Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, April 15, 1909, Image 7

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    Oar line of FURNITURE is now
ver complete you will be sur
prised at the values we are now
offering'. HThe nicest line of
IRON BEDSTEADS that ever ramp
to this county at prices that you will appreciate. 1 We are maKing a specialty of a pure White Cotton Felt Mat.
tress which we guarantee to be as good or superior to the Ostennoor at $13.50. Our Wall Paper stocK is very
complete at prices that have been sm.ng'ers heretofore in Wallowa County. f No old goods, everything new and
up-to-date. 11 Call and be convinced, no trouble to show you through our big' stocK . . . .
Enterprise, Oreg'on
i r
m r i J I jl weeks with relatives at ouiswe
To Extend Limits ; rents.
I Bir8. J. U. KliQle Visited -Willi lie-
111 I ftf tflP TftWfl Parents In Wa'.lowa, Wednesday.
VI UtUllV 1UW11, Ml88 Lula Brl3weii came home
. . Wednesday. She is convalescent
Will Help Salve Depot - Road Diffi- ' from an operation performed by a
culty City Election Held , Wallowa doctor.
Monday. -! L. Couch of Wallowa wa3 in L03-
tlne Wednesday on business.
Lostlne, April 9. The city coun
cil is having a new charter drawn I J "
up. and the city authorities will have ; fcVCrVDOQY LOU lflff
tho land su"Vveved north for an exten- ' J J O
slori'of the city limits. v - !
Monday, April 5, was city election,;
resulting as fol ows: Councilmen 8.,
L. Maglll and R. B. Bowman; mar
shal, O. L. Pagln. I
.Margaret Sen a it of Wallowa came
Tuesday and will assist M. E. John
ston with the Lostlne Reporter.
Mrs. J. D. McCully returned Mon
day, after an absence
To Annual Show
Stalls Being Rsserved by Horsemen
for April 17 Parade and
nally. Flora; Sam Applejate, Apple
ton; E. A. Anderson, Elk Mountain.
Cattle: W. C. Dorrance, Crow
Creek; Geo. S. Craig, Enterprise.
Sheep: Stickney & German, Jo
seph; L. C." Johnsan, Imnaba; J H.
Dobbin, Prairie Creek.
Anyone desiring information in re
gard to exhibits, apeak to your near-' PLAN
est commltteenriai or write to J. D
Woodell, Enterprise.
Grouse. March 27. Weather fine.
(By Mrs. Adah L. Downing of Wild
and farmers all busy preparing their Rose Home Farm.) (
fields for planting the crops on a'.l ' Troy, April 2. We are having now
th lower bench lands. i the real Garden of Eden weather,
Stock is doing fine In the canyons. I sing cool enough to be bracing, yet ence and an interertlng conversa
Richard Pellisler received a tele- warui e.iou h ta co without wraps, tlonallst. Everyone is well pleased
gram Sunday, that his brother, Joe and Just right for fiald plowing, seed- j with the selection.
-o be blasted o it, or some kind of
x bridge put across; but if the Eden
men would all work together it
would not take such a long time to
connect with the Powwatka moun
tain road, and theieby obtain an eas
ier and belter market for their pro
duce than heretofore obtainable.
A large hmi of sheep can be seen
feeding on the "brakes along the east
side of Wildcat crejk at the foot
or the nio in'ain.
The chiiirman of the School board
of district No. ciS was fortunate
enough to secure the services of a
Mr. Adams from Wallace, Ida., as
teacher, a gentleman of wide expert-
We' have In our packing ground
trees In first-class condition we
will sell' at the following prices:
Apple trees, 12c eacb
Pear trees, 16c each
Plum and Prune trees 15c each
Cherry trees, 26c each
Peach trees, 15c each
Box Elder trees, 10 to 15c each
Roses, 25c each.
Strawberries, $3.60 per 1000,
fresh dug.
Raspberries and blackberries,
$2.60 per 100.
We will pay express on orders
, amounting to $10.
,. B. WEAVER, Prop Union, Oregon
Interest in the Fi.th Annual Horse
of several al d Stock show to be lield in Enter-
prise, April 17, is greater than ever
before and there will be far the fin-
eat and largest show of stock ever
in this county. J. C. Shackelford has
received word from horse and stock
owners down the valley reserving
stalls, also from a number in the
One of the principal features of
the show will be the parade fol
lowed by a grouping of the animals
for a picture for the Portland papers.
An innovation this year will be a
salesman paid 'by the management
for persons who desire to put any
animal up for public bidding.
Horses: We3ley Duncan, Joseph;
Jack Johnson, The Buttes; H. C.
Zumwalt, Zumwalt; J. C. Shackel
ford and Carl Whitmore, Enterprise;
Sam Wade, .Lostine; A. A. Greer,
John McDonald, Hector McDonald,
J. L. Maxwell, Wallowa; J. Q. Con-
Pellissler, was shot and killed by a
sheep herder in Idaho.
lng and garden making. Everyone
Susan Peterson expects
The walls if tin big concrete ware
house being erettod by the wool
growers era rlsln? rapidly since th
arrival of the mixer that Contractor
Knarp 89curel at Ba:tr City. The
mixer is a sma 1 machine to da
big a work, but it tlooi the work
Just the same, mi :lnz exactly the
Mrs,, Estes, Mrs. Carpenter and
children of Joseph were shopping
in Enterprise Thursday.
tage of this de lghttul time. may visit her son Orick at Eureka ! Proportion of cevnent. sand.
