Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, February 04, 1909, Image 4

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    Waltotra Cfluatt (Chieftain
County Pioneer Paper
Established In JS84. Published every
Thursday bv The Enterprise Press.
Office East side Court Housa
Entered In the poUofflce at Enter
prise, Ore., as Beioad-cla33 matter.
kj..c jeur il.oO Thrae mo:iths 50c.
Invariably in Advance.
...t. s.ibseri.e-s to U13 Chieftain
mav have adJlloiial copies se.it
o.i.s.ue the county for $1.00 per
year No such subscriptions takan
' r :ha:i one year
The tax muddle caused by the de
cision of the supreme court that thi
plan of apportioning the state tax
among the counties in ratio to
county expenses, is unconstitutional,
will be cured by the emergency lav:
passed last Thursday. The equaliza
tion board created by it will me2t
Wednesday of this week and attempt
to apportion the tax according to the
true valuation. "
If the board accepts the returns by
the vaiious assess jrs as the true val
uation, Wa'lowa's proportion of th?
state tax will be increased over six
thousand dollars, and, for example
Union's will be decreised $13,000.
The reason is Just this: A lot or
office holders In Oregon have vio
lated their oath of office. The
members of the county courts and
the assessors of Wa'.lowa and Union
counties took the same oath of office
They swore they would have the
property in their respective counties
assessed at its true cash valuation.
This was done in Wallowa county by
the court and Asse3sor Pace, who
think It is dishonorable to break an
oath to obey the law.
In Union it seems to be different
Union with twice the population of
Wallowa has les3 assessed valuation.
No one in La Grande would admit fo!
an instant but that Union's true valu
ation is two and a half or three
times that of Wallowa.
Union is a type of most Ore
gon counties, though a few returned
true valuations like this county. A
few prosecutions for violations of
oaths of office is in order.
The board to sit Wednesday has
the power to go back of the assess
ors' returns and by other evidence
get at the respective true valuations.
It is to be hoped it will make a
thorough Job of it, and in its report
show up the dishonest courts and
assessors for a man who violates
an oath of office is dishonest
If the reported sale of the Cross
ett Timber company's holdings in
this county to the Palmer Lumber
company for $700,000 is correct, it
sheds a new light on the true valu
ation of timber lands for assessment
si. n identally it is pretty
evidence for the county, in the
appeals to the circuit court by the
timber companies from the county
board of equalization's ruling that
Assessor Pace's valuation of timber
lands in this coanty at $6.25 per
acre is not excessive or unfair.
The Crossett Timber company is
assessed at $231,125, which at the
$10)0 per quarter rate, Indicated it
'el aboat 37,000 acres. It added
considerably to its holdings since
last March but hardly reached the
amount stated in the dispatch, 50,
m acre3. But even so, the reputed
sa'e at $700,C00 would be $14 an acre
The published lists of assessed val
uations are better than an old fash
toned Sunday school story book as
a moral object lesson. They als)
show what a false dame rumor i:i.
Common report says Mr. So and
So is "worth" so many thousand dol
lars, but the cold figures of the
assessor, made under oath as the
true valuation, proves Mr. So and So
Is worth only one-third or one fourth
the amount rumor gave.
Brother Jonas of the Wallowa Sun
Is still sour and disgruntled about
the county high school. The latter,
however, Is flourishing up to the
hopes of Its most sanguine friends.
Ir spite of Mr. Jonas' ill-natured
flings, and is doing a nob'.e work In
the eiucatlon of the youth freni all
parts of the county.
A bill requiring timber to be cruis
ed for assessment purposes haa
passed the house, but is held up in
the sonata. It will likely be killed
In committee as all "the big timber
companies are opposing it." The
Initiative will cure that old, familiar
legislative disease. Orion's bill to
tax corporations is also reported
killed. It was intended to levy a Just
tax on interests now escaping taxa
tion although among the heavies',
beneficiaries of the state, and would
probably have brought in enough rev
enue to have paid all state expens
es. Another case where the initiative
should be invoked.
