Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, March 25, 1909, Image 2

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Twam he tnrCraad el pro- !
eangweiiry kumiirTst ; they amy ha
rsafi lards- sa J funry. 1
Oiirkei ere to be hatch Jsy
trlEy ; and cast tiicy X f-'-nra. a ahncs
is raleaaii the egg industry?
A r'-rr-n has lLex.tafl ea atrah
It tncia 1 ne tar deirni mlk
ta xb third aufi ftiurti sanry tix
Ix ruci ;t a ftei tuu rf J
evH pa?- tee; ixrplig TO Cls- j
JTl lXtu ajng Sbiltud 1 SCTUig Hp. 2
El "STbesiHr TTlrax utt: "Are the ;i
114 Kt tr;iry ei she poor?" 'WtC tb j
jtoar Tm T seem tc acjcy rrj a &c
ELaSsei- wTfceliB 1m offered two of
ki ojc Jta- sale. 'Why piy rest
when ywn cu bsy a cess as easy
x$a ml. Omot raw nrftrsai
xcts a mw.'CTrf jrian is uackiy
ant ej-jiwawve 31 a raw xnexerie:
IeeS. ? nA wne eff the wtTr
ntsHnaw ia 2 lral mit Leve
beex bhct tfw She salae eontr&utiid
r kuBhens T prnnda the ton.
irociC she. th. k us lf-a; reel
ing h? knataatd? A3 HJ Wi4
CBfi abwut :2 uf.j0j eiff eenttftnilr
li,5fVra !)- J:r women 3s a pre.tj
jwc tri.'nne t the rtrwrjecrs1 ebll
ry ff7 a female reformer w ?
responsrh fee p mnrt tmci. and
unhtpj-anesa 1 a wnmex whe draw
a salary frrar a mere mas an em
piety bc Jr hit tiffi- tare Jn&epenB
eaa tlM a 1f it fret?trati?T
fit?a Ire It ker bnfia4? T Ii
VHi"T rf e5-lw ! coB;a
as wmroiiaJ,j' tr45a3L3?
Tlir 1 p ta irtis joww cf K-
Aufl Is Jli f? Biuiii tiirrt
it no zaicv sx a neu ii-
tbra It a nut Sttp arrnlaf.
Zjfrt is no rfxan lew erfu
Cierl. Tlir flra aiifl fyrrtnttT
It ip-f.7A
Opiaicas cf Great Papers on Important Subjects.
k ft ii iv rsr
2 wvsfy
Y.T. B.w4efeBeT t caH him eaptala
cf toflnsy. S is at laixi a icijor-poeil
PerrtSefl rrrniiTDS of wlia bare b
f unne on tdU to; Jr CaJlfomla. WTmb
wbajsa wtrr jvuzftr tbey maj Lac
tenii jtm c!tai
"No one jjratsa." et Ii. Crm
h ap ij of Jafltfxx the furore, flnc
tur. 30P;t fcy tie jast.
".fl flr Ta Amwkiiii a-Jris are mere
j. We alKiuld lite to meet ilr.
Ctarloae Giimaii Pertlr.
- A JJew ToA daexor SS ymra f ape
Is bu1l a weaJ-iy aridaw apJ 70 fee
3F15C.('CC fw bradi f jiwubIw Hpw
lie iiraK Lai doctor jipcja for a
A R. Lnrnis mix ta bpec fiw'fi
Jar stttiJlts a tiw frtmi e ce:.!j (ri
Ei jr(inn"i tita for rTr lxrxrj.
cr ti fna mifii jwslij iitxa ies
ufi tiS;S l frwAaiL as a ctrpetnier
xsij 1 mb&t to sum? ip a Aurje T
JensSne bpht.
IT innwwark 5s to 1 fiiatpncDefl as
"IcvtijmrairT sjrrrj- in fl?mr?e pr3-
itititi 1 at" to siernre reieas Epae a
rii of iiiisais eccjuif?
