Professional Directory of Wallowa County The y story of J THOS. M. DILL Z If R. L LOXQ COUNTY SURVEYOR J II. E. MERRYMAN X I SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER t fU. 8. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Mining and Metallurgical Engl- J neer. Enterprise. Oregon. ! J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW J t Office first door south of New t Fraternal Bldg, Enterprise, Ore. ti-i'i-4-t The Yellow Room X Civil. Hydraulic and Irrigation taiKiiie.'rmg. Enterprise, Ore, M By GASTON LEROUX CHAPTER. VII. In Which Rouletabllle Sets Out on an Expedition Under the Bed. OULETABILLE, baring pushed open the door of the yellow room, paused ou the threshold. The chamber was dark. Dad dy Jacques was about to open tho blinds when Rouletabllle stopped him. "Did not the tragedy take pluce la complete darkness?" he asked. "No, young man; I don't think bo. Mademoiselle always had a night light on her table, and I lit it every even ing before she went to bed. I was a sort of chambermaid, you must un derstand, when the evening came. The real chambermaid did not come hero much before the morning. Made moiselle worked late far Into the night." "Where did the table with the night light stand far from the bed?" "Some way from the bed." "Can you light the burner now?" "The lamp is broken and the oil that was in it was spilled when the table was upset. All the rest of the things In the room remain Just as they were. I have only to open the blinds for you to see." "Walt." ' Rouletabllle went back into the lab oratory, closed the shutters of the two windows and the door of the ves tibule. When we were in complete darkness he lit a wax vesta and asked Daddy Jacques to move to the middle of the chamber with It to the place where the night light was burning that night. Daddy Jacques, who was In bis stockings he usually left his sabots in the vestibule entered the yellow room with his bit of a vesta. We vaguely distinguished objects over thrown on the floor, a bed in one cor ner and in front of us to the left the gleam of a looking glass hanging on the wall near to the bed. "That will do. You may now open the blinds," said Rouletabl'V "Don't come ony fart' Daddy Jacques beed. "You u..... make marks with your boots, and nothing must be downed. It's an Idea of the magistrate's, though be has nothing more to do here." And he pushed open the shutter. The pale daylight entered from with out, throwing a sinister light on the saffron colored walls. The floor for though the laboratory and the vesti bule were tiled the yellow room had a floor In i of wood was covered with a single yellow mat which was large enough to cover nearly the whole room, under the bed and under the dressing table, the only piece of furni ture that remained upright. The cen ter round table, the night table and two chairs hud been overturned. These did not prevent a large stain of blood being visible on the mat, made, as Daddy Jacques informed us, by the blood which bad flowed from the wound on Mile. Stangerson's forehead. Besides these stains drops of blood bad fallen in all directions, in line with the visible traces of the foot steps, large and black, of the murder er. Everything led to the presumption that these drops of blood bad fallen from the wound of the man who had for a moment placed bis red hand ou the wall. There were other traces of the same hand on the wall, but much less distinct. "See see this blood on the wall!" I could not help exclaiming. "The man who pressed bis hand so heavily upon It In the darkness must certainly have thought that he was pushing at a door. That's why be pressed on It so hard, leaving on the yellow paper the terri ble evidence. I don't think there are many hands in the world of that sort It is big and strong, and the Angers arc nearly all one as long as the other. The thumb Is wanting, and we have only the mark of the palm, but if we follow the trace of the hand," I con tinued, "we see that after leaving its Imprint on the wall the touch sought the door, found it and then felt for tbo lock." "No doubt," Interrupted Rouletabllle, chuckling, "only there is no blood either on the lock or on the bolt." "What does that prove?" I rejoined, with a good sense of which I was proud. "He might have opened the look with bis left hand, which would have been quite natural, bis right hand being wounded." "He didn't open It at all," Daddy Jacques again exclaimed. "We