The members t of the legisla
ture from this district fared well In
the commlttea assignments. Repre
sentative Rusk was given a place
on the Judiciary commi.tee. a nics.
unusual honor for a new member. A
place on that committee is counted
equal to a chairmanship of a minor
committee. In addition he Is on the
irrigation, military affairs and min
ing committees all Important ones.
Senator Oliver is on four of the
best commltees in the Senate, agri
culture and forestry, counties, mu
nicipal corporations, and revision of
Representative Brooke of Harney
and Malheur, and Representative
Bean of Lane (it took two to do it)
have introduced a bill making it a
misdemeanor for a candidate for the
legislature to subscribe to State
ment No. 1. Under this bill it be
come3 unlawful for a person to
make a pledge to the people of his
district. It would still be "lawful"
for a legislator to pledge his vote
to a corporation or set of political
bo3ses. Oh, ye3! That would be per
fectly constitutional.
Representative Rusk has intro
duced a bill to permit the Wallowa
county court to sail the Jail prop,
If timber lands had been assessed
at their true valuation in this coun
ty, and every individual had given
to the assessor all his property, the
tax levy would have been under 10
mills. The difference between what
It wo lid have he hi and what it is,
12.5 mills, 13 what the honest man
is paying to make up for the
other fellows.
From Salem Capital Journal (Rep.)
The type of Republicans who are
appearing and around whom the Re
publican party will grow strong and
healthy as a political organization are
men like McArthur, Bowerman, Rusk,
Smnott, Eaton, McCue, Patton, Kay,
Abbott, Jones of Polk Hawley, the
men from Clackamas, McKinney,
Brooks, Abrahams and others, who
say pledges are made to be kept in
the interest of the people and party,
not to be violated in the interest of
factionalism or personal ambition.
It is in this new leadership that
the Republicans have hope.
The new leadership will not sneer
at the Direct Primary law, which is
rapidly being adopted by other states
Under it the farmer, the laborer,
the common citizen, who is not a
professional politician, has something
to say.
Will the masses of the people ac
cept leadership that distrusts them,
that places the lowest machine poli
tician from the North End in Port
land, or from the gambling halls of
Astoria, above the honest decent
Yet that is what has been expect
ed and because the farmer would not
let go his power under the Direct
Primary, he has been insulted by
men who stole into positions, in vio
lation of law, voted for the Demo
cratic nominee for senator, and bet
.money that Chamberlain would be
Isn't It time for the new clean, de
cent young blood in the Republican
party to assert itself and declare for
Republican policies that have some
respect for American citizenship?
Subscribe for the Chieftain.
toosevelt Is Not Consulted by
Taft About Selections
for Cabinet
Preparations Are Being Made for An
Elaborate Inauguration of Taft
and Sherman.
Washington. Feb. 3. Mr. Taft is
not keeping President Roosevelt
posted on the forn-ation of bis cabi
net. He is neither seeking the ad
vice of the President nor submitting
names for his approval after selec
tion has been made. The fact is thai
Mr. Roosevelt Is entirely In the dark
with regard :o the Taft cabinet; ho
knows uo more than he gathers froni
the ..-wepapers.
ThTe is some truth In the report
t'.at the President feels slighted be
cause Mr. Taft has not seen fit to
offer Secretary Loeb a place In hia
cabinet, but the Presidont is more
disturbed because Mr Taft Is in
clined to choose an entirely new cab
inet, retiring all members of the
present body with the possible excep
tion of Secretary of War Wright,
who was appointed on recommenda
tion of Mr. Taft Just prior to his
retirement from the Roosevelt cabi
net. The definite statement can be
made that James K. Garfield, secre
tary of the interior, will not be a
member of the cabinet of the next
administration. Neither will he be
an ambassador to a foreign country.
He will return to his home in Ohio
and take up the practice of law.