A Ixmlns jiejm- reemjy jmbTlsiiefl
as article unrler laiiMs wikJa reaifl:
riiWiiiitile CinmcEjara. AkiciiiuJ
SiiS Slcpx rram Anjeriaa." Beiay fle
tsnniiitiCF oprlTTiirac. ve tsr t?-Sj
fj4 to lelre aew man
A TiMio woman wjuns a filTorw l
te ber tmsiiaaa wur't kiss ber. We
reserre juilrraesit nslll e ee lite Jaflj.
J Johnson, print Cjiner. Is ypram
H.T50 a rk for tonrlEj AnKralia.
Tbt ooca! of tills is that 1: pars tt
be a tee.
If AfimlrsJ Br$g Cifl c 'Ht-
ctTi A f a -ci-n bart. ls lKt
prhbti:y har:a tr tie Uogcy fas
tetjed i!jcc hlai la his cwu ronstrj.
wtLe lr erery c&w utti(ai he va
broorefl as a 1tt but nsJarrnaite
&&. To base takes the Bosslaa fll
frcffl Ubaa tonre thai half way aronafi
the world, esd to bare marshaled It
ts f,firlnc eafciltica, against Qie Jijv
acene at Ttishlma. would he-re twee
a (Teat feat eves If the ahlj hsfl
been la jtxltct eanfflaon at the start.
Arlmlral ETaca was Jcstly jealsed f r
his m1. la H"f ocr ajilendli'y
eyipttlnteia flees to Rta FraiK4?oi a
shorter Trip, to time of pa?t, with
hnznhlEy frias 1b erery port. The
Eimslaii fleet, far from beoiip Is wo-dl-Scir
ftc aerrixe. was a tDCiDtnoeat tr
c5-il preeii te?flert and topmrj-ereary:
Jta jfTsoiiueJ whs fllridrf by ra-Sa.'
hatreds, wttw at wrpcfs of mlapw
enimeut botier-iimt2 wKh nedltSca.
brpriw of the wrt?naie. and k 13
Trairifrd arid lorjiii that the Hies
trained their puz -at htrm Erltisi
fisiiermeii before ti? had fairly rairt-j
ed and ntr y JurciLT-ed 3s a fwremd war
the fnun-jj whiifc half t them were
reedy tc forrwar. They were scarce
ly tDore iKrer.rd fw hertie in-.n the
CUaeae had bees tec years earlier. Tet
beratHie he raised a whrce tap aba
be was btjelesely beates aid he Isy
WOTHiiefl arid luaeiiBlhle. IUfisricy
was etnrj-imertiala by his frstffnl
romnry and icaAe a ma.pep.ml its a
misroreffTiajeia of. by. and for fi:e
fraud date, tuiysetveutij-'-m laat was
mcr h'7ejeas than Cerwra'a. yet Cw
Trt, after a natural bnrst ff rBiit-
ment. ntalaefi the rtspm S his ews '!
entmtry as well as cf onrs. Pjiaos
seen to be a better cwnstry to aerre
thaa SotKla.
Woi tXi-VX a iL 1-wA aa abolish ccj4
tal ptauskiiu-iij la lillnais. atkd It aciB
lea birist that feat f the dfluai jmlty
ts ite dtemsc t rma Tc rrs the
IreiajSeirts et Franre haw eflmintne4 ewry
Aeath warraia Ui Hit lnijiriafaiTtiejta. As a
reaolt siwder has jra"a so cKmmxia that
the recent rnrfirtrtnH.f rf the Inar Indies anrderers and
the aity1 eff lis. aai VI ra Iurtal Is pDble was witaesaeJ
tj as rmwda, whirh aipiB6ed the aaerntiniia
That atw.Htlcia eff the death penalty remcires a check
en wmild-be alayers la iKhere mtoe erideLt thaa la tt
Called &tstea, where maadlla smtimfsil haa made mor
Aer th arte crime fee whb& a naa Is least lively ts be
eaarirted. eT whea be ewmmlts It.
