r o yv lf?v 111' 111 hill i I T V:l mm TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 33. ENTERPRISE, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Wants Classified notices In this column 1 cent a word each Insertion In either News Record or Chieftain; H4 cent. word for tame nonce in uuw pen; year. pecial rates By tne monin or FOR 8ALE. SEED RYE Pe.er Olsen, 3 miles east of Enterprise. wcs . INFANT'S handmade wardrobe com plete. Address or call on Mrs, E. B. Wheat, Enterprise. wcs 10 BROOD MARES, Good ones. Nine In foal to a good horse7Wlll he sold cheap. See or write Tom Stump, Enterprise. GObtf TWO HIGH GRADE PERCHERON stallion coltB, coming 2 years old. Extra good ones. See them at my farm, 2V4 miles south of Lostlne. Sam Wade. GObtf HEAVY WAGON, 34 Inch; single buggy; 3 sets work harness; 1 set double driving harness. B. A. Rey nolds, Alder Slope, P. O. Enterprise. 69b4 BOILER AND ENGINE 75 H. P., for sale. Suitable for a saw mill cut- ting from 25 to 35,000 feet per day or for a planing mill of large capac ity This is a good outfit and a reaf bargain. For particulars ad-, dress O. S. Wlgglesworth, La Grande, Oregon. ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY. Imme diate possession of greater part. W. . Sutton, City. . b2m STRAYED OR STOLEN, TWO MARES, one 2-year-old, one 3 year-old, coal black; one bay driv ing mare, weight about 900 pounds; one black saddle . horse with white clip on nose, -8 or 9 years old. All are fresh branded with a crossed J (cross line on stam of letter one third down from top), on right shoul der. Strayed 2 or 3 weeks ago from our farm between Lostlne and Enter prise. Reward for their recovery, t Patrick Brothers, Lostlne, Ore. b An effort wl'.l be made on the part of local instructors to hold a normal term for teachers, during the six weeks antedating the August exam inations. All persons desiring to se cure the benefit" of this training should communicate at once with either Superintendent Conley or J. W. Kerns, Enterprise, since the pos sibilities of such a normal are based upon the pledged enrollment, 61r2 Crnnlna to Ho so Show. Resorts from different parts of the county indicate great interest in the horse and s'.ock show to be held in Enterprise, April 17. Some fine stock will undoubtedly be offered f?. sa e on that day and buyers fror; o .tVde points are expected. The s'ar ot last year s show, Jack John son's fine Morgan stallion, will be here again and hU first colt in this county will be with him. The best washing earth la the Flyer. S D. Keener. machine on For sale by Born, to the wife of Oren Wagner, a daughter, Saturday morning, April 3. You Will Make Lots of Money And have an ideal home when you own this place, $60 per acre will buy a level, fertile, irrigated farm on public road, 1V4 miles from the terminus of the railroad; all tillable land and under the ditch, 135 acres in cultivation, 60 acres in alfalfa. . Abundance of irrigating water goes with the place, It i!T a good hog and dairy ranch, being only two miles from a creamery. ' It produces big crops of hay and grain. A stream of pure everlasting water run by the house and bam, Just enough timber for shade and domestic use. . All enclosed with a hog tight fence,'cedar posts. New house, barn, granary, hog feeder, etc., etc. Family orchard, Easy . Terms, For further particulars write or phone, Enterprise Real Estate Co. Enterprise, Oregon PLAT OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN OFFICE, OFFICE ON MAIN T. OVER HARNESS. SHQR. 0 DEUJHG PORTLAND REALTY PRIMARY PURPOSE OF LOCAL COMPANY WITH $36,000 CAP ITAL STOCK. ' The Pacific States Investment com pany, capital stock $36,000, Is a new local organization for which Incorpo ration papers have been asked of the secretary of the state. The incorpo rators are A. F. Foley, B. B. Boyd, L. W. Riley and C' H. Zurcher. The primary purpose of the company U to deal in a larga tract of Portland suburban pro-ert, but .the scope of the company is broad and Includes the right to own land, conduct mer chandizing, manufacturing, selling power, etc. , Made Big Money Here. R. D. Sanford has sold his hill land, consisting of 320 acres two miles noithwest of town, to H. C. Laird, the well known