Race HAWLEY ' CHAPTER XII. (Continued.) And that weak mother, who under her fcniband's Influence, had (or the last week tone all she could to abet the sale of the daughter she loved so, wept bitterly bow her end was accomplished. "Don't cry, mother," said Maude, gent ly; "I will do all you wish. I would rather not know more about it than I am obliged to Just yet. . And one thing more. I must when all's settled, you know; there ran be no harm then I must write to bid Gren good-by; you'll let me do that, mother, won't you?" It was all over. The bright Maude of tome few weeks back, with her high spir its and ringing laugh, was scarcely to be recognized In the pale spiritless girl who moped about the house now. Hearts don't break nowadays; but when young ladles dispose of their affections injudi ciously, the intervention of the authorities Is wont to be followed by a short Inter val of sorrow and sadness. Harold Denlson, upon hearing his daughter's decision, made a mighty gulp, and, swallowing as much pride as might have set up two or three county families, penned a letter to lawyer Pearman. It was an awkward epistle to compose, but the squire showed himself quite equal to the occasion. The sum of it was this : He first apologized, in a haughty manner, for what he was pleased to term his curt nesa at their last interview. In the en cumbered state of his property he had thought It but right to lay the proposal before Miss Denison, who, it appeared, took a different and perhaps more sensi ble view of It 'than she had done In the first Instance. He should, therefore, be happy to welcome the visits of Mr. Pear man, junior, to Gllnn.' 'Told you so, Sam told you so," said old Pearman, when he received this pre cious epistle. "He only wanted time and line enough. I've done my part, boy. It Is In your hands now ; but I think you'll tad it all pretty smooth sailing.' CHAPTER XIII. A little after six In the morning. The April tun has just succeeded in breaking through the morning mist, and the air still has a crackle of frost in it At the foot of a small knoll, surmounted by t little clump of Scotch fir, stand three men, engaged In earnest conversation. Carefully sheeted, with stable boys on their backs, some seven or eight thorough breds pace majestically round and round the little hillock. On the side these men ire standing, stretches a considerable ex panse of velvety turf-down. A aeries) of lender white poles mark out a wide oval road, somewhere about a mile in circum ference. That broad, green, ribbon-like track Is what Is termed the Mannersley Gallop, and the ground upon which Mr. Pearman's horses take their daily exer cise. The gentleman in the pepper-and-salt suit, single-breasted coat, longish waist coat and low-crowned hat, la Martin Py croft, trainer. He fiddles with the ash plant In his hand, and seems rather to demur to something that bis companion Sam Pearman seems to insist on. As for the third member of the confer ence, a bright, wiry, dark little man, he looks as if his opinion must be asked pretty decidedly before he Intends commit ting himself on any point. He Is a jockey of some considerable eminence in bis pro fession. "Can't do any harm, Martin. He might Just as well have a spin with the old horse as go his usuul gallop." "Well, I'd rather Mr. Pearman wait till he is quite wound up before trying him. You must do as you please, sir. No horse can be doing better; but contin ually trying does take the heart out of them, you know, sir." "Of course It does; but mind, we haven't galloped Coriander beside another this year. We suppose him to be quite m good and better than he was last au tumn, but we've never ascertained. I mean to know this morning." In the meantime the string has halted, the sheets are removed, and then, led by las head lad on a veteran of four seasons' standing, the youngsters proceed in In dian file round the course at a half-speed gallop. Then comes more walking for twenty minutes or so, succeeded by an other steady canter, towards the finish of which the pace is considerably Improved the rate of progression being always regulated by the rider of the leading horse, who has, of course, received his instructions from the trainer beforehand. More walking, then more cantering, at we conclusion of which Martin Pycroft ys quietly;, "Take 'em home, William, and tell wse boys to bring Loadstone and Cori ander up here." Merely replying, "All right, sir," Wil itam turned his horse's head in the direc tion of the stables. A minute or two, and a couple of stable wys walk the horses to where Pearman, Pycroft and "the rigid rider to orders" re standing. "Jump