Furniture, Carpets, teugs, Linoleum, Pianos and Organ Wail Paper, Gia Moulding New Royal and Singer Sewing Alachines. BabT b .d cam. I FRED ASHLEY, The Home Furnisher, UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING ENTERPRISE, OREGON JJIDandruffand R 1 but outward signs of the evil done in secret by myriads of dan Jruff germs sapping the life blood of the hair. Micro kills the para site, soothes the itching scalp, gives lustre to the hair and stops it falling out A single application gives relief aad proves its worth. Save your hair before too late. Micro prevents baldness. It Is a delightful dressing for the hair, free from grease and1 sticky oils. Ask yourdruggistforfree booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO.- PORTIANO, ORIOON FOR SALE BY BURNAUGH & MAYFIEI.D WALLOWA ELK CREEK JOT8. Elk Creek, Jan. 26. The surprise dance at Millard McFetridge's Fri day night was a grand success. A delicious lap supper was served, with hot coffee. Dancing commenc ed early and continued till daylight. Everyone present had a glorious time. In fact many said It was the best dance In this neighborhood since a dance at the same place cne year ago. Bower Clark, the old pioneer of Elk Creek, Is able to be about. Ralph Smith sits up nights to keep bis toothache company. Calvin Smith and family were vis itors at Pat Loftus', Friday. Sam Baker is on the sick list this week. Wren Roberta Is also on f.he sick list. Men can get their overcoats, suits and underwear nicely mended by one who understands the business. In quire at the Woman's Exchange, iSamms building. S. K. Clark Plumber it Steain Fitter Full line of plumbing material Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Keltner's Hardware Store Leave Orders. 10 PAY NO LARGER SHARE EMERGENCY TAX MEASURE LEAVES ABOUT SAME AP PORTIONMENT. , Salem, Jan. 28 The emergency tax bill authorizes the governor, 8 sere tary of state and treasurer to act as a board of equalization, with power to apportion the state tax among the counties according to what they find to be the true valua tion. The effect of the measure will be to make practically no change In the proportion of state tax each county will pay. Salem Govenor Chamberlain sent to the legislature Tuesday morning a apeclal message advising immediate enactment of an emergency tax law 4o take the place of the act declared unconstitutional. In speaking of the matter the governor said that in his opinion it would be necessary for the legislature to frame and pass a bill either making a levy or author-' Izing the state board of apportion nent to make a levy for the year 1909. It Is evident from thlB that Mult tomah, Columbia, Tillamook, Doug las, Jackson, Josephine, Clackamas, Coos and Wallowa must pay the rreatly Increased tax which will be apportioned under the uniform levy based upon assessed valuations. The turden will fall upon the counties as i whole, for the state tax is a debt from the county to the state. i With 11 dissenting votes, members of the Clackamas county delegation In the house succeeded Tuesday In aavlng passed their bill providing for an eight-hour workday In all manufacturing, mechanical, mercan tile and other establishments operat ing continuously 24 hours. Bills creating fully 200 new jobs, mp.ny of them on fat pay, have bon Introduced in the legislature, load lng up taxpayers with more than $A, WO, 000 salaries and expenses for (lie ensuing two years. Representative Hughes, of Marlon, has Introduced in the house a bill making it possible for every county of the state to make its treasurer tax sollector. havje had any time left for my own business had I undertaken to get It for them. You have no idea how ,many people are looking in this di rection." Various commercial bodies of Ore gon and Washington are planning to get out leaflets .to be used as a letter of enclosure, emphasizing the wonderfully low colonist rates from the East they are awaiting an nouncement of Atlantic coast and other points not yet decided by the passenger association of the trans continental roads. The $25.00 fare from Missouri river points, $30.50 from St. Louis, and $33.00 from Chl crgo is the lowest named for three years. Proceedings Of County Court Revival In