are not fools, and there were four of us when We burst open the door." "What a queer band! Look what a queer hand it is!" I said. "It is a very natural hand," said Rouletabllle, "of which the shape has been deformed by its having slipped on the wall. The man dried his band on the wall. He must be a man about Ave feet eight In height" "How do you come at that?" "By the height of the marks on the wall." My friend next occupied himself with the mark of the bullet In the wall. It was a round bole. "This ball was fired straight not from above and consequently not from below." Rouletabllle went back to the door and carefully examined the lock and the bolt satisfying himself that the door had certainly been burst open from the outside, and, further, that the key bad been found In the lock on the Inside of the chamber.' He finally satisfied himself thatwlth the key in the lock the door could not possibly be opened from without with another key. Having made sure of all these details, he let fall these words, "That's better!" Then, sitting down on the ground, he hastily took off bis boots and lu his socks went Into the room. The first thing he did was to exam ine minutely the overturned furniture. We watched him in silence. "Young fellow, you are giving your self a great deal of trouble," said Dad dy Jacques ironically. Rouletabllle raised his head and said: "You have spoken the simple truth, Daddy Jacques. Your mistress did not have her hair in bands that even lug. 1 was a donkey to have believed she did." Then, with the suppleness of a ser pent he slipped under the bed. Pres ently we beard him ask: "At what time, M. Jacques, did M. and Mile. Stangerson arrive at the laboratory?" "At 0 o'clock." The voice of Rouletabllle continued: "Yes, he's been under here, that's certain. In fact there was nowhere else where he could have hidden him self. Here, too, are the marks of bis hobnails. When you entered, all four of you, did you look under the bed?" "At once. We drew it right out of its place." "And between the mattresses?" "There was only one on the bed, and on that mademoiselle was placed, and M. Stangerson and the concierge im mediately carried it Into the labora tory. Under the mattress there was nothing but the metal netting, which could not conceal anything or any body. Remember, monsieur, that there were four of us, and we couldn't fall to see everything, the chamber Is so small and scantily furnished, and all was locked behind in the pavilion." I ventured on a hypothesis: "Perhaps he got away with the mat tress In the mattress! Anything Is possible in the face of such a mystery. In their distress of mind M. Stanger son and the concierge may not have noticed they were bearing a double weight, especially if the concierge were an accomplice. I throw out this hypothesis for what it Is worth, but It explains many things and particularly the fact thnt neither the laboratory nor the vestibule bears any traces of the footmarks found In the room. If in carrying mademoiselle on the mat tress from the laboratory they rested for a moment there mlgbt have been an opportunity for the man hi It to escape." "And then?" asked Rouletabllle, de liberately laughing under the bed. I felt rather vexed and replied: "I don't know, but anything appears possible." "The examining magistrate had tbo same Idea, monsieur." said Daddy Jacques, "and he carefully examined the mattress. He was obliged to laugh it the idea, monsieur, as your friend li doing now, for whoever hoard or I mattress having a double bottom?" My friend alone seemed able to talk ) itelllgently. lie called out from uu I r the bed : "The mat here has been moved out f place. Who did It?" 'We "did, monsieur," explained Dad dy Jacques. "When we could not find the assassin we asked ourselves whether there was not some bole In the floor," "There Is not," replied Rouletabllle. "Is there a cellar?" "No, there's no cellar. But that has not stopped our searching and has not prevented the examining magistrate and his registrar from studying the floor plank by plank, as if there bad been a cellar under It." The reporter then reappeared. . His eyes were sparkling and his nostrils quivered. He remained on his hands and knees. Thus he made his way to the four corners of the room, so to speak, sniffing and going around ev erythingeverything that we could see, which was not much, and every thing that we could not see, which must have been infinite. The