City and County Brief Xe s Items Mrs V E Enitons wat to La Grande FVi lav to friend an, Teiatives. Mr Varvln and du?h:e: Rosalind weat to Summerville. Tuur day. to vhl: days. Emery Flatters returned to bi home at Prwcoti. Wash.. Ta,r;J, after a vUlt ui:h UU brother ou iht big s;o k ranch north of town. Lea R Ivo U giving bU band .orne new home in the s ouiheusi part of town, several coau of paint. is also painting the roof. Dr. J. D. Gillian. M. E. presUm? elder for this district, is visiting t:ie churches U LoUi and rave e valleys, Ida. George M. Gi'v left Thursday for a visit with hi mother. Mrs. UJ.i Gai:y of Sterling. Kansas. Gas Price returned to Hot Lti.t ' Thursdav to give the curative watc: there a further trial tor hU oilmen-. Wm. Di-fbman, the well knovii Ftock dc-a'.er. experts to bring his sin end daughter from Portland to vi..t here after their school is oat. M. F. Wheeler of Vancouver. Wash., formerly resident of this ci y. came in Wednesday afternoon to re main during the shearing season. FTed Holxe?, who came in the Royal Arch party, remained ove a day looking after business in'3: ests "and visiting relatives, He rc turned home Thursday. Miss Grace Wood, who conduetei a millinery shop in Lostine the pas year, has moved her stock to thl city and has also bo ight out Mrs Helena Zurcher, combining the tw stocks and occupying at present tU Zurcher room three doors east of th postoffice. She will begin a big clearing sale next Wednesday. ENTERPRISE WINS SECOND GAME TOO. (Continued from third page.) ENTERPRISE AB RBH SBPO A E Hug 83 0 1 0 0 4 1 Pace lb 3 0 0 0 15 1 1 Bauer ct '3 1 0 1 0 0 i Bilveu rf 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 V. Pidcock c.. 4201400 Conawav p 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 3ivage If 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 i-re. ch 3b 3 0 0 0 0 6 2 .1. Pidcock 2b.. 1 1 1 0 0 3 C Totals .... 25 7 5 3 21 1';! UNION. i AB R BH SB PO A E ; Oliver rf 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 B. Clark ss....2 0 o l - -G. Clark 2b .... 3 0 0 0 1 2 C Skiff 2b 3 1 1 0 0 3 f Jlulvmui c " i - - - - Sheets If 3 1 0 0 1 1 f Davis lb 3 0 1 1 10 0 ( Nodine cf 30 0 1 1 0 1 Cline p 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 Totals .... 23 3 2 4 18 12 SCORE BY INNINGS. Union 0 0 0 3 0 0 03 Enterprise 0 3 1 1 2 0 7 SUMMARY. Sacrifice hits, Conaway, Pace, R. Clark, Hug. 2-base hit. Hug. Homt run, Bilyeu. Double play, French. Pace, W. Pidcock. Struck out, by Conaway 2, by Cline 2. Base on balls, off Cline. R. Pidcock (2), Bauer, Savage; off Conaway, Oliver. Wild pitches, Cline 2. Umpire, Ed gar Marvin. . o r ' Watch Chain No chain of superior quality made. Guaranteed highest grade gold-filled chain, solid gold soldered throughout, bright polish, medium size linKs, extra strong Price $6.39 MARTIN LARSEN Main Street, 3 doors east of Postoffice. ENTERPRISE, OREGON Good Wheat Land From $20.00 to $25.00 per acre Will raise from 40 to 50 buihols per acre. The New Era Land Company has some of the cheajst and best wheat land in East ern Oregon. This is not wijd but the actual facts. Come and Investigate It for yourself Alio good dairy and timothy ranches cheap, and I have some of the biggest snaps in town property in Eastern Oregon. New Era Land Company J. B. Seibert, Manager, Enterprise, Oregon 1st Door West of Sheahan's JNION COT TWO MORE 6CALPS, NIT. (Coniinued from page three.) "lighi with four errors. Hug reache .irst o:i an error by Skiff and a nue purloined second, and scorec a lieu 15. Clark couldn"t make up his nind to stop Ptces hard one. Pace was caught trying to score or Bauer's hit to short. Bilyea madt i clean hit and went to second on wild th ow by McMillan of W. Pid cock's roller. Conaway. Savage ani rreach were given bases on ball by the now rattled McMillan, and R Pidcock banged a scorcher square first base, bringing everybod; aome and resting on third himself He ran home while the Union tean put up a prolonged kick on the um pire calling his hit fair, but was e:u Lack to thy-d as a pacifyint compromise. Hug went out on a fly o short, Fa?e made a clean single Bauer went to first on balls and Bi' yea hi'., scoring Pace. W. Pidcocl eu.led the agony by grounding out pitcher to first. That was all but i. was enough. Savage and French cor tinned their base on balls habit 1) the seventh but were left. Baue. reached first on a funijie by Skiff i the Sth but died on second. Following Is the score: ENTERPRISE. AB R BH SB PO A I H.!g m ' 1 1 2 4 a e lb 5 1 1 1 16 0 ( ;aisr cf 4 1 0 0 1 0 :;ei p o 1 2 0 0 6 ( V. Pidcock c .. 