Joseph Methodist Church Long List of Claims Audited Allowed Heavy Peddlers' License. and ICONT1NUED.J Monday, Jan. In the matter of fixine 11, 1909. and deter- mtnlnc 4Ka i . i : . . .1 6 'ui oi ineuse iee io s. E. Combes, scrapers, stove be paid for the calendar year of poker 1908 19 oo Jolm W. Kerns, salary Dec. 1908 125 00 Kathryn DuFur, salary Dec. 1908 90 00 Gene W. Hall, salary Dec. 1908 go 00 John W. Kerns, stamps, Sept. Oct., Nov, Dec. '08 2 35 Oren Wagner, partition in II. S 155 10 Buniaugh & Mayfleld, sup plies id 85 W. J. Funk & Co., tacks, Ouster 90 2 00 Rev. W. L. McDiarmid To Begin Series of Meetings Local and Personal News. LOWEST COLONIST RATE MADE IN THREE YEAR8 Portland, Jan. 2S-"I simply had to stop telling my friends where I 'was going," said a man from Kan sas City, recently, "for when I spoke of the Pacific Northwest everybody v,aa so Interested and wanted so much inform fttlpa that I wouldn't Joseph, Jan. 29. Rev. W. L. Mc Diarmid, who has just completed a very successful revival at Wallowa Is coming to Joseph. Saturday, to egin a series of meetings in the M. E. church. Mr. McDiarmid is a fine solo singer as well as a preach er of more than ordinary force. Rev. A. L, Howarth has returned from the district conference at ummervllle. Miss B. W. Taylor, a popular music teacher, gave a recital to the par fnts of her pupils, Thursday even ing In W. E. Leffel's store room. It &a a very enjoyable affair. Mrs. F. J. Ingolhorn and children returned to her home at Oroflno, Ida. Thursday morning, after an extended 'visit with her father, L. Hall, and lother relatives. Her sister, Mrs. C. Jennings, accompanied her home. Frank Kernan of the Imnaha was trading Tuesday in the city. The pupils of the seventh and .eighth grades went out to Bert Knapper's, Wednesday night, to an old fashioned candy pulling. Mrs, J, Rohrman returned Wednes day from a visit to outside points. Mrs. Cutler of the Chesnimnus was jn town several days the past week. Born, to the wife of George Daw son, January 26, a daughter. Representative J. P. Rusk, who had an attack of measles at the 'state capital, is convalescent. A, Wurtzwejler returned Tuesday from Portland, Miss Flora Keller and Eva Makin of Enterprise, visited over Thursday here with Mrs. L. Duncan. For Early Spring Wear Just Received GALATEN CLOTHS, plain and fancy. ENGLISH CHEVIOTS, this is just the thing for early spring dresses, good weight and soft finish and only 18 cents. Also BRADFORD CLOTHS, a new spring suiting for street dresses or children's school dresses, 25c For evening dresses see the SUESINE SILKS, 27 inches wide, 50 cents. We are offering our laces and embroideries for a short time at the following very low prices: 30 cent laces at 20 cents 25 cent laces at 15 cents 40 cent laces at 25 cents 15 cent laces at 10 cents 12 c laces at 8Vs cts Other laces as low as 3 cents. Big Reductions on Furs, Overcoats, Cloaks, Etc. , j.-funk & -co. -m-,, ri-w--ii Fx-w-n ssrw-ufmewwmrTWVx; w 'h S - " w i. r . 4 ' 1 III! ' ' W WWWM t ' ' V I lillllilil) Kl Of M ilL :; W i " JOPYRI6MT I908 BY HAItRte t Jjl THEODORE E. BURTON, OHIO'S SENATOR ELECT. Theodore E. Burton, the Ohio senator elect, is a product of the Western Reserve and probably has a larger personal acquaintance In the state than any other man. He prides himself on the fact that he can call more men In Cleveland by their first names than any one else in the city. He has a keen sense or Humor and can tell a story with the best story tellers. He is lona- 1 lan n anil tii crrmA K., i - i.i.. n ... : V, . "" uul U1 lutu ,s anaiy, open ana impressive of candor and dignity. 1909 by peddlers, hawkers, and itin erant vendors, within Wallowa coun-, ty, Oregon: Peddlers, hawkers and Itinerant vendors who may desire to peddle, hawk, vend or sell any stoves, ' ranges, wagons, carriages, buggies, carts, surreys or other kinds of four-wheeled or two-wheeled ve-1 hides, fanning mills or similar Ella Daley, type writing exam. questions 10 74 The Enterprise Press, supplies 8 65 Sem J. Dorrance, fixing thimble in flue 2 00 J. H. Hartshorn, hardware.. 2 7C The News Record, envelopes.. BO W. E. Taggart, insurance premium 115 20 72 00 Office, insurance.. 