The Causes of Earthquakes. Theories and Facts Bearing on the Recent Remarkable Fhenomena h Italy The Continuance of Shocks In That . OOR Italy! Tho tivuMes of that class!'' land consl.-t not alone In tlio fact that tin- tremors of Mother Karth l:av.- already done groat i:a:::asi' 1" tlii- southern portion of t!:. Kingdom, l.ut lu the cir cumstanci' also that tlio sliooks con tinue m:d neein i U- affectlnp a wider extent of territory. What does uuture Inteiul to do v. this fair lar.d. so fa mous In hlt'ry and so Messed l:i tuauy respects by Providence'; Willi all Its natural urn tions It would be a dangerous plate to dwell If the fate of Messina or roir.poil wore constantly Impending. Inhabitants of Home, Naples. Flor ence ar.d Milan are becoming alarmed now because of the fre'pieiK-y of sli'ln shocks in thoir vie inl'.v ;;:d the seem lnjr Increase in their seve;i:y. Geologists think that the relief which the first shock fiives to the fntern-tl ' it may not be j . I stresses that caused it may not complete and that further adustmen:s of the rock strata may be r.o essary to res tire e ;ul!il riu:n. l:i t'ae present case tho i ly sori. u I: inn done was wrought at ti;e i;. . v.: e the shock of Ie' L's little life l:. s b.-eu 1'jst, and such walls as have been affected were totterinj; befcre. The old theory that the interior of the earth is a l'.iiid mass has few ex ponents now. Though calculation indi cates that at a depth of twenty or thir ty miles the heat must be so intense that it would, if exerted at the surface, melt the hardest known substances, n counteractiug influence Is certainly at work. Laboratory experiments prove that pressure raises the temperature at which any material will soften. So stupendous Is the pressure exerted on the interior of the earth by twenty or thirty miles of rock above It that in WATElt FltOST OF MESSINA A FT Ell EARTH gL'AKE. the judgment of eminent astronomers Professor George II. Darwin of Cam bridge Is one the globe has the rigidi ty and far more than the hardness of the hardest steel. The lute Lord Kel vin, the foremost tshvsielst of the world during the latter part of his ca- ! feer. also entertained this opinion. I Italy Is not the only countrv which ' is getting a severe shaking nowadays. Ever since the earthquake shocks be gan in southern Italy, on Dec. US, the seismograph at the weather bureau In Washington and the magnetograph, be longing to the same service, at Mount Weather, Va., have been cutting up strange pranks, and the earth seems to be still quaking. The seismograph Is the official recorder of earthquake shocks and writes its story with n stylus on black paper. The magnet- i ograph photographs its records on sensitive sheets, each variation of the magnetic lield being indicated instant ly by a point of light darted on tho pa per from a mirror. The latter instru ment recorded the Italian disaster at the Instant of Its occurrence, while the seismograph began making its strange tremulous writing uearly ten minutes after the forces of nature had wrought their havoc. "It is Impossible to tell Just what magnetic disturbance took place in Italy, but that It was a convulsion of the magnetic, field of some sort is shown by the. f;:ct that the quake was instantly recorded on the magneto graph." sakl Professor Charles F. Mar vin, chief of the instrument division of the went her bureau. "Since the even ing of the 7th, corresponding to early morning the XSUi In Italy, when we got the first rocords of the preliminary quakes, our Instruments have been pretty busy." Professor Marvin added that every few days shocks of greater or less se verity had boon recorded, many of them affecting our own continent. A'--cording k the records. It took the earthquake waves or propagations six minutes and fifty seconds to travel from ?an Francisco to Washington. The photograph I'enrodllecfl hdm. with showing the appearance of the i water front of Messina after the earth quake was one of the first sent to this ! country and was taken shortly after I the terrible disaster occurred. It lndi-1 cntes how the splendid and substantial j stone buildings that faced the quay in ' a long semicircle were shaken down or irretrlerubly shattered by the force of ' the convulsion. I i i OREGON BRIEFLETS Haines Burgess, of the senior class at Pacific College, won the lo cal oratorical contest there Friday night. His subject was "Modern Tyranny." There were five contest ants. It. R. Butler, conveying the elec toral vote of Oregon arrived in Washington Friday. The 1000 for feit for failure to arrive there by the time prescribed will not be as sessed against Mr. Butler, as a copy had been received by mall. M. J. Meany, the Portland youth, who was convicted upon his confes sion of an attempt to rob Henry Schilling, a well-known business man of Butte, Mont., was sentenced to 20 years in the Montana peniten tiary. Parts of a human skull were brought up last week from the chan nel of Coos Bay by the government dredger. With it were bits of cloth ing and a rock with a rope attached, which indicated that It might have been the remains of a suicide years ago. In the person of Harold Barton, a 14-year-old boy from Nampa, Idaho, the Portland police think they have the "look-out" for a gang of yeggs. Barton was picked up along wi h Esmond Conger, a young boy from T I 1 . -,(... 