Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, March 11, 1909, Image 1

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Classified notices In this column 1
cent a, word each Insertion in either
Xews Record or Chieftain; 1V4 cenU
word for same notice in both pa
per; special rates by the month or
sale. Suitable for a saw mill cut
ting from 25 to 35,000 feat per day
or fori planing mill of large capac
ity This la a rood outfit and a
real bargain. For particulars ad
dress O. S. Wiggles worth, La Grande,
820 ACRE FARM, 2 miles from En
terprise. Bargain. Terms easy. R.
D. Sanford, Enterprise. Mm
pound. S. L. Maglll, Lostlne, Ore. tn
dlate posse :sion of greater part. W. 1
M. Sutton, jCity. b2m
A BARGAIN 40 acr3 good pasture
land, Vt mile west of town, with
good building place on county road,
for 1650. Terms, a E. Vest. 55r4
HORSE, 5 yeirs old, weight 1000
lbs.; gantle, no blemishes; 1A grade
Bee Line buggy, single harness, both
nearly new; chapps, saddle, bridle,
etc., $250, on gooi security. S. K. R,
Enterprise Press office. elt
TIMBER CLAIM on Alder Slope for
property in or near Enterprise. C.
E. Vest. him f
160. ACRES within a mile of Enter
prise. Good house, . 8 acre truck
patch. A good place to keep a few
cows, and work in town. See Enter
prise Real Estate Co,
The poBtoffice department has au
thorized the removal of the postof
fice 1 this city one door west from
1U present location. Into the stone
building frmrly occupied "by .the
Chieftain newspaper plant. Post
master Ben Weithers has received
notice to that effect, and also that
because of the growth of business an
increased rental will be allowed for
this office. Mr. Weathers hopes to
te able to moTe the office early in
April, but the time will depend on
how ton he can get the new fix
tares for which fee Is now ne
gotiating. SMJTH A ftMJTH.
Horn Phone, Blue 47,
Invest Your Money
In Enterprise
Where the Wg brick and atone buildings, the high school, and
the county seat are located.
1 $900 00 will buy a good, nfcey finished house and two
large'loU in Bank addition. House Is 14x28 feet. 3 rooms, pan
try and closet. Fine 18-foot well or living water at door.
2 $1100.00 will buy 3 lots on Mala street, each 015.
Very 'valuable location. Fair bouse. Moderate improvement.
Will sell part of the tract.
3. $800.00 will buy a g ood 4-room house and acres of
choice land near depot. Running water on place.
Enterprise Real Estate Co.
Enterprise, Oregon ,
Joesph, March 10. At the cltlxens
irass convention last night, F. F. Mc
Cully was nominated for mayor to
succeed himself, August White for
recorder, F. F. Scribner and S. E.
Forstrom for treasurer. Six candi
dates for councilmen were named,
only three of whom are to be elect,
ed. Those nominated are C. R. Eo
erhard, Charles Johnson, J. W. Quirk,
J. M. Rankin, J. H. Thompson and J.
M. Thompson.
Joseph. March 9 Mayor F. F. Mc
Cally filed today his veto of the Wal
lowa -Lake light & Power com'
pany franchise passed by the coun
cil by unanimous vote last Thurs
day night The reasons assigned for
tha veto will' not be made public
until the mestlng of council Wednes
day night.
A mass convention will be held
tonight for the nomination of candi
dates for the offices of- mayor, three
councilmen, city recorder and city
treasurer, to succeed Mayor F.F. Mc
Cully, Councilmen Rumble, Thomp
son and Eben, Recorder Eberhard
and Treasurer J. B. Sereeter. A
year ago the citizens meeting placed
two tickets Jn the field and It is
thought likely that will be done to
night. During the next 10 days In
dependent tickets may be filed. The
election 13 on Monday, April 5.
At the regular meeting of the Mac
cabees. Monday night, eight new
members we;e taken Into the order,
after which elaborate refreshments
were served, fo'4owed by a reception-.
.r. and Mrs, R, Lay returned Sat
urday from an extended trip In the
Join McCl-ln is home from Spo
kane, where he had been In attend
ance at school.
Victoria Ready came in Monday
night to visit at the home of A. F.
Mrs. Henry Mitchell was an En
terprise visitor Monday.
Hotchkiss shipped two car loads
of hogs to Portland, Tuesday.
Af. a meeting of the county high
seaool board, Ftfday, the present
teachers wera re engaged for next
yir M the salaries now paid. Pro
vision was made for hiring a fourtn
te&Mier who has not yet, been se
lected. The tia-hers re-engaged
are J. W. Kerns, principal; Oene W
Ha'I and Kathryn DuFur.
