t Little Soldiers In your blood are the millions of corpuscles that defend you against disease. To make and keep these little soldiers healthy and strong, is simply to make and keep the blood of the right quality and quantity. This is just what Flood's Sarsaparilla does it helps the little soldiers in your blood to fight disease for you. It cares scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous ness, dyspepsia, general debility, and builds up the whole system. Prince Waldemar of Denmark is a capital boxer and Is ever ready to put on the gloves. Norway's seaweed, used as fuel, yields S greater revenue than its fisheries. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondefu! man has made a life study of the Sropertiea of Roots, lerbs and Barks, and is Hiving the world the benefit at him urvlo. No Mercury, Poisons fftq or Drugs Used. No Q:3jr Operations or Cutting- Guarantees to cur Catarrh, Asthma, Lane;, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of Men and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekln. China safe, sure and reliable. Unfailing In Its works. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps, ' CONSULTATION TREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 16214 first St, cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. I M WW (rescent WIUDOAU THAT ANY HKainucB) POWDER WILL C DO AND mmm A FULL POUND 25c DO '.i BETTER The in the land is not always the 25 Ounces for 25 Cents Is the result of modern ideas. Costs less. Does better work. You must try it to see. Get a can on trial. Hie baking will be vastlv better. jignter ana tastier for the can. The Alveolar System Of Replacing Teeth in the Human Mouth is the Greatest Advance Ever Made in. Scientific Dentistry A few years ago Marconi came before the world with the statement that he could transmit messages through the air by electricity without the use of wires. Every telegraph operator in the land scoffed at the idea and said it could not be done. Likewise the Alveolar System t replacing teeth in the human mouth without the use of cumbersome and unsightly plates, which is the latest method to be adopted by scientific dentistry. If you have two or more teeth in either Jaw, either tight or loose ones (we make the loose ones tight and healthy) we guarantee to put in for you a beautiful set of teeth that can hardly be told from natural ones. AU work absolutely painless. These Teeth Will Outlast Those Who Are Wearing Them If we can beautify your appearance and build up your health with a new set of Alve olar System teeth, or enable you to do away with a wobbly, unclean, partial plate or ill fining piece of ordinary bridge-work, wouldn't it be the greatest service that could be done for you? mm We make absolutely NO CHARGE for advice We examine . your mouth and advise conscientiously- Bm "It didn't hurt a bit Now ' jfi Jllpill V .' In a case like the above, all dentist throw up their hands and say there Is no hope ex cept in the use of a false plate. The Alveolar System solves the problem and now plates are seldom necessary unless every tooth is gone. We are positively painless dentists in every branch, and for SO days we make the following money -saving prices: 22K Gold or Porcelain Crowns - - - $3.50 Bridge Work (all kinds) each tooth - - $3.50 up Silver Fillings - - ." - 25c and 50c We. are expert plate makers - - "$3.50 up Painless Extracting (free with all work) - - 50c . Write for our Booklet, which will be sent free. "The Great Alveolar Electric System." We are the only real Alveolar Dentists in Portland. Beware of imitators. We do 'work for out-of-town people in shortest possible time. The Alveolar Painless Dentists Dentists of 5 to 20 