1. . . .)... , I ,. T 1 . . . V, nA Dillc i-j urmuvc&. uuiu aic runaways. Two recruits received at Fort Stevens from Jefferson Barracks, Mo., engaged in a fierce fight Friday, and one of the men, Private White, Is now in the hospital In a serious condition. Private Johnson, his as sailant. Is locked up under guard and will be courtmartialed. A. S. Hart, of Albany, has 12 hens which have laid 2595 eggs in the last year, and he claims it Is the champion laying brood of the world. Included in this flock is the hen which recently established a new world's record by producing 25G egg In a year Jesse H. Bond, president of the senior class of Oregon University and winner of last year's Interstate oratorical contest, Friday won first place In the tryout to select a repre sentative for the inter-colleglate con test between nine Oregon colleges, at Corvallis next March. Reports received from different sections of Wasco county are favor able to the outcome of the wheat crop. Prominent farmers say the grain crop is In better condition now 1 than at this time last year. The damage to fruit has been exaggerat ed and fruitraisers are now hopeful of a fair yield. Through the efforts of Oregon rep resentatives, a provision has been In serted in the emergency river and harbor bill by the house committee, authorizing a survey of the Colum bia and Willamette Rivers from Portland to the sea, with a view to ascertaining the cost of a 30-foot I channel. Governor Chamberlain has Issued a warrant for the extradition of W. i F. Gordon, who Is under arrest in i San Francisco and is wanted in Marshfleld to answer to the charge , of the embezzlement of $176.77, al leged to have been collected by him 1 as agent for a Portland piano con i cern upon the payment of an instru : ment. I Brooks & Sons, proprietors of the : Carlton nursery, have received a j shipment of choice walnut seed dl I rect from France. There were eight hogsheads in the shipment and they contained 500,000 nuts. This seed wl" "e Planted on a tract of land one mi,e east of Carlton, which these men recently purchased for this pur pose. This company now has over 100 acres in nursery and Is constant ly enlarging its holdings. According to statements made by Salem loganberrygrowers, the re cent freeze killed all kinds of vines I down to the snow line, and there will be no loganberry crop this year, except what berries will grow on thA few vines which, through neglect were WnS uPn the ground and were protected by the snow. This will be a severe blow to the logan berry Industry, for a beginning was made th past season in finding a permanent market for the fruit. There are also many reports that "Careful Banking Insures the Safety of Deposits." Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE. OREGON CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $.50,000 We Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. V. Hyalt, President Geo. fcs. Craig, Vice President directors Geo. V. Hyatt t'KO .S. CitAKt J. H. Dobbin ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BESl OF MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. Highest Market Vrice for Hides and Pelts J PROPRIETORS rose bushes have been killed down to the snow line. The pool of the Willamette Valley Prune Association, consisting of the crop of 1908, has been settled for In full. The members receiving their last fractional payment covering the pool and the following figures repre sent the net prices Becured for the principal. sixes of Italians SO to 40, 5.22c; 40 to 60, 4.65c; 60 to 60, 4.27c. Manager H. S. Gile. of the association, has received a telegram from an Eastern firm declining an offer of prunes because of the re cent Increase In freight rates. It la generally believed by prune packers that the Increase In rates will mu terially Injure the prune Industry In Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egon, January 11, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that Albert L. Chllders, of Enterprise, Oregon, on October 16, 1902, made Homestead Entry, No. 120,40, for W NE Vi. N Section 15, Township 1, Range 44 East, i Wlllame te .v.erldlan, has filed no tl e o." Intention to make Final Five Vviar Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before D. iW. Sheahan, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Enterprise, Oregon, on the 20th day of February, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank W. Heske.t, of Wallowa, Ore gon; David H. Hearing, of Wallowa, Oregon; Nicolas W. Ownbey, of En terprise, Oregon; James W. Chllders, ot Enterprise, Oregon. F. C. Bramwell, Register. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROERTY. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wa'lowa County. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of aa order of ths above-entitled Court, made and entered on the 8th day of January, 1909, licensing, au thorizing and empowering the under signed guardian ot the estate of Beu lab. Bunnell and Irene Bunnell, min ors, to sell all of the Interest of the said minors In and to the E of the NW and the W of the NE of Section 35 In Township 1 North oi Range 44 E. W. M. in Wallowa Cojnty, Oregon, the same being an undivided one-third Interest, I will from and after ,the 12th day of Feb ruary, 1909, procaed to sell at private sale all of the interest of said min ors in and to the said described real property. The terms of said sale are as follows: the entire purchase price Is to be pali In cash. Dated this 13th day of January, 1909. MINNIE AKINS, Guardian. First insertion Jan. 14, 1909; last Feb. 11. 1909. BURLEIGH & BOYD, Attorneys for Guardian. 21t5 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Iso lated Tract.) PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S, Land Office at La Grande, Ore gon, January 10, 1909. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906, (34 Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, at ten o'clock a. va., on the 9th day of March, 1909, at this office, the following-described land: SE-4 NE Section 24, Township 1 South, Range 44, East Willamette Meridian, Serial No. 0887. Any persons claiming adversely the j above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or Delor tne time obsignated roi sale. F. C. Bramwell, Register. 23to Not just as good but better than any other 5 cent cigar, Is the Ad vertiser. Enterprise made cigar. W. R. Holmes, Cashier Frank A. Reavis, Afwt. Cashier Mattie A. Holmes W. R. Holmes HI INDEPENDENT PHONE 20 NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice Is hereby given, that under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Wallowa County, made and entered on January 9th, 1909, In the matter of the Estate and Guar dianship of Robert H. Wright, Merle Wright, Stephen Wright and Walter Wright, minors, and heirs at-law of Henry Mace, deceased, whereby the undersigned as foreign guardian of said minors was and Is authorized, licensed and directed to sell at private sale all the Interests of said minors, the same being an un divided one-twentieth Interest be longing to each, or four-twentieths interest belonging to alL of said min ors, of In and to the following de scribed real property, to-wlt: The SW of NWVi and NW of SWfc of Section 29, the EVfe of SE 4 of Section 30 and the EVi of NE and NW of NE& of Section 31, except about 14 acres In a triangu lar shape in the southeast corner of the EYj of NEV4 of said Section 31, conveyed by George B. Dexter and wife to .William L. Bishop by deed recorded at page 99, Book I, of the Deed Record of Wallowa Coun ty, Oregon, and also except a square one-acre tract near the southwest corner of said EV4 of NE of Sec- lion 31, conveyed by the said George tl Dexter and wife to the directors of School Dlsttlct No. 16, in said county, by dead recordej at page 367, Book I, ot the Deed Record of Wallowa County, Oregon, to which deeds and the record thereof refer ence is hereby made for a more def nlte description of said excepted tracts, all situated and being In Township 2 N., Range 43 East, W. M., in Wallowa county, Oregon, and containing 265 acres, more or less, and subject to an unasslgned dower estate, to-wlt: An undivided one-hal Interest for life, owned by Mary E dace, as widow of said Henry Mace, leceased, and also subject to a mortgage executed by the said George B. Dexter and wife to the Oregon State Land Board to secure a loan of $250.00 and Interest, which mortgage is recorded at page 55, Book I, of the Mortgage Record of said county. I will, from and after the 26th day of February, 1909, proceed to sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, all the rights, title and interests of all of said minor wards in and to said described real property, together and In one sale, and subject to the ex ceptions and incumbrances above mentioned. Dated this the 26th day of January 1909. GEORGE C. WRIGHT, 21t5 Foreign Guardian. Applications for Grazing Permits. Notice is hereby riven th it all applications 'T permits to rraze cattle, nurses, and sheep wi hm the WALLOWA NATIONAL FOREST duiixur the season of 1909, must be filed in my office at Wallowa, Oregon, on or before March L 190V, Full information in reirard to the KTazinir ft es to be chanced and blank forms to be used in making a pucauons win rv Turnmhen upon request. 