Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, May 06, 1909, Image 1

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    A AV
: 1 i S I III III 1 I
-Jr a wort tnertion ta either
f " Vorf or Chlrtln; 1H cent.
. " for " lo
McUl ntea by the month or
stallion colts, coming 2 years old.
Bxtra food ones. See them at my
farm Jtt mUes south or Lostlne.
A GOOD PIANO, for a reasanabie
price. Wxite or phone to Mrs. A.
A'aA Enterprise, Ore. S7rtf
GOOD, well broken, fresh milch
tort 'fi. E. Hananack, Swamp Creek.
TIMBER CLAIM: w of s.w.. and
cf n. 14. section 21, t 3 n.
I 47 . Price $1500. C. E. Hill, Eral-
i. M.hn lbS
p. Rofik Atty. BUU Land B'd. Joseph
BAKER wanted at once. Good prop
ortion for right man. Riley
Riley, Enterprise, Ore. 2b2
Young man and wife wants good
place on stock ranch. Man is good
hand with fine stock. Address, giv
ing full particulars, P. O. Box J"'
Enterpries, Ore. 2o!
A dispatch from Salem states the
long expected order for reduction of
express rates in Eastern Oregon has
been made by the state railroad com
mission. The decrease is about one
third. The rate from Portland to
La Grande is reduced from $3.50 a
hundred to $2.25. and if the Enter,
prise rate is proportionately reduced
it would be from $4.25 to $2.75.
3. E. Oonners, one of the popular
conductors on this branch, has a pas
senger run on the main line during
the rush of west-bound traffic.
Moved to Summer Range.
C. CL Holmes and C. F. Graves,
prominent cattlemen in town thi3
week, report stock wintered well and
all moved to the summer range.
hoodlT, Shuttles
two in All Makes of
$. D. Reltner
500 New Patterns
Just arrived, no Two AliKe.
Place your order now for a Spring Suit Fit and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The Leading Men's Shoe Store of The County.
Ail The Latest Styles in Oxfords.
Bay your shoes of us and be satisfied. We stand
hack of them.
The Best $3.00 Hat on The Market
Full Line jof Men's Furnishings.
Work was begun clearing away the
underbrush at the Whitmore springs
Monday morning, preparatory to the
actual work of digging the trench
for the jcity water works pipe. Super
intendent Ublen says the laying of
the pipe would begin In about two
Practically all the right of way
his be aa secured except through one
man's field. The council paid $100
for right of way from Aaron Wade.
Aside from discussing the water
works, the council had little business
before it Monday night. H. E. Merry
man askei for the vacation of an al-
Uey in his additbn between lots 21,
1 22, 23, 24 and 19 and 20. An ordl
nrnce was ordered drawn.
The Btreet committee reported con
tracts for three cement crosswalks.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Charles Thomas, labor $15 00
W. S. Clayton, hauling rock ... 1 50
E. J. Forsythe, light 52 80
D. W. Clemons, police 1 day.. S 00
W. E. Taggart, April pay and
rent 6 00
C. to. Lockwood, April pay.... 5 00
T. M. D"L April pay 5 00
ei Record, printing, etc.. 9 50
Council orderel that owners of the
creamery and the Enterprise planing
(mill place spark screens over the
amokestacks of their plants.
Council adjourned to meet Wednes
day night to canvass the election
; The entire high school, excepting
only three students and Principal
: Kerns, who were unable to attend.
enjoyed a May Day picnic on the
Island four mi:i above town Satur
day. Mi3s Corinne But was chosen
May Queen, a maypole erected and
the old time dance given. The girls
furnished a fine basket dinntr and
altogether a most enjoyable day was
Eleven couples of Enterprise and
Joseph young folks enjoyed a picnic
at the lake and falls Sunday. Those
participating were Mrand Mrs. Ira
and Bobbin for
Sewing Machines.
Pratt, Mies Sadie and ETfia Hoack
of Joseph, Audrey Combes, Elsie Lo-'
match, E'hel Weaver. LucUe Corklna, j
Mae Bowiy, EJna Browning and Lily'
Logan of Enterprise; Dr. (Joldsberry
and Harley Hambleion of Joseph.