valley farmer, for a price Bald to be 112.50 an acre. Mr. Sanfcrd, who recently sold hia Alder Slope farm for $12, 000, held a sale this week, and states he is going to look for a location on the lower Grande Ronde river, a melon and tomato raising district. He sold his hill and Slope land for a early $5000 more than he gave for It less than three years ago. Will Move to Enterprise. C. E. Vest has Bold for D. H. Sha'er of Elgin, eight lots in the southeast part of town to W, T. A'arnock of Imnah. Mr. Warnook will erect a commodious and com fortable dwe'.llng this summer and move to this city to give his chil dren the advantages of our excellent schools. THERE IS PROFIT IN RIGHT KIND OF COWS Sam 'Wale's four Jersey cows brought him at the Enterprise Creamery for butter during.,, the month of March,. $34.29, and he says they kept two gallons of milk each day that they did not separate, which would be 62 gallons or 496 pounds of milk at , 5 per cent makes 24,80 pounds butter fat. At the same rate, 31 cents, would make $7.68. If he had sent it all to the creamery his check would have been $41.97, mak ing an average of $10,49 for . each cow. . DEATH RfCORD. Paul Me'otte was born in St. Law rence cointy, N. Y March 1, 1821, and died at the home in Enterprise, of his son Frank, April 4, 1909, at the age of 88 years, 1 month and 3 days. For 67 years, Emails, the wife of hl3 youth, was hjs constant com. panlon. One npnth, lacking twq days, she preceded him tq her eter nal reward. Five of their 11 children survive the parents, The living sons a,re,: Gilbert and John, in Ne.w York; and Frapk and Joe, of Enterprise One daughter, Mrs, Nancy Baulieu, lives in Oregon CJty, Fqr the past four years he ha3 made his home with hs. son Frank, Mr. Me'otte was always a. aoher, Industrious citizen, a loving husband, a kind father, a ge.ierojs neighbor, and a devout chrhtian. Having lived beyond four score years he welcom ed the future li e with hone aid gladness, realizing , that there he should llnd test trim hi3 labors, by Him who alone cui give true rest. Ths funeral wa3 from the home of his son Frank, conducted by Rev. Se! den C. Adams of the Presbyterian church, assl.-aed by Rev. C. E, True- blood. Transfers of Farm And City Property John Weaver -of Imnaha, who r-3-cently sod his farm to L. C. John son, has bought the cottage prop erty at the north end of East First street of A. M. Wasner and wl'.l soon move to town. T. M. Dill and family , have bean residing in the house. Sells 40 Acre on Alder Slope. M. L. Harris has Bold 40 acres of his Alder Slope ranch to W. W. Harrs. M. L. Harris had a fine sale, Friday,- articles bringing good prices, live stock especially. The sale totaled close to' $1700. Made Final Homestead Proofs. Chas. B. Ho.nsr made final proof on his homestead before U. S. Com missioner D, W. Sheahan Monday. The land is over on Snake river in township 3 north, range 49. Mr. Hor ners witnesses were C. G Holmes. C, F. Graves, G. C. Horner and W. Rankin, all of Lightning, E, F, Sargeant made final proof on his homestead near the Buttes, Tuesday, before Commissioner Shea han. The land is the ne of sec 34. 1 n, r 46, and Mr. Sargeant's wit nesses were H, N. Vaughan, E. J. Jewell, Delmar Sargeant and L. E. Allen. v ENGAGE PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR NEXT YEAR The roster of teachers for the En terprise public schools was com pleted at the. last meeting of the bqard of directors by the election of C, F. Mack as principal, 'Miss H. Mae Jefferson, teacher of the Cth and 6th grades; Miss Mary Lub bers, of the 3rd and 4th grades, The primary teachers., Misses. Hutohin son and Murray had been previously engaged, Mr. Mack has been principal of the high school at Prairie City for several years, and is recommendel by a former professqr in the. state university as. pe.:pg one of the best instructor Jn Oragon. Miss Jeffer son Is nqw teaching at Wallowa and is considered a splendid teacher Miss Lubbers cqtues from Bpyden, Iowa, very highly recommended, Le-t Valuable Stallion. 