An omnibus bill providing sepa
rate statehood for the territories of
New Mexico and Arizona was Intro
duced in the house by Hamilton, of
Michigan, chairman of the house
committee on territories. The bill
was framed by the Republican mem
bers of the committee and submitted
to the minority members, who ap
proved It.
New Mexico is given two represen
tatives in the house, to be elected
at large, and the city of Santa Fe is
designated as the capital of the state
until 1920.
Four sections of land in every
township are granted to New Mexico
for the support of common schools.
Two of these had been previously
granted to the territory.
V hen adopted into the Union,
New Mexico is to be attached to the
eighth Judicial district. One hun
dred thousand dollars Is appropriat
ed for the expenses incident to the
elections and constitution provided
for in the bills.
Most of the provisions for Arizona
are similar to those for New Mexico.
Phoenix is designated as the capital
until 1920. Arizona is given one
representative in the house; 12 0,0 CO
acres of land are granted for uni
versity purposes and other grants
are equal to those made for New
Great preparations are being
made for Taft's inauguration. The
programme is divided into five im
portant feature and others of less In
terest, among which are:
. An imposing military parade is be
ing arranged on a big scale by Ma-Jor-General
J. Franklin Bell, who
has been appointed grand marshal.
A great display of fireworks on the
White Lot, Just in front of the
White House, in combination with
the illumination of the streets of
Washington throughout the down
town section, the dome of the Capi
tol and the Washington monume-it
and a drill and display of pyrotech
nics by the Republican Flambeau
Club of Minneapolis.
The Inaugural ball will be held in
the pension building, the largest
brick structure in the world.
With the convening of a new con
gress scarcely more than a month
distant, the selection of standing
committees of the next house and
particularly the award of chairman
ships has become the subject of keen
The understanding among mem
bers is that the rule of seniority will
be used in the selection of a chair
man. There are, however, Important
committees whose chairmen will not
be members of the next house and
the selection of their successors is
causing no little speculation.
The American National Red Cross
Association has cabled to Ambassa
dor Grlscom at Home $225,000,
which he will present to Queen
Helena for the purpose 0f beginning
an agricultural colony in Calabria
or Sicily for the orphans in the Ital
ian earthquake district.
For the purpose of shipping lum
ber for houses for the earthquake
sufferers, the Red Cross has given
$100,000 to the navy department.
The delivery of a package contain
ing Intoxicating liquor to any person
but the consignee is prohibited by
the provisions of a bill Introduced
by Representative Miller, of Kansas.
A fine of not more than $5000 or
Imprisonment for two years is fixed
as a penalty for any violation. The
bill applies to interstate shipments.
Western Growers to Ask for Double
San Francisco, Feb. 1. To secure
relief for the hop Industry of the Pa
cific Coast from foreign competition,
E. C. Hurst, of San Francisco, and
Herman Klaber, of Portland, Or.,
will make another plea to the ways
and means committee of Congress
for an Increase in the duty on the
foreign product. Foreign hops at
present pay 12 cents a pound duty,
and an Increase to 24 cents is
The plight of the hopgrowers is
pictured as desperate. The produc
tion In this country has fallen off In
the last three years nearly 50 per
cent, while the importations have
nearly trebled. For the last three
years, it is said, the American grow
er has not received for his hops the
cost of their production; and In Cal
ifornia, Oregon and Washington hop
fields are everywhere being aban
doned and thousands of acres of
hops plowed up.
Wives of Cleveland and Hurrison
Grunted Franking Privilege.
Washington, Feb. 3. Frances
Folsom Cleveland, widow of ex
Presldent Grover Cleveland, and
Mary Lord Harrison, widow of ex-
Preside-1 Benjamin Harrison, were
granted the franking privilege for
life by the provisions of a house bill
passed by the senate.
Washington, Feb. 1. Now that
the Cauadian and Mexican govern
ments have both formally accepted
President Roosevelt's invitation to
send delegates to a North American
Conservation Conference here, the
final arrangements are being rapidly
put Into shape. The conference will
be held at the state department Feb
ruary 18.