Fraase end Germary have tisly 22 jer eit as anaiy
tEnrdera as a ratted States, i&ermany nrrkts nine
vol eff tei aercBfld. TrsiK rao mt of ajee. England
more aiaa SP per rent, aod Italy, with ae highest mur
der reeora la Euroiie. craririid lasa rear 2JK6 na of
The raited States exennes btrely 3 per rent eff Its
slayers, and ac ! per ceat are ereaj iBrprlaaDea. The
tiawnttejo law and other csikws hare apparently made
murder ra of cur prmerted Inflwrries; althtrufh there
eems &a equlroraticB) or openliiC for mifm&strsKlaD la
the staple words of the torn nd-mect. "Thtm ahalt not
This brd)y win a time fnr IHlanis to remnre ary
jienal- that iney InSoease the would-be murderer to
wliLiiulil his hand. Chliayo JonraaL
T crace of the riiitod States and la vala
B pursuit of a policy that pb3 riTH; tne
I stars la their roursea. Coha apJn baramea
eonrae Cube nerex has been and aer-er
wD3 be -Indepenrlenr" la fact. The Indis-
penaahle basa tiff pDlltiral lnaejnden; is
as esmumir jntlejtendenpa. Culm s eranamic proBjerlry
licw 6ejran3 on ate erase iff ae fulled Statea By no
ea&reiTahle Industrial rearxnlzatiaa caa this sitmitkni
be changed.
rnrthernKire. all the teadearlfis of Tnnnt-tnfl are
against aie wiatla-nan of atnan aaliatis. As nteehaslcal
lurenticm naiies the earth emalier, no niea piaer f or
safety la larsw jTonpa. The stmgple to preaerre tlry
aatianalteiea. by mtans of linfrnlstSc and literary rerrraia,
are laieresats but futile. The prodnrt ia. after alL tat
a ptrlor p. K hen f.h efforts have apparent sacrvss
the price Is bea-nr. Tor lnslan, the priot of the aep-
eT.T,5jfB rrcora la tbt
perhaps fw. -f a ScandJaaJi eavira
aile Jp pity a Hrpe ;art Is 'r aiaira
Wfch a sratliDenialir imJ bus w pla la totema
tkmtH atalra. the rolled Sai tmdenw ta
prta of a war wtkh S;aiS folly had aade toevl
JalOe. Ft this pirinal Wtrnfler w ht7 1 ret
)m excited. PowSblj the rrtS-e a-hk has so
aiaflCy lowerred thia naStiB afHl 3-- ,a-J
f-a the debt. Tet 1: 1 a rtaia as the rialnj T
the ana tiat Cnba wlU jjltiaanely lwme AmerKaa ter
rtinry ta fno a well as la furs. Whber by afooe slr
process aliaor;fafiu or by the red band of w this td
wEl cicue. and snasy now llricf win ae a come. Chi
catt iuier Oneaa.
XE wald cituray Imaflne al:h a n.TTO.
asrirulroral crop la 1 tit
jarniii Is the nca prttflulue lndaftry la
the country. The asfrefie falu of farm
profluna Is oreraheiailne. and yet it
shrink ta rofxleraie prtymln ahea p
portkttied per caiiita amui the ajrfcul-
tnral pc?n3aliaa. EauaTy distmmed amuns the rural
InhahUama, each would rerclTe JST uii an amount
ttat would repreaeal eoioasai lndlridiaJ areaJth. This
diatrlbullun does nac rejuen: net prnfit. lul aETfte
grmm jirodartia of wealth tta the larni per captta.
Is It not time that a fenera! fC'rertimeHt abould
take more copairance of a acrirtfniral tndnBtry and
disevner a cause why ao saary farmer are dissatisfied
wlaj the- proftaaiaa'! Farming is n?eded to be tti
Bjost impostant Industry la U aatictti and Uie foonda
tkm of a profperlTy of manufacture and oaer eoier
jBise. An Industry of suet parammmt Importance
should attract the beat men la the country to It ex
ploitation, and yet ae profits of many fanus are too
small lor reamneraCTe ojration.