German Coach Stallion.
M F White and W. H. McDanlel
of Dallas have brought a fine Ger-
man Coach horse, Albln No. 2247. to
Knterorise and will probably sen
him. The horse arrived Tuesday afte
Va'.lev Farms.
E Donnelly and C. C. Boswell
have j-ented the W. H. Graves and
Weaver fr up the vauey.
Donnelly moved onto one of the
places Wednesday, but Mr. Bos well
ill not move out until later.
Mr. and Mrs. Frel J. Mosman of
Montgomery county, Ia are In the
valley looking over this country with
view t3 locate. They recently sold
the'T farm in Iowa to come West.
There have been many paople in
the valley during the last week and
number have bought or rented
places. Thres men representing 15
families In the Pa'.ouse were here
looking for good farms to rent.
They were taken care of by the En
terprise Real Estate company.
. From La Grande Observer.
Charles Anderson is beginning to
think that the way of the trans,
gressor is hard. Yesterday, after
mmeroiu postponements, he was ar-
c for contempt of court.
charged with passing a box of cigars
to the Jury while arriving at a de
cision wherein he was the defendant
charged with violating the lo;al
option law. A'ter hearing his side
9f the case, which seemingly was a
sudden spaam of liberality, not with
my intention vhate.er of making a
favorable Impression on the jury, he
Just handed one of the jurymen a
box of cigars. Judge Knowlea did
not l3oS at it the same way Ander
son did and fined him $50.
notice'of FILING FINAL
In the matter of the estate of
Oregon, for Wajlowa County,
In the ma'er of the estate of
George W. Ames, deceased.
Kotlce Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed with the clerk
if the above named court, his final
account and report as administrator
it the above named estate, and the
. s of the said court has fixed un
ion "ay, April 5th, 1909, at the
iur of 10 o clock . a. m., at the
County Court House, in the city of
Interprie Wallowa Cqunty, Oregon,
S3 the place, for the final hearing
of Bald report and account and all oh-
lections thereto, and why aald es-
ate should not be closed and Bat
tled as provided by law.
Ydminls'rator of . the Estate of
ee W. Ames, deceased.
Dated this 25th day of February
1909. ' 28t5
Simple Remedy for La Grippe,
La grippe coughs are dangerous as
they frequently develop Into pneu-
mon'a Foey's Honey and Tar not
only slops the cough but heals and
s rengtiem the lungs so that no se
rious results "need be feared. The
geiuine Fo'.ey's Honey and Tar con
tilns no harmful drugs and Js In a.
yellow pagkage, Bujnaugh. & M&y,
The election in Enterprise district
Saturday, to vote on refunding
F3500 worth of bonds, resulted in
13 votes for and none against re
The bo3rd has. re engaged for
year the two primary teachers,
Misses Mabel Murray and Gussie
Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton
iad Mrs. Hanri'le have not applied
for positions, to the regret of the.
oard and pa'.rqns of the scbqol. Mr.
Hid Mrs. Sutton will 'retire from
caching and expect to move this
summer to their old home at Spring
Traded His Ranch,
W. J and C. D. Akin of paradise
were county seat visitors Tuesday.
ft'. J. has traded his ranch for 120
acres of land eight miles from Qaj-
;on and far tiw& pr?pety n Day-
ton. He expects to move to his new
home next week.
A Religious Author's Statement
Rev. J03e,h H, Fe3perman, Salis
bury, ,N. C who U the author of
several books, wrtt'J: 'For several
years I was afrujted with money
trouble and last winter I was sud
denly stricken with a severe pain in
mv kldnevs and was confined to oea
eight days unabls to get up without
assistance. My nUne contained a
thick, white sediment and I passed
same frequently day and nightt I
commenced inning roiej ruuuc
Remedy and the pain gradually
abated and finally ceasea ana mj
urine became normal, I cheerfully
recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy."
C E. Vest sold for V. I, Crontn to
Mrs. Sarah Baldwin, lot 3, block 15,
Gardner's addition.
Hunter Buys Big
Bunch Of Cattle
J. F.
Haun Sella His Herd Local
and Personal News of
Lostlne, March 9. J. F. Haun has
sold his cattle, 485 head, to C. A.
Hunter. The exact price is not
stated but $10,000 is the sum given
as the total for the herd.
lone Hutchins was . called to Port
vid Monday. Her brother Is ill at
St. Vincent hospital at that place.
Miss Zelma Ogbourn visited her
parents near Enterprise, returning
Monday mo:nlng.
