some eases ow THJ eaUa aa fcoor. ! or in oier words, some operator candied about seven calls & minme. j although each aa Lust-ited they iia.- j died three times many. On op ratirca carat? oirfuia Xelephone Ffrst County Pioneer Paper In Election News Oregon Day And Lincoln Centenary; o. 7V EstahLtfhed in. liii. Published every lairsuax 3t iae Enterprise Fres.i. Off.oe Ease siiie Cuur. Kow Square. Entered in tie po--.o:?.oe : Ore., as second-class si"-' SUBSCRIPTION" SAT-IS One year i'-.wV Three aioa in 1I-'-iavartailv in. A taa-;e. CCCNTY A3VEnTiS,'a RA7S- Coaaty sub:rl":e-s w tl. Caieftaii UU7 have idii ions.; copies se-t au'-ijle tie M.iar-f f:ri:.'-M ?ir year No subscription aiii fur tess ii.n one ye-ir THURS3AY. JANUARY 2. '3C9. Hr Way. Tier? was la nd darty !a Vlnriilj. wao lived happily wita als wife aad teemed Ct every 00 tO b 1 21iM hasb::id- A Tt maa wao ippear-ni to euoy s d.mesoe biias es-ied ap.u tie .jid fellow f:r tie secret of bis marital snc?ess. "Since tij" st returned ti. diriy. T'l reH t.' S.-w Ah dos tc Ai ins' Ititi hul Sab huh owa hit aa" Ah Sab Sni wit t: Bi-ignt P-scct We don't ill i: raestiocs of etii's La tie Jae ttjt. A yorroi Easiisii m-?:er n Ti!aca Ijeeasu enaait!ril of a r?s7 ftr, bet T'il tie aiotier tiiar & "u aoc ri'i enoasS t tnajTT Iwr. Tj miitiwr taTfiel aii Mill: "Wiit: Not ri.!i enoc?i La tiw la ail of gTti:eas? Wt. wlti so acvuci Ciisietl a tilef u dx3ri:r yoo wCI te a aLiliooair? la a nreTeaocii." R suit ef Training. Traia a Iri La ti wij lie sl.;cI go. azi xieQ siu gr-jr op tie w act only JerS sriooio cot of ti kfariiea stoTt tut si wta lay uiiie tie tail fearien cf tie tnrSey a: TiaiisciTt:?. aaT ti !r from tie toled tay. bay 13 cearj w;rti cf riV ta aid cccatrL't a tcat tiit will g.i te a fjrty dcilir nxcstroelry lock fast a little til Hie 9) ceata. Hatutoa Peat. F.rt Sumptuary Law. Lav) tfi;.r;rg ealsg. v-t clregii" jr ar I'Tctt u eld as tistcry ttseii Xcf fn ; lie exaocieas eaa ti rariwd ta tie maner. fc It !s saJs to say tiat tt was ta ET?t. as fir tck as 3 R C, ttit t first prii Heal sojsftzary statates wer passai. Aesoc tie E.:rr.a- tiy first a;cear td ta tie eeietrated rweiT rabies." Ia BiIera Uses darlecaaae was tie pioneer la jJixptsary lesisiaioa. tRfarmalon Concerning Eistft Grade! Examinatiotra. L Dates: Tiree examlnaticns aaaially. Eaci coiaty superiatea'ieac ta seeiit mentis for bis eooaty. ta. Jaaaary IWi. (5 Slay U-It im. z June l')-U, id. September 2-1. IW. 2. PTcaram: a) Tiursiiaya Arltimetic. Tr.: iaj. History, aal Civil Gjvera m'jtt. tb Frila-3 On--sir. Piysiol oey, Georrapty. and 5;lltr.g. 3. Soorces of Q"estii;cs: fa i Civil Government Uaitec States ConstittKion. Ibf Georrapily State C-Tzn cf Study: Piway and Hiamaa'r Nataral Sciool Geofrapiy. te Elstory List cf topics from Eistory Out.iae ia State Coirs cf Stilly aai Current ETats. (4 Laaz-ia 2ieiler's Mciem EagUsa Grammar, a a dixrnm- miag. (ej Heading Tie :ea.:ir wlU send to tie Coatty Supriateci eat tie applicant's class staailaji ia readiag. wilci snail b'i take; by suci iperistendect as tie ap p2caar staaliag on tie sib;e:t it SjeUiag Eighty pr cent from Eeni's Word Lesaons, aad twenty per cent, from niaa-iscr.p' J ia Language. ? "iVrttiat Specimens cf pn ; ntaasiip as indicated ia copi! matter and from maaa:r:pr Lr I-aar4. Ejpicc;uily sibmitied. J. H. ACKEH.MA-. S :pt, Public Iastracti,;c Ti Cnr ELziti Grade examina tion for tie year 14 wi be aeid JaaTiry 21-22. Teachers pre; Litg classes far tiis eian nioa wid ;as report ta tiis office tie aimber cf appucaats a !