10,023,334.00 3,152,915.00 $6,870,419.00 City and County Brief News Items Seed potatoes for sale at V. J. Funk & Cos. .Mrs. R. L. Dej!azer "ami daughter are at Imbler visiting friend. Harry Hearing and John McFc". ridge we.it to Wallowa, Monday. Carpeta, China and Jap Mattings at Ashley's. John Wortrran, Jr.. returned horn' 6aturday from a vacation trip U outside points. Go to Jackson & Weaver's for Io Creani Sodas, Sundae3, and Soda Water, all flavors. Everything san itary and clean. C. B. Horner of Snake River le't Monday for Tur'.ock, Cal., to visit liis father, J. S. Homer. Mrs. C. M. Lockwood and children went to Pendleton, Monday, for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Dotv. Sit Up And Ta ke Not ice Every department of our store has been replenished with new and up-to-date goods and our ck is now complete iu al most every department. V'e pay spot cash for our goods, and therefore get the benefit of all cash discounts and we give our customers the benefit of our cheap buys. Our New Goods just received direct from Chi cago In the dry goods depart ment consists in part of tne ; following: PERCALES, DIMITIES, BATISTES, GALATINS, SWISS, SUMMER NOVELTIES In dress goods of the newest and most exclusive patterns, LADIES' HfUSLIN UNDER WEAR, LAWN, NET AND SILK WAISTS FOR LADIES, RUCHING, LADIES' COLLARS AND COL LARETTES, LACES, EMBROIDERY, RIBBONS. NOTIONS, Etc, etc. Clothing We have in transit a large in voice of Men's Clothing which wi.l arrive in about 10 days. We also take orders for the "OLD RELIABLE ROYAL TAILORS. Hats Our spring shipment of Hats is already here, both men's and boys'. We carry the HARDE MAN HAT, superior in style to any other hat in the mark e', and only equalled in dur ability and holding Its shape by the celebrated Stetson. Shoes We have just received a largo assortment of men's, boys' la dies' and Mli.se3' Oxford Shoes In black, tan, chocolate and ox-blood (lace or buckle.) Our Grocery and Hardware de partments are also complete. Drop in, look at our goods, and compare prices. Respectfully, R. S. & Z. CO. ENTERPRISE. Just to 'Remind You WHEN MONEY is scarce general stagnation sets in with its resultant disasters to every line of business, to every profession, and every wapre-earner. It is therefore to your interest to help to make rwr.ey plentiful in Oregon by simply keeping it here. The sworn statements of life insurance companies on file with State Insurance Commissioner S. A. Kozer, Salem, Oregon, show that was sent cut of OREGON for life insurance premiums in the past live years. is the total returned here to pay death losses and dividends in the same live years. is the net amount drained out of Oiegon in 5 years for life insurance premiums sent to enrich Wisconsin, New York and ether states by making their home companies the custodian?: of these trust funds from Oregon. Does anyone doubt that the commercial supremacy of New York is due to the centralization of the insurance assets in that market, more than to ar.y other one factor? More money is handled by the insurance companies than all the transportation companies in the country, and it is the centralization of these immense accumulations in one locality that makes that locality the seat of the financial empire. It is the personal interest of every ritizen of Ore gon to i s; his influence that Life Insurance be bought of OlEElOLfc and the money Kept in Oregon for Ore gon's development. Home Office: Corbett Bldg. Corner 5th and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore. A. L, Mi'.U, Pros L-:u L. Samuel, General Manager Clarence S. Samuel, Ant. Manager AKa 'a sead Uc sale at R. S. & Z. Bargains at Wheat's closing out sale. Warner Funk of