Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, February 18, 1909, Image 1

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    wllliul' wpsra I ; Wit nnm
Classified notices In this column 1
cent a word each Insertion In either
News Record or Chieftain; 114 cents
a word for same notice In both pa
pers; special rates by the month or
Two thousand acres of choice level
land In the Turlock Irrigation Dis
trict. This land Is level, sandy loam
and will grow anything from oranges
to Alfalfa. Sold on easy terms at $75
to $100 per acre. For further Infor
mation and prlnt9d matter write to
Cadwallader & Baker, Turlock, Cal.
sate be'ore February 25. Call at
my house In EntarprUe. M. K. Boat
man. BOILER AND ENGINE 75 H. P., for
sale. Suitable for a saw mill cut
ting from 25 to 35,000 fest per day
or for a planing mill of large capac
ity. This 13 a good outfit and a
reat bargain. For particulars ad
dress O. S. Wlgglesworth, La-Grande,
320 ACKE FARM, 2 miles from En
terprise. Bargain. Terms easy. R.
D. Sanford, Enterprise. blm
J. S. L. Magill, Loatlne, Or. bm
GRAY FILLET, coming 2-years-old,
Caine to my farm, 11 miles north of
Enterprise, about October 1. Owner
can have same by proving property
and paying charge3. H. D. Crum
packer. LOST.
WATCH CHARM. Gold Keystone,
with name on back, Chas. E. Funk,
Enterprise Chapter, No. 30, R. A. M.
$5 reward for return to Funk's store,
Enterprise. -
THREE MARES: One light bay
mare, 3 years; one brown mare, 2
years; one i:on gray mare 2 years;
all three branded HL (Joined) on
right Bhojlder. Reward for informa
tion leading to their recovery. H. C.
Laird, Enterprise. . blm
Woodmen of World, Attention.
The regular meeting will occur In
Fraternal Hall, Tuesday night, Febru
ary 23. Installation of officers fol
lowed by social session. C, A. Ault,
Watch the label on your paper.
r For Portage Road.
Salem, Feb. 16. The house passeJ
the appropriation for the portage
. At a meeting of the city council
Monday night, the street committee
was instructed to confer with the
city attorney in the matter of having
a new fire limits ordinance drawn
The bills for furnishing groceries
and wood to O. H. Brady, during the
time his house was quarantined,
were allowed.
How About
This Is the question always asked by the prudent land buyer.
When land was cheap such a question was seldom asked, and lit
tle attention was given to the subject. Any Justice of the peace
or notary was good enough to draw up a deed or mortgage, and
abstracts were seldom called for. Consequently the records
teem with errors. Erroneous descriptions, unsealed deeds, mis
spelled names, unpaid taxes, uncancelled Judgments, irregular ac
knowledgments, failure to state whether grantor was married or
single, mortgages and liens paid but not satisfied on the rec
ord, are a few of the errors constantly occurring in the in
vestigation of titles. Loan companies and careful buyers will
not take defective titles or buy a law suit. The time to have
these defects remedied is now while it can be done.
This subject is so closely connected with the selling of real
estate that we have Installed an abstract department, and are
in a position to make reliable abstracts of title,
Enterprise Real Estate Co.
Enterprise, Oregon
The big Crossett-Palmer timber
deal has baen completed beyond a
doubt, as the 259 abstracts covering
the Wallowa county land, have been
sent to the Wallowa Law, Land &
Abstract company of this city to be
brought down to date.
The to al deal Involves in both
Union and Wa Iowa county 278
tracts of land, the big majority
being quarter sections, but Including
some 40 acre, 80 acre and 120 acre
tracts. - .
The abstracting Job Is no small
affair, especially as it is a rush or
der, but an extra force of hands is
helping Mr, Boyd to expldlte mat
ters. . ;
Nothing is known relative to the
rumor that the Palmer company
was buying only to sell to a Chicago
syndicate, which was going to buy
not only the Crossett timber , but
the original holdings of the Palmer
company, including the La Grande
mill at a fine big profit.
The deeds for the Crossett deal
have not yet arrived in County
Clerk Boatman's office for record
" Wallowa, Feb. 16- Final five year
homestead proofs were made before
U. S. Commissioner Cooley as fol
lows: ' Lawrence L. Victor, s nw and
w ne, section 27, township 2 n,
r 41.