toilet table was a simple table standing on four legs. There was nothing about it by which it could possibly be changed into a temporary hiding place. There was not a closet or cupboard. Mile. Stangerson kept her wardrobe at the chateau. Rouletabllle literally passed bis nose and hands along the walls, constructed of solid brickwork. When he had finished with the walls and passed his agile fingers over every portion of the yellow paper covering them be reached to the ceiling, which he was able to touch by mounting on a chair placed on the toilet table, and by moving this ingeniously constructed stage from place to place he examined ev ery foot of it When be- bad finished his scrutiny of the celling, where be carefully- examined the bole made by the second bullet, he approached the COPYRIGHT. 1908. . BY BRENTANO'S window and once more examined the Iron bars and blinds, all of which were solid and Intact. At last he gave a grunt of satisfaction and declared, "Now I am at ease!" "Well, do you believe that the poor dear young lady was shut up when she was being murdered when she cried out for help?" walled Daddy Jacques. "Yes," said the young reporter, dry ing his forehead; "the yellow room was as tightly shut as an Iron safe." "The Bete du Bon Dieu," muttered Daddy Jacques "the Bete du Bon Dieu herself. If she had committed the crime, could not have escaped. Lis ten! Do you hear it? Hush!" Daddy Jacques made us a sign to keep quiet and, stretching his arm to ward the wall nearest the forest lis tened to something which we could not hear. "It's answering," he said at length. "I must kill it It is too wicked, but it's the Bete du Bon Dieu, and every night It goes to pray on the tomb of St Genevieve, and nobody dares to touch her for fear that Mother An genoux should cast an evil spell on them." "How big Is the Bete du Bon Dieu?" "Nearly as big as a small retriever a monster, I tell you. Ah, 1 have asked myself more than once whether it was not she :hat took our poor made moiselle by the throat with her claws. But the Bete du Bon Dieu does not wear hobnailed boots, nor fire revolv ers, nor has she a hand like that!" ex claimed Daddy Jacques, again point ing out to us the red murk on the wall. "Besides, we should hove seen her as well as we would have seen a man." "Evidently," I said. "Before we had seen this yellow room I had also asked myself whether the cat of Mother An genoux" "You also!" cried Rouletabllle. "Didn't you?" 1 asked. "Not for a moment. After reading the article in the Matin 1 knew that a cat had nothing to do with the mat ter. But I swear now that a frightful tragedy has been enacted here. You say nothing about the Basque cap or the handkerchief found here, Daddy Jacques." . "Of course the magistrate has taken them," the old man answered hesi tatingly. "I haven't seen either the handker chief or the cap. yet I can tell you how they are made," the reporter said to him gravely. "Oh, you are very clever," said Dad dy Jacques, coughing and embar rassed. "The handkerchief is a large one, blue with red stripes, and the cap is an old Basque cap, like the one you are wearing now.". "You are a wizard!" said Daddy Jacques, trying to laugh and not quite succeeding. "How do you know that the handkerchief Is blue with red stripes?" "Because if it had not been blue with red .'tripes It would not have been found at all." Without giving any further atten tion to Daddy Jacques my friend took a piece of paper from his pocket and, taking out a pair of scissors, bent over the footprints. Placing the pa per over one of them, he began to cut. In a short time he had made a perfect pattern, which he handed to me, begging mc not to lose It He then returned to the window and. pointing to the figure of Fred eric Larsan. who had not quitted the side of the lake, asked Daddy Jacques whether the detective had, like him self, been working In the yellow room. "No." replied Robert Darzac, who since Rouletabllle hod handed him the piece of scorched paper bad not ut tered a word. "He pretends that he does tot need to examine the yellow room. ,He says that the murderer made tils escape from It in quite a nat ural vrny nnd that he will this evening pxplaln how he did It." As he listened to what M. Dsme had to say Rouletabllle turned pale. "Has Frederic Larsan found out the ruth, which I can only guess at?" he murmured. "He Is very clever very clever and I admire him. Yet I have discovered many