Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, February 11, 1909, Image 3

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    Purniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Pianos and Organs
Wall Paper, Glass Moulding INeV KOyal and Singer bewing Alnchines.-
Baby Buggies and GoCarts.
FRED 5. ASHLEY, The Home Furnisher,
Kasparilla is the name of a new remedy
most successfully prescribed for a "world
of trouble.' For derangements of the
digestive organs it is a natural corrective,
operating directly upon the liver and ali
mentary canal, gently but persistently
stimulating a healthy activity. Its bene
ficial influence extends, however, to every
portion of the system, aiding in the
processes of digestion and assimilation of
food, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stoniacu, Daa
breath, irregularities of the bowels, con
stipation and the long list of troubles
directly traceable to those unwholesome
conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi
ness, headache, backache and despond
ency due to inactivity of - the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic of the highest value.
If it fails to satisfy we authorize all
dealers to refund the purchase price.
Hovt Chemical Co. Portland, Oregon
Rustlers Annoy Stockmen.
Canyon City That tin organized
band of cattle thieves has been op
erating In various parts of Grant
county 1b evident from the large
amount of Btock cattlemen claim
cannot be found. This Is particular
ly true In the northern part of this
county In the vicinity of Rltter.
In the Rltter country nearly every
Dan Marks, owner of a large pro
portion of the hill land immediately
east of town, hai offered the city a
site free for the reservoir for the
city water works, A communication
to that effect wa3 read at the coun
cil meeting, held Tuesday night. A
right of way from the end of the
street to and 400 feet square for
the reservoir are needed.
This is the second free site offer.
H. E. Merryman had previously made
a similar offer to the council on his
property south of the Marks land.
A ' communication from the Ameri
can Light & Watsr company was
read, acknowledging the receipt of
copies of proceedings of the council,
etc., in relation to the water works.
Application of H. E. Merryman for
Overton, president; Nelson A. Hack
ett, vice president; Charles Gan
nott, general manager.
Aside from the cash capital, twen
ty million feet of Umber, planing
mill and saw in 1.1 belonging to the
Star company, and three million
feet of timber, sawmill and logging
outfit owned by the Hackett com
pany, were put Into the new com
pany. The umber Is situated iu
miles east of Elgin on the north
fork of Clarks creek, and southeast
of the city on Shaw creek. Elgin
is Jubilant over the consolidation
and it may well be happy, for the
new company will furnish employ
ment to many me i.
"General opinion seems to concur
In the bellsf that the North Coast i n, 4.").
islratrlx of the estate of George
U. S. Patent to Sarah Baldwin,
w half se, 8 ha'.f sw, sec 27, t 1 n,
U. S. Patent to Omar J. Stubble
field, w half nw, w half sw sec 21,
t 2 n,47.
U. S. Pateut to Wm, H. NIcoson,
e half ne, sec 7, sw nw, nw sw sec
28, t 5 n, 44.
U. S. Tatent to Alfred Flanary, e
half nw, ne sw, nw se sec 32, t 1
will pass through Walla Walla and
connect with the Chicago Northwest
ern at Landers, Wyoming, the grade
U. S. Pat3nt to Samuel R. Landrus,
s half nw, n ha f sw, sec 23, t 6 n,
Special School
And City Levies
Amount of Tax And Valuations Ir.
Districts Making Special
Valuations, and the amount ot
school tax raised by special levy in
the following schoal districts:
atfwlrmfin hnn mflt with noma lnsn.
and in one instance a stockman has the Job of superintending in behalf
lost 20 head of steerB of various ages
of the city the installation of the
water works,' was read, and action
A bill for a bridge over the tall
race on Depot street was presented
out of a band of 200 head.
It is understood that the range
has been ridden carefully and that
trace of the many missing animals
a. a - i Tt t-.l
cannot L.BIOUUU - Dy Tert Johnson. The bridge
me inner diuuh abbuuluuuu imvo - , . a
visited places where cattle are being built two years ago, Mr Johnson ex
fed for the early spring market in plaining that he was told at that
large numbers, but thus far their time he would have to bear the ex
efforts to locate the missing stock pense. Since then a lawyer had in
have been futile. formed him the city should pay,
I hence the bill for the cost of the
Lame Shoulder. bridge. $52. The council laid the
M, is a common form of muscu-; matter" over until the next regular
Jar rheumatism. No Internal treat-1 meeting, and requested an itemized
ment is needed. Apply Chamber- '
Iain's Liniment freely three times a: geverai DM8 for supplies furnished
jday and a quick cure is certain. Q H pra(jy were laid over, and the
This liniment has proven especially toiiowmt, are the
' Claims Allowed.
(v aluable- for muscular -and -chronic
rheumatism. Sold by Burnaugh &
The state senate Is passing the
bills raising county officials' sala
ries over the governor's vetoes. A
solid 22 vote for the bills and 7
against. The latter wish the in
creases left to a vote of the peo
ple in each county, but the 22 op
pose that. Senator Turner Oliver
of this district is one of the 22 vot
ing for bigger salaries. Rusk in
the house is also lining up with
the salary grabbers.
