of Dan-i forth, .Me. "Aifiough past 70 x?eins ....1 1 -- A 1.. . . : . . . . o- " . ... . F,i afier--l inilnin misorr from dyspepsia for 20 years. At last n,.e coinu ner.ner en, arwu nor sleep. a 1 - . Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked cueh one v j . . wunde's for hr heaKh." The in vigorat jrat all vi a' organs, cure Liver K.dner ,:0Jbles. indu sleep arid impart strength and appetite. Onlr doc at Iiurnaugh &. Xiayfield". The Icicle. Although It trembles In the lou need not care (or that 11 will ncrt Iill untu It aeea Toe .'ilrilr-g new silk hat. Vork Tetecram. Home Course In Modern Agriculture XVII. The Farm Rome By C V. GREGORY. Agricultural Tii)Uion. lc Stcl Ce!ltt Covrrichl 1908. by American Pre Aatociation i HE farmer is more Important than tlit farm, and the most & ""JW"" crop ue raises n DO n"r UF " yn Pirla. The success of a farmer til oot rueasurej ao much by the money ; I .rings to himself and to bis family. . une of the trurest ways of accomplish ' log this end is by making the home ; urroundlBs attractive. There is do place on earth where It Is easier U have no attractive home ! than on the Liim. Tet In spile uf :hls ton EjLJ farm homes are located ; lu tbe uiiddie of a weed patch that rocs by the name of garden or are ; maoen benina such a thick jungle ft i trees that It ia Impossible to see In or j The first thing to consider Is the i house Itself. It should be situated on !-tbe highest part of the bill on which ': tbe farm buildings stand. A house need not be expensive to be homelike t and convenient. Indeed, the most ex ' ieuslve bouses are often the least homelike. i The starting point Is the cellar. ' With but little additional expense this j can be made the full size of the i bouse. In this case the foundation walls should extend to the bottom of pio. xxxin-rABM bomb pare and tkro late riiuK lack or thkis, shbuus akli Lawn. the cellar. The first course should be of hollow brick, la end to end, and connecting with a tile drain on the lowest side. In this way seepage water will be kept out of the cellar. A cement floor is a great advantage and Is inexpensive, since the cement need not be more than two or three inches thick. ine cellar should be divided into uuuergrounu iuuk uiviaeu into lour about four rooms. Hollow brick make compnrtments, so arranged that when good partition walls and at tbe same tne Cr8t ' these becomes full ii wi;, time help support the floor. One of overflow into the second, and so u the rooms may be used for vegetables, ' The taul: should be covered and pro one for fruit, milk and butter, one Tlded with a ventilator. The action for a laundry and the fourth ce mented on tbe inside and used as a cistern. If the furnace Is nsed an other room will be necessary, or the cistern can be located outside. For an ordinary sized family a hun dred barrel cistern Is about the right Hze. A partition of a double layer of filter brick, with gravel and charcoal packed between, should extend across IL Tbe water is drawn ont from the opposite side of the flltpr from that tn ' wnlcn t,,e plpe from he emptles tn .ki n h .i i..i.. - - --- - ---- iiiti vuiaiucu V3 iure ; enonirh for cooL-Int nr itrtnt-tno- a , plentiful supply of soft water is a lusnry thflt ca) obtaJned cheap!r i that no one can afford to do without it j wvi. to mm 4i.A . ' ; 8atlsfaclory building material. In ; ; buIldlng the nonge tDe tWQ extremes ! ! of gUe 8houl(1 BTolded Jf , hon9e to too 8ma , wm erowdei j whUe u too , ,t , ! harder to keep clean. In arranging the rooms, convenience ' , ad cage of ,. ,,, , ,,, ,',.. , ' I The large cud solemn "spare room." which was i opened onlv on state nf-cntslniw t,m ' largely given way to the bright, cheer- --as -w n a.u ill inWULnOCO UUU ! work and diug tables, which is ' "sed every day and evening in the . 