off and strip 'em," says the tra ner. The boys slip off the backs of tneir respective mounts, and hold them by the head while Pycroft unlooses Cori "Single, whips oft the sheets witn a dexterous hand, and proceeds to "Just a light racing asddle on that "mine celebrity's back. Jim; assisted by parman, performs the same office for Loadstone. "Now, sir," says Martin, "before we W i 7, ttey are toeetner. we had better just let em have a nnlr pnnfar Tim vmi et up on Coriander. You. young 'un," continued, addressiwr the lad who had Pn upon Loadstone, "get on your own uwe, and lead round a nice strong can making It a little quicker from the nub home than In the dip; but no gallop ing in earnest, mind." m .ks and movea w". Ip. 't Be" J0 Martin, as Coriander, under Jim's easterly hands, after two or three angry Batch., at his bit, settled dowa into for Wife SMART the long, low sweeping stride character istic or tne most thoroughbred horses that distinguish themselves on a race course. And now the pair come striding along towards the knoll, where they are pulled "Go klndr inquires Mr. Pycroft ice oss to ride can put him any- "" ""serves Jim, sententiously. 'Walk em about a bit, while we get the saddle cloths ready." Jim and the boy duly go Into the scale. Another muttered conversation between Pycroft and his master; then the saddles were removed, the leaded cloths carefully adjusted, the saddles replaced over them, the long Burcingles passed carefully over, and Coriander and Loadstone were ready for their trial. "Give them their orders, Martin, and then come here and see it Mind, they're to start from the three-quarter-of-a-mlle post. Who's to start 'em?" "All right, sir; I told William to come back, and here he is. You go down whh 'em, Will. Bush in, mind. Here, Jim. you ride the old horse, of course, this time. Get off, and come right along. I don't mean ride his head off, but take the lead, and keep It." "All right !" And Jim walked the grey leisurely down alongside William, to the starting post. "Now, look here, boy," said Mr. Py croft, advancing to the stripling who was on Coriander; "you have an idea o? rid ing, you have. Now, don't go and make an exhibition of yourself thiB morning. Mind, if you do it here, I shall take care you don't get much chance of doing it in public. Attend to what I say to you. Get off as well as you can. Jim's pretty safe to do you there; but even If he don't, mind, you're to wait on him till you come to the quarter-mile post from home. You know It Bun up to him then. But, whatever Jim does, whether he begins rid ing or whether he doesn't you're not to begin In earnest till within fifty yards of home. I'll forgive you if you wait too long, and lose it that way ; but If you come too soon and ride him to a stand still, we shan't want you for light-weights at Newmarket or anywhere else." The lad walked his horse after Load stone with a very serious face. Like all boys in a racing stable, of course the height of his ambition was to become a jockey. He was not a little proud of being In charge of such a celebrity es Coriander. For, be it known to the unin itiated that every race horse in a big sta ble Is looked after by his own boy, and that these boys, when their horse Is one of distinction, are immensely proud of him. They groom him, ride him at exer cise In short, almost live with him. Coriander was the first crack that had fallen to young Allen's care, and he firm ly believed such a flyer never existed. Now anxious moment! he was to ride him in his trial. He looked even at that as a great rise in his profession. It is true he had ridden in two or three trials before, but then he had generally been on something that had had no earthly chance to win. Suppose he should make a mess of it this morning; Mr. Pycroft would never give him another chance, perhaps. No wonder the boy looks rather seri ous. But they are at the post. A couple of false Btarts take place, in consequnece of young Allen's eagerness to get well off. "Stop a bit, young "un," said Jim, laughing; "be a little steady. Mind, it ain't a race, and I won't want to get the best of you. I only want to get away fair. How a starter would walk down your throat if you carried on like tliisl" The remonstrance had the desired effect, and the next time they were away, Jim having a little the best of it though not much. Once oft, the boy's nerves stead ied directly. He waited patiently till he came to the quarter post, and then ran up abreast of Loadstone. Locked togeth er, they went for the next two hundred yards, and then Jim began what Is term ed In racing parlance "fiddling" at his horse; it means