Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, February 11, 1909, Image 4

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    tattoo (CouatM(thicftain!chaniber,ain-not because hthey lik"
-HWWHBVi-Hmjvw Chamberlain, but with the avowed
. . .. ........ Inl.i.
COUflty PiOnCCr PaPCr
Established In 1S84. Published every
lUarsaav ov The Enterprise Press, j
Office East side tourt nouse
i .
Entered In the postoffice at Enter
prise, Ore., as second-clasj matter.
One year $1.50 Three months 50c.
Invariably in Advance.
Countv subscribers to the Chieftain
may have addkional copies seat ,
outside the county ror
year No such subscriptions takea
"for less than one year
One Butler of Oregon has become
famous, or at lean notorious. Giv
en the small but honorable duty of
taking the result of the electoral
vote of this state to Washington, he
failed to arrive on time and but for
the letter mailed containing the re
sult, Mr. Taft would have bee;
four votes short of his rightful to
tal. Butler's notoriety Is far from en
viable. He will be used to point
many a sermon and newspaper par
agraph, but unlike the man who car
ried the message to Gomez he will
not be held up as an example to
follow, but as a warning.
Butler the Belated! What a repu
tation you made on your first chance
to perform a small public duty. Yet
how like a very large number of
American people always a little be
hind. Behind with their work. Late
at church, the theatre, business and
social appointments. Truly you are
quite typical of a faulty side in the,
average run of men.
But still we don't envy you your
Is business dull? Don't the goods
move in spite of the fact you have
placed "off Beason" prices on them?
Maybe you are making too much of
a secret about it. Even your own
customers haven't heard of the low
prices you are making on winter
goods, or many of them would be buy
ing now for next winter's use.
Why not try a little publicity steam
In the way of newspaper advertis
ing? It has helped others; it will
b.2lp you.
The beit merchants everywhere
say there is no advertising that
equals the local newspaper, when th
advertising follows the known rules
for success in advertising: Up-to-date,
seasonable goods offered with
price stated; or off season offerings
with cut price; always make good
what Is said in the advertisement;
never run same a! twice, and final
ly, keap at It Ions enough to give it
a thorough trial.
If you follow those rules and
don't get results we will admit adver
tising in the home paper doesn't
pay. It doesn't cast any more to
advertise right In this paper, than
It does to run stale ads.
From present indications the sugar
beet culture will be given a good
test in the valley this coming sea
son. A number of public spirited
land owners have offered land and
water at a low rental in order to
have the test male. This Is com
mendable on their part and it is well
for the valley. There has been
some conflict of testimony whether
sugar beet culture was good for a
community or not. The way to
settle It, is by a thorough test.
That wl!l be male.
A pay roll is the thing. Elgin Is
rejoicing because a big lumber com
pany has been formed over there
that will employ many men. She
has a right to be happy. It may
make up for the town much of what
was lost by the extension of the
railroad. Trade and commerce are
all right, but nothing makes for ad
vance in popu:a ion, bank deposits,
price of property and general pros
perity like a pay roll.
The machine Republicans who
bolted the regular nominee for speak
er of the Illinois house and Joined
with the Democrats In electing Shurt
leff, are called Repocrats. That
name would fit the Oregon machine
Republicans who bolted Cake for
I object the Oregouian says of brlnj-
ilug statement No. l In disrepute
Representative Rusk has Intro-
durej DOuse bill 296, to Increase the
! salarv of the county superintendent
of Wallowa county to $1200 a year,
The legislature sesms to be afraid
to do anything very bad, and un
willing to do anything very good.
Enterprise, Feb. 6. (To the Edi
tor.) Will you kindly publish the
following on behalf of justice and
fair play: There has been consid
erable discussion pro and con over
the cases of diphtheria reported by
myself. The Wallowa Sun, issue of
January 1. published an article which
casts reflections upon me and which
questions my ability as a diagnosti
cian. In reply to the above I wish to
offer a few remarks ia explanation.
When called to sea .Mr. Tluaias
Brady I was unable to reach his
home until after the old gentleman
had passed away, consequently was
unable to get a clinical picture of
lis case, and relying upon the de
scription furnished me by his family
I baUevel it to be diphtheria. 1
then i-i the presence of a witness
took from Mr. Brady's throat some
of the secretions for microscopic ex
amination and established a tem
porary quarantine. I then in the
presence of the same witness car
ried said secretins sealed up in a
tott'e to my office where I made
i microscopic examination of the
same and found it to be diphtheria
I thea ordered an effectual quar
Some two weeks later Mr. 0. H
Brady and daughtjr of this city
came down with diphtheria. I fol
owed out the exact procedure the
3ame as in Mr. Thomas Brady's case
and quarantined. After llr. O. H.