72 00 I PDnn Plpa Ina P I .......... o wwi rw m ui ujxji tuauuiac, W iUl Qin InH In .Via nnnnU Hfnll,.. 4K ! l' ! II I l IT 1 U 111 I license fee for same is fixed and determined at the sum of $400 for the calendar year 1909. In the matter of report of J. H. Mlmnaugh, expert accountant; Report submitted by J. H. Mlm naugh, and the same Is duly au dited, approved and ordered filed. It appearing from said report that the following ex-offlcials have failed to collect and pay to the county treasurer the following auma: J. A. French J. M. Blakely It is hereby ordered by the court that the county clerk immediately render . the above named parties with Jtemized bills for the amount shown above, together with a cer tlfiA ropy of Journal entry. It Is further ordreed that the above ! named parties pay the county treasurer the above amounts with in a reasonable time. . In the matter of the allowance of miscellaneous bills against the coun ty, and the Issuance of warrants therefor: Said bills having besn passed on and audited separately by the court, as appears from the signa ture of the court thereon, it is ordered that said bills be allowed and warrants issued for payment ' of same as allowed In classes and amounts as follows: High School Fund. W. C. Wilson, oiling floor... 2 00 J. W. Ke-ns,' salary Nov. 1908 125 00 , Gene W. Hall, salary, Nov. 1 1908 90 00 i Ivan Jackson, janitor 2 weeks j Dec 9 50 Kathryn DuFur, salary Nov. j 1908 .... 90 00 j Ivan Jackson, janitor Nov. Road Fund. W P. Hamilton, blacksmithlng 12 60 A. A. Creer, bridge work.... 71 00 A. A. Greer, bal. deducted.. 29 00 W, N. Murrill, supervisor .. 17 50 Geo. E. Courtney, days work 31 25 O. L. Berland, road work .. 61 25 Joe demons, supervisor's (Continued on page 6.) LARGEST TAXPAYERS ON ROLL OF 1908 SIXTY-SEVEN INDIVIDUALS, COM PANIES OR FIRMS ASSESSED ABOVE $15,000. Followng is a list of taxpayers. In dividual and company, that are assessed above $15,0U0 on the 1908 tax roll: E. A. Anderson $16,720. W. H. BoyJ, Sr. $15,22 j. G. V. Boner $16,856. Peter Baudon $123,400. W. A. Boner $21,833. L. E. Caviness $27,910. Crossett Timber Co. $231,125. Mary J. Crelghtou $23,030. D. M. & R. Co.npany $76,150. H. B. Davldhiier $17,Cti0. J. H. Dobbl l ,112,375. E. M. A M. Company-$3.;73. First Nat. Bk of Joseph $20,323. First Bank of Joesph $JC,0oo. F. W. i-'alconer $23,45J. W. J. Funk & Company $23,000. Grande Ronde Lum. Co. $S-,aao. Geo. Palmer Lum. Co. $i6,59J. J. F. Haun $48,880. C. L. Hartshorn $38,513. Jonathan Haas $22,660. Haas Bros. $25,965. D. B. Hendricks $19,000. M. E. Hotchkiss $16,210. Hanson Bros. $20,110. Joseph Mercantile Co. $2:,000. Li. C. Johnson $18,120. J. F. Johnson $16,825. Frank Kernan $18,750. L. Knapper $23,635. Jay Lewis $21,085. Longfellow & Arnold $21,100. Sam Lltch $69,745. 8. L. Magill $17,585. . S. W. Miles $23,825. Polk Mays $19,225. Mrs. J. M. Mitchell $23,325. E. O. Makin $22,680. Wm. Makin $18,150. John McDonald $(i8,SG0. Hector McDoiial.l $J,,76J. J. C. McFetridse $18,390. F. D. McCully $41,605. F. D. McCully Company $43,00u. L. P. McCubMn $15,720. Nlbley-Mimnaugh Co.r-$1D,000. O. R. & N. R. U. Co. $245,500. A. F. Poley $28,560. B. F. Poley $16,450. C. R. Pratt ft Sons $20,500. R. S. & Z. Company $16,000. E. T.' Roup $15,830. C. P. Ragsdale $58,940. Wm. Sherod $19,370. 8. & F. Nat. Bank $34,700. Stickney & German $27,285. Somers ft Campbell $15,035. R. F. Stubbleflald $56,375. Wallowa Merc. Co. $38,000. D. W. Warnock $16,370. Samuel Wade $25,520. G. J. Wagner $16,700. Wallowa Nat. Bank $77,500. Aaron Wade $27,880. Wyett ft Brockman $20,325. Watson Bros. $23,750. . W. W. White $24,065. Take your porcelain and granite ware to tbe Womei's Exchange and have them repaired. Read the advertisements. It Might Be of Interest To You To know that we have lots, within five minutes walk of the Public Square, with pure running water on every lot, size 70x300 feet, prices from $200.00 to $4325.00. Easy terms. This is a proposition you cannot afford to overlook. If you can find anything in town that heats this, buy it, and if you don't need it yourself, tell us about it and we will take it off your hands. Of course we cannot keep these, so come in quick if you want one. JORDAN & PACE The People Who Do The Real Estate Business.