riding him a little. He drew near a length ahead, but the boy sat still. "Wait .till within fifty yards of home, whatever Jim does," he mutter ed, "and I will, if I'm beat for It." A few strides more, and he saw that Loadstone could hardly hold the lead he had obtained. Gradually he was creep ing up to him again, though still quiet on his horse. A little more, and Jim began to ride his horse in earnest and this was the hardest trial the boy had undergone yet For a moment Jim forged ahead, and looked like leaving him altogether; then be seemed to hang; and now surely he was within fifty yards of home. Was he? Yes! He sat down and shook up Coriander, passed Jim easily, and went past the knoll a couple of lengths in front "You'll do, young 'un," said Jim, good naturedly, as they pulled up their horses. "Don't quite know what orders you got but can pretty well guess. You stick as close to what you're told to do, and keep your head as cool as you did this time, and you'll find yourself first past the post at Epsom some of these days.' "Well, Martin, I think that'll about do" laughed Pearman, as the trial fin ished. "It will be a good horse that has the best of Coriander three weeks from this." "Yes, sir; he's better even than I thought he was, and I know I haven t worked him up to his best yet I've no fear of his not going on well, for I never trained a better constltutloned colt in my life; and though we didn't try him qu.te the full distance this morning, I ve no doubt of his getting the Rowley Mile a. well as he's done his three-quarters this morning." "You did that very well, my ad. he continued, addressing Allen. "This morn Inrt ride will be a little in your pocket ?we'v. luck, and you pay attention to L next orders; and they are-Hold your nuT You'll get riding befor you're, many months M, xx-.n , ... youthmkr -m. waat handed h.m over to the boy that had first been on h.m. When out of earshot he replied, "I I, win tb, GuinuT "dents. unle there's a great three-year- c ? n"De we havn"t beard on." bam Pearman, in the meantime, seat ed on the soft grass, was busily glancing oer a neat memorandum book. "Yea," he muttered, "stakes and all. it will be a good"0 Dit "In. It's a bigger thing than I ever pulled off yet and 1 have . ..."jr very tid my time. e 11 be off home now. Martin eh? Good enough, Jim, isn't it?" "Wish I'd your book on It, sir," was the thst worthy's reply. "Well, you and Martin will find that Ive not forgotten to do something In that way for you when It's landed," laughed Pearman. "For the present good by." ;Must win eh?" said the trainer. "Can't lose," responded the jockey, unless I'm knocked over." CHAPTER XIV. Old Pearman had shown perfect knowl edge of mankind on the receipt of Dent son's letter. He had gone over to Gllnn the next morning. The old lawyer was quite master of the situation. The squire felt quite grateful to his visitor for the tact and delicacy with which he paved the way for his retreat from" an awkward position. It was, per haps, this wonderful quality which had helped Pearman on in the world more than anything. Even those who had been most closely shorn were always impressed to their dying day that if they could have pulled through the swamp of impecunl osity their recklessness had plunged them Into, Pearman would have done it. Denlson was no fool where his Interests were concerned. He had, it is true, been guilty of the grossest folly in squander ing a fine property ; but he was not weak enough to look upon the lawyer as a ben efactor. "Well, Mr. Pearman," he said, "we had best let bygones be bygones. If I was sharp upon you the other day In speech, you retaliated on the mortgage; and you had the best of it Come in and lunch." So the old gentleman lunched at Gllnn, and was introduced to Mrs. Denison and his future daughter-in-law. Maude took but little notice of him; but her mother, having now made up her mind to the match, was favorably impressed. Mr. Pearman, in fact dressed quite as the old respectable confidential solicitor, and acted the part extremely well. Poor Mrs. Denison,- having made up ber mind to meet her ideal of a low turf attorney, de rived principally from novels, was most agreeably astonished. That the son would quickly follow in his father's footsteps was a matter of course; and here again the Glinn family were destined to be pleasantly surprised. Sam Pearman, though he had not all, yet inherited a fair proportion of his father's tact The old gentleman, too, had given him one or two valuable hints. He pre sented himself very quietly, was very sub dued and respectful, but by no means demonstrative in his attentions