Syvert P. Horde, nw Bee 10, town
ship 2 n, r 44.
Luke Conner, lot 4, sec 2, township
3 n, se section 34, and w 8w sec
35, township 4 n, r 42,
Rangers Harris and Downs are
out to Powwatka marking the north
country boundary line of the Forest.
Albert Hunter and family of Isl
onu City were vUltlng his brbther
Charles, returning to their home
Monday. 1
The family of E. A. Holmes have
bgea en.oylng a visit from Mrs. Me
Kean and daughter Luella of Walla
Walla, Mrs. McKean ' is a sister of
Mr. Holmes, Mrs. E. A. accompan
ied them home Monday and her
husband will follow a few days later.
They will visit Portland before
turning about March 1. . '
Superintendent Conley came down
Monday and will vUlt the schools at
Fowwatka. , .
J. C, Balrd, the restaurant and ho
tel man, has had a large refrlgerafoj
or cooling room built In theear
end of his building, which will 'be
quite a convenience as well as a
saving. '
Miss May Jefferson visited over
Sunday with Mi3s Murray of Eriier
prlse. The Christian people began revival
services Sunday at the M. E. church.
Evangelist Stevens and wife will con
Your Tide?
duct the meetings. Rev. Crockett or
Enterprise will be here a part of
the time.
C. B. Walker, a meshanlc, and his
family from Pittsburg, Pa, have
moved here. He has bought three
lots of J. C. Hall in the McDonald
addition and will build a home.
Kenneth McKenzle went to Sum
merville Monday to attend the funeral
of his uncle Jamei, who died very
suddenly, Sunday.
A, J. Owens of Grossman traded
In town Saturday.
Child Given Acid
In Place Medicine
Mistake Nearly Costs Boy's Life
Joseph Local and Personal
Joseph, Feb. 1G. A young son of
Martin Hibbs had a close call Fri
day night. The child was sick and
one of the members of the family
gave the boy a spoonful of carbolic
acid in mistake for medicine. But
for the timely aid of Dr. Thompson
sad results would have followed.
The child will recover.
Mrs. M. M. Pittinger of Hills-
.boro, Ore., who had besn visiting
her daughter, Mr 3. G. F. .Reed, re
turned to her home Monday.
Mrs. Wilmer McCully went Monday
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
L. Cohoon, of La Grande.
MIbs Margaret Moore, who has
been visiting at the home of her
uncle, M. Heffern, departed Monday
for her home in Cumberland, Mary
Mrs. S. A. Houck went to her
home In Portland the - first of the
week, after a visit of some length
at the home of her son S. W. of
this city.
Mrs. Fred Gaylord and Mrs. H. B.
Royce were Enterprise visitors Tues
day. Lawrence Ca loess, the real estate
man, went to La Grande, Tuesday
and will visit Portland before re
turning. Robert Williams made final commu
tation proof on his homestead before
U. S. commissioner, John A. Rumble.
The Dawson Eros.' will move their
saw mill . out at the head of Prairie
Creek Just as soon as the weather
The masquerade ball at Roup's
hall Friday night was a success in
every way. The costumes were flue.
Tho3e winning the prizes for the
beit dressed laly and gentleman
were Ava Kernai and W. P. Trum
bull, ticket agent. Gertrude End!-
cott beat sustain 3d character, lady;
and Jeff Stlokney best sustained
character, gentleman.
F. D. McCully is home again. He
came in Monday night from Portland
Frank Kernan of Zumwalt traded
In town. Monday,
Mss Martha Rlls finishes the
scnoSl at Pleasant Center.
Dr. R. M. Erwln of Roseburg came
Saturday and will locate in Joseph.
Rev. C, E. Truelood, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Browning and daughter. Miss
Edna, of Enterprise were in attend
ance at church services here Sunday
Jo3eph Lent, of Parma, Ida, who
Is visiting relatives and friends in
the valley is now a guest of his
niece, Mrs. Tom Rich, but will leave
soon for his home. Mr. Lent is
an old Wallowan, having lived north
of Enterprise for nearly 25 years,
and has many friends throughout
the county.