things." "Moral or material?" I asked. "Several moral, one material. This, for example." And rapidly he drew from his waist coat pocket a piece of paper In whlcb he had placed a light colored hair from a woman's bead. CHAPTER VIII. The Examining Magistrate Ques tions Mile. Stangerson. mWO minutes later, as Rouleta bllle was bending over the foot prints discovered in the .park, under the window of the vesti bule, a man, evidently a servant at the chateau, came toward us rapidly and called out to M. Darzac, then coming out of the pavilion: - "M. Robert the magistrate, you know, is questioning mademoiselle." I M. Darzac uttered a muttered ex ! cuse to us and set off running toward the chateau, the man running after BURLEIGH & BOYD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW f Practice in all State CourU and i luienur uepanment, larerui ai- a J. tention to all business. I D. W. SHE AH AN I LAWYER - ENTERPRISE f Practice in State and Federal f J Courts and Interior Department. 1 1 C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. f :; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I Office upstairs in Bank Build- ing. Ind. Home phone In office $" j and residence. J him. "We must know." said my friend. "Let's go to the chateau." And 'he drew me with him. But at the cha teau a gendarme placed in the vesti bule denied us admission up the stair case of the first floor. We were obliged to wait downstairs. This is what passed in the chamber of the victim while we were waiting below. The family doctor, finding that Mile. Stangerson was much better, but fear ing a relapse which would no longer permit of her being questioned, had thought It his duty to inform the ex amining magistrate of this, who de cided to proceed immediately with a brief examination. At this examina tion the registrar, M. Stangerson and the doctor were present Later I ob tained the text of the report of the ex amination, and I give it here in all Its legal dryness: "Question. Are you able, mademoi selle, without too much fatiguing yourself, to give some necessary de tails of the frightful attack of which you have been the victim? Answer. I feel much better, monsieur, and I will tell you all I know. When I entered my chamber I did not notice anything unusual there. "Q. What did you do on that day I want you to be as minute and pre cise as possible. I wish to know all you did that day if it is not asking too much of you. A. I rose late, at 10 o'clock, for my father and I had re turned home late on the night previ ously, having been to dinner at the re ception given by the president of the republic in honor of the Academy of Science of Philadelphia. When I left my chamber at half past 10 my father was already at work in the laboratory. We worked together till midday. We then took half an hour's walk in tho park, as we were accustomed to do, before breakfasting at the chateau. After breakfast we took another walk for half an hour and then returned to the laboratory. There we found my chambermaid, who had come to set my room in order. I went into the yel low room to give ber some slight or ders, and she directly afterward left the pavilion, and 1 resumed my work with my father. At 5 o'clock we again went for a walk in the park and after ward had tea. "-Q- Before leaving the pavilion at 5 o'clock did you go Into your chamber? A. No, monsieur. My father went Into It, at my request to bring me my bat "Q. And lie found nothing suspicious there. A. Evidently no, monsieur. "Q. It is, then, almost certain that the murderer was not yet concealed under the bed. When you went out was the door of the room locked? A. No; there was no reason for locking it "Q. You were absent from the pavil ion some length of time, M. Stangerson and you? A. About an hour. "Q. It was during that hour, no doubt, that the murderer got into the pavilion. Eut how? Nobody knows. Footmarks have been found In the park leading away from the window of the vestibule, but none has been found going toward it. Did you notice whether the vestibule window was open when you went out? A. I don't remember. "M. Stangerson It was closed. "Q. And when you returned? ' "Mile. Stangerson I did not notice. "M. Stangerson It was still closed. I remember remarking aloud,. 