to Maude ; talked just a shade of racing, to gratify the squire, letting it drop as quickly as opportunity served ; chatted pleasantly on all the topics of the day, and took his departure after the delivery of a neat anecdote that made even Mrs. Denlson smile. Poor Maude, she had sat very pale through the visit; but even she felt a species of mild gratitude for the little her accredited suitor had sought from her on this occasion. She felt that she could marry the man to save Glinn to her parents, but that any lovemaklng before hand would be unendurable. If he would continue to treat her with quiet courtesy, she could bear It ; but to yield her lips to him. she felt was beyond her. That lov ers claim such favors she knew; but the girl had a strong touch of romance In her, and vowed no kiss should be laid on her cheek until she was irrevocably severed from Grenville Rose. She still clung to an undefined hope that he might rescue her vet Poor child! her case looks sad enough now; but there are a good many fitful changes in this world s great kaleid oscope. Men cut their throats premature ly, and humanity generally declines strug gling, just as better times are about to dawn. "More judicious to play the game out than throw down the cards," holds good in life (To be comiDuea.j Experienced. "How in the woild could you un derstand what that conductor said when his mouth was full of transfers?" queried the short man on the back platform. "Bachelor, en? asked the tall man. "Sure thing!" "Thought so. You see, I could un derstand him because bis words sound ed exactly like my wife's .when her mouth is full of hairpins." Too Much (or Mamma. "What's the matter with your eye, Tomuile?" "The boy next door struck me, mam ma." "What for, pray?" "He said I struck him first" "And did you?" "No; honest, I didn't, mamma!" "Well, why didn't you?" Yonkers Statesman. Gentle Hint. T.fc Everv nltcht 1 would stand under her window and give a slight cough. Dick And you have ceasea? Jack Had to. The neighbors start ed bombarding me with packages of cough drops. Possible Breakaoveau. Ppnrl Her father heard she was go ing to elope lu an automobile and be was furious. Ruby Indeed ! P.ri Yes: he said automobile; could not be trusted. Advised her U elope in a cab. Natural Deduetloa. Rnid She I wonder how these spirit ual communications are written? Said He With a medium pen or pen cil, I imagine. UNITE WITH AMERICA Great Britain Wants Naval Alli ance Vltb United States. AUSTRALIA IN FAVOR OF POLICY British Would Guard Atlantic and Un cle Sam Take Car of Pacific Leave Out Japan. London, May 29. Overtures looking to a naval understanding between Great Britain and the United States have been made by the British govern ment through Ambassador Bryce, in Washington. Premier Asquith had this fact in mind when speaking re cently in what was regarded as a cryp tic manner of a "two-power" standard for the British navy. The premier hopes that such an understanding may be reached with the American govern ment as shall enable Great Britain al most to denude the Pacific of British warships of a formidable class in re turn for giving America certain assur ances respecting the naval situation in the Atlantic The suggestions made by Mr. As quith through Ambassador Bryce fel low the lines lately laid down in an ar ticle by Captain Mahan on the naval position which has attracted wide at tention in authoritative circles in Eng land. The British cabinet feels that only an understanding with America can enable Great Britain to maintain a two-power standard in Europe. "If the Americans will look after our interests in the Pacific," said a respon sible naval authority this afternoon, "we will take care of all American in terests in the Atlantic and Mediterra nean. We recognize the difficulty of inducing America to break with the tradition of not entering into entangl ing alliances, but we are not without a hope that the situation in the Pacific may lead the authorities in Washington to think favorably of a proposal which would admit of their concentrating the American naval strength in that ocean" The British government is inclined to seek a naval understanding with the United States on account of the possi bility of Japan's declining to renew the Anglo-Japanese alliance when it expires. Australians never cease to urge the mother land to separate its policy from that of Japan in the Paci fic, and try to unite the strength of the English-speaking race in that part of the world. SMUGGLING PLOT UNEARTHED. Federal Officers at Chicago Arrest Leaders of Scheme. Chicago, May 29. Government pros ecution of eight alleged leaders of a