It ia safe to predict that apiculture in never at
tain Its inaUecahle us.itioo of the most profitable as
well as the most paramount of the proTessions until the
ffOTernment chary It policy la the disposition of pub
Ik: lands. Of what avail is it Uj the farmer to Improve,
bis holding when the poTerument stands ready to (It
the Immirant acres of CrH-class laud If be win only
agree to make his residence on It? The New England
farmers are unable to sen their estates when the gov
ernment oilers to donate a better farm If the bomeaeeker
will agree to lire on and Improve it. Not until the fer
tile free lands f the government are exhausted by dia
ttihiitKia lo compeBlors win the present condition of
farmers be materially Improved. Goodall's Farniet.
CatUaa; a
it bl ik th
law we pass bet
the laws w
fore that ski
hcthtT w ana
what we aay.
The dem pti
nocb of tls fees
exerdae ta tadj
work far 14:
hasds to do.
The only thlnps we can really o
are those we are thankful for.
As inea get nearer to God Uiey fcj
It easier to get along tofecher.
God can make thing plain to ob
folk that Be cant even bint at u
The man who doesnt believe hi a
beTl baa nerer seen a drunkard's
Tbere Is a big place tn this
for the man who does sot despise tb
day of sman things.
To get where Bin cant shock yoa
Is to come -very dose to the jUt
where God cast reach yon.
Some people are so afraid of dotes
northing aacrllegloos that they dtgt
do asjtblng that Is religious.
It Is hard for the Lord to do nwa
to the meeting where the clock h
watched closer thaa the preacher.
The borne was the first instlnrtc
Gd ea Wished In this world, and tbt
Erst the devil tried to break up.
Bear la mind that the derfl gets
boy by getting fcla father Erst, aid
be may pet yours in that very sua
Ton cant eare people Into being
good any more then yon can drh
the poiarm out of a rattlesnake by
putting a clothespin on It tail.
The Earl of Crewe, a Liberal lead
er la the British Hons of Ixirds. an
soimd the other day that the gov
emtLent conwmjjates aa a revision
of toe corotiBTjon oath as wm ellinl
tate from Jt the objurgatlcius efTen
jve to Cie E-oman CaaolVra. The
Conaervative karler wtacomed ate
change at a Cfsirabi reform. When
the two parties are agreed. It should
not be dlSmlt for ae gwernment to
arry out ta pnrpoae.
The one real, all-saffitet. tmlreraal
er-on-a-J. gravy m ails world,
nc-v-. is plain. olcl-faahi!irf.fl
Frevy with ""yolks of egsa. gj&rta,"
nroEiirooiiia, truSea, or waatnot ever
eonetned anywhere, or eaacuaved Is
the minds of mortal: Ton east beat
It! It known frotn the btEnbieK
hovel to the 3flrdlie!st palace, and ev
erybody truthfuTy lndlntd wt3 agree
-without comment.
XSEAHC k: rxf-y
tul ium tekMW
mm SuU Barm.
Mnshriit always grow la damj
plaoea. end ao they looc Hire umbrei
let," wrote a small boy la the actent
examiiietiosi. Other example of th
liowler" are osny lied I? a writer la
the Scaenafic Ameri-rax :
Alr it the most newseary of an ttw
eletuenta. If aiere were no such thiTif
as air I would not be writing ails es
say now. aiao are would be bo pneu
matie area, which would he a sad loaa.
"Elerrrictty and lightning are of tht
same nature, the only difference being
aiat lightning Is often eereral miles in
length, while electricity is only a lea
"Air usually has no weight, but found
to weigh about fifiaten pounds to a
aguare Inch.
"The axis of Us earth is an Imagi
nary Use ox. which fhe earth Is anp
poaed to take Its daily rotrrine.
"The difference between air end
water Is aiat air can be made wen-,
but water cannot.
"Grarlry is chiefy oaah la n
Bututna when ate apjiies are fam-nr
frcBii ate tre.
Thlugs which are eqnal to each oth
er are equal lo errtilng else.
A jraL3 straight line is on which
If jirodxwBfl to meet Jiaelf turn not
"The blood ts pntr-Sefl to at lungs
by xnilred air."
zsA iiX
I lines la common and are la aU cases
extremely Interesting.