Bradv recovered I gave him the
microscopic slides and he sent them
o the State Bacteriologist, Dr.
italph C. Ma'-son, Portland, Oregon
The following letter from Dr. Robt.
C. Yenney, stats health officer, wili
explain as to whether I followed the
..roper course in protecting public
health and as to the orrectne3s ol
my diagnosis.
County Health Officer
Fortland, Feb. 4, 1909.
To the Stite Boa-d of Health,
Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen: I have to report ex
amination of specimen cultures re
:eivel from Dr. E. T. Anderson, of
.Jnterpilse, Oregon. Upon examlna
tion of these specimens I have
.ound positive presance of diphtheria
acl!!i in both specimens.
The 3lide3 upon which these speel
mens were sent were broken in tran
sit through the mall, and should be
packed more carefully for transporta
tion. Yours very truly,
Jactariologist to the State Board.
E. T. Anderson,
Enterprise, Oregon.
Dear Dr. Anderson: Above is copy
of report made to the State Board of
Health by Dr. Matson, upon his ex
amination of specimens received
irom yo i. Yours very truly,
State Health Officer.
Information Concerning Eighth Grade
Final Examinations,
I. Dates:
Three examinations annually. Each
;ounty superintendent to select
months for his county.
(a) January 21-22, 1909.
(b) May 13-14, 1909.
(c) June 10-11, 1909.
(d) September 2-3, 1909.
2. Program:
(a) Thursdays Arithmetic, Writ
ing, History, and Civil Govern
ment. (b) Fridays Grammar, Physiol
ogy, Geography, and Spelling.
3. Sources of Questions:
(a) Civil .Government United
States Constitution.
(b) Geography State Course
of Study: Redway and Hinman's
Natural School Geography.
(c) History List of topics from
History Outline in State Course
of Study and Current Events.
(d) Language Buehler's Modern
English Grammar, no diagram
ming. (e) Reading The teacher will
send to the County Superintend
ent the applicant's class standing
In reading, which shall be taken
by such superintendent as the ap
plicant s standing on the subject.
(f) Spelling Eighty per cent
from Rejd's Word Lessons, and
twenty per cent, from manuscript
in Language.
(g) Writing Specimens of pen
manship as Indicated in copied
matter and from manuscript in
Respectfully submitted,
Supt. Public Instruction
The first Eighth Grade examina
tion for the year 1909 will be held
January 21-22.
Teachers prepa:Ing classes for this
examination will please eport to this
office the number of applicants at
least thirty days before above date
Supt. of Schools.
Disc from
a. m. La Grande I Station
9:45 Lv 0 La Grands
9:60 " 2.5 IilandCity
10-00 " 8.3 Aliecl
10:10 " 12.3 Imblar
10:30 " 20.9 Elgin
Welt bound
p. m
p. m.
a. m.
p. m.
Palmer Jet.
Looking- Glaas
4:45 Arv 83.8
P. m.
(By Mrs. Adah L. Downing of Wild
Rose Home Farm.)
Troy, Jan. 25. The 13th, (our
lucky number) of this month, the
school directors of the Eden dis
trlct called a special meeting of an
Important nature, which was well at
tended and harmoniously conducted,
resulting to the satisfaction of all
concerned. The last, but not the
least important motion to be made,
seconded and carried, was for a "do
nation" party to be given on the
following Monday, the 18th, to help
swell the school fund for the future
benefit of the Eden school, every
one with but a few exceptions, put
their names down for a goodly sum
on the subscription paper passed by
one of the laiies present, bache
lors and all, as good nature was the
feature of the dav. Mrs. Hafer and
sons Eugene and Harry kindly do
nated the use of their commodious
residence for the proposed party
which was accepted with the same
kindly spirit in which It was ten
Nearly all of Eden attended the
party and Leonard Bolding from
Troy was prasent. The best of
good cheer was given In the appetlz
ing supper with hot coffee passed
around, and plenty of it. As usual
the card tables were ready in the
large parlor for those who did not
care to dance. George Courtney,
Charles Fleming and Jesse Puller
all kindly donated the music on
violin and guitar for dancing, which
as ever was of the best. Our bache
lors (who by the way predominate in
our beautiful Garden of Eden, and
who would be a credit to any com
munity) all turned out and enjoyed
themselves so well that they called
for the subscription paper to sign,
which they did, bringing the sum
total up above all expectations
About daylight everyone had fresh
hot coffee and a good lunch before
starting for home.
The next school affair will be a
"wood matinee" when every man
and boy who can cut, saw and spilt
wood is invited and expected to
work hard all day at the same time
the women folks to provide plenty
of the hot "Java" and a lot of o uei
good things to eat, spread in the
school house, not far from the pros
pective woodpile.