6 , , i year. This room, together with the , . . " : "-o - - , .i.iiwu unu ucuiwui. h . . j .UVUA( n(,u w oiua n uu n iiuw.c mr uierauura. coars ana nsts. place for overshoes, coats and hats. - a t M ,n k 7, th. kltl.hpIL . u ., . ; eoBYmlmet- A cupboard in the wall between tbe - - kitcbeTi and dining room la bandr as . diahe8 tZT. Z'J!" lJtLt same tlm.. open, easily. A bedroom ceaslty. eapeciallT in the case of h-k- uu uie ETunna noor is i mrr na- : ness, Tbe upstairs will of coarse be . largely devoted to bedrooms althonh ! .. . - " " - 1 1- urn uiiru mii Yemeni in im una small roc m . , Biiic mam a cooti s lore room ror aemi m " p,,.,,,, thA m .,,f. .... ! t0 heat tbe bouse ia br a fnrtiac -Thh, riUIMUIT HDa 01011 BtH I mtV U cheaper and cleaner than tov if . . ; tbe fnrnae mm Is mad lan? oiu.nh bold a load of cobs and aereral tons j f coal the work of fire bnlldlng will : l treatly reduced. A register In tbe . nan B)tair will be enough to take I tbe chill off tbe sleeping rooms. It la a good plan to have a furnace pipe run to tbe kitchen, too and n . -.n ! , . I or kerosene rawte for cooking. Thia Is cheaper, handler and cleaner than a cook re. and tbe kheben can bt kept much tooU In th. aummer time, Most firta bones are rery lighted. A keronoae lamp snitlls bad end oes n.'t g: much light, A pns.l!ne lamp re vi: is ciui- belter. Tet of a'.l is the acetylene ga system. ATw.t this is oii.e i:!:a.jec i: can be operated cheaply and wLl fur . nlsh an abnadant su; p!y of Lgbt. ' The water system 1 tuther tLing 1: which farmhouses are behind those iu i the city. There is scarcely a bnuse la a town of ar.y sate but that Is provid ed with water and sewage sys-euis. lh the counrry thee are the 'exception rather than the rule, yet they tan be put in at a small rust. An tir tight ta::k In the cellar i sometimes used to suppty the pre.-i:rc for a farm water systetn. lea: i rather exjieusive. The water taa aln 1--drawn from the elevated taiik at the Intra. If one Is used there, the only o:s advantage in this case boing that cis tern water cannot Le used. i;i t h whole. the most satisfa- t"i y plan is t. have a small palvaLifi-d Ia:,U in tL attic. A little covering in the -oliU-s' weather will Leen it from freei:;g. ;nu'. a few minutes v.orh with t1, iterh pump each day will tw;i it !.)!' J. By Laving a heater an; cVd to the furnace or to the kitcbei: s;i-ve sr.d making the proin-r conuwiioi; h it u::il ; cold water can lie supplied to the bath room, the wash room and a.'tywhire ebse that it Is wanted. The laundry rootu downstairs Is th" place where the convi-nieti e nt su. l. a system will lie apprei.iuted most In this room the washing m.ichine. tubs, wringer and otlcr utensils i-ai; be kept. An opening ia the floor cn- j ueoted with the tile crr.iti v.i:) carry off the waste water, nnj hot ai:d cold ; water from uistairs will be u v.a' s on tap. Such a room. u-g-nL'-r wita the entire water system, can fitted up fur less than JKt I. Another convenience that can be In- ! stalled at small cost is a s-wcrage yys- , tern. This can be connected with tae bathtub aud sink, r.ud with u snia'.: I additional expense aun'.aer h:t:ury that Is seldom found on the .'arm. an in i door closet, can be added. Itraite ' pipe well cemented at the joint? : should be used iu constructing ;ht sewer. The t-heajiest form of outlet . it tlm "Knntfo fiinL- T1,iu -..,v vi uucicna iu me septic tan will de stroy all the solid matter, so that th ! water which flows out the lower end will be clear aud have uu oijecTi;:i able odor. With cn oce.is!oi:n clon ing out bu.-u a tank will last forever. Tl. L. . ..... i ... -i oe uuuse kuouiu oe provtjcu with P'en'V or porches. These increase the Ieuse somewhat, but nlsu add nin-.-h 10 tne comfort and rppearance f the o"- Vines trained up over them u. keep out the sun nnd screens tn t.i. out the flies make them still more comfonahle ' Nothiuc adds more to tl.o -7n-n.,i i appearance of the house than a in-at lawn of ample size. Uo not make it FIO, XXX TV A CORVEE OF A KEiTT.T IS. 1 v. v. , ! t 1 or the work of i - - -. wi tut- viurfc I I mowing will be likeiy to be neglected, j A lawn is not hard to make. A little niirk Ifl 11 f r ui.il ..-..... t - - ' T, , . i"--i'uruig a une ; "'l!, WU"U " .J "" " ' ' grT. wu I .? ' plauUl)g lrtt8 too ciose to tLe house. mi . . - t.Z .f . . Irom the af!ra h'.e eui , ""use ..lose anu stuffy. The ' w. I "lu"ea 1 v,,,nj3ii7 irii Lull- unnniri U. .... - i. , .C7'. " . . T umJUl tu-S of 4oic iau IuniLsli errn'i.l .i.,i.. , ,., - ----' rri... j .... . ! . "e value of throbs is of- 1 fsn ra-At- a w.w. m., ... r .. . . a . . 