Rev. W, L. McDiarmid had one of
the largest crowds last night since
the revival commenced at the M. E.
church and preached an excellent
sermon. There have been -a number
of conversions, and the meetings are
awakening much interest, and doing
much good ia the community.
Mrs. Dennis Whitmore, of north of
Enterprise, is a gue3t of her sister,
Mrs. Tom Rich. '
The ice men are busy finishing up
the ice harvest.
Mrs. Joe Lay's four year old daugh
ter, Cecil, is quite ill with pneu
monia, j
" Marks brothers who were in from
Freezeout returned home this morn
ing. Mrs, Early is quite ill at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry
Tom Rich has been confined to the
house the last week with pleurisy.
The masquerade ball Friday night
was a fine success both in attend
ance and enjoyment. The receipts
were over $80.
The "Christian church people at a
business meeting held Friday night
I voted unanimously to build a par
j sonage. Work will be begun as
I soon as the weather permits. Plans
- have already been drawn for the
building which will be a two-story
house, 23x41 feet.
! Monday the purchase of lots 8,
9 and 10, block 3, original town of
; Enterprise, from William Makln, was
made through the agency of C.. E.
Vest. These are the loU adjoln
ing the church property on the
west. The price paid was $800.
j The Chrlstlaa church was packed
again Sunday night, a number stand-
ing and many turned away, '
Evange 1st JacksDn in an able and
eloquent manner presented the sub-
Ject of "The American Dollar." . He
showed the analogy between a dol
lar and a man. He said in part:
' The silver in this dollar," holding
a dollar in his hand, "was once
away down in the ground, and as
long as it remained there it was
of little value. So In every man's
life there are gems which must be
brought to the surface to be use
ful All the dollars in the
world will not buy one human soul.
'You are not bought with silver
and gold, but by the precious blood
of Christ.'
The revival will close Sunday
night. The following are some of the
subjects this weak:
Tuesday, "The Seven Golden Can
dlesticks." Wednesday, "The Incomparable
Love of God.
Thursday, "The Church of Christ."
Friday, "Sympathy."
Saturday, "The People of Tomorr
Sunday, 11 a. m, "Braving the
Sunday, 7:30 p. m "From the Cra-
die to the Cross."
This entire ssrmon will be illus
trated by atereopticon pictures.
On account of the illness of Mrs.
Jackson last Sunday evening "Tht
Holy City" could not be given
But .
it will be rendered next Sunday
The Sunbeam chorus will again
sing FrWay night.
In response to many urge-it re-
quests Mrs. Jackson has consented
to preach some night this week.
There have been 32 additions to
the church to date.
Paradise, Feb. 11. M. R. Apnlo
gate has built a warehouse onto her
store at Appleton.
The land deal which has been
pending for some time between Liz
zie Sturm and Sturm & 03burn from
Strawberry Plants
TREES: Apple, Cherry, Peach
Pear, Shade Trees, Shrubbery,
and Roses, Small Fruits, large
supply of Box Elder at ex
tremely low' prices. Send a list
of your wants for prices.
Union. Oregon
Enterprise Opera House
Fourth Number Lecture Course
Monday Evening, February 22, 1909
Harpist, Reader, Contralto Soloist,
Elizabeth de Barrie Gill
Presenting Spleudid Program of Music and Readings.
One of the Best Numbers of The Course.
Secure Your Seats Early.
Fordney Erothers was consummated
George Frazier has sold his ranch
to Wall Miller; consideration $12,Q0O
W.J. Akin has gone to WalUburg,
Wash., to trade his farm for one at
that plac9.
Two runaway boys from GIfford,
are here. Their namea are Trlp-
lett and Herrlck.
Em a Fisher, Ell Applegate and
Wm. Cottlngham weat down to work
on the De3r Crek road Tuesday.
G. W. Norton has be9U sick, but Is
better at present,
Joe Beach and family visited W.
B. Applegate and family Sunday.
Jake Eolmer and wife came up
from the river tojay.
S. R. Landrus has returned from
Washington where he went to lo
cate. He bought 60 acres of land at
Sunnyslde, Wash.
Peter Fordney Bold eight mules
this we 2k and Henry Sturm sold two
James Barnes brought his cattle
from Lewlson, Ida., last week.
John llowlin, a former resident, Is
Charley Shuman attended literary
at Paradl -e -a3t night.
