Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, February 04, 1909, Image 2

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, -i
Names Noted
Prei,'rt Ftct Taft's Icxs!
Er:irr. Korafe EdmsJ
KLi; asJ his Mlv
sicn to hah.
c:il n:. -- - : i-f ti
X..J: fir-ii.y. hut Use
y.-urs: of tfc
i:.:-,1 cow s-o
r. i:.u in th put":--
L.'t t j-j-S puWI-.iry beti.r tfc:in
ac-e K Tr.fT. Tie
eldo: of PTeskior.:
E. . TATT.
er. Charles V. 1z
of Cincinnati, fc;'
been talked of cus'.demb'y !-f--.iv.o f
the rout: for the Ohio er.an-rsiiip. i'--which
he net defeat at the hands
Therdore E. Furt 'd. Henry W. Taf:
of New TcrS has leea prominent as a
member of the tar and hi connect:::!
with various ocvasU'tis oa wbioh his
brother WWlani H. has leea his pa-:.
Horace has l-cr.i te-.johir.j: ehf'! i":
Connecticut and intent tt re":a!n i::
the shsde. cot even eniovlnp the re
fected liht wir:-b mi?hi le shed nr---him
fr-33 the rrvsiaeniial chair r.t
Washington were be to p?t In an atti
tude to receive It. They wanted i
eiect him a neciber of the Connecticut
lest:amre last fall, but he wou'.d n -.l
take a nomination. He said "ltrotheT
EiH" was petting enough piory lor t!:
family, and he was salissed to teach
-Brother Bill's" kid. youuj: Charli
Taft. The latter Is in attendance a:
his school in Watertown. an institution
which has a hi?h educational standing
Indeed. Sir. Horace Taft ranks hi'i
ansou? members of his profession, as
was attested in his recent election as
president of the Head Masters' assu
elation. . Ke is a graduate of Tale, liit
all the rest cf the family.
The Rev. Dr. William J. Dawson of
England is one of the most eloquent
evangelists tLis ccunrry has known
since the time cf Mocdy. TTniike some
revivalisrs. he is a man of culture and
scholarship, and bis method are uct
sensational, allhouph he does not hesi
tate to derart from beaten paths upo::
occasicn. This was r.lusrrated durin;
a mission he cocducted re-.-ently at the
famous St. Gecr?e's Epl-oj-al church.
New Tcrk. the churh cf Dr. Stepi;e:)
H. Tyns and Dr. William S. Rail:
" 'V
14 '
EEV. B2. gCI.ilM 3. IAWSOS.
ford, now prssided over br the Rev.
Dr. Hugh Eir;khea0. a ycnnp c;r:R
who is deiemiiK-d t!j;it merv triil
tions or ft-ar of criticism saa" ut
stand in the wny of his makiu? his
chcrch as lnectU as possibie to tlje
thousands cf jc-cr ar.d strn-jlinp .
pie in the midst t.f whom 1; is phic-Hl.
The mission at St. Geor's l.uu
within the souud of prayer ncd raise
and words of exhortation many who
do not often darken church d.x-rs. but
!.! order that still m.re shculd I
r-.-tclied a precession was orjrju;td
whi h wended its way through
streets in the iieLrhlLod of
chiir?!' and made lis arieal to t'-c i
tervs: of the wayfarers or fiwcl'ers i:j
the vicinity. At the head of the prc
cesslon a large crt-ss was carried. IV.a-
unual''! by eiectric lights. At eith
side worv ljoii carrvinc tlse leneri
that furnished the current fT the iD-c-acde-et
wraps. Then canae a Uicd,
aud K-l.i-d i: Dr. Birck!iid a:.d ti;e
otter ck-rcy cf the parish i:j th, ir
ML-es ad tiie Liissioner. Ir. Daw.-c.
Kci;ov.i:ic therii were seventy choris
ters. wL'k ifd tle singing as the mar-h
prwecdrO. aud Whiui thou: were
many vthers. asakiug up a parride T.'O
strong a'l.gether. on the return lo
the chur.-fc a great nKn; was h'id.
at wlikii It. ijansor, uelivo-rvd a ii-it
stirring a;-eal.
Ir. Daws, n t;.s a magi:etic presence
nd a most effective delivery.