-Jt tiirty days before above date. EespictftiCy. J. C. CO-VLET. Si;c of &:iofiis. X JANUARY 1909 MoTWed TW Tri Set is 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 X 1718 19 20 21 22 2Z tlr, 25 26 27 28 29 30 J .......... Strry cf Haw R etjrrra Were Git-V t-5j 5y N-w News-GatAenng A jency. Wl-a "ie presilea:iil eijtioa to a'.-n'.as fast ta ex-itemeat kjshi ".aerwa hjLi di-d aay. But -Ji'ir- are s' lad aaecdoci coa-a-ftteii wita "be coaipafa taa: will aot d.e yfir. Waay cf '-lei icjrws, aad pir iajs a mor.ty. lav to dj w.ta tbe z'lig of rrarai. Every iastr'i-x-ra'u eery a-;-" jfttia aeaoy aad every beia i'J U directly ooaoeraed La ir.:i r'?i.-4 on eiectju u.T ire kept ca tbe -izi ive. Press iixli"ii:ai. aevspaper correspond- ea:i. ae-i iers iad every ocaer aers ie:'iaj ancy aiake sapreme er'.'rt to be first La sectinj rssaits be'ore tie pabuc. Tie extent tiis cote petition reacies. tie ia tensity of tie r arr iai tie aieias empioyeI to jet tii res'ilts believeaile :o one recti cr Laie::t; :paa- fir ?r are sao bas . be- a iardio iot. i la tie pre-iiientia: ele-.-'i. of im taa i.ry was aa?rei:eiiec .en. r.aost effars were pit farti and ua usiaiiv ine expeaiitares of money . T. . wer made to s;ore wia; La news-, papr pariaace are kaowa as 'beats." ! m ,i cataiza tie plxn f:r i tae most erticiea leas.ji j LsJac ory way of jettiai complete aadt aatieai.: recaras. went ta aa agen cy wiica a fe years ao was con sidered impracucasi aaa too ea-i ' peasiTe. Tiis areacy was tie telepioce. scaie years aja tie telepione coa paates rave oit tieir balietias direct n tae larii et-tes. ia tae iaJt e-r- tioa tiey give tiem to ti news- iars. wao. ta rara. ra iTe tiem tj 1 .' tie piibiic over te.epaoce or oci : r- ran Lin cities extra staticcs aai liaes were LastaUed Sa i offices witiaur exa tiarse. Tie ccatpieteaess aad ac- ciraj iu-etiis taiga ia waiaactioa witi ; ti sziooti maaaer ia , .-h rhT ! isadied tie extra rush of iave prompted tie various busLaessi aewspa-; pers tirouzaoat tie ccuatry. who en Joyei tie benefit of tie semlce. tj iv liberal credit ta ti teleshine ' ,, -a-:.. " Tie Paiiadeiphia Times, a new ev-l in cia- ia eraressiaz its aanrec- Utioa says: Tiii ia r -i r1 u- time ' we have received aaytiiag o--h.Ttrr paying for it siae we iaTe been Tie Baltimore World says: -Tie; ' te'epiione service was perfei:t aad' enabled us ta put a more complete extra on tie street by eight o'clock ' tiaa ever before.- ; Although tie b-ille-tias of tie teii-, phxne compaay were first at hand ia j nearly every instance, tie accuracy of the reports was not sacrificed to j jbtaia tiis result. Ia so far as pos- i siile every b ulletia was r.z-ji.y cea-i I sore i. WUd-cat guesses. propn:ies j ' tae :-i or. ieresay. etc were elimi-; aated. Ccc.siueatiy tie bulletins i ia-i a real value. j ! Department "lea. is aad traffic offlc-j als of tie telepo.-,3ce compaaies arei f eateii at tie iigalv siccessfu! out-! to-te cf tis rgid test of tieir sys- j tern. As a result of tie wori it per iormet statks of letters are care fully eied ia executive offices eom-j plimentary to the efficiency of tie ! orgaairatiotts. j Other tests tie telephone ias been : iub.ected ta woold make iaterestiagl rea.iig. Fir instance, during tie! pennant winai-.; games at Detroit last! .all tie c:ty -ras base-ball mad. Dur-j - tie last mo weeks of tie season! tie entixiiasai of tie "fins' was biibl..