Oaklrjid, Cal., is viii hig his bnther. Chas. E. Funk. S. L Haworth returned Friday from Curry county. Choire residence property for rent, "ee E M. & M. Co. Srj-t Harris of Walla Walla was ie:e Thursday and Friday visiting d.l friand.s. ('oiing oat sale of watches, clocks jAelry, silverware the entire stock )f E. B. Wheat. -Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Fletcher of "own-itita were tradiag in town Saturday. r 1 osu Fish every Friday and Sat urday at Cray & Willett's City Mar- itet. Els in Flour at W. J. Fuk & Co's. j Patent $1.50 a sack, straight grade, I 51-40 a sack. I Riv. E. Owen le't Welnesday of last week for Astoria to remain a j while in hopes the sea air will be.ie- ut his hea.th. . Jacks jii & Weiver guarantee their Sarsaparilla Compound to give as good results as a iy blood purifier o i the market. H. V. Moire of Caldwell, Ida., ar rived Mo.iday and accepted a position )!';or with Riley & Riley. Hj soured the job through a Ne,v:i . hi! want ad. Mrs. O. ,M, Corkins attended the K of 1' memoiial service at Wallowa, '.'j.id.iy. Her father is the only mem b:;r o' the. order buried in the ceme tery tiie.e. -a-s. Jane Foarty of northeast of to v.-ii le.'t Monday for Albany to se i h -;r daughter, who is ill In a hospice! tilers. Mrs. Fogarty will visit a'. Newport before returning. C. S. Reavis returned Saturday from a business trip to Portland ind o:h ;r W'iilamet e valley points. H s.oppju at Hood River on his way jhxnc- and visited his brothers. Mi-:s Cressie Warnock left Mon day f ir Yaquina to join her father, Robert Warnock. She had been visiting her grandmother and other relatives on the Imnaha and in this vicinity. Mrs. Alvin McFetridge and baby and .Mrs. Ange'ine Hanson spent Mon day at Wallowa, attending Memorial Day exercises. Mrs. McFetridge's brother, Orven Hearing, is buried in the Wallowa cemetry. Mrs. J. A. French and son Dwight left Monday for Pendleton, where they will stay a few days and thei go on to CorvaUis to visit her par ents, and renia'n until -the meeting J of the Grand Chapter, O. E. S.', at F(irtii.nti, June 14, which Mrs. French will attend as matron of Wallowa Valley chapter. l-v i i "ciuie uuiug a mattress see Ashley's $13.."o special. u.ie-.Minute Washers the Onlv Best Washer. For sale by Ashley. A. G. Smith of Joe3ph was an En terprise visitor Tuesday. Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda ALL FLAVORS Sundaes, Root Beer, Re freshing Drinks When extra CANDY good is wanted come to PRENTISS HOMAN'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - - .Oregon Pittsburgh Perfect Electrically Welded Fence Is in a class of Its own because it Is he only Fence of its kind made, and it is the Fence for you to use because 1. It is the best made. 2. Has same sized "stay as strand wires. 3. Has no wraps or clamps to hold moisture and cause rust 4. 8tays cannot be apread by sto:k. 5. The price Is right. 6. It is the strongest Fence on the market. Buy it, try It, and your Fence troubles will be over.. ELECTRICALLYY WELDED FENCE For Poultry, Hojs, Horses, Cattle, Lawn and Corn Cribs. FOR SALE BY FOR SALE BY S. D. KELTNER ENTERPRISE, OREGON. HORSE SALE I will sen at public audtion at the Red Front Livery Barn in Enter prise, Oregon on SATURDAY JUNE 26 Beginning at 10 a.m., sharp, the fol lowing described property: 35 HEAD HORSES or rjore, from one year old and up wards. All good grade, farm-raised horses. Terms of sale: Six months note with approved security, without in terest, if paid when due. 5 per cent discount for cash. J. C. McFETRlDGE, Owner. Up-to-date shapes and colors in ice cream cones at Enterprise Ciiam- ery. Largest and finest line of Ice cream cones at Enterprise Cream ery. The be3t