Mrs. Alfred Fitzpatrlck returned
Monday from Enterprise, after sev
eral days visit with friends.
Mrs. J. W. McCully visited several
days with friends in Joesph and Wal
lowa," returning to her home, Mon
day. Mrs. B. O. Foster and brother, B.
F. Poley of Ashland, Or, both for
merly of this coanty,came Monday
to spend the summer with relatives
In and near Lo3tlne.
- Mrs. S, Poe spent Sunday with her
daughter, Mrs. J. Keeler, at Wallowa.
M. E. church: Sunday school 10
a. m.; preaching at 11 V m.. and
7:30 p. m. Morning subject, "A
Gret Campaign"; evening, "Balm
In GUead." Epworth League at
6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening, 7:30. Mission Study
class at parsonage Wednesday even
ing. Rev, C. E. Trueblood, pastor.
Presbyterian church; Selden C.
Adama, minister. Sunday school 10
a. m,; preaching at 11, "The Creed
of Presbyterians"; Christian Eu
deavor at 6:30; preaching at 7:30,
"Glad-Hand Christianity."
Water Ditch Co. Election.
At the annual meeting of the Farm
ers Water Ditch company held Sat
urday, J, C, Pratt, A, H. Meyer, E. O.
Mai In, Pe'er Baudon and Alex Gil
le3pie were elected directors. Mr.
Pratt was chosen president and Mr.
Meyer secretary.
The Los' In e Reporter will issue
its first number about March 25. It
will be pub'.lshei by M. E. Johnston,
who Is we'.l known to the. people of
middle and lower valley, She con
ducted the old Wa'lowa News at dif
ferent ties and proved herself a
very capable newspaper woman. A
part of the plant of the Reporter
was purchased of tha Enterprise
Mrs. Paul Melotte died Friday
night In the slate hospital at Sa
lem, where she bad bean taken a
few days previously. Her son Frank
was with her when she passed away,
and he brought the remains home,
arriving Monday, The, funeral was
held from the house; Tuesday fore
noon, Rev, S, C, Adams conducting
the services; interment in Enterprise
Emllle Dlshow was born at Vadrl,
Lower Canada, June 14, 1822. She
was married on Nqv, U, 1842, to Paul
Melotte, in St, Lawrence county, N.
Y where they reldel until four
years ago when they Joined their
sons herein Entarprlse. She was
the mother qf 11 children, nine sons
and twq daughters, of whom four
Start In
The Spring-
Work Right
Get one of these GUARAN
TEED watches and you
will know that you are
right. A good AMERICAN
watch for $4.00. Fully
warranted. A fine thin
Model, 10 size Elgin foi
only $10.00. Satisfaction
guaranteed by i
Jeweler and Optician
Enterprise, Oregon
sons, one daughter and the aged
husband survive. The children liv
ing are Gilbert and John In New
York state. Frank and Joe In this
city, and Mrs, Nancy Baulleu of
Oregon City. Mrs. Melotte was a
member of the Catholic church all
her long life, a true wife and loving
mother. Her last years were clouded
by infirmities, but made comfortable
as possible under the circumstances
by the care and devotion of her
The Wallowa Cojnty Teachers
association will meet at Enterprise,
March 20, 1909.
9:30 a. m. El action of Officers.
Address of Welcome W. M.
Sutton. .
Literature Preparatory for
Teachers Gene W. Hall.
Paper Yabel E. Wilson.
Own Sub.e:t Harl H. Bronson.
1:30 p. m. Address Rev. Selden
C. Adams.
Home Study of Literature W.
E. Smith.
Primary Numbers Miss Stella
M. Hooper.
Own Subject A. G. Smith.
Our Insu'ar Possessions N. D.
Burgoyne. ,
Paper Mls3 H. Mae Je.Terson.
Address J. W. Kerns, ,
Music furnlshel by public and
High school puplla.
A full attendance of teachers de
sired. The public cordially invited to
be present.
J. C. CONLEY. Superintendent.
Riley and Day will ship a car
load of horses and mules to Athena
I. S. Hotchkiss shipped a double-,
deck car of lambs and two cars of
ogs to the Poit.and market Wednes-
iuy. The hogs were originally load-
ad at Joseph but ware unloaded
iere to wait for the sheep car.
the County Court of the State
Oregon, for Wallowa County.
the Matter of the Estate
Martha J. Brown, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that the un
dersigned, the administrator of the
estate of Martha J. Brown, deceased,
has filed his final account of his
administration of the said estate
with the Clerk of the County Court
and for said County of Wallowa,
and that the County Court of aald
Wallowa County, by order duly. made
md entered, has fixed Friday,
larch 12th, 1909, at the hour of ten
j'clock in the forenoon of said day,
as the time, and the County Court
room In the County Court House In
the City of Enterprise, In said ooun
ty, as the place, to hear objections
to said final account and settle the
same. All partfoj Interested in said
estate, having objections thereto, If
any there be, are notified to pre
sent the same, in writing, at said
time and place.