Years N. L Corner Fourth and Washington Streets Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12. Ueeaaearet. "Is It true," inquired the traveler woe was standing In front of the Art Insti tute, "that a confidence man once sold these big bronse lions to a trnsting stran ger for $75 or some such pitiful sum?" "Tep," said the policeman; "the con men In this town are losin' their grip. I can remember when thej wouldn't sell nothin smaller than the Masonic Tempi to a vatioo." rt,t, rvihnne Tke Old Widower- Ckole. Tie wanted the comforts of home. But wanted then cheap. He took No year or two to primp and fidget ; Be merely said. "Will you marry m Bridget?" "I will, sor," answered the cook. Chicago Tribune Only One "EROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Loos for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used th world over to Cure a Cold In One Day. ISc -ou Camions. Mayme You refused that, handsome young lawyer? Why, I thought you liked him. Maybelle I did, but when he proposed to me he put it in the form of a hypo thetical 'Question 400 words long. Thm I. ecarvrlv nnv liu ... tUMflihl. lmArn.i-.-l I- . . but it takes time and money. Wehsve been lmproTing flower and vegetable seeds for over ;o years. More than m people are working to make Ferry'a 6eedssult you. Buy the best Ferry's. For sale everywhere. FERRY'S 19C9 SEED SWWVU FREE Ore REQUEST. P. M. PERKY CO, DotroH, Mtoh. Egg-Phosphate a3! RRYV Jet SEEDS BMlCPOWDER Get it from your Grocer KC for best Quality most costly. AKI POWDER or we pay Jaqnes Mfg. Co. Chicago. The ALVEO LAR SY STEM is to the old time method what Wirelea U to the ordinary Telegraphy m for my Alveolar Teeth." Active Practice in Portland PORTLAND, ORE. Entrance 110 1-2 4th St. Phone AI171 MayccraaTve,Tv overcome xcx vcscttaX charts WrM as- laxakve, Teai&ySyrcp ojTitVxr ais ic so vo assvsXancaXo tukrce xuav; be raiucx &spensc4. wx ukaxvo wvcr neededLos ft&bc& cj ranches wamvivrcA are c asss JuxvcWows .wutV AcpenA jVcv moJuAj; wowToper tvcvMrisYvTrAexvX, prefer oxls.OurvMVvT.uJ ayttoWy lbfebmeJicdhsayslNty Vha tewuM, CALIFORNIA Fic Syrup Co. SOLD BV ALL LCAD1MG DRUGGISTS OMT.14U.ONLY-RLQLU-M PttKC 0 Pf.R eOTTLC niskr. "I think from the utensils about Lira that this mummy must have been an Egyptian plumber." - "It would be lntereatlnf to bring him back to life." "But too risky. Who's going to pay him for his timer' Louisville Courier- Journal. eeee.s liTC Wl WE Farms! WANT We want stock, wheat dairy and fruit farms. Having a lanre Eastern corre spondence we are in a position to make quick sales. Drop us a card if you have anything- or know of any farms for sale. ATLAS LAND CO., 420 Lumber Exchange DADTI A Kin rC--M i vniuuu, vlvlvswil 4, MERCHANTS! I WILL TRADE 1 Wall Paper. Mouldings, Pictures and other aim- &j liar eoods, lor timber 6) land, farm land or cash. Lowest wholesale prices. Write me. E. H, MOOREHOUSE 144 Seventh St, Portland. Oregon ffi mi For tfr ml vwea . Ererybody 10TMmr1tentTiietftblca and brilliant Howarm. Therefore, to iwv xomeis rin union moo. , 1009 Hich Carrot Saed. .1000 Celery. 100 Parsley. 1 AAA I..I-U tb-Ul.U CA 1500 Buttt-vLettuceSeed. 1500 " TenderTurnipSeed. jL tCAA W T3...W.. C'J si ivw j wont nuiauaica o u 100 N Melons, 100 Tomato. 1200 M friiHutnnvwrimgAuula e In all 10,000 kernels of warranted northern crown aeeue, veil worth 91.00 of any man1 money ( Including Ulg Catalog) ail postpaid for but in Bui in pa. And if yon aend ftOe we add a partr aeeof rarllestl'eeuO'layHweet(?orn, mm Plant, Tool and Stead Catalog iree u lntenaiof buyera. nriwior Mine vouay. THE JOHN A. SALZEt SEES CO, LiCROIsE, WIS. The 2 "FLYERS" are the O.R.