C. G. Bilyeu, Hall!e BosweU, A. C.
Conaway, Roger Kay, Fred Savage, I
Herb Browning, Jacob Bauer and
Arthur Pace of Enterprise. -
Rev. W. S. Crockett will preach In J
me Christian church, this, Wednes
day, evening.
All citizens of Enterprise are re
quested to meet at the court house
Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock
Jvhen matters of importance to the
town will be considered.
A. C. Miller, Pres. Commercial Club.
Wallowa's Queen
Of Rose Festival
Contest Opened Monday Prire In
cludea Trip to Portland and
The contest for Wallowa County
Queen of the Portland Rose Festival
Mas opened Monday morning in this
city and eo far there have been
three nominations Miss Edna Brown
in g. Miss Eula Forsythe and Miss
Joyce Craig. Voting opened brisk
and far more votes were polled
Tuesday than at the city election.
Votes will be counted once a week
and announcement of the standing
of the contestants made through the
newspapers of the county.
The voting places are the drug
stores of the valley towns and the
general stores at Flora. Nomina
tions can be made at any polling
place. Blanks for that purpose can
be secured at the same places. Two
responsible citizens must sign the
nomination blank before a candidate
is in the race. It is thought the con
test will develop considerable friendly
rivalry, as the prize is a rich one
a fine, free tripto the Rose Festival
at Portland, the Alaska-Yukon-Paclfio
txposillon at Seattle besides the
honor of representing the county in
'the magnificent Spirit of the Golden
West parade.
Death of Mrs. Dlahman,
Mrs. Sallie Dlshman, wife of W. I.
Dishman, died at her home In Port
land Monday of heart trouble, and
will be buried in that city Thurs
day at 2:i0 p. m. The deceased is
well known In this county and was
the daughter qf Mr. and Mrs. James
Day of north of Enterprise, Besides
her husband she leaves two children.
C. E. McFerren of Olympla, Wash,
Jeft Monday for Idaho points, after
a visit af a few days with his sister,
Mrs. Thos. Morgan of Prairie Creek.
Two-Thirds Tax Collected.
Sheriff Marvin has collected $83,
325.8$ of the 1908 tax. The total
roll including the special levies am
ounts to $121,507.09, eo a full two
thirds of the total has been received
and turnel over to Treasurer Bell.
This Is considered a fine showing
and close co'leitltm as there Is five
jponths yet before the tax becomes
Price for
Pelts ar.d Hides
An mutatis lei mortgage on the farm of a mighty goad bulsness
man. A crackerjack lawyer passed on this title several years ago,
but he overlooked this mortgage. Warranty deeds were given
for every transfer. But the unsatisfied mortgage still stood,
until discovered by us In abstracting the title, we obtained a
satisfaction from the Mortgagee, and the owner Is resting
Maybe your title is like the above, better find out now, putting
it off may cost you a bunch of money,
e show up titles from Un on down until the cows come
hme, tonight.
The Wallowa Law, Land aod Abstract Co.
The Mav term of circuit court will
convene next Monday. Judge Knowles
at the term of court held April 20
cleared up the docket of old and set
tied case-i, and brought several suits
to Issue. ,.
The criminal docket so far has
only two cases on it old ones from
me January term. But It is likely
there will be a number of others by
the time the grand Jury is through.
In fact there is quite an exodus of
alleged bootleggers from the county
durlnf the last few weeks.
Foiloing are the cases docketed
in the law and equity branches:
N. C. Longfellow vs John W. and
Arnold R. Huffman. D. W. Sheahan
attorney for Pltf, J. S. Hodgln for
Deft .
Eisenbels ft Welch vs Thos. R.
Aklns. C. R. Eberhard Plffe attorney,
Burleigh ft Boyd for Deft.
J. J. Marasack vs F. A. Gay lord.
J. E. Marks & D. W. Sheahan for
Plff, Burleigh ft Boyd for Deft.
Trial sjt for May 10 at 1:30 p. m.
Beatrice DeVall vs Thos. DeVall.
T. M. Dill and J. P. Rusk for Plff,
A, S. Cooley for Deft.