A coastal tribe always consider It
self superior to an inland tribe and
even its meanest member claims to
rank higher thaa ate most powerful
mm -mi-iaw- i Mnu aaih la sma man or an up country tnae, A man
A -very handy little picture hanger 3 Among, recent Inventions is an ex-1 may marry any women be likes of any
has been devised by a resident rf j 2iug:l-y aimpie shower bath, de-'j tribe. It being held that be gives ber
Ohio. The device Is off wire and aiejfcgBed by a Camden man. It can his own ataru. whatever that mtv &
a Vu Krvr, I ader Amy ClrrmMi-.
, Marries Beaeath Ber.
While tie marriage customs of West
and Ron?bm-wit kfrien tltffor of milnui
la different trlbaiL tier have broad !d -Norlp.T- A young tfha.
laie io ainner irom a saauug ir j.. itr
It Is bid of an old-time boarding aiia
rreas of Marblebead. a ahrewd dun
wno kept ber boarders under admin!
control, that once, on Saturday nijfc.
a daring man broke the unwritten ks
of the establishment, and asked a s
ond time for beans. At aace seven
others, who bad t4 dared, bat wet
ready to follow a leader should be sat
ceed. looked up exjiectanlly.
The landlady praeuptly ladled Into
the plate of the rasa tnoovatior s lis.
spoonful scraped from the deepest In
terior of the dish, and sweeping tht
table with a beaming entile, dedared
"There! I calculated on Just eswoi
to a bean!"
Second helpings were otherwis- d
couraged by a boarding mistreat d
body bus a loop
at the top by
which 31 can be
bung oa a nail
The 1S flare
o a t w a r d and
have anpporting
book for feel
and the single
arm. bent at right
angles at the el
bow, has a hook
at ae t'fp.
be attached to but it is almort unheard of for a wom
eitber Ute bead an to marry 1eDealh ber. As a re
ar foot of ate i "nit smne of the women of the mrt
tub. Xo ennaia aujTkr coBtst rrKtes. like the Mpongwe,
is recrniwd. nor j low to marrlajre with white men and
Uil Wl 1 1 V iiv wiTBj i ijqnent-'y attain .
UT- have auTOortiTir 1 V VJ wet th hair or The narenla on both aidn rr,i hw
') fan outside ai lately In the matter of marriage be-
arm. lnl at right ; Hu.a talU This sbcrrer lai j briclrrctoni roe empty-handed to ob
angles at the el-! wwks on a swir-'taia the consent of ae bride" father,
bow. has a hoot B apray can 1 ma3e ta Then be cone ar1n wvfc rfr J
flow la any direction t r!ich any por- Uaaier calls In other member. f
The picture frame rests on ate feet m n5.T- proannng a Iwa.thTnl , family to view the gifts. On the third
and is ieil In piac ty a arm. ;, alifl lavigtsatlng effect. When U is de- nan be carrte trade g:n. a suffidenty
which can be moved up and iflowa ate ' ,ir4,a uae aie ahower 5t i raring j poisonous tompound. gerjerally from
b"fly. ao that It can be aejlusied to al-ij "TrTlJ ateT turned tL ; Eamburg. In the old day It we palm
iuijs: any siae plctnre. Tht whole af
fair can be made t sell for a very
little money and It takes but a mo
ment to hang a picture by it.
The trouble of measuring wire and
ganging 3t ao that the piTure hangs
tat it ritiviateid. as the body rest flat
against ate wall for Its who length
and is?ps aie picture at a proper
The Rtirar m then h wn'mj w
After use
toddy or wine.
Ob this occasion be hbvb nw n
It Is awung tfk lata a : "tallment of the dowrv. irw tK- f ,
vertical position, where it is wrt of She ; visit be takes bis parent with Mm and
way. It is tl convenient for rinsing permitted to see the girl berae-f.
the -heir alter a ahagpoq j TThen next be call his prospective
s Sew I.twa. ! ''f" J' Ulm-
Everynew Inventifo eadrtw the ord ' . nB rP t3" and
Its lb interest of aafeguardina; coast
ise shipping, a Departniexit of Com
merce and Labor has made tew rule
whk effort terge traffic. They ap
ply mostly to ate Atlantic coast, and
especially to the coal-carrying trade,
eine that Is the principal industry In
which barg? are employed. The new
rule limit the number of barges which
me tiig may tow to three, and re
rnire that the 3enrth of the h
between each two shall not Jte morel
thaa rr-33ty-Sve fs-t. The new ruSea
W'y only to the three-ml!e limit
within whi?h the dejtrtment has ju-riidi'-tkm,
but ant include the belt
of larr-st traffic. The Jong lines of
barpet have always bes rarded as
dftigsr to other shipping.