Highest market price paid in cash
for live chickens at Enterprise" Meat
Market. Price & Horn an.
T. M. Dill, city attorney, Jan.
pay $ o 00
C M. Lockwooi, treasurer,
Jan. pay 6 00
W. E. Taggart, recorder, Jan.
pay, rent and postage "60
W. J- Funk, mdsa 4 "
E J. Forsythe, lights 34 65
The Star Planing Mill company and
the Hackett Lumber company at El
gin have consolidated, forming a new
nnmnanv under the name of the
Hackett Lumber company with $50,
000 capital stock and the following
stockholders and officers: J, L.
Dist. Val. Amt. of Tax.
2 $232,300 $ 505 77
5 119,940 239 88
6 638,090 3828 54
7 533,245 1599 95
11 86,970 43 59
12 493,400 2960 40
13 139,335 139 39
16 81,800 245 46
.19 68,950 137 90
20 272.315 136 20
21 746,010 6221 72
22 301,755 301 82
23 134,350 671 79
26 87,980 351 92
27 36,115 72 23
30 68,620 343 03
39 ' 37.793 113 45
40 98,135 294 43
46 24,245 121 25
47 89,480 178 96
48 21,085 84 34
50 -44,430 88 86
52 117,410 352 .28
54 15,105 151 05
B5 85,015 340 06
60 102.715 410 86
66 30,55 122 22
Special City Taxes.
Wallowa 258,910 $2589 10
Lostlne 110,080 440 32
Enterprise 689,520 6895 20
Joseph 454,125 3179 19
W. C. Dorrance delivered 27 cat
.tin to Frank Graham. Monday, re
ceivlng 4 cents a pound for them
One cow In the bunch brought the
eame price, 4 cents pretty near
a record breaker for a beef cow.
For Early Spring Wear
Just Received
GALATEN CLOTHS, plain and fancy. ENGLISH CHEVIOTS, this is just
the thing' for early spring' dresses, good weight and soft finish and only
18 cents. Also BRADFORD CLOTHS, a new spring suiting' for street
dresses or children's school dresses, 25c For evening dresses see the
SUESINE SILKS, 27 inches wide, 50 cents.
We are offering' our laces and embroideries for a short time at the
following very low prices:
30 cent'laces at 20 cents
25 cent laces at 15 cents
: ' : 40 cent laces at 25 cents
15 cent laces at 10 cents
12V2 c laces at SVa cts
Other laces as low as 3 cents.'
Big Reductions on Furs, Overcoats, Cloaks, Etc.
. J. PUNK & CO.
klV ". Jr'Y
m Ik
v "y , & is
i - j 1
! ' ' f; ; t::A
r :J - KHfT ffl
i . V W A
I " r-n'5 :
AND $15,000.
The wife t the Japanese ambassador Is one of the best dressed women
In Washington. She Is also a great favorite In society at the cnpltnl. 8he,A-
has traveled extensively and Is well acqmilnted with nearly all the European
diplomats. Ambassador Tukahlra and Ills wife have given some of the most
elaborate dinners and receptions held In Washington this season.
through the mountains having boon
previously surveyed," says the Walla
Union "This move would benefit the
U. S. Patent to Edward A. Cross
lcr, ne sw, w half sw, sec 5, nw nw,
sec 8, t 1 s, 44.
several ral roads of this section of i u. 8. Pa'.ent to Peter Fordney, se
the country, and It is the opinion of ne, sec 8, t 5 n, 44.
all who have sludied the question
that this wl'l be the proposed route."
This proposed route Is up Mill
creek, acio?s the Blue Mountains at
U. S. Pat. to Elzie O. Walker, bw
se, se sw, sec 27, nw ne, ne nw, sec
34, t 2 s, 41.
U. S. Patent to Anton Thorson, s
an altitude of less than 3000 feet, 1 half ne, s half nw sec 11, t 3 n, 47.
down the Wenaha to Troy, and u. S. Patent to Fanny Hammack, n
down the Grande Ronda river to ha'f se, sec 18, t 2 fl, 44.
the Snake, up the latter to Eureka, j u. 8. Patent to James C. Estea,
and thence across Idaho by the val- e half senw se, Bee 23, bw bw, sec
ley of the Salmon' river. This would 24. t 3 a, 46.
give the Chicago & Northwestern u. S. Patent to Irene B. Qaylord,
not only the shortest but the eas- nw, sec 27, t 3 s, 46.
loci vmriat ronto thftt anv railroad I
hoc th nfv Mm.ntninn to the1 T. D. Percifull, a Eureka mining
r.i.i. n iman. waa transacting business in
The Union telU of the letting of t0wn Friday,
the first contracts on the North
Coast extension to Walla Walla, to'i
J. J. Siangan, who ha3 charge of
seven miles of perfectly straight
track from Attala, "and," the Union
goes on to say, Mt Is now thought
that beyond a doubt this road ha-ij
as lta object entrance Into this val-J
ley. As the'r survey crosses the Co- j
lumbia river in two places, when one
Is only necessary if the road did not
Intend to enter this valley, the fact
can be deduced that this city will
soon be favored with another railroad.