John E. Patterson vs Eisenbels ft
Co, Thos R. Aklns and John A. Rob
erts.' D. W. Sheahan for Plff, Bur
lelgh ft Boyd, C. R. Eberhard for
Deft. i
Lou Minor vs B. T, James L. and
J. L. Hammack. A. S. Cooley for
Plff, Burleigh ft Boyd for Defts.
W. J. Funk ft Co. vs A. H. Gray.
Burleigh ft Boyd for Plff, Thos. M.
Dill for Deft. Set for trial May 10.
E. W. Rumble and F. D. McCully,
doing business as the Elgin Fwd. Co.
vs David P. Hunter. C. R. Eberhard
for Plff.
J. A.Vood.Admr., vs L. F. Marley,
Burleigh ft Eoyd for Plff, D. W.
Sheahan for De:t.
F. D. McCully Co. vs Geo. H. and
Addle R. Russell, c. R. Eberhard
for Plff.
Carl Peetz vs Chaa. H. Williams.
Burleigh ft Boyd for Plff.
Peter Flcker vs Q. M. Padon. Bur
lelgh ft Eoyd for PKf. ' . -
J. A. Wood, Admr, vs E. L. Wiley.
Burleigh ft Boyd for Plff, A. 8. Cool
ey for Deft.
E, F, Dotson, respondent ft, Plff.,
vs F. P. Somers and Wm. Campbell,
partners as Somers ft Campbell. J.
P. Rusk for Plff., D. W. Sheahan for
E. R. Bowlby vs John McDonald.
Burleigh ft Boyd for Plff.
Emma J, Churchill vs Nancy J.
Lapham. O. M. Corklna for Plff, Bur
leigh ftBoyd. D. W. 8heahan for Deft.
Josephine Flak vs Xavier Mlchellod
and Auguste Robin. D. W. Sheahan
for Plff. Burleigh ft Boyd, J. ll.
Long for Des.
0. R. ft N. Co. vs Hector McDon
ald. W. W. Cotton and T. H. Craw
ford for Plff, Ramsey ft Oliver for
Rooms 2 and 4, Bsrland Bldg.
Jolin Curry and A. C. Beikman vs
Grant W. Johnson and C. R. Eddie
man. D. W. She.ihan for Plff., Bur
leUli & Hoyd for Deft.
A. Wilson va U. C. Wilson. A. S.
Cooley for Plff.
i liarltnte H. Cutler vs. J. F. Cutler.
Burleigh ft Boyd for Plff.
, Osoar M. Swlkert va Grace E.
Swlkert. Burleigh ft Boyd for Plff,
I: W. Sheshan for Deft.
Stella V. Clark vs Joe;h M. Clark.
Conaway ft Corklnu for Plff.
Albert W. Holgin vs Visa Hlgln.
A. S. Cojley for Plff, C. II. Finn for
Thos. R. Aklns vs Ellen Aklns.
Bur;elsh ft Poyd for Plff.
Elsie Max we 1 vs John C. Maxwell.
i D. W. Sheahan for Plff.
I o vard 11. Gaunt vs Edna J. Gaunt
; Burleigh ft Boyd for Plff.
fieneral News In
Portland Letter
bounty Judges And Commissioners
To Get Together
Rose Festival.
Portland, May 3. the Oregon pal
ate Is never without a relish for a
ooi warm Boaking, growing rain,
jut never his U tasted more -like a
full meal than during the last days
3t dry, record breaking April.
"Raise more hogs and get more
A-ealth by sending the Oregon brand
if packing house products to every
market of the world" Is a motto that
ihould be amouncel from every
school and pulpit, and be emblaioned
m the walls of every commercial
organization In the Btate.
The Horsa and Cattle sales lr
Portland ha opened the eyes of live
stock breeders, l.i every part of the
lUnited States and Canada to the fact
that Oregon Is tha best market fo
good things In that line In the Unite
Without regard to the exact spo
In which they may reside, Oregon pec
p'e are beginning to realize fully th
tremendous benellt of the Annur
Uose Festival, which this year begin
June 7, continuing until the 12th
This Festival emphasizes to people at
1 distance the extremely favorable
climatic conditions which make pos
ilble the production of tha fines 1
roles 'n the world.