Dr. Dawson was born in Northamp
tonshire in 1SC4 atd is a s--n of a
Wesleyan minister. He was educate
t Didsiury coliege. Manchester, aad
was fur a time in the Wesjeyan min
istry, but from 1S92 to 1G was min
ister of Highbury Qnadraut Congre
gational church, London. He Is. a
voluminous writer, and his works ccro
prUe not only books on religious suh-
i1 )
In the News
Neil FrrsiJ:at of Hanard.ALtott
larfnc? Lowell Otber
Fljarrs h tbf PuL
k Prints.
lerts. but lyric and dramatic poetry,
action a:.d essay.
Abbott Lawrence Lowell, who has
been ihon to succeed Charles W.
Chot as presiiiect of Harvard univer
sity, may l-e described as author, law
yer and jrfestr of the science of pov
trrnteut. He is a brother ol Professor
1'ercival Lowell, also of Harvard,
whose astronomical discoveries have
given hiai wide fame.
When 1 "resident Eliot tendered his
resigtiatiou to November, to take ef
i feet in the spriag. there was at first a
strong semiuieut in favor of selecting
, a cooiparativeiy young man as his suc-
cesor. rresideat Eliot himself was a
i youug man only thirty -five when he
became Harvard's head. But it is ad
! mined that he was exceptionally we'.l
; qualiced for the post for a man of his
j years when he took it The sentiment
in favor of choosing a scholar and man
j of affairs of large experience and wide
reputation grew stronger as the weeks
passed by and resulted in the choke
j of lYfesser Lowell. He is fifty-two,
: but in full vigor, and it is believed be
) will Lave twenty years of activity b?
; (ore him. He has proved his ability in
j ?vc field lie has entered and is a rare
j .xi-jb;aticn of the man of the worl.1
laud of the university leader. He is
; no: only the cm-st popular but the
' keenest le-'turer in the university.
;Ai;d so far fs concerns the amenities
j if the president's position, including
I the priH'r entertainiaent of guests nr.d
the relati'ias t-etween the head of the
. university and the undergraduates, he
ran l-p untd cp-m.
Professor Iowell was born in T.os
. ton tr. Iec. 1C. ISTj and was gradu
at0 fT'':u Harvard in 1S77. He toon
t: s a h?vr course, re-reiving his de
PT''f fr.x; Harvard Law school in
! 1S.S ' ar.d li:ic ad.ined to tbe bar
i the ME-.e year. In ijCT he married his
rvus:. Miss Anna Parker Lowell. Fcr
se' .'et-.teen years the rracUce of law
fleRi'iudvd the greater part of his at
; tentioc. in he continued to pursue his
j favorite stuilv of coma:trative govenj
j ment. Sevral lx:ks on government
! ar.d n i'iit:-s in continental Europe,
: pttMi -he-J during this time, gave uira
, high standing as an authority on the
.-5-r.cv of p.iverament. aud in 1S0T he
; was cahed to le lecturer in that de
fart::jeat at Harvard,
i Three years later on the establish
! ment of the Eaten professorship of the
i sci-?n-e of government he was appoint
' ed to that chair.
In the last year be has published a
w.-.rfc on "The Government of Enj
i.it.d." whi:h has attracted wide atten
tion and brought to him the honor of
ele-'ti. n as president of the American
. Political Science association in succes
sictj to Ai.:lass;nior Bryce. whe
, -A:::cr: -nn CVmm. nwealth" brought
hi.:: the same distinction.
Cfff-S E:',ki,g I'nsnrfs lit S&ry of Dtpcsiis."
Ivpt.fiior Ha? That tiuarantee at
We Do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on
All P;incipal Cities.
, XK V; - 'V1' '''1 , W. R. Holme, Cashier
- r.g. Pr,dut Frank A. Rtv, At. Uu-Uier
' K, j"m t W. Hyatt MattikA.Hou.es
J H In.Kw.v W. R. Houses
' i
Hishrsi Market
rice far
Hides ar:d J'eUs
Rob Eaak; Captared tm Two Hoars, i
Klamath Falls Two men wearing
creen masks entered the Kla mailt i
County Bank Saturday at noon and ;
held un Cashier Alexander Martin :
and City Engineer Zumwalt. A bag '
as handed the cashier with a de- '
mand to place the money in it. He !
put a total of $3230 in currency and
gold. When the robbers were escap- ,
ing the cashier and Zumwalt started -in
pursuit. The men were overtaken j
and proved to be Riley Preiver. who :
has been employed in a local hlack :
smith shop, and his roommate. Jac.