In ajrty fiiat of ate Tnion a
toother bas no ownership in ber owr
children, and a buaband can collect
eiery dollar off their earnings, is Ot
wife who bring up a family of chll
dnen. mtCr aach oondiafc as these,
if a -ir-trjfictins member of ate
eoBuanijlty? TTbo tenppurts aie family,
anyway? In aie days our grand-latb-r
the bnshand jiaid fee a barrel
tf cr and the a-lfe made that Cuur
Lac la Hmrmuhmtm.
The ajrstltioi! aitrt luak la horte
ahoes Cat bet too Jar for record, but
It was not always confined to the borae
eboe. Azy pieas of Iron found In one
path wa aecomnad a a of good luck,
and a boraeahoat were more commonly
picked up aiaa any other arficCe of
that metal that particular object at last
became ate standard emblem of good
fortune and lb supposed defense
against bad luck. In Aubrey's "51 jr
Janiee," wrirteo X year ag-. the au
thor mentions having teen be borae
shoe nailed up la church, and be also
aey that "most of she bouse in aw
west end of Loudon bav ae hvrvtiuM
on ttte aireaoold." The borsesbot ti
pteawas rSrrne must hav been found
trot' purchased or looied up. Admiral
Nelaoa bad great falta la ate lack of
ate boraeahoe. and one was nailed tc
the mast of bis ship, the Victory.,
London Chronicle.
The bulky telephone bocHh I x3
maker. A few yr agw the adt,i1(B "a, trt taking a
of a eiectric c-halr in p' ff gj ; 6 531 't- Finally the man
callows for she tilTi-.r rt iaj and the balance of the
ii called forth the 111 formed "etrofm'' '6c'Tr Wk tb TomilE ax- On
Icnger needed to carry on a aaltafae- "rtcW- After Hoeing T. T weomea
tory nversatloE over the telephone. I06 -ouaens f atwnnpt fff ' atrennon, dance
A New Fork ' to a wtcd ram'I ZZTZ
man bas tovent-' rwft ' the prwwis and
d a brtod which j rftn3t: bu5 Jfular ctrmnitm aenae
aoswers the auii:r a at and SLoentget;- wj,
same purpose J t11 "X-ray" 5 all that has a rig
and lakes up so h or"n T5Ti-
eitra iwm. j Axa Bt,r MarcoU .derine f nel
For three moirths the bride h n
recrnlred to do any hard work, but after
that cbe buckles to with hi other
art at gardening and carrying" bur
deana. Polygamy is general and the
number eff a mana wives limited -
t.. i. flrrepbina wttlnrt -) . . i " oupc in ae matter of rr.
be made of wootl Ss31 vnld add-1 a mlJ y "w hi
or metal and ls!i"'fl-T fled vwaimlary. -TWcra-i! L awo-es and ror al-
bowlhaped. it " noB'lwjaar.- "VeOi'r - BKt Mf 7 " rare for a
ia pbroted to an ftna 3U we np(nmfi. ere 71? fl:r at
h - ffasalr waaar1l farCtk a .
utrhrhl whi. t-' wugswstea. Hhe fact is pverrtiokc! : . . ' "a the
bw. arjlClB0 lo nelegraphy- do-s w aigmfr j m1 aoowry.
bt4 tif an ordinary beaw oSit if wires, and it thtsvJwr a-mt I
and w hen &ot in uae the apparaltit tan i !& w-lri-s 7fc; so a8t the
be pudted up out of ate way and the ilI,3':l "aireiess 1igraplir is exaeSr
cntar max tor it regular purpose, j accurase.