'Daddy Jacques must surely have opened It while we were away.' "Q. Strange! Do you recollect, M. Stangerson. If during your ubseiu-e and before going out lie b;id opened it? You returned to the laboratory at 0 o'clock and resumed work? "Mile. Stangerson Yes, monsieur. ' "Q. And vou did not leave the labo ratory from that hour up to the rao- ; meut when you entered your chamber? "M. Stangerson Neither my daugh ter nor 1, monsieur. We were engag- ' ed on work thut was pressing, and we lost not a moment, neglecting every thing else on that account "Q. Did you diue in the laboratory? ' A. For that reason. j "Q. Are you accustomed to dine in I the laboratory? A. We rarely dine tnere. "Q. Could the murderer have known that you would dine there that even ing? "M. Stangerson Good heavens! . J TROY TIDINGS. Troy, Jan. 23 Troy Is still on the map. We have had snow, plenty of it ice too, mall very little wishes for a county bridge innumerable. Troy was the center of excite ment: Telephone meeting; bridge building discussed for further orders. Most of the settlers are very anx ious about a bridge. Some few have refused to sign the petition and when it Is against a man's Interest to sign a petition he is excusable, but otherwise our thought Is well maybe he can't write. ltfrttt' fCHAS. A. AULT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON f Residence 1 block east of Pres. 4 S oterlan Church Office in Ber- J land Building. Enterprles. J think cot. It was only when we re turned to the pavilion at o'clock that we decided, my daughter and I. to diue there. At that moment 1 was spoken to by my gamekeeper, who detained me a moment to ask me to accompany him on an urgent tour of Inspection In a part of the woods which I had de cided to thin. I put tbls off until tie next duy and begged him as he was going by the chateau to tell the stew ard that we should dine lu the lab oratory, lie left me to execute the errand, and I rejoined my daughter, who was already at work. "Q. At what hour, mademoiselle, did you go to your chamber while your father continued to work there? A. Al midnight. "Q. Did Daddy Jacques enter the yellow room in the course of the even lug? A. To shut the blinds and light the night light. "Q. He saw nothing suspicious? A. He would have told us If he had seeu. Daddy Jacques is an honest man and greatly attuched to me. "Q. You affirm. M. Stangerson. that Daddy Jacques remained with you all the time you were In tho laboratory? "M. Stangerson I nui sure of It I have no doubt of thut. "Q- When you entered your cham ber, mademoiselle, you Immediately shut the door and locked and bolted it? Was not that taking unusual pre cautions, knowing that your father and your servant were there? Were you in fear of something? A. My fa ther would be returning to the cha teau, and Caddy Jacques would be go ing to his bed. And, In fact, I did fear something. "Q. You were so much lu fear of something that you borrowed Daddy Jacques' revolver without telling hlra you had done so? A. That Is true. I did not wish to alarm anybody, tho more because my fours might have proved to have been foolish. 'Q. What was It you feared? A. I hardly know how to tell you. For several nights I seemed to hear, both In the park and out of the park, around the pavilion, unusual sounds, sometimes footsteps, at other times the cracking of brunches. The night before the attack on me, when I did not get to bed before 3 o'clock In the morning, on our return from the Ely see I stood for a moment before my window, and I folt sure I saw shad ows. "Q. now many? A. Two. They moved round the lake. Then the moon became clouded, and I lost sight of them. At this time of the season every year I have generally returned to my apartment In the chateau for the win ter, but this year I said to myself that I would not quit the pavilion before my father bad finished the resume his works on the 'Dissociation of Mnt ter for the academy. I did not wlsl that that Important work, which wat to have been finished In the courso oi a few days, should be delayed by r change In our dully habit. You can well understand thnt I did not wish t speak of my childish fears to my fa ther. uor did I say anything to Daddy Jacques, who. I knew, would not have boen able to hold bis tongue. Know ing that he hud a revolver In his room, I took advantage of his ubsence and borrowed it, placing It In the drawer of my night table. "Q. You know of no enemies you have? A. None. "Q. You understand, mademoiselle, that these precautions are calculated to cause surprise?, "M. Stangerson Evidently, my child, such precautions are very surprising. "A. No, because