The 3w owners of the old Lewis Fiats, also may take in the Yukon- fve "nd Th U fur-
place on the Grande Ronde river, at Alaska exposition. We will miss her ""J by a 2-h. p. gasoline eisin..
the foot of Powwatka mountain, have but we will be doubly pleased whea lhc- " " buildlrig will bo
L. j . ..j.. i.k. .,, up iu ample time to store the wool.
You've feot no tue for nv maga
zine ? No f
' Don't need EVERY30DVS? No?
Doesn't concern you ? "No i
BUT high-priced freight, co!,cr;d
lu nber pure food cheap wuter
v ' ?'hnt hits you Ye? That'
v V ilRYBODY'S is for.
G . .. j cut out m rtlcle occasion
bi'v and lend it to your conpwwtn.
Thing will begin to m-'.' - "U
won't feel o powcries.
the place already in can-a-ple order, , she returns.
neatly planted to vegetables and pro'o- Mr. Stockley of Elgin has bought
ably me'ons. The whole place has the Eert Clay farm and expects hU
an air of order ani neatness which j family to spend the summer there,
would do credit to a suburban tract at least. He is the owner of two
kept by experts in that line. sawmills and contemplates the mov-
The new county road running op ig of one of them Into the Edea
from the Grande Ronde river is Just ; country, as there is none here and
southeast of the Lewis place and
switches back and forth up Powwat
ka mountain at a 10 per cent grade
in full view of njost of the Edea-
Ites, which would look like an easy
everybody wants lumber. There U
plenty of fine timber here.
Some of our energetic residents
are already planning for a Fourth
of July celebration at Troy. Peter
TH E, N E,W Wmym
m mm m . -jv w it w -aw mm m
l.f a A. J mWM
m a d m aua a va
trip to Wallowa city or Enterprise, i Ficker (so I have bean told) has
if the trail from James Downlng'8 j kindly offered to fix up his large
farm down to the river to the ford alQra building for a grand ball at
(which Is only a short distance from night. There will be the best of
this new county road) was made a dance music and probably, a basket
little more paaaable, which ought, picnic on the grounds in the day
not tq be such a task, as two-thirds j time, plenty of games, a good pro
of the trail now la not bad. A few j gram, and last, but not least, some
large boulders at the ford might have sood speaker to keep us from for-
' getting the meanng of the 4th of
July or Independence day and our
f mrr r trnm awn
"T Jft I "-if"-
i i t f 4 ' ' t 1
M Li " '
mrnim II Si
m " if B I .. v
patriotism ever true
Road Work.
Several qf our ranchers have do
nated work on the Troy hill road to
urn lie it passable, when finished, for
wagons. Pearl Stevenson worked 10
or 15 days; Jejsa Beecher worked
22 days; Ed Wilcox and Charlie Har
roldson each wqrkei quite a number
of days, and James Downing has do
nated 23 days all told. Mr. Down
ing is past the age limit, but that
didn't keep him from doing the work.
If the Eden men could all work at
the same time, it would not take
very long tq get a good wagon road
tq Troy, then we would be "It," and
we would keep the weads down from
traveling over it so often.
There will soo.i be telephone con
nd.ctlon to Flora, a the poles are
nil up, and soon the wire will be
strung. Next summer the Edenltes
expect to have, a line down to Troy.
If they dq they will be wise, for
many a lang trip will be saved by
i having one, and maybe many a dol
lar saved also.
A prominent woolgrower, who hafl
no stock in the warehouse, said the
other day he would pay to stora bU
wool in the concrete buUdlng In P"Jt
erence to a woolen one for nothing
and then came out ahead, uj thj ab
sence of shrinkage In the cement a
house would more than pay fo.- th
storage, let alone the lower insur
ance rates.
Fourteen residences have b?an
built or started In' Enterprise slnca
January 1, and the building season
has not opened ye'..
The W. J. Funk & Co waraliome
is being moved to the lot wen to
clear the ground for the fine s'-oiu
business block Sam I.itch will erect.
, Realty Deals. .
Fred Wagner has returnel frnm
Asotin where he soil so ae property
for Mrs. Homan.
The Enterprise Real Estate com
pany has sold the Fruik Fountain
timber claim of 16) ac.-ea northaa.U
af Wallowa to J. II, MlmauugU.
V.'lnrhester 22 short cartridges at
15c per box at the E. M. & M. Co
Indispensable records for owners
of stallions, description of marei,
dates of service, time of payments
and all iiocesasry data, printed on
godd paper and strongly bound in
Doaras with cloth back, for sale at
this office, or sent postage propald
on receipt of pi Ice, ,
. Rheumatism.
More than nine out of every ten
cases of rheumatism are simply rheu
matism of the miMdea, due to eold
or damp, or chronic rheumatism. In
such cases no internal treatment is
required. The free application of
Chamberlain's -Liniment in all that
Is needed, and it is certain to give
quick relief. Give it a trial and see
for yourself how quickly it relieve
the pain and soreness. The medi
cines usually given for rheumatism
are poisonous or very strong medi
cines. They are worae than useless
In cases of chronic and muscular
rheumatism. For sale' by Burnaugh
ft May field.
O r
"Cartful Banking In turn Iht Safety of Dposits,"
Depositors Have That linurantce at
CAPITA h f 50,(100
KUllPLL'H 150.000
Wc Do. a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on
All Principal Cities.
Oeo. W. Hyatt, Prwident
Geo. 8. L'ruig. Vie President
, W. U. Holmes, Cathler
Frank A. I tea v in, Afet, funkier
Geo.S. Cbaiu
J. 11. Dohhin
Oko. V. Hyatt Mattik A. llor.MKS
V. Jt. Holm
Until you see me for bargains in irrigated and hill-,
land farms, stock ranches and timber lands.
W. E. TAGGART, The Pioneer Real Estate Man.