washing machine on earth Is the Flyer. For sale by s. u. Keener. Mrs. Will Zuroher and children accompanied Mr. Zurcher to their ranch at Chico Monday morning to De gone about two weeks. Sunday school teachers and dudIIs in attendance at the county conven on may procure ribbon badges free oy calling at Jackson & Weaver's drug store. Mrs Ellen Smith of Wallowa return ed home Tuesday after a visit of several days with Mrs. Bessie Whit more. The latter accompanied her friend to Wallowa to remain for some time. Mrs. J. T. Bircher and three young est children and her mother, Mrs. I-ottle Crumley, left Monday for the latter's home at Kingston, Ida. Mrs. Crumley had bean visiting here for several weeks. Mrs. Bircher will also visit her daughter, Mrs. Lennis AlcCIoud, at Kingston. The dance at the opera house Fri day given bv the bosehnll hnva in honor of th Union team, was a de- iigniiui affair and attended hv about 30 couple. Splendid music was fur nished by the Enterprise orchestra. An elegant supper was arvrl .f mt-.. Mayor's new restaurant. vhM s. ing quite popular. The tables were beautifully decorated as well as boun fully laden. D. H. demons of Lostine was an over Sunday visitor in Enterprise. NeU Nelson of Elgin is here look ing over the country with a view to locating. Miss Lydia Miller of Los'ine " a guest of Miss Grace Wood of this city over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Larsen at tended the funeral of their friend. I "Uncle John" Hill on Cricket Fl"'-. five miles northeast of Elgin Sunday. Mr. Hill was 80 years old and a host of friends from all over Union county attended the funeral. Mrs. Larson remained for a visit with friends la Elgin. Auction sale at the Joseph Mer cantile Co., Joseph, will commence June 5, from 10 o'clock in the fore noon until 5 o'clock In the after noon, consisting of Dry goods. Notions Trimmings, Shoes and Men Wear ables. In order to wind up our bus iness affairs quick we have decided to let you have everything at this great auction sale at your own price To avoid serious results take Foi ey's Kidney Redely at the first sign of kidney or bladder disorder luch as backache, urinary Irrigular ities, exhaustion, and you will soon be well. Commence taking Foley's Kidnev Reme Iv today. Uurnaugh & Mayfleld. RESTORATION TO K.VTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FORK.VT. Notice U hereby slven that the Uinl. described leow embracing lio acre within the Wallowa National Forest Oregon, will Le subject to settlement and entry vnler the provisions of the homes-tcad laws of the United hiaies, and the act of June 11. 190e (31 Stat. 233), at the Unite! Stales l.vi 1 office at La Grande. Oreaon. on July Ji WO?. Anv sutler who was actually an-': In good lalth cla mins any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to jan ua-y 1, I90ij, and haa n:t abandoned same, has a preference ru-ht to mane n homestead entry for the lan.ls actuail;. occupied, tall lam's were listed upon the ail atlons of the persons mention ed below, who have a preference riH'it subject to the pilir rlilit of nny suci settler, provided such settler or ap plicant is qna'.ifiel to malto homestead entry and the preference rhiht Is exer elsed prior ti Ju y 31, l.Ol. on which date the lands will be Fubjcct to settle ment and entry by any mialltled person The lands embrace a tract which, when surveyed, wll prolably he within Sec. 3. T. 2 N.. R. 50 IC, W. M., bounded and described as follows: llenlnniiitf a a point 20 chains west of the northwest corner of Fe .2. T. 2 N., K. 50 tl: ei tending thence P. 10 chains; thence V. 10 chana; theme X. 10 chains then e IC 10 chains to the point ol beginning; and' besinnins at a point 20 chains