1 'ffea as much as It 1 19 ... " t 7 . ? Jf" . t'llnjlj',lC r-bush over Z.! T ?" Itw 0warf varieties In , wn. ui iue war coi ' . . . . - . . a,''J to the '.re many other flor 1, Tl" ja. anowUlU. arrinrlaa mil VZ yrinjfias and llinf- tv.. can be nsed to Cli in empty .;(aee's and comers. A row or two of bard maples or elms 7.7. ? ua 0 lll''k ever- wincureaa t-, the corth i-in ,lsh the supply of mZISt. Cn' 'h there are L.l 7 Ctt" iKn yauTSt wm.T UVK" f tluit " yt 4. Proper Treatmtnt for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. The great mortality from dy3n 'tor and d;nixu is due to a lack of proper feitmtct at the first stage of the ci-eae. Chamberlain-s Colic, v ntilera and Diarrhaea Remedy is a re.iab.e aid e.'fe tool medicine, and h-?n given in reasonable time will r.vent any dan?e os consequences. 1: hsus Wen in use for many years i'ud Las a".wayS met with unvarying sttccess. For sa e by Burnaugh t ...a.flfld. Making tht Best of It. I cannot praise a uddn thaw W4jt feet may put tn health a flaw. Nor do 1 like a audden freeze fm Ice 1 never waU with eaj. Tw.xt thaw and Ice I m-umbllng rwinf And wait the mlnif of tbe prta. Oevetand Plain D4faJ4w. He p for Tho e Who Have Stomach Trouble. After do toring for about twelve .-"ears f'jr a bad stomach trouble, and r-iK-tn'.ins nearly five hundred dollars f:ir nie.'.iciiie and doctors" fees. I p::r-h.-istJ my wife one bos or Cham ber a: n Stomach and Liver Tablets. v.l.:l. ii.l her much good that sue i inued to use theni and they have iio '.( her mure gooj than all of the n.. .Urine I bo.ight before. Samuel : o-e-. Folsorn, loa. This medicine is for sale by Burnaugh Mayrield. Sample? free. lew foinis. Tender of the amount due at any time before sale under a foreclosure -.here a chattel mortgage Is a mere !!!! is held in Thomas versus Seattle Itrewing nud XI. C6. fWash.l. W Tae. llo. l.-i I. K. A. (X. S.), 1164. to dis charge the lien. That one cannot avoid his contract to purchase stock of a corporation on the ground that It was not legally or .tanizetl or that stock was not legally Issued Is declared in Burwash versus Baliou. ;i 111.. 34. 82 (X. E.), 335, 15 I- U. A. (X. S.i. 41)9. Ie'.ay in commencing treatment for i s'ig'n: irregularity that could have :jeen cured quickly by Foley's Kid icy Rem fly may result in a serious titlney disease. Foley's Kidney Remedy builJs up the worn out tls itiei and strengthens these organs. :5i:rnacgh t Mayfie'.d. ji2inniiiiiiimminuiininiHiiEiiini L- Iseriaind, Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs, and Leather Goods of all descriptions. I will fit you out with the best goods for the least money. When in need of anything in my line, call and inspet my'stock before purchasing. ENTERPRISE, .... OREGON rCUliaCUIUUUUIIUI iaiiMIEfca..,..... If a Telephone is a good thing for over ONE THOUSAND others . WHY NOT YOU? Now is the time to get 3'our name in our New Director- soon to be issued. Home Independent Telephone Co. Summer Rates East During the Season 19 0 9 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFC RAILROAD from " - . Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on The 0. R. & N. line To OMAHA and Return - - $60.00 To KANSAS City and Return $60.00 To ST. LOUIS and Return - $67.50 To CHICAGO and Return - $72.50 and to other principal cities in the East. Middle West and South. Correspondingly low fares. ' On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; Augu3t 11, 12 To DENVER and Return - - $55.00 Or, Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 nmi'o" IZH ,Im,t 10di-V8 frora date f 8a,e- flnal return wavTnfe.UCket8 .Pr.?Sent 8me verJ- attractive features in the av of stopover privileges, a ,d cholce Qf rQU thereb enabl. "nroZ l Uake a'de lr'PS t0 m Interesting poinU a sl!ihf'Ung, " the retUrn trip tnroh California may be had at a slith advance over the rates quoted. ru,il:ld,ba;tianuyao, THr :eierva tiona and udtet8 wm " u oy any o. R. ft N. local agent, .or WM. McMURRAY, General Paas.nger Agent, Portland, Oregon. J. G. HARMAN, Agent, Enterprise, Oregon. SET1NG MACHINE. OLLEI BEAaiNa by boying fl reliable, honet, high grade ae. ing """"liint. STRONGEST GUARAXTrr National Sewing Machine Ca, BcMdere, IIL WALLOWA BRANCH TIMETABLE. rv Eastl ound WMtbouo4 instance from am. La Grande Stations p m. s.45 Lv 0 La Grande 2:30 Am 9:&i " 2.5 Island City 1:55 Lt 10 00 " 8.3 AJ'el 1:40 - ' 10 10 " 12.3 Imbler l:s 10 JO " 20. Elgin 1:0 p.m 11:25 " 31! ra mer Jet 11:35 11 :t0 " 33.7 Looking GUuii 11:30 p.m. - 12:-5 47.1 Minam 10:30 " 2:00 60.0 Wallowa t oo - 2:45 " tn.t Lortine g.15 3:4 7S.0 Enterprise T:3 4:45 Arr U.S Joseph 7:15 - p.m. a.m. W. B. APPLEGATE. Notavrjr Public. Collections made. Heal Estate bought and aold and all business matters attended to. Call on or write me. PARADISE. OREGON.