Dated this 9Ul day of February,
Administrator of the Estate of
Martha J. Brown, Deceased. 25t5
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wallowa County.
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order of the above-entitled
Court, made and entered on the 8th
;;y of January, 1909, licensing, au
thorizing and empowering the under-
ilgned guardian of the estate of Beu-
iah Bunnell and Irene Bunnell, min
ers, to sell all of the Interest of the
mid minors in and to the E of
he NW and the W of the NE
4 of Section 35 in Township 1 North
a Range 44, E. W. M. in Wallowa
ojnty, Oregon, the same being an
undivided one-third interest, I will
rom and after the 26th day of
March, 1909, proceed to sell at private
iale alt of t'ue interest of said min-
rs in and to the said described real
property. The terms of said sale
ire as follows: the entire purchase
irice Is to be pall in cash.
Dated this 20th day" of February,
First insertion February 25th, 1909;
'at March 25th, 1909.
1URLEIOH & BOYD, Attorneys for
Guardian. 27tS
Marriage Licenses.
March 5 Daniel B. Clark and Miss
tola Irene Akin.
March 9 J, Uloodsworth and Lora
Apply For Timber
Here, March 10-11
Ranger .-I arris to Meet Alder Slope
Farmers In Enterprise This
Wallowa, March 8. Couch k Mo
Donald sold six lots to various par
ties in the McDonald addition, dur
ing the last weelt; also 13 acres ad
joining the town on the north to lo
cal parties for H. C. Cramer of En
terprise; the (arm known aa the
Reagen farm In the Lower Valley
to Jack Johnson; and sold 240 acres
of timber land for Johnson. The
real estate fltin says the prospect
for business was never better than
at the present time.
Ranger J. F. McClaln and wife of
Joseph were In Wr.llowa over Mon.
day, on bualuejs connected with the
Forestry servlca.
Forest Ranger Hants will be in En
terprise Wednesday and Thursday.
Aldor Slope farmers needing frea
use of timber on the Forest should
apply ti him.
Mrs. F. A. Galloway visited over
Sunday at the home of J. M. Don
nelly. Myrl Donnelly returned wUh
her for a short vtelt.
Hays Ke:nan, D. W. Warnock and
C. W, Warnock, stockmen of Jos
eph, were business visitors Monday,
Revival meetings closed Sunday
night. The dedication of the new
Christian church wlil be March 14.
Evangelist Stevens remains until af
ter that date. ,
Sunday a special train came In
from La Grande and loaded 13 cars
or stock cattle for Ellensburg, Wash.
The cattle were bought of John Mc
Donald, and Ge:rge Hanna was the
J. F. Johnson loft Monday for So
nora, Mexico, on a prospecting trip.
Mrs. Charles McAllster returned
home to Enterprise Monday after a
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Johnao.i.
Mrs. Charles Hug will have a bem-
t!,ul ,lne of hat on display on and
after Saturday, Marcl. 20. Her Eas
ter opening will be April 9. On that
day ladles coming from a distance
and purchasing $2.50 hat will be
refunded their fare one way; pur
chasers of a $5 hat will receive
their fara both ways.
Bought Another Monkey.
W, P. Sum ma received by express
Tuesday an India monkey, that will
help keep Mr. Samms' Filipino monk
from being lonely. Mr. Samtns li
gradually accumulating a small me
nagerie, and as the monkeys are li
able to start a circus at any time,
ho will Bojn have aflrst-cluss road
Coming in Day or Two
Car load of
Rock Creek Flour
Guaranteed To Equal
Anything In, Oregon.
LOSTINE FLOUR 11.25 per Sack.
Berry and Fruit Sugar
(Best) per cwtv $7.40
Beet Sugar per cwt $G.50
Horseshoe and Star
Tobacco, plug 45c
7 Export cigars 25c
Oranges, Lemons, and
Bananasper doz. 40c
Baled Hay, $13 a ton.
Best Timothy in Town.
Armour's Bacon and Lard
Hams and Sides per lb 17c
Cheaper and better than
Phone Whit 37
Free Delivery to Any Part
of Town