&N. fast through trains between PORTLAND and SPOKANE WM. McMURRAY, G. P. A. Portland Like Thaw. Redd It'a In order for some on to name his airship after Thaw. Greene Why not Redd Because when it la sent op It eeins to be very uncortaln Just how long It Is going to stay up. Yonken HratMmfl.n. Coughing Spells are promptly relieved by a sin gle dose of Piso's Cure. The regular uas of this famous re medy will relieve the worst form of coughs, colds, boara. aets, bronchitis , asthma and dis uses of the throat sad lunn. Absolutely free from harmful drugs and opiates. For half s century the household remedy la millions of homes. At all drnsirUu', 25 da. rszrux, deseet fixjti . Tkoaakt Wertklsssa, Be rU ef AlesksU Another wild desert plant that grows profusely upon many millions of acre of land In the mountainous region of western Texas now la being used as a profitable source of revenue, says the Kansas City Star. It la the sotol. which is said to be found In no other part of the United States. It is of quick, stnrdy growth. It long has been known that alcohol could be made from this plant, bnt it Is only within the last few months that steps have been takes t utilize this knowledge in a commer cial way by the manufacture of dena tured alcohol from the large bulb which forma a part of the growth. This bulb Is situated Just above the ground and frequently la a foot in diameter. The percentage of alcohol w hich It cou tains is said to be larger than in any oUier known product It was not until In the last seaaion'of Congress that authority was granted for the manufacture of denatured alco hol from the sotol plant As s result of this Federal permission, a sotol dis tillery has been established at El Tasn and large shipments or the sotol bnlb are being made from the Alpine section to that place for conversion into the denatured product When the eurly Spanish explorers first penetrated the region along the Rio Grande River below Alnlne. more than two centuries ago, they found that tne 1'ueblo and other Indian trlbea had a knowledge of the alcoholic Drooertles of the sotol plant Primitive stills were in operation from which s fiery white liquor was obtained. The Indians were wont to Indulge freely in this native Intoxicant The sotol liquor still Is a favorite beverage among the Mexicans of the border. The American cowboy of this region has an intimate knowl edge of the "fighting" qualities of thli liquor. It Is one of the Bhases of ini tiation which the tenderfoot Is always put tnroiigh upon the border ranches. "The main objection to the stuff la that you've got to run a mile to get your breath after you have taken a drink of It" said a cowbov the othor day. - Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sootblng Byrup the b- st romeclv to use for their cbUdred luring the teethiug period. Extremes of ASvertlsIesr. "We want to do something big to ad vertise that new play," said th New fork manager. "Well," answered ths press agent "which kind of a play is it? One to which you invite the attention of the ilergy or the attention of the policer Washington Star. Gasnraaee, Rankin Do you think you could rldr ninety-eight miles on horseback in seven teen hours straight t Fyle No, but I walked the floor nin hours straight with a squalling baby last lgnt, and I'm willing to bet that no President of the United States can do 'hat Chicago Tribune. CtTC Bt. Vitoa Danes sna ? srvoas inees.ee perm 1 1 1 J aestly ami by Dr. Xi .tne's Great Nerve Ko torer. Send for FKEI tl.ee trial bottle end treatise. Dr. & B. Kline, Ld., SI arch St.. Philadelphia, fa. Alsaeat as Good. Little I key cam up to bis father with a very solemn face. Is it true, father," he asked, "that marriage is a failure?" His father surveyed him thought fully