,OX'T send away for that watch and chain this spring, as you have other springs. See me and get my prices FIRST. If they don't suit you, then send for it E. B. WHEAT , JEWELER and OPTICIAN Enterprise, Oregon Fred Tharp of Elgin was greeting I; Wends in EaWfn . I Jackson & Weaver have put ft new MlVW M)3J Mlnnfe GUdden went to Los- - M ' tine Thursday on a business trip. . I I j. Q. Connally of Flora was trading !i th rltv Thursday. Did the kitchen cabinet men leave a mark on Wa'lowa valley's doorposi as they passed out? DOX'T send away lor I Roof paint for your old roofs, it W...tr1mnf1rlinin mops the leaks. For sale at Kelt- uer's hardware store. Good, rich milk, 21 quarts for 91, ' delivered to your door. W. A. Mur ! ray, Enterprise. 60bt P. H. Tllley and P. E. Furlong or i Tacoma are here looking over the country with a view to locating. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Akins' of Prairie Creek were guests of rela tives here Wednesday. Mr. Akins says his 50 acres of fall sown grain is looking fine. Mm. W. I. Calvin and daughter Vivian left Thursday morning for Hood River for a visit with Mrs. Cal vln's parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Reavls. L. t. Payne and C, S. Bradley 3? Gravity, la, who stopped off her' o see friends, B. B. Uovd and Chu .63 Thomas, went on to thj Wil lamette Valley, Wednesday, Orange,. lemons, eocoanut3, Bwee: poiatoei, dates, Uts, celery, spinach tettjce, green o:lons, pie plant, and pure strained honey are among the latest airivals at the E, II, & M, Co. storj. Yes. we will se 1 you Extra Star A Star cedar Shlaglei for 92.75 per M spot cab. E. M. & M. Co. Mrs. P. E, Boyd and family, who were here for the winter, moved nana ranch and savs he has alfalfa i last week to their home, east of a toot high. H. S. HoIIlngsworth of Colfax, Wash., well known sheepman, is City and County Brief News Items Japalac, varnish stains, linseed oil at Burnaugh & Mayfield's. Mrs. Ira Pratt was a Wallowa vis itor Thursday. M. E. Hotchklss returned Wednes day from a business trip In Idaho. Mr. and Mm. J. H. Weaver re turned from Joseph ThuMday. Dan demons is out from hU Im Information Concerning Eighth Grade Final Examination. registered at Hotel Enterprise. He says the Palouse country is short on rainfall this season so far, and will need extra June rains to make the crops. Emmanuel at Presbyterian church, April 30. ost ropu'.ar of Oratorios, Em- Mrs. C. E. Lewis, Mrs. T. J. Wright and little son went to Joseph Thurs day to visit Mra. Lewl3' daughter, Mrs. E. Leffel. For Barbed Wire, Woven Wire ?eiclng, Poultry Netting, wire screen :loth, Annealed wire, wagons, hacks buggies, or anything In Farm Imple meats, see the E. M. & M, Co. A splendid program and a basket manuel. at Presbyterian church, Fri- j dlnner marked the la3t day ot 8chool day night, April 30, tor choice Timothy Seed, or seeds of any kind for Held or garden, see the E. M. & M. Co. H. Fallman of Portland visited former Dakota friends in Enter- ise, Thursday. The complete oratorio, both parts, aad II, at the Presbyterian church, April 30. County Assessor B. F. Miller went j ,,'allowa Thursday. He is look ing "peaked" after hU long and se vere spe!l of la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Goodman and daughter Lenore left here Friday morning for their new home at Co quille, Ora. Shingles, Ruberold Roofing, Win dows, Eoors, Lumber, Nails, Builders Hardware, and nearly all kinds o; building material at prices guaran teed as low as the lowest. We make a specialty of submitting bids on bills for entire materials for build ing purposes. We protect our pa trons both as to price and quality of goods. E. M. & M. Co. All kinds of builders' hardware a'. S. D. Keltner's. at the Reavls school house, Friday, April 2. Nearly all the patrons, were present besides many from outside the district. Dialogues, declamations and music made up the exercises. General regret wa3 expressed that the school could not secure the ser vices of the teacher, Mm. Fletcher, for another year, but she has gone to her new home on the Grande Ronde river, below Powwatka, and will teach no more. Now is the time to use the squirrel poison, when they are flMt coming out. Get Strychnine, the kind thai kills. Don't be fooled by a cheap and inferior quality, The genuine is for sale by Burnaugh & Mayfleld, the druggists. A. F. Poley le"t Wednesday morn ng for Portland to look after prop erty interests of the Pacific States Investment company, the new corpo ration formed recently by local cap italists. T. E. Hudson and family, Mr. and Irs. Fred Calvtn and Mm. J. W. Wilson returned Wednesday from attending the funeral of Mm. Hudson and Mrs. Wilson's father, at Milton. L Dates: Three examinations annually. Each county superintendent to select months for his county. (a) January 21-22, 1909. (b) May 13-14, 1909. tc June 10-1 L 1909. (d) September 2-3, 1909. 