The weather is much warmer and
cattle and horses are feeding out on
some of the brakes facing south,
which are bare and have plenty of
nutritious grass
Your correspondent can testify that
everybody here in the extreme north
ern part of Wallowa county is not
dead by any means, nor even can be
called "mossbacks,"' for they are cer
tainly a lively lot of people, and will
keep that way until a bridge is
placed across the Grande Ronde at
Troy, a telephone line from Bartlett
to Flora connecting at Troy, and an
electric line from Troy to Walla
Walla; then maybe we will be quiet
but we'll never "Go way back and
sit down." Never! for when we get
the two first, If not the third prop
osition, we will have our own Hour
mill, saw mill and electric lights, so
that we will surely keep on the
move, until capital controlled else
where will commence to think that
we are "It" and worthy of some at
tention, and that it might pay to har
ness some of its mighty power con
centrated at the Junction of the
Grande Ronde and Little Salmon
rivers; enough power to supply all
kinds of factories, light stations and
electric roads needed, and a lot to
spare. Some time in the future
some corporation or its manager will
want to kick themselves because
(hey did not investigate and take
advantage of thU vast power going
to waste before the other fellow
caught on.
Prof. Foster, who has finished
(etching tue school at Troy, Is now
leaching at the Eden school.
Last Friday night, Mrs. Peterson,
son Frank and Mr. and Mrs. J. Down
ing, spent a most pleasa-.it time at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Williams playing cribbage and high
five. As usual most delicious re
freshments were served and Java of
course. Little Lorine Williams, how
ever, got ahead of her mamma and
surprised the company with a large
pan full of beautifully popped corn
which the guests really enjoyed and
praised the little maid for her accom
plishment. George Courtney, Ed Wilcox, Char
lie Fleming and Leonard Bolding all
took "Jimmy" Downing by surprise
by calling in a bunch and playing
seven up until naarly 1 o'clock in
the morning. Java and light lunch
was served about 11 o'clock to
strengthen their nerves, so that any
bad play might be overlooked. How
ever, everyone especially the host
and hostess enjoyed the evening
Pearl Stevens has returned to his
ranch near the Fleming ranch, af
ter quite a long absence. We are
told that he contemplates staying in
the Garden of Eden altogether from
now on.
The best advertisement Is through
the newspapers. The best way of
reaching the public 'is by giving
notice through some creditable paper
that reaches the public. Every word
printed in a newspaper is read not
by one, but by thousands of people.
A paper with a circulation of 1000
reaches a thousand homes and has
a constituency of 5000. Does that
mean anything? If you give notice
to 5000 people four times each month
will that not bring you returns? If
not, you haven't given the proper
kind of notice.
The merchant expects to sell from
$2,000 to $5,000 worth of goods each
month. If he can bring himself within
speaking distance of these 5000 peo
ple four times each month, will it
not pay him? The merchants that
are doing the business of the nation
tcday are the heaviest advertisers.
.Many large firms that a few years
ago depe.ided wholly upon catalogues
are now resorting to newspapers and
circulars, for the reason that the
latter pay be3t. Merchants Guide.
E. F. Johnson to W. S. Powell, lots
5, 6 and 7, blk 5, McDonald add, Wal-
owa. $180.
W. S. Powell to Carl Lundquest.
lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 13, McDonald add.
Wallowa. $300.
Arland D. Snarr to L. J. Jordan.
:ots 5 and 6, blk 17; lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, blk 18; lots 1,
2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. blk 6, lots 7, 8, 9,
10, 11 and 12, blk 10. McDonald add
Wallowa. $1560.
Loren T. Powers to Walter Bishop,
n half sw ne sec 34, t 2 n, 42. $1.
Charles W. Chadsey to John W.
Powell, sw sec 20, t 5 n, 42. $1.
Loren T. Powers to J. W. Powers,
nw se, s half sw ne, sec 34. t 2 n,
42. $50.
Arthur H Robinson to B. M. and
Ettie M. Rounsave.l. beginning at ne
corner of. the se ne sec 15, tin, 42,
running thence south 70 yards,
thence west 345 5-7 yards, thence
north 70 yards, thence east 345 5-7
yards to place of beginning, con
taining 5 acres. $500.
U. A. and Cora A. McCrae to
Ed win Marvin, se sw. sw se. sec
1), t 2 n, 43. $1250.
L. .1. Jordan to L. Couch' lots 5
and 6, blk 17; 1 to 10 inclusive, blk
18; 1 to 6 inclusive, blk 6; 7 to 12
inclusive, blk 10, McDonald add.
Wallowa. $1.
L. Couch to Carl Lundquest and
w half se, sec 11, t 1 s, 43. Except
O. R. & N. right of way. $797.63.
Albert Graham to S.P.andM. Crow
w half se, sec 11, t 1 s. 43. except
O. R. & N. right of way. $3200.
AI Canle Aliff to S. & F. Natl.
Bank of Wallowa, s half ne. sec 12
t 2 n, 43. 80 acre3. $1.