west of the west 4 cornel of Sec. 2, T. 2 X.. Ii. 50 K.; extendin thence X. 10 chains; thence W. IC chains; thence F. 10 chains; thence K 10 chains to the point of beginning containing 20 acres, listed upon th. application of Howard Whlttier, o White Biid. Idaho. Also the SKVi of XWVi of XWU the S4 of NK14 of NWfc of NW'4 the SEVi of NW.of NWfc of NW'i. .he EV4 of SV4 of XW4 of XWVi, the 3WV4 of SWii of NW4 of XW'4, the Ni4 of SWV4 of NWT4. the SWVi of SUV Si of XWVi, Sec. 13. the H of S of NICV4 of NEi, the SEVi of XEVi Sec. 11, T. 2 N., II. 50 11, 105 acres. application of It. O. Wilson, of White Bird, Idaho. Fred Dennett. Commis sioner of the General Land Office. Ap proved May 14, 1909. Frank Pierce. First Assistant Secre- .ary of the In'.erlor. Information Concerning Eighth Grade Final Examinations. I. Dates: Three examinations annually. Each county superintendent to select months for his county. (a) January 21-22, 1909. (b) May 13-14, 1909. (c) June 10-11, 1909. (d) ScptemLer 2-3, 1909. 2. Program : (a) Thursday Arithmetic, Writ ing, History, and Civil Govern ment. (b) Fridays Grammar, Physiol ogy, Geography, and Spelling. . 3. Sources of Questions: (a) Civil Government United States Constitution. (b) Geography State Course Study; Redway and Hinman's . Natural School Geography. (c) History List of topics from History Outline in State Course of Study and Current Events. t" Language Buehler's Modern English Grammar, no diagram ming. (e) Reading The teacher will send to the County Superintend ent the applicant's class standing in reading, which shall be taken by such superintendent as the ap plicant's standing on the subject. (f) Spelling-Eighty per cent from Reed's Word Lessons, and twenty per cent, from manuscript in Language. (g) Writing Specimens of pen manship a.3 indicated in copied matter and from manuscript i:i Language. Rejpejtfdlly submitted, J. H. ACKERMAN, Supt. Public Instruction. J. c rnxi.pv lbl Sunt nf ok,' Notice of Examination. Notice is herebv regular eighth grade evillllinof ; ...411 be held June 10-11 in the several school districts. Teachers nrenarlnv i,,. - o -'"ca lur tins examination will report number and .mu.es ot applicants to this. ffi,. at once. Respectfully .... J- C. CONLEY, ioi County Superintendent. Needle. Shuttle and Bobbin for use In All Make of Sewing Machine. FOR SALE BY iS. D. Reltner Official Proceedings of County Court (Continued from page 6.) V. M. Sutton, 2 days 8th grade examinations I 6 00 S. R. Haworth, payment on contract for court house.... 6000 00 J. W. Macauley, grand Jury.. 32 00 L. G. Page, grand Jury 32 00 Chas! E. Is'.ey, grand jury.. 23 00 H. E. Driver, grand Jury .... 25 00 I. B. Ready, grand jury bailiff 21 00 Luther Campbell, grand jury. 46 00 lohn Fruitts, grand jury 51 20 I. T. McLain, petit Jury.... 49 60 H. R. Hanna, official reporter 110 00 ?red Harsln, petit Jury 53 20 A'. H. Nicoson, petit Jury 57 00 '.!. C. Davis, petit Jury 52 00 D. I . Mlllar.Fetlt Jury 47 00 (. E. McNutt, retit Jury 52 00 lame. Nolan, petit Jury 30 2C I. O. Kiddle, pttlt Jury 53 00 ?t. T. Bollng, petit Jury 55 00 Hen Rich, petit Jury 52 20 3. W. Pagln. court ballff .... 33 00 tl. C. Cramer, jury bailiff ap pointed by Court 36 00 Oaniel Boyd, atty. for J. Bed- lugfield 15 00 !ay Le.vis. petit jury 6 00 ... E. Kuhn, petit jury 12 60 A". E. Boner, petit Jury .... 4 40 3eorge Lightle, petit Jury .... 31 00 las. Gill, petit Jury 28 20 H. C. Laird, pe lt Jury 21 70 3. .B Warnock, petit Jury 47 00 d. L. Lay, petit Jury 2 20 J. B. Williamson, petit Jury.. 46 60 I. N. Daalc, petit Jury 44 60 i'red Falcoier, petit Jury.... 2 20 1. Yavfield, petit jury 2 20 J. J. Forsythe, petit jury 2 20 M. K. Bue, petit Jury 2 20 VV. C. Wilson, petit Jury .... 