Canada and Mexico will each send
three delegates. The only others
present will be the members of the
National Conservation Commission
and representatives of the state de
partment and of one or two other
executive departments.
Adopt Spanish Industry.
Pasadena, Cal., Feb. 2. Through
experiments just completed, Cali
fornia should come into a $2,000,000
industry that is now enjoyed by
Spain as one of her chief winter ex
ports. It is the growing, storage
and marketing of choice varieties of
grapes, which hitherto has belonged
to the Castillians.
For four years, experts of the de
partment of agriculture have been
experimenting with the preserving of
grapes at the plant of the Pasadena
Ice Company. Varieties have been
subjected to every conceivable con
li.Ion of temperature and time. The
.esult shows that by a scientific
method of packing and storing,
choice species can be grown here in
the summer, kept as long as neces
sary and placed on the market in
perfect condition.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 96c;
red Russian, 93c; bluestem, $1.06;
Valley, $1.00.
Barley Feed, $28; rolled, $28
Oats No. 1 white, $34; gray
Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley,
fancy, $16; do. ordinary,, $13; East
ern Oregon, mixed, $18; do. fancy
$20; alfalfa, $16; clover, 14.
Butter Extra, 33 35c; fancy
33 34c; choice. 30c; store, 18c.
Eggs Extra, 50c.
Hops 1908, choice, 7Jc; prime, 6
7c; medium, 5 Cc; 1907, 2 21c
Wool Valley, 14l5Vfec; n.
Eastern Oregon, 8 16c, as to
Mohair Choice, 1819C.
Wheat Bluestem, $1,07
Oats $34.
Barley $27.50 28.
Hay Eastern Washington timo
Ihy, $18 per ton; Puget Sound hay
$13 14 per ton; wheat hay $13
per ton; alfalfa, $13 14 per ton
Butter Washington creamery
37c per lb.; ranch, 21c per lb.
Eggs Selected local, 42c.
Potatoes White River, $1924
per ton; Yakima, $22 26 per ton.
: --,' iT.-
r.V "! x y'r-ff V " '
r; and Water.
A new Insurance Inspector bad Just
completed his first trip la one of the
big office buildings. He was making
up his report in the office of the super
intendent of the skyscraper.
"Well," said the superintendent, old
rou find everything ull rlgntr
Teg." said the other, with a grin,
"nil right but in one instance."
"Wbntr ,
"It bad to do with the buckets In the
"-hnt wns the matter there?" In
quired the superintendent "I had
them filled Just the otner oay.
Thof ir einetlv ." replied the offi
cial. "The label reads. 'For Fire Only.'
and you have put water In themr
Youth's Companion.
"Life is full of ups and downs." said
the uiau who Is airy and affable under
all circumstances.
"So 1 have heard."
"Well, 1 am at present In the full en
Joymeut of one of the upB."
"I congratulate you."
"Don't It s a case of 'hard up.' "
"Well," asked a dramatist after ;
first performance of his pluy. "uiu j
like It'r"
"Very much," answered his wife.
"But there is oue Incongruity lu it
The secoud act takes place two years
after the first, and the young couple
have the same cook."
Ruberoid roofing, 1 ply and 2 ply,
i'oi Ei.jo by S. D. kPitner.
Any person knowing of au vloU
ion of the game or fish laws of th
itate, or of persons not proper
ceeping screans over Irrlgatl
litches, are requested to notify
)eputy State. Game and Forv
Warden, Zumwalt, Oregon. 4Jtf
Information Concerning El ,'hth Orde
Final Examinations.
I. Dates:
Three examinations annually. Each
omity superintendent to select
nonths for his county.
(a) January 21-22. 1909.
(b) May 13-14, 1909.
c) June 10-11, 1909.
(d) September 2-3, 1909.
2. Program :
(a) Thursdays Arithmetic, Writ
ing, History, and Civil Govern
ment. (b) Fridays Grammar, Physiol
ogy, Geography, and Spelling.