Geo. W. Boner to F. H. Lannhear.
nw, sec31, t 2 s, 43. $11,625.
John H. Beeman to A. W. John
son, beginning at a point 657 feet
east of and 200 ft north of sw cor
ner of lot 4,sec 2, t 2 s, 44, thence
east 197 ft, thence north 57V8 ft.
inence west 197 U ft. thence suutl.
56" feet to place of beginning. $100.
L. Couch to G. W Bainl w n
Butterfield and T. W.' Davidson lots
7. 8 and 9, blk 18, .McDonald add,
Wallowa. $300.
Olat Hendrickson. lots 1 to is inoin.
sive, blk 6, McDonald add Walinu,
Arthur W. Johnson to E. F. John-
son, sw sw, sec 11, nw nw. sec 14:
ne ne, sec 15, t 1 n, 47, 120 acres.
F. D. McCuIly to Roscob n B.mo
lots 1,2, 6 and 7, blk 23, Bellvue
add, Joe3ph. $300
Roscoe B. Rune to Lewis r. Pqo
block 25, Bellvue add, Joseph. $323. '
N. W. Goodman to Albert Graham,
Often in epic and poena grand.
Praises are sung of some magic land;
Picturej are painted by skillful hand.
Telling alike the story.
Of suns that shone, and breezes that b'.ew.
Of flowers that bloomed, and trees that grew;
Or beasts that roamed, and birds that flew
Adding to earth their glory.
Again and again, some tiresome tale.
Of wandering search, for Holy Grail
Has caused the poet's eye to fall
To see the sights that bound us.
Thus In the land, which we know so well.
Here in Wallowa, where we love to dwell;
Who has arisen that dared to tell
Of the beautiful world around us?
Listen ye then, to the lay I sing,
Of the land where every man is king
Where Nature smiles on everything;
Never her gifts aba'ing.
Search for its eo.ual in distant clime.
Mid ancient verse, or tiresome rhyme.
Oh. tell me the country, or place or time.
To excel the one I'm relating.
Up the Columbia's rolling stream,
Up where the blue crest mountains rise,
There in a val'ey, 'neath sunny Bk,es
Lies the land of the Lapway dream.
Mountain encircled on every hand,
Traversed by streams that forever flow
Down from the regions of virgin snow,
Was the Chief Joseph Land.
Ages had passed, since moccasined feet
Made the first trail In this valley sublime.
Ages had passed; yet In all of that time,
Never a pa'eface had seen this retreat.
Here, when the snow melted high up the slide,
Joseph had gathered, about him, his band;
Told them that this was forever their land.
Home while they lived, and grave when they died.
Brought them in summer to fish by the lake,
Deep In whose depths, spotted salmon and trout;
Or from the foot hills the mule deer to rout,
And from the swamp land the wild duck to take.
Then when the fur had grown long on the bear,
Down the Imnaha they hastened their way;
Made all the Journey In one night and day;
Tut up their lodges and wintered them there.
Once, when the trail up the canyon they took,
Joseph had halted in horror aghast,
Pointed to foot-print of Boston man's last;
Pointed, and gazed with Incredulous look.
"Chiefs, point your arrows no more at the deer;
Set for the mallard no longer your snare;
Kill not the coyote, the cougar, the bear;
Save for the paleface your hammer and spear."
Out from the alders, a faint curl 0f smoke
Sends up Its signal that white men have com.
Cabins have built, and have founded a home;'
Pines are brought low at the bold woodman's stroke.
Snows, that for ages had melted and sought
Shortest and quickest, their path to the sea
No longer gurgling their song of the free
Course through the ditches which men for them wrought.
Rocks, that for centuries, untouched by the sun
Kept in seclusion their copper and gold- '
Now to the miner their riches unfold,
Offering wealth to be sought for, and won.
Marble and granite, talc, felspar and coal,
Ready to yield up their service of worth, '
Lie half concealed 'neath the soil of the earth
Waiting for man to assign them their goal. '
Up through the canyon with clatter and smoke
Worming its way toward the snow crested height.
Flashing the clouds with its far-flinging light,
Churns the hugh engine with ponderous stroke.
All through the valley the grain fields are spread
Far, o'er the hills, graze the cattle and sheep; '
Tall orchard trees guard the Lapway' 8 sleep
Mingling their roots with the bones of the dead.
Property listed with me is unsolicited. The
owners desire to sell. Consequently they are
Now is the time to buy property in Enterprise.
See me if you want a house or lot-any location
Good farm propositions in valley and out
lying districts.
Insure your live stock in the National Live
Stock Insurance Company. You can not afford
to take chances at the price it costs to insure
your horses or cows.
I have the best Standard Fire Insurance Com
panies. Also the cheapest Mutual Company.
Enterprise, Oregon.