-g ever with every game. Ti. climax was reaihed on tie peaaaat j wianir.i Tuesday, however. Tie tel-j ephone exchanges were teseiged with; enquiries. ' j To prepare for tie emergency tie .e-lepc--ce ccm;aaies orgaaiied bulle-; tia s;uais whose only duties to aaswer baseball inquiries. Tie' a. number of yoiag La-iles who 1 ?ompre!l ties siiads bandied ia ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE Watch for Next Announcement from ma outside exchange. appr- . eatly witaouc confusion. Tais was ; at tie rate of U'W aa boar. ! Taes are bat two tastaaoes out of ; imaay taat are aappfaiag day after: iday waica proe taat tb teiepdon ' ' aas become our most indispensable ' servant. It Ls becoming a aecesBity , ta eery bom aad ode, wbetaer ta j towx city or country. It fc fcxk ; teppin wita prore ax every stnde. Ties two instances also serve tj : Ladica: tae tncreas! aaaiber of par- poses for wiica tae teiepione Ls used aad also tends to saow ta depead- : enc tie general ptibiio places apoa ". Bat to get a deflaite Idea of tii ' $rowtb ta popularity cf ta teiepaoa aad tie increase La ta n amber in use one si hi:1 taie aot of tie l growti of ti Westera Electric com paay. te principal manufacturers of telephones aad teiepioa supplies l4 country. Ia 12 te'.epiiones snipped by tbis compaay aambered one millioa and a quarter, la li'H a million aad a ialf, and la IVH two millioa aad a o.uarter, aa lacrease ia f-ve years of a millioa telephones, or approximately over S) per cent. COPPESFIELO JUST NOW WIDE OPEN TOWN Tie stories broagit la from Cop- i perfield. ti towa oa Saaie river, by persons arriviag frota taere souad Uie tie tales of many aaotier new railroad aad miaias towa La tie aey- j day of tieir meteoric eareer. I It Ls related tiat it is a wideopen : town. Hiad.-eds of laborers on tie 1 Nortiera railwav aad Ox Bow con- uu i- cLr f'-T wien taey get taeir time .' ....4 . V.. . Tllan fhPi ------ - - 3 sonsetaaig cotag. All tae oooze ary caa be iad aad tiax a 45o! 'T Tie sarewl "sport" is tiere also, ready aad cap able of separating tie laborer frota cuul l- ue mu. acieauac way. la W 13 also on tie s---- tussu u'a- -vfc a-. . Caffies aad cosmetic oeaaty. ! Aad ia ail, so report ias it. Cop- ckj. u uie mi yui ut -j-i aortlest towns. It is tie qaiates- - f a3 tia: Ls loud aad Immoral. ; - . -,JCI uuclu LC5 .ju. j comes tae metai tor waica tae towa : has been appropriately named. Ba i Iter City Democrat. Make La Grande Busy. From Evening Observer. La Graade is becoming quite a railroad center. Tie branch road into Wiilowa county has added great- iy to our tmportaace. HAS GOT THIS MONTH Two screimlng stories by EZSs Paris' Bier aad Lindsay Deniscn, each racing to ses which wiZ buxp y our assay bone hariest. One trag-dy tiac wH grip ycur heart. Aad artr'ci by RasseH, Paine aad Dkkjos that cut deep into things. loo i orr r m moors this HOJTl TSZ CAT IS liXX -or Sa.e by Co ernan tros. ; ate TOWN PROPERTY FARM LANDS TIMBER LANDS STOCK RANCHES Property lifted vtixh me is unsolicited. The owners desire to sell. Consequently they are B A R G A I N S Xow is tHe time to bay property in Enterprise. See me if yoa want a house or lot any location Good farm propositions in valley and out lying districts. Insure your lire stock in the National Live Stock Insurance Company. You can not afford to take chances at the price it costs to insure