I have told you that I had been uneasy for two nights. "M. Stangerson You ought to have told me of that This misfortune would have been avoided. "Q. The door of the "yellow room locked, did you go to bed? A. Yes, and, being very tired, I at once went to sleep. "Q. The night light was still burn ing? A. Yes, but it gave a very feeble light. "Q. Then, mademoiselle, tell us what happened. A. I do not know whether I had beeu long asleep, but suddenly I awoke and uttered a loud cry. "M. Stangerson Yes, a horrible cry, 'Murder.' It still rings In my ears. "Q. You uttered a loud cry? A. A man was in my chamber, He sprang W. C. K ETC HUM DENTIST - ENTERPRISE ie I'erlanJ Building. Home Independent Phnnn . ' I COLON R. EBERHARD t ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR f Practices in all CourU and In- f terior Dept. fvotary Public. t Ind. Horn) Josnp'.i. X R T AVnEItSflM M r PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls attonded to day or night. Home pnoue. Enterprise, Q."e. at me and tiled to stranjla ine. I was ueurly stilled when suddenly I was able to reach the U rawer of ray night table uud grasp t'.ie revolver which 1 had placed In it. At that mo ment the mau had forced to the foot of uy bed and brundiuhed over my hei.d n sort of mace. But I had fired. He liuueJliitely struck a terri ble blow at my bead. All that, mon sieur, passed more rapidly than I can tell It, aud 1 know uotbiug more. "Q. Nothing? Have you no Idea at to how the assassin could escape from your chamber? A. None whatever. I know nothing more. One does not know what Is passing around one when one Is unconscious. "Q. Waa the man you saw tall or short, little or big? A. I aaw only a shadow which appeared to me formid able. "Q. You caunot give us any Indica tion? A. I know nothing more, mon sieur, than that a man threw himself upon me and that I fired at him. I know nothing more." Here the Interrogation of Mile. Stan gersou concluded. e e Rouletabllle waited putlently for M. Robert Durzac, who soon appeared. From a room near the chamber of Mile. Stangerson he hi d heard the In terrogatory and now camo to recount It to my friend wlt'i groat exactitude, aided by an excellent memory. Ills docility still surprised me. Thanks to hasty pencil notes, he was able to reproduce almost textually the ques tions and the answers given. It looked as if M. Darsoc were be ing employed as the secretary of my young friend and acted as If be could refuse him nothing nay, more, as If under a compulsion to do so. The fact of the closed window struck the reporter as It had struck the mag istrate. The circumstance of the din ner In the laboratory also seemed to interest him In the highest derree, and he had it repeated to him three times. He also wanted to be sure that tho forest keeper knew that the pro fessor aud his daughter were going to dine lu the laboratory and how he hud come to know it When M. Darzac had finished I said, "The examination has not advanced tbo problem much." "It has put It back," said M. Darzac. "It has thrown light upon It" said Rouletabllle thoughtfully. (TO I)K rONTINUED.l NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Tl.e annual meeting of the stock Lolders of the Enterprise Merc.ti;:l-ij Milling Company will bo Ik'M u be company's office in Eaterji .( iregon, at three -o'clock p. in.. ;' .February 10th, 1909, fdr the pi: nv if electing directors and the tram;: -ion of such business as may )i. ,!. y come before said rneatlng, GEO. W. HYATT, Presll r A Common Cold. We claim that If catchlrig cold could be avoided some of the rnoa iangerous and fatal diseases would never be heard of. A cold often forms a culture bed for germs of Infectious diseases. . Consumption, pneumonia, diphtheria, and scarlet fever, four of the most dangerous and fatal diseases, are of this class. The culture bed formed by the cold favors the development of the germs of these diseases, that would not otherwise find lodgment. There Is kittle danger, however, of any of the3e diseases being contracted when a good expectorant cough like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out the3e culture beds that favor the development of . the germs of these diseases. That Is why this remedy has proved so unl-. versally successful in preventing pneumonia. It not only cures your ;old quickly, but minimizes the risk of contracting these dangerous dls- -leases. For sale by Burnaugh ft Mayfleld.