5 1 0 0 4 1 :onawav, rf .... 3 1 1 0 0 0 lavage If 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 French 3b 2 1 0 0 0 2 ( 3. Pidcock 2b . . 4 1 2 0 2 2 ( Totals .... 35 9 8 3 27 15 1 UNION. AB RBH SBPO A I )liver rf 4 0 0 0 1 0 :. Clark ss.. ..4 0 0 0 2 3 ) 1. CUrk 2b .... 4 0 1 0 1 1 ( !l.l:i 3 ) 3 0 0 0 1 2 . .iulvihlll c 3 0 0 0 9 0 ( Sheets 7 3 0 0 0 2 0 ( Davis lb 3 1 1 0 8 0 ( oline cf 3 0 1 0 0 0 ( dcMillan p.... 2000031 Cihie p 1 0 0 0 0 0 30 1 3 0 24 9 f SCORE BY INNINGS. Enterprise... 00000900 f Jnion 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 SUMMARY. Tv.o base hit, Nodine. Three bas lit, R. Pidcock. Innings pitched UcMillan 6 2-3, Cline 1 1-3. Hits of McMillan 8. Struck out, by Bilye by .McMillan 7. Base on balls, off iIc.Milian, Bauer, Conaway, Savag (2, French (2). Umpire, A. C. Mil ler. HOT FROM THE BAT. "Casey" French showed he is t all player and only needs a littl--jxperiewe in real games to be bette nan the best. Considering the weather, whicl was beastly, good crowds were out. The Union boys made lots of friends by their lively playing and gentlemanly behavior. .McMillan threw his arm out in the seventh inning of the first game and retired in great pain, Cline taklnf his place. N A personal examination after the sanies showed the scalp lock o every Enterprise player fitting tight in its accustomed place. Hug wa3 a tower of strength in the field and at bat. He was the old hand and head needed to steady the kids. Savage's bad throw was caused by a wet ball. He more than redeemed Rimseli by two grand running catch es, one a high Unr earried almost to the foul flag by the strong wind. W. Pidcock caught good ball and was in the game every minute. Pace and R. Pidcock also starred In all iround play. Pace had 33 chances M first and accepted all except one excusable muff of a thrown ball. The Union boys excelled In team rork, and played gamely to the end )ut were outclassed for the day at .east. Savage reached first six times out f seven chances, and made three icores. W. Pidcock also made three ailyeu hit safely four times, R. Pld :ock three. Hug and Savage twice iach. Savage also stole two bases. RAIN STOPS FIRST GAME. Rain stopped the first game at the jnd of the third Innlnss Thursday, die players and spectators being drenched to the skin by a heavy lownpour It rained off and on all day but cleared off a little about S clock and announ- eaient was mad x game would Le played. Over 201 spectatois were present when Um )ire i i ier called play at 4 o'clock lie uae paths, the batter's box am hortfiled was very muddy. Nc ain feil the llrst inning and tht irst three Union batters failed U xiuch Bllyeu's puzzling curves. Cline or Union was wild giving Marvh ind Bauer base oa balls, but he wa: taved by a lucky catch of a fly b) .s'odine. A drizzling rain started an he game turned into a farce, hu .as continued In hopes the ral vould cease. Instead it came dowi .arder and harder until everybod. as satisfied to quit at the end of the bird The downpour prevented goo )laylng and neutralized Bilyeu'i Etching, so that oa wild throws assed balls, with a lucky Texa; aaguer mixed in. Union made icores in the second, and another it -he third on two short hits. Entei .wise batted In a run in the second The features of the piece of a ganu vere two fine running catches b .'ace In center field and a splendu hrow to homeplate from right fleU by Bauer. G. J. Wagner returned to Portlam Thursday, to spend the summer a Us Albina avenue home. A 20 acr jlty park will be laid out just ol josite his house. L. B. Haggeity returned Thursda; rom a stay of several months a tupert, Ida. This is a town in the linidoka project in the souther wrt of the state, or was when Mr Haggerty le.t a few days ago, hu die wind was blowing so hard th. .own may be blown over into Neva ia or Wyoming by this time. Mr -laggerty says he wouldn't give one jreath of the pure air here for sb Jionths gulping of the sand mlxtur, aiied air in the Minidoka country. They are trying awful hard to ere ate a boom over there but are no iucceedi:.g very well IXPENSE BILL OF CIRCUIT COURT PAID Continued from