3. Sources of Questions:
(a) Civil Government United
States Constitution.
(b) Geography State Course
of Study: Redway and Hlnman's
Natural School Geography.
(c) History List of topics from
History Outline in State Course
of Study and Current Events.
(d) Language Buehler's Modern
English Grammar, no diagram
ming. (e) Reading The teacher will
send to the County Superintend
ent the applicant's class standing
in reading, which shall be taken
by such superintendent as the ap
plicant's standing on the subject.
(f) Spelling Eighty per cent
from Re3d's Word Lessons, and
twenty per cent, from manuscript
in Language.
(g) Writing Specimens of pen
manship as indicated in copied
matter and from manuscript in
Respectfully submitted,
Supt. Public Instruction.
The first Eighth Grade examina
tion for the year 1909 will be held
January 21-22.
Teachers preparing classes for this
examination will please report to this
office the number of applicants at
Property listed with me is unsolicited. The
owners desire to sell. Consequently they are
Now is the time to buy property in Enterprise.
See me if you want a house or lot-any location
Good farm propositions in valley and out
lying districts.
Insure your live stock in the National Live
btock Insurance Company. You can not afford
to take chances at the price it costs to insure
your horses or cows.
I have the best Standard Fire Insurance Com
panies. Also the cheapest Mutual Company.
least thirty days before above date.
Supt. of Schools.
Department of Public Instruction
Giving the Bourcea of examination
questions for State and County p.
pers, February and August, 1909.
1. Arithmetic, One-fifth from State
Course of Study, four-fifths from
2. Civil Government, Strong
3. English Literature:
February, 1909
A. " One-half from texts; New
comer's English Literature, and
Newcomer's American Litera
ture. B. One-half from the following
1. Lowell, The yifllon of Sir
Launfal (Rlv. lit aer.) Hough
ton, 25c, 22c.
2. Webster, The First Bunk
er Hill Oration (Rlv. lit. ser.)
Houghton, 25c, 22c.
3. Scott, Marmion (Pocket
Classics) Macmllllon, 25c, 22c.
August, 1909
A. One-half from texts: New
comer's English Literature, and
Newcomer's American Litera
ture. B. One-half from the following
1. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
(Riv. lit. ser.) Houghton, 25c,
2. Ruskln, Sesame and Lilies
(Riv. lit. ser.) Houghton, :e.
3. Carlyle, Essay on Burns
and Burns' Poems (Pocket
Classics) Macmlllan, 25c, 22c.
The first figure is the publisher's
price, the second the price to schoo.s
contracted for between the Oregon
Library Commission and The J. K.
Gill Co.
4. Geography, One-fifth from
State Courses of Study, four-fifths
from Redway & Hlnman,
6. Grammar, One-fifth from State
Course of Study, four-fifths from
6. History, TJ. S. One-fifth from
State Course of Study, four-fifthi
from Buehler.
7. Orthography, Reed's Word Les
sons, 8. Physical Geography, Tarr'g New
Physical Geography.
9. Physiology, Krohn, Hutchinson.
10. Reading, State Course of
Study, Whl.e's Art of Teaching, Oral
11. School Law, School Laws of
12. Theory and Practice, White's
Art of Teaching.
13. Writing, Outlook Writing Sys
tem , Tests in Writing.
14. Algebra, Wells: Algebra for
Secondary Schools.
15. Bookkeeping. Office Methods
and Practical Bookkeeping, Part I-
16. Composition, Herrlck & Damon
17. Physics, Mllllkan & Gale: A
First Course In Physics. ,
18. Psychology, Buell.
19. Botany, Bergen: Elements of
20. Geometry, Wentworth: Plane
and Solid Geometry, questions on
Plane Geometry.
21. History, General, Myers: Gen
eral History.
An examination Is required upon
the first thirteen subjects for a first
grade County certificate valid for
three years; upon the first eighteen
subjects for a State certificate valid
for five years; and upon the twenty
one subjects for a State diploma
valid for life.