2 20 John Calvin, petit jury .... 2 20 -. J. Ro, petit Jury 46 00 C. S. Haney, pe lt Jury 39 20 J. W. Hanson, petit jury 48 50 I. H. Hartshorn, petit Jury .. 2 20 Fred U. Robin, from Heppner and return 57 20 Ed Ebea, witness State vs. Tucker 3 40 John Chilcotte, witness State vs. Tucker 5 20 A. Carter, witness State vs. Tucker 11 00 Hank Sprague, witness State vs. Tucker 10 00 I. H. Britton, witness before grand jury 6 00 5. B. Conner, witness before grand Jury 11 00 J. W. Ba'.e, witness before grand jury 12 00 Jame3 Bankhead, witness be fore grand Jury 2 20 Moved Here From Arlington. Frank Hampden and family of Arlington have moved to this city to reside, their car of goods coming In Monday. Mr. Hampden Is a man of means who came here a few weeks ifro on Invitation of Judge Corkins, and liked the country so well con cluded to make this their home. Many of our citizens are drifting towards Bright's disease by neglect ing symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble which Foley's Kidney Remedy win quickly cure. Burnaugh & Mayfleld. ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BESl OF MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. Price for rket S. E. COM BES INDFPEuDEKT Pelts and Hides PROPRIETOR T,rnnn. pMiiniMiiiiHUI1HlilllMlnuMnanM Hack Calls to any part of the city answered day or night. ENTERPRISE AND J.U SHACKELFORD, Proprietor. I'irst Class Rigs and careful drivers. City Hieat (Ularket CRAY & WILLETT, Proprietors. Fresh and Salt Meats HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR HIDES AND PELTS. River 8t, 1 block south of Funk's tore, Enterprise Oregon, Mrs. W. L. McCubbin and children spent Tuesday at Lostlne. Superintendent Conley announce the next meeting of the County Tea chers association will be held at Flora, June 12. Dr. C. T. Hockett went out to La Grande Tuesday to assist Dr. Gllmore of Flora In an operation for appendi citis on Mr Ackman of the North Country. From La Grande, Dr. Hock ett will go on to Salem to attend the meeting of the alumni of the medi cal department of Willamette Univer sity. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State . of Oregon, for Wallowa County. Charlotte B. Cutler, Plaintiff, vs. J. F. Cutler, De'endant. To J. F. Cutler, the above named Defendant. You wl!l take notice, that you are required to appear and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed against you in the above en titled Court and Cause on or befort the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date of tint publication is Thursday, June 3rd, 1909; and you will further take n lice that if you fall to appear and answer or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court above named for the relief prayed for in her complaint filed herein, to wit: That the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and henceforth held for naught, on the grounds of willful desertion of plaintiff; and that plaintiff have uch other and further relief as to the Court shall seem Just and equitable. Vou will further take notice that this summons Is served upon you by publication thereof, for six con "tlve weeks, in the Wallowa Chief tain, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, commencing with the Issue of June 3rd, 1909, by or der of the Honorable J. B. Olmsted, County Judge of Wallowa County, Oregon mnrto mil HotoH at Rntef- Drisfi Wnllrtua PftnntT fmerm OH - , .V,T UUb.f, O 1 - the 1st day of June, 1909. BURLEIGH & BOYD, 41c7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dunuc non rnuna, aw S Both Phones TT v Jrt xiome independent tv Pacific States 45. S LIVERY HACK BARN j Our bus meets al trains. Faie 10c. within city limits ""uiuuniiuuu,