pace three ages to the SV of NW 8ec 19, Twp. 1 N. R. 44 E. W. M. lr the sum of two hundred twenty five dollars. In favor of E. W. Southwlck a damages to the SEVi of KE Sec. 24, Twp. 1 N. R. 43, E. W. M in the sum of fifty dollars. The court being satisfied thai said assessment of damages L jujt and equiiable, the same i' hereby approved and allowed; ant that the road is not of sufficlen' public importance to justify th( county in payi.ig said damages o any part thereof: Therefore, i is hereby considered and on', ere that the petitioners pay or caue t be paid in to the clerk of thi court on or before the next regu lar term of this court the amoun of the damage i so assessed a-c aforesaid, for the benefit of the parties whose lands will be render ed less valuable by reason of the location of said road, and that al of the records and files of this pro ceeding be submitted to the district attorney for examination and report, and that pending said report and the payment of the damages as assessed the final or der herein allowing said petition be stayed; and this matter be and the same is hereby continued until the July term of court. In the matter of appropriating money for the Troy road. Now at this time the court coo elders the matter of appropriating Enterprise Cleaning And Pressing Works Has just received the large book of Sample from Edw. E. 8traus Co., and is prepared to Bv you a nice Summer Suit Ladies and anV suits cleaned and en. old Hat cleaned and re blocked, by J. I,. SIEGMUND money for the Troy road, and after fully considering the matter, It is hereby considered and ordered that fifty dollars be appropriated for said road. In the matter of appropriating money for road district No. 13. Now at thU time the court consid ers the matter of appropriating money for road district No. 13, and after fully considering the same, It is hereby considered and or dered that fifty dollars, be appro priated for said road. In the matter of the allowance of miscellaneous bills against the county md the Issuance of warrants there for: Now at thi3 time the matter of the allowance of miscellaneous bills against the county came on for consideration, and the said bills having been SJbmitted to the court, and the court having passed on and audited each of said bills separately as appears from the sig nature of the court thereon. It is therefore considered and or dered by the rojrt that said bills be allowed and warrants issued by the county clerk in payment of the same as a'lowed in classes and amoun is as follows: f. L. Hamraack, wkneis before grand jury 4 00 'esse Hammack, wi'ness be fore grand jury 4 00 . Austin, witness before grand Jury 11 00 ohn L. Hammack, witness be- foe grand jury 5 00 V. F.'.t, witness before grand Jury 2 20 3 Carlyle, witness before grand jury 4 20 tester Que3enberry, witness before grand jury 3 40 ?. V. Bowman, witness before grand Jury 3 40 Joseph E. Harris, witness before g-and Jury 2 20 f. H. Whltmore, witness be foie grand Jury 4 00 luy Harris, witness before grand jury 6 20 .VIII Baker, wltnsss before grand jury 2 20 'has. T. White, witne33 before grand Jury 3 40 Jscar P. Victor, witness be- fove grand jury 8 00 Thomson, witness be fore grand Jury C 00 il Graybl'l, wltne3s before grand jury 2 20 Ienry Wrighf, witness b3?are graad jury 4 20 Ienry Sturm, witness State vs. Dan Clark 13 00 Jova Straley, witness State vs. Dan Clark 19 00 ooks FrazlBr, witness State vs. Dan Clark 20 00 4. D. Osborn, witness State vs. Dan Clark 19 00 2. F. Sturm, witness State vs. Dan Clark 21 40 jestar Locke, witness State vs. Dan Clark 8 00 V. J. Robinson, witness State vs. Dan Clark 17 00 Vm. Cottingham, witness State vs. Dan Clark 21 00 Nellie Cottingham, witness State vs. Dan Clark 21 00 Hora Clark, witness State vs. Dan Clark 22 00 Emeline Akin, witness State vs. Dan Clark 21 00 Scott Clark, witness State vs. Dan Clark 2 20 C. T. Hockett, witness State vs. Dan Clark 2 20 2d Rodgers, witness State vs. Al Emmons 2 20 auy Harris, witness State vs. Al Emmons 12 20 f. C. Shackelford, witness State vs. Al Emmons 2 20 2hus. Stiebrltz, witness State vs. Al Emmons 2 20 ajarus Wright, witness State of Oregon vs. Joa Allen 11 00 J. W. Steele, witness State vs. Joe Allen 4 20 2has, Thomas, witness State vs. Joe Allen 4 20 Chas. E. Funk, witness State vs. Joe Allen 4 20 H. D. Crumpacker, witness State