'Squire W, B, Applegate reports tha.t J, S, Applegate of Appleton lost his $100) stallion, the animal dying qn the 24th qf March, Electric Theatre CNTgRPRISE THURSDAY NIGHT, Football Warriqrs. Yqur Wj:e Is Unfaithful Tq Us, Ups, and Elowns of a Mqdern Her cules. Lqve -e a. I the Time. Vlsws. Scenes In Rome. FRI.DAY NIGHT. Fighting Par3qn.' All Bab a and. thq Forty Thieves. S,ob3, When tie E.enlng Breeze Is Sigh Ing. ' Over the Hi'ls and Far Away. SATURDAY N(GHT, The Big Gans and Nelson Fight. Workman's Hqnor, ' Pe;gy's Pqrtra't. Illustrated. SJn, Some Dny Wbe Dreams Come Tnjq, (Sentlnenta'.) 2000 FEET OF FILM SHOWN EACH N.1GHT, S, K.Clark Plumber S Steam Fitter Full line of plunging .ir &terial, Psfaetion Guaranteed mop at JCeltner's Hardware Store leave Order?, 0- DEVELOPMENT CONGRESS DAI ES "WILL MEET AT LA GRANDE I APRIL 28-:7 NOTABLE3 TO ATTEND. April 23 and 27 have been selected for the La Grande meeting of the Orego.i-ldaho Development Congress, and a commutes consisting of Will lam Miller, Mac Wood and Tod IUne hart are making ppuralions to sur- iss all o her meetings of this body of public spirited and enterprising citizens , of these two states, says the la Grande Observer. The general purpo3e o" the congress is to arouse a santim ?nt among tho people hat will secure- fitc building of rail- ror.d .hlzhuay-, et and In particular to so organize that If railroads refuse o provide adequate transportation facilities, for any section the people if that section shall be enabled to do something for. themselves. Mestlngs are held once a month during the winter. The mealing scheduled for La Grande will probably be the last ice held until fall. Last month the congress met at Ontario, and the month be.'ore at Boisa. Invitations will be sent to towns as far east as Boise and west to Pendleton and Walla Walla. Wallowa county will be well rprisented. Judge Lowell, who i) president, will be present, and a prominent Portland member, the glftad C. S. E. Wood, is expected. An Invitation will be sent to Editor Hofer,' of the Salem Capital-Journal. Colonel Hofer 13 vice president of th organization. In a'l abojt 150 delegates are expected to be present President A. C. Miller of the En terprise Commercial club Bays a num ber' o! cltlTens here have already 3lgnlflsd their intention of attend ing the congress. The subjects dis cussed at the meetings are of vital Interest to this county, and some of the brainiest men of the state will be there. v ' Joe Allen Bound To Circuit Court Charge of Assajlt With Dangerous Weapon Fighters Fined and Ce:ts, Joe AHen, a well known hill ranch er, was bound pver to the circuit court in $200 bond3 by Justice; A, O. Smith, Monday, on a charge of assault with a dangerous ' weapon. At the same: time tae prosecuting witness., W, H, Gibson, was placed undex $100 appearance bond. .-The alleged assault Is said to, have taken place, at Allen's ranch, Sun day, March, 28. - Gibson, who oama from Pendleton, was working for Allen and it clalmej the row atari, ed over the. quality qT grub, was served. He. clairae,d Allen followed him to the yaftl and pointed a re volver at him, Allen says he had nq gun and there was no gun about the place as far as he knew. At the preliminary hearing ttectre, Justice Smith, Burleigh 4 Uqy4 ap peared for' Allen, and Deputy Dis trict Attorney Ifiberhard for the state, Gibson has also started a re plevin suit to get his outfit that he says is at Allan's, and has, also, sued him for wages,,. City Re.acrtder Taggart fined Ar ...... i,Ms.imgrr THOUSANDS eOMMG People from all over the United States are coining te Wallowa County this summer, all of these people will be looHing for FARMS. Cot they will want the farms that have unquestionable titles. Is YOUR FARM in this ciaf, or do you Know? Cetter come in and let us maUe you an ABSTRACT, so that you will be prepared when the time cones. . . . , Tie Wallowa Law, Lapd aod Abstract Co. i We wrte li3uran;e In the best Companies on earth. . thur Deshazer $5 and costs Tuesday for fighting in the city limits. W. assaulted him, was let oft without a W. Eaton, who claimed Deshaier flue. Another fight occurred on Main street opposite the hotel, Sunday, Oscar Davis pummellng Ed Boswell to get satisfaction for a debt that I avis sail Boswell owed him. Dav is has sent in word from where he Is working that he will pay his fine, whl'.e Boswell hai skipped. Flora Odd Fellows