One of the proposed bridges of this
company cro3se3 the Snake river in
the vicinity of Lyon's Ferry and as
the height of the structure will be
276 feet, a heavy grade is eliminated
and double engine service, such hi i-s
used on the Alto hill oat of Starbuek
on the O. R. & N., Is eliminated."
Following are those assess M for -$15,000
or more on the 1908 tax roll,
whose numea ore omitted In the
previous published list:
C. J. and M. E. Allen $19,710.
J. P. Averlll $lo,370.
J. M. Blakely $15,950.
W. Q. Delta 15,043.
Geo. S. Craig $19,850.
J. A. Masterson $15,770.
D. W. Sheihan $17,500.
Gideon Wolfe IIS.IOO.
a, d. wojd Tf.ino,
Wallowa Va'ly Lum. Co. $1,0.
WUUama Bror. ( 15,410.
The following pay on from $ o ''
to 15,0 JO:
I. P. A'umbaugh $ 8.21 '
V. H. Allen l.53-"
VUen Broj ;.,ti-,."r
3. O. Allen .... 5.M
Lincoln Austiu 5.20
0. W. Amey .... H,l
. N. Adams 8,73
S. C. Berry 5,1:0
H. . C. Beggs 6,175
T. C. Bunnell 7.100
1. W. Bright 6,000
Jaker & Flanary 7,110
M. K. Boatman
larton Bros G.29V
Theaphlle Blanc 6.170
3. A. Blevana 14.170
laker Drake 9.695
Unnle Baslm .... 6.150
I. W, Beecher 6.88"i
0. S. Burdett 6.250
J. W. Brumbach 6.070
lanlel Boyd . . 7.S15
llumaugh & Mayfield 7,300
1. A. Bookout 10.590
.3. R. Bowlby 6.575
Ollvene Baudon 8.300
?ouch & Boyd 7.500
1. Crow & Co, .... 9.000
1. P. Crow 9,575
1. Crow 6.600
V. W. Courtney 7,070
Uascall Cole 12.V70
3. L. Cole 6.240
Ponley & McCully 13,103
Cole 6.625
E. Crow 6,600
W. F. Craig 7,0
Waldo Chase 6,090
Amanda Chenoweth 8,333
h. C. Cooper 7,9o0
H. E. Driver 8,351
T. J. Dryden 6.175
W. C. Dorrance 7,320
David Digging 7,115
J. C. Dodson 6,635
W, B. Daugherty 6,300
Chas. Down 10.515
J. A. Denny & Wife 5,750
jf. C. DeBeaumont 5,600
Eastern Oregon Merc. Co. .. 12,750
C. R. Elliott & Son 12,875
James Erlckson 8,685
W. C. Eadea 10.785
L. B. Emmons 5,465
J. W. Eramon 10,320
Enterprise Hotel Co. 8 600
Enterprise Electric Co 6,500
J. A. Eggleson 9,100
Enterprise Frat. Bldg. Asan... 10,000
(Continued on page 6.)
A Simple Business Proposition.
Court House Notes
New Suits Filed.
B.- B. Edyd vs. Alvln McFetrldge
et al.
J. B. Seibert vs. Rolla I. Long and
Frank A. Reavis.
Probate Record.
A. A. Greer appointed adminis
trator estate ot James. Dorris vice
James Dorris, Jr., removed.
Chella E. Pickett appointed admln-
Wh .ii a man decides to sell his farm cr home, or any of his real
estate ho dings it Is generally the case that the sooner such aale
can ba consummated the better. If this is fie situation It re
solves Itself Into a very slmplo business proposition, vis.: How
can I ;et a deal on this In the shortest time?
Now the selling of land Is not everybody's business, bo It la
natural t) go to someone whe makes this hU particular business.
Then the question arises: Where shall I go? Now that la where
we come in. We believe that we can make the assertion with
out contradiction that we are better situated to bring about a
quick na!e than any one else in the valley.
We know this County from one end to the other; in fact If
there Is any piece of deeded land that we do not know we
wo -ilil pay something to be' shown." We are In touch with a
considerable number of prospective buyers whom, we are sim
ply holding off till conditions are such that the country can be
seen to the best advantage, therefore doesn't it naturally follow
that we should be In a position to do business for you if anyone
can? We think so, and It you are inclined to doubt this, give
us a trial. Give us an option on your land and If we don't
make good there'll be a good and sufficient reason for our fail
ure. Our orfice is next door to the Post Office. Drop In and pay ua
a visit when in town whether we do business for you or not.
You're always welcome whether you find us at home or some
where else. Yours very expectantly,
O. R. & I. Company .
The people who do the Real Estate business.