your horses or cows. I have the best Standard Fire Insurance Com panies. Also the cheapest Mutual Companv W. E. TAGGART, Enterprise, -g. C ebratis or To Important Events. A suggested pro-rna for piblio scb.jois and literary societies for Ore $on Day. February 1. ti 3)tl aaai versary of ti adaiiiUJa of Oreton iau ti Coioa. Tie act aianttiai Oreoa was passed February li aad signl by ti Presideat. Feb. 1. liZ-i. Inasmaci a ti H'.i fails on ' Soaday tbis year, it Ls suggested tilt tie esereises be held oa Srdsr. Feb ruary 12. and tia; ti eeatenary of Lincoia's birti be comaiemorated in ti same exercimi. Tbi projraai U so??ested by tie raiveristy of Orejoa and was pre- t- uo-.jij - aad Education. Onier of Easreis. Sonj, "Oregon.- (Orejoa Teuhers" M'Mitiiy. Sett I )'). Reaiinr. Je.Terion's Instructions to LeLs for ti? exploration of tie Colombia River. Coues" Tie Hi-tory of ti? Leis aai Ciarit Eipecitioo. I p. XXVI. from mid dle of pate to end of second line oa p. XXVII. Declamation. Eaylies' Speech ia Con gress ijustifyia- tie expectation tia; Oregon wouii be settled by Americans, Ann Vm of 17th Con gress. 2nd Session. l22-23. Sel ections pp. SSI aad S2. Reading. Applegates "A Eay With tie Cow Colaaa iSciafers His tory of tie Pacific Northwest, pp. lS'i-l2. Reitaon. -Caaipfires of tie Pio neers.' Simpeoa ijti aad Sti stanzas 'Pilirirs of tie Plain. " (2d staaza tboci la quarterly Oregon Kistorical Society, Dec. Reading. Act for tie Admission of Oregon ifroni Report Sec. of State of Oregon. 13iT-3i, pp. 1312.). Oration. Abraiam Lincola. (by a ;mber of tie school or some prominent citizen.) Song, "America." Note: Complete copies of tie read - Logs aad recitations cited above may be secured free of char? by writing tie Registrar, raiversity of Oregon. Eugene. OreToa. oa Din e n I i-r"i PARADISE GLINTS. Paradise, Jaa. 13. Tie mall from i Paradise to Aaatan caaaot cross the Graade Ronde river on account of the ice. ; O. P. Barnes died at his home La ; Asotia, Fri.lay, Jaaaary 8. llr. i Barnes was a former resident of this pUc4 wa3 Q,lt s.j ?ears of Me. E. W. Apptegate Is still eonaed to his raita on account of his foot that was Injured by his horse falling on James Barnes male a trip to . iston last week. Le"v" Weather warmer today, tig cniaook ; and snow disappearing. ' i A. C. Miller of Enterprise was j i here on business vesterdav i I " t ! W. C. Straiey and wife have sold to Nova Straiey and wife S) ai:res of land; consiieration ll')'W. W. C.i .Straiey and wife to Clyde Straiey j aad wife 12 acres of land; eonsid-1 , eration SLm). ! j Mrs. W. J. Akin, who wis operat- , ed on at Flora by Drs. Anderson aad I GUmore a short time ago, u doing : 7f ar! FIRE INSURANCE PLATE CLASS INS. STOCK INSURANCE i 'fit I' iai 1 A, !' ill lll Oregon. There are two kinds One is the other The kind that IS contains I1 the constituents that come from crecr disriliiioo od 4eir That s wht makes it REAL whiskey. . The kind thar ISNT is made of alcohol, prune juice and bead oil or is simply. alcohol. put in charred barrels, and bransid whiskey. - . The Pure Food Law ym at having the consumer jet eiacthr what he calls for. i WTien you call for whiskey ask your, dealer it it win respond to a giovernraent laboratory test. Ask him if he guarantees it. Then you will know what you are paying your money for. Buv the brand you know, the standard for 70 years. Cvnis Noble pure whiskey-all whiskey old whiskey. 