' J. A. Doran's Infant child died Feb
ruary 11.
loatlne, Feb. 16. S. L. McKenzle,
the drugght, took the train Monday
for Summervllle, called there by the
de.ith of hlj brother James.
Mrs. C. H. Carrlngton of Seattle
concluded her vidt with Mrs. O. L.
Palmer and returned to her home
Maud Wood i)lted over Sunday
with Everyl La Certe of Enterprlsa.
MI 38 May Rose of Portland came
Monday to visit her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. p. Rose.
Martin Larsen and wife went to
"Snterpilse Monday oa a business trip
Sons of Daniel Boone.
Last Friday evening Fort Howard
of the Sons of Daniel Boone observ
ed "Hero's Night.' Two new scouts
were Initiated into- the council. Af
ter eating a hearty supper, the heroic
deads of Daniel Boone, George Rogers
Clark' Sam Houston. Kit Carson and
officers and 8.:ojts.
The Presbyterian Church: Sunday
school at 10 a. m., preaching at 11,
"Has God Gone Back on the Old Tes
tament?" Christian Endeavor at
6:30. Preaching at 7:30, "The Man
Without a Creel." Prayer meeting
every Wednesday evening. Every
body welcome. '
OB,u,JU wm ve
;t me is.63ier bcdoji nojse sunuay
' afternoon at 3 o'clock.
"Hak! Dinna ye hear UT What
does it say? Advertise, like blare
of mighty trumpets through th
land. It is the simultaneous cry
everywhere. Advertise. East, West,
North and South of us every city,
town and village la advertising.
What for? There are different ways
of defining It, but they all mean the
same. It is to enlighten, to give in
formation to the public. To let the
rest know what you are doing and
what you want to do. If you have
goods to sell, if you have land to
sell, if vo l have stock to sell, If you
have lands you want settled, if you
have latent resourced needing devel
opment advertise.
Let the public know what you want
done and somejne will come and do
It for yo j. More than that the some
one will pay for the privilege of do
ing Just what you want done, t
The state evcngellst for the Chris
tian church will be here about March
4 to begin a meeting at Hunt school
bouse. There was at one time a
large congregation of Christian peo
ple In that neighborhood but they
have been without a pastor for some
WILL HAVE 125,000 OR
A new national bank with a can-
Hal stock of at least $25,000, and
probably $50,000. U beln orsranlied.
and application n a;le for a charter.
So far only local capital ij Inter
ested, but if 't decided to make the
capital stork $30,000. an Eastern
may be admitted.
The name of the new institution
will be The Enterprise National
bank, and It will open its doors for
business about the hecond woalt In
July next.
At the a-t only a capital of
$25,000 was aikel for, but thh wai
quickly oversubscribed and two $13,
000 subscriptions left over. A meo'.
ing will bo hold to declda win 'her
to Incraso the'capital at one a or to
defer it for a year or 18 months.
Until this is decided those in charge
of the subscription refuse to give
for pubika ion tho- namea of tojj
who have subscribed for stock.
Nothing is given out ai to the
location of the new bank or IU of
Word has bean received that Mart
Hlbb's house on Snake river was
burned to the grojnd one day la it
week. Mr. Hibbs had only bait
gone from the house a short tl ue
and had left hU dog shut up In
side. He had all hla winter sup
plies in the house, a id the o j will
be a heavy one.
W. E. Lewis liai slid his Li
Grande canyon ranch, bebw Pow
watka to Mrs. Henry Fletcher. This
Is the Becond transfer of ranches in
that neighborhood within a few
weeks, ai GeD. L. Poit has traded
bis 180 acre ranch near the Leli
place to Genrge Hedges for 40 acroa
of land elsht mi;oi from Turlock,
Cal, and sjme 1:U In Turlock. It
Is also stated that Arthur Johnson,
has bought property close to Tur
lock. Local Option In Idaho,
Bol3e, Feb. 18 The local option
bill passed the legislature todnv and
will be signed by the governor.
- 1 1 i
Read the advertisements.
Sweet Potatoes
The nicest lot received
this winter.
Sweet Navel Oranges
Large Smooth Lemons
Well Hipened Bananas
Big Shipment Arrived
Highest Market Price
Paid in Cash For Eggs.
Phon White 37
Dray and Express