for a moment "Well, Ikey," be finally replied, "if rou get a rich wife it's almost as good ts a failure." Lipplncott's. War She Deellsed. A young woman entered a crowded itreet car with a pair of skates on her irm. An elderly gentleman at once arose and offered her his seat. "Thank you very much," she said, iweetly, "but I don't care about sitting lown ; I've been skating all after joon." Harper's Weekly. Yon Caa Get Allea'e root-Ease FREE. Write AUenS. Minuted. Le Roy, M. Y for a "l' v. jiiicu, ruuvun, cures iweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes Mvnr riirhr ilirkAt,v a ........ i .. t - r- -- - " J ' . wtwiU VUlV 1U1 iisUiseUlu ibc. Don't accept any substitute - Hope Defered. (Vhen first I sought the writers' ranks Ufy yerse was taken in with thanks. Tls years since that Initial splash rhey've never sent the promised cash, ro wait and get no pay, I find, a worse than having things declined. Tlevelnnil Tlln Dealer. Jmmt Betweea Tkeamselvea. Actress (sotto voce) Sh, no one must know of this 1" , Actor (surveying slim audlence) My dear, you may speak out; there 1 no one to hear us." Judge. Mix for Colds. To one-half pint good whiskey, ada ne ounce syrup sarsaparilla and one junce Toris compound, which can be procured of any druggist. Take in teaspoonful doses before each meal and jefore retiring. This relieves in 24 aours, and cures any cold that is cura ile. - - Oae of (he Slsjaa; "Col. GuDDsome is getting to be a pret : big man in politics, isn't he?" "Tea; whenever he calls on the Presf lent be has to be careful to explain to the reporters that bis visit has no politi sal significance." Fraltaa-e. Kan Where did Kit aver 8nd him ana why did she marry him? What a with red, insignificant little specimen he la I Fan That may be, but she picked him irom a magnificent family tree. As soon as a man discovers that he cannot reform himself, he begins on the world. There Is always something happen ing to keep you excited. Fleweatet for Both. Near Sighted Gueet (t banquet) I pretome the next thine will be a long and tiresome speech from some talkative toy. Man Sitting Next O. I ninnow an. I'm the talkative gay that baa to make the speech. PILES CURED fN a Trt 11 nivs PAZO OINTMENT la rase of Itchine. Blind, Bleedint or Protrodint Itiea la f to 14 days or money refunded, joe. s Perlaki the Thoesjhtt Gladvi If he talks tn rnn i;v .- v.. loo Impertinent I iu.it wouldn't .t.nj tny of bis lip. Esmeralda His list TT. 1,1. T it. Us never presuacd id far as to kiss me. uiss uoovius; Aaother Horror. Exchange Editor Let me see Mark Twain had a degree of some kind con ferred on him. didn't he? Literary Editor Yes; since he incorpo rated himself I believe he has taken' ths 4egTe of Ltd. Eneet the Rial oar Gearratio. Distracted Mother (onenina the door of the playroom) What are you boys mak ing an tbis terrible racket about? Her loungest We're Dlavln' Conrreaa. maw. We've just hid a message from the wes'dunt ! Chicago Tribune, TOWER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF UILfcD LL0THIN0 , looks belter -wears longer ona gives more bodily comfort ucwuw cur on v I ..ii - i costs no more than the 'just os good kinds $UIT5$3Q25l!CKER5$39o SOLD EVERYWHERE beormaihe "J. guaronleed is. " .., " wolsrprool BASE BALL GOODS Goldsmith Leamie Balls $1.00 neecn ijflairue nans l.oo Rrsch Ollicial American League Ball 1.2S Reach Baseball Gloves 25c to 3.00 Reach Haaehall MitU y5o to 8.00 Reach Shoe Plates, pair 10c and 25c Reach Bats 25c, 60c, 75c and $1.00 Suits complete, includinir shirU, pants, slock- lnsrs. cap ana twit, made or good quality OUtins- flannel, in e-rev or nvil bin Sl.RO Heavy Outing Flannel, per suit 2.00 Men'a sites 50C extra. NO CHARGE