To us ae telej'noue Uae caller site la
the chair and draws the boos dwa
little of the half -cold and unappeazi&
first courses, but ventured a second re
quest for hit mince pie. It was serwd
without comment, but a few minnt
after dinner the maid tap;d at ter
"Missus Is afraid all that pie awit
set well," she announced, "and ta
says, sha'nt she make you some git?
The kind offer was declined ; but t
half-hour later the maid aetnd
"Misras says she's wore you must
need in" ginger tea by tow. she stattd
"She'll send ecune right up the ruinnsa
yop say ao. It's an ready."
Soaiiewbat less graciously, the off
was declined again ; but in a fe" mia
utea the maid reapjieared with a tn;.
and. "Here's your ginger tea. Mist
aay you better be on the safe aid,
and take It.'
lather sharply the tray wa rej
diated. Five minutes later the auU
knocked once UKre.
"Missus says she" got to go out W
she ain't Just easy ia her mind to lea
you. She's put your ginger tea on ti
back or the stove keepin' but;
youU find the extract bottle on ti
second shelf of the pantry, if yon ais
any more. She says she hope yotH
be an right but that pie was f
rich, and two pieces was eaougb
upset en ostrich.
Thty did not disturb the dlgestJfle ft
the healthy and hungry young f
mttrs; but she nerer risked toe
ria ber landlady' solicitude by aw
second helpings. The ringer tea a
cured ber of that.
Tker Xtae tarkU(.
Patience I a iovemaking on post
al cards ia In violation of the postal
regulations of Bnasia.
Patrice The country postmaster
must have a dull time of u prer
there 1 Tanker Stataamas.
over bis bead. It I open at the bot
tom, if course, but the other sounds la
the room are reduced to a minimum
Ia front of Ute bood I the trans
mitter, end the re.iver is attached
to the beadgear. which relieves the
person using the instrument ff the
t.-wijy of holding ate receiver to ti
ear. For erjs who have a great
-a3 f ootiTtnuous teJeiAxrtjing to da.
tMs apparatus 5 a blessing unfiia-guiaed.
The tblak fuavn along the basks if
the Seallkl la tiem Africa. 1
densely lnbati5tnfl iy jn-gmiea. Ttir
are mutus. and whw jasnmcd for
food exchange their hlicirn t:r those
of ortber ffamrBa. They refuse to eat
members it their w famHiea,
The wxrmea bae strati a
abeme: they aflrrtlse fur -iouseip.
ert" Instead ff ffc 5rla." "Hoas-i-teper"
hb leas uf a tiE j.as aound to
Flaee far a Hit.
-I wonder why Utey put the enccess
ftfl pudlist- jflcture at the boRom of
She page ia this paper?"
Why tot at the bottom?"
-EweBse St. would fcav tour of a
delicate compliment to bia akin to
have made It as ujiper cut." EalUmore
A TI'I'a'f'ttBl
Txo often." said Cnele Jerry Pe
toe. "when that tbere thing they cal)
ijortunlty comes akmg, by ocka. lr
m?y an osportmilty to ateal eons.
thinr .
have &otkd that when a fa.
i travela he nrris Xuam . .
d xace utaa a
T Little Twice f Eiptil'"
One of the small son of the Frit!
of Wales was taken on board a bitt
ship not kmc era. It was bis
visit to a big shin, and be wa
)y luipressed and Interested. aorfi
to the London Dally New, and
a many questions as the average
Finally be asked what was behind
certain closed door.
That's where we keep the po"
Xo you have to take powder. t-
aaid the little prince. syaa;ataea,J-
Her Laaeat Luarf.
"Toung man," aald the beery fc
"do yon understand the style In a
my daughter baa been accustoatd "
live? She baa always had every
ury she wanted." -And now Vm
luxury she wants." murmured the s3'
r. LorKloo Globe.
There 1 luck In an old borsesb-o
a four-leaf clover if you dant
with a fatal accident or get 5
die. . .
- During the month of August, nto
Bin vessels entered the port of
aos Aires sad not on was An