Hall. i
Department of the Interior.
.'. S. Land Office at L Grande. Or
egon, January 1L 1909.
Notice is hereby given that Albert
L. Chiiders, of Enterprise. Oregon,
on October 16. 1902, made
Homestead Entry. No. 12040. for W
:a XE ". Shs SEVi. Section 1T,
Township 1 North. Range 44 East,
Villamette Meridian, has filed no
li, e of intention to make Final Five
I'ear Proof tj esiabllsh claim to
the lanl a-iove described, before D.
W. Sh a'aan, U. S. Commissioner, at
jhjs o.'fice at Enterprise. Oregon,
on the 20th day of February. 1909.
j Claimant name? as witnesses:
'Frank W. Heske.t, of Wallowa. Ore
jgon; David H. Hearing, of Wallowa
j Oregon; Nicolas W. Ownbey, of En
iterprise. Oregon; James W. Chiiders.
; of Enter;rise, Oregon.
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
In the Coanty Court of the State of i
j Oregon, far Wa'.lawa County.
I Notice is hereby given that by xir- j
tue of ai order of the above-entitled ;
Court, made and entered on the Sth !
dsy of January, 109. licensing, au- j
thorizing and empowering the under-;
signed guardian of the estate of Be-j-'
lah Bunnell and Irene Bunnell, min
ors, to sell all of the interest of the j
said minors in and to the E of
the XW ht and the W hr of the XE
V, of Section 35 in Township 1 North
Ol Range 44 E. W. M. in Wallowa
County, Oregon, the sime being an
undivided one-third interest, I will
from and after tie 12th day of FeV
ruary, 1903, pracei to sell at private
sale all of tie iatarest of said min
ors in and to the said described real
; property. The terms of said sale
are as follows: the entire purchase
price is to b? pail in cash.
i Dated this 13th day of January,
; 1903.
First insertion Jan. 14. 7909; last
Feb. 1L 03.
'; BURLEIGH BOYD. Attorneys for
Guardian. . 21t5
Applications for Grazing Permits.
Xotm beve&y Eiee tinl all appfcrataan far
penr.:!. m tarti. fcyewrs. arid fiwup witiun
t&e nccT cf iKM. bust be fiiad u. my cfic at
WmiVm. Onsuo. on or before lUrcfe L 1.
Fail mIormtc" m renri to tbe arazmc fw to
be charred anc blank forms tt be used in "f
aX3tums viij tr hammed npr mqruecx.
iit5 HARVEY W. HARRIS. Superriaor.
lated Tract.)
Dapartment of the Interior.
U.S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore-
' gon. January 16, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, 1905, (34' Stats., 517). we
will offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, at ten clock a. m., oa
the Sth day of March. 1909, at this
ofiice, the followlag-descrlbed land:
SEi XEVi Se;tion 24, Township 1
South, Range 41, Ea?t Willamette
Meridian, Serial No. 0SS7.
Any persons cl liming adverse the
above-described land are a Ivis .-j to
file their claims, or objec'.:or.j, oi
or before the time designated for
sale. F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Read the advertisements.
Notice Is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of an order of the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Wallowa County, made a-id
entered on January 9:h. 1909. in
the matter of the Estate and Guar
dianship of Robert H. Wright, Merle
Wright, Stephen Wright and Walter
Wright, minors, and he.rsai-law of
Henry Mace, decease!, whereby the
undersigned as foreign guardian of
said minors was and is authorized.
licensed and dire?tei to sell at
private sale all the interests of
said minors, the same being an uu-;
divided one-twentieth interest be
longing to each, or fair-twentieths
interest belonging to all. of said min
ors, of in and to the following de
scribed real property, twit:
The SWV. of MVi, and NW of
SW of Section 29. the E1- of SE
M of Section 30 and the E1- of NE
of the Deed Record of Waliowa Coun
ty, Oregon, and also -?xce?t a square
cne-acre tract near the southwest
corner of said EV of NE1 of Sec
tion 31. conveyed by the said George
i: Dexter and wife to the directors
of School District No. 15, in said ;
countv, bv dead recorded at page j
367, Book L of tae Deed Record of
Wallowa County, Oregon, to which
deeds and the record thereof refer
ence is hereby made for a more def
nite description of said excepted
tracts. all situated aud being in
Township 2 N, Range 43 Esst, W.