Have Big Supper Paradise, April 3. The Odd Fel lows of Flora gave a Bupper Satur day night. Every member invited a guest. A nice supper and a good time was enjoyed by the guests and members. Deputy She. iff Moore, who has re ceived the appointment as govern ment hunter, U preparing to move to the big pasture in the Chesnlm nus. . Nellie E. H ask in and James F. Haskin sold .to Mary J. Straley 80 acres of land for $1500. A Mr. Flock ot Anatone, Wash, was here trying to buy horse3. He did not buy any. James Barnes has moved onto the Beard ranch. Information Concerning Eighth Grade Final Examinations. I. Dates: . Three examinations annually. Each county superintendent to select months for his county. (a) January 21-22, 1909. (b) May 13-14, 1909. (c) June 10-11, 1909. (d) September 2-3, 1909. 2. Program: (a) Thursdaye-Arlthmetlc, Writ ing, History, and Civil Govern ment. (b) Fridays Grammar, Physiol- ogy, Geography, and Spelling. 3. Sources of Questions; (a) Civil Government United States Constitution. (b) Geography State Course ' of Study: Redway and Hluman's Natural School Geography. (c) History List of topics from History Outline in State Course of Stud and Current Events. (d) Language Buehler's Modern English Grammar, no diagram ming. (e) Reading The teacher will aend to the County Superintend ent the applicant's claas standing in reading, which ahall be taken by such superintendent aa the ap pllcant'a standing on the subject. (f) Spelling Eighty per cent from Read's Word Lessons, and twenty per cent, from manuscript in Language. (g) Writing Specimens of pen manship Bji indicated in copied matter and from manuscript in Language, Respectfully aubmitted, J. H. ACKERMAN, BupL Public Instruction. .. J. C. CONLEY, ' . Supt. of Schoola. Enterprise Cleanin o And Pressing Works Has Just received tne Ivge beok of 8amples from Edw, I. Straus Co ind Is prepared to gtvo you a nloe ' Summer Suit Ladies and gent's suits olsansd and Old Hats cleaned and re- b'oeked, by , J. L. SIEGMUND. Rooms 2 and 4, Bsrland Bldg. ENTERPRISE, OREGON CITY HOIIATIHG -MEETIHG, APRIL H MASS CONVENTION CALLED BY COUNCIL LOG CRAG FOR - STREETS. The annual city election will be held Tuesday, May 4, and at the regular meeting ot the council Mon day night,. City Recorder Taggart wa Instructed to call a mass meeting to nominate candidates, at the court house the uight of Wednesday, "April 14. Officers to bo .ected are mayor, recorder, attorney, treaiurer and threa cojncl.m3 t succeed L. Ber land, B. B. Boyd and 8. E. Combet. Council appointed the following judges of election: T. It. AklnJ, James Rodgers and Charles Thomas. Better s're?t tame up for discus, ston, eipe-jla'ly the streeU lending to the depot. Th3 ma'.ter of a lost drag will be Inves lgated. The cheap log drag back la the Eau la un gating the coitly road mirhlnery, like grader and steam rollors, to the -Tip heip. .POWWATKA BREVITIES. Powwatka, April 3. Snow all gi;ie. Plowing and Beedlng has commenced In earnest. ,. Ben McGlnnls male a trip to the valley the first ot the week for a road plow. . Jim Nolan of Lostlne la working tor Mr. Fletcher, the "new" shee.mian Mr, Fletcher has had a new li '.ny built upon his homestead. ' Miss Ruth Ghormley bftjau a spring term of school at Arko, March 29th. Cecil Ghormley spent a tew days among friends at Day Ridge the first of the week. Louis Carpenter is Boeing aftor Mr. Hunter'a cattle which are grazing In this country. Newton Downs was calling on friends in his old uslghborhood a few daya a?o. Object to 8t-on3 Medloinoa. ny people olject to taking the strong medicines usually prescribed physicians for rheumatism. There la no need of Internal treatment In any case of muscular or chronic rheumatism, and more than nine out ot ten cases of the disease are of one or the other of those varieties. When there is no fever and llt'.le (if any) swelling, you may know that it is only necessary to apply Chamber Iain's Liniment freely to get quick relief. Try it. For sale by Bur naugh & Mayfleld. Plenty of POTATOES and ONIONS Another car of Potatoes will arrive on April 10 Firm, Mealy Spuds Clean, Crisp Onions Riley and Riley Groceries, Flour, Provisions, Hoy, Coal and Wood. Phone Whlt 37 for Transfer or Dray 1