2. Program: (a) ThursdaysArithmetic, Writ ing, History, and Civil Govern ment. (b) Fridays Grammar, Physiol ogy, Geography, and Spelling. 3. Sources of Questions: (a) Civil Government United States Constitution. (b) Geography State Courae of Study: Redway and Hlnman'o Natural School Geography. (c) History List of topics from History Outline in State Courae of Study and Current Events. (d) Language Iluehlor's Modern English ' Grammar, no diagram mlng, (e) Rending The teacher will s "nd to the County Superintend eat the applicant's class standing in reading, which shall be take, by such superintendent as the ap plicant's standing on the subject. (f) Spelling Eighty per cent from Read's Word Lessons, and twenty per cent, from manuscript in Language. (g) Writing Specimens of pen manship as indicated in copied matter and from manuscript in Language. Respectfully submitted, J. H. ACKERMAN, Supt. Public Instruction. J. C. CONLEY, Supt. ot Schools. i-a Grande Iron Works. D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL We Have The Best and only complete line of Hardware in the County Call and inspect oar goods and compare our prices with others. S. D. KELTNER, THE HARDWARE DEALER. ELGIN WATCH-Complete Fitted in NiV.klp Model Nickle Ruby, Sapphire Jewel Settings; Stones ;Breguet Micrometric Second Dial, Plate. Each and guaranteed. . . 17 Jeweled Case, with new movement; 17 and Garnet exposed Pallet Hairspring; regulator; sunk Damaskeenal everyone fully Call and see it MARTIN LARSEN Main Street, 3 doors east of Postoffice. ENTERPRISE, OREGON j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. - United Sta es Land Office. La Grande, Oregon, March 8, 1909. Notice is Hereby Given, that the State of Oregon baa filed in this office Its application to select un der the provisions of the Act of Con gress of August 14, 1843, and acts supplementary and amendatory .there to the NW SE Section 32, T. i S., R. 44 E, W, M., 8erlal No. 05785. Any and all persons claiming ad, ersely the lands described or desir ing to object because of the mln eral character of the land, or fo. any other reason to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavit of protest in this office on or be fore the 28th day of April, 1909. F. C. Bramwell, Register. Reliable Seeds So much has already been said on th importance of buying your seeds fron a reliable dealer that to repeat it is onl. waste of words, IakS Seeds haw proved their worth our increas iiVvjng bus'ness 13 Prof indeed tha vrTk. smiic, nas nuue in( PftJvChas. H. Lilly Co. fore t' ' M.ft&Shjnost seedsmen on thi s r ffilvNtfcC Senf K5e?fL r ca:a'2. 12C STSMjisce, illus- SEEDS AR8W''w3 Jiiwir , VfKv SCHIV. ! An Exhibit of Spring's 5 Lviish Gai ments now on at our store. In oar GARMENT DEPARTMENT we have spared neither time nor trouble in securing the most stylish garments ever shown here. And as the women of Enterprise and vicinity want GOOD garments as well as stylish ones, they will be pleased to Know that this marh of quality appears on each The "PALMER GARMENT" We invite you to call and examine these garments feeling certain that they will meet with your entire annroval. The earments are not nnlv stvfUli tint The Designing The Fit The Tailorini The Fabric The High Qualit - .... , 5 all maKe them satisfactory in wear and of unusual value . . . . . . . . J ui itope Iraici Mill i LODliE DIRECTORY. 1 0 0 F f nterprise lqdgb' no BMKKAi,D REBEKAH LODGE, No. K Of P ENTERPBISE L0DaH. Na JUANITA TEMPLE, No. 7, Pythlar Sinters. MAQflMIP KNTBnPHISB ClIAr-Tpit IllnOJIlllUXo. 30. Royal Arch M.ixon meets first and1 third Tuesdays of ea month in Masonic Hall. All ' vl-sltli.. Royal Arch Masons welcomed. J. B. OLMSTED. High Priest. I). W. SHBAHAN, Secretary. WALLOWA LODQ3, Ko. 8J, A. p. I A M., meets second and fourth Satur lays of each month in Masonic Hall Visiting Masons welcomed 3. A. BURLBIGH, W. M. W. C. BOATMAN, Secretary. WALLOWA VALLEY CHAPTER. No 50, O. E. S. meets first nnd third Sat urdays of each month. In Masonic Hall Visiting Stars are always welcomed. MRS. ELY A L. FRENCH, W. M. MRS. MARY E. STEEL. Sec Mill 1 EAGLE CAMP. No. 10497. M .ll.H.W. A Meats first and third Thursdays In each month, in new Fra rnai hall. Visiting Neighbors alwayf welcome. J. W. RODGERS ConsuL T. M. DILL, Clerk. ANEROID CAMP, No. S542, R N. of A. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby glvea that th? undersigned his been appointed by the County Court of Wallowa County Oiegon, Administrator ot the e3tat3 of Mary A. Cramer doceascd. ,All persona having claims against j the ald estate are requested to present them with proper vouchers to said admlnistiator within six months after this date, at the law office of Conawfty and Corliin3, in Enterprise, Walliwa County, Oregoa HIRAM C. CRAMER. Dated March 31, 1909. Conaway and Cortina Attorneys for Administrator HIDES AND PELTS WANTED. Bring your hides and pelts to En terprise and receive big price for them. Joe Allen & Co. Warehouse west of Bcswell'a barn. ctf NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Wfl III ENTERPRISE .11. IT. 535, W. of W. camp, n. VLilOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. S. K. Clark -Plumber Steara Fitter Full line of plumbing material. - Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Keltner's Hardware Store teave Orders. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE. in the County. Court of the State of Oregon, for Wallowa County, in the matter of the Estate of Olof Cederlund, Deceased. , Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned Administrator of the es tate of Olof Cederlund, Deceased, has filed his final account of the admin istration of said estate with the clerk of the Co an ty Court of Wal lowa County, Oregon, and said Court haa fixed Saturday, May 8, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said , day, at the Court House, at Enter- i prise, Wallowa County, Oregon, as the time and place of hearing objec tions to said account and yie settle ment of the same. All persons having objections there to are no'.lfied to file the same ia writing on or be.'ore said day, with the Clerk of said Court. LOUIS OLSEN, Administrator of the Estate of Olof Cederlund, DeeeiaeJ. BURLEIGH & BOYD, Attorneys for the Estate. " 33c5 In the County Court of the State of uregon, for Wallowa County. In the matter of the Estate of Eli zabeth M. Harsin, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has tiled with the clerk of the . abave named court, his final account and report as administrator of the. above named Estate, and the Judge of tha said' court has fixed up on Monday, May 3rd,' 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., at the County Court House, in the City of Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, as the place for Ilnal hearing of said report and account and all objec tions thereto, and why said Estate should not be closed and settled as provided by law. FRED M. HARSIN, Administrator. Dated this 1st day of April. 1909. Conaway & CorkIns, Attorneys for Admlnlstiator. 32c5 Banish pimples, blotches and bolls by taking Levy's Oregon Grape Com- Pound. Sold anrl enarantA k t.. 0 -.-.i.ulv.vu , ujf cur naugh & Mayfleld, Enterprise, Ore. Llsk ware at Keltner's. Enterprise (leaning And Pressing Works Hat Just received the targe book if Samples from Edw. E. Straus Co, i is prepared to give you a n'1" Summer Suit Ladies and gent's suits cleaned iri '. Old Hats cleaned and blocked, by J. j,. SIEGMUND ALL THE DAILY PAPERS, ' MAGAZINES AND THE National Weeklies at Coleman Brothers The Best Cigars, Confec tionery and Fruit. Stationers- Supplies of all kinds. " First door east of Postoffice. GAME LAWS. Any person knowing of any viola Uon of the game or fish laws of th t Jtate, or of persons not nronori Keeping screens over irrleatioi ditches, are requested to notify JOE CLEMONS, Deputy State Game and Porm. Warden, Zurnwalt, Oregon. 4Jtf Ruberold roofing. 1 niv t for e&io by S. D. Koltner. HOME PEOPLE This is For You, GET WISE Read Thia And eap. Enterprise is l?Li-HAVE BEEN." Buy now wb Krow before? Now th?a U6.! thi? next r M y nwer ww j everyone don't knoVit W KCth,ng -hat ,ever?body tell you business o, ) om wfth bdWp6 r,dent Jrom 60 UP 40 good buys in real estate. g some without rte.have all kind New Era Land Cnmnn nv J. B. Seibert, Manager, Enterprise, Oregon lot T lir r. . I i "l x7uor west ot bheahan's