County Judge J. B. Messick of Bu
iter county, upon the request of sever
al county courts of the state, has Is
sued a call for, a state meeting of the
County Courts and County Commls
iioners, at which It Is expected to
perfect a state organization similar to
those exlstant In other states. Judgt
Lionel R. Webster, of Multnomah
county, will act as chairman of the
iHeceptlon camrolttes, with power to
name his assoclites. The gathering
will convene at ten o'clock Tuesday
morning, June 7, and continue
through the day. An arrangement
has been made for the county courts
and Judges to secure a point of vant
age to witness the Rose Festival pa
rade Monday night and also the one
Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday morning
the convention will close its session,
devoting the afternoon to the tea
County Commissioners, Sheriffs and
Engineers have derlvel great bene
fit from their organizations through
out the entire United States, and It
Is certainly meet that the county
courta and county commissioners
who practically handle the public af
fairs of each county, should get to
igether for the benefit of each other's
Oregonl&ns don't wish anybody
hard luck, but they never get suf
flclently sympathetic, when the fruit
crop falls In tba older states, to
"mark down" the price at which we
i "hold up'' the balance of the world
for Its best apple?.
Lostlne, May 3. The assembly
room In the schoal houe was filled
to the doors Friday night to bear
the graduating exercises of the class
of '09, The graduates of tho 10th
.grade were Myrtle Edwards, Elsie
Varner, Mlna Allen, and of the 8th
Anna Fine, Vella Zerres and Irvln
Cole, MU Edwards was valedlctor
lan and Miss Varnor delivered the
-alutatory, Mlsa Zerres read an essay
md Missei Fine and Allen gave reel
tatlpns. The diplomas were presented
Uy County Supt. J. C. Conley. Music,
both vocal and instrumental, helped
make up a very interesting program.
The class gave evidence of careful
training and as a whole Is a credit
to the teachers and the school.
S. E. Comi cs, C. E. Funk and C.
T. 1 locket t wen elx-le.l rounclline;i
and W. E. Tagxa -t ro-cloi ted 'ord
er at the city election held Taes.lay.
Mayor Mayficld, CUy Attorney Dill
ind City Troas -rer Ixickwmul were
re-elected without opposition. Fol
lowing waa tho vole:
For Mayor Jyram Mayficld 104.
For Count man 11. 1). Boyd 64, I
rierland 64, S. E. Combes 65, J. A.
French 57. C. E. Funk 60, C. T.
Ilockett 73.
For City Recordor Geo. M. Gaily
44. W. E. Taggart 75.
For City Attorney Thos. M. Dill
For City Tr.as :rer C. M. Lock
wood 113.
The eh'clljn pasiel without Inci
dent. . Comparatively l'.ule Interest
was manlfusted, only a light vote
being polled, tile total number of
votes cast being 121.
To whom It may concern: Writ,
tea requt.sU of . tin owaer of two
thirds of the mntugo on the a'ley
ImmeJIutely west of Lots 19 aid 20,
and extending around the south eml
of Lot 20, In Merryman'a Aidltioi
to the City of Enterprise, Oregon,
have beea filtU with the City Re
corder of said City of Enterpiltto.
Oregon, asking the City Council of
sail City to vacate the alloy Imme
diately west of Lots 19 and 20, a id
ixtenulng around the south old o"
20, In Merry mun'B Addltlo i to
:he City of Enterprise, Oregon, tha
plat and deed of dedication of which
is recorded and of fl.e In fie o.Tle-i
)f the County Clerlt li and for Va
owa Cojnty, Ore;o:i.
That In pursuance of said writ
en request, the City I ouncll of said
City of EnUrpilse, Oiosou, wl I at
the expliatlon o.' the perioj of tj.i
days from the (Jut 3 of this notice, plo
wed to make and pu-u aa Ordinance
vacating the above mentioned alio.
w el May i, 1909.
W. E. TA33ART,
City Recorder of the CUy of Enter
prise, Oregon.
County Court.
County Court convened Wednou ' .
morning. Several Important m.'
.natters are up for consideration .
Stock Foods and Remedies at
Jackson ft Weaver's drug stora.
Post Cards
In the Latest Improved
Show RacK Every
thing in that line
Rock Creek
' Flour
Still Some Price
Pbnty of Apples
Bacon and Hams
'Groceries. Flour,
Bran and Hay,
Coal and Wood.
Trunfcr or Druy