vs. Joe Allen 4 00 I. I. Surber, witness State vs. Joe Allen 2 20 3. L. Burnaugh, witness State vs. Joe Allen 2 20 T. C. Bunnell, witness State vs. Joe Alle;i 3 80 X. A, Bookout, witness State vs. Joe Allen 4 20 S. D. Keltner, witness State vs. Joe Allen 4 20 C. J. Sanford, witness State vs. Joe Allen 2 70 E. A. Crossler, wlt.iess State vs. Joe Allen 3 60 A. Bloodsworth, witness State vs. Joe Allen 3 40 Henry Wright, witness State vs. Joe Allen 10 20 Geo. w. Hyatt, witness State vs. Joe Allen 4 on V'. H. Gibson, witness State vs. Joe Allen 11 1(i f. C. Conley, express, stamps end freight e f.ft Edgar Marvin, board of pris oners 1r f- -sMgar Marvin ' te:e I'm mo Tucker and Robin 14 '74 C. E. Lewis, boarding Jurors 3 25 Chas. E. Crow, expense after Euster and Houston ir o-. Edgar Marvin, expense during an issanzzanumnxsa u a a a H a i M J Id J 2 M iM H N M a M It m The Closing - Out Sale Is And people are getting the greatest bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Musical Goods ever heard of. Only a few of those 17-jeweled Elgin or Waltham 20-year guaranteed watches left and when they are gone there- M A A will be no more at this price - P A ".UU Ladies' size Elgin, in &7 Cfl a 20-year case - P $5.00 solid gold Ring 2 f All other goods at proportionate prices. COME AND GET A BARGAIN before the particular piece of goods you want is gone. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW THE GOODS whether you buy or not. oNgvimjtcs E.B. WHEAT JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST court 67 00 S. D. Keltner, hardware 1 30 Ri'.ey & Riley, wood to Jail.. 60 l.. J. Davi3, State vs. Allen.. 3 40 3am Lltch, a' tending county court 6 70 W. G. Locke, amending county cojrt 21 50 Road Fund. T. F. & Daane Lathrop, 249G feet of plank 27 40 T. F. & Duane Lathrop, bridge plank 27 37 High School Fund. Jack Kerns, salary 125 00 Kathryn DuFur, salary 90 00 Gene V. Hall, salary 90 00 Ivan Jackson, salary janitor. . 16 25 Sam Lltch, money advanced for expenses Prof. Re3sler acc't graduating class 20 00 V. M. Welch Company, mdse 25 00 Rliey & Rl ey. 3 loads chairs to high school and return.. 6 00 (Continued on last page.) AUTOMOBILE CATCHE8 UP VITH BRANCH TRAIN The branch train was outrun by an automobile, Tuesday, from La Grande to Minam. J. D. McKennon and W. T. Church "got leff'by the train but Jumped into aa automobile, ran to Elgin and across the old stage road to Minam, where they were waiting to Join the rest of the Roval Arch Masons when the train reached there on the way to Enterprise. We Have The Best and only complete line of Hardware in the County Call and inspect our goods and compare our price! with others. S.D. KELTNER THE HARDWARE DEALER. La Grande Iron Works. D. FITZGERALD, Propriet or. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL ; II r "too-" MAMMOTH JACK Will maKe the season as follows: Friday and Saturday Morning at Enter prise; the balance of the week at the ranch of Thomas Morgan. ' TEREJ ch $100 for season and 15-00 S?? .de uPn the trading, selling or re 9 movmg the mare from the county, f MORGAN & DOBBIN, Owners. C. M. WILLIAMS, Manager. nm Still On Solid gold Signet ring with &o your initials engraved free $12 50 Mantel Clock, a beauty, for $6.95 I D. A. McAlUter, who had been Tli iting his daughter, Airs. Willard .Moss, and family, returned to L Grande, Friday, accompanied by bit grandchildren, Muriel and Guy Moss, who go tor a visit. Could Not Be Better. No one has ever made a salve, olst meai, lotion or balm to compare with Ducklen'e Arnica Salve. Its the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Bums, Bruises, Sore3, Scalds, Bolls, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Bon Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hand Its supreme. Infallible for Piles. Only 25 cents at Burnaugh & Mayfietdl. We are the sellers of the E. How ard watches, the best on the market. Call for them at Martin Larson's. Reliable Seeds So much has already been said on the importance of buying your seeds from a reliable dealer that to repeat it ii only waste ot words. m9 Seeds km proved their worth our incrau- ing business is proof indeed thai merit alone has made the Chas. H. Lilly Co. fore- most seedsmen on the Pacific Coast. Send for catalog, 120 pace, lilus- trated,dr .scrip I ST wrtX.M sialic X. I - . V. m m m J Roi.n 11 t 111. I t IT