4 qoart boCiea ef CEM.TSE CTRUS NOBLE rtct to yw al eiupi paid to tk aearc n3rod cxpna cfka, W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CXD. EIjClcJjW !&4 105-107 Seami Scraet. PanW. Owfaa W. X Vu SeW C. r k CIM.1X2 CTS'JS NOSLE. P. OLA. BIBInl Ca General Blacksmithing JforsesAoeny a Specialty Ir y.a wiih to bijr a Hack. Bm; handle coxpleu itixk in thi.- lii 'i;cai'-icz f a;. S. E. Combes, Enterprise, Oregon. TT7v T-T ; TTV X X CX V Z ; , and only complete line of k.u ua uupetx ow gooas ana compare our prices with nfh-r S. D. KELTXER, THE HARDWARE DEALER. Oepartmeflt of Pubiic Irwtrjction ' Salem ; CIRCULAR CF INFORMATION , Giving tie sources of examination auestions for State aad County pa-1 ; Wr3 February aal August, vh. j L Arithmetic, One-Cfth frota State j ! Coarse cf Strrv fnnTf!-j ' Smith. 2. Civil Government. Stroc t : Schafcr English literature: February, l' A. One-halt from texts: New comers English Literatare. and Newcomers Am eric aa Litera tare. B. One-half from tie foTiowiag classics: 1. Lowell, The Vision of Sir T 1 T'i! TM t TI. i ... - . ut. .) tiocga-1 ten, 23c, 22c. j 2. Webster. The First Book- ( er Hill Oration (Eiv. lir. sr.) j Houghton, lie, 22c. " I 3. Scott, Marmion (Pocket : I Classic) MacasLUiaa, 23c, 22c. ' August, i3 A. One-half from text: N- comer English Uteratare aad newcomers American Litera ture. B. Oae-ha from the following classics: 1. Shakespeare, Jaiio Caesar S1t. ut. er. Hoiighton 23c. 2. Raskin, Sesame aad Lilies IRiv. lit. er.) Houghton, 2. ! 2. Cartyle, Essay on Earn and Bams' Pon (Pocket -Tase; Macaiiiia, zzc, 22c. 1 The first figure Ls the publisher j price, the second tie price to viooLs otrated for fcet, I UbnrT Commission aad Tk J k. ! Ci3 Co. s. geography, Oaerti from aw uoorsea rJ s,,t- four-fifth 1 from Eedway ft Hlamaa' ' amar, onefti from State jCoorw of Study, fonr-Cfth from ' Baehler. I Hb,w' V. 8. Oneftk fma. s r - a'r. bourse of Study, fonr-Cfti frota Boebier 7. Orthography, Ewj-, Word Le- on. , - Phrsfcai Ceograpky. Tarf. Ne Pi7ical GeocraDhr - "'a, nmcninson hy- Reading, gut. r. iiStady. Wiif. Art Heading. Oral t I ! of whiskey. isn L $4.22 or Harrow ffOieaile ar d you will vera dp) ly HT1 T JLJ tO I Hardware in the Conntr Reading. 11. School Oregon. Law, School Law3 of 12. Theory aai Practice, White's Art of Teaching, Writing. Outlook Writing Sy- teffl. Tests la Writinr. 1. Alzebra Wella- AVvhra tar Secondary School!. la- Bookkeeping. Office Method aad Practical Bookkeeping. Part L IS- Composition. Herrick ft Daaoo IT. Physic. MUilkan ft Gale: 1 First Coarse ia Physics. , IS. Psychology, BaelL U. Eotany, Bergen: . Eetnenta of Botany. 20. Geometry, Went worth: Plane and Solid Geometry, questions oa Plan Geometry. 21. History. General. Myers: Gea- ral History. A& examination Ls required apoa tie Erst thirteen subject for a fir mdt Coonty certificate valid t f-ie years: upon tie first elghteea ,ali'ct for a Stat certificate Talid for fiv rears: and BDon tie tweury- subjecu diploma T3Sli tor life. Dandruff ahd AmNOrrlAIRi re bd oclwari sfs ef tie ev3 ac ia iccrrt by nrjriais ( its cff pni salpinx the life blood of the hair. Micra kills the eara site, soothes tte it(ig scala, t; ketre ta tie fcair asd Heps iltalliTioat. Kiictfe tfpixttict refiel cad prirrtj its worth. y.rx ksir l'.'x-t too late. tbsiirtss. Kb -r-l for tte kiir, t rd sticky oils. Subscribe for the Chieftain. J lTQilNGoGALP J1 1 fcl FOR SALE BT BURNAL'GH 4. UAYFIELD.