gigantic Chicago smuggling syndicate, and the proposed arrest and indictment of others was outlined today by United States District Attorney Syms. Seven hundred Chinamen are alleged to have smuggled into the United States over the Mexican border by the syndicate during the past 12 months, being se creted in dining cars by cooks and port ers on through trauis. Immigration authorities caused in dictments to be voted by the grand jury for the Chicago district for the follow ing: Bob Lung, El Paso, Texas, a rich Chinaman, restaurant owner and finan cier, in whose kitchen plans for carry ing on the smuggling scheme were formulated, now locked up in the Cook county jail pending trial; Robert W. Stephenson, a former railroad brake man, El Paso, Texas, now in jail here in default of $5,000 bail ; Carlos Save dra, a Mexican, alleged to be the chief smuggler; Jose Parra, Mexican; Sam Wah, alleged agent for the Chicago office of the syndicate; W. H. Clark, Lincoln, Neb., under arrest at El Paso, and Chin Yin Qual, an alleged agent of the syndicate. Taft Busy in East. Tokio.M ay 29.--The papers here in editorials discussing the action of Pres ident Taft in offering the Chinese min istership to John Hays Hammond, pro fess to see in it a sign of an ambitious Eastern policy on the part of the new administration in the United States. It is well known that Taft is greatly interested in Oriental affairs, and there is a strong feeling that his ad ministrtion will mean much in the de velopment of more friendly relations between America and the East, and especially with Japan. May Take Taft to Alaska. Puget Sound Navy Yard, Wash., May 29. It is rumored here that the cruiser St. Louis, which is making ready to go to sea early next month, will take President Taft and his party to Alaska this summer. The destina tion of the St. Louis is not officially known. A draft of 70 men was rej ceived yesterday from the cruiser Mil waukee. A like number of men were transferred from the cruiser Maryland, which came from San Francisco. Floods In'Mistitsippl. Jackson, Miss., May 29. The town of Quitman is submerged as the result of a flood. All business is suspended and the residents have been forced into the upper parts of their houses. Some have had to move out entirely. The loss from high water 1b heavy through out the state. Miles of railroad tracks have been destroyed and the loss to the railroads is estimated at $1,000,000. rr yill save you VIENNA STEAM CLEANING ft DTE -" mm BHfts rpiUMia, Urfffon iSm Ceajaaal leaaellaaeata. Said he, "I might mention. My dearest Maria, That you're in the clan of A Mrs. Sapphire." Eh retorted, "I might say. Without any bias, That you could give pointers To on Ananias. Which shows that In certaia Emergencies dire. More ways than one are there To say, "You're a liar." Baltimore American. Grttlee; Pereoaal. Ragpiy You don't never see me stand In' in a bread line! MuRRsy That's 'cause yer wife runs a clothesline. Her Krleaaa. Nan I.ll Ciarlinghorn says her steady Is the tallt-xt young man In the city. Fan She says so, does she? Well, LU always was good at drawing the long beau. Chicago Tribune. The Oalr Aedleaee. "Does anybody read real poetry now adays?" "I presume the publishers glance at it before sending It back." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Weeater K Booked Oat. Jinks Why do you say eyether and nyether? Winks I henrd John L. Su'JIvan use that pronunciation at the theater, and he's from Boston, you know. New York Weekly. Bo Different. When Music, heavenly maid, was young, When simple songs were simply sung, There were no thrifty artisans To put the melodies In cans. Ito Dlfllcnltr About That. Teacher (at night school) Olvs me some illustration of the "survival of the fittest" Shaggy Haired Pupil Any handsome widow. ODD BITS OF FACT. The United States consumes 80, 000,000 pounds of tea annually. A man can Insure against loss In lotteries with a company at The Hague, There are more doctors it capita In New York city than anywhere else lu this country. Sealing wax contains no wax. The Dutch tbroue has forty-one pos sible clulmants. Potatoes steeped in sulphuric acid and subjected to pressure make an ex cellent substitute for Ivory in the manufacture of billiard balls. The Profeaaar Demars. "Don't quote Slobaou to uie," protest ed the doctor. "1 know Slobsoa, and he's a regular freak." "My friend," gravely chid the profes sor, "you should be more careful in your use of the Kngllsh language. Anything that Is regular can't be a freak, and any thing that is a freak can't be regular." Worms "Caecaret are certainly fine. I gave a friend eae when the doctor wa treating htm for cancer of the atoniach. The next morning be paaerd four pice of a tape worm. He then got a boa and In three day be paaard a tape-worm 46 1mi loaw. It wa Mr. Matt Freck, of Mllleraburg, Dauphin Co.. Pa. I am quite a worker for Caara. acta. I ue them myacif and And them beneficial for moat any dieaw caused by impure blood." Chaa. S. Condon, Iwlaton, fa., (Mifflin CoJ . Meaaant, palatable. Potent, Taate Good. DoUood. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 2V. 50c. Never aold In bulk. Tba genu ine tablet tr.mped C C C. Ouaranteed to aura ot yon' money baufc. fax DAISY FLY KILLER --. r. ttr aU KtWl. CiaWK, oroav tnwiUl. of JfM,hm. Lm-u mil mm l a B I. or lip ott. will kut toll laiarm a thing. Juv4-nUty -Ur, or iMt prptd tor S mow. " HAROLD t0MER8, 1 60 DrKalfc ., 'ky.( B, y. C0FFEEC TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER rXTIUCTS JUST RIGHT elLTWIIBtlllnfliW CIUSSFTS WVFB. PORTLAND. 0KE J fRESCEIMT KUDO All nUTANT HiGHrUCH) rowDa tviu C DO AND DOTBETTB A FULL money mwm WORKS i .i III W. i! fcTLli eaaabvata. areai A larerlmr eare the Mm a Iratea er vaaflla. By dMlTin irmaatalrd ssar ia water aad adding Maplriae. a drlirioa ayrap 1 mmAr aae ayraa better lhaa maple HpMuilU a aroma. II a4 acrid 3V for 1 oa. bnttl. aa ncipabook. Cnml Mfw. C. SmhK Wa. Ret That. Aspiring Soubrette (pouting) I know well enough you think my acting la a Joke. Manager O. no, my dear young lady I Anything but that. It's a tragedy. Mothers will find Mr. Wlni1ows Snnthtag Syrup the brat remedv to uaa tut their ehUdiaa luring iba lestlilug period. At the Night SeheeU Teacher (.live me an example of what Is meant by "masterly Inactivity I" Boy with the prognathous face A base ball pitcher delayin' a gam ao It'll have to be called on account o' darkness. DO YOU WANT A TYPEWRITER t The Wholraale Typewriter Co,. 87 Mnntatimerr St.. San Kranelaco, will aell jrnu one at 40 lo TS pee cent discount from factory List, all make an mar ket, all fully suarentood. Oat at It. "Mrs. Urowu snys that she'll never wear one of those DOObutton gowns" "Why notr "Her husband has ouly one arm,1 Detroit Free Tress. CITC Ht. Vttna Uaaoe ana ' moai inaaaaf a era IllJaaaUy aant by Dr. .laa'a Ureal Vjik It. Morar. Head fnr rail tl trial bnttla aad traatlaa, Dr. a. U. Kline, la., U Arch St., Phliaualiikla, fa. Noble Ilea. The hen .will set and the hen will lay, And the hen will roust up high; But one good thing we can say ot her The hen will never He. lookers Statesman. ,,. Over fifty years of public confidence and popularity. That is the record of Hamlins Wizard Oil, the world 'a stand ard remedy for aches and pains. There's a reason and only one MERIT. The Raak to the City. "Willis, how came you to leave the farm and move to town to make your livlngr "I got tired of the smell of dad's auto mobile." Alt Who Would Enjoy good health, with its blessings, mutt un derstand, quite clearly, that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best, each hour of recreation, ot enjoy ment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to living aright. Then the use of modicines may be dis pensed with to advantage, but under or dinary conditions in many instances simple, wholcsomo remedy may be invalu able if taken at tlw proer time and the California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it it alike important to present the subject truthfully and to supply the one perfect laxative to those desiring it. Consequently, the Cominy's Byrup ol Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general satisfaction. To get it beneficial effects buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sals by all leading druggists. DR. W. A. WISE 22 Years a Leader In Palnleaa Oantal Work in Portland. Out-of-Town People HhouM remember that our fiirre la ao arransad that WE CAN IK1 THKIIt K.NTIHB CHOWN, BKIIXJK AND I'l.ATK WORK IN A DAY If neuawary. PO-IIT1 VKLY PAINLESS EX THACTiNG KHKK wh-n plat.-, or briilicaa are or. Herel. WE KKMOVE THE MOST HKN8ITIVB TEETH AND KOOTH WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. NO STUDENTS, no uncertainty. For the Next Fifteen Day Wa will a-lve you a good 22k (old or porce lain crown or 18 80 22U bridire loath 60 Molar crown guf Gold or enamel filling. 1 00 Silver AlliiiK .60 Good ruborr plate .oo The boat rad rubber plaUa 7.00 Palnleaa extraction to ALL WORK OUARANTEED 15 TEAM Dr. W. A. Wise President and Manager The Wise Dental Co. UNO Third and Waahinaton 8U. PORTLAND, OREGON P N U No. 23-09 w MKN writing to advertisers please Egg-Phosphato nmm m,..,vm. ,ni1N , , V 'I'ff.. ::- BAiuNCPOwnm POUND 25c. Get it from your Grocer