M.. in Wallowa county, Oregon, and
containing 255 acres, more or less,
and subject to an unaligned dower
estate, to-wit: An undivided one-bal
interest for life, oirned by Mary E.
iiace. as widow of said Henry Mace,
deceased, and also subject to a
mor'gase execute! by the said George
B. Dexter and wi.'e to the Oregon
State Land Board to sesure a loan of
1250.00 and latere3t, which mortgage
is recorded at page 55, Book I. of the
Mortgage Re:ord of sai! county,
1 wiL from and after the 20th
dav of Februarv. 1909. procesd to
jsell at private sale to the highest
! and best bidder for cash, all the
j rights, title and interests of all of
said minor wards in and to said
j described real property, together and
in one sale, and subject to the ex
I ceptions and Incumbrances above
Dated this the 26th day of January.
2 lt5 Foreign Guardian.
Reason Enthroned.
fecause meats, are so tasty the?
; are consumed in great excels. This
j kais to stoma :h troubles, bilious
ness and constipation. Revise your
diet, let reason and not a pampered
appetite control, then take a few
doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
j Liver Tablets and you will soon be
;eU again. Try it. For sale at
! Burnaugh Bayfield's drug store.
' Samples free.
Nature Provides
but one
It is the natural winter
home of many thousand
of the worM'sbest peopie.
Under the gentle influence
of its mild winter climate,
every amusement and
recreation abounds. Such
bathing, boating, fishing,
driving; such picnics, par
ties and "jollifications."
Los Angeles, Paso Robles
Hot Sprirgs, Hotel del
Monte, Santa Barbara,
Venice, Long Beach Santa
Cruz, or a score of similar
resorts and you will find
health, congenial sur
roundings, hospitable
associates, faultless ac
commodations and num
berless attractions and
The O. R. & N. Co.
Connecting wth
The Southern Pacific Co.
Hake inexpensive round trip
excursion rate to California
A six months stopover
ticket Wallowa to Los
Anpeies and return
$76 60
Corresponding rates are i-. ef
feet to otber points.
We have some very distinctive
literature wriig California's
winter resorts, nd will take
pleasure in giving yon all of tie
information and assistance at
our command.
, For tkiete, sleeping car reservations
- ""J . "siegrapc or write
E. T. Campion, Agent, Wallowa.
WM. McMUEEY, gen. pass. acekt
Fort lard, Oregtm.
RODGERS BROS., Proprietors
Ia!en?in new and cecond-hanJ good. Bicycles and Bicycj,
Supplies. Bicycle and Gun Repair Shop. Furniture made or
Repaired, Screen Doors and Windows nude to order. Give at
a trial. Our .rices are right nd all work guaranteed.
Did It Ever Occur To You That A
Telephone in Your Home
Provides safety, convenience, economy and
pleasure, and makes your home life com
plete? Its cost is little, its benefits are
Home Independent Telephone Co.
Covering Union and Wallowa Counties
Wm. Miller & Brother,
SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanK Building,
Enterprise, Oregon.
Wallowa Appleton. Flora io Paradise,
Fkb Paradise, Flora ud Appleton to Wallowa,
Good accommodations, eouruous treatment and reasonable ratn.
Leaves Wallowa at 6 a. tu.
E. W. SOUTHW1CK, Proprietor.
We Have
and only complete line
Call and inspect oar goods and compare our prices
with others.
General BlacKsmithing
JtorsesAoetnff a Specialty
It you wish to buy a Hack,
handle a complete etock in tbi.-
iKehiaing of me.
S. E. Combes,
Enterprise, Oregon.
II -SMtfr It
MMvtwt pare mn, Xt.
Beoauae it'. l. .
BrtanM. aas iW nii Ar
1 rwdy ioand.
M I f A KT
""khtd 1864
The Best
of K etc w are in the Count;
liugcv, Plow or Harrow n-mei&M
line and you will eave m' net b;j
ou1 ton! of GENUINE'
CYRUS NOBLE direct la jm
1 pud lta Maf
tBren". and yoa. M wtaa
, . , . . .
yuan aavor ol Oat
Itnn rr-r. .
I0S.IQ7 ; I P..J o .