2tl5 HARVEY W. HARRIS, Sus errisor. Nature Provides but one California It ia the natural winter home of many thousand of the world's best peopie. Under the gentle influence of its mild winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds. Such bathing, boating, fishing, driving; such picnics, par ties and "jollifications." GO TO Los Angeles, Paso Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, Santa Barbara, Venice, Long Beach Santa Cruz, or a score of similar resorts and you will find health, congenial sur roundings, hospitable associates, faultless ac commodations and num berless attractions and conveniences. The O. R. & N. Co. Connecting with The Southern Pacific Co. Make inexpensive round trip - excursion rates to California A six months stopover ticket Wallowa to Los Angeles and return is $76,80 Corresponding rates are it; ef feet to other points. We have some very distinctive literature covering California's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving yon all of the information and assistance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on, telegraph or write E.1T. Campion, Agent, Wallowa. OR WM. McMURRY, gen. pass, agent. Portland, Oregon. Onron Day t Settle Exposition. Portland July 17 has been form ally .elected as the "Offlclal SUM of Oregon Day" at the Seattle Exposi tion. The Oregon sUtt commission. Gov. Chamberlain and the commer cial organliatlons of the itate have been so notified by Chairman Joslah Collins, of the committee on special days, and steps will be taken at onc by the various officials who are In terested In the extensive lans Ore gon has been making to make this day one of the most notable of the entire exposition. The extenslvenesi of the plans will depend largely upon whether the legislature will grant the extra appropriation of $50,000 which the state commission Is asking for. Cotens Acting Governor. Salem Robert Caples, of Port land, correspondent and newspaper man, will be secretary for George E. Chamberlain In the United State senate. This announcement waa made from the governor's office Monday. No Information has been given as ti the governor's plan In relation to the governorship, but It Is pretty definitely understood here that Will iam Gatens, present private secre- tnrv. will conduct the affairs or state for Oregon until Chamberlain's po sition In the senate Is definitely known. Smallpox Cloticx Kllvrrt firhooli. Silverton Because of smallpox In Sllverton, schools, churches, theaters and all public places have been or dered closed by the mayor and busi ness Is practically at a standstill, five cases are reported In different ;arts of the city, but all are of mild form. SECOND-HAND STORE RODGERS BROS., Proprietors Dealers in new and second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies. Bicycle and Gun Repair Shop. Furniture made or Repaired, Screen Doors and Windows made to order. Give ub a trial. Our prices are right and all work guaranteed. Did It Ever Occur To You That A Telephone in Your Home Provides safety, convenience, economj' and pleasure, and makes your home life com plete? Its cost is little, its benefits are manifold. Home Independent Telephone Co. Covering Union and Wallowa Counties I MILLIONS OF Ml AT LOWEST RATES. ON EASIEST TERMS. I Wm. Miller & Brother, SUITE 204, Wallow National BanK Building, Enterprise, Oregon. MAIL AND PASSENGER STAGELINE Wallowa. Appleton. Flora lo Paradise, MONDAY, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS; and From Paradise. Flora and Appleton to Wallowa, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS E- W. SOUTHWICK, Proprietor. We Have The Best and only complete line of Hardware in the County Call and inspect our goods and compare our pricei with others. S,D. KELTNER, THE HARDWARE DEALER. General Blacksmithing Jtorseshoeing a Specialty Z:g07T 8'0Ck " lhi" andU S. E. Combes, Enterprise, Orejjon Angry rther IC11U Eloper. Brownsville Charles Powell well-known and blghly-rsspectJ farmer residing three miles west Brownsville, shot and lasttm, killed Homer Roper, a young nI at the J. A. Nice place last wek The trouble which led to the jji result arose over the fact that Rop), who Is aged 22 years, about tu months ago ran away with Powoii', 16-year-old daughter, taking her to Pilot Rock. Powell followed brought his daughter back and per toon came, too.. Since that ttra9 he has persistently sought the jlrl although warned to keep away. ' The girl attended a party at thi Nice place Thursday night, whert Roper appeared and enticed btr from the house. Powell was notl. fled at his home and with his w;i went to the Nice homo and began i search for thelrv daughter. Sh u iuuiiu iu ihufci b vuuiyauj o y Uri. Powell. Roper then went to the btra. Powell, returned and when near Ui barn was accoRted by Roper, ko Informed him that he had the dr on him. Powell, who carried a ,u Winchester rifle, then began shoot 1ns, hitting Roper just above th right eye, killing him instsntly, Powell remained on the scene of tat tragedy and when the o3cers ap peared gave himself up. For that Terrible Itching, Eczema, tetter and Bait rheum keep their victims In perpetual torment. The application of Chamberlain's Salve will Instantly allay this Itching and many cases have been cured bj lta use. For sale by Burnaugh k Mayfletd. Read the advertisements. E.Y