FOR CASINO OR CARTAGE Send for comp'.ete catalocue. HUDSON ARMS CO. nS,di What Is said to be the largest collec tion of coins is in the public cabinet of antiquities at Vienna, which contain! about 125,000 pieces. wwa; 'J llA Ktnrl V oil lluva slwav ms W2k .s k Mi ture of Ckas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his personal supervision tor over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Countcrfclta, Imitations and Just-as-prool' are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Hoothlntr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Mitrcotlo substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhwu and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Htoinaeh and ltowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought Bears the In Use For ft csarraua eoapaMy, yy MAPILEDMI THE You could never hope to buy a more stylish or serviceable hoe than the "Leading Lad v." It la riant lIOtrbHa t A In a w ruxi nee and Him the foot oerfectlv frnm Ha vorv a it..,ins .,U..U J at-1 wears much longer than most made that it lasts twice as long as the average shoe, sad will retain its shape to the end. Why buy inferior shoes when, with the same money.you can get the "Leading Ladyt" Your dealer will supply you; if not, write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole. fKt.lL U you will send us the nornanciie Leading lastly anocs, we wiU send you fret paid, a beautiful picture of Martha Wasliinston, size 15n Wealso make Honorbilt Shoes. Msrihs Waahlnirtnn ion snoes, verma cusuion buoes and Special Merit giiwwi onoes. F.MAYER BOOT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN aaati.tiwiin GRIP IS PREVA LENT AGAIN. A prompt remedy is what every one is looking for. The efficiency of Peru nais so well known that its value as a grip rem edy need not be ques tioned. The grip yields more quickly if taken in hand prompt ly. If you feel grippy get a bottle of Peruna at once. Delay is almost certain to aggravate your case. For a free illustrated booklet entitle! "The Truth About Pemna," address The Peruna Co., Columbus. Ohio. Mailed postpaid. it OWAKTi E. nmTON.-Aswyer arl Chemlat. "liver, Is so, fl i tlnld, Wlvt.r,7.'M-j OoM, Zlnooe lcii.T,H. Cyanhle Ints, Malllnf envelopoa and full price lint arm oa anpllrntlon, Vonln.1 and Vim pework mllullwi, Ivelsrsuuet Carbonate Ba The IUusou t fciake and Bell Hare Hen's $3.00 U $3.60 SIiojs lima Any Other Mauufsoturer l Wchh t rlT. h. mm the bmM et tke siert " coupl.w ernaelutlon ef tratiws asMrta aaS aaui4 . Hlo.naS.ri ts th. cosntry. h. MlKtlos of tli. lihm for aaca part W tlit ikM, ' nrj aetaU o( taa m.kln. la mnry dpiw.il. to lookMl afUr br th. bt.t iho.Biak.rl la the ihoa ladagkrr. II I el ibe T" ko car.fUly W L Hoailai ihoM sre aud, jrus would Lhaa ad.rttan J why Uy hold thati shape, at bttur, aa4 aoar loss or Uiaa aay other atli. My Mrthodof Tanning the Unlet mat it (sent sfore fttxibitmml Longer Wtarlng than any othttt. mines far Kverjr Mrnbrr f the ramllr. Meu, lluy., lVeiHN,ftl Uaea and t'hIIUrea. Fr sale by aline rlmlera ewywliere. r&llTlnN I No1" K'liiilne xlthuiil W. I. IVii.irlas wnUIIUII i name and prim eiamid en boituui. Tut Oelot SyolaU OleS Iselsslnly. 0aUlo sullaS free, W. L. DOldLAS, .I gaark St., Brwktsa. Mass. PNU No. 8-09 w II KN wrlifnir to advertUr plMM mflniKin tins papers X3 V VVJ a.' , er v VV' "TV V" llmtl.. 1... ... - i. ... Signature of Over 30 Years. aiussay arasrr, new yeas erry. 3 A FIavorinf. It makes syrup better than Maple. tfrocera. CORRECT SHOE FOR STYLE. EASE AND GOOD WEAR t" VmW- shoea. It la an name of a deal. SHOE i 'ea? . 1.00 TO. 13.00 asV ho does I if0"' I Hnrru A-